Monday, October 4, 2021

This is one of those bizzaro alternate universe situations...

Juan Williams: Pelosi shows her power
If you are betting on politics, here’s my advice — put your money on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Historian Robert Caro famously crowned Lyndon Johnson the “Master of the Senate.” After last week, it’s clear Pelosi is his equal in the House.
In the darkest hours, as House Democrats publicly feuded over two big spending bills, it looked like the Biden presidency and congressional Democrats’ chances in the 2022 midterms were going down in flames.
She began by reminding her razor-thin majority of House Democrats — her party cannot afford to lose more than four votes on any measure — that winning passage of both bills is far more important than the timing of the votes. And, in tandem with President Biden, she kept control by reminding fellow Democrats of the larger political stakes. Both bills are part of Biden’s agenda, an agenda that is supported by both moderates and progressives.
As Democrats struggled through their dark night of turbulence, expressions of dissent about the 81-year-old Pelosi steering the ship were kept to a minimum. Even Senate Democrats treated her with respect.
She pressured Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) to say clearly how big a price tag they will abide for a reconciliation bill. “I would never ever think about telling Nancy how [to run] her operation,” Manchin said. “She knows what she is doing.” Then Manchin went public with a price tag he could accept. That started the real negotiations. That was a win for Pelosi.

Wow, hearing it described like that might make you think that she successfully got something done rather than the reality that the Democrats look like a party in shambles who cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. Juan Williams has always seen the world through Democrat tinted glasses, but this is really a bridge too far. This would be much like me writing an entire article about how well the Minnesota Vikings offense played yesterday, as they only managed to score 7 points against the Cleveland Browns. 

The funny part is not even are these facts correct. Manchin did not go public with a price tag because of Pelosi. Manchin provided that price tag months ago to Senator Schumer and the media reported on it over the weekend. As far as I know, both Manchin and Sinema have made public statements in favor or passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill and dealing with the reconciliation mess at a later time. Manchin has not offered anything new on a price tag and Sinema has never offered anything.

In fact the Manchin/Sinema refusal to go along with the reconciliation and their demand that the House vote on the infrastructure bill is exactly what is riling up Senators like Bernie Sanders, liberal house members like the Squad, and the entire progressive caucus. They are all pissed off at these two Senators even if Juan Williams believes it is coming along swimmingly. So either Democrats in Congress are wrong about how things are going or Juan Williams is. I am betting it's Williams who is wrong.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In the darkest hours, as House Democrats publicly feuded over two big spending bills, it looked like the Biden presidency and congressional Democrats’ chances in the 2022 midterms were going down in flames.

Cue the doom and gloom music. Get ready to watch Republicans snickering as they celebrate stories of Democrats in disarray.

But like the movie hero Indiana Jones, Pelosi managed to escape her Temple of Doom.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I had just finished reading this article on the Hill.

She is all about winning.

Last year, she became the first Speaker to successfully impeach a President of the United States — Donald Trump — twice!

And though it seems like a lifetime ago, let’s not forget Pelosi’s instrumental role in passing the 2009 economic stimulus package that pulled the nation out of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression and the 2010 Affordable Care Act that remains the law of the land to this day.

“I just told the members of my leadership the reconciliation bill will be the culmination of my service in Congress,” she told reporters.

If and when both spending bills pass, Pelosi's next act is fighting against the odds to keep a Democratic majority in the House.

Manchin clashes with fellow Democrats over fossil fuel demandsSchumer: Congress needs to raise debt ceiling by end of the week

Pelosi's performance last week gave Democrats at least a fighting chance of showing that a slim Democratic majority can deliver for voters.

What a legacy.

Juan Williams is an author, and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.

The Democrats will pass both bills.

The $3.5 trillion price range will drop to about $1.75 trillion and again remember it over ten years until all of the money is spent..

The Republicans know that if they get the economy created by Trump and Obama, back in shape again, they are in danger in the next off year elections...

Don't underestimate her...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sinema is the most dangerous person.

But she knows that Arizona is turning blue.

I have been reading about her and again she's not McCain yet

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

. I am betting it's Williams who is wrong.

Might join the Kerry in a landslide record book

Commonsense said...

Yeah Juan is sort of out there.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He just finished a press conference on raising the debt ceiling

rrb said...

Williams is hilarious. His perspective on issues is always as far removed from reality as one can get without being committed to a looney bin.

When listening to him I often have to check and see if what he's commenting on is even remotely close to the topic at hand.

He's the liberal 'Token Black'* of Fox News.

*h/t: South Park

C.H. Truth said...

I am betting it's Williams who is wrong.

So you believe that what happened last week was a success, huh?

Because it seems like you and Juan Williams are the only two who are not describing last week as a total clusterfuck for Democrats.

rrb said...

Last year, she became the first Speaker to successfully impeach a President of the United States — Donald Trump — twice!


Uh, how many convictions have you got, alky?

Sure, she ran Trump through the process with a bunch of rabid hacks suffering, like you, from Stage IV TDS. But a "successful" impeachment would've resulted in Trump being removed from office. And that did not happen.

Her 'finest' Trump moment was her hissy fit at the SOTU, pre-tearing pages of his speech to do her drama queen bit at the end.

She's a denture-sucking cunt.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And now we need even more mandates ahead of the nation’s busiest travel season.

Wajahat Ali

Updated Oct. 04, 2021 10:04AM ET Published Oct. 04, 2021 4:59AM ET 

It took long enough but it finally seems like the majority, which chooses life instead of eating horse paste during a pandemic, is fed up and forcing private and public action in the hopes of flattening the virus and escaping the nihilistic grip of a suicidal GOP death cult.

Just like progressive Democrats are holding the line to protect President Biden’s ambitious and necessary reconciliation and infrastructure package, the rest of us must also do our part to ensure we are not killed in the zealous culture war of the radicalized right wing that has weaponized masks and vaccines as a means of achieving white Christian Valhalla. Last week, I wrote that we must completely dispense with thoughts and prayers and placating conversations to convince vaccine-hesitant Americans. Instead, it’s time to lay the boom down with vaccine mandates across schools, airlines, and businesses before winter, which is the nation’s busiest travel season

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott I see it as a fluid moment. Too many things can happen before they actually vote for or against.

Pelosi is the most experienced and manager in history.

Don't underestimate her...and there is no reason to use construction f*****g language!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ot but cancer sucks

Casey DeSantis, the wife of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

“I am saddened to report that Florida’s esteemed First Lady and my beloved wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer,” the first term Republican governor said in a statement shared first with Fox News on Monday.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Roger Amick said...
Sinema is the most dangerous person.

But she knows that Arizona is turning blue.

I have been reading about her and again she's not McCain yet

Pradheep J. Shanker

Put it another way:

AZ Senator that supports Biden's plan? 43-43.

AZ Senator opposing Biden's plan? 46-39

Progressives seem completely baffled by the fact that they are LOSING THE ARGUMENT IN ARIZONA.

Bill Scher

Sinema may be widely loathed on Twitter but not so in AZ

The most recent AZ poll has her fav-unfav at 46-39

Her net fav is 3 pts higher than Sen. Kelly's, and her unfav is 4 pts lower. Her unfav among Ds is 19 pts higher, but fav-unfav w/Ds is still net+

roger and his "looking at both sides" wrong again...

must be looking at all the wrong places