Friday, December 24, 2021

Fascists Democrats want to changes congressional rules in order to Federalize elections rules against the will of the people...

That sounds like hyperbole, but unfortunately it's not....

Let's start with a recent poll that just came out on the subject of the 2020 election and elections in general. 
Fifty-nine percent (59%) of voters think it’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of last year’s presidential election, including 40% who believe it is Very Likely the election was affected by cheating. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t think it’s like cheating affected the election, including 21% who say it’s Not At All Likely that the outcome was affected by cheating.
By more than a 2-to-1 margin, voters believe it is more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections (65%) than to make it easier for everybody to vote (32%). Majorities of all races – 67% of whites, 59% of black voters and 60% of other minorities – place more importance on preventing cheating than on making it easier to vote. 

So this is the reality that we live in folks. This is just one of many polls that states the same thing. People are skeptical of our election security, they want voter ID laws, and they want to believe that those who win elections are doing so without illegal voters, without counting issues, without ballot harvesting, and without cheating.  More people believe it's "very likely" that the Biden win was affected by cheating than even casually believe the opposite. Even as the liberal media attempts to tell people that questioning the election is "the big lie" three in five Americans believe differently. So if you adhere to the "big lie" theory, and are standing next to four random strangers... only one of those people agrees with you. Think on that. 

Ahem... anyways...

We still remain the only first world country (other than Russia) without a national voter ID requirement to vote. We have 32 states that now require voter ID, and more states passing election laws to do exactly what the public wants, which is to make elections more secure and less susceptible to cheating. 

These laws are popular, necessary, and long overdue. In 2021, it is simply too easy to find anomalies (76% of mail in ballots in Pennsylvania counted for Biden), identify problems (50,000 suspect or illegal votes in Maricopa), and find flat out cheating (Trump votes being recorded for a third party multiple times in a single Democratic county and in multiple cases total precinct counts erroneously recorded to the Secretary of State's office as 100% for Biden). Twenty years ago or even ten years ago, they get away with this stuff. Now a good election projectionist with programming tools can project election results accurately and identify problems without difficulty.  You can see when a particular county has crazy results that are different than the counties around them. You follow up and you end up with situations like the Pennsylvania election workers destroying their election information to avoid having it turned over for inspection (and being caught on camera doing so).

What does Joe Biden and the rest of the fascist Democrats want to do? They want to prevent popular laws from being implemented at the state level that work to make election more secure. Instead they quite literally want to make a special exception in Congressional rules that would allow them to pass a law (without a majority of Senators) that would effectively overturn these popular "for the people" laws and replace them with one Federal law that is entirely for the Democrats in office. 

They want to literally ban voter ID requirements, they want to allow for ballot harvesting, they want to allow unsecured drop boxes for people to drop off ballots that are not even checked for signatures (because that is racist or something). For all practical purposes they want to do exactly what opposite of what Americans want and quite literally undo every improvement that has been made for the American electorate who wants more security in their election. Then they want to try and tell us that going against the wishes of two thirds of America is soooo important that they need to change the rules to do so.

Fascism? Not too strong of a word here folks... 


Myballs said...

Our inept vice president Harris is now whining that her news coverage is the worst of any VP. She had a huge opportunity and completely fucked it up.

And Dan Quayle was unavailable for comment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Merry Christmas eve mfrs

December 24, 2021

Is America officially a nation of sheep?

By Patricia McCarthy

Is America officially a nation of sheep?

No, but a recent YouGov poll does prove that about half of us are.  It showed that Democrats are both more fearful than the rest of us of COVID and more authoritarian when it comes to mandating vaccines for those who have chosen not to submit to the jab, the “Fauci-ouchy” as Michael Knowles calls it.    So, one can conclude that democrats are indeed more sheeplike.  

The Democrat party was not always scaredy-cats, motivated by fear and a will toward authoritarianism.  JFK would not have cowered in fear of a virus, nor would he have so egregiously exaggerated its seriousness.  Nor would have countless other Democrats of the past.

The radicalization of the party began in earnest under Obama who was a communist at heart.   It was Obama who turned our DOJ, FBI IRS, DEA, ATF, and the CIA into surveillance agencies tasked with ferreting out political opposition anywhere it might be found.  When Trump won in 2016, those agencies all doubled down on their now well-practiced Stalinist tactics.  

