Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Trump would beat Biden in another poll

I&I/TIPP Poll Shocker: Trump Beats Biden In Presidential Poll In Every U.S. Region But One
But amid growing questions over his leadership in just the ninth month of his presidency, Biden’s slender lead looks tenuous at best. In September, it was Biden 46%, Trump 42.1%. Since then, overall, Biden lost 1.2 percentage points, while Trump gained 1.8 points. Key demographic groups also show a swing away from Biden toward Trump. The breakdown shows a major swing from Biden to Trump in the last month.
Trump leads in the Midwest (45.9% vs. 44.9%), the South (45.8% vs. 44.6), and the West (42.4% vs. 39.7%). Biden leads Trump in the Northeast 53.6% to 39.1%. Trump now leads Biden among those aged 45-64 (45.8% support Trump vs. 41.8% Biden), those 65 and older (50.7% vs. 39.3%), women (44.9% vs. 41.9%), Whites (50.2% vs. 38.4%), independent voters (46.2% vs. 36.9%), suburban voters (47% vs. 39.4%) and rural voters (54.8% vs. 37.2%), and married women (52.2% vs 40.0%).
Moreover, even among those who still favored Biden in October, Trump realized some significant gains. Among Black voters, for instance, Trump moved from 18.1% support in September to 20.3% in October. Among Hispanic voters, the fastest-growing voting bloc in the U.S., Trump gained a hefty 14.6 percentage points, from 24.2% to 38.8%. That’s more than the 33% of the Hispanic vote that Trump garnered in the 2020 election.
Moderates, often identified with independents and other key swing voters, tacked on 5.8 percentage points to their overall support of Trump, from 32.4% to 38.2%. Among married women, often viewed as a heavily influential voting group, the shift toward Trump was particularly notable: In September, this group favored Biden (42.4%) to Trump (42.1%). In October, they gave Trump 53.2% of their vote, versus just 40% for Biden, a huge swing.

There is no question at this point in time that if the election was being held again this November, that Trump would win with electoral college room to spare. Whether or not Biden maintained some small popular vote lead might still be in question, but Trump would win handily where it counts right now. 

He would turn the tide and win Pennsylvania, he would win Michigan, he would win Wisconsin, he would win Arizona, and he would win Georgia. He would basically reveres the results of the 2020 election and pass over 300 Electoral College Votes.

This also absolutely CRUSHES the concept that Trump would be some sort of drain on the GOP in 2022 or even in 2024 if he ran again. That concept is wishful and desperate thinking by people who are not accepting what a complete and total disaster the Biden Presidency has been. 

However "bad" these crackpot liberals think Trump is... Biden is considered that much worse. 


Commonsense said...

The corporate media will have to double down on their efforts to demonize Trump.

As an aside Mayor DeBlasio has discover it will cost NewYork City 30 million dollars to exorcist Trump from the city. And Trump Tower is still going to be called Trump Tower.

rrb said...

Hoyer said, “If we don’t act like we are winning, the American people won’t believe it either.”


You and the MSM keep gaslighting imbeciles like the alky, Steny.

As was clearly illustrated by CH on the topic of Covid cases/deaths, the morons that find their home in your party will believe ANYTHING.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

It's way too early to predict it because things change very quickly in the modern era and fake news like Thecoldheartedtruth liar

rrb said...

Btw, all the news is not in Trump's favor.

The song 'Let's Go Brandon!' is number 1 AND 2 on iTunes!

Myballs said...

Liberal media upset at let's go Brandon, at its implied vulgarity. But they sure liked calling Republicans teabaggers. America is fed up with big media.

Anonymous said...

Denny asked me about his NOC Stock.

Noc = Div yield 1.59%

The Home Depot = Div yield 1.78%

Denny asked me about his NOC Stock 😂
Year todate , my Home Depot is stomping a mud hole in Denny's NOC
HD. $371.35 USD 39.58% ⬆️

NOC $394.04 USD 32.86% ⬆️

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

TPM's Here’s how Kurtz and Shah lay out the stakes:

It’s hard to maintain a hair-on-fire sense of urgency for years on end, but coming out of the Trump first term breaking the back of the filibuster remains the single most urgent piece of business for Congress. It will enable passage of the democracy reforms that will blunt the entrenchment of minority white rule. And, depending on how far-reaching the filibuster reforms are, it could also unleash myriad possibilities for new legislative initiatives and has a decent chance of changing the incentive structure for Mitch McConnell’s brand of burn-it-all-down conservatism.

That sounds about right to me, and I also agree that if Dems can’t take away the authoritarian cult party’s legislative veto power, there will be a “generations-long reckoning for the failure to tackle it.” That said, I just don’t see how the president plus the 95% or so of the Democratic Party caucus in Congress that supports filibuster reform can budge the fringe outliers who oppose it, even on an existential issue like voting rights.  Do you think it’s doable?

Open thread!

Commonsense said...

It's way too early to predict it because things change very quickly in the modern era and fake news like Thecoldheartedtruth liar

Do you really think things are going to change all that much in 18 months Roger.

Or 3 years if Biden lives to see it. Or even if he doesn't live to see it.

With the exception of the Northeast and West Coast every region of the country now knows what it means to put the fate of the country in liberal Democrats (is there any other kind?) hands.

It will be awhile before they make the same mistake again.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Ch wants minority white rule forever.

Despite not being a racist rodent bastard like Jimmy Hitler Jr.

He hates liberals so much that he is addicted to conspiracy theories.

Tribalism is in our DNA from our history.

But unless he understands what it means, he will never change his mind.

Commonsense said...

