Sunday, October 3, 2021

The United States continues to march to it's own Covid drum...

Not only do we shun treatments that are working in the rest of the world, we have some of the most stringent mandates on the planet

I still think this goes back to the gaslighting of our nation that Covid is considerably worse than it actually is. When you believe (like 41% of Democrats do) that 50% of those infected with Covid end up hospitalized, then quite obviously you are willing to take extreme measures that you would otherwise probably not take if you knew that the virus was about 50 times less lethal.

But currently we are seeing new mask mandates that openly defy the world's overall medical consensus. It has literally becomes Fauci, CDC, and the FDA against the world. For instance, we have seen several states now "mandate" mask wearing for all children in schools. Meanwhile the World Health Organization states that no child under the age of 5 should be wearing a mask due to actual health concerns (among other things). The World Health Organization also recommends that children under 11 should only wear them under certain limited circumstance. Not a single country in Europe asks that children under age of five are masked under any circumstance and are offering limited masking requests for other children.

Reality: Only about 170 children under the age of five have died due to Covid over the life of the pandemic and another 387 have died between the ages of 5 and 17. Over twice as many have died from Pneumonia.

But again, on twitter you can read tweet after tweet after tweet falsely demanding that children are dying in unprecedented numbers and overwhelming hospitals. (Where is the twitter fact checkers when you actually need them). These tweets and stories are blatantly untrue, but they work with the liberals who are literally making all their decisions over fear. Between fear and an quest for power, these unhinged liberals are more than willing to put children at health risks to satisfy their own virtue signaling for the liberal cause. 

Tell you what. If you are a teacher, and you have been vaccinated, and you are wearing your own mask; but you still insist that children wear them to quench your own overblown fears, even though it harms the children you are there to teach... perhaps you shouldn't be teaching. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Biden administration is on track to resettle the lowest number of refugees in the history of the program despite big promises it would revamp a system decimated under former President Trump .

The administration had resettled 7,637 refugees by the end of August — a figure experts say makes it near impossible to reach the 11,814 low point under the Trump administration by the close of the fiscal year that ended Friday.

The final figures are expected in the coming days, but advocates say both COVID-19 and a series of missteps by President Biden led to just a trickle of refugees from a White House that during the campaign pledged to resettle as many as 125,000 people a year through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

“It is quite disappointing how few refugees were actually resettled this year. I don't think that was inevitable. I think it was the result of policy choices and what to prioritize,” Sunil Varghese with the International Refugee Assistance Project told The Hill, stressing that the coronavirus was not the only factor.

“While we knew that there would be fewer refugees resettled this year than perhaps in years past, it's surprising how few were resettled.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has become your Pope of the reformation era.

Science is fiction by the evil of God Biden and Doctor Fauci in you slow mind deterioration sad story.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The symptoms are increasingly clear to me.

Commonsense said...

You don't know how many people I see in Florida that still wear mask even though they are vaccinated and the only one really requiring them ate medical facilities. DeSantis have made them optional yet they are too frighten to breath the fresh air.

The most amusing sight was seeing people driving their cars alone with a mask on.

Caliphate4vr said...

The Biden administration is on track to resettle the lowest number of refugees in the history of the program despite big promises it would revamp a system decimated under former President Trump .

Thank god for Trump

C.H. Truth said...

You do realize that we just had over 12,000 Haitians make their way into the United States in just the past few weeks. The only reason they are not considered "refugees" is because they are migrants applying for amnesty for reasons other than safety (usually economic reasons). Refugees are people we bring in for their own personal safety.

What a really dumb and uninformed piece of nonsense trying to prove what exactly? But, as they say, there is a sucker born every minute. You, Roger, are one of them from way back when you were born.

Anonymous said...

Coward Roger ran again .

Roger, those pure fantasy new "hundreds of thousands of union jobs"

Give us the Dollar amount those union workers will pay in in taxes each year?

You got nothing .

Anonymous said...

", as they say, there is a sucker born every minute. "

Roger, did give his personal banking information away not once , but twice , to people that scammed is stupid ass in such a way that he never recovered the money.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Antibody levels generated by two shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine can undergo up to a 10-fold decrease seven months following the second vaccination, research suggests.

The drop in antibody levels will compromise the body’s ability to defend itself against COVID-19 if the individual becomes infected.

In a recent BioRxiv study published ahead of peer-review, many recipients of the vaccine displayed substantial waning of antibodies to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, or SARS-CoV-2, and its variants including Delta, Beta, and Mu.

Bali Pulendran of Stanford University and Mehul Suthar of Emory University told Reuters that the study shows “vaccination with the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine induces high levels of neutralizing antibodies against the original vaccine strain, but these levels drop by nearly 10-fold by seven months.”