The denizens of the Obama administration are well represented within the pathetic Biden team, albeit behind the scenes.  Just who is calling the shots is anyone’s guess but whoever they are, they have very poor judgment, as does every single member of the Biden cabinet.  Granholm for Energy! Buttigeig for Transportation! Jake Sullivan for National Security!  Garland as AG!  Every one of them is a disaster, clueless to the point of being dangerous.  

Baa has

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most dangerous of all however is the Democrats’ taste for tyranny over the American people.  Anyone paying attention knows that Biden and his cabal of ideological schemers are gleefully looking forward to shutting down more small businesses, mandating more restrictions on our daily lives and the lives of the nation’s children.  

The madwoman of NY, Gov. Hochul, has mandated masks for two-year olds.  She has clearly forgotten everything she ever knew about toddlers, including how to keep them healthy.  Gov. Newsom of CA is cut from the same cloth.  They, like the rest of the blue state governors and mayors (like Muriel Bowser of DC) , are drunk with their newfound power over others.  

They are sheep of a different color – the red of communism.  They are the sheep herders.  They enjoy their power too much.  They stick together even in the face of veritable volumes of actual science that proves the vaccines are dangerous.  They have killed or damaged hundreds of thousands.  Surely, they all know this but they continue to insist we must be forced to submit.  

Either they submitted themselves and regret it or they have not (members of Congress are exempt from the mandate) and do not care that the clot shots are catastrophically dangerous for far too many, young athletes for example.  The Fauci fascists know all about this too but continue to support vaccine mandates.  

Can one conclude then that they have a gene for genocide?   Bill Gates just might; he’s been enthralled by population reduction for decades.  A case has been filed with the International  Criminal Court charging Gates, Fauci and Peter Daszak with genocide.

recommended by

There are volumes of material by physicians, virologists and epidemiologists that advise against vaccinating children and yet parents are willingly giving their youngsters over to the jabbers.  Healthy children are at no risk of dying from covid; there is no reason for them to be vaxxed.  And yet, show those parents the dire warnings from those actual experts (Fauci has not seen a patient in forty years) and they will still go with the absurd, flip-flopping, hypocritical advice of Fauci, Walensky and the big-pharma-paid mouthpieces on CNN and MSNBC, ABC and CBS.  

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The bottom line is that no one, least of all Fauci or Biden, knows what the long-term consequences of these wholly experimental vaccines will be.  The real experts – Drs. Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr. Malone’s Unity Project, to name a few, have risked their careers to tell the truth.  Their warnings have been suppressed and their social media cancelled.  

Contrary to what Biden and the CDC have asserted, the vaccines do not stop transmission of COVID but the mainstream media at first denied this fact, then soft-peddled it; they are financially dependent on big pharma’s ad revenue.  And now it seems that those who have sheeplike been vaxxed and boosted are more in danger of getting COVID and/or the cold they are calling Omicron (an anagram for ‘moronic”).  The pandemic is now one of the vaccinated.   

What has been done to the American people, the Canadian people, the Australian people, the Austrian people, the German people, the French people etc. is the most horrific globalist crime against humanity ever perpetrated on formerly free people in the history of the formerly civilized world.  All part of the Great Reset plan?  Perhaps. 

But how do we explain the multi-millions of people who have accepted this fate – lockdowns, masks and vaccines -- so willingly.  How have so many millions surrendered to the fear ginned up 24/7 by our deplorable media?  The Americans who won the Revolutionary War, the Civil War or WWII would not recognize the Americans who today bought into the lockdowns, masked up to walk their dogs, lined up to be jabbed with an experimental vaccine and now, as if members of a cult, are turning their young children over to the same madmen who conspired to take over the world.  Their minds have been manipulated and they have succumbed to mass hysteria.  What a shame. 

“The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective.” 
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Describes Thecoldheartedtruth of today.

The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective.” 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have become a white supremacist

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And of course a loyalist

Enough, Karl Rove, enough: Put up or shut up

By David Zukerman

Enough of your kvetching about Donald Trump's "obsession," -- your buzzword, not his -- with 2020.  If Mr. Trump is nominated to run for  a second term as president, will you vote for him?  That really is the issue for us conservative populists, I think.

Indications, thus far, with an eye toward 2024, are that the Never Trump cabal will join forces to thwart a third Trump presidential bid: the Democrats shrieking in hysterics that democracy will come to an end with a second Trump presidential term, and the Never Trump crowd chiming in, as you ended your Wall Street Journal column, December 23:  "If the GOP can't learn to shake the Trump obsession with alleged election fraud, the former president could even hand Democrats the White House -- again."

