Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sunday Funnies


anonymous said...

An exceptionally bad and completely biased group of funnies that are as humorless as the GOP !!!!!!! Promoting the big lie...vaxes are dangerous, trump is God, shows all how Lil Schitty's lack of blood to run 2 heads is affecting him and his new life......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

George Carlin Jr. said...

Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.

Myballs said...

Funny, they seem to show that care plenty in school board meetings

Myballs said...

This dementia president is so dumb. His first week in office he cancels the oil pipeline, cancels cracking, cancels drilling leases, and now wonders why oil and gas prices are their highest in 7 years. Everything this guy has touched has turned to shit.

anonymous said...

Funny...seems that R's think bullying school board members will make things better....sad such underpaid and mostly normal citizens have to be intimidated by the right about masks to keep kids safe and CRT which is not taught in HS

Anonymous said...

This group today is one if your best .

Only the Humorless Three Socialist Stooges of CHT will not find it funny.

Anonymous said...

Correct Biden Policies Matter.

"MyballsOctober 17, 2021 at 7:00 AM

This dementia president is so dumb. His first week in office he cancels the oil pipeline, cancels cracking, cancels drilling leases, and now wonders why oil and gas prices are their highest in 7 years. Everything this guy has touched has turned to shit"

The home heating fuel bills are starting to hit businesses and home budgets.

anonymous said...

Cancelled cracking ballz???????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!! That is truly funny......BTW he did not cancel any drilling leases and the pipeline has nothing to do with US oil production!!!!!!!!!! Just keep making shit up to see what sticks....LOLOLLOL

Myballs said...

Cancelling the sale of all new leases on federal lands certainly did hurt production. He was finally forced to restart some in August after he saw what he was doing was hurting everyone.

And are you not able to recognize an autocorrect word change when you see one? Even you should be able to know the context was fracking.

And the real bullying in coming frm these self important school boards, telling parents they're not alliwed any voice in their kids education. If you had kids, you'd understand.

anonymous said...

Cancelling the sale of all new leases on federal lands certainly did hurt production.

And you claim to have an education?????? How in your warped and demented mind does cancelling new leases this year have anything to do with current production considering the time it takes to drill a new well?????? Please ballz, you are only fooling yourself with stupidity that deep!!!!!!! Blaming auto correct is convenient excuse that proves nothing as my feet have been held to the fire more than once for the same error....sorry sport, I'll give you as much as your side gave me......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Self important school boards is your bias....they sure do the best they can for the kids and masks do work...!!~!!!

anonymous said...

A time line that even an ignorant trump slurper can understand.....something he should have been aware of before making shit up about Biden and drilling.....,last%20phase%20of%20work%20for%20an%20oil%20producer.

Myballs said...

In Feb 2021, the Biden admin stopped a half million acre oil and gas sale in Wyoming. Dopey thinks things like this has no effect on prices.

He probably doesn't think that politics has any effect on future pricing either.

We don't call him dopey for nothing.

Myballs said...

We now have an admin where tbe president gives speeches from a fake set and a vice president who hires child actors to make videos where she supposedly talks to kids.

This is what mark zuckerbergs $400M poured into 5hr 2020 election has bought us.

anonymous said...

And the ignorant ballz thinks production of new wells can happen on command.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Dumb fuck just makes shit up....!!!!!!!!! And the price of oil is not driven by what you say it is is a global economy that determines the price of oil not US production.......Not drilling in Wyoming has no affect on current pricing!!!!!!!!!

BTW....the best fake set was when Rudy stood in front of a landscapers garage and lied......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

For the wantonly lazy and poorly read ballz....

What is driving the current energy costs......economics 101!!!!!

George Carlin Jr. said...

"Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out."

Myballs said...

I'm talking to a fuckin brick wall. Im6 done with this imbecile.

Anonymous said...

"We don't call him dopey for nothing"

Exactly correct.

Don't feed Alky's troll= Dennis

Anonymous said...

The "walk-back" of Traitor Joe on the need for more oil/gas is purely poll driven.

He is a stupid spinless broken old man.

Commonsense said...

Ahem:Energy demand is back today as the world economy reopens -- but supply simply hasn't kept up. That's why US oil prices have skyrocketed $120 since crashing to negative $40 a barrel in April 2020. US oil prices finished above $80 a barrel on Monday for the first time in nearly seven years.

