Monday, October 11, 2021

This is why over 1000 flights were cancelled Saturday and 1800 on Sunday

Many Airline workers led by pilots are taking sick time in anticipation that the airlines will start firing people for not being vaccinated.  

The airlines and your MSM are denying that this has anything to do with the vaccine mandates, but it's clear that the vaccine mandates are behind this. There is literally no other explanation and the many of the workers themselves are admitting that there is a "sick strike" going on because of the mandates.  

One has to understand one simple reality. If the airlines decide to fire 30% of their staff, including many many pilots there will be no manner that these airlines can continue to function as they have and how people expect. The entire country is in a worker shortage and there is no way these people can just find this kind of personnel in any reasonable time frame.


Caliphate4vr said...

Yeah thanks to the evil R’s

Wait for our three idiots to blame bad Orange man in 3…2…1…

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Southwest Airlines Offering Free Flights To All Passengers Who Are Vaccinated And Can Fly A Plane

DALLAS, TX—A spokesperson for Southwest Airlines has announced delays in flights due to strange weather that seems to pass over competitors’ planes, only affecting their own signature blue and orange aircraft. The airline has stated these delays have no connection to their pilots protesting vaccine mandates.

The spokesperson then announced a new Southwest Airlines incentive program for potential passengers: All flights, domestic or international, are free to any passenger who is vaccinated and can also fly a plane.

“The requirements to take advantage of these incredible savings are simple,” said Southwest CEO Bob Southwest to a crowd of customers who have been stuck at the airport all weekend and were frothing at the mouth in anger. “Show us proof of vaccination against COVID-19 and promise us you know how fly commercial airliners, and your flight is on us.”

The CEO then mentioned other skills that were not required, but beneficial: Experience calming herds of rabid, sleepless passengers, expertise in flying through mysterious, invisible weather events, and the ability to land the plane.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



QUESTION: "How long do you think it will be until it's safe for vaccinated people to be indoors without a mask?"

FAUCI: "It's always tough to predict that…”

Logan Dobson

The vaccines work and are incredibly effective. You can live your life normally after you get one. Fauci continuing to question their effectiveness like this is functionally anti-vax.

control freak


C.H. Truth said...

QUESTION: "How long do you think it will be until it's safe for vaccinated people to be indoors without a mask?"

FAUCI: "It's always tough to predict that…”

What he really means is - "when I say so"

rrb said...

What he really means is - "when I say so"

The arrogance of our career, unelected bureaucrats is absolutely breathtaking.

This little prick has been wrong since AIDS. He's a liar, and as we now know we owe the proliferation of Covid in large part to HIM.

He fucking lied to congress for chrissakes. More evidence of our two-tiered "justice" system.

Anonymous said...

Talking about in over HER HEAD.

Little Boi Blue Buttigieg, has Dock workers on the West coast telling to go Fuck himself.

The Union Dock Workers refuse to work more to get the 6,000 containers on ships in a massive que off loaded.

Let's go Brandon.

rrb said...

URGENT: A Southwest Airlines pilot explains why you will not hear anything about vaccine mandates from his union -- and why Southwest has more flexibility than it admits to stand up to the White House
The pilot emailed following the first Southwest post today (and provided his SWA ID to prove his identity). He asked that I paraphrase the email.

Essentially, the union cannot organize or even acknowledge the sickout, because doing so would make it an illegal job action. Years ago, Southwest and its pilots had a rough negotiation, and the union would not even let the pilots internally discuss the possibility of working-to-rule (which would have slowed Southwest to a crawl).

But at the moment the pilots don't even have to talk to each other about what they're doing. The anger internally - not just among pilots but other Southwest workers - is enormous. The tough prior negotiations notwithstanding, Southwest has a history of decent labor relations, and workers believe the company should stand up for them against the mandate. Telling pilots in particular to comply or face termination has backfired.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Lawmakers seek federal grand jury investigation for COVID-19 statistical manipulation

"Public health policy must be based upon accurate and independently verifiable data," and CDC and FDA aren't providing it, Oregon state senators tell U.S. attorney.

The CDC adopted a "double-standard exclusively for COVID-19 data collection" that inflated cases and deaths starting early in the pandemic, violating multiple federal laws and distorting mitigation policies, Oregon lawmakers told the feds' top lawyer in the state.

Advised by "a large team of world-renowned doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, and attorneys," state Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum petitioned U.S. Attorney Scott Asphaug to approve a grand jury investigation into how the pandemic is being measured.

"Public health policy must be based upon accurate and independently verifiable data to optimize outcomes and strengthen the public's trust in the people leading them through this crisis," the Republican lawmakers, whose state has imposed some of the harshest and longest COVID restrictions, wrote in a letter with several attached exhibits.

One is a synopsis of allegations, findings, relevant law and implicated agencies intended to "assist grand jury members in orienting themselves to the scope of alleged crimes committed."

