Friday, October 22, 2021

This is an interesting piece of reality...

Remember when Texas sued other states over the 2020 election and the USSC stated that they had no standing to sue?

If you recall, liberals cheered that ruling and many dishonestly suggested that the issue was settled on the merits (which was to say that the USSC decided that there was no fraud). But it was all about standing and the courts suggested pretty much up and down that there was no standing for Texas to sue other states regarding those states election procedures and election results. It seems like a rather murky manner to dismiss a suit that most people feel was important, but that it the manner in which these things go more often that many would like. 

So now here we are, with Texas back in the legal news with the lawsuits surrounding the "heartbeat law" that is currently in place. Once again the USSC failed to issue any sort of order or injunction to stop the law, but agreed to an expedited hearing that will take place at the beginning of November. Of course the hearing is not going to be on the merits of the lawsuit, but on whether or not the Federal Government has standing to sue. The issues at hand will be regarding what interest the Federal Government actually tangibly and legally has in this case other than objecting as a matter of principal. Like it or not, objecting as a matter of principal does not make standing.

The Texas law was written very specifically to make it hard to challenge in court and all but impossible to preemptively prevent it from being implemented. The state of Texas is accusing the Federal Government of suing to make the law more easy to challenge. They also are asking that if the court ends up deciding to rule on the merits, that they want a ruling on whether their own law does or does not violate the 14th amendment, which effectively is a direct challenge to Roe v Wade (which was declared a violation of the 14th amendment).

What would be sort of coincidental is if the same people who cheered the USSC for denying the Texas claim over lack of standing in the election lawsuits become enraged because the same court rules that the Federal Government does not have standing to sue the state of Texas over this law. 


Anonymous said...

A perfect Post.

"C.H. TruthOctober 22, 2021 at 6:16 PM

so 700 billionaires to fund at least 1.2 + 2 trillion.... that is only a half billion a piece more per year for the full 10 years. That would literally wipe out over half the billionaires on the list."

Anonymous said...

Published October 22, 2021


Last Update 7 hrs ago

GOP congressman ends floor speech with 'Let's go, Brandon'Florida Rep. Bill Posey signed off with a fist pump"

DNA detection said...

According to the “1619 Project,” the United States was never anything more than a project to preserve and extend slavery, and according to former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, America was “never that great.” If so, why would so many immigrants of all hues make the United States their preferred destination? Enrico arrived in the late 19th century, after the Civil War, and like countless immigrants shares no blame for conditions in America centuries before his arrival. Neither does anyone else currently alive, regardless of race, creed, or country of origin.  

Enrico’s American-born descendants became doctors, and Christopher made a mark in entertainment.

Tony’s ancestors hailed from Lebanon, part of a Christian minority in the Ottoman empire. During World War I, the Ottomans sided with Germany and Shalhoub’s grandfather was conscripted into a “labor battalion” that was reserved for Christians, and part of a campaign of concealed genocide from the 1890s to after World War I. 

Gates reads a letter from an American newspaper, based on a survivor’s account, describing how Shalhoub’s grandfather was “crucified, being nailed hand and foot to a cross and left to suffer many hours before being finally dispatched by a lance thrust.” A stunned Shalhoub asked if this was true, and in his response Gates abandoned his dedication to historical accuracy. 

“Well, the article was written during the era of yellow journalism, where newspapers often sensationalized or exaggerated stories to improve circulation, right?” Gates replied. “And at the time, there was a major bias in American newspapers against the Ottomans because they were Muslim. So it’s possible the story was exaggerated.”

As Gates had to know, the deadly Ottoman campaigns against Christian minorities were well chronicled, with accounts of crucifixion and other atrocities. For details see Peter Balakian’s The Burning Tigris and The Cambridge History of Christianity. The oppressions and suffering of the time also claimed Shalhoub’s paternal grandmother, but his aunt and father made their way to the United States, settling in Green Bay. 

According to Gates, Tony Shalhoub shares DNA with Tina Fey of “Saturday Night Live.” And of all the Italian immigrants in America, Christopher Meloni shares DNA with, yes, Nancy Pelosi, shown in a photograph from way back in the day.

“Yeah baby, my girl!” exults Meloni. In similar style, at the end of a tribute for 2016 Gershwin Prize winner Smokey Robinson, PBS trotted out Pelosi to the strains of “My Girl,” as though she was the true star of the show. 

Meanwhile, “Finding Your Roots” has profiled many African Americans, including  Ta-Nehisi Coates and Don Lemon. On the other hand the show has never featured Barack Obama, even though DNA would help resolve controversies still surrounding the former president. 

In his massive 2017 Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, David Garrow revealed that Dreams from My Father was a novel, not an autobiography, and the author was a “composite character.” Garrow identifies the character “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Communist who spent most of his life defending all-white Soviet dictatorships. Davis bears strong resemblance to Obama, who rejects the “hypothesis” that Davis is his true father. 

DNA research would settle the question, and in 2015 Malik Obama, son of the Kenyan Barack Obama, offered his DNA for comparison. The president never took up the challenge, and he also declined to examine a collection of the Kenyan Barack Obama’s materials at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York. As it turns out, in all his writings from 1959-1964, the Kenyan Barack Obama mentioned nothing about his new American wife and Hawaiian-born American son.

“Finding Your Roots” or “Frontline,” the Pelosi Broadcasting Service has yet to give these issues the attention they deserve.

Anonymous said...

IF you voted for Biden and his America Crushing Policies congrats.

"Bloomberg) -- Stockpiles at the biggest U.S. crude depot are quickly approaching critically low levels. The last time that happened, crude cost more than $100 a barrel."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why can’t republicans use hand sanitizer?

Because the directions say to apply liberally

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wall Street Journal RINO???

The Food and Drug Administration said the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE met the agency’s criteria for immune responses in a study in children ages 5 to 11 years.