It’s hard to maintain a hair-on-fire sense of urgency for years on end, but coming out of the Trump first term breaking the back of the filibuster remains the single most urgent piece of business for Congress.

Imagine their surprise when the Republicans used the repeal of the filibuster rule to ram judges and Supreme Court justices through the senate.

Just watch what Republicans will do if Democrats repeal the filibuster for everything.

And I thought the GOP was the stupid party.

rrb said...

Imagine their surprise when the Republicans used the repeal of the filibuster rule to ram judges and Supreme Court justices through the senate.

Just watch what Republicans will do if Democrats repeal the filibuster for everything.

And I thought the GOP was the stupid party.

Indeed. And we don't have that weasely little cocksucker Garland on the USSC as a result.

The left and it's followers are so addicted to immediate gratification they never pause to consider the unintended consequences of their actions.

Commonsense said...

Ch wants minority white rule forever.

Oh I don't think CH wants to be ruled by one old white man. I know I don't.

rrb said...

The biggest LIE of all:


rrb said...

Oh I don't think CH wants to be ruled by one old white man. I know I don't.

Same here. But I can see how the left pines for the days of Jefferson Davis, George Wallace and Robert Byrd. Old white men all.

Commonsense said...

Tribalism is in our DNA from our history.

This is amusing since the United States is the one country in the entire world that wasn't found on tribalism but rather the idea of freedom and equality.

And there was a quite a lot of tribal groups to belong to. Native Americans, Cavaliers, Conquistadors, Catholics, Puritans, Greeks, Russians, African-American slaves and many more.

They all coalesce around the idea of freedom and equality. And by coalesce around an idea, they became one American tribe.

Commonsense said...

The biggest LIE of all:

He's either stupid or thinks the American people are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Roger, under so many new Monikers .

Same old tired broke down and broke Alky zero original thought.

Did you close on that new home you said you were moving to in Bonney lake, Minn.?

Of course not, because you dont have the down payment , nor do you have the monthly income.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Manchin Says He’s ‘Out of Sync’

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is quoted by Playbook at a dinner party last night:
“I have a hard time, and I’m totally out of sync with 48 other Democrats. I’m so, totally out of sync… I’m just trying to survive in a very, very, very divided Congress and a very divided country. And I don’t know how this is gonna work out, guys.”

He added:
“I really don’t.
I can’t tell you what’s going to be the end result.
I think we’ll get something.
I really do.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Kate Hyde

I dare a White House reporter to ask @PressSec how can Biden force Federal employees and other working individuals to lose their jobs for refusing a vaccine while not mandating those taking Federal money through unemployment to get vaccinated?

I'm against mandates but that's a real good question. Welfare too then.

and the only reason is political science

and now I see Moderna is saying annual shots may be necessary.

Looks like every 6 months then.

Without any gold standard testing...

and tons of adverse effects being reported


big brother and Big Pharma political science and Big Profits

Vaccines are not never-ending shots...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Aim to Strike Deal Within ‘Hours’

“Democrats moved Tuesday to put the final touches on a deal to invest up to $2 trillion in social programs and climate policy, as they try to cap a months long slog to pass their economic agenda.

Said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD):
“Most of that has been negotiated,
most of it is ready to go.
And we are just waiting
for the last parts of the bill to be put together.
We’re hopeful that that will be done in the next few hours, frankly.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Manchin Says He’s ‘Out of Sync’
October 26, 2021 at 1:53 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 53 Comments

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is quoted by Playbook at a dinner party last night: “I have a hard time, and I’m totally out of sync with 48 other Democrats. I’m so, totally out of sync… I’m just trying to survive in a very, very, very divided Congress and a very divided country. And I don’t know how this is gonna work out, guys.”

He added: “I really don’t. I can’t tell you what’s going to be the end result. I think we’ll get something. I really do.”


the "pastor" loves gargling those balls

on the sly


rrb said...

...while not mandating those taking Federal money through unemployment to get vaccinated?

Or welfare, or Section 8 housing, or WIC, or EBT, or....

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Democrats Aim to Strike Deal Within ‘Hours’
October 26, 2021 at 2:17 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 25 Comments

“Democrats moved Tuesday to put the final touches on a deal to invest up to $2 trillion in social programs and climate policy, as they try to cap a months long slog to pass their economic agenda,” CNBC reports.

Said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD): “Most of that has been negotiated, most of it is ready to go. And we are just waiting for the last parts of the bill to be put together. We’re hopeful that that will be done in the next few hours, frankly.”


Anonymous said...

Dems strike a Deal with Dems.

No accomplishment in that.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

...while not mandating those taking Federal money through unemployment to get vaccinated?

Or welfare, or Section 8 housing, or WIC, or EBT, or....

the dem base is one of the greatest vaccine hesitant and they are scared shitless how to proceed without a large blowback

rrb said...


Biden wins for ‘the most economically illiterate presidential utterance since Jimmy Carter’


Anonymous said...

The $3.5 Trillion bill is pure garbage.

IF the Economy is doing so well, wages are growing, milk and honey flow in the streets, then why spend the $6.2 at all?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Floyd Mayweather

Another GREAT boxer posted this VIDEO:

Choice is defined as an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. America gave us the choice to take the vaccine or not take the vaccine. As time moves on, that choice is gradually being stripped from us.


Let's Go Brandon

Anonymous said...

RRB, the posts of James, Denny and Alky reflect the Views of Biden thier true God

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Top Democrats aim to strike a deal on Biden’s social spending plan within hours
Jacob Pramuk

After days of talks among House, Senate and White House officials, party leaders sounded more optimistic than ever about striking an agreement. Top Democrats acknowledged a handful of issues were unresolved, which could trip up the rush toward a deal and votes in he coming days.