Their letter is dated Aug. 16, but the materials were not released for a month to "protect those involved," Stand for Health Freedom (SHF), the holistic medicine and legal nonprofit behind the petition effort, said in last month's announcement.

"I'm not sure there has ever been an allegation of government wrongdoing on this scale," so the group wanted to assess "accuracy and safety" before going public, relationship manager Bailey Kuykendoll told Just the News.
The CDC's National Vital Statistics System told mortality data compilers to emphasize COVID-19 as the "cause" of death in a March 2020 alert, departing from a 2003 federal manual on recording infectious disease as a "contributing factor to death" in the presence of preexisting conditions, the letter said.

Regarding COVID diagnosis via RT-PCR tests, the CDC and FDA recommended a high cycle threshold (40) that is widely known to produce false positives by finding insignificant viral loads, Thatcher and Linthicum told Asphaug.

Public health experts raised the same concerns more than a year ago with The New York Times, recommending cycle thresholds of 35 or lower. The newspaper discovered viral loads were too small to be infectious in up to 90% of "positives" in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada.

full article:

a complete clusterfuck by government agencies

and Fauci

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Squawk Box


"We are dose limited between now and the end of the year," says @ScottGottliebMD on Merck oral COVID anti-viral drug. "My lament is that manufacturing should have been sitting there hot, waiting for this--it's not a Merck problem. This is really the government."

So Biden was busy playing Mario Kart and didn't have this "hot" and ready for mass use.

And I saw the actual manufacturing cost is around $25 per treatment regiment.

really inexcusable not to have had this stockpiled and ready



JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
Talking about in over HER HEAD.

Little Boi Blue Buttigieg, has Dock workers on the West coast telling to go Fuck himself.

The Union Dock Workers refuse to work more to get the 6,000 containers on ships in a massive que off loaded.

Let's go Brandon.

You really can't make this up. Biden created a task force a while back called the "Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force"

Co-chaired by Buttigieg and Kamala.

And naturally everything has blown up since

Rather than avoiding disruptions they are creating them

They almost must be doing this on purpose

we are fucked

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force to Address Short-Term Supply Chain Discontinuities

June 8, 2021

Must be Trump's fault

Allow illegal border crossings to occur smoothly, stop the flow of goods

Joe Biden's America

Myballs said...

Flights cancelled. Ports backed up. Where the hell is mayor Pete the transportation secretary? He needs to get his ass off the bycicle and do something.

Caliphate4vr said...

Well the bicycle probably doesn’t have a seat on it…..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My oldest sister Marilyn passed away peacefully on Saturday.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She was a very conservative Republican woman

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry to hear about that Roger...

How old was she?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

84. Born in the Black Hills of South Dakota near Deadwood in the cabin!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jon Gruden Steps Down As Raiders' Head Coach

OCT 11, 2021 9:05 PM

Jon Gruden has informed his staff that he plans to step down as head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders, reports Tom Pelissero.

An NFL investigation has shown that Gruden casually and frequently unleashed misogynistic and homophobic language over several years to denigrate people around the game and to mock some of the league’s momentous changes, according to a report from the New York Times.

Gruden denounced the emergence of women as referees, the drafting of a gay player and the tolerance of players protesting during the playing of the national anthem.

Gruden's emails were sent to Bruce Allen and others while he was working for ESPN.

In the emails, Gruden called the league’s commissioner, Roger Goodell, a “faggot” and a “clueless anti football pussy” and said that Goodell should not have pressured Jeff Fisher, then the coach of the Rams, to draft “queers,” a reference to Michael Sam, a gay player chosen by the team in 2014.

The NFL said last week that it shared emails with the Raiders in which Gruden made derogatory comments.

Gruden also criticized President Obama during his re-election campaign in 2012, as well as then-vice president Joe Biden, whom Gruden called a “nervous clueless pussy.” He used similar words to describe Goodell and DeMaurice Smith, the executive director of the N.F.L. Players Association.

Anonymous said...

"Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force" F'ing Daddy.

Shit Show Joe put that together on June 6th, 2021.

They have clearly Fucked it Up .

Anonymous said...

"Gruden also criticized President Obama during his re-election campaign in 2012, as well as then-vice president Joe Biden, whom Gruden called a “nervous clueless pussy."

He wasn't wrong.

Another reason for me to continue to ignore the BLM-NFL .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As usual you didn't mention other airlines didn't have the same problem.

The flight woes ignited claims from conservatives, apparently based on a coincidence in timing, that issues were the result of a protest of Southwest’s vaccine mandate. The travel problems came days after Southwest announced it was requiring employees to receive vaccinations against the coronavirus — a mandate that some airlines have had for weeks without experiencing similar issues.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

'I'll break your neck!' Anti-masker blows up at crew and other passengers on United flight

Matthew Chapman

October 11, 2021

On Monday, MEAWW reported on a viral series of TikTok videos showing a man on a United Airlines flight yelling, pushing, and threatening passengers and flight crew after being told to wear a face mask and disable his phone for takeoff.