While the body has other defense mechanisms in place to ward off the virus, Pulendran and Suthar added that antibodies “are critically important in protecting against SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

The study focused on 46 healthy participants who had received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The participants’ blood was tested once after receiving the second vaccination and once again after six months.

Researchers suggested administering a third booster vaccination as a measure to improve vaccine efficacy.


More US Airlines Impose Vaccine Mandates: American, Alaska, JetBlue

Earlier reports of data from a phase one study showed that participants had a higher level of neutralization antibody titers against the CCP virus’s Delta variant after getting a booster—a third dose—versus those who just received two doses, officials said.

“The third dose elevates the neutralizing antibodies in our laboratory studies to up to 100 times higher levels [after the third dose] compared to [before],” Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer’s chief scientific officer, told investors in a call earlier this year.

The two-dose Pfizer vaccine was found to be 96 percent effective for the first two months following the second dose, according to a July 28 study from the companies’ scientists.


FDA Authorizes COVID-19 Boosters of Pfizer for Seniors and Those at High Risk

The research paper outlined a drop in efficacy to 83.7 percent after four to six months.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is the most widely used in the United States. More than 226 million doses have been administered as of Sept. 30, versus 151 million Moderna shots and 15 million from Johnson & Johnson.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Earlier reports of data from a phase one study showed that participants had a higher level of neutralization antibody titers against the CCP virus’s Delta variant after getting a booster—a third dose—versus those who just received two doses, officials said.

“The third dose elevates the neutralizing antibodies in our laboratory studies to up to 100 times higher levels [after the third dose] compared to [before],” Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer’s chief scientific officer, told investors in a call earlier this year.

The two-dose Pfizer vaccine was found to be 96 percent effective for the first two months following the second dose, according to a July 28 study from the companies’ scientists.

The third vaccine injections are great news

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I got two defined benefit pensions because I was a union member and again estimator as a union member

Those alone are $3,500/ month for life

Plus social security benefits

Caliphate4vr said...

And now the Sunday night opioid ramblings of a dementia patient, in his room

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Emperor Trump’s former White House strategist Steve Bannon on Saturday evoked a dystopian future when he called for “shock troops” to quickly “deconstruct” the state as soon as a Republican takes the Oval Office again.

Bannon made the chilling comments in a phone interview on NBC News after it reported that he had met Wednesday with the party faithful to urge them to be prepared to “reconfigure the government” with a Republican leader.

“If you’re going to take over the administrative state and deconstruct the deep state it, then you have to have shock troops prepared to take it over immediately,” Bannon told NBC. “I gave ’em fire and brimstone.”

Seig Heil Mr Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How many PBR today??

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Maybe he will prevail?

It’s as true today as when 19th century German statesman Otto von Bismarck first uttered these words: “Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best.”

For progressives, it’s not possible for Congress to pass a $3.5-trillion, 10-year package of spending programs and family tax breaks, on top of a bipartisan infrastructure bill for nearly $1 trillion to build and repair roads, bridges, ports, broadband systems and a charging system for electric cars.

Biden has signaled as much: In a private caucus with House Democrats on Friday afternoon at the Capitol, he suggested a bottom line in the range of $2 trillion.

Manchin is still insisting that his ceiling is $1.5 trillion. But Biden likely wouldn’t have gone to Capitol Hill if he and his advisors didn’t think some compromise was possible in the coming days. To lose now would make him look ineffectual. The president campaigned on the promise that he knows how to make deals in Congress, and he can’t even reach one in his own party?

So here’s another aphorism for progressives: Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Progressives gave up a lot before Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, yet then-Vice President Biden famously called it a BFD. It was. And the so-called "Build Back Better" bill would be a BFD as well, even if its price tag is significantly reduced from $3.5 trillion. (Whatever the cost, that’s a gross number; Democrats also are proposing tax increases on corporations and the wealthiest individuals to offset it.)

For Democrats to pass even a compromise bill, as well as the bipartisan infrastructure measure, would be an achievement that would give them perhaps their best chance at defying the midterm jinx against the party that holds the White House.

The legislative victories likely would lift Biden’s declining approval ratings, and his party’s standing, too. Right now he’s teetering between looking like a failure or a statesman. And the party faces a defining moment, testing whether it can still pull together when necessary, or whether the left has become as uncompromising — and self-defeating — as the Republican right.

With success, Democrats could campaign like heck not only to protect their slim majorities but to add to them — and come back in 2023 to build on their legislative successes in the latter half of Biden's term.


This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Opinion headline in the Washington Post
"Weak Joe Biden caves to loony left"

No, strong Joe Biden hangs tough on his determination to set America on a transformative new path, similar to FDR's New Deal.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The hill is it difficult

If progressives don't get exactly what they want, the bill may never see the House floor because the votes aren't there. If the House somehow passes the bill with $3.5 trillion or something close to that number, the Senate has two Democrats in Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) who probably will kill it anyway.