That "again" is bewildering. It suggests you are asserting that Donald Trump previously handed the presidency to the Democrat.

When was the first time that Mr. Trump handed Democrats the White House as a result of his "obsession" with a presidential election?

Rove should be thankful Mr. Trump has not -- and he would have good cause, I believe, to make the allegation -- blamed the Never Trump conspiracy for: a) undermining his first term, and b) working with the media and, of course, their Deep State Democrat allies, to badmouth the Trump campaign 24/7 with baseless intimations, innuendo, and direct statements.  The Never Trump "fifth column" in the Republican party arguably gave the presidency to Benighted Biden with nary a thought how their betrayal would damage national security, foreign policy, economic stability, civil liberties and immigration issues -- not to mention undoing  the good efforts of the Trump administration in starting from scratch to corral the harmful effects of the pandemic, exacerbated by political scoundrels like the former governor of the State of New York.

It seems to me that voters, certainly Republican voters and independents, should be told, now, where pundits like Karl Rove stand with respect to 2024.  And it further seems logical to inquire of Karl Rove, so close, as he is, to the Bush faction in the Republican Party:  Will you vote for Donald Trump (or any other conservative populist) in 2024, or will you work -- by omission or commission -- for the election of another Democrat who will vitiate  national security with wokeness,  align our foreign policy with totalitarian governments, put an end to the idea of a prosperous economy, equate dissent and free expression with sedition,  weaponize the intelligence community, and break the backs of taxpayers on funding an open borders policy?

The test, for Rove is simple enough.  Let his next column in The Wall Street Journal declare, without fear or reservation:  "The Democrats Be Damned; If Trump Is the Candidate, He Gets My Vote."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are the fascist.

Not the Democrats.

anonymous said...

And 95 % of voters know Rassmussen is about as trustworthy as Putin!!!!! Leading questions with biased sample......and Lil Schitty buys into the bullshit hook line and sinker again spreading crap and lies to support his opinion!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Use the google machine scot.....more people support voter reform than the bullshit you just posted!!!!

BOSTON — Good government groups are urging lawmakers to authorize same-day voter registration and other updates to the state’s election laws, pointing to a new poll showing strong public support for the measures.

A University of Massachusetts at Amherst poll, released on Friday, found a majority of voters support making vote-by-mail a permanent option for registered voters, allowing people to register to vote and cast ballots on Election Day and automatically mailing absentee ballot applications to voters.

At least 65% of the 750 survey respondents said they support same-day registration, according to the UMass poll. More than 64% of those surveyed support making vote-by-mail a permanent option for all registered voters.

The poll also found support for allowing local election clerks to send vote-by-mail ballot applications to voters ahead of state federal and local elections.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The founding fathers feared.

"This is just one of many polls that states the same thing. People are skeptical of our election security, they want voter ID laws" because of the big lie.

That's why we have three branches of the, including the Senate, where a simple majority could approve legislation with a simple majority vote.

The filibuster was designed to make it impossible to pass anti discrimination legislation. By the Democrats of that era.

In effect, you are supporting the same path to make it impossible for the people to choose their leaders.

We had the most secure and in history in November of 2020.

You are the fascist.

anonymous said...


Voters Against 'Zuckerbucks' Influencing Elections
Thursday, December 23, 2021
An overwhelming majority of American voters believe Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s multimillion-dollar effort to influence the 2020 presidential election was a bad thing for democracy, and most still think cheating influenced the election outcome.


anonymous said...

BTW, Lil's your calling the market crashing work out after yesterday??????? I doubt you are man enough to admit you fucked up.....typiciall of a white supremicist GOP loser married to a child!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

and, of course, their Deep State Democrat allies were out to destroy the Orange Monster.

You believed that from the day he rolled down the escalator.

You are the fascist.

Loyalty is all that matters to you..

anonymous said...

BTW Roger....the overwhelming majority headline was based on a simple of 1000 and included telephone and on line polling!!!!!!! Hard to believe with Lil Schitty's immense intelligence that he would fall for such a piss poor survey,,,,,,again shows how much the mighty have fallen to new lows for trump!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Committee Mulls Criminal Referrals Against Trump

December 24, 2021 at 6:44 am EST By Taegan Goddard 0 Comments

“The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is focusing intently on Donald Trump’s actions that day as it begins to discuss whether to recommend that the Justice Department open a criminal investigation into the former president,” the Washington Post reports.

“Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said in an interview that of particular interest is why it took so long for him to call on his supporters to stand down, an area of inquiry that includes obtaining several versions of a video Trump reportedly recorded before finally releasing a message 187 minutes after he told his supporters to march on the Capitol during the rally that preceded the attack.”

Said Thompson: “It appears that he tried to do a taping several times, but he wouldn’t say the right thing.”

The video could very well show, what he knew and when he knew it.

Sedition or treason.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

a message 187 minutes after he told his supporters to march on the Capitol during the rally that preceded the attack.”

The Department of Justice has the authority to investigate and indict him.

Executive privilege no longer applies.

Even the conservative majority of the Supreme Court would not allow it because it actually does not exist in the Constitution.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fascism? Not too strong of a word here folks...

White supremacy does

Jim Crow 2021.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And to wish you a Merry Christmas eve. Your favorite black county in history.

Two Georgia election workers who were the target of vote-rigging conspiracy theories have sued the One America News Network, its top executives, and former President Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer Rudy Giuliani for allegedly spreading lies about them.

The defamation lawsuit was filed on Thursday in federal court in Washington, D.C., by Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, a voter registration officer in Fulton County, and her mother, Ruby Freeman, who was a temp worker for the 2020 election.

The lawsuit targets San Diego-based Herring Networks, which owns and operates One America News Network, as well as the channel’s chief executive Robert Herring, president Charles Herring, and reporter Chanel Rion.

Giuliani, Trump’s former personal lawyer, was also named as a defendant. Giuliani has frequently appeared on OAN’s programs and has been one of the biggest promoters of Trump’s false claims that voter fraud cost him the 2020 election.

The complaint alleges that OAN broadcast stories in which Moss and Freeman were falsely accused of conspiring to produce secret batches of illegal ballots and running them through voting machines to help then-candidate Joe Biden defeat Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LMAO at you Scott.

secret batches of illegal ballots and running them through voting machines to help then-candidate Joe Biden defeat Trump.

The big lie

Joseph Goebbels Jr. said...

Good Friday morning.

Here is what’s on 46 agenda today:

The President has no public events scheduled.

Christmas Eve news:
Biden signs bill banning goods from China’s Xinjiang over forced labor
White House press team poses in reporter seats for cutesy ‘Happy Holidays’ tweet
Biden says he’s in favor of exception to filibuster for voting rights, ‘whatever it takes’
Chicago-area mall shooting leaves several wounded; 2 suspects in custody, 1 sought
19-year-old charged in armed carjacking incident involving Democratic lawmaker
14-year-old girl in dressing room killed by stray bullet during police shooting at LA store
Former police officer Kim Potter found guilty of manslaughter in Daunte Wright’s death
Trump asks Supreme Court to shield records from Jan. 6 committee
Bernie Kerik plans to publicly release documents demanded by Jan. 6 committee
Drawings made by Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley revealed in chilling documents
Man arrested for alleged kidnapping, sex with minor, Gascon’s office recommended $0 bail: California police
Trump again publicly defends COVID-19 vaccines, but slams mandates
New York Gov. Hochul Signs Law Punishing Forgery Of Vaccine Cards By 1 Year In Prison
New York scaling back New Year’s celebrations
Christmas flights canceled: United, Delta say omicron spike is causing some holiday flight cancellations
CDC cuts quarantine time for health care workers to 7 days with negative test
China puts city of 13 million in lockdown ahead of Olympics
‘Don’t Weigh Me’ cards aim to reduce stress at the doctor’s office

And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!

Anonymous said...

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)

President Roosevelt added the largest percentage increase to the national debt."

Body Bag Biden is FDR

Anonymous said...

"Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise ($8.6 trillion) and was fifth in terms of percentage at 74%."

Body Bag Biden is going to run victory laps around both of them.

anonymous said...

Under trump the US debt exceeded 1 trillion for the first time while cutting taxes for the rich......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Trump promise of zero debt when he ran was famously missed!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump still owns Dennis, Roger and James.

Anonymous said...

Denny , you are a millionaire.

Do you take all legal tax deductions when filing your Federal return.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Merry fucking X Mas goat fucker....LOLOLOLOLO.

Stupidity rules your menial life. LOLOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

So you do take every Trump Era deduction.

Typical two faced Socialist.

Commonsense said...

The filibuster was designed to make it impossible to pass anti discrimination legislation. By the Democrats of that era.

If true, then why do we have a civil right law and one whole branch of the DOJ dedicated to its enforcement.

A little history, The filibuster has been around in one form or another since 1790. The term comes from the Dutch "fregeiter' (free booster).

