Monday, April 25, 2022

Twitter deal imminent?

Twitter poised to accept Elon Musk's 'best and final' offer, sources say
The deal would come just four days after Musk unveiled a financing package to back the acquisition. This led Twitter’s board to take the deal more seriously and many shareholders to ask the company not to let the opportunity for a deal to slip away, Reuters reported on Sunday.
The sale would represent an admission by Twitter that its new chief executive Parag Agrawal, who took the helm in November, is not making enough traction in making the company more profitable, despite being on track to meet ambitious financial goals the company set for 2023. Twitter’s shares were trading higher than Musk’s offer price as recently as November.

So ultimately it was the "real owners" of Twitter who are demanding that this deal go through in spite of the President and the board being dead set against it. The issue seems to be a realization that the Twitter executives simply do not have a legitimate plan to make money and have probably been advised that they would be opening themselves up for legal action if they refuse this deal. 

Moreover, pretty much everyone knows that if this deal falls through and Musk sells off his stock that the Twitter Stock will nosedive back into the $30s. While this scenario might make the board and other liberals with no financial interest happy, neither really has that option of saying they would rather see the same people running a company at $33/share than selling one at $54/share.

What happens next (after Must takes control) will be interesting to say the least. Twitter has about 4000 employees and it is likely that a lot of them will not be happy with the changes taking place. Those in charge of "moderation" and such will likely be resistant to change. So how far and how hard Musk pushes the "free speech" angle is going to be interesting. People will likely quit or some may actually be let go. 

But it would be nice to tweet again without having to walk on eggshells worried that your next tweet will get you suspended or banned because some liberal snowflake got triggered. Triggering liberal snowflakes is half the fun of being on Twitter!


rrb said...

So the left is about to lose their biggest and most favorite echo chamber.



I can't wait for the day when Trump returns to the platform.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rrb said...

Good job, dumbass...


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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ot but I agree with the conservatives


The Supreme Court on Monday will hear the case of a former high school football coach who said he had a free-speech right to pray at the 50-yard line surrounded by players.

If the court’s conservative majority agrees, it could open the door for a return to organized prayers in public schools.

For decades, the court has held to the rule that public schools and their employees may not organize or promote group prayers, even if a student is holding the microphone. Those decisions are based on the 1st Amendment’s ban on “an establishment of religion” by the government.

But today’s conservative justices lean in favor of the 1st Amendment’s support for free speech and the “free exercise of religion,” and they question the notion of a strict separation between church and state.

That’s why the case of coach Joe Kennedy against the Bremerton, Wash., schools has taken on significance. Civil libertarians say a ruling for Kennedy could be the first step to returning some regular prayers to schools.

When I was a kid kids were allowed to pray, but not repeating the teacher.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ot but I agree with the conservatives


The Supreme Court on Monday will hear the case of a former high school football coach who said he had a free-speech right to pray at the 50-yard line surrounded by players.

If the court’s conservative majority agrees, it could open the door for a return to organized prayers in public schools.

For decades, the court has held to the rule that public schools and their employees may not organize or promote group prayers, even if a student is holding the microphone. Those decisions are based on the 1st Amendment’s ban on “an establishment of religion” by the government.

But today’s conservative justices lean in favor of the 1st Amendment’s support for free speech and the “free exercise of religion,” and they question the notion of a strict separation between church and state.

That’s why the case of coach Joe Kennedy against the Bremerton, Wash., schools has taken on significance. Civil libertarians say a ruling for Kennedy could be the first step to returning some regular prayers to schools.

When I was a kid kids were allowed to pray, but not repeating the teacher.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Musk has said he wants to buy Twitter because he doesn’t feel it’s living up to its potential as a platform for free speech. Twitter, he said, “needs to be transformed as a private company” in order to build trust with users and do better at serving what he calls the “societal imperative” of free speech.

Musk has described himself as a “free-speech absolutist” but is also known for blocking or disparaging other Twitter users who question or disagree with him.

In recent weeks, he has voiced a number of proposed changes for the company, from relaxing its content restrictions — such as the rules that suspended former President Donald Trump’s account — to ridding the platform of fake and automated accounts.


I suspect that he will turn in into the American version of Pravda..

The cultural war is going on across the world..

I wonder if millions of liberals will quit using Twitter?

Or start a new version..

rrb said...

Blogger The Real Halfbaked Soars Pundit said...

Ot but I agree with the conservatives


What the fuck is an Ot, alky?

rrb said...

I suspect that he will turn in into the American version of Pravda..

Pravda is state-approved speech.

Twitter is already state-approved speech, alky.

Musk intends to drop the censorship, respect the first amendment and let folks say what they want.

You're so fucking stupid you always manage to get it exactly BACKWARDS.

C.H. Truth said...


If one were to take this religious issue seriously then they would have to ban all religious actions, including individual prayer. Teachers have the same basic right to pray or practice a religion as a student does.

At issue is whether or not a group of like minded religious people can get together after a school sponsored event and hold a little prayer session. It happens after NFL games, I have seen it after College football games, and I am not sure why it is an issue at a High School level.

Nobody is "forcing" anyone to join a prayer or even listen to it. The Coach is not demanding everyone hold hands and pray before a game. He simply wants to go to the middle of the field and pray. If some students want to join, well so be it. If they do not, then that is okay as well.

Unless that coach is giving preferential treatment to those who pray versus those who do not, then what the hell is the difference to you or anyone else for that matter?

Meanwhile these same schools are likely providing a time and place for people of other religious beliefs their prayer time. Muslims many times have their daily prayer rituals and are generally given that time and space to do so. I don't believe it should matter if it is all students, students and faculty or just faculty. We know they are all of the same religion and (again) unless there is some favoritism being given, what is the issue?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

I suspect Musk acquires Twitter he will do something like this after he meets with employees and/or publishes a company mission statement:

Coinbase offers exit package for employees not comfortable with its mission

First almost everyone agrees Twitter is way overstaffed and needs to let people go. This may actually be the cheapest way to approach this and quickly change the culture (after letting the most vocal dissidents to leave on their own without having to pay !!)

Secondly since Musk has so much tech experience (founding Paypal, AI, robotics) I am pretty sure he isn't worried about having a shortage of tech people.

What he may have to worry about is lawsuits from people disadvantaged by Twitter in the past once he sees their "algorithm" or employees come forward exposing past actions. Especially collusion.


Anonymous said...

Hi Roger.

You son of a cheap Who're.

Roger, you are powerless.

I am a former US Army Sergeant .
I actually Defended the US Constitution.

I will continue to say what I want , when I want and to and About whom I want on any subject I want.

Unless asked to refrain by Scott Johnson.

Anonymous said...


"81% of U.S. adults are worried about a recession hitting this year."


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Attacked Police Officers.
The thin Blue Line.
"FBI director says violence directed at police officers unlike anything he's seen beforeThere were 73 police officers murdered in 2021"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He will be the next Al Capone

A New York judge on Monday held Donald J. Trump in contempt of court for failing to turn over documents to the state’s attorney general, an extraordinary rebuke of the former president.

The judge, Arthur F. Engoron, ordered Mr. Trump to comply with a subpoena seeking records and assessed a fine of $10,000 per day until he satisfied the court’s requirements. In essence, the judge concluded that Mr. Trump had failed to cooperate with the attorney general, Letitia James, and follow the court’s orders.