“Most of that has been negotiated, most of it is ready to go,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the chamber, told reporters about the bill. “And we are just waiting for the last parts of the bill to be put together. We’re hopeful that that will be done in the next few hours, frankly.”

Earlier Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters that 90% of the safety net legislation is written. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who on Monday said his party had to resolve three or four outstanding issues, also sounded optimistic about reaching a deal.

“This week, Democrats are continuing to make important progress toward finalizing President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, and we remain confident that a final deal is within reach,” he said Tuesday on the Senate floor.

Reaching an agreement to invest in social programs and climate policy is critical for Democrats to forge ahead with their full economic agenda. House progressives have withheld votes for a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill until the party can make progress on the bigger spending package, which Democrats plan to pass without Republicans through the budget reconciliation process.

House leaders could tee up a vote on the Senate-passed infrastructure plan as soon as this week — if the party strikes a social spending deal. Pelosi on Tuesday told House Democrats that the chamber will vote on the bipartisan bill only after an agreement on the Democratic plan, NBC News reported, citing three sources in the room.

To do so, Democrats will have to win over everyone from Senate centrists wary of additional spending to progressives who want to invest trillions of dollars more in social programs. Pelosi has repeatedly said she will only hold a House vote on a bill if it has enough support to get through the Senate.

Democrats have slashed spending from their $3.5 trillion budget blueprint in order to appease centrists. Sen. Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat who backs a $1.5 trillion price tag, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., have pushed their party to trim the package.

Lawmakers have also sought alternative tools to offset the spending after Sinema shot down increases in the tax rates paid by corporations and the wealthiest Americans. Options include a 15% minimum tax on corporations and a tax on gains in stocks and other assets levied on billionaires.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats have altered or cut core parts of their proposal to reduce the price tag. The party has scrapped provisions that would provide two years of free community college and encourage utility companies to transition to renewable energy.

Lawmakers have scaled back a proposal to offer paid leave to most Americans to four weeks of benefits instead of 12. Democrats have also faced resistance over a plan to expand Medicare coverage to include dental, vision and hearing benefits.

Senate Budget Committee Chair Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has championed the Medicare proposal. He has also pushed to allow Medicare to negotiate prices directly with drug companies, which Democrats hope will both cut costs for consumers and save the government money that it can direct elsewhere.

“Bottom line is that any reconciliation bill must include serious negotiations on the part of Medicare with the pharmaceutical industry, to lower the cost of prescription drugs,” Sanders said Tuesday. “That’s what the American people want. And a serious reconciliation bill must include expanding Medicare to cover dental, hearing aids and eyeglasses.”

Pelosi on Tuesday warned Democrats that they will have to accept cuts to the package in order for any legislation to pass, according to NBC. She told House members to “embrace” the programs that will make it into the legislation.

She said Democrats “are on the verge of something major – transformative, historic and bigger than anything else.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...


WASHINGTON, DC, OCTOBER 23. 2021 – A new television ad that spotlights Pfizer vaccine-related injuries suffered by 13-year-old Maddie de Garay was killed Friday late afternoon by Comcast attorneys after initially accepting the ad on Thursday. The ad was slated to run multiple times before and during the FDA’s VRBPAC Meeting on Pfizer Data on its COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 5-11.

Despite almost no publicity, the public can submit public comments to the FDA for its VRBPAC meeting on Pfizer Data taking place 10/26 for Children ages 5-11. A link to submit a public comment can be found here.

The script of the ad reads:

This is Maddie – she’s 13 and wants to be a pediatric nurse.

When the COVID vaccine became available she volunteered to test it. She said she wanted to help other kids.


This is her now.


There are thousands of others like her. They are ignored by the FDA, by the media. She believed it when they said it was safe.

She stepped up to help America. Who’s going to step up for Maddie?

“She wanted to help others, to help the world get back to normal,” said Stephanie. “She now has lost the ability to walk and relies on an NG tube for all of her nutrition.”

The new physicians treating Maddie asked her about her “anxiety” that was put in her charts in March of 2021, two months after her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Maddie looked them straight in the eye and said, “I did not have anxiety before and do not have anxiety now other than from the doctors who have not believed me.”

“She received her vaccine on January 20 and came into our room in the middle of the night, she said she didn’t feel right and couldn’t sleep. She has been waiting 8 months to be acknowledged by Pfizer, the FDA, and CDC and has not even received acknowledgment from any of them, not an email, a phone call, or a text. Nothing. At least with this ad, we know that Maddie will be in the room with the decision-makers and if that can help innocent children in the future not become victims injured by the Pfizer covid vaccine then that is a win in our minds.”

“I’ve waited 7 months for Pfizer or the FDA to acknowledge what happened to my daughter and they haven’t. They tried to ignore her injuries. With these ads, she will finally have the chance to be in the room with them, to be seen by them, and for her voice to be heard.”


The VIDEO is embedded in above link

Anonymous said...

James , is an idiot.

Dems strike a Deal with Dems.

No accomplishment in that.

Myballs said...

Dems pushing so hard for their legislation because they know they will lose big next year. They have no mandate for all this crap they're trying to push onto America.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Dr. Deborah Birx, who helped run the coronavirus pandemic response for former President Donald Trump, told congressional investigators earlier this month that Mr. Trump’s White House failed to take steps that could have prevented tens of thousands of deaths.

Said Birx:
“I believe if we had fully implemented the mask mandates, the reduction in indoor dining, the getting friends and family to understand the risk of gathering in private homes, and we had increased testing, that we probably could have decreased fatalities into the 30 percent less to 40 percent less range.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
James , is an idiot.