"He was seen screaming at the flight attendant and saying that he 'didn't even want to go to Cali,'" said the report. "He kept saying that before removing his face covering. The man also threatened the crew member who intervened, saying that he would find out his personal information. He said, 'I will find your name, date of birth, and address. I will know your Social Security number before I get off this plane.'"

"The man then left his seat while pushing another fellow flyer out of his chair and into the aisle," continued the report. "He asked the attendant what 'the law's gonna do,' and when another passenger got up to help the staff, the man screamed at him and asked him to 'mind his business' or he'll 'break your neck.'"

The incident is one of several in a rising epidemic of unruly passengers threatening and physically harming flight crew and other passengers — driven in large part by resistance to COVID-19 safety rules to prevent infection from spreading on aircraft. In another well-publicized recent incident, a visibly intoxicated passenger on an American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Salt Lake City gnawed on his mask and growled like an animal after shouting that an Asian woman "didn't belong here." In another, a passenger had to be duct-taped to his seat to stop him groping flight attendants, after which he yelled that his parents were worth millions.

Between February and May alone, airlines referred over 1,300 incidents to the Federal Aviation Administration, which has vowed to crack down on violent passengers and has already issued hundreds of thousands in fines against offenders.

anonymous said...

Figures our Lil schitty would post such an inane and biased POS thread as this.....the anti vax and anti science GOP puts party in front of country and instead of embracing ridding the virus, they promote death and stupidity!!!!!!!Like the GW hoax and the constant billion dollar disasters....we just plod along with heads stuck up trumps fat fucking ass!!!!!!

rday at 4:39 p.m. EDT|Updated yesterday at 5:50 p.m. EDT

This year is on pace to be one of the most active and costliest years for disasters in the United States.

Through the first nine months of 2021, the U.S. has endured 18 separate weather and climate disasters that have cost at least $1 billion, according to the latest report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Environmental Information.

These 18 events put 2021 in second place for themes billion-dollar disasters behind 2020, when there were 22 such events. Last year shattered the previous annual record of 16 events, which occurred in 2017 and 2011.

While 2021′s 18 events trail 2020′s count, 2021′s disasters have been more costly. They are estimated to have resulted in $104.8 billion in damages, surpassing last year’s estimated $100.4 billion.

anonymous said...

The airlines and your MSM are denying that this has anything to do

Yep....not only that, the CEO of Southwest went on record calling BULLSHIT to Lil Schitty's post!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Nice try asshole for posting more fake news than Fox!!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLO

anonymous said...

A must watch video for all slurpers who think trump is God!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told CNN that, even so, ballots were still valid. “The ballots themselves were approved and are lawful ballots, but were processes violated? That’s what we’re investigating right now,” he said.
“Also in Georgia, everybody’s heard the water main break story, right? Where people were rushed out of the vote tabulation room because of the water main break. ‘There’s a water main break, everybody leave.’ They all ran out, but there was no water main break. Only to see a crew of Democrat operatives, or whoever, come back and start pouring votes into machines from boxes that mysteriously appeared from under a table.”

This story is one of Trump’s favorite falsehoods — that Republican poll watchers were ejected in Fulton County and that video showed suitcases of ballots had been hidden under tables — but it’s been repeatedly debunked.

First of all, there was no “water main break.” A urinal simply leaked in the State Farm Arena, where absentee and military ballots were counted in the state.

The Fact Checker investigated at the time and the surveillance video — which comprises four security camera feeds — showed no irregularities, illegal behavior or evidence of malfeasance on behalf of poll workers. The “boxes” have been repeatedly identified by election officials as the standard boxes used in Fulton County to transport and store ballots.

Additionally, the video doesn’t even prove Trump’s assertion that GOP monitors were told to leave the counting room for poll workers to engage in illegal ballot counting. Georgia voting official Gabriel Sterling, a Republican, at the time said no formal announcement to clear the room was ever made. Sterling added that the full surveillance feed shows workers handling ballots that were stored and processed in full view of the news media and partisan monitors earlier in the evening.

“This is what’s really frustrating: The president’s legal team had the entire tape,” Sterling said. “They watched the entire tape. They intentionally misled the state Senate, the voters and the people of the United States about this.” Sterling’s office posted a fact check with excerpts from the entire tape.

rrb said...

The CEO of Southwest is LYING.

rrb said...

All they had to do to fix the "water main break" was jiggle the fucking handle.

Fucking LIARS. All of them.

It's no wonder that VA democrats are desperate to change the rules at the 11th hour. Their only path to victory is to cheat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“No presidential candidate has ever lost an election while winning Florida, Ohio and a place called Iowa. First time it’s ever happened.”

