Saturday, October 9, 2021

This is good news for me!

Seattle About to Lose One-Third of Its Police Force Due to COVID Vaccine Mandate
On the one hand, there is mounting evidence that the COVID-19 vaccination efficacy declines substantially with time. On the other hand, FBI data shows that violent crime is surging across this nation. So what are progressive governors and mayors suppose to do? Mandate vaccinations for police officers and fire those that don’t comply…of course.
The Seattle Police Department (SPD) said 292 sworn officers have not shown proof of their COVID-19 vaccination status as of Oct. 6, one day after the department’s deadline. In August, the city of Seattle adopted Gov. Jay Inslee’s mandate that state employees and health care workers be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18 or be fired. There is not a COVID-19 testing option, but employees can apply for religious or medical exemptions.

What happens now? Do they simply fire everyone, put them on leave? Nobody knows for sure, but most people assume that the manner in which these mandates were provided means that these officers will get shit-canned for not being vaccinated. 

Now I will say that living here and living in Minnesota is night and day. Back in Minnesota (which is not exactly conservative) you could still walk into 90% of the places without a mask. In Seattle you cannot go indoors anywhere without a mask (vaccinated or not). In Minnesota you almost never saw someone just walking down the street with a mask. Here I see a vast majority of people (even children) wearing masks (inside and outside) even if they are just walking down the street by themselves. 

There is either a shit load of virtue signalling going on or people really don't understand how this virus is passed. Wearing a mask outside with nobody around you provides you scientifically with exactly zero protection from anything. 

But back to the police situation. First, I am somewhat surprised that the police here are not like everyone else in terms of their nazi mask vigilance. But given the manner in which the politicians and liberals in this state have treated them, I can see why some are going to be defiant. Crime has been on the rise everywhere (even hearing of things in our own quiet little neighborhood). The last thing we need is a small police presence. 


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Same thing is happening with health care workers. I would guess a lot of them are probably ready to move to a city/state which allows for them to operate with their beliefs. Probably a much better lifestyle.

But I would suggest cities enforcing these mandates are rapidly going to go south and perhaps drag America and then the world down with them. Or vice versa looking at some countries. It sure helps countries like China, Russia and Iran

And I suspect besides countries, people at the top of the pyramid (like Soros) had that intent all along


Of course who really knows the future or even life itself...

Good luck

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Thomas Massie

Study suggests Delta variant is being spread FROM VACCINATED healthcare workers TO VACCINATED healthcare workers.

If so, what is the purpose of the vaccine mandates?

H/T @SharylAttkisson

The study also found the average viral load of vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections of Delta variant was 251 times greater than the viral load of the unvaccinated who contracted the first strains of SARS-CoV2 in 2020.


or rather ignoring science

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Thomas Massie

Sadly, jabs are now like drug tests…

you need one if you work,

but not if you draw welfare!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We’re losing our humanity -- and the pandemic is to blame

Sarah Smith, ProPublica

October 09, 2021

Kurt Thigpen clenched his hands around the edge of the table because if he couldn't feel the sharp edges digging into his palms, he would have to think about how hard his heart was beating. He was grateful that his mask hid his expression. He hoped that no one could see him sweat.

A woman approached the lectern in the center aisle, a thick American flag scarf looped around her neck.

"Do you realize the mask, the CDC said it's only 2% effective?" she demanded. "You're failing our children, you're failing our country, you're failing our students' future …."

Thigpen fixed his eyes on a spot in the back of the blue-and-green auditorium. He let the person speaking at the lectern fade. It will be over soon, he told himself.

A dark-haired woman in a red vest removed her face shield as she moved to take her turn at the mic. As she began to speak, the school board employee responsible for queuing up public commenters interrupted: "Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to please keep your shield on —"

"No, you're not the boss of me, you work for us, I can't breathe with it on —"

"Ma'am —"

"Don't you dare cut my microphone —"

The crowd cheered. Thigpen focused on his breathing.

It will end soon, he told himself. It must. His sweat turned cold under his suit.

"The science isn't there, take the kids outta the masks and let's move on."

It was March 2021, Thigpen's second month as a school board trustee in Washoe County, Nevada. He had planned his campaign around local issues like improving the district's diversity and equity policies and fixing an intersection where 20 students had been injured in traffic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Public comment periods at school board meetings felt endless. Parents' angers — over masking, over politics, over the "LGBTQ agenda" — fed off each other.

"I came here to speak about your fascist propaganda and ideology …"

He concentrated on making it to the next break period. His thoughts had begun to turn toxic. Why am I not good enough? Why am I the one struggling? They would turn darker. I don't want to be here anymore. If something happened to me today, that would be fine.