“Mr. Trump: I know you take your business seriously, and I take mine seriously,” remarked Justice Engoron of State Supreme Court in Manhattan, before he held Mr. Trump in contempt and banged his gavel.

Alina Habba, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, said she intended to appeal the judge’s ruling.

Still, the ruling represents a significant victory for Ms. James, whose office is conducting a civil investigation into whether Mr. Trump falsely inflated the value of his assets in annual financial statements.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My mother Marjorie was the son of a World War One veteran who died of the Spanish Flu one year after she was born in Iowa.

As far as I know is that my father was the only person she had sex with.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In January, Ms. James, a Democrat, said her office had concluded that the Trump Organization had engaged in “fraudulent or misleading” practices involving the statements. But she said she would continue to investigate before deciding whether to sue Mr. Trump or his company.

Although Ms. James does not have the authority to file criminal charges, her civil inquiry is running parallel to a criminal investigation led by the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, who is examining some of the same conduct.

Ms. James’s office is participating in that separate investigation, which had appeared to be nearing an indictment of Mr. Trump earlier this year, before Mr. Bragg raised concerns about prosecutors’ ability to prove their case. Mr. Bragg, also a Democrat, inherited the inquiry from his predecessor after taking office on Jan. 1.

The ruling on Monday presents a roadblock for Mr. Trump as he continues to battle the attorney general’s investigation. Ms. James has sought to question the former president and two of his children, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr., as part of her inquiry, and lawyers for the Trump family are seeking to block the questioning. (In the fall of 2020, Ms. James questioned another of Mr. Trump’s children, Eric Trump, as part of her investigation.)

rrb said...

Trump simply refuses to dignify Laquishaniqua's civil suit witch hunt with anything more than a curt reply.

Good for him. She's a fucking hack worthy of nothing more.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ms. James’s office is participating in that separate investigation, which had appeared to be nearing an indictment of Mr. Trump earlier this year, before Mr. Bragg raised concerns about prosecutors’ ability to prove their case. Mr. Bragg, also a Democrat, inherited the inquiry from his predecessor after taking office on Jan. 1.

The ruling on Monday presents a roadblock for Mr. Trump as he continues to battle the attorney general’s investigation. Ms. James has sought to question the former president and two of his children, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr., as part of her inquiry, and lawyers for the Trump family are seeking to block the questioning. (In the fall of 2020, Ms. James questioned another of Mr. Trump’s children, Eric Trump, as part of her investigation.)


Continue reading the main story

In March, Justice Engoron sided with Ms. James, ordering Mr. Trump and his children to be deposed. The Trumps have appealed that ruling.

This month, lawyers from Ms. James’s office said that Mr. Trump had declined to turn over documents in response to eight separate requests, and called for him to be held in contempt and assessed a daily fine of $10,000 as long as he continued to not cooperate.

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Mr. Trump’s lawyers had said the requests were “grossly overbroad,” and did not “adequately” describe the requested materials.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The kids could be the final nail ��

The ruling on Monday presents a roadblock for Mr. Trump as he continues to battle the attorney general’s investigation. Ms. James has sought to question the former president and two of his children, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr., as part of her inquiry, and lawyers for the Trump family are seeking to block the questioning. (In the fall of 2020, Ms. James questioned another of Mr. Trump’s children, Eric Trump, as part of her investigation.)

Anonymous said...

Americans see what Socialism as practiced by Biden work.

Anonymous said...

Where did
Great a and Pillow Boy Hogg

All go?

rrb said...

It's a fucking civil suit alky. If Bragg had anything, criminal charges would've been brought already.

Just wait until Trump can air this out on Twitter. You're fucking head will explode.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

The Real Halfbaked Soars Pundit said...
My mother Marjorie was the son of a World War One veteran who died of the Spanish Flu one year after she was born in Iowa.

As far as I know is that my father was the only person she had sex with.

having you must have scared the shit out of her

was going to add to my Twitter/Musk thoughts. Maybe another thing Musk could do is move Twitter to Florida of (more likely) Texas. Great tax breaks and breakup the Silicon Valley bubble

Lots of employees would hate that, some would love it.

The company would be much better off

And California would continue its slide

Anonymous said...

IF, We are going to have the Socialist Civil War.

These Great Americans are arming themselves.

"Black Americans flock to gun stores and clubs: ‘I needed to protect myself’

Americans bought a record number of firearms last year. Gun ownership among Black Americans is up 58.2%"

"Matthews started hearing rumors of food shortages and noticed store shelves emptied by shoppers panic-buying everything from bullets to toilet paper. After her daughter moved out of their home, she was left with an empty nest and a lot of anxiety.

“I was thinking of what they predicted in the Bible and I thought I would have to protect the little bit that I had,” Matthews, 55, recalled.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch wants Twitter to be run the same the way he runs Coldhearted-UN-truth: Keep putting it up and insisting on it even when you know full well it is an utter, complete and unjustified lie.

rrb said...

Blogger Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch wants Twitter to be run the same the way he runs Coldhearted-UN-truth: Keep putting it up and insisting on it even when you know full well it is an utter, complete and unjustified lie.

Just because you disagree with something doesn't make it a lie, pederast.

A LIE is what you did with Trump's "favorability" ratings the other day.

Now THAT was a fucking LIE. An utter, complete and unjustified LIE.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Mitch McConnell’s Nightmare Scenario
April 25, 2022 at 11:49 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 61 Comments

The Atlantic:
“On paper, Republicans have a prime opportunity to recapture the Senate majority this fall.
They need to pick up just a single seat to break the current 50–50 tie, and the political environment is tilting heavily in their favor.
President Joe Biden’s approval rating is mired in the low 40s,
inflation is rampant,
and the Democratic majority rests on a trio of vulnerable incumbents in states—Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada—that the president carried by fewer than 60,000 votes combined in 2020.

“Yet the GOP may be stuck with candidates whose pockmarked, and in a few cases, scandal-filled, résumés could render them unelectable—or at least they would have in an earlier era.”

As Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) recently mused:
“How could you screw this up?
It’s actually possible.
And we’ve had some experience with that in the past.”



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

RE 12:42

Just because you disagree with something doesn't make it a lie, pederast.

A LIE is what you did with Trump's "favorability" ratings the other day.

Now THAT was a f**king LIE. An utter, complete and unjustified LIE.

I have gone back and looked, and I agree that Ch was right. I misread the source I cited.

I thought the minus fifteen Trump disapproval applied to the most recent polls, and it obviously did not.

However, it was not a conscious lie when I posted it because I THEN thought it was true; I just had not looked at the source material carefully enough. In that sense, I am willing to admit Ch and you are right and it definitely was a lie, though not told on purpose with conscious awareness.


There's a difference.

Caliphate4vr said...

I have gone back and looked, and I agree that Ch was right. I misread the source I cited.

You misread and misremember a lot, pedo

It’s really convenient you blame it in some thing other than out right lying, but that’s what it is

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CNN — 

CNN has obtained 2,319 text messages that former President Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent and received between Election Day 2020 and President Joe Biden’s January 20, 2021 inauguration.