Trump again is suggesting something fishy happened. But he needs to brush up on his electoral college history.

Richard M. Nixon, a Republican, won Florida, Ohio and Iowa in 1960 — and lost to John F. Kennedy, a Democrat. In 1960, the three states totaled 45 electoral college votes and in 2020, they amounted to 53 electoral college votes.
The Pinocchio Test
Is there any doubt? But truly, Four Pinocchios is not enough.
Four Pinocchios

Anonymous said...

Roger , sorry for the death of your sister.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump’s never-ending parade of election falsehoods.

anonymous said...

The CEO of Southwest is LYING.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! SO SAYS THE BIGGEST LIAR HERE!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO!!!! I am sure you think Capt, Benny, LIL SCHITTY, and twitter are credible.....GOD YOU ARE FUCKING DUMB!!!!

rrb said...

Tell the founders that some asshat politician can force a medical procedure upon them against their free will and the muskets and fucking blazing.

The pre-Revolutionary militia standard was ready to mount or march, 60 seconds, with musket, powder and shot, water, one day's ration, bayonet, and hatchet. In 60 seconds, at your front door, or beside your saddle mount.

It's still a damned good standard.

A specter is haunting America—the specter of freedom.

How else to explain the weekly chants from hundreds of thousands of sports fans, packing into football stadiums and other large venues the way real American used to do in the days Before Fauci, chanting an obscene suggestion to the current resident of the White House.

Eleven months ago, gas prices were low, and the United States was energy independent. Unemployment was also low, and minorities had never fared better in the job market. The southern border was relatively secure, the useless war in Afghanistan was bumping along, enriching the Pentagon but not troubling anybody overmuch, and the future looked bright.

Then came the highly questionable election of 2020, one rendered nearly meaningless by last-minute, COVID-driven, illegal changes in state election laws that made a mockery of our democratic traditions and procedures in the name of a chimerical “safety” from a form of the flu. And presto—Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., who’d been in Washington for more than half a century, was suddenly president of the United States.

Today, the economy is in chaos, supply chains have been disrupted, inflation is soaring, race relations are poisonous, crime including murder is way up, the energy business is assaulted on all fronts even as the industrialized nations face the prospect of a winter without reliable power, and China is rattling its plastic sabers.

And yet the befuddled Biden’s principal concern is forcing a thoroughly anti-American, unconstitutional series of vaccination “mandates” on the American work force that has—thankfully—finally brought the country to its boiling point.

Let’s go, Brandon!

rrb said...

*and the muskets ARE fucking blazing.*

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When I was a foreign policy staffer for Vice President Al Gore, I visited the Oval Office a number of times. As ambassador, I accompanied Vietnam's Communist Party leader to his meeting with President Barack Obama. Nothing could have prepared me for the strangeness of President Trump's meeting with Vietnam's prime minister on May 31, 2017.

The Oval Office looked the same. The wall-to-ceiling windows continued to overlook the South Lawn. The famous "Resolute" desk dominated the room. But it didn't feel like the Oval Office I remembered. In President Obama's time, rooms outside the Oval Office buzzed with activity, while the office itself was serene. Now the situation was reversed. The West Wing seemed eerily quiet. Inside the Oval Office, people scurried in and out. Deputy National Security Advisor Dina Powell and a cluster of other advisors huddled around the "Resolute" desk, where Presidents Rutherford Hayes, Franklin Roosevelt, and John Kennedy had governed. No one left to make room for the new arrivals, and the office seemed to get more crowded with each passing moment.

Standing behind a cluster of aides and attempting to get the president's attention, National Security Advisor General H.R. McMaster tried to introduce me to President Trump: "Mr. President, this is our ambassador to Vietnam."

I stared at a stiff helmet of orange hair as the president looked up and said, "You're lucky. That's a good job."

"Yes, sir, I'm very lucky," I said. "I love my job and feel privileged to do it."

"So, who are we meeting?" the president asked.

"The prime minister of Vietnam," McMaster replied.

"What's his name?"

"Nguyen Xuân Phúc," a senior National Security Council official said. "Rhymes with 'book.'"

"You mean like Fook You?" President Trump asked. "I knew a guy named Fook You. Really. I rented him a restaurant. When he picked up the phone, he answered 'Fook You.' His business went badly. People didn't like that. He lost the restaurant."

All those present laughed dutifully.

"Mr.President," McMaster interrupted, "we only have five minutes for this briefing."

anonymous said...

BTW Asshole rat....the southwest pilots union has also stated that the vaxes had nothing to do with the cancellations.......Why are you such a flaming asshole???????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More people slipped in and out. I wondered how anyone could concentrate in all the chaos. After hearing that Vietnam had a trade surplus with the United States and a trade deficit with China, the president interjected: "The Chinese always get great deals. Except with me. I did a great deal in China."

President Trump then instructed Lighthizer to "bring the U.S. trade deficit with Vietnam to zero in four years."