Dems strike a Deal with Dems.

No accomplishment in that.

You are being way too nice

He's a pompous, condescending idiot

Who lies and plagiarizes constantly

from the same single source

Must think that impresses us

But we know he is just gargling his idol Goddard's balls

It's his life

rrb said...

...then why spend the $6.2 at all?

Because Slow Joe is so fucking delusional he really does fancy himself the second coming of FDR. And in a way, he's right. We've returned to internment camps, some real - some virtual, for large swaths of America.

How many Jan 6 attendees languish within DC jails without being charged? How many are permanently banned from Facebook, You Tube, Google and Twitter just because of their politics?

So to round it all off Biden wants the same shot at giving us an economic slowdown that is truly "GREAT" (as in Great Depression) and the way to do that is to uncork an inflation bomb on America by blowing $6.2 TRILLION.


Myballs said...

Manchin wants the paid leave dropped completely. Dem vs dem. Heluva victory there.

rrb said...

Maddie’s symptoms occurred almost immediately after the second dose in the Pfizer trial. For example, according to medical records and her mother’s documentation, within 12 hours Maddie experienced:

• Fever 101-102

• Electric shocks up and down spine to neck

• Fingers/hands turned white, were swollen and were ice cold when you touched them

• Tachycardia (she said her heart felt like it was being ripped out through her neck)

• Severe abdominal pain

• All over body muscle/nerve pain and spasms – you couldn’t touch her anywhere and she said it even hurt to lay down

• She walked hunched over and with her toes up

• Severe headache

• Nausea

• Blood in her urine

• CRP was 2.90

She continued to decline over the following 3 months and developed these symptoms:

• Unable to walk

• Lost feeling below her waist

• Tremors

• Convulsions/Passed out

• Nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and eventually unable to swallow any liquids or solids (Ng tube placed which she still has)

• Gastroparesis, stool blockage that she was hospitalized for a clean out

• Urinary retention requiring a catheter that is still a problem today

• Brain fog, mixing up words, memory loss

• Muscle weakness throughout body to the point she could not even bathe herself

• Loss of neck control and muscle spasms

• Rash all over her arm

• White tongue

• Throat pain

• Bone pain in arm where she got injection

• Feet peeling

• Skin peeling on head

• Reflux, feeds even come up through her Ng tube

• Weight gain (only getting feeds so not overeating)

• Heavy periods with clumps of blood

• Inability to sweat or control her body temperature

Dr. Birx says "Fuck Maddie." No single harmed individual is as important as Dr. Birx's Stage IV TDS.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

The plagiarizing POS "pstor" left off

Trump’s Decisions Led to Tens of Thousands More Deaths
October 26, 2021 at 1:18 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard


and the Chinese propaganda arm the NYT

thanks Fauci

and FJB

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* "pastor"

rrb said...

So did Joe "stop Covid in its tracks yet?

That was the promise, and I've yet to see the result.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Dr. Birx says "Fuck Maddie." No single harmed individual is as important as Dr. Birx's Stage IV TDS.

I'm amazed how the state media has ignored the mountain of evidence that a vaccine mandate for kids is beyond ridiculous.

And now they are censoring actual trial participants.

Who suffered because of the vaccine and were not facing any real risk from Covid

fucking insane

and Birx had a great family Thanksgiving last year

after telling everyone else not to

Anonymous said...

So did Joe "stop Covid in its tracks yet?"

Nope and actually he has made it worse.
More Americans dead in 2021 then in 2020 and the death count is surging upward under Biden.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Covid-19 Deaths For 2021 Surpass Toll From 2020 - Forbes

Oct 6, 2021 — More Americans have died from Covid-19 so far in 2021 than in 2020"

The Failures of Biden .

anonymous said...

Old and repeated news goat fucker....too bad you are not one of the dead.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Nope and actually he has made it worse.

Gee goat fucker....According to your logic, I guess that makes DeSantis the savior a fraud to boot........BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Biden new plan .

Delay the Vax mandate.

And Annual Boosters.

Ok, so shot 4, 5, 6 are coming .

Anonymous said...

Denny you saw my posts in your NOC failure.

Anonymous said...

New Deaths 1,426 added to Bidens 2021 total .

He has done nothing but make it worse.

Truth Seeker Detective said...

The FBI instigated the attack on the Capitol building on January 6th when the Democrats called it an Insurrection!


The FBI has the gallos, and they should be used on January 20th in 2024.

Hang Mike Pence!

anonymous said...

The FBI has the gallos,

Ernest or Julio?????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Denny you saw my posts in your NOC failure.

NOW YOU READ AND SPEAK FOR ME GOAT FUCKER......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! NOC up 70 points since your last prediction on how my portfolio is doing.....kicking your ass as usual!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLO!~!!!

Anonymous said...

NOC is up less then Home Depot this year
NOC PAYS a less in dividends .

Stick with it , it reflects your understanding of investing .

Anonymous said...

Denny asked me about his NOC Stock.

Noc = Div yield 1.59%

The Home Depot = Div yield 1.78%

Denny asked me about his NOC Stock 😂
Year todate , my Home Depot is stomping a mud hole in Denny's NOC
HD. $371.35 USD 39.58% ⬆️

NOC $394.04 USD 32.86% ⬆️

Anonymous said...

Denny your Holding trails mine by 9%
And that is just this year.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Is the FDA about to approve an experimental COVID vaccine for kids?
Private profits over public health.

According to NY Magazine, “among children the mortality risk from COVID-19 is actually lower than from the flu. The risk of severe disease or hospitalization is about the same.”