And supply hasn't kept up with demand because of Joe Biden. The US sits on an ocean of gas and oil but the energy companies can't get to it.

Denny think once you sink an oil well, that well will produce forever. That is not the case. Eventually the gas and oil plays out and the well is decommission. Thousands of oil wells are decommission every year. It takes that many new wells to be place into production just to achieve replacement level. And of you need thousands of wells to keep up with demand.

Bare shelf Biden has been a disaster for the US economy.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Comfortably Smug

You know, Biden might have stranded hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan, but at least they’ll be able to heat their homes this winter. Silver lining.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

John Hayward

The useless idiot Joe Biden installed as transportation secretary took a secret two-month vacation during the greatest transportation crisis since Jimmy Carter's gas lines, but sure, let's give these guys a few trillion more dollars for "infrastructure" and see what they can do

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt Whitlock


On August 15th the Taliban took over Kabul and Americans were being evacuated by Helicopter.

Joe Biden was on vacation and this is what Vice President Kamala Harris was doing.

a failed administration

beyond any other

The whole world is cringing

Honest, good natured, truth telling Pastor James said Politico said...

Black Candidates See Fundraising Windfall
October 17, 2021 at 7:45 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 52 Comments

Politico: “All across the Senate map — but particularly in the South — Black candidates posted blowout performances in the most recent campaign fundraising period, leading to an unprecedented cash windfall that stands to reshape the Senate in 2022 and beyond.”

“It’s a dramatic turn of events for a group of candidates who have traditionally struggled to raise the huge sums of money necessary to win marquee statewide elections. As a result, they’ve frequently faced skepticism about their electoral viability or failed to achieve buy-in for their campaigns from party brass.”

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Stephen Miller

The Buttigieg Scandal is much worse than people even realize. Not only was a Cab Secy on secret leave during a nat’l crisis impacting MILLIONS for which he had prime responsibility, but Biden evidently failed to appoint an Acting Secretary to run DOT—even as the crisis exploded.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WATCH: Pete Buttigieg perfectly slaps aside conservatives criticizing his paternity leave

Tom Boggioni

October 17, 2021

Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday morning, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg perfectly dismissed conservative critics who took issue with his taking paternity leave following the premature birth of his twins.

Sitting down with host Jake Tapper, the Democrat sat and watched a clip of Fox News host Tucker Carlson making a crude joke about "breastfeeding" -- which led Buttigieg to make his case.

"What's your response?" host Tapper asked.

"As you might imagine, we are bottle feeding and doing it at all hours of the day and night," Buttigieg explained while smiling. "I'm not going to apologize to Tucker Carlson or anyone else for taking care of our premature twins. The work we are doing is joyful, fulfilling, important work -- it's important work and it's work that every American ought to be able to do whether they welcome a new child into their family."

"I campaigned on that, so did the president, by the way," he continued. "We are pretty much the only country left that doesn't have some kind of national policy for paid leave. I think it's us and New Guinea. It's past time to make it possible for every American, mother and father, to take care of their children when a new child arrived in the family."

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱

This is just so funny to me. I love social media:

can't make this shit up


Anonymous said...

Bare shelf Biden has been a disaster for the US economy." Exactly right.

Only those here on the left are happy to pay $1.00 more per gallon of gas and Natural gas prices have more then doubled from last year.

Thank to FJB policies.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Log Cabin Republicans

🚨 NEW statement from Log Cabin on Secretary Pete Buttigieg MIA during the supply chain crisis.

"It’s clear he doesn’t respect the gravity of his job, but even if he had showed up for work, it wouldn’t have made a difference."

Full statement here⏩

another Biden failure

and deflections and excuses

do your damn job

you are supposed to be running the country

not running away from your responsibility

Always Truthful James said...


"The fact that the Capitol was overrun and sacked, and there was no effort whatsoever to evacuate the president from DC to a safe location tells you all you need to know about who lauched the attack."

It sure does!
Trump fanatics were the ones
who launched it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not funny

90 Seconds of Rage

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

90 Seconds of Rage

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



Joe Biden just stared down and waved at reporters asking about skyrocketing inflation before evacuating himself from scrutiny via helicopter.