It predates the civil war, segregation, Jim row, and the decision that made it all possible; Plessy v Ferguson

Linking it to racial discrimination is absurd.

Commonsense said...

Do you take all legal tax deductions when filing your Federal return

Yes everyone I can.

Anonymous said...

Blue State Fascists Democrat run states are expecting population decrees and Freedom Loving Red States are welcoming them and the businesses they are moving.

Anonymous said...

Do you take all legal tax deductions when filing your Federal return

"Yes everyone I can." CS

As do I.

But James, Roger and Denny don't.

anonymous said...

More outlandishly stupid gibberish posted by the goat fucker. Only morons who don't work asks stupid questions showing his complete lack of education and brains.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Anonymous said...

Dennis, you complain about the Trump Tax cuts, yet you enjoy them.

Anonymous said...

"Real disposable income Nov.-0.2%"

Oh Alky, told ya so.

Commonsense said...

Even the conservative majority of the Supreme Court would not allow it because it actually does not exist in the Constitution

Neither does the right to privacy. But just like the case law that carve this right out of the Constitution, executive privilege is a fundamental doctrine of Presidential power. Was surprise the Federal courts narrowly define the scope the privilege. Before it was assumed that presidential predecessors would have control over their papers and the people who freely gave them advise.

I Think that's a dangerous precedent. Imagine a GOP house committee starts poking around Obama's papers and talking to confidential advisors about Iran foreign.

Anonymous said...

To call a person(s) a fascist in the equation of politics it follows:
1.You yourself support fascism
2.You are completely against this sick form of ideology.

There is no middle ground or grey areas is a binary or the other.

Go check out the allegations that surround Wagner security in Russia THEY ARE FASCISTS.

Bellingcat blog and BBC news have exposed PUTIN as a person who controls this organization,he even has Wagner members as close friends that make him meals.



"If the obviously aggressive line of our Western colleagues continues, we will take adequate, retaliatory military-technical measures [and] react toughly to unfriendly steps," Putin told senior military officials during a meeting in remarks carried by Russian state TV. "I want to emphasize that we have every right to do so."

Anonymous said...

Wikifreaks World Vision....."Google it" and understand what Britain is solely based upon "AN ORDER" of fascists....emanating from Windsor castle and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Trump is extremely confused in his mind about Loyalists....par se.

Anonymous said...

"Real disposable income Nov.-0.2%"
Oct was down -0.3 %.

Roger is again this blogs Fucktard.

Anonymous said...

For it is written that Trump will be the new KING of America

جعل أمريكا ضرطة مرة أخرى

Anonymous said...

oh hypocrits of the lost

anonymous said...

Dennis, you complain about the Trump Tax cuts, yet you enjoy them.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You are a box of stupid rocks, goat fucker...!!!!!! My complaint is about the tax cuts enjoyed by the rich, you then pervert them to your bias and make idiotic comments you are so noted for!!!!!!!! Asshole. Tax cuts on corporations only help corporations and their stock holders of which average Americans do not benefit from!!!!!!!! Sorry sport, the 600 bucks I may have saved on taxes will not affect my life one iota. You with no income get nothing!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Funny.....seems the goat fucker is wrong again!!!!!

Real Disposable Income Per Capita Up in November
by Jill Mislinski, 12/23/21

anonymous said...

Personal Income and Outlays, November 2021

Personal income increased $90.4 billion (0.4 percent) in November according to estimates released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (tables 3 and 5). Disposable personal income (DPI) increased $70.4 billion (0.4 percent) and personal consumption expenditures (PCE) increased $104.7 billion (0.6 percent).

Commonsense said...

BTW Roger....the overwhelming majority headline was based on a simple of 1000 and included telephone and on line polling!!!!!!!

1000 in a sample is a good sample. On-line polling has become a more accepted way reaching people.

Remember the election of 1948 were polls missed a significant portion of the population because they did have home phones.

Hence "Dewey defeats Truman.

Anonymous said...

 "My complaint is about the tax cuts enjoyed by the rich"

You said you have well over a million, so you hate yourself.

Anonymous said...

"Real disposable income Nov.-0.2%"

Marketwatch. Com

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President will allow people of color to visit the United States of America.