One study published in Nature estimated “that the infection fatality ration [of COVID-19] is lowest among 5–9-year-old children.” That same publication has noted that children just aren’t safe from serious COVID-19 infection. Children “aren’t driving viral spread” and they don’t get infected or spread the infection like adults. For example, studies of some schools in Nebraska showed “were open the whole year with over 20,000 students and staff, and there were only 2 transmission events during that entire study period.”

The CDC concedes that “children are less likely to develop severe illness or die from COVID-19.” It notes that “findings from several studies suggest that SARS-CoV-2 transmission among students is relatively rare, particularly when prevention strategies are in place.” It reluctantly admits “several contact tracing studies have found limited student-to-student transmission in schools.”

These facts would seem to contradict the the legal and factual justifications necessary for giving the vaccine an EUA for kids aged 5-11.

Pfizer boasts a “vaccine efficacy of 90.7%” – in the short-term. It did not measure the vaccine’s long-term effectiveness.

The number of participants in the Pfizer studies was (conveniently) “too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination.”

The long-term safety of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in kids aged 5-11 is unknown and will be studied at a later time. (According to Pfizer, “Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies.”)

Pfizer concludes the benefits of its vaccine “outweigh the known or potential risks” – while admitting it does not know the long-term risks.

Pfizer previously announced the vaccine’s side effects for kids aged 5-11 is “generally comparable to those observed in participants 16 to 25 years of age.” This is concerning because young men within that age-range have the highest incident of myocarditis after the second Pfizer dose.

Despite the unknowns, the FDA has concluded the benefits of the vaccine “clearly outweigh” the risks. But is that really the case? Look for yourself. Here are the FDA calculations, with most its models predicting only ONE preventable COVID-19 death per million children vaccinated. While it estimates COVID-19 ICU admissions will go down, those numbers aren’t much better than the excess myocarditis ICU admissions to be caused by the Pfizer vaccine.

complete article:

Banana Republic

political science

Fauci has fucked the world

hopefully it's not too late to stop this insanity

Anonymous said...

Another exposed Lie of Biden.

"Pentagon confirms nearly 450 Americans trapped in AfghanistanThe number is higher than what the State Department had said last week"

Another Failure

anonymous said...

Pfizer boasts a “vaccine efficacy of 90.7%” – in the short-term. It did not measure the vaccine’s long-term effectiveness.

You dumb fuck....how can you measure long term effectiveness when the test program has just concluded????? Dayum fucked, the only one who is fucked is you and what is left of your brain!!!!!! Sad that you and soooo many other dumb fucks have died because of being anti science and showing their willingness to die for the party.......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

rrb said...

Truth Seeker Detective said...

Hey alky, I meant to ask you - what are you driving these days? Still sporting that Audi A8L, or is that still on the wish list?

Me, I just picked up a sweet Mustang GT Convertible with less than 28K on the clock. Loaded, leather, all the bells and whistles. Bought it from the estate of a dear friend who passed over the summer.

rrb said...


how can you measure long term effectiveness when the test program has just concluded?????

Very good BWAA.

Now tell us why any sane person would TRUST a vaccine with no data on long term effectiveness OR side effects. Or why Pfizer needs liability protection for a vaccine you just know is "safe."

Myballs said...

Media latest tactic is to now say that Manchin is no moderate, that he's as liberal as the rest of the dems. Lol. If he was a liberal, WV would have voted him out ling ago.

anonymous said...

Denny your Holding trails mine by 9%

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You holding your 4 inch dick proves nothing asshole!!!!!!! NOC is kicking your lame ass into next week.......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

Me, I just picked up a sweet Mustang GT Convertible with less than 28K on the clock. Loaded

Sad you are suffering a mid life crisis so severe, rat......the only thing loaded is you.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

rrb said...

While running for president, Joe Biden campaigned as a lunch-pail-carrying, blue-collar moderate from Scranton, Pa. But during his short tenure in the White House, Biden has proven himself to be a far-left champion of bureaucracy, reckless government spending and the centralization of economic and political power.

The most recent example is Biden's nomination of Cornell law professor Saule Omarova to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a branch of the Treasury Department.

Omarova is a controversial choice. Born in the former Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan, Omarova was educated in the Soviet Union, graduating from Moscow State University in 1989, and as recently as 2019 openly praised various Soviet policies.

Omarova's university thesis has raised alarm bells. Although no one knows exactly what she wrote in the thesis, its title, "Karl Marx's Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital," coupled with her refusal to hand the paper over to members of the Senate Banking Committee, has led many to believe Omarova's views on Marx are out of step with Americans' largely pro-market sentiments.


Commonsense said...

Denny is jealous because he's too fat to fit into a Mustang GT convertible.

With a boss 302 (5.0 lither) V8. That goes really fast.

anonymous said...

Wow,,,,,,Rat now worried about currency.;.....must be a GOP thing......fake news, start a rumor and change the subject!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL No wonder why your wife kicked your ass out.....

rrb said...

Denny's probably too fat to fit in a Central Park horse drawn carriage.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Keep hallucinating rat......it is what you do best.......LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Myballs said...

I think Brad Paisley wrote 'so much cooler online' after meeting dopey

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Any member of Congress who helped plot a terrorist attack on our nation’s capitol must be expelled.

This was a terror attack. 138 injured, almost 10 dead. Those responsible remain a danger to our democracy, our country, and human life in the vicinity of our Capitol and beyond. https://t.co/D0qLlaFjTh

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) October 25, 2021

A 2/3 vote can expel them

rrb said...