Big picture: Democrats just guaranteed that they’ll lose the House and Senate in 2022, which would likely guarantee the end of the 81-year-old Pelosi’s political career.

Fight over Biden agenda looms large over Virginia governor's race'Pandora Papers': Massive leak exposes offshore dealings of 35 world...

Remember, Republicans need to flip only one seat to take back the Senate and five seats to flip the balance of power in the House. President Biden is polling in the low 40s after a downward summer spiral not seen in modern politics since George W. Bush, post-Katrina. It's hard to see what Biden can do to turn things around. Inflation, high crime, persistent COVID-19, border chaos and an unstable Afghanistan after a disastrous withdrawal means the new administration is failing on fronts both domestic and foreign.

Plus, when considering that the Biden-Harris team walked into office with control of the House and Senate, losing on infrastructure is an epic defeat. The worst part for the Blue Team: Republicans can't even be blamed here.

This thing failed because of a Democratic civil war whose only winners will be Republicans in 2022, further crippling Biden's ability to advance anything, especially a progressive laundry list.

The old saying is that we’re only remembered for what we do last. In Nancy Pelosi’s case, it may well be her inability to bring the party together on infrastructure.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Ivermectin, in tablet form, has only been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in humans to treat certain parasitic worms. A topical formulation has been approved by the FDA for external use against parasites such as head lice and for skin conditions such as rosacea.

There is also an FDA-approved version of ivermectin to treat certain internal and external parasites in animals. But animal drugs should never be taken by humans, the FDA said.

Because you believe that they are out to get the Orange Monster

C.H. Truth said...

Manchin is still insisting that his ceiling is $1.5 trillion. But Biden likely wouldn’t have gone to Capitol Hill if he and his advisors didn’t think some compromise was possible in the coming days. To lose now would make him look ineffectual. The president campaigned on the promise that he knows how to make deals in Congress, and he can’t even reach one in his own party?

You were 90% sure that the infrastructure bill would pass because Pelosi said she would bring it to a vote, but wouldn't do so unless she had the votes.

This is similar bullshit.

Biden had to do something because otherwise he looked like a fool. By all accounts he probably made things worse. There is no agreement with Manchin (implicit or otherwise) to go to 2 trillion. He seems overall to be hedging on any sort of reconciliation "right now". People forget that Sinima has a similar view.

Either way, the progressive leader has said 1.5 trillion is a non-starter and some of of the progressives have publicly stated that even 2 trillion is too little. Bernie Sanders says that 3.5 is the bottom for him and has encouraged people to vote against the infrastructure bill if they don't get back to 3.5.

2 trillion is an arbitrary figure that the Administration has tossed around and so far nobody on either side is really taking that bait. Biden has literally never been a deal maker in Congress and the media attempts to paint him as such runs against reality.

We'll see if something can be worked out. But right now feelings are hurt and egos are trampled and someone has to bend over and take it up the ass to get this done. Is either side going to drop their drawers to be fucked up the ass?

C.H. Truth said...

A topical formulation has been approved by the FDA for external use against parasites such as head lice and for skin conditions such as rosacea.

Whatever Roger... the fact that the FDA has only approved it as a topical medicine...

Doesn't change the fact that many countries are successfully using it to treat Covid. I wonder why it works for them, but people like you make fun of it?

Well I know why you make fun of it. Because you are told to. You probably think the entire world (except these really smart liberals in the US) are following Trump, huh?

Anonymous said...

Roger backed the Eagles.
And they lost.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Millions of people during the reformation era didn't believe in evolution and science.

You would have been against it

Your anecdotal evidence is clear that you don't understand how science works

Anonymous said...

Roger, believes that passing a 3.5 Trillion dollars tax dollar spending spree will create "hundreds of thousands of union jobs"

Give us the Dollar amount those union workers will pay in in taxes each year?

You got nothing., NO supporting data.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why do you think the FDA is hiding the truth about it?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You worry about the cost of Biden’s program. That’s a fair concern. Yet this is not an expense but an investment: Our ability to compete with China will depend less on our military budget, our spy satellites or our intellectual property protections than on our high school and college graduation rates. A country cannot succeed when so many of its people are failing.

China is our biggest threat since the Cold war ended.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You already answered the question.

You probably think the entire world (except these really smart liberals in the US) are following Trump, huh?

Because you have a effing moron.

Like Indy said about me when I was basically had PTSD...

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe

"I mean, I you know they’re not bad, folks. But guess what. They’re not a competition for us.”".

C.H. Truth said...

Millions of people during the reformation era didn't believe in evolution and science.

So it's really your argument that the rest of the world treating Covid with medications (rather than telling them to go home and only come back when they ready to be hospitalized as the U.S. does) is akin to the rest of the world believing in a flat earth?