President Joe Biden will lift travel restrictions on eight Southern African countries on Dec. 31, citing new “understanding” of the omicron variant’s risks and spread, the White House announced Friday.
Biden made the decision on the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which pointed to evidence that coronavirus vaccines are effective at preventing severe disease from the mutation-laden variant, a senior administration official told the Washington Post.
“According to our health and medical experts at the CDC, the value of country-based international travel restrictions is greatest early in an outbreak, before the virus or variant has been widely disseminated,” the White House said in a statement. “This value declines as domestic transmission starts to contribute a larger proportion of case burden.”
Biden on Nov. 26 instituted the travel restrictions on eight Southern African nations that were thought to be the epicenter of the omicron outbreak, citing the new variant’s unknown nature. The restrictions, which took effect on Nov. 29, barred most non-U.S. citizens from traveling to the United States if they had recently been in Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa or Zimbabwe.
Public health experts subsequently pushed the Biden administration to lift the measures, citing omicron’s broad spread internationally as well as inside the United States, and evidence that its infections are milder in people who have been vaccinated and boosted.

Unlike the ban on Asians from Asia

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger

Is your gift wrapped for your butt buddy roommate?

rrb said...

Of 47 nations surveyed in Europe—a place where, on other matters, American progressives often look to with envy—all but one country requires a government-issued photo voter ID to vote. The exception is the U.K., and even there voter IDs are mandatory in Northern Ireland for all elections and in parts of England for local elections. Moreover, Boris Johnson’s government recently introduced legislation to have the rest of the country follow suit.


Seventy-four percent of European countries entirely ban absentee voting for citizens who reside domestically. Another 6% limit it to those hospitalized or in the military, and they require third-party verification and a photo voter ID. Another 15% require a photo ID for absentee voting.

anonymous said...

The daily signal ,,,,,run by the Heritage Foundation.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Can't you find and post your own opinion asshole instead of using the POS you constantly post???????

anonymous said...

You said you have well over a million, so you hate yourself.

God goat fucker, don't you have some live stock to fuck????????? BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

The President will allow people of color to visit the United States of America.

Wasn't Biden the one who banned them in the first place?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Indeed, many coronavirus vaccines are already in development, some with promising results in animal models. Many of these vaccines, including the one Saunders and his colleagues are working on, present our bodies with a specific segment of the spike protein that’s shared among many coronaviruses, an “Achilles heel,” as he put it. In Saunders’ vaccine, copies of this critical piece of the spike protein are fused to a protein nanoparticle like darts in a soccer ball. It’s a design that’s been used to fight viruses like influenza, RSV, and HIV. The first broadly protective coronavirus vaccine to be tested in humans, developed by researchers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, uses a similar technology. Their vaccine, like others in the pipeline, focuses on one branch of the coronavirus family: SARS-like viruses. But the “ultimate goal,” according to Kayvon Modjarrad, an infectious disease researcher at Walter Reed who co-invented the vaccine, is a shot that covers all coronaviruses.

Other vaccines rely on mRNA, just like the COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna, with one significant change: Instead of instructing our immune systems to make a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, these vaccine prompts our bodies to produce a “chimeric” spike protein—a blend of several coronavirus parts. In animal trials, explains David Martinez, a viral immunologist at UNC-Chapel Hill who is testing an mRNA vaccine, mice that received a dose were protected against SARS-CoV-2 (and some of its variants!)—as well as several related viruses, including the 2003 SARS virus, and two bat coronaviruses that haven’t spilled into humans. Another vaccine design, like the one Memoli and Giurgea are working on, is composed of a cocktail of whole, dead coronaviruses.

Coronaviruses, of course, aren’t the only group of viruses that pose a threat to humans. Influenza is also high on the list for global crisis potential. With major flu outbreaks having occurred in 1918, 1957, 1968, and 2009, the World Health Organization warns, “The world will face another influenza pandemic—the only thing we don’t know is when it will hit and how severe it will be.” This year, Memoli and Giurgea, who pivoted from influenza to COVID when the pandemic started, expect to conduct Phase I trials for their universal flu vaccine, which so far has been “very successful against every flu virus [they] throw at it” in animals, Memoli says. Their vaccine, they hope, will replace seasonal flu shots and instead require at most one or two boosters in a lifetime. Other researchers are hoping to build an arsenal of vaccines that offer broad protection against 20 virus families, including those that cause Zika, Nipah, and Chikungunya.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Chinese virus travel ban and the Mooslimb ban

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Memoli says. Their vaccine, they hope, will replace seasonal flu shots and instead require at most one or two boosters in a lifetime.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

Wasn't Biden the one who banned them in the first place?

Yep. It sure was.

rrb said...

When you must cheat in order to win...