In a report released Friday, the agency flagged the risk of heart-inflammation conditions including myocarditis associated with the vaccine but said the overall benefits, in preventing Covid-19 disease and hospitalizations, would outweigh the risk of the heart conditions.

The agency confirmed data, which the companies had released earlier in the day, showing the vaccine was 90.7% effective at preventing symptomatic Covid-19 in a study of children in this age group, information that health authorities will likely factor as they weigh whether to authorize the shots for use.

The vaccine was found to be safe and tolerable, the companies said in a document they submitted to the FDA and the agency posted online Friday morning.

In early October, Pfizer and BioNTech asked the FDA to authorize the vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old.

If the vote is in favor, FDA authorization could follow within days. And if the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention subsequently signs off, millions of younger children could get a Covid-19 vaccine for the first time.

Ch will cheer for Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Back to Videos

Biden: GOP's "Jim Crow In The 21st Century" Is Now "Targeting Not Just Voters Of Color"


Posted By Tim Hains
On Date October 21, 2021

Biden: GOP's "Jim Crow In The 21st Century" Is Now "Targeting Not Just Voters Of Color"

0 seconds of 3 minutes, 26 seconds


President Biden warned that Republicans "want the ability to reject the final vote and ignore the will of the people" during a speech honoring the 10-year anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Today, the right to vote and the rule of law are under unrelenting assault from Republican governors, attorneys general, secretaries of state, state legislators.

And they are following my predecessor, the last president, into a deep, deep black hole and abyss.

No, I really mean it. Think about it. This is what got me involved in civil rights as a kid, when I was 26 years old. I love reading about how Biden knew he was going to run for president. Hell, I didn't even know I would be able to run for the county council, I didn't even want to.

But, look, this struggle is no longer over who gets to vote or making it easier for eligible people to vote. It's about who gets to count the votes -- whether they should count at all.

Jim Crow in the 21st century is now a sinister combination of voter suppression and election subversion.

My fellow Americans, I thought at one point, that I had been able to do something good as chairman of the Judiciary Committee. I was able to get every member of the committee, including some of the most conservative members that ever served, clearly who had racist backgrounds, to vote to extend the Voting Rights Act for 25 years.

I thought, whoa, one of the proudest things I ever did as a Senator.

But guess what. This means that some state legislatures want to make it harder for you to vote, and if you do vote, they want to be able to tell you whether or not your vote counts. That's not happened before.

They want the ability to reject the final vote and ignore the will of the people, if their preferred candidate, black or white or Asian, or Latino, doesn't matter if their candidate doesn't win.

They are targeting not just voters of color, as I said, but every voter who doesn't vote the way they want.

I have to admit to you, I've been as a senator in my whole 36-year career, I've worked with a lot of folks out here on civil rights issues. I thought, man, you can't turn this back, we can defeat hate. I thought we could actually defeat hate, but the most un-American thing that any of us can imagine, the most undemocratic and the most unpatriotic, and yet sadly not unprecedented, time and time again we have witnessed threats to the right to vote and free and fair elections come to fruition. Each time we fought back and we have to continue to fight today.

I want to thank Dr. Martin Luther King III for leading marches...

The vice president and I and our colleagues here have spent our careers doing this work. It's central to our administration. On the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, I directed each and every federal agency to promote access to voting and each agency heeding that call. For example, the Department of Veteran Affairs, I asked them to make it easier for veterans and families to register and to vote at V.A. facilities, so it will be open.

In addition, the U.S. Department of Justice has doubled the voting rights enforcement staff. We've got a long way to go though.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Lashes Out at ‘Lowlife’ Meghan McCain

Former President Donald Trump bashed Meghan McCain as a “bully” and a “lowlife” who should be grateful he arranged for her father to have the “world’s longest funeral,” the HuffPost reports.

Said Trump: “Isn’t it funny that Meghan McCain, who has always been a bully, and basically a lowlife, is now complaining that it was she who was bullied by the Slobs and Radical Left maniacs of ‘The View.’”

He added: “I made it possible for her father to have the world’s longest funeral… even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden’s New Battleground

“The New Orleans-based Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which last week allowed Texas’ restrictive abortion law to remain in effect in the face of a federal challenge, promises to be a legal battleground for a host of Biden administration initiatives in the years ahead,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The Fifth Circuit, one of the nation’s leading conservative courts, covers the states of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. It has 17 active judges, 12 of whom are Republican appointees, including six placed on the court by former President Donald Trump. An array of hot-button cases are likely to land on the court’s docket as Republicans including Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and conservative groups challenge administration policies.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Republicans hopeful about taking control of Congress in next year's midterms "are colliding with a considerable force," said Jeremy Peters at The New York Times: Donald Trump. The former president has made it clear that he intends to oppose Republican incumbents he sees as disloyal to him personally — and may support primary challengers or even Democrats. His "litmus test" for Republican running in 2022 will be whether they are willing to embrace his groundless claims of 2020 election fraud. In a statement last week that horrified the GOP establishment, Trump warned that "Republicans will not be voting in '22 or '24" if "we don't solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020." Republicans fear Trump's obsession with "rigged elections" could depress turnout and yield a midterm "disaster," said Melanie Zanona at CNN. With Republicans eager to make the election a referendum on President Biden, Afghanistan, inflation, and the border, even "some of Trump's most loyal supporters" want him to move on.

Instead, Trump is threatening "electoral sabotage," said The Wall Street Journal in an editorial. As we saw in January's Georgia Senate runoffs, Trump is perfectly willing to throw his party and supporters under the bus when his ego is at stake. GOP turnout fell amid Trump's claims of a rigged election — handing the Democrats Senate control "and paving the way for an ideologically unleashed Biden administration." Republican leaders "fear an open fight with Trump," said Henry Olsen at The Washington Post, but hoping he'll just shut up about stolen elections isn't a viable strategy. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other conservative leaders should rebut Trump's election lies "directly, publicly, and forcefully."