America deserves better.

What an absolute disgrace.

Biden leaving for another weekend

without taking any questions

turning his back on America

like his whole administration.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

. Biden praises officers for protecting democracy during Jan. 6 attack

President Biden on Saturday paid tribute to police who protected the Capitol during the deadly Jan. 6 attack by a mob of former President Donald Trump's supporters. "Because of you, democracy survived," Biden said at the National Peace Officers' annual memorial service. Biden added that the women and men of the Capitol and Washington, D.C., police forces and other agencies "literally put their bodies on the line to protect democracy." The service was held in front of the Capitol to honor 491 law enforcement officers around the country who died on the job in 2019 and 2020. Biden also vowed to support officers and police departments, noting that he has requested hundreds of millions of dollars from Congress for training, mental health professionals, and other resources. 

The truthers called them murderers

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Never Truthful James said...

"The fact that the Capitol was overrun and sacked, and there was no effort whatsoever to evacuate the president from DC to a safe location tells you all you need to know about who lauched the attack."

It sure does!
Trump fanatics were the ones
who launched it.

FACT CHECK : It was an attack by leftists:

Protesters gather to call on the Biden administration to do more to combat climate change and ban fossil fuels outside the White House in Washington,

WASHINGTON – Protesters held a sit-in Thursday at the Interior Department building in downtown Washington and clashed with police as they challenged fossil fuel projects and called for the declaration of a climate emergency. Multiple arrests were reported.

An Interior Department spokeswoman said a group of protesters rushed the lobby, injuring at least one security officer who was taken to a nearby hospital. Police and protesters clashed outside the building, and officers used Tasers against several unarmed protesters, a spokeswoman for the protest group said.

figures the POS "pastor" would be lying again

TRUMP said...


Good Pastor James says::
No, just keep hanging around.
You're SINKING the GOP!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jim Hanson

DC PD report on #AshliBabbitt killing shows there was no justification for the use of deadly force

She was murdered

a cold blooded murder

without consequences

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

Chris Wray no where to be found January 5 or 6. Head of FBI office that orchestrated Whitmer kidnapping scheme promoted to DC FBI office in mid-October 2020. FBI agents also tried to concoct a plot against Ralph Northam with unsuspecting Virginia veteran:

Very interesting that Wray promoted the FBI leader who was running the FAKE Whitmer kidnapping scheme to Washington DC before the FAKE "insurrection"

How deep was the FBI involvement in that ?

Why has the tapes not been released or the FBI coming clean on their involvement though a little has started dribbling out.

Like it did in Michigan




Democrats Weigh Carbon Tax

“Some House and Senate Democrats, smarting from a move by Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia, to kill a major element of President Biden’s climate plan, are switching to Plan B: a tax on carbon dioxide pollution.

“A carbon tax, in which polluting industries would pay a fee for every ton of carbon dioxide they emit, is seen by economists as the most effective way to cut the fossil fuel emissions that are heating the planet.”

Anonymous said...

Alky, why did you say this?

"Pete Buttigieg is something else. A faggot."

I read the article , only you called him "a faggot".

Anonymous said...

"Human beings do exhale almost three billion tons of carbon dioxide annually, but the carbon we exhale is the same carbon that was “inhaled” from the atmosphere by the plants we consume."

Biden's war on unborn babies.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
Alky, why did you say this?

"Pete Buttigieg is something else. A faggot."

I read the article , only you called him "a faggot".

I think racist roger has a very limited vocabulary (he only learned to read in 5th grade) and so only uses a limited number of labels that he is used to.

And he is not getting any younger

Anonymous said...

F'ing Daddy
Roger physically assaulted a black woman.
He also refers to blacks as "ni**ers".

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jesse Kelly

Biden, Blinken, and Psaki all went on vacation during the biggest foreign policy disaster since Vietnam. Buttigieg is out during a supply chain disaster that will cripple this economy.

It’s the Vacation Administration.


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jordan Chamberlain

people are chanting “fuck joe biden” at the jason aldean concert near dc


something tells me it's not the republicans who are sinking


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The Post Millennial

Anti-Biden 'Let's Go Brandon' song skyrockets to #1 spot on iTunes hip hop chart

Good Pastor Jim said...