There is simply no justification for passing an illegitimate power grab over the nation’s election systems, and in my opinion, no justification could ever exist in any circumstance. We are a republic, and localized control of elections is a bedrock principle of our system.

Besides, can anyone point out what has happened in the last year that requires a complete overhaul of our voting systems? Democrats just made up the need for this out of thin air, and now they proclaim the country will die on the vine if it’s not passed.

And because Joe Biden is an absolute coward and puppet, he’s now fully on board with destroying the legitimacy of the Senate in order to try to rig an election. Framing it as an “exception” to the filibuster should insult everyone’s intelligence. If you can make an exception on “voting rights,” one can be made on anything. Oh yeah, and lest we forget, Democrats would like to pack the Supreme Court as well. You know, to save “democracy” or some such.

This is all really tyrannical stuff, and if the shoe was on the other foot, the gnashing of teeth from the press would never cease. Yet, instead of being condemned, Democrats are actually lauded for their dictatorial efforts. It’s absolute insanity.

anonymous said...

The only cheats are the GOP rat.....the only voter fraud that resulted in convictions was from your side....the rest of the narrative was nothing but wishful thinking and hope that it would be of trumps cases were not thrown out??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!! Red state another mouth piece for dumb fucks like you!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The walls are caving in.

Trump was silent for more than three hours after his supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6.
The January 6 committee is trying to understand why Trump took so long to speak to his supporters.
Rep. Bennie Thompson said Trump had to retape his video telling his supporters to leave the Capitol.
President Donald Trump had to reshoot a video during the Capitol riot because "he wouldn't say the right thing" to tell his supporters to go home, the chair of the January 6 committee said.

"It appears that he tried to do a taping several times, but he wouldn't say the right thing," Rep. Bennie Thompson told The Washington Post, citing witness interviews and media reports.

Publicly, Trump remained silent for 187 minutes after his supporters breached the Capitol on January 6. The committee investigating the riot is trying to understand why the former president took so long to speak as it weighs recommending criminal charges against him.

Thompson's comments follow increasing speculation that Trump's behavior during the riot could mean he illegally obstructed Congress.

Rep. Liz Cheney, the vice chair of the January 6 committee, previously suggested that the committee could find Trump guilty of criminal obstruction.

In the video he eventually put out on January 6, Trump told his supporters at the Capitol to go home and called the mob "very special people."

Thompson told The Post that the fact that Trump had to keep retaping the video was of interest to the committee because it could help explain why he took so long to speak.

The reasons for Trump's delayed response were significant because they could help the committee decide whether to make a criminal referral against Trump, Thompson said.

In that case, Congress would inform the Justice Department that it believed a crime was committed, and federal prosecutors would decide whether to bring charges against Trump.

"One of those concerns is that whether or not it was intentional, and whether or not that lack of attention for that longer period of time, would warrant a referral," he told The Post.

Representatives for Trump did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fascist ex President is in serious trouble with the law!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

criminal obstruction.

anonymous said...

Some moronic trump supporters are leaving the fold because trump did the correct thing and advocated taking the shot!!!!!!BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Sure hope the deniers get what they so richly deserve for X-Mas.......LOLOLOLOL!!

Donald Trump speaks
Former President Donald Trump is facing backlash from fringe factions of the right wing after he lauded the COVID-19 vaccines and encouraged people to take their booster shots.Scott Olson/Getty Images
The fringe factions of the right wing erupted in anger after Trump lauded the COVID-19 vaccines.

Figures from Alex Jones to Ali Alexander swiftly rebuked Trump for his pro-vaccine stance.

Members of QAnon-linked Telegram channels said they felt betrayed after Trump said to get the shot.

Fringe factions of the right-wing have erupted in anger and confusion at former President Donald Trump's enthusiastic lauding of the COVID-19 vaccine this week.

On two separate occasions this past week, Trump advocated for people to take the COVID-19 vaccine. On Sunday, crowds booed the former president when he told Bill O'Reilly that he'd taken a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot and was pro-vaccination. Trump doubled down on his stance during an interview with the conservative commentator Candace Owens on Wednesday, hailing the vaccine as "one of the greatest achievements of mankind."

"No, the vaccine worked. But some people aren't taking it. The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't take their vaccine," Trump told Owens.

"If you take the vaccine, you're protected. Look, the results of the vaccine are very good. And if you do get (COVID-19), it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take their vaccine," he added.

On social media, right-wing figures from conspiracy theorist and talk show host Alex Jones to recently-subpoenaed "Stop the Steal" organizer Ali Alexander came out in force, rebuking Trump for his position

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines "obstruction of justice" as an act that "corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice."