For a struggling Biden, Trump offers a ray of hope, said Paul Waldman, also at the Post. With the Delta variant and Republican governors prolonging the pandemic, and progress on his infrastructure and Build Back Better bills "maddeningly slow and difficult," critics on the left and right want "to declare his first term a failure." But Trump may be the "one force that can animate Democratic voters." A recent poll found only 44 percent of Republicans want the undisciplined, divisive Trump to run again; meanwhile, "just about every Democrat is horrified by the idea." Their loathing may translate to big turnout, as it did in 2020. In a perverse way, the Democrats' best hope may be their worst nightmare.

rrb said...

The Daily Beast:

Every Day, Biden Smells Like More of a Loser

rrb said...

This is what got me involved in civil rights as a kid, when I was 26 years old.

Except that he never was "involved in civil rights as a kid," was caught lying about exactly that, and had to come out and explain it away without ever apologizing for the egregious LIE.

Lying, embellishing, plagiarizing, sexual predation, and straight up racism... that's all Biden has to his name. He has no civil rights record. None. His wife and daughter were not killed by a drunk driver. He did not attend college on any sort of merit scholarship, and he did not graduate from Syracuse Law School near the top of his class. He was, in fact, near the very bottom.

Every single facet of the man's life is a complete fabrication, with no truth, no merit to ANY of it.

We have installed the most mediocre and inconsequential human being that we could have possibly found as our 'president.' An abject failure in every sense of the word.

anonymous said...

Another POS thread being pushed by the supreme poster of BULLSHIT news!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

The following is another example of the massive voter fraud that went on last year.....second example that I have seen perpetrated by the GOP to vote twice and got caught!!!!!!! Yep rat hole....that trump really won in the deep abscess of you demented mind!!!!!!

By Matthew Cappucci, Diana Leonard and Jason Samenow
Nevada Republican who claimed someone stole dead wife’s ballot is charged with voter fraud
Donald Kirk Hartle allegedly forged his late wife's signature to vote twice, the Nevada attorney general's office said.

Maybe Greene and Boebert can get in the well an declare trump won again!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Myballs said...

The really real coldheartedtruth -

Midterms will be all about Biden. Not Trump. This is lining up to be a gop landslide. America hates what we are becoming.

rrb said...

Hypocrisy remains the bedrock of liberalism.

DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home

rrb said...

This is the scumbag Iranian who bankrolls the Bulwark:

The Facebook whistleblower whose disclosures have shaken the world’s largest social network has drawn behind-the-scenes help from a big player in the online world: Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire tech critic who founded eBay.

Omidyar’s financial support, which was previously unreported, offers one of the most striking examples yet of how Frances Haugen's disclosures have generated enthusiasm among critics of U.S. tech giants — offering a potentially crucial boost as she takes on one of the world’s most powerful companies. This gives her an edge that many corporate whistleblowers lack as she warns lawmakers, regulators and media organizations on both sides of the Atlantic that Facebook is endangering society by putting “profits before people.”

It also shows once again that big money exists on all sides of the tech debate in Washington — a fight in which former Silicon Valley insiders have become some of the industry’s most devoted foes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vice President Harris was interrupted by a heckler while giving a speech on the bipartisan infrastructure deal and the Biden administration's Build Back Better agenda in New York on Friday.

The man in the audience interrupted Harris mid-sentence while she was talking about "better health, better jobs and about families" to state that better infrastructure would have stopped people drowning in their basements in Queens during Hurricane Ida earlier this year.

Harris briefly engaged with the man, telling him, "you are right, brother" and adding "you and I will talk after I give my comments, and I am happy to talk with you."

The man responded with "Why aren't we [U.S.] working with the Chinese on their Belt-and-Road initiative?" 

Harris said, "But right now, let's talk about the agenda that will include speaking to all people and allowing everybody to be heard, because that's part of what we want in our democracy. Everybody gets their chance to talk and everybody gets a chance to be heard."

The heckler was escorted out by security.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vice President Harris was interrupted by a heckler while giving a speech on the bipartisan infrastructure deal and the Biden administration's Build Back Better agenda in New York on Friday.

The man in the audience interrupted Harris mid-sentence while she was talking about "better health, better jobs and about families" to state that better infrastructure would have stopped people drowning in their basements in Queens during Hurricane Ida earlier this year.


Harris briefly engaged with the man, telling him, "you are right, brother" and adding "you and I will talk after I give my comments, and I am happy to talk with you."

The man responded with "Why aren't we [U.S.] working with the Chinese on their Belt-and-Road initiative?" 

Harris said, "But right now, let's talk about the agenda that will include speaking to all people and allowing everybody to be heard, because that's part of what we want in our democracy. Everybody gets their chance to talk and everybody gets a chance to be heard."

The heckler was escorted out by security.

rrb said...

Clown Show: US Intelligence Agencies Release New Report on Dangers of Global Warming Just Weeks After Losing Afghanistan to Taliban

The AP reported:

The Earth’s warming and resulting natural disasters are creating a more dangerous world of desperate leaders and peoples, the Biden administration said Thursday in the federal government’s starkest assessments yet of security and migration challenges facing the United States as the climate worsens.

The Defense Department for years has called climate change a threat to U.S. national security. But Thursday’s reports by the departments of Defense and Homeland Security, National Security Council and Director of National Intelligence provide one of the government’s deepest looks yet at the vast rippling effects on the world’s stability and resulting heightened threats to U.S. security, as well as its impact on migration.

They include the first assessment by intelligence agencies on the impact of climate change, identifying 11 countries of greatest concern from Haiti to Afghanistan.

Another report, the first by the government focusing at length on climate and migration, recommends a number of steps, including monitoring the flows of people forced to leave their homes because of natural disasters, and working with Congress on a groundbreaking plan that would add droughts, floods and wildfires and other climate-related reasons to be considered in granting refugee status.

The climate migration assessments urge the creation of a task force to coordinate U.S. management of climate change and migration across government, from climate scientists to aid and security officials.