Lighthizer nodded, perhaps not knowing how to reply. It was an impossible task. He then tried to shift the president's focus. "The ambassador [to Vietnam] is trying to finish a deal to build a new embassy," he said. "We can have a groundbreaking ceremony when you visit."

A member of Lighthizer's staff had told me, earnestly, that President Trump liked groundbreaking ceremonies. He enjoyed holding a gold- plated shovel for the photographers.

"I'm visiting?" the president asked, apparently unaware that he had agreed to join an autumn summit of APEC in Vietnam. He then disappeared into another room.

Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and a White House advisor, was paying attention to our conversation about building a new embassy in Hanoi. "How much will it cost?" Kushner asked. I replied that the U.S. embassy in Beijing cost more than $1 billion. A new embassy in Hanoi might be built for less— perhaps half as much, depending on the cost of the land.

"$500 million?" Kushner seemed surprised. "that's a lot. Why are we spending so much? If we're going to give them that, we should get something back."

I wondered if he understood that we were trying to build a new embassy for the United States and not for Vietnam. "Our current leased space is dilapidated," I told him. "It was supposed to be temporary twenty-two years ago. It's not safe. A truck bomb could drive right up to it and blow us up in a moment. Like in Benghazi."

Kushner had already formed an opinion. "If they're going to get that [embassy]," he said, "We need something in return. Tell them we'll build it if they bring our trade deficit to zero."

I repeated my argument about security for American citizens, but Kushner's dark eyes had shifted elsewhere. He was no longer listening.

Loony toons

rrb said...

.the southwest pilots union has also stated that the vaxes had nothing to do with the cancellations....

Of course they did you dumb fuck, because to acknowledge an official 'sick out' is illegal.

There was no "weather" on the east coast over the weekend that grounded 1000 flights.

Only a gullible fucking asshole like you believes that shit.

Myballs said...

Liberal soros funded activists continue to harrass senator Sinema. They used to like maverick senators from AZ. But not any more. And even though 538 has her voting heavily with Biden.

If they don't stop, she's may consider switching to independent or Republican.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Southwest Airlines faced a fourth day of disruptions Monday — after canceling hundreds of flights over the weekend — a sign of airlines’ struggles to capitalize on a growing appetite for travel amid a pandemic that has scrambled the industry and left some carriers stretched thin.
Southwest said it was working to return flight operations to normal as it dealt with a backlog of passengers from more than 2,000 canceled flights and thousands more that were delayed since Friday. The airline on Monday canceled 363 flights — about 10 percent of scheduled departures — while more than 1,300 were delayed, according to flight-tracking site FlightAware.
The disruptions inconvenienced, angered and stranded tens of thousands of passengers. The cancellations and delays Monday at the nation’s fourth-largest domestic carrier were a costly extension of disruptions that stressed travel during the long holiday weekend.
The latest problems mirrored disruptions that travelers encountered over the summer in a scenario that has become increasingly common as the industry recovers from the pandemic. Airlines have shed staff during the pandemic, and analysts say scheduling problems can more easily snowball, leading to mass flight cancellations.
Southwest reiterated Monday that inclement weather and air traffic control disruptions in Florida on Friday triggered the problems. Federal regulators said that air traffic control staffing shortages caused delays out of Florida but that airlines generally are experiencing operational issues because of their own staffing and aircraft issues.
Southwest on social media asked for patience as airport lines grew and passengers sought to rebook their flights. The carrier is trying to recover after canceling more than 1,000 Sunday departures — nearly 30 percent of its flights — which followed 800 cancellations Saturday.
As of Monday, many of the flights that were canceled or delayed continued to involve large cities — including Chicago, Denver and Baltimore — where many of the airline’s transfers occur. Many flights also were canceled in Dallas, where the carrier has its headquarters.
[Southwest cancels hundreds of flights over weekend, citing bad weather and air traffic control issues]
“We have a closer to normal operation today, navigating some new weather across our system,” the airline said in a statement Monday. “We spent the weekend working to recover from the high number of displaced Crews, aircraft and Customers.”
Passengers and airline observers questioned Southwest’s explanation for the widespread disruptions, noting that other airlines have seen no significant effects from weather or air traffic control challenges.

FlightAware said that as of Monday morning, 38 percent of Southwest’s flights since Friday had been delayed, at least double the rate of its biggest competitors. For Delta Air Lines and American Airlines, that figure was 19 percent, while 14.5 percent of Unite

Commonsense said...

The arrogance of our career, unelected bureaucrats is absolutely breathtaking.
This little prick has been wrong since AIDS. He's a liar, and as we now know we owe the proliferation of Covid in large part to HIM.

The problem the media treats the arrogant little prick like an Oracle further inflating his ego.