Someone obstructs justice when that person has a specific intent to obstruct or interfere with a judicial proceeding. For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.

§ 1503 applies only to federal judicial proceedings. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency. A pending proceeding could include an informal investigation by an executive agency.

Anonymous said...

Roger, about your Christmas.


Your two ex's are living well.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

For a person to be convicted of obstructing justice, that person must not only have the specific intent to obstruct the proceeding, but that person must know (1) that a proceeding was actually pending at the time; and (2) there must be a connection between the endeavor to obstruct justice and the proceeding, and the person must have knowledge of this connection.

If the recording reveals he knew and directed it, the DOJ is obligated to inform and maybe a Grand Jury hearings.

You can't plead 5th amendment rights in a Grand Jury, can be imprisoned until he testifies, or the Grand Jury can indict him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My daughter Charlee and her husband Kendall and Isabel and Kylee are coming to visit and have lunch together in Santa Monica and.

If the pier is open the restaurant is the most delicious food I ever had.

My first wife is very happy with her and we are still friends.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Merry Christmas eve to all!

C.H. Truth said...

Roger is in the Xmas spirit calling out 65% of the American population, including 59% of Blacks, and 60% of other minorities for being "white supremacists" for opposing Democrat's attempts to federalize elections!

White Supremacists for wanting Voter ID!

White Supremacists for accepting the fact that there was election fraud and other forms of cheating in 2020!

White Supremacists just because!

Well Merry Xmas to Roger and all of his hate!

Anonymous said...

Simple fact, to get vaccinated you need ID.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s not Biden’s fault that millions of Americans refuse to take a free vaccine that prevents most deaths from the virus.

It’s not Biden’s fault that the Delta and Omicron variants caused new surges of infections.

It’s not Biden’s fault that supply chain disruptions caused by shutdowns and border closures have caused inflation to soar.

It's the economy stupid!

Bill Clinton won reelection using the exact words.

Well Merry Xmas to Scott and all of his hate for liberals and people of color!

Anonymous said...

Body Bag Biden victory.

1/5 of all NFL players have been or are currently on the China Weaponized Covid list.

They did everything right, and yet, the haven't or can't play.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1,000 people were polled!

Well Merry Xmas to Scott and all of his hate for liberals and people of color!

Anonymous said...

No one under the Name of "Scott Johnson" acts like this.

"Well Merry Xmas to Scott and all of his hate for liberals and people of color!"

You lie Alky.

Anonymous said...

Roger is a piece of trash, the political winds shirt stand he gets blown to a new direction.

From "Transitory Inflation" to it is not Body Bag Biden's fault "have caused inflation to soar."

Yes, it is. He is in charge, he said he had plans, his plans implemented have failed and made things far worse.

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Roger...

Only one of us are actually calling people White Supremacists. Which of course would be someone who actually believes in the superiority of one race of people over others. I don't believe there is any evidence here that suggests anyone is a "White Supremacist".

You just throw it out there because you are angry!

Now describing the current crop of Democrats as fascists is something that I happily explained and will happily defend. I have example after example of them attempting to force their will on Americans from a position of power.

You posted an article earlier in this thread, which you seem to criticize without actually taking issue with any of it. You literally did not dispute anything stated. You did not make any actual argument that there was anything inconsistent or wrong about the article. It is an article that does what you cannot do...

Take a stance and back it up with examples, reasoning, and logical arguments as to why that stance is correct.

You just shove aside... something known as cognitive dissonance.

Please Roger...

Give us your examples of when anyone (much less myself) has offered that White people are superior to others or that anyone (much less myself) has a lower opinion of people of color. Remembering, that I am married to an Asian, my brother is married to a Hispanic, my sister in laws are of color, and my son lives with his two best friends (both are multi-racial) who both spent large portions of their childhood under my roof.

So are you really doing anything other than just barking at the moon, Roger?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott is confessed by the difference by concern and hate..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on December 21-22, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports. 

The survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on December 21-22, 2021 by Rasmussen Reports. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I did read it before I said anything about it

Anonymous said...

What Joe :
"Roger AmickDecember 24, 2021 at 12:23 PM

Scott is confessed by the difference by concern and hate.🤡alky

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Scott is confessed by the difference by concern and hate..

You’re “confessed” about the entire English language

C.H. Truth said...


Do you have an argument to make?

Or are you just stating a lie which you cannot defend?