What Alec Baldwin did to that woman on the movie set is emblematic of what Slow Joe is doing to America.

Anonymous said...

Even Putin sees wokism is working!

, Putin said Western nations have the right to do make their own choices — including hanging ourselves — but that “the overwhelming majority of Russian society” rejected these “new ways of thinking.”

“The preparedness of the so-called social progress believes that bringing a new conscience, a new consciousness to humanity, [is] something that is more correct. But there is one thing I would like to say: The recipes they come up with are nothing new.

“Paradoxical as it may seem, but this is something we saw in Russia. It happened in our country before after the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks followed the dogmas of Marx and Engels. And they also declared that they would go into change the traditional lifestyle, the political, the economic lifestyle, as well as the very notion of morality, the basic principles for a healthy society.

“They were trying to destroy age and century-long values, revisiting the relationship between the people, they were encouraging informing on one’s own beloved, and families. It was hailed as the march of progress. And it was very popular across the world and it was supported by many, as we see, it is happening right now.”

While Putin is correct in his observations about wokeism, he is lying his ass off about “Russian society” rejecting anything. Russians who oppose Putin have a tendency to turn up dead. Wokeism in Vladimir Putin’s Russia would be crushed like an irritating mosquito.  Hmmm… nah, never mind.

anonymous said...

ays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Which pales in comparison to protecting the first cunt daughter on a ski strip to colorado you fucking idiot!!!!!!!

rrb said...

WATCH: Someone photoshopped President Biden onto a pony at the CNN town hall and IT IS PERFECT

Covid Hoax said...

Coronavirus has been around a very long time. It was giving our ancient ancestors colds too. Humans have in fact lived with respiratory and other virus infections since prehistory. That so many of us are around today is clear evidence that the human body is able to cope with pathogens “naturally” – that is, by way of immunity acquired from an individual's natural biologic makeup. It would be foolish, however, to assume that medical assistance and intervention are never needed or ought to be dismissed. We owe to the development of medical smarts an incalculable reduction in suffering and death.

Medical science calls the ability of the body to fight microbial bad actors its immune system. The fact of natural immunity had been common knowledge until the SARS-CoV-2 virus, responsible for the Covid-19 illness, initiated a pandemic that Klaus Schwab states in his book Covid 19: The Great Reset “is one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years.”

And what has been the medical response to this not-so-deadly pandemic? The severest and cruelest response by far of any in history, that’s what. By any measure, it’s way off the chart of medical intelligence and prudence, but we are not supposed to notice this, even when lockdowns and restrictive measures cause more harm and suffering than the virus. Many are not only catching a new respiratory ailment but a strong smell of politics.

The incessant call to mask up indicates how far off the mark the official response to Covid-19 has taken us. The insensitivity and insanity of masking children, for example, abandons medical smarts and wisdom in Covid America.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Republicans oppose the real beauty of a liberal education — you can commune with anyone outside your own “lived experience” and learn from them. Their identity matters far less than their ideas — and the more cultural and historical boundaries we cross the more we stand to learn.

So they can divide the country into two or three countries.

anonymous said...

The mask up certainly worked in both South Korea and Japan who never completely locked down for covid and appears to have it under control....Then you have the idiot GOP in congress who defy the mandate to show how fucking tough they are in their immense stupidity !!! Masks work as schools with mask mandates have far fewer infections than schools that don't Sorry sport the only fools here are the GOP who just want to be stupid!!!!!!!!

rrb said...

Let's Go Brandon:

Pain at the pump: California gas prices are sky high, with one town charging almost $8 a gallon

Myballs said...

Seems to me liberals have become the most intolerant of all. I know some who have stopped friendships just because tbe other person voted for Trump. And then there's the cancel culture that came from the left.

rrb said...

Wow, the alky is on quite a plagiarism tear this morning.

Incog-nitwit, of course.



Myballs said...

I know a guy who lost his marriage, his house, his job, and his small business. What was his big crime? He took down half a dozen BLM posters around town. That's the liberal intolerance.

anonymous said...

So they can divide the country into two or three countries.

Trump and the white GOP have already been successful doing that!!!!!!!!!!!1

Myballs said...

No. That's the Obama legacy.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Another fake story hatched in the deep abscess of your warped mind, ballz.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Your guy was probably a wife better and ahitty businessman like trump!!!!!

Myballs said...

Nope. True story.

Commonsense said...

Clown Show: US Intelligence Agencies Release New Report on Dangers of Global Warming Just Weeks After Losing Afghanistan to Taliban

Politically correct claptrap. That is how China caught up and passed the US in hypersonic missile technology. (It wouldn't surprise me if China actually stole the technology.

rrb said...

I know some who have stopped friendships just because tbe other person voted for Trump.

I have both family & friends who are virulent, rabid, anti-Trumpers, and those of us who supported and voted for Trump are dead to them. Nothing infuriates them more than when us Trump supporters treat them with kindness, generosity, and friendliness. They literally fly into a spittle-flecked rage and all we do is smile. Drives them fucking crazy, yet WE'RE the ones with the problem.

I had to deal with a group of them when they had to come up here for the funeral of a family member. They quite literally did not know how to act around us, and what truly perplexed them was how they thought they were supposed to behave considering the fact that the deceased was a MAGA hat wearing, Trump flag waving, Trump fan.

It was hilarious.

Myballs said...

I have in-laws who actually donated to Obama's campaign and have his picture on the refrigerator.

rrb said...

The latest @UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance report now reports that the vaccinated are testing positive at a higher rate than the unvaccinated for every age group from 30-39 up ...

anonymous said...

Wow asshole rat.....compelling evidence from TWITCHY that proves you are an idiotic denier......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ever think that with 75% of the populaton with at least 1 shot that it might just be a fact of life now!!!!!!! No wonder why you flunked out of Ag school!!!!!

anonymous said...

I have in-laws who actually donated to Obama's campaign and have his picture on the refrigerator.