Imagine asking him whether it OK to trick o treat, gather for thanksgiving and Christmas?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Airlines flights were delayed.
The flight woes ignited claims from conservatives, apparently based on a coincidence in timing, that issues were the result of a protest of Southwest’s vaccine mandate. The travel problems came days after Southwest announced it was requiring employees to receive vaccinations against the coronavirus — a mandate that some airlines have had for weeks without experiencing similar issues.
The carrier said last week that employees will have until Dec. 8 to provide proof of vaccination or face the possibility of losing their jobs, with allowances for religious, disability or medical exemptions. President Biden last month announced that private companies with 100 or more employees would be required to ensure that their workers were vaccinated or implement weekly testing programs.
[Southwest Airlines makes vaccines a requirement for employees]
Although U.S. airlines fall into that category, many also are government contractors who must meet a Dec. 8 deadline for vaccinations. There is no testing option for contractors.
“Joe Biden’s illegal vaccine mandate at work!” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) tweeted Sunday about Southwest’s woes. “Suddenly, we’re short on pilots & air traffic controllers.”
Southwest on Monday countered reports about employee protests, saying that “the weekend challenges were not a result of Employee demonstrations, as some have reported.” The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association also rejected speculation of pilot protests as “false claims.”
“I can say with certainty that there are no work slowdowns or sickouts either related to the recent mandatory vaccine mandate or otherwise,” association president Casey Murray said in a statement.
Stranded passengers took to social media to voice frustrations, searching for answers from the airline as many struggled with long waits at the airline counters and on a customer service phone line. Rebooking, some said, was a nightmare.

It's not Sleepy Joe's fault

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott has SJDS

Southwest on Monday countered reports about employee protests, saying that “the weekend challenges were not a result of Employee demonstrations, as some have reported.” The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association also rejected speculation of pilot protests as “false claims.”
“I can say with certainty that there are no work slowdowns or sickouts either related to the recent mandatory vaccine mandate or otherwise,” association president Casey Murray said in a statement

Stranded passengers took to social media to voice frustrations, searching for answers from the airline as many struggled with long waits at the airline counters and on a customer service phone line. Rebooking, some said, was a nightmare.

It's not Sleepy Joe's fault

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Experts say staff reductions during the pandemic have left airlines vulnerable to disruption as travel demand has grown.
Southwest is especially vulnerable because unlike other airlines that base crews and aircraft in central locations, it has a “point-to-point” system, with aircraft and crews scattered in more places. That setup makes it more difficult to move crews after a disruptive event.

The delays and cancellations at Southwest are an indication of a growing problem facing airlines that have been stretched thin for months during a travel rebound, said Max Leitschuh, a senior transportation analyst at Crisis24, a global risk management firm.

“Pretty much every major U.S. airline out there is really overstretched, especially the pilots and flight attendants. And adding those types of employees is not a very quick task,” he said. “All it takes is one little issue and that creates a ripple effect throughout the airline. And if the airline doesn’t handle it right, that can cause their operations to basically melt down for days.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The rebounding economy has created the problem.

The delays and cancellations at Southwest are an indication of a growing problem facing airlines that have been stretched thin for months during a travel rebound, said Max Leitschuh, a senior transportation analyst at Crisis24, a global risk management firm.

SLDS Scott Johnson schizophrenia never mentioned that

anonymous said...

Hey cramps...that arrogant little prick has saved more lives than your cultist views allows because of your belief in a false idol......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Like evolution is a hoax, GW is a hoax and women have no rights to their own bodies because of your misguided beliefs.....that little prick constantly show you up......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Monica Crowley

Hi @SecretaryPete

I know you probably thought being Secy of Transportation would be a pretty sleepy gig. But we've got a supply chain crisis, overwhelmed ports, a trucker shortage, airline workers walking out over the vax mandate, & sky-high gas prices.


Joe got back from another long weekend. Maybe some reporter will be allowed to ask him?

As he continues to turn his back on America


anonymous said...

Liberal soros funded activists continue to harass senator Sinema.


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Emma Vaughn

Women LOST 26,000 jobs in September.

In Biden's America, women are being left behind.

Inflation soaring, a torrent of illegal drugs flowing in and I saw Bloomberg said the current supply chain disruptions could trigger a recession.



anonymous said...

Monica Crowley is certainly fuckable and that is about it......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

rrb said...

A growing number of likely voters believe that cheating tainted President Joe Biden’s 2020 win over former President Donald Trump, and even more feel that a key Democratic election reform scheme will increase fraud.

In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 56% of respondents said, "It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s ‘very likely.’”

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 65% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 51% who say it’s Very Likely. Twenty-eight percent (28%) don’t think more mail-in voting will mean more cheating, including 14% who say it is Not At All Likely.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Scott Adams

Suggestion for Trump's 2024 presidential campaign slogan: "Let's go, Brandon!"

anonymous said...

se they did you dumb fuck, because to acknowledge an official 'sick out' is illegal.