Pressure Grows for Breakthrough on Biden Agenda

“The clock is ticking for President Biden and White House officials to broker an agreement among congressional Democrats on the president’s economic agenda as patience in some corners wears thin."

“At some point, it will be the president’s call, in consultation with Pelosi and Schumer, to settle on something and persuade all sides to get behind it. He has shown patience or passivity, depending on the perspective, but the time for choosing is not far into the future…

“After Biden sells his own party on the final shape of the package, he will then need to keep selling it to the public. Then he’ll need to show that has delivered results they can feel and not just a number.”


Good Plastered Jim said...

Yahoo Biden is my hero!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

John Cardillo

“Mr. President, did you really receive more votes than Donald Trump?”


Did he say Führer ?

and boy does he look angry

Looks like his patience is getting thin


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



Gov. @RonDeSantisFL just took an absolute SLEDGEHAMMER to Biden and his tyrannical vaccine mandates:

"YOU are trying to take people's jobs away... YOU are taking away their livelihoods... YOU are the one that's being divisive about this."



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They did the same thing when they refused to overturn the Constitution.

The Justice Department on Friday evening issued a statement reiterating its commitment to remain independent soon after President Joe Biden told reporters he hoped that witnesses who defy subpoenas from Congress' select committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot would face federal prosecution.

"The Department of Justice will make its own independent decisions in all prosecutions based solely on the facts and the law. Period. Full stop," DOJ spokesperson Anthony Coley said.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Liz Wheeler

Delta’s CEO says they’re ditching the vaxx mandate for employees… the first big company to DIRECTLY flout Biden’s dictate?!!! THIS IS WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT.

plus it's unconstitutional

though before it is ruled on it will do a tremendous amount of dmage to America

and that must be what the dems and Biden want

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senator McCaskill is demanding the President to reduce the climate change policy because his state depends on coal mining.

Our hero Biden will probably figure out a compromise.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Eva McKend

NEW -- More than 300 Black churches across VA will hear from @KamalaHarris btwn Sun. and November 2 in video message that will air during morning services as part of outreach effort aimed to boost @TerryMcAuliffe.

Video first obtained by CNN

Will the DOJ be knocking ???

They obviously should be to this blatantly illegal maneuver by the Harris/Biden administration

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I miss typed but Senator Manchin is willing to compromise.

“White House officials are still looking at whether they can preserve the clean energy program by providing a way for coal and natural gas plants to keep operating for longer… Calls continued into the weekend between White House aides and climate experts, according to one of these individuals, who said it remains unclear if Manchin even supports some of the newer ideas that the administration has floated.”

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Byron York

Justice Department IG found top FBI official Andrew McCabe lied repeatedly about leaks to media. AG Sessions fired him in 2018. Now, Biden DOJ agrees to restore pension, full benefits, expunge any mention of McCabe's firing. Like it never happened. 1/2

McCabe will receive $200k in back pension payments. DOJ will pay his lawyers $500k. Gets honorary FBI retirement cufflinks, plaque. All records erased. Like it never happened. But one question: Will they memory-hole the IG report, too? 2/2 End.

and don't forget the millions he received on books deals and lucrative media gigs.

almost like it pays to be a crook in the democrats crime families

just ask Hunter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans have been identified as the conspiracy theory party of today.

Soon after, the US narrowly elected a conspiracy enthusiast as its president, a man who wrongly believes that vaccines cause autism, that global warming is a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese “in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive,” as he tweeted in 2012, and who claimed, for attention and political gain, that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. One of the first people the president-elect called after his thunderous upset victory was Jones. Then, in a very short time, some of the most wild-eyed conspiracy-mongers in the country were influencing federal policy and taking meetings at the White House.

Here’s the thing: the conspiracy theorists aboard the cruise and in the streets of Cleveland could have warned me that Trump’s election was coming, had I only been willing to listen.

Many of the hardcore conspiracy theorists I sailed with on the Conspira-Sea Cruise weren’t very engaged in politics, given that they believe it’s a fake system designed to give us the illusion of control by our real overlords – the Illuminati, the international bankers or perhaps the giant lizard people. But when they did consider the subject, they loved Trump, even the left-leaning among them who might have once preferred Bernie Sanders.