The vast trove of texts, which Meadows selectively provided to the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, offers the most revealing picture to date of how Trump’s inner circle, supporters and Republican lawmakers worked behind the scenes to try to overturn the election results and then reacted to the violence that effort unleashed at the Capitol on January 6.

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The never-before-seen texts include messages from Trump’s family – daughter Ivanka Trump, son-in-law Jared Kushner and son Donald Trump Jr. – as well as White House and campaign officials, Cabinet members, Republican Party leaders, January 6 rally organizers, Rudy Giuliani, “My Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell, Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts. There are also text exchanges with more than 40 current and former Republican members of Congress, including Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mo Brooks of Alabama and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia. 

The communications below are the messages cited in the story.

Note: CNN has removed personal information from the texts. Errors in spelling and grammar reflect the messages as they were sent, which in some cases include profanity.

Caliphate4vr said...

However, it was not a conscious lie when I posted it because I THEN thought it was true;

The George Costanza defense


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The texts include everything from plans to fight the election results to surprising and unexpected reactions on January 6 from some of Trump’s staunchest allies. At 2:28 p.m., Greene, the conservative firebrand who had helped to plan the congressional objections that day, texted Meadows with an urgent plea for help as the violence was unfolding at the Capitol.

“Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything,” Greene wrote. Meadows does not appear to reply.

More messages flooded in.

“Mark: he needs to stop this, now. Can I do anything to help?” Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former acting White House chief of staff, texted Meadows.

“It’s really bad up here on the hill. They have breached the Capitol,” Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk wrote.

“The president needs to stop this ASAP,” texted GOP Rep. William Timmons of South Carolina.

“POTUS is engaging,” Meadows sent in response to Loudermilk. “We are doing it,” he texted to Timmons.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You give us five minutes, we’ll give you five things you must know for the day.

“Thanks. This doesn’t help our cause,” Loudermilk replied.

Shortly after, Donald Trump Jr. weighed in: “This his(sic) one you go to the mattresses on. They will try to fuck his entire legacy on this if it gets worse.”

“TELL THEM TO GO HOME !!!” texted Trump’s first chief of staff, Reince Priebus.

Heated rhetoric and conspiracy theories

The text messages CNN obtained begin on Election Day, November 3, 2020. Even before the election was called, Meadows was inundated with conspiracy theories about election fraud, strategies to challenge the results and pleas for Trump to keep fighting. The messages – from GOP activists, donors, Republican members of Congress and state party officials – appear to act as an echo chamber affirming Trump’s false claims that the election was stolen. For months leading up to Election Day, Trump had claimed the only way he could lose was if the election was rigged.

READ: Mark Meadows' texts with Mike Lee and Chip Roy

Previously disclosed text messages showed that former Trump administration Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., each texted Meadows on November 4 and 5 with ideas for overturning the election.

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On November 7, hours before the election was called, Perry texted Meadows again: “We have the data driven program that can clearly show where the fraud was committed. This is the silver bullet.”

While Perry has previously denied CNN reporting about his text messages to Meadows, CNN has confirmed it’s his cell phone and he signed this text, “Rick Perry,” including his number.

Other texts, however, include hints of doubt expressed by members of Trump’s team and even Meadows himself about the veracity of conspiracy theories being spread by Trump’s “kraken” team – outside attorneys working for Trump that included Giuliani and Sidney Powell.

Some key congressional allies who worked with Trump’s campaign initially in its efforts to overturn the election, such as Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, ultimately soured on the approach as the January 6 congressional certification neared, CNN previously reported.

The texts also show how Trump allies were quick to deflect responsibility for the January 6 attack. Shortly after pro-Trump rioters breached the Capitol, one of his top aides began crafting a counter-narrative.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At 3:45 p.m., Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller suggested to Meadows and Trump aide Dan Scavino that Trump should tweet: “Call me crazy, but ideas for two tweets from POTUS: 1) Bad apples, likely ANTIFA or other crazed leftists, infiltrated today s peaceful protest over the fraudulent vote count. Violence is never acceptable! MAGA supporters embrace our police and the rule of law and should leave the Capitol now! 2) The fake news media who encouraged this summer s violent and radical riots are now trying to blame peaceful and innocent MAGA supporters for violent actions. This isn’t who we are! Our people should head home and let the criminals suffer the consequences!”

Trump’s allies in Congress appeared to get the message. At 3:52 p.m., Greene told Meadows: “Mark we don’t think these attackers are our people. We think they are Antifa. Dressed like Trump supporters.”

Five minutes later, Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, texted Meadows: “Cap Police told me last night they’d been warned that today there’d be a lot of Antifa dressed in red Trump shirts & hats & would likely get violent.”

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In the 16 months since January 6, hundreds of indictments have shown nearly all of those who breached the Capitol were in fact pro-Trump supporters.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, and it is also NOT purposefully, consciously and KNOWINGLY "bearing false witness"
--which is exactly what Cali and rrb do EACH AND EVERY TIME EITHER OF THEM CALLS ME A PEDO OR A PEDERAST, and they know it.

And that before both God and man.

C.H. Truth said...

Ch wants Twitter to be run the same the way he runs Coldhearted-UN-truth: Keep putting it up and insisting on it even when you know full well it is an utter, complete and unjustified lie.

Whose lie is whose lie Reverend?

We now know that everything about the Russian collusion probe was a lie. From the Russian prostitutes, to the election collusion, to the DNS server nonsense to the Steele Dossier.

All lies.

We also know that the Hunter Biden laptop was real. 100% legit.

So social media allowed lies to be spread about the President and then censored and banned people for telling the truth about Joe Biden's son?

How do you expect to control any of this in an objective fair manner that does not allow lies to be told and truths to be censored? Unless you have an actual "real" answer to any of that, well then shouldn't we just go back to the actual fundamental law?

That social media is a public forum and that since the people who run them are not publishers, their responsibility to monitor pertains to the specific items mentioned in the law? Obscene, lewd, Lascivious, excessive violence, harassment, etc...

Rather than have a bunch of people try to determine what political or social issues are good vs bad and whose truths are lies and whose lies are truths?

Free speech is pretty simple... if you allow it to be.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Whose lie is whose lie Reverend?

Trump's lie is your lie, Ch,
endangering democracy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Doubts about election fraud

While Trump and his allies publicly stuck by their claims that the election had been stolen, behind the scenes, Trump’s inner circle – including Meadows – expressed some doubts. Trump’s aides also questioned whether lawyers like Giuliani and Powell were doing more harm than good.

On November 6, Miller, Trump’s campaign spokesman, texted a group, which included Ivanka Trump, Kushner, Hicks, Stepien, Scavino and Meadows, suggesting that the numbers in Philadelphia didn’t back up claims about alleged election fraud there.

“One other key data point: In 2016, POTUS received 15.5% of the vote in Philadelphia County. Today he is currently at 18.3%. So he increased from his performance in 2016. In 2016, Philadelphia County made up 11.3% of the total vote in the state. As it currently stands, Philadelphia County only makes up 10.2% of the statewide vote tally. So POTUS performed better in a smaller share. Sen. (Rick) Santorum was just making this point on CNN - cuts hard against the urban vote stealing narrative,” Miller wrote.