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

In the latest Rasmussen Reports survey, 56% of respondents said, "It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 41% who say it’s ‘very likely.’”

looks like we are down to the flat earthers as the group denying 2020 election fraud

anonymous said...

THE Latest Rasmussen poll gives fucked up daddy a ZERO in his ability to post a cogent thought!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Dopey thinks he could fuck someone like Monica Crowley. Lmao. Maybe a photo of her. That's about it.

rrb said...

The rebounding economy has created the problem.

Rebounding economy?

Tell us more.

In FACT, the only way Killer Joe achieved 4.8% unemployment was by people permanently leaving the workforce.

So please, tell us more about the "rebounding economy."

WithOUT the plagiarism that produces every comment you make around here.

anonymous said...

Dopey thinks he could fuck someone like Monica Crowley

And the ball less wonder thinks sucking trumps cock will get him somewhere......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

Texas just banned vaccine mandates

Southwest is headquartered in Dallas

Who blinks first?


rrb said...

“There’s nothing to do”, complain some residents of one of the most expensive cities in the world, thanks to the ongoing pandemic restrictions.

The skyscrapers are dark. Retailers are leaving. Crime is surging. The streets remain notoriously filthy.

Residents have had enough and are voting with their feet.

anonymous said...

Abbot is a bigger asshole than trump which is truly an amazing fact!!!!!! Who blinks first...abbot running texas like a tyrant telling business that they have no right to run it the way they want.....very Putinesquel.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Residents have had enough and are voting with their feet.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I bet they are all fleeing to red states or Cuba......Maybe Alabama can be pulled into the current century......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

Reminder ...

Hunter Biden's emails were twice as bad as John Gruden's - and the media ignored it.

state media



JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Michael Malice

I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if Amazon were behind recent moves to decriminalize shoplifting in NYC and San Fran in order to drive brick and mortar competitors out of business

the big reset

Bezos is beaming !!!

Myballs said...

So that navy engineer and his Trump hating liberal wife may spend the rest of their lives in prison for treason. There are several other Trump haters who should en d up beside them.

Myballs said...

Oh yeah...

How 'bout them Bills!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I hadn't seen them before the game.

If they don't get injured they will be in the Super Bowl next year!

I was amazed by the QBs skills.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb will want him lynched !

The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg

The true story of how Mark Zuckerberg privatized the government's voter registration and vote counting for Democrats in 2020.

By William Doyle

During the 2020 election, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars to turn out likely Democratic voters. But this wasn’t traditional political spending. He funded a targeted, private takeover of government election operations by nominally non-partisan — but demonstrably ideological — non-profit organizations.

Analysis conducted by our team demonstrates this money significantly increased Joe Biden’s vote margin in key swing states. This unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic, and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward.

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

So that navy engineer and his Trump hating liberal wife may spend the rest of their lives in prison for treason. There are several other Trump haters who should end up beside them.

We need to resume firing squads and public hangings.

On the National Mall.

With the full Congress in session.

Oh, to see those two drop through the trap door, their legs flailing wildly...

...the most beautiful sight one could witness.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republican senators, who requested anonymity to discuss Trump frankly, said they don’t want to see Trump return as the party’s standard bearer.

“I think we’re better off when he’s not part of any story,” said a Republican senator, who said his view is widely shared in the GOP conference.

“He’s a clinical narcissist. He threw away the election in the debate with Biden and he threw away the Senate out of spite,” the lawmaker added, referring to Trump’s first against Biden, which many Republican senators viewed as a disaster, and his influence on Republican voter turnout in the Georgia special election.

One thing is crystal clear: Most GOP senators think Trump announcing a bid before the midterms would hurt them.

“The 2022 election ought to be about the Biden administration and its rolling disasters so anything that would detract from the public being focused on what Democratic governance is doing to this country would be ill-advised,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), a Trump ally, when asked about the possibility Trump could announce his campaign in the next year.rrb wants

We need to resume firing squads and public hangings.

On the National Mall.

With the full Congress in session.

Oh, to see those two drop through the trap door, their legs flailing wildly...

...the most beautiful sight one could witness as Olinski Obama strangles and dies.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Republican senators, who requested anonymity to discuss Trump frankly, said they don’t want to see Trump return as the party’s standard bearer.

Two things -

1) Those who require anonymity are cowards, or the reporter is making it up. And if true the identity of the cowards is easy to discern. It's nice to see that they DO NOT possess the courage of their "convictions.'

2) Trump supporters are NOT Republicans. I know many and ALL have renounced their GOP registration. And based upon the 2-3 calls/week I'm getting from the NY GOP, that stings.

Trump doesn't want to be the standard bearer for a bunch of democrat-lite valet squishes. Those who WFB Jr. called "well-fed Republicans."

I'm not sure you can get this through your thick, scabbed-over, mentally ill skull alky, but that's the way it is.