They recognised the future president as a “truth-teller” in a style that spoke to them and many other Americans. They liked his thoughts about a rigged system and a government working against them, the way it spoke to what they had always believed, and the neat way he was able to peg the enemy with soundbites: the “lying media”, “crooked Hillary”, the bottomless abyss of the Washington “swamp”. They were confident of his victory – if the globalists and the new world order didn’t get in the way, and they certainly would try. Just as Morton said, they were sure that 2016 was going to change everything.

Trump’s fondness for conspiracy continued apace into his presidency: his Twitter account became a megaphone for every dark suspicion he has about the biased media and the rigged government working against him. At one particularly low point he even went so far as to accuse his political opponents of inflating the number of deaths in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria. His supporters became consumed by the concept of the “deep state”, seized by a conviction that a shadow regime is working hard to undermine the White House. At the same time, Trump brought a raft of conspiracy theorists into his cabinet: among them was secretary of housing and urban development Ben Carson, who suggested that President Obama would declare martial law and cancel the 2016 elections to remain in power. There was also National Security adviser Michael Flynn (who was quickly fired), notorious for retweeting stories linking Hillary Clinton to child sex trafficking.

With the candidacy and then election of a conspiracy pedlar, conspiratorial thinking leaked from its traditional confines to spread in new, more visible ways across the country. As a result, a fresh wave of conspiracy theories and an obsession with their negative effects engulfed the US. We all worried late in the election season about “fake news”, a term for disinformation that quickly lost all meaning as it was gleefully seized on by the Trump administration to describe any media attention they didn’t like.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James check it out.

This is the best description of the United States and again our addiction to conspiracy theories

Although Trump isn't smart enough to understand why he's doing this horror story, but the people are the only chance when we vote.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Andrew Sullivan


Another progressive fantasy - like Defund The Police - is reversed in mere months by … reality.

So was Biden wrong when he said Trump's remain in Mexico policy was "dangerous, inhumane and goes against everything we stand for" or is he lying now if he changes back ?

Banana Republic



JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Cameron Cawthorne

"Reliable Sources"



Marc Elias ran the operation lying about Trump conspiring with Russia to steal the 2016 election. Amazingly, also ran 2020 Democrat operation to flood election with tens of millions of mail-in ballots, drop oversight of same. He’s the Michael Avenatti of the 2020 election.

wonder why people not believing the 2020 election was not on the up-and-up is trending up

because 2020 was a fraud election

and it's becoming obvious

like the Trump/Russia collusion hoax

except to the flat-earthers

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They are from Great Britain and..they exactly described it

The elements of suspicion were present long before the 2016 election, quietly shaping the way large numbers of people see the government, the media and the nature of what’s true and trustworthy.

And for all of our bogus suspicions, there are those that have been given credence by the government itself. We have seen a sizeable number of real conspiracies revealed over the past half century, from Watergate to recently declassified evidence of secret CIA programmes, to the fact that elements within the Russian government really did conspire to interfere with US elections. There is a perpetual tug between conspiracy theorists and actual conspiracies, between things that are genuinely not believable and truths that are so outlandish they can be hard, at first, to believe.

But while conspiracy theories are as old as the US itself, there is something new at work: people who peddle lies and half-truths have come to prominence, fame and power as never before. If the conspiratorial world is a vast ocean, 2016 was clearly the year that Alex Jones – along with other groups, such as anti-immigration extremists, anti-Muslim thinktanks and open neo-Nazis and white supremacists – were able to catch the wave of the Trump presidency and surf to the mainstream shore.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jewish Deplorable


Kamala Harris laughs while talking about disabled people

the most cringe-worthy politician ever ?

or does she think that is just appropriate?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

"conspiracy theory" exposed in UK


Of course the host of conspiracy theories are dwarfed by the elaborate ones hosted by the left against President Trump such as the king of them, the FAKE Trump/Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

Nothing comes close

and probably never will

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Enjoy yourselves with your conspiracy theories addictions and flat earth theories.

I am going to watch the football games and again the Dodgers game today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Russian government really did conspire to interfere with US elections, but they came to the conclusion that the Russians didn't make a difference in the outcome of the election.

But it goes over your head ex Texas troll squad asshole

anonymous said...