"We will work tirelessly to remove you if you don't focus on what's important …."

When the eight-hour meeting finally ended, he would drive home and pull off the suit and rip off his shirt. He would only take care with his rainbow tie, resting it gently in the closet. It still hangs there today. He would close the door, lay down on his bed, and let himself cry.

The stories of cruel, seemingly irrational and sometimes-violent conflicts over coronavirus regulations have become lingering symptoms of the pandemic as it drags through its second year. Two men on a Mesa-to-Provo flight got into a cross-aisle fight after one refused to wear a mask. A Tennessee teenager asking his school board to impose a mask mandate in honor of his grandmother who died of COVID-19 got jeered by the crowd. A California parent angered by the requirement that his child wear a mask allegedly beat up a teacher so badly that the teacher had to go to the emergency room. An Arizona father showed up to an elementary school with zip ties, allegedly intending to make a "citizen's arrest" over COVID-19 rules. A Missouri medical center has distributed panic buttons to about 400 employees after an increase in assaults on health care workers by people frustrated over coronavirus-induced visitation restrictions and long wait times.

Many of the altercations have begun over masking because, unlike your vaccination status, a mask is right there on your face. Depending on your point of view, the mask can symbolize an erosion of personal freedoms or a willingness to protect others, a society that accepts tyranny or one that embraces science. A person's reaction to a mask — or the absence of one — can be driven by an entire network of beliefs and emotions that have little to do with the face covering itself.

"What the hell is happening?" said Rachel Patterson, who owns a hair salon in Huntsville, Alabama, and who has been screamed at, cussed out and walked out on for asking clients to don a mask. "Like, I feel like we are living on another planet. Like I don't — I don't recognize anyone anymore."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My perspective view is that the Pandemic and Donald Trump has changed the country in unprecedented ways.

The tribal instincts are in our DNA.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I wondered how you would handle living in a very liberal region.

Your librarian views on medical issues is driving you crazy mothrf***r!!!

California has the same restrictions on public health issues

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is basically committing suicide!

In a series of tweets on Saturday morning, former GOP Rep. Allen West (R-FL) announced that he is showing symptoms of COVID-19 that he is treating with Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin since he has not been vaccinated.

West who recently headed up the Texas GOP before stepping down, wrote on Twitter: "After taking COVID and flu shots, Angela West tested positive for COVID yesterday, Friday. Col. West is experiencing a low grade fever and light body aches. Out of concern for public health, Col. West is suspending in-person events until receiving an all-clear indication."

He added, "Col. West will be available through virtual means to do events until his family's health issue is rectified. He is already taking Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin protocols. The West family thanks y'all for your prayers. 'God's blessings and Texas First!" before clarifying that he is not anti-vaxx, but believes it is a personal choice.

rrb said...

The last thing we need is a small police presence.

Buy some reliable home defense weapons. Mossberg, Remington and Winchester all make nice tactical shotguns. And grab an AR chambered in 5.56 for the missus.

Then find a range, go there and practice like your like depends upon it, because in that liberal shit hole it probably will at some point. The cops who are close to retirement age are going to ride it out and do little, and the youngsters who want to stay cops will move and join a force in a sane area.

Good luck.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even back in the 90s I had to get drug tested to work on a sewer treatment plant!

I wasn't drinking or smoking weed at the time.

rrb said...

It was March 2021, Thigpen's second month as a school board trustee in Washoe County, Nevada. He had planned his campaign around local issues like improving the district's diversity and equity policies and fixing an intersection where 20 students had been injured in traffic.

Improving diversity and equity policies.

He's too stupid to be on any school board anywhere.

Commonsense said...

October 09, 2021

Kurt Thigpen clenched his hands around the edge of the table because if he couldn't feel the sharp edges digging into his palms, he would have to think about how hard his heart was beating. He was grateful that his mask hid his expression. He hoped that no one could see him sweat.

I'm supposed to feel sorry for this guy?

anonymous said...

Can't fix stupid people when it comes to taking the shot.....especially Lil Schitty..........and the goat fucker........sad that sooooo many cops chose to be stupid and not protect the people they serve!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Unvaxxed Allen West Has Covid Symptoms
October 9, 2021 at 5:14 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 69 Comments

“Allen West (R) has suspended in-person events for his Texas gubernatorial campaign because he developed Covid symptoms after his wife tested positive—a day after he spoke to a packed indoor crowd,” the Daily Beast reports.

“In a Saturday morning Twitter thread, the Trump-loving ex-congressman said he has not gotten the Covid vaccine but is ‘already taking Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin protocols’—two unproven drugs popular with the anti-vaxxer crowd.”