Jason Miller talks on the phone in a meeting room for lawyers of former President Donald Trump during his Senate Impeachment trial on Capitol Hill, February 12, 2021

Jabin Botsford/AFP/Pool/Getty Images

A week later, Miller wrote to Meadows again, this time saying that campaign research did not find any evidence of a conspiracy involving Soros, the Democratic donor. Miller also said he was concerned about sharing the findings with Trump.

“Lots there re: functionality problems, not much there on Dem/Soros conspiracy connections,” Miller wrote on November 13. “Will defer to you on whether or not to share full report with POTUS. POTUS is clearly hyped up on them, not just from his tweets, but he also called me and Justin separately last night to complain. JM.”

On November 20, Meadows was asked by a Florida contact how confident he was about fraud related to Dominion. Meadows texted back: “Dominion, not that confident. Other fraud. Very confident.”

Two days later, Ginni Thomas messaged Meadows with apparent concerns, asking, “Trying to understand the Sidney Powell distancing…”

Meadows responded: “She doesn’t have anything or at least she won’t share it if she does.”

“Wow!” Ginni Thomas wrote back.

In one of the few messages Meadows received from Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law shared a fact check on December 4 debunking one of the most prominent election fraud claims from Georgia. The article showed that despite inflammatory claims of poll workers stashing suitcases filled with ballots under a table, that did not, in fact, occur.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You still believe the big lie despite the almost every single one of his supporters disagree with you.

In one of the few messages Meadows received from Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law shared a fact check on December 4 debunking one of the most prominent election fraud claims from Georgia. The article showed that despite inflammatory claims of poll workers stashing suitcases filled with ballots under a table, that did not, in fact, occur.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Sweden and Finland to Submit NATO Applications

April 25, 2022 at 2:38 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

Sweden and Finland have agreed to submit simultaneous membership applications to the US-led NATO alliance as early as the middle of next month, The Guardian reports.

Ukrainian Women Were Raped Before Being Killed
April 25, 2022 at 2:31 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 8 Comments

“Forensic doctors carrying out postmortem examinations on bodies in mass graves north of Kyiv say they have found evidence some women were raped before being killed by Russian forces,” The Guardian reports.

C.H. Truth said...

Trump's lie is your lie, Ch,
endangering democracy.

Well that is an opinion.

A rather stupid one if you ask me... but an opinion and I allow you to have it. Rather than delete it or censor it, I am allowed to debate it and repute it...

which is how free speech works.

Eventually if you actually could substantially prove to me (and others) that Trump is some sort of threat to democracy then he would certainly not become the 2024 GOP nominee and absolutely would stand no chance to become President again.

But instead... free speech allows me to point out how much better our country was under Trump than it is under Biden.

- I am free to point out that the Taliban moved after Biden was elected.
- I am free to point out that Putin moved after Biden was elected.
- I am free to blame inflation on Biden and stupid liberal policies of tax and spend.
- I am free to blame our supply chain crisis on Biden, as I am free to blame gas prices, and all sorts of other things.

Roger is free to spew off subject comments has has for almost six years now about how "this time" someone has Donald Trump dead to rights! Of course the argument that a two year unlimited resource special counsel found no crimes, nor did the SDNY, or others... but he will be taken down by a civil suit filed against him seems pretty silly....

But he is free to make it.

Would we be better off is I just deleted all of those comments because they are stupid? Or perhaps delete your response to me that just accuse me of things without any substance behind them?

Endangering Democracy? Seems pretty over the top hyperbole to me, but you are free to make a stupid argument if you so choose.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

stock trading halted pending news release !!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Musk just bought Twitter !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

,Dan Primack, author of Axios Pro Rata

3 mins ago - Economy & Business

Twitter agrees to be bought by Elon MuskPhoto illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios. Photo: Britta Pedersen-Pool/Getty Images

Twitter on Monday agreed to be acquired for around $44 billion in cash by Elon Musk, just weeks after the tech mogul launched his unsolicited, take-it-or-leave-it offer

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I am free to point out that Trump is the first president we have ever had who went as far as he has gone to try to stop the peaceful, nonviolent transfer of power, while continuing baselessly to claim that a fair and legitimate election was false, rigged, and stolen, while continuing to do all he can to sow dissension and uncertainty about it and all future elections -- all that endangers democracy itself.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There's no way to convince you. From day one you have been addicted to Trump. It human nature but fortunately more people can think objectively than you.

Eventually if you actually could substantially prove to me (and others) that Trump is some sort of threat to democracy

Caliphate4vr said...

Eventually if you actually could substantially prove to me (and others) that Trump is some sort of threat to democracy

Ummmm Alky, that’s incumbent upon you, you see you are the one making this histrionic complaint

Caliphate4vr said...

2000 Mules

C.H. Truth said...

I am free to point out that Trump is the first president we have ever had who went as far as he has gone to try to stop the peaceful, nonviolent transfer of power, while continuing baselessly to claim that a fair and legitimate election was false, rigged, and stolen, while continuing to do all he can to sow dissension and uncertainty about it and all future elections -- all that endangers democracy itself.

Well you would be wrong...

Al Gore filed about a dozen different lawsuits attempting to change the outcome in Florida. He protested, he contested, he filed suit to stop military ballots from being counted, he filed suit to change the manner in which recounts were done. He appealed to the FSC.

All of which was perfectly legal... but yet it was an attempt to overturn an election.

But hey... I get it.

People in the media lied and sold you the disinformation that if somehow the electoral college votes were not counted on Jan 6th that somehow Trump would have still been President. You were apparently convinced that if the crowd entering the capital could have kidnapped Pence that nothing could have been done and Biden never would have been sworn in.

Not sure why you would have believed such a stupid blatant lie, but obviously you not only did... but still hold to it.

Meanwhile, you forget about all of the violent protests that took place when Bush was elected. From election night to inauguration there was hundreds of billions in riot damages...

But that was okay, because rioting over the "bad orange man" is okay.

People in the media told you so!

C.H. Truth said...

Eventually if you actually could substantially prove to me (and others) that Trump is some sort of threat to democracy

Well considering Trump is polling higher than Biden and beats him in head to head matchups...

I'd say that nobody has done a very good job of explaining why Trump is a "threat to democracy".

C.H. Truth said...


hundreds of billions in riot damages.

Meant hundreds of millions!

Anonymous said...

Trump Won.

Hillary attacked every Electorial College Representative, tried to make them an ""faithless electors"".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Finland, Sweden to begin NATO application in May

Caliphate4vr said...

Oh, and it is also NOT purposefully, consciously and KNOWINGLY "bearing false witness"
--which is exactly what Cali and rrb do EACH AND EVERY TIME EITHER OF THEM CALLS ME A PEDO OR A PEDERAST, and they know it.

Pedo, I believe you do have inappropriate thoughts about children, therefore it’s not bearing false witness, per your definition

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The next business day after her sworn testimony in a disqualification hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) saw her text messages to Donald Trump’s ex-chief of staff Mark Meadows reportedly spill into the public domain on Monday. Certain messages published by CNN appear to cast doubt on her sworn statements that she made to remain in office.