And supply hasn't kept up with demand because of Joe Biden.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Cramps proves to be dumber than the ball less wonder!!!!!!! We ain't sitting on massive amounts of easy to get oil or gas......and nothing Biden has done is preventing anyone from getting it.....!!!!! Oil prices are not set by US production, but controlled by OPEC and what they are willing to sell!!!!!!-

The following tutorial might help the dummies that biden does not determine oil prices....!!~!!!! Economics 101 a concept the fucking retarded ballz cannot grasp!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!

And supply hasn't kept up with demand because of Joe Biden

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Scary Dunleavy

LIST of Questions:

@BrianStelter had @MarcEElias on his show and instead of one question about Elias pushing the Steele Dossier or on Elias’s partner-in-crime (figuratively speaking!) Michael Sussmann getting indicted by Durham, this is the list of questions (I use the term loosely) Stelter asked.


Banana Republic

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* roger amick probably has no idea who Sussmann or Elias are

but he has google

and a tv

in his room

with wifi

so he will try and find out


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Nicholas Fondacaro

@ABC, @CBSNews, @NBCNews, @CNN, and @MSNBC continue blackout of liberal school board that allowed rapes for trans bathrooms

Matt Whitlock

We all know better than to expect major media outlets to cover stories unflattering to Democrats but this blackout was shocking.

Imagine if the Trump DOJ tried to silence the father of a violent rape victim. There would be calls for impeachment.

Under Biden, media stays silent

Joe Biden's America

Banana Republic

state media

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American Thinker is the best propaganda tool in history.

Is COVID-1984 merely the greatest grift ever perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry and the politicians paid handsomely from its profits?  Is it a continuation of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam being used to concentrate global control over all economic relations into the hands of a small number of financial and technocratic elites?  Is it being used to distract the world from an impending debt bomb that will eventually explode into the mother of all economic depressions?  Is it a vehicle for eliminating private ownership and returning the world back to a time when a minuscule number of lords could rule over a global population of serfs?  Is it a mechanism for identifying citizens who will pose problems for the State's continued authority?  Is it the Davos crowd's experimentation in population control?  Or was it the only way to prevent President Trump's re-election and derail his "America First" agenda by providing the necessary cover for political operatives to violate state law and flood the 2020 election with enough anonymous, unsecured, and unverified ballots to make Trump the first president to win more votes than any incumbent in American history, expand his backing among minorities, and increase his overall support by over ten million new voters, yet still find himself somehow short of victory?

As the six-hundred-pound man said to the Swiss chocolatier, "I'll take one of each."  Sometimes the answers really are as obvious as they seem.

This is a war for hearts and minds now.  Just as John Brennan and the CIA fed us a diet of Russia collusion for years in order to overturn the 2016 election, COVID-1984 is the smorgasbord of rancidness meant to turn our stomachs and convince us to willingly accept a future of servitude to the State.  With each passing executive order or unconstitutional edict in the name of public health, the government is tightening its noose.  It is a global heist of personal freedom before our eyes.  The only way forward is not to look away; to recognize that "it can happen here"; and to realize that it is, in fact, happening.

A war over information, as we have seen, is as deadly as one with rifles and bayonets.  Propaganda is only as effective as it is invisible.  Lies seen can never be unseen.  One thing remains certain: we are in this conflict whether we like it or not.

Discrimination of institutions is a typical authoritarian method to overturn a Democracy.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Alan C. Miller

“The media has one great thing in its favor — the pursuit of truth. And when you pursue the truth, you want to have as much integrity as possible,” ⁦@costareports⁩ said on ⁦@ReliableSources⁩. “More reporting is always the answer.”

Matt Whitlock

If “more reporting is the answer” it should apply universally.

Major outlets COMPLETELY ignored a bombshell story that a school board in VA tried to silence the father of a violent rape victim, and Biden’s DOJ used that father as a pretext to call parents domestic terrorists.

we are fucked

Joe Biden's America

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
Enjoy yourselves with your conspiracy theories addictions and flat earth theories.

I am going to watch the football games and again the Dodgers game today.

October 17, 2021 at 11:00 AM

you've obviously already failed at this

Here's a suggestion:

try and learn the words to "Let's go Brandon"


anonymous said...