At least your wife's family has some sense......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You probably have a trump magnet on yours@!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Obama Stumps for McAuliffe In Virginia

Former President Barack Obama on Saturday joins a roster of high-profile Democrats campaigning for Terry McAuliffe, a candidate for Virginia governor in a race seen as a barometer of the country’s political direction, Reuters reports.

Commonsense said...

The honest reverend who is continually caught lying. LOL.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

After Geo. W. was elected, my now 102 year old father actually had a picture of him and Lauara dancing in his room (ugh!).

Today, my father DESPISES Trump, from the moment he said what he said about John McCain being a loser for being captured. But also for many other reasons. My father has repeatedly said that Trump is both a huge liar and insane.

Commonsense said...

! You probably have a trump magnet

Cool! I've never seen a Trump 2020 magnet.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


How Facebook Radicalizes Users
NBC News:
“In summer 2019, a new Facebook user named Carol Smith signed up for the platform, describing herself as a politically conservative mother from Wilmington, North Carolina. Smith’s account indicated an interest in politics, parenting and Christianity and followed a few of her favorite brands, including Fox News and then-President Donald Trump.

“Though Smith had never expressed interest in conspiracy theories, in just two days Facebook was recommending she join groups dedicated to QAnon, a sprawling and baseless conspiracy theory and movement that claimed Trump was secretly saving the world from a cabal of pedophiles and Satanists.

“Smith didn’t follow the recommended QAnon groups, but whatever algorithm Facebook was using to determine how she should engage with the platform pushed ahead just the same. Within one week, Smith’s feed was full of groups and pages that had violated Facebook’s own rules, including those against hate speech and disinformation.”

Willard Hotel Was Insurrection ‘Command Center’

Washington Post:
“They called it the ‘command center,’ a set of rooms and suites in the posh Willard hotel a block from the White House where some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal lieutenants were working day and night with one goal in mind: overturning the results of the 2020 election.

“The Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse and the ensuing attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob would draw the world’s attention to the quest to physically block Congress from affirming Joe Biden’s victory. But the activities at the Willard that week add to an emerging picture of a less visible effort, mapped out in memos by a conservative pro-Trump legal scholar and pursued by a team of presidential advisers and lawyers seeking to pull off what they claim was a legal strategy to reinstate Trump for a second term.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
“What we know historically is that a failed coup is a trial run for a successful coup. Usually when you fail in a coup, something happens to you— and Mr. Trump, nothing has happened to him.”
— Yale history professor Timothy Snyder, interviewed on MSNBC.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Biden’s Critics Hurl Increasingly Vulgar Taunts
Washington Post:
“During the 2020 presidential campaign, one of Biden’s political superpowers was his sheer inoffensiveness, the way he often managed to embody — even to those who didn’t like him — the innocuous grandfather, the bumbling uncle, the leader who could make America calm, steady, even boring again after four years of Donald Trump.

“But it’s clear that after nine months in office, Biden — or at least what he represents — is increasingly becoming an object of hatred to many Trump supporters. The vitriol partly reflects Trump’s own repeated baseless claims that Biden is a usurper, depriving him of his rightful claim to the presidency, and partly stems from Biden actions that Republicans deplore, from his spending plans to his immigration policies.”


Commonsense said...

“They called it the ‘command center,’ a set of rooms and suites in the posh Willard hotel a block from the White House where some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal lieutenants were working day and night with one goal in mind: overturning the results of the 2020 election.

Who exactly are "they". And why hasn't the DOJ charged them with a conspiracy to riot.

Tell you why "honest" reverend. It's a figment of some writers imagination.

Commonsense said...

But it’s clear that after nine months in office, Biden — or at least what he represents — is increasingly becoming an object of hatred to many Trump supporters

Not just Trump supporters. Pretty much more than half the country.

Commonsense said...

Let's go Brandon!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, for more than half the country Biden is not an object of hatred. That describes Trump.

Commonsense said...

I keep harping on seasonality as a COVID case explanation b/c if you disregard seasonality you have to then explain why Vermont (the most vaccinated state) has 2 times more COVID cases as Alabama (the 2nd least vaccinated state)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Finds That Compromise Can Have Consequences

New York Times:
“That approach appears to have brought Mr. Biden to the precipice of victory on a $2 trillion deal that could begin to define his legacy as a successful Oval Office legislative architect, one who is reshaping government spending and doing so by the narrowest of margins in a country with deep partisan and ideological chasms.

“But the bill is certain to be far smaller than what he originally proposed, and far less ambitious than he and many of his allies had hoped. It won’t make him the one who finally secured free community college for everyone. Seniors won’t get free dental, hearing and vision coverage from Medicare. And there won’t be a new system of penalties for the worst polluters.”

Yes, but let this much pass and become popular with America, and those other good things can come in the future.

The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

The Daily Beast:

Every Day, Biden Smells Like More of a Loser

When ultra-liberal starts publishing these type of articles...

Let's go Brandon


The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

Commonsense said...
The honest reverend who is continually caught lying. LOL.

and plagiarizing from his GODdard's political_lire

everyone knows why he never provides links

he is a POS lying and stealing "pastor"

does take after Biden

Commonsense said...

No, for more than half the country Biden is not an object of hatred. That describes Trump.

RCP average Biden Approval: 42.7 percent approve 51.4 percent disapprove.

That's more than have the country "honest" reverend.

The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

@VP shouts “Surprise!” upon arriving at her own surprise birthday celebration


Another FAKE moment from the VP

Who is so stupid as to shout "Surprise" when supposedly being surprised as they enter a room?

bad actor and phony Kamala

what a pair of idiots we have running America or whoever is actually pulling the strings

Guess she is getting real close to finding the root cause of the border crisis

The Biden administration and its enablers

The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™


Breaking ....

Joe Biden is going to go as the creepy old man from Poltergeist for Halloween by simply doing nothing.

the resemblance is uncanny

The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

Ooooh boy @chiproytx handing it to Garland. He does not know anything about sexual assault and cover up on Loudoun County. How is this possible?