This was a terror attack. 138 injured, almost 10 dead.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) October 25, 2021

LMAO. If only this was true. And the stupid little twat wasn't even there.

Good one alky!

anonymous said...

LMFAO at the predictability of rat and his fucking stupid posts!!!!!!!!!!!! That little twat would be the best fuck you ever had....LOLOLOLOL

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Negotiating is something the Republicans won't do because they take orders from u know how.

WASHINGTON—Senate Democrats detailed a 15% minimum tax on large companies’ income on Tuesday, refreshing an earlier revenue-raising proposal as they try to generate enough money to pay for President Biden’s social-spending and climate-change agenda.

The plan, backed by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), Angus King (I., Maine) and Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) would affect about 200 companies and could raise hundreds of billions of dollars, the sponsors said.

“Many profitable, U.S.-based corporations pay zero federal corporate income tax,” Mr. King said. “Our proposal is about simple fiscal sense and common fairness.”

The plan is designed to raise money from companies without raising the 21% corporate income-tax rate. Democrats had long thought they could raise that rate—set in the 2017 Republican tax law—to at least 25%. The House Ways and Means Committee in September approved about $2 trillion in tax increases without using a corporate minimum tax, instead relying on increases in marginal tax rates on corporations, individuals and capital gains.

But objections from Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D., Ariz.) to the tax-rate increases sent lawmakers searching for alternatives as they attempt to cobble together money to cover nearly $2 trillion in spending over a decade. In addition to the corporate minimum tax, Senate Democrats are also proposing to impose annual taxes on billionaires’ unrealized capital gains; new details on that idea are expected soon.


body{margin:0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;}amp-img {border:0;}AMP Creativebody{visibility:hidden} " id="google_ads_iframe_2" style="position: relative; border: 0px !important; margin: auto; padding: 0px !important; display: block; height: 250px; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; min-height: 0px; min-width: 0px; width: 300px; inset: 0px;">

It isn’t clear yet what will be in the final plan and the late-emerging proposals have encountered resistance among Democrats, while Republicans continue to be unified in opposition to the Biden agenda. In a narrowly divided Congress, Democrats need every member in the Senate to back the same plan to succeed in a party-line vote, and can only afford to lose a few members of the House.

“I’m open to entertaining some revenue measures as they become understandable in legislative text and people actually have a chance to vet them the way we did,” Rep. Richard Neal (D., Mass.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said Tuesday.

The 15% corporate minimum tax proposed on Tuesday is different from the 15% global minimum tax the U.S. has been pushing in international negotiations. That latter plan, which is also likely to be included in the Democrats’ tax-and-spending bill, is focused on U.S. companies’ foreign income and would require them to pay at least 15% in each foreign country where they operate. Some companies could be affected by both taxes.

It's a mixed message of protectionism to keep jobs in the United States instead of China China China China

Commonsense said...

Any member of Congress who helped plot a terrorist attack on our nation’s capitol must be expelled.

Maxine Waters?
Ilhan Omar?
Rashid Talbid?

anonymous said...

Yep....trump was sooooo distracted hundreds of American's died because of his inaction!!!!!

Election ‘distracted’ Trump team from pandemic response, Birx tells Congress, saying more than 130,000 people died unnecessarily

U.S. coronavirus cases tracker and map
“I felt like the White House had gotten somewhat complacent through the campaign season,” said Deborah Birx, who President Donald Trump chose to steer his government’s virus response, according to interview excerpts released by the House select subcommittee on the pandemic.

C.H. Truth said...

how can you measure long term effectiveness when the test program has just concluded?????

Technically the general testing on the vaccines will not be completed till sometime in late 2022 or even 2023. So if they were running through the normal circles on something like this, there would be no FDA approval for this for probably a year or more from now.

So, of course, since they did not perform the normal testing needed to actually give full approval, then of course they cannot answer the same questions that they generally could on a normal fully approved vaccine or medication.

rrb said...

Anonymous The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Negotiating is something the Republicans won't do because they take orders from u know how.

Who's that alky? Or "how's" that, if you prefer.

Liz Cheney?

Pierre Defecto?


"u know how."

rrb said...


body{margin:0;padding:0;overflow:hidden;}amp-img {border:0;}AMP Creativebody{visibility:hidden} " id="google_ads_iframe_2" style="position: relative; border: 0px !important; margin: auto; padding: 0px !important; display: block; height: 250px; max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; min-height: 0px; min-width: 0px; width: 300px; inset: 0px;">

THIS gibberish word salad calls for RUSSIAN dressing, for sure.


Anonymous said...

Denny fails at everything.
Investing and math at the same time

Denny your Holding trails mine by 9%
And that is just this year.

He is so far behind, yet , he is of the belief he is ahead.

Anonymous said...

Moniker Unknown said
" they take orders from u know how"

Nope, tell us oh drunk one.

Anonymous said...

It has been almost a year now has Biden created 100,000 black farmers and transferred 1 million acres to them for free yet.

The money was all in the first do nothing Stimuless.

rrb said...

The alky called this a hoax, said it never happened -

ASHBURN, Va. (7News) — The 7News I-Team has learned that the teen suspect in a sex assault at Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County in May has been found guilty on all charges.

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Department confirmed earlier this month that a sexual assault did happen inside a bathroom at Stone Bridge High School on May 28. They said in a statement Wednesday that they arrested a 14-year-old boy in the case.

The victim’s legal team, The Stanley Law Group, tells 7News that the Judge determined that there were facts sufficient that the defendant committed a forcible assault.


Sentencing on those charges will happen after a Loudon County Judge determines the outcome of the second set of charges against the same teen which includes a sexual battery that occurred this month at Broad Run High School. That could be as early as November.