@ABC, @CBSNews, @NBCNews, @CNN, and @MSNBC continue blackout of liberal school board that allowed rapes for trans bathrooms

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Do you read the tripe you post or are you really that fucking stupid???????????

Maybe Abbott can go there and get all those rapist under control like he has done in Texas!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Funny...seems that R's think bullying school board members will make things better...

Sorry Denny...

But if you are such a sissy that you cannot handle a little criticism, then you should not be sitting on a school board. But you know liberals. They love to dish it out, but are fucking crybabies when they have to take anything critical.

Whaaa! WHaaaa! I am a liberal. We burn down building and attack cops when we get upset, but we believe it's domestic terrorism if someone triggers us with being critical... whaaaa! whaaa!

You love the fact you are the Party of babies!

Commonsense said...

But while conspiracy theories are as old as the US itself, there is something new at work: people who peddle lies and

Funny they missed Rachael Maddow, Joy Ann Reid, and other liberal conspiracy theorist in their liturgy of famous conspiracy theroris.

No bias there.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...

Do you read the tripe you post or are you really that fucking stupid???????????

You obviously aren't talking to me but if you look behind you you can see who is fucking you up the ass

The sound an unsuspecting male makes when being penetrated by another male's hardened genitalia

but since you use that as a "catch phrase" you obviously enjoy receiving that

Anonymous said...

Funny, F'ing Daddy Mocking Roger.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Fucked still obsessed with my ass.....almost as funny as the goat fucker finding a job...........

anonymous said...

But if you are such a sissy that you cannot handle a little criticism,

A little criticism is fine...But here in Brevard county a school board member who favored masks was followed around town, had people parked in front of her home and made threats to her well being......You fucking blind assed GOP assholes are the ones chasing her down because they don't like and the losers here are just too fucking stupid and use scare tactics and bullying to get their way....FUCK OFF IDIOT!!!!! Her plight was on the national news and her abusers should be jailed.....

anonymous said...

The whole story Lil Schitty.........This behavior by you white trump voters is as intolerable as your ignorance it is not happening!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! anonymous said...

Her plight was on the national news and her abusers should be jailed.....

Not until after broke it which you called FAKE NEWS

guess your memory is as good as your intelligence VERY lo iq

you should just stay quiet while you grab your ankles


C.H. Truth said...

Ahhhh... did the whittle wiberal become a scardy cat because someone said mean things to them. Aaaaaahhhhh... how sad for you liberals. I know how hard it is on your emotional state if people do not agree with you.

But perhaps you can take a bubble bath, watch a good chick flick with a happy ending, and take a valium or two and then you will feel better about the fact that people disagree with you.


Commonsense said...

We ain't sitting on massive amounts of easy to get oil or gas......and nothing.

With fracking technology it is easer to extract shale oil and gas. So yes, we sit on an ocean of oil and gas that can be profitably.

Biden has done is preventing anyone from getting it.....!!!!

You're still grammatically challenged so I will try to translate.

Biden cancel pipelines that imported oil and gas from Canada (favor to Warren Buffet) and he cancel all oil leases on federal lands.

Oil prices are not set by US production, but controlled by OPEC and what they are willing to sell!!!!!!,

Boy are you stupidly wrong on this. When Trump was in office (pre-pandemic so booming economy) the US was energy independent and a net exporter of oil and gas. This independence kept prices for gasoline, fuel oil, and home heating oil, natural gas at very affordable. And that's not even include electric produce by fuel oil and gas.

When Biden came to office he destroyed the oil/gas supply chain at the source. The led to a 42% price increase for gasoline alone and skyrocketing prices for other petroleum products. And since petroleum based fuels are a component of virtually everything produced and transported, it is a significant factor of inflation.

Commonsense said...

And after Biden cancel the oil leases, he went on air to beg OPEC (even Nixon didn't do it during the energy crisis) to increase production. OPEC rightly told him to fuck off.

Never in my lifetime have I seen such a failure as a president. He even eclipse Carter and I thought nobody could do that.

Commonsense said...

A little criticism is fine...But here in Brevard county a school board member who favored masks was followed around town, had people parked in front of her home and made threats to her well being....