Roy asking if DOJ investigating. Answer is no.

Everyone paying attention in America knew about this

except Biden's AG

who is investigating upset parents

very similar to Mueller "leading" the Trump/Russia investigation and never having heard of Steele.

Bat Shit Crazy those people hold any kind pf position of power

Joe Biden's America

off to another relaxing weekend while the country burns

anonymous said...

Breaking......Fucked daddy hits new zenith for fucking stupid!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The headquarters of the coup has been identified.

They called it the “command center,” a set of rooms and suites in the posh Willard hotel a block from the White House where some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal lieutenants were working day and night with one goal in mind: overturning the results of the 2020 election.
The Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse and the ensuing attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob would draw the world’s attention to the quest to physically block Congress from affirming Joe Biden’s victory. But the activities at the Willard that week add to an emerging picture of a less visible effort, mapped out in memos by a conservative pro-Trump legal scholar and pursued by a team of presidential advisers and lawyers seeking to pull off what they claim was a legal strategy to reinstate Trump for a second term.
They were led by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani. Former chief White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon was an occasional presence as the effort’s senior political adviser. Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik was there as an investigator. Also present was John Eastman, the scholar, who outlined scenarios for denying Biden the presidency in an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 4 with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
They sought to make the case to Pence and ramp up pressure on him to take actions on Jan. 6 that Eastman suggested were within his powers, three people familiar with the operation said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Their activities included finding and publicizing alleged evidence of fraud, urging members of state legislatures to challenge Biden’s victory and calling on the Trump-supporting public to press Republican officials in key states.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Deal on Biden Agenda Edges Closer

“A deal within reach, President Joe Biden and Congress’ top Democrats edged close to sealing their giant domestic legislation, though the informal deadline appeared to slip as they worked to scale back the measure and determine how to pay for it.

“Negotiations were expected to continue into the weekend, all sides indicating just a few issues remained unsettled in the sweeping package of social services and climate change strategies."

Biden and the Democrats are GOING TO GET IT DONE!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!

Myballs said...

By all means, let's spend trillions more while the last 5 trillion still drives up inflation to levels not seen in many years.

Democrats are destroying this country. Is it deliberate so they can implement their socialism?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

One of the few truthful bloggers here said...
Deal on Biden Agenda Edges Closer

Deal on Biden Agenda Edges Closer
October 23, 2021 at 9:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 24 Comments

We all know why the lying, plagiarizing POS "pastor" doesn't provide links

He is run by his true God, the FAKE NEWS compiling GODdard's political_lire

and he is ashamed to show the link to his true source and edited material (sliced and diced from original)

What a fucking fraud "pastor"

Commonsense said...

Biden and the Democrats are GOING TO GET IT DONE!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!

The financial destruction of the country is nothing to cheer about.

Unless of course you're a Chinese Communist agent.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Insider Paper

NEW 🚨 YouTube removes rapper's 'Let's Go Brandon' song claiming 'medical misinformation'

Joe Biden's America

Big Tech censorship


Where's Joe ?

taking time off his "busy" schedule

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Some Republicans have grown testicles.

Florida officials beg Republicans to stop talking about the 'stolen 'election' as death threats pour in: report

Tom Boggioni

October 23, 2021

According to a report from Orlando Weekly, the Florida Supervisors of Elections association issued a panicky memo on Wednesday begging GOP officeholders and candidates to stop talking about Donald Trump's election loss as if it was stolen.

With Republicans trying to stay on the former president's good side by either echoing his unfounded claims or saying nothing at all, election officials in Florida just wish it would all go away so they will stop receiving death threats despite the fact that Trump won the state.

The memo stated, "The Great American Experiment, our cherished democracy, is under threat. Our nation is only as strong as the faith our citizens have that their voice, their vote, has a say in our government. In this hour, public trust in our elections is being systematically undermined, to the detriment of all Americans," before adding the supervisors "continuously strive to debunk false claims, and ensure voters have access to accurate election information."

"Many of us have been threatened by our fellow citizens who have been led astray by these deceptions," it continued before asking officials to "tone down the rhetoric and stand up for our democracy."

As Orlando Weekly's Dara Kam wrote, "The statement from supervisors in a state in which Trump handily defeated his Democratic challenger by more than three percentage points —- a landslide by Florida standards —- comes as elections officials in various parts of the country are receiving death threats, quitting their posts or facing calls for 'audits' to revisit the outcome of the 2020 presidential race."

According to Manatee County Supervisor of Elections Mike Bennett, a former Republican senator from Bradenton, "The fraud that they're talking about is very dangerous for our country because people lose faith in the system. The old adage, you tell a lie, you tell it big enough and long enough, it becomes true. And that really bothers me. It bothers me as a former member of the Legislature. Certainly it bothers me as a veteran. I just hate it."

James's Fucking Daddy said...


There are three separate "Let's Go Brandon" songs currently in the Top Ten Rap/Hip Hop songs – and, no, they're not really singing about Brandon (via @toofab)

It's growing and our youth are embracing

James's Fucking Daddy said...


media: all non-violent January 6th protesters are terrorists!

also media: Alec Baldwin killing someone is clearly an accident!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Kevin Kiley

California now accounts for a third of the nation's unemployment claims and gas prices are as high as $7.59 a gallon. Your government is broken.

To be fair average gas prices in California in in the mid $4 range

but quickly rising

as Joe slumbers

with clenched teeth

and fists

James's Fucking Daddy said...

President Biden: "The violent, deadly insurrection on the Capitol nine months ago, it was about white supremacy, in my opinion."