Myballs said...

Like how dems completely locked Republicans out of budget negotiations?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which cleared Congress in 1866 and was ratified in 1868:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

The ten Republicans should be expelled.

C.H. Truth said...

The students in both high schools associated with the dress wearing boy rapist went on a walk out today... chanting anti school board and school administration messages.

They don't want to be woke.
They just want to be safe.

rrb said...

Let's Go Brandon!

“Thanksgiving 2021 could be the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday.”


Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT are economic illiterates, just like Biden.
James repeatedly called the Biden Economic Team "All-Stars".

"Former President Barack Obama’s chief of global development on Tuesday predicted inflation was here to stay, despite the Biden administration’s protestations to the contrary.

Prices “will go higher, and the Fed has misread the inflation dynamics in a big way,” former Global Development Council Chairman Mohamed El Erian said in an afternoon interview with Fox News’ Sandra Smith, adding that the Federal Reserve was “still hostage to this notion that it’s transitory.”

C.H. Truth said...

The ten Republicans should be expelled.

Sure Roger...

For what exactly? Being involved in planning a rally or being involved in contesting an election? How many Democratic Senators and House members participated in the undermining of the 2016 election and the hopes of somehow getting the results overthrown?

Because nobody has been charged with any "insurrection" regarding the Jan 6th protests and none of those 10 Republicans were participants in the rally, much less were arrested.

But in order to "really" follow this, you would have be able to think.

rrb said...

They don't want to be woke.
They just want to be safe.

Precisely. And what the left will only figure out after it's too late is that all the 'woke' bullshit they're spraying all over the place is having the reverse effect on our youth. The youth are being red-pilled.


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Pfizer’s study tracked 2,268 children ages 5 to 11 who got two shots three weeks apart of either a placebo or the kid dose. Vaccinated youngsters developed levels of virus-fighting antibodies just as strong as teens and young adults who got the full-strength shots. 

And so far, 16 kids given dummy shots developed symptomatic COVID-19 compared to three vaccinated youngsters, meaning the vaccine was nearly 91% effective. Most of the study data was collected in the U.S. during August and September as the delta variant surged.

The kid dosage also proved safe, with similar or fewer temporary side effects — such as sore arms, fever or achiness — that teens experience. At FDA’s request, Pfizer more recently enrolled another 2,300 youngsters into the study, and preliminary safety data has shown no red flags.

The study isn’t large enough to detect any extremely rare side effects, such as the heart inflammation that occasionally occurs after the second dose, mostly in young men and teen boys. 

The FDA's panel of independent experts will weigh whether Pfizer's shot is likely to prevent more COVID-19 hospitalizations in young kids than might be caused by that rare side effect.

The FDA analysis calculated that in most scenarios of the continuing pandemic, the vaccine would prevent roughly 200 to 250 COVID-19 hospitalizations for every 1 million youngsters vaccinated, with about 58 hospitalizations for the heart inflammation. The side effect risk is based on levels in teens, and Pfizer expects it to be far lower in youngsters getting the kid-size dose.

The low risk is not a reason to distrust scientists.

Anonymous said...

RRB , THE left just doesn't get it.

Biden Policies have caused Inflation.

It is his Economic Illiteracy that is hurting the middle and low income families.

rrb said...

Because nobody has been charged with any "insurrection" regarding the Jan 6th protests and none of those 10 Republicans were participants in the rally, much less were arrested.

But in order to "really" follow this, you would have be able to think.

The alky has been reduced to living in an alternate reality fantasy world where he's ruled by Trump's voice in his head, and every republican in America is guilty of an election crime, treason, sedition, insurrection, and a partridge in a fucking pear tree.

Thank goodness he's in lock down, though it makes it tough to cruise Lydia's neighborhood in his Audi A8L.


rrb said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

RRB , THE left just doesn't get it.

Biden Policies have caused Inflation.

Oh, they get it. And they love this shit.

Always remember that the end game is Cloward-Piven, and this will always remain in focus for you.

Myballs said...

Bond breakeven rate now over 3%. I'm sure Roger kbows what that is eirho looking it up. Beibg such an ecenomics expert and all.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Warren Says Manchin On Board With Corporate Minimum Tax

Warren said that Manchin “is good with” the proposal "

The experts here don't know what bottom up is is and how well it worked until 1980!

The middle class percentage of the GDP decline dramatically for decades.

Sleepy Joe is FDR phase two

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Even more important!@@!

Sinema Backs Minimum Corporate Tax

October 26, 2021 at 6:49 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan,” The Hill reports.

She was the last road block

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

It is pretty good and getting better. As David Leonhardt wrote in the New York Times:

Even amid a global pandemic, most American households are doing better financially than they were in 2019… Today, the unemployment rate has fallen back below 5 percent. The value of homes — the largest asset for most families — has continued rising. The S&P 500 is more than 30 percent higher than it was before the pandemic. And the federal government, across both the Trump and Biden administrations, has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, much of it through checks sent directly to people.

While far too many families were and will be left behind if the Democrats cannot pass Biden’s economic plan, the vast majority of Americans are better off than before the pandemic. According to most measures, things are headed in the right direction. As Seth Hanlon, a former economic advisor to President Obama, recently pointed out on Twitter, weekly unemployment claims have fallen 65 percent overall since Biden took office, and are almost back to pre-pandemic levels.

Every expert agrees the Biden Administration’s American Rescue Plan and efforts to control the pandemic and vaccinate Americans is largely responsible for this economic success.