In one, Greene apparently urged Meadows to goad Trump into declaring “Marshall law,” misspelling the phrase for the substitution of military authority for civilian rule. Greene insisted, under oath, that she could not remember whether or not she encouraged Trump to do that. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a trained lawyer, trended on Twitter a little more than two years ago for the same misspelling.

“Ms. Greene, did you advocate to President Trump to impose martial law as a way to remain in power?” an attorney for her challengers, Andrew Celli, asked her on Friday.

“I don’t recall,” Greene replied.

When Celli clarified that was not a denial, Greene affirmed: “I don’t remember.”

Green’s memory aside, the Trump loyalist from Georgia appears to have provided that advice as a factual matter.

In a message dated Jan. 17, 2021, Greene reportedly wrote: “In our private chat with only Members, several are saying the only way to save our Republic is for Trump to call for Marshall law. I don’t know on those things. I just wanted you to text him. They stole this election. We all know. This will destroy our country next. Please tell him to declassify as much as possible so we can go after Biden and anyone else!”

Greene’s attorney James Bopp, a GOP stalwart behind the Citizens United decision and a suite of quickly withdrawn 2020 election challenges, did not immediately respond to Law&Crime’s request for comment. Neither did Celli.

Legal expert Mitchell Epner, a partner at Rottenberg Lipman Rich PC, noted that falling back upon a purported lack of memory during testimony typically insulates people from accusations of perjury.

“It is very rare for someone to be prosecuted for testimony that they don’t remember something,” Epner said. “This might be that rare case. Certainly, the proof is as strong as possible that she made the statement. The context makes it exceedingly unlikely she would forget. The question is whether the Georgia AG or local prosecutor has the will to prosecute.”

A communications director of Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr (R) did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment.

According to CNN, that missive was one of 2,319 text messages that Meadows sent and received between Election Day 2020 and President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021. Other exchanges laid bare Meadows’s communications with daughter Ivanka Trump, son-in-law Jared Kushner and son Donald Trump Jr. They also exposed chats with Rudy Giuliani, “My Pillow” founder and CEO Mike Lindell, and Fox News host Sean Hannity, according to the report.

Closer to Capitol Hill, pro-Trump elected officials like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), and Rep. Greene are all included in the reported trove.

During Friday’s proceedings, Bopp depicted Greene as every much a “victim” of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol as others hiding out in Congress. One of the messages indicates that she asked Trump, through Meadows, to call off his mob of supporters.

“Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol,” Greene reportedly wrote. “Please tell the President to calm people[.] This isn’t the way to solve anything.”

Throughout Friday’s hearing, Greene claimed not to remember much about what she said in the lead-up to Jan. 6, but she insisted that her quoted remarks had been taken out of context.

The hearing, before Administrative Law Judge Charles R. Beaudrot, ended without a ruling.

Beaudrot requested further briefing from the parties before he issues his formal findings on the facts and law to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), who will determine whether Greene is “qualified to seek and hold public office.”

rrb said...

Blogger The Real Halfbaked Soars Pundit said...

Finland, Sweden to begin NATO application in May

Oh boy. Two more fucking deadbeats to suckle at the US tit.

Anonymous said...

Truckers are seeing slow down in "spot market" shipping.

The Biden recession is here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She should be prosecuted for lying under oath.

Caliphate4vr said...

Oh boy. Two more fucking deadbeats to suckle at the US tit.

I’m sure we can learn a lot from Saab Viggen, like how to put the ignition source in the floor board, so it has to be replaced 3x in a vehicle that dies after a 100k miles. Yes, I owned a 900 many, many moons ago.

But damn it looked good

American "Thinker" said...

This is why the Democrats are so scared about her..

With that mindset, review Greene's tweets and see if they make sense:

Become energy independent, including using the same safe nuclear energy that runs France?  Sounds good.

Bring competition back to medical care and get rid of Obamacare, which ruined your existing insurance and lost you your doctor?  Great idea!

Stop letting China control important medicines? You bet.

Stop Congress from spending like a drunken sailor (only a dishonest drunken sailor with a stolen wallet)?  Absolutely.

Get America back to work and stop bailing out big companies?  I'm onboard.

Start spending American dollars on America, rather than funding the world, including governments hostile to us?  Makes perfect sense.

Shrink the federal government?  Heck, even David Hogg is realizing that inefficient, big government is a problem.

Stop giving American military protection away for free to countries that just whine about what bullies we are?  Oh, yeah.

Put troops on America's southern border rather than shipping them overseas to said ungrateful countries?  Another good idea.

All of Greene's ideas, frankly, are good.  The post-WWII era is truly over, and the world has rejected Pax Americana.  Yes, it's true that America has (mostly) kept the peace, especially among fractious Europeans, but at what cost to herself?

As they say on airplanes, in the event of an emergency, secure your own mask before assisting others.  America needs to do some mask-securing, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has some sensible ideas for how to make it happen.  No wonder her district elected her with 75% of the votes, and no wonder the Democrats are desperate to throw true democracy to the winds and forcibly (and dishonestly) use a Marc Elias dirty trick to keep her off the ballot. 

rrb's girl ��

Caliphate4vr said...

As did I. A 900S sedan. 90 or 91. My "SAAB Story."

Damn same as me. Metallic blue? Why do you put the ignition switch under the cup holders…….on long rugby trip weekends it looked like I was making soup down there

Loved the way the hood opened, but damn I was glad to shed it for 95 Nissan Pathfinder that I put 275k on gave to my old bro-n-law and he put another 100k on it.

rrb said...

They have refused to join NATO because the Russian invasion is a threat to them

But you are to fucking stupid

Yeah, OK alky. Like you know so fucking much. The major reason Putin is pissed and invading is because of NATO EAST-ward expansion.

Khrushchev parked missiles 90 miles off our coast and Kennedy rightfully got pissed. Just exactly why the fuck would you expect Putin to act any differently? Imbeciles like Madeline Albright saw no problem with NATO expansion further and further and further east. And Clinton was too busy getting blown to care so he went along.

If China said 'fuck it' and annexed Mexico would we react any differently?

Indy Voter was right about you alky.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger acts like it is illegal to challenge election results...

About 500,000 words on the subject so far. Like proving what we already know (that Trump was trying to challenge the election results) is illegal and the fact that others were "in on it" makes it a conspiracy....

You know, like the mafia!

The fact that there are laws that allow election challenges and no laws that make it illegal is moot. Must only be illegal with Republicans do it, huh?

Caliphate4vr said...

And I never got to experience the tank in the snow, maybe a tank in a dusting of snow as everyone went nuts for milk, bread and eggs

rrb said...

Damn same as me. Metallic blue?

Hunter green. Automatic. The ignition in mine might've had critters grazing in it for all I knew. Never had a problem with the ignition, but I did need to replace the shifter, head gasket, water pump...

Galactic piece of shit. Traded it on an F-150 and went back to driving trucks forever.

rrb said...

Must only be illegal with Republicans do it, huh?

Always. Hillary can squeal to this day about having the election stolen, Tank Abrams can do the same, and every time a democrat gets beat it's the "end of democracy as we know it."

rrb said...

Blogger Caliphate4vr said...