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

Alec Baldwin killed more people than the Jan 6 protesters did

When does Joe start admitting what he has been responsible for ?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Who is this James? And who's the idiot whp thinks he's somebody's f'n daddy?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Faces an 88-Point Partisan Gap
TRUMP Faced a 92-Point Partisan Gap

“As has been the case for Biden throughout his presidency, Democrats and Republicans hold diametrically opposite views of his performance. In the latest survey, 92% of Democrats approve and 6% disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while 4% of Republicans approve and 94% disapprove.

“The 88-point partisan gap in job approval is the largest for Biden thus far in his presidency and ranks among the largest in more than eight decades of Gallup measurements of presidential approval.

"Donald Trump is the only president to receive more politically polarized approval ratings, having done so on several occasions, including a record 92 points just before the 2020 election.”

Trump couldn't get reelected.
Biden can and will (or someone he supports)

Commonsense said...

According to a report from Orlando Weekly, the Florida Supervisors of Elections association issued a panicky memo on Wednesday begging GOP officeholders and candidates to stop talking about Donald Trump's election loss as if it was stolen.

Funny no GOP office holder in Florida ever talked about a "stolen election". And with good reason. Statewide, the last election was held professionally and without bias. As it was in 64 out of 67 counties.

The only three problem counties are the perpetually incompetent and bias counties of Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

One of the few truthful bloggers here said...
Who is this James? And who's the idiot whp thinks he's somebody's f'n daddy?

"James" is you "pastor" james boswell, Normal Illinois

as you know

And I'm your daddy


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

HBO documentary on January 6 contains at least a dozen clips of USCP surveillance video that Biden’s DOJ claims is highly sensitive government material.

DOJ/USCP will give footage to HBO but fights to keep it concealed from the public.

Release the tapes.

and come clean about FBI involvement

(see "pastor" I include links to my source unlike you with your constant plagiarism's)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ex-Trump Official to Comply with House Subpoena

“The House select committee investigating the US Capitol insurrection is planning for former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark to testify next Friday —
teeing him up to be the first Trump administration official to comply with a subpoena for an interview with the panel.”

Truth will out about the attempted insurrection and historians will get it straight.

Dark days for the history and reputation of the GOP.

anonymous said...

Fucked up beyond belief BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Typical GOP fellator of everything white!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Biden Faces an 88-Point Partisan Gap
October 23, 2021 at 10:41 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 5 Comments

I wonder where the POS "pastor" got his material ?

kind of like for the FBI to try and figure out who "the big guy" is

James's Fucking Daddy said...

One of the few truthful bloggers here said...
Ex-Trump Official to Comply with House Subpoena

Ex-Trump Official to Comply with House Subpoena
October 23, 2021 at 10:47 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 2 Comments

real hard to figure out who this poster is and where he is stealing from

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

According to a report from Orlando Weekly, the Florida Supervisors of Elections association issued a panicky memo on Wednesday begging GOP officeholders and candidates to stop talking about Donald Trump's election loss as if it was stolen.

The panic is because nobody except benighted Trumpistas believe that. :-)

anonymous said...

as stolen.

Funny no GOP office holder in Florida ever talked about a "stolen election".

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You should try the Google machine and type in Rick Scott stolen election.......You really are a careless and stupid poster cramps.!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

ignorant · unenlightened · uneducated · unschooled · untutored · illiterate · unlettered · unlearned · unscholarly · unread · uninformed · backward · simple · primitive · uncivilized · unsophisticated · unrefined · uncouth · unpolished · uncultured · philistine · barbarian · barbaric · barbarous · savage · crude · coarse · rough · vulgar · gross · nescient · rude

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Noah Pollak


Breaking: In the wake of yesterday's @FreeBeacon report, National School Board Association announces "we regret and apologize for the letter" to Biden admin characterizing concerned parents as potentially domestic terrorists

Well AG Garland used that as his reason to sic the FBI on parents

Thanks Garland and Biden

Banana Republic



James's Fucking Daddy said...


According to NBC News, October’s numbers could be even worse, with officials expecting as many as 400,000 illegal immigrants to cross the border. Currently, up to 60,000 migrants are gathering at the border with the intention to cross into the U.S.

When is Biden going to admit this is a crisis ?

Where are Biden and Kamala?

FJB and his minions

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jessica Taylor

When I was home in TN last month I was shocked by the “F**k Biden” signs in saw on houses and in yards….where children could see them. In the supposed “Bible Belt”

Comfortably Smug

The elite media seems so confused how Joe Biden, who politicized the COVID vaccine, disgracefully lost a war, cratered the economy, and refuses to take questions… could lead to people thinking he’s a garbage president.

and a garbage media

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You should try the Google machine and type in Rick Scott stolen election.

The Washington Post really? Is that your only source? Scott wasn't even talking about the 2020 election. But his own election where the same three problematic counties mysteriously came up with thousands of votes for his Democrat opponent.

Gee Denny do better.

Commonsense said...

The panic is because

Like I said no one except Democrats believe the Florida was rigged.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Pastor james boswell or whoever he is currently calling himself lied:

(stop talking about Donald Trump's election loss as if it was stolen.)

"The panic is because nobody except benighted Trumpistas believe that. :-)"

Poll: The Majority of Likely Voters Now Believe Cheating Impacted the Results of the 2020 Election

Thirty percent of Democrats, 51 percent of unaffiliated voters and 75 percent of Republicans all agreed.

must be hard to be a preacher when you have earned such a reputation as a liar and keep adding to that

Commonsense said...

The panic is because

Like I said no one except Democrats believe the Florida election was rigged.

Commonsense said...

Poll: The Majority of Likely Voters Now Believe Cheating Impacted the Results of the 2020 Election

Sure. Like I said before. No one believes people would vote a dementia ridden old fool.

anonymous said...

POLL.....Majority of likely posters think cramps poll is BULLSHIT......where's the link, cramps???

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Thomas Massie

Includes VIDEO:

Make no mistake: Had there been no DOJ/FBI assets in the crowd or in the Capitol on January 5th and 6th, 2020, AG Merrick Garland would have said so. Instead, he refused to answer my question. The DOJ could put out a statement tomorrow, but they won’t. What does that tell you?

obvious this Oath keeper Leader is actually an FBI agent agitating for a capitol breach

He has been identified and the FBI actually had him on their website among their pictures looking for those he was inciting.