Fuck Sasse, Murkowski, Romney, Graham, Collins and all the rest of the shitstains. They can keep fellating Schumer. It's the only thing they're good at.

rrb said...


The thought of executing traitors for treason is deeply disturbing to the alky.

I wonder why that is...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I mentioned this yesterday afternoon.

If the next election is another referendum on Donald Trump, the Democrats have a chance to keep the house and Senate majorities.

Even though Biden's approval ratings are not great news but remember that he won a huge number of votes because they were voting against Trump. His approval ratings are much lower than Biden has now anyhow.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have never executed our political opponents.

You are a classic fascist person like the Germans in the 1930s.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump supporters are hindering the economy created by Trump after the longest economic recovery in history

Unruly customers threaten economic recovery

Hope King, Niala Boodhoo

Illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios

The pace of the economic recovery hinges in part on workers returning to jobs that involve dealing with an unpredictable public. But many of those workers say increasingly combative customers — angry about everything from long wait times to mask mandates — have prompted them to quit.

The big picture: Aggressive and violent clashes between customers and service workers over COVID safety protocols over the past nearly two years have led to prison sentences, fines and deaths.

Many workers say they're simply not willing to put up with the abuse any longer — and their employers are often taking their side, even in industries that have long deferred to their customers.Businesses have shut down in support of their employees. Some industries have provided self defense classes and banded together on public awareness campaigns.

By the numbers: The number of retail workers is still 202,000 short of February 2020 levels, September employment numbers show.

Restaurants and bars are still about 1 million jobs short of pre-pandemic levels, with more than two-thirds of restaurant workers saying customer behavior is a factor in the industry's labor shortage.

Because consumers were so used to a “frictionless economy" before the pandemic, there was no tolerance for a slowdown in services as businesses opened back up, says Melissa Swift, U.S. Transformation Leader at Mercer, a consulting firm.

Class, she says, also comes into play. “Technology has insulated the upper classes from the physical labor that enables their lifestyle," she said.

What they’re saying: "I was extremely lucky to work in a place where the employer treated the employees well and everyone made excellent money. ... [Customers] did make me quit," former bartender who goes by Ash in West Virginia, tells Axios Today.

“What really hurts is that the same people whining about people on unemployment were the same people who would come in and treat the people actually working like [crap],” she continued, saying that she also moved to Michigan.“[As] an essential business — [we] continued to work tirelessly through the entire pandemic … All we ask for in return is empathy, courtesy and understanding,” Scott has none says Casey Carville, who runs a group of nonprofit veterinary clinics in Texas.

Between the lines: This trend of increasingly unpleasant, sometimes violent customers is changing the balance of power within the industry.

“We’ve unnaturally privileged the consumer over the employee for a while now,” Swift said. “We’re seeing a shift away from customer obsession to a more balanced view of the world.” "Organizations have been forced to confront the fact that unhappy employees cannot provide the customer experience they’re targeting," she added.

What to watch: If consumer behavior doesn’t improve, more workers may leave, putting the workers who stay at more risk of abuse and placing even greater challenges on businesses to operate.

Workers' fears would likely abate if more Americans get vaccinated and the risk of getting infected on the job declines. That would also allow businesses and local governments to ease up on mask mandates that workers are often tasked with enforcing.

The bottom line: The customer is no longer always right.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Workers' fears would likely abate if more Americans get vaccinated and the risk of getting infected on the job declines. That would also allow businesses and local governments to ease up on mask mandates that workers are often tasked with enforcing.

Abbott is slowing down the economy for his own purposes

rrb said...

You are a classic fascist person like the Germans in the 1930s.

Your psychological projection never takes a day off.

It's YOUR president who is imposing FASCIST mandates. Not mine.

What kind of fucking asshole approves of a politician demanding a medical procedure of its citizens?

All I can say is keep it up. The silent majority who just wants to be left the fuck alone will rise with no warning, and then you clowns are going to have a problem. A BIG fucking problem.

That little show of civil disobedience from the SWA pilots was a preview of coming attractions. The people have the power to grind this nation to a fucking halt.

So like i said, keep it up.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

We have never executed our political opponents.

Learn to read. The Navy sub guy is a traitor, like Robert Hansen. Not a political opponent.


rrb said...

You are a classic fascist person like the Germans in the 1930s.

Yeah, that's it alky. I, and millions more are all classic fascists from the '30's who are vociferously resisting EVERY SINGLE FASCIST MOVE coming out of the current administration.

Like a typical liberal you -

A) Don't know the definition of "fascism"


B) You run on pure psychological projection LIES to smear your political opponents.

The red states have essentially told Slow Joe to go fuck himself and to shove his "party like it's 1939" covid mandates up his dementia ass.

So where's the fucking fascism in THAT, genius?

Myballs said...

Thomas Jefferson once executed a man on the White House lawn for treason.