And I never got to experience the tank in the snow, maybe a tank in a dusting of snow as everyone went nuts for milk, bread and eggs

I remember blasting up I-95 north of Boston in a blizzard doing 75 mph on all-season Pirelli P6's. Like driving a tractor. Then I put Nokia Hakkapeliitta's on it and could go basically anywhere my ground clearance would allow.

But it will always and forever be a piece of shit.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch speak:
Trump was trying to challenge the election results.

Truth speak:
Trump was actively trying illegally to overthrow the election results.

There's a difference.
An important, criminal one.

Caliphate4vr said...

But it will always and forever be a piece of shit.

Absodamnlutely, love our 21 and 08 Lexus ES 350s, I’ll buy jap forever.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.”

— Elon Musk, on acquiring Twitter.

And Trump said he is not going back to Twitter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Advocating overthrow of Government. Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bonus Quote of the Day
April 25, 2022 at 4:11 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 28 Comments

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated. I also want to make Twitter better than ever by enhancing the product with new features, making the algorithms open source to increase trust, defeating the spam bots, and authenticating all humans. Twitter has tremendous potential I look forward to working with the company and the community of users to unlock it.”
— Elon Musk, on acquiring Twitter.

"I’m very interested in what 'authenticating all humans' means."

Yes. Who knows? Under Musk, Twitter MIGHT just become objectively more, not less, reliable and responsible.

THAT would really upset the Right!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump will not return to Twitter, even as Elon Musk purchases the social media company and reinstates his account, instead using his own TRUTH Social as the sole platform for his voice.

Twitter, on Monday afternoon, announced it agreed to be acquired by Musk for $44 billion. 

The former president told Fox News Monday that he will formally join his own TRUTH Social over the next seven days, as planned.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ch will go crazy at him

rrb said...

"I'm leaving Twitter!!!11!" is the new "I'm moving to Canada!!!11!" after every time a republican get's elected to the white house.


Fucking sissies. Look for a glut of used Tesla's on the market.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jon Nicosia

SOURCE: With the Discovery team coming in "@CNN's skeletons are starting to fall out" - One big one is "Upper mgmt (and Anchors) coordinated daily with Rep. Adam Schiff during Trump's Impeachment(s)" They continue "This about 1000 miles outside journalistic ethics" /More to come.


and the skeletons in Twitters closet regarding election interference, Covid/Fauci and more will be coming !!!

1984 may be canceled

Joe's head may be spinning faster than his phonograph

James's Fucking Daddy said...

"I’m very interested in what 'authenticating all humans' means."

Is Goddard really that stupid?

It means blue check marking anybody who authenticates who they are

guess the "pastor" is clueless too

well he is just a waterboy

C.H. Truth said...

Trump was actively trying illegally to overthrow the election results.

Well there you go again Reverend...

You provide an opinion that I disagree with.

Certainly our current Attorney General of the United State of America (the person ultimately responsible for this sort of prosecution decision) is also not convinced that Trump broke the law... or at least not convinced that he can prove that anything was illegal.

What do you know that the Attorney General doesn't?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tyler Winklevoss

When @elonmusk owns Twitter, we will finally learn how sinister and politically motivated the shadow banning and algorithms were and how dangerous they were to our democracy.

the "big guy" hasn't approved this yet though

nor his brownshirts

C.H. Truth said...

If Goddard doesn't like it...

he can find his own forum!

Just like they said to conservatives over the past couple of years...

Obviously Musk is extremely interested in removing bots inactive accounts and shutting down the fake follower deal. When you had celebrities at one time going out and literally buying tens of thousands of followers that had no content, no picture, and no verification that they even existed. Someone just went out and set up these accounts and was paid to have them "follow" someone.

Personally I don't see why that seems like such a big deal, but apparently it is to many people.

Anonymous said...




Indonesia, the world's top cooking-oil exporter, says it's going to ban exports of the oil this week, and it's sent the global prices of edible oils soaring"..

Anonymous said...

Biden's HUD, administration is renting housing for illegals, driving Americans into more expensive housing.

Anonymous said...

"Fucking sissies. Look for a glut of used Tesla's on the market."

Damn that is funny.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


A young man named Fred entered a hospital with severe breathing difficulties from pneumonia. While recuperating, he got to know a young nurse, Agnita, who was very pretty. He flirted with her a little and the two of them began enjoying one another's company.

At one point Agnita told him she'd be gone for the weekend but would see him when she got back.

Later that weekend Fred suffered a respiratory attack and had to be resuscitated. During the time he was unconscious, he had a near death experience in which he found himself transported to a beautiful place.

To his surprise, Agnita came walking up.

"Agnita, what are you doing here?" he asked.

She told him that she would be staying, but he would go back, and asked him to tell her parents that she loved them and was sorry she had wrecked the red MGB. She then turned and walked away.

Totally baffled, Fred had no idea what this meant.

The next morning he was lying in bed thinking about it when his first vistor, a nurse, came into the room. He began telling her about his amazing experience, and when he got to the part about Agnita and the red MGB, the nurse burst into tears and quickly left the room.

Fred soon learned that Agnita had gone home to celebrate her 21st birthday. Her parents had flown in from the country and surprised her by giving her a red MGB.

Excited, Agnita jumped in the car and went driving downhill, lost control, and crashed into a telephone pole, dying instantly.

It had happened a short while before Fred's respiratory attack.

Caliphate4vr said...

The story of acute angina is far better, pedo

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cali admires me so much he even remembers a joke I told a long, long time ago.

But 4:32 really happened.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It really happened.

See between 14:00 and 19:00.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The news is that he is aware of the implications in the future.

A former President has never been charged.

Even if he has enough evidence??(

rrb said...

Blogger Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It really happened.

Of course it did, pederast.

Just like the Easter Bunny came down my chimney and shit chocolate eggs all over my living room floor a couple weeks ago.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described himself as ‘exhilarated’ about the potential damage to President Donald Trump,” the Washington Post reports.

Said McConnell, to one of the authors of This Will Not Pass: “I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself.”

He added: “He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. Couldn’t have happened at a better time.”

rrb said...

Blogger The Real Halfbaked Soars Pundit said...

The news is that he is aware of the implications in the future.

Just like you were aware of the implications of drinking your first liver to death, alky?


You asshole.






How's about letting the 5th Beatle pitch tonight while you catch, eh alky?

rrb said...

the Washington Post reports.

Without ever bothering to verify the claim because it's just too good to verify.



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kputz is going to get cracking �� ��

WASHINGTON — A state court in Kansas on Monday threw out a newly drawn map of congressional districts as an unconstitutional gerrymander, the latest in a series of similar rulings across the country.

The 29th Judicial District Court said that Republicans in the State Legislature had created “intentional and effective” partisan and racial gerrymanders when they divided the state’s major Democratic strongholds among Republican-leaning House districts.

Most notably, the Republican plan divided Kansas City along both racial and partisan lines and would have endangered the only one of the state’s four House seats held by a Democrat.

District Judge Bill Klapper barred the Legislature from holding elections under the plan and ordered the lawmakers to draw new maps that followed his ruling “as expeditiously as possible.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It really happened.

See between 14:00 and 19:00.

Whoops! His name was Jack, not Fred, and her name was Agnita.

I guess I was "lying."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Monday continued to dodge questions about a report that he had told fellow Republicans he would call President Donald Trump and tell him to resign in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021 storming of the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob.