You said nothing when Kristen Sinema and Rand Paul were harassed by liberal activist to the point of fearing for their lives. Hypocrite!

C.H. Truth said...

Remember when the angry mob in St Louis went into that gated community because they said that they were looking to harass and threaten the mayor?

THey ran cwying home because some mean people scared them with guns... whaaa! Only we can be violent and angry and harass people for a just cause. Nobody is supposed to actually fight back...



Myballs said...

Many are waiting to see if Liz Cheney and her Trump hating friends on that house panel start hearings into that insurrection at the. Dept of Interior federal building.

Commonsense said...

To anyone waiting for an investigation of the insurrection at the interior department, don't hold your breath.

(Even a radical, native-American, eco activist as sec interior is not immune to a leftist mob. This is a Robespierre moment.)

Anonymous said...

Denny, i know you act stupid on purpose to gain attention.

Yes, The USA has been hurt by Biden Policies of choking off US Oil and Gas.
Yet, helping the Russians control natural gas prices .

Anonymous said...

This is a masterful job of crushing Roger.

CommonsenseOctober 17, 2021 at 12:17 PM

We ain't sitting on massive amounts of easy to get oil or gas......and nothing.

With fracking technology it is easer to extract shale oil and gas. So yes, we sit on an ocean of oil and gas that can be profitably.

Biden has done is preventing anyone from getting it.....!!!!

You're still grammatically challenged so I will try to translate.

Biden cancel pipelines that imported oil and gas from Canada (favor to Warren Buffet) and he cancel all oil leases on federal lands.

Oil prices are not set by US production, but controlled by OPEC and what they are willing to sell!!!!!!,

Boy are you stupidly wrong on this. When Trump was in office (pre-pandemic so booming economy) the US was energy independent and a net exporter of oil and gas. This independence kept prices for gasoline, fuel oil, and home heating oil, natural gas at very affordable. And that's not even include electric produce by fuel oil and gas.

When Biden came to office he destroyed the oil/gas supply chain at the source. The led to a 42% price increase for gasoline alone and skyrocketing prices for other petroleum products. And since petroleum based fuels are a component of virtually everything produced and transported, it is a significant factor of inflation.

anonymous said...

Yes, The USA has been hurt by Biden Policies of choking off US Oil and Gas.


Anonymous said...

Yelling, why so upset Roger?

Anonymous said...

Roger , why hide using yet another ID?

Commonsense said...


Yes, we have. The only articles that dispute it are left leaning publications like Bloomberg (those in the media that have a vested interest in not making Biden look any worst than his disastrous energy decision has already made.

1. Gasoline, home heating oil, fuel oil, natural gas prices are skyrocketing.
2. Thousands of container ships are floating at anchorage wait for their turn to unload at the dock. Ships already there are waiting to be unloaded.
3. There not enough trucks to take all the containers out of port. This is mostly due to independent owner/operators being forced into bankruptcy due to high diesel prices. They are now collecting a government check.
4. There is a lack if truck infrastructure on the interstate. Many truck plazas were closed during the pandemic and not reopen.
5. All of these can be traced to Biden awful policy decisions.

Now Biden is the Grinch who stole Christmas.

anonymous said...

Yelling, why so upset Roger?


BTW,,,,Your hypothesis about truckers is oure BULLSHIT cramps......There has been a shortage of truckers for at least 2 years and it is getting worse....It all started when trump lead the country!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

BTW,,,,Your hypothesis about truckers is oure BULLSHIT cramps..

Meaning it's the truth.

anonymous said...

That the best you got????? You sure can't link it with any factual statements......>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! When in doubt, bullshit your way out of it like trump, your leader of lies!!!!!! Caught again!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Today is the 289th anniversary of the arrival of the Amick’s in America on Oct. 17, 1732.
Johannes Emig and his wife Dorothea, their sons Nicholas, John, and Jacob and a daughter landed in Philadelphia after a grueling 17 week sea voyage from Rotterdam. Another daughter died and was buried at sea, among the 20% of the passengers that perished.
Most of the ships passengers, 14 families, were from the Bas-Rhine region in Germany (much of this is now in France). There were about 120 passengers crammed into this vessel at the end of the voyage.
Remember to Save The Date for the 300th Anniversary Reunion – October 17, 2032!