But no arrest of him, just those he influenced ...

How many more including those breaking windows???

Corrupt FBI and DOJ

and AG

and president

James's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...
POLL.....Majority of likely posters think cramps poll is BULLSHIT......where's the link, cramps???

actually VERY lo iq most "likely posters" believe it and the link was was included

but you can't even figure that out

have you figures out how to eat with a spoon yet or are you too busy grabbing your ankles ?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* scratch a "was"

starting to write like Biden talks


Commonsense said...

where's the link, cramps???

Well Denny it's up in the post I quoted. Shit for brains.

Roger Amick said...

Cowardly Scott Johnson will not watch the HBO documentary on The Four Hour on the Capitol.

Because it shows how close it came to succeed.

Millions of people have been brainwashed by the former President Trump that the election was stolen.

Not one of the truthers will watch it either.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Scott Adams

The Fake News and our government are so incompetent they can't even tell us what the source of the supply chain problem is, so a private citizen went to the port in LA and found out. He describes the only solution. Read entire thread.

Ryan Petersen

It seems that everyone now agrees that the bottleneck is yard space at the container terminals. The terminals are simply overflowing with containers, which means they no longer have space to take in new containers either from ships or land. It’s a true traffic jam.

Trump would have solved this by now

Biden and Newsom are so incompetent or deliberately destructive this will probably only get worse

It looks like they want disasters and boy are we getting them


anonymous said...

Gee cramps.....there is no indication you copied from a post......Highlights don't mean shit....asshole.....your not including the whole post just shows you to be the lazy fucking slacker I know you to be!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

You're too stupid to read a thread Denny.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Josh Hawley

Merrick Garland mobilized the FBI to intimidate parents without legal basis and, we now know, premised on misinformation he didn’t bother to verify. It was a dangerous abuse of authority that has badly compromised the Justice Dept’s integrity and Garland’s. He should resign.

He holds way too important of a position to be this dangerous and incompetent

of course then there's Joe

Anonymous said...

Roger, you predicted the waste of money bills would be voted on and pass yesterday, did they?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The Effeminate Feckless Socialist Three Stooges of CHT are constantly wrong, stupid and mad.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

She's an American hero.

Country over party.

With unflinching firmness, Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming has chosen to take her stand for democracy and the Constitution over the cult of Donald Trump that is now the Republican Party.

For that, Americans owe her big time: As vice chair of the special House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrectionist sacking of the Capitol, Cheney showed again this week that she is giving that essential investigation a bipartisan credibility it wouldn’t otherwise have. Republican leaders have refused to participate.

Addressing her fellow Republicans on Tuesday night, she said: “Almost every one of my colleagues knows in your hearts that what happened on Jan. 6 was profoundly wrong. You all know that there is no evidence of widespread election fraud sufficient to have changed the results of the election. You all know that the Dominion voting machines were not corrupted by a foreign power. You know these claims are false. Yet former President Trump repeats them almost daily, and he has now urged Republicans not to vote in 2022 and 2024. This is a prescription for national self-destruction.”


With the weight of her words in the room, the committee voted unanimously to hold Trump stooge Stephen K. Bannon in criminal contempt for refusing to comply with its subpoena. (The House approved the contempt citation Thursday by a mostly party-line vote, sending it to the Justice Department for action.)

Characteristically direct, Cheney said that Trump’s and Bannon’s refusals to cooperate “suggest that President Trump was personally involved in the planning and execution of Jan. 6.” She added: “This committee will get to the bottom of that.”

Coming from a Republican like Cheney rather than one of the seven Democrats on the committee, such statements undermine ,the Trumpist blather from the likes of House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, who dismissed the committee’s contempt vote as a continuation of Democrats’ “witch hunts,” predictably echoing Trump himself.

Anonymous said...

Cowardly Roger and James launch new monikers to hide behind.

Niether is a real man.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

For those waking up to J6 reality after Garland’s testimony, the FBI opened Operation Cold Snap in spring 2020 to infiltrate “militia” groups. That prompted the Whitmer “kidnapping” caper and an attempted FBI-concocted plan to assassinate Ralph Northam

Why does Biden stoolie Garland refuse to come clean on the FBI's role on the 1/6 protest and instead stonewalls ?

His refusal to disavow is actually an affirmation

Why not release all video evidence ?

Why do defendants have no access to this footage while selected scenes are provided to HBO for a propaganda piece for the state?

What sort of Banana Republic has America become under Biden ?


and still not a single person even charged with "insurrection" despite many being locked up to close to a year

instead trespassing and unlawful parading

and a report that there was no meaningful coordinated activities

despite the feds coordinated over-reaction

a black eye for America and freedom


C.H. Truth said...

The Republicans oppose the real beauty of a liberal education — you can commune with anyone outside your own “lived experience” and learn from them. Their identity matters far less than their ideas — and the more cultural and historical boundaries we cross the more we stand to learn.

Don't exactly believe that Liberals are sporting a live and let live let's all get along as one big happy family deal. They are the ones who insist that only one viewpoint can exist and that everyone else needs to come to their "lived experience".

The day that liberals decide that they really want to grow and learn from people of other experiences (conservatives) rather than mock and attempt to cancel them... is the day people can all live together.

But this nonsense is really about how liberals believe they are right and everyone else needs to change (which they mask in the mistaken idea that if everyone just really gave it some thought that they would agree with liberals).

Commonsense said...

Their identity matters far less than their ideas — and the more cultural and historical boundaries we cross the more we stand to learn.

Yeah we crossed cultural boundaries when I was in school. We had to teach an Ethiopian how to use a urinal or he would spray all over the place.

We also found out Vietnamese cooking smelled disgusting and Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean exchange students all hated each other.