New York Times reporters, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, last week released excerpts from their book, “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s Future,” in which they detailed some of McCarthy’s conversations with fellow Republicans after the insurrection. McCarthy denied the New York Times report at the time, calling it “totally false and wrong.”

Anonymous said...

James a very dull human.

Anonymous said...

The new affirmative action Supreme Court Justice cancelled Mothers day, because that Day confuses her.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
Cali admires me so much he even remembers a joke I told a long, long time ago.

Pederast I knew the acute angina story, well before you ever moved to Shitsville, Ill, you aren’t bright and have never imparted anything new.

Anonymous said...

Joe gets his clown nose honked, again.

"Court grants temporary order blocking Biden administration from lifting Title 42 before May 23The lawsuit was originally filed by Missouri, Louisiana, and Arizona"

Anonymous said...

😃Biden's call to Macron goes unanswered on election night😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ch's President Donald Trump on Monday was hit with several pieces of bad news that could have deep and long-lasting repercussions.

First came a CNN story about thousands of text messages that Trump's White House chief of staff Mark Meadows allegedly sent and received between the day of the 2020 presidential election and President Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20, 2021, many of which included discussions about the riot at the U.S. Capitol. Next, a New York judge held Trump in contempt of court for failing to comply with a subpoena related to the state attorney general's investigation into his organization.

While both of those events could potentially leave a black eye on any future political aspirations for Trump—including if he decides to seek the Oval Office again in 2024—the contempt decision hits the former president with both a legal headache as well as a costly financial impact. Judge Arthur F. Engoron ordered Trump to be fined $10,000 per day until he satisfied the court's requirements of supplying documents requested for the investigation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Al Capone?

Judge Engoron's contempt of court ruling was seen as a victory for Letitia James, the New York attorney general who is investigating whether Trump fraudulently inflated the value of his assets in annual financial statements of the Trump Organization. In February

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Pulling Teeth”

The attorney general’s investigation has lasted more than two years, and she has been in litigation with the Trump Organization roughly that amount of time. James has claimed in court documents to have found evidence that Trump may have used “fraudulent or misleading” asset valuations on six properties to obtain economic benefits. Her office has not filed a civil case, but she has contributed to a criminal investigation that indicted the company’s ex-chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg.

Early on Monday, Justice Engoron asked why the investigation has taken so long and what the attorney general’s office has to show for it. Proceedings began with brief statements from each party as to its status.

Assistant Attorney General Kevin Wallace responded that is because the Trump Organization is a “closely-held, family company” that has been uncooperative.

“It’s been pulling teeth to get documents,” Wallace said, likening the investigation to an “unguided tour

C.H. Truth said...

“It’s been pulling teeth to get documents,” Wallace said, likening the investigation to an “unguided tour

Have you ever stopped to consider Roger...

That the reason they cannot put together a criminal (or even a civil case) is that they simply have just gotten documents and not anything that they are expecting to show criminal behavior?

Tax returns, financial statements, etc...

all that was subpoenaed by the SDNY and if you cecall they ended up winning that court battle and getting all of those records.

Why is it that he hasn't been charged? That was how long ago?

Myballs said...

Biden called macron on election night and was ignored by the French president. Is anyone surprised? Our president is a laughingstock for the world.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tucker Carlson

We’re back.

4:00 PM · Apr 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

I don't think he was banned, just suspended...

But hopefully those things will end

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Zelenskyy has praised the Ukrainian people for withstanding Russia’s attack on the country.

“In two months, they used more than 1100 missiles against us. Countless bombs and artillery. They tortured, robbed, executed. They mined our land. Peaceful cities and villages were turned into hell,” Zelenskyy said in his nighttime address.

“But they did not achieve anything. And they will not achieve,” he added, saying this war had become a “people’s war for Ukraine”.

“At any age, any property status, with any education – Ukrainian men and women equally stood up for the state” he said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

✔️ heroic Scott's new addiction

Ron DeSantis signs bill to create Florida voter-fraud police force

Republican governor embraces top priority of his party, following Donald Trump’s false claims that his 2020 re-election was stolen

Associated Press

Mon 25 Apr 2022 16.23 EDT

Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday to create a police force dedicated to pursuing voter fraud and other election crimes, embracing a top priority of Republicans after Donald Trump’s false claims that his reelection was stolen.

DeSantis, who is running for reelection and considered a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate, made voting legislation a focus this year, pushing the Republican-controlled Legislature to create the policing unit in a speech where he referenced unspecified cases of voter fraud, which have become popular talking points in his party.

Elon Musk, world’s richest man, reaches deal to buy Twitter for $44bn

Read more

Voter fraud is rare, typically occurs in isolated instances and is generally detected. An Associated Press investigation of the 2020 presidential election found fewer than 475 potential cases of voter fraud out of 25.5 million ballots cast in the six states where Trump and his allies disputed his loss to President Joe Biden.


Ukraine has taught us all alesson in moral courage | Rebecca Solnit

Republicans nationwide have stressed the need to restore public confidence in elections and have passed several voting laws in the past two years aimed at placing new rules around mail and early voting methods that were popular in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic disrupted in-person voting.

Florida’s new law, which critics have deemed as politically motivated and unnecessary, comes after DeSantis praised the state’s 2020 election as smooth but later suggested more rules were needed.

The law creates an Office of Election Crimes and Security under the Florida Department of State to review fraud allegations and conduct preliminary investigations. DeSantis is required to appoint a group of special officers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement who would be tasked with pursuing the election law violations.

Existing state law allowed the governor to appoint officers to investigate violations of election law but did not require him to do so.

The law also increases penalties for the collection of completed ballots by a third party, often referred to as ballot harvesting, to a felony. It raises fines for certain election law violations and requires that election supervisors perform voter list maintenance on a more frequent basis.

This is fascism.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

— Trudeau launches official inquiry into use of emergency laws to end trucker convoy: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has formally set in motion a major inquiry into his government’s decision to invoke never-before-used emergency measures in response to the trucker occupation of downtown Ottawa. Trudeau named Justice Paul S. Rouleau to lead the Public Order Emergency Commission, which will “examine the circumstances that led to the declaration being issued and the measures taken in response to the emergency.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Musk Twitter Could Be a Disaster For MAGA Grifters and Republican Ostriches

With the news that the sale is final, it’s time to embrace the schadenfreude.



APRIL 25, 2022

(Composite / Photos: GettyImages)

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Liberals on Twitter are not happy about their new overlord.

They are Godwinly concerned that Musk Twitter might signal the end of the American Weimar.

They are upset that the news of his purchase is making insurrectionists happy.

Some are even moving to social media Canada.

And I saw the backlash first hand last week when I dared to post on the bird app an article from Puck positing that the Musk acquisition was serious, resulting in an avalanche of reply guys informing me that was a “laughably bad take” and predicting doom if it were true.

While concerns about the Russian bots and blarmy bigots returning to the hellfeed where news happens does have merit, let me offer a countervailing perspective about the impact of the Twitter acquisition.

Musk Twitter might also be a disaster for a couple of groups who cosmically deserve it:

1) Mitch McConnell and the establishment Republican ostriches who are doing everything in their power to put their heads in the sand and pretend Donald Trump doesn’t exist (unless they need to cash in on his name and likeness).