The Republicans want to block it because they would lose the next election season.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Capitol Rioter Now Loathes Trump

A man charged in the attack on a police officer amid the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, called his conduct “unequivocally an aberration” and that he was “consumed by the mob mentality."

Said Thomas Sibick:
“January 6th was a disgrace to our nation that left a scar Trump is ultimately responsible for, but we are strong and will heal from it.
While many praise Trump I loathe him.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

But a number of popular proposals have been nixed from the bill altogether or will be significantly scaled back as the party trims costs following pushback from Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin (D W.Va.) over the proposed $3.5 trillion price tag. 

The party hopes to pass the bill using a process called reconciliation, which will let them advance it through the Senate with a simple majority and, therefore, bypass a Republican filibuster. But that means the party will need the vote of every Democrat in the Senate, meaning any single senator could tank the bill.

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan,” The Hill reports.

She was the last road block

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Elon Musk Rips Proposed Billionaire Tax

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk,
who is currently the richest man in the world,
ripped the Democratic proposal for an annual tax on billionaires’ investment gains saying: “Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you.”

Musk’s net worth jumped to 288.6 billion on Monday, according to Bloomberg.

Oh, don't we all just feel SO sorry for poor old Musk!

Myballs said...

The min corporate tax is not a big deal. Just 2 months ago, there was a global agreement of 15% min.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Plan Will Include $500 Billion for Climate

“The White House is privately telling lawmakers the climate portion of President Biden’s roughly $2 trillion social spending plan is ‘mostly settled’ and will likely cost more than $500 billion

“A price tag of $500-550 billion is a huge number and, if it holds, would likely be the single biggest component of the sweeping package. It also isn’t far off from the roughly $600 billion proposed when the bill was expected to cost $3.5 trillion.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Corporations that have been paying zero will think it's a big deal.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Propose Corporate Minimum Tax

“Senate Democrats detailed a 15% minimum tax on large companies’ income on Tuesday, refreshing an earlier revenue-raising proposal as they try to generate enough money to pay for President Biden’s social-spending and climate-change agenda,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The plan is designed to raise money from companies without raising the 21% corporate income-tax rate.”

Sinema Backs Minimum Corporate Tax

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan,” The Hill reports.

Rastus said...

Sho' do look like de chariot's a-comin'!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Manu Raju

Dems hope to get a deal on a framework by end of day tomorrow, per senators

But at lunch, they were told there key issues not yet resolved

1) Medicare
2) Medicaid
3) paid family leave
4) immigration
5) Taxes
Also Climate hasn’t been resolved but Ds say they’re getting closer


Well it is FAKE NEWS CNN but sure sounds different

Didn't realize they don't even have a deal on a framework

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Keith Boykin


Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema apologizes to South Carolina Senator Tim Scott because a woman from Arizona tries to ask her a question in the airport.

Looks like Sinema and Scott are getting along though


James's Fucking Daddy said...

RNC targets McAuliffe, Biden campaign event with mobile billboard

The Republican National Committee (RNC) will target President Biden’s campaign event with Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (D) on Tuesday by showcasing a mobile billboard in the Old Dominion that features a clip of McAuliffe commenting on the president’s rising unpopularity in the state and nationwide.

The mobile billboard, which will appear in Virginia on Tuesday ahead of Biden’s campaign event with McAuliffe, will feature a video on loop of comments the former governor made during a virtual rally with supporters earlier this month regarding the president’s waning popularity.

“We are facing a lot of headwinds from Washington, as you know. The president is unpopular today, unfortunately here in Virginia,” McAuliffe says in the video.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Ed O'Keefe


ARLINGTON, Va. — @timkaine warming up a chilly crowd awaiting @POTUS Biden, who’s campaigning tonight for @TerryMcAuliffe, locked in a close race with Republican @GlennYoungkin. #VAGov #Campaign2021

Matt Whitlock
If I can paint you a picture - the park they’re in is fairly large - 1.5 soccer fields, 2 softball fields, 2 basketball courts, like 6 tennis courts.

McAuliffe packed this entire rally into about a quarter of the half soccer field to make it seem crowded.

To illustrate from a nearby building.

On the left you have a view of about half the park.

On the right you can see the tiny area they eventually squeezed people into to pretend people care about Terry McAuliffe.


FAKE NEWS trying to make it appear McAuliffe/Biden has a big crowd

Let's Go Brandon


James's Fucking Daddy said...


Judge Amy Jackson released a J6 defendant from pre-trial custody after he disavowed Trump in a letter and his lawyer suggested a political conversion.

I’ve never seen anything like this - ever.

Glenn Greenwald


Judge Amy Berman Jackson releases a 1/6 defendant from pre-trial prison, where has been held since March, after he writes a letter promising that he has changed his political views and now hates Trump. The judge directs his father to keep Fox and MSNBC off in the house.

Trump "is not a leader and should be ostracized from any political future, what he honestly needs to do is go away! -- 1/6 defendant Thomas Sibick, writing a letter renouncing his political views on Trump, to be released from pre-trial prison.

He should have been made to throw darts at a picture of Trump's face before he was released, to prove he really meant it. Maybe Judge Berman Jackson will consider that for the next defendant seeking to be released from this harsh prison despite having been convicted of no crime.

Prisoners who pledge loyalty to Joe Biden and write a letter highlighting Nancy Pelosi's best attributes should have their sentence reduced by at least 1/3.

Joe Biden's America

Banana Republic

unequal justice


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

One of the few truthful bloggers hereOctober 26, 2021 at 6:46 PM

Corporations that have been paying zero will think it's a big deal.

Nope , as you out perform Roger and Denny's combined , in knowing nothing about the US Tax Code and real world Economics.

The consumer will pay any new taxes.