2) The Nazi grifters who started the various Deploratwitter knockoffs like TRUTH, Parler, and Gettr and are now set to be totally pwned by Twitter offering these very fine people the same freedom to shitpost in front of bigger audiences.

So if the two-faced Trumpists and the worst MAGA scammers are going to suffer, might we consider squeaking out one cheer for Musk. Or a half a cheer? Or even just a mild affirmative grunt?

The case for their suffering is as follows:

In Georgia on Insurrection Eve, we saw how a big Trump megaphone could divide the Republican base, resulting in political success for the Democrats. The election fraud mass formation psychosis led Trump voters in rural parts of the state to stay home rather than participate in yet another RIGGED contest while a small percentage of Atlanta Kemp/Raffensperger Republicans refused to be a party to the anti-democratic horror show. As a result, Georgia elected the state’s first black and Jewish senators—on the same day!—despite the fact that both had fewer votes than their GOP opponents during the November election.

A repeat of that is the worst-case scenario for the GOP at a time when the political environment is looking rather rosy for them.

Back in January, Bloomberg’s Joshua Green interviewed experts on the possible ways Republicans could screw the pooch in the midterms. Liam Donovan offered this hypothetical: “For the last year Trump has been in a straitjacket where he can’t harm his own party . . . Maybe he gets back on Twitter, there’s no bigger wild card than letting the tiger out of its cage.”

Caliphate4vr said...

This is fascism

You keep using that word. I do t think that word means what you think it means….

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It would appear that it’s all over but the crying at this point for leftists on Twitter as the popular social media platform has just announced that “it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by an entity wholly owned by Elon Musk, for $54.20 per share in cash in a transaction valued at approximately $44 billion.”

Musk has long been a critic of Twitter’s suppression tactics when it comes to criticism of Democrats and Democrat pet agenda items and has hinted that he would bring changes to the platform that Twitter critics hope would balance it out and make it a more level playing field between conservatives and liberals.

Musk seemed to confirm as much in a tweet posted last week in response to another Twitter user who speculated on what his focus would be if a deal was reached:

As reports swirled this morning that an agreement was imminent, triggered Twitter leftists got “RIP Twitter” to trend, and The Usual Suspects lined up just as they did a week or so ago when Musk first made his offer to toss around terms like “white supremacy,” “corporate greed,” and to fret over whether this would mean Donald Trump would be allowed to return:

There were also the Hitler comparisons because of course there were:

All that said, there were a few who advised their “RESIST” comrades to remain on the platform for better or for worse:

“Facebook is an aggressive propaganda machine for the far right and the beliefs and ethics of Donald Trump.” In what alternative universe does this guy reside?

“Leave Twitter” also trended for a time, as conservatives lined up to dunk on panicked leftists:

In a cryptic tweet sent earlier today, Musk expressed his desire for his critics to remain on Twitter:

But if not, leftists can take the advice they used to give to frustrated conservatives and start their own platform, right? Oh wait, I forgot for a second that Facebook and Instagram are already in existence.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy

What DeSantis is doing is exactly this.

No gay

Banning books about mathematics and using the state to run by a Republican can investigate any and all allegations of vote fraud.

Not neutral people but dedicated Republican Party fascists

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

I heard that roughly 27,000 people have been arrested for saying "gay" in Florida since DeSantis signed that bill into law... the prisons are now overflowing there.

it's the "law"


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Stephen Miller

If the key to achieving your agenda is silencing your critics, censoring your opponents, and banishing all dissenters from the public discourse, then your ideas are wrong and you are a fascist.

or a 2022 democrat

Anonymous said...

Europe’s Gas Prices Rise As Wind Speeds Fall

By Tsvetana Paraskova - Apr 25, 2022, 11:00 AM CDT

Benchmark European natural gas prices rose on Monday morning as forecasts of low wind speeds and still and cooler weather in the coming days spurred increased demand for gas for power generation across Europe

Oh yes, people just can't reply on green , they don't want to freeze.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — The Michigan police officer who killed Patrick Lyoya with a shot to the head has been with the Grand Rapids department for seven years, after starring as a pole vaulter at a small college and marrying his longtime girlfriend during a church mission trip to Africa.

Christopher Schurr’s name had been circulating since his face was seen in videos of the April 4 confrontation with Lyoya, a Black man. But his identity wasn’t publicly acknowledged until Monday when the police chief changed course and released it, three days after passionate demands at the funeral of the 26-year-old native of Congo.

Chief Eric Winstrom said he was acting “in the interest of transparency, to reduce ongoing speculation, and to avoid any further confusion,” though no other information about Schurr’s service with the department was released.

Lyoya, who was unarmed, was face down on the ground when he was shot in the back of the head, moments after a traffic stop in Michigan’s second-largest city. Schurr was on top of him and can be heard on video demanding that he take his hand off the white officer’s Taser.

Michigan chief IDs officer who fatally shot Patrick Lyoya

Sharpton demands name of officer who killed Patrick Lyoya

Expert: Cop pressed gun to Patrick Lyoya's head then fired

Patrick Lyoya shooting raises issue of officer name release

A forensic pathologist who conducted an autopsy at the family’s request said the gun was pressed to Lyoya’s head when he was shot.

The Associated Press left a phone message Monday seeking comment from Schurr, who remains off the job while state police investigate the shooting. The AP reached out to him several times over the past week, including knocking at the door of his suburban home. There was no answer.

Schurr, 31, grew up in Byron Center, just south of Grand Rapids, and joined the police in 2015 after attending Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan, where he studied accounting and was a star pole vaulter.

He won an NAIA national championship with a vault clearing 17 feet, ¾ inches and, as a junior, the university’s scholar-athlete award, according to Siena Height’s alumni magazine.

Schurr was active in his church when he was younger, taking missionary trips for Corinth Reformed Church in Byron Center, according to a 2014 story in Vaulter Magazine, a publication dedicated to the sport.

Schurr said he was getting married that year, and couldn’t afford to have a wedding celebration and take a separate trip to Kisi, Kenya, to build homes, so he decided to get married there.

“We’re going to do a wedding their style,” Schurr told the magazine. “I have an African outfit already and my fiancee will pick out some fabric and she’ll make a Kenyan-style dress.”


A Twitter account with his name that appears to belong to the officer follows a few national track and field athletes, including a pole vaulter. There are no Tweets associated with the account. A Facebook page with Schurr’s name appears to have been taken down.

A college teammate, Ryan Hopson, said Schurr was mild-mannered and quiet in college, friendly and quick with a smile.

“He always had a good vibe,” Hopson said. “I can’t say nothing bad about him. I really can’t. ... I was shocked to see it was him, but I don’t know what it’s like to be a cop and have my life on the line.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lyoya’s family wants Schurr fired and charged. Prosecutor Chris Becker said he’s waiting for the state police report.

“I want to do the right thing. But I realize even if I do the right thing, there is a segment of the population that is not going to be happy,” Becker told

The police department’s decision to reveal Schurr’s name was a reversal. After the release of video of the shooting, Winstrom insisted he would withhold the officer’s name unless he was charged with a crime. It was described as a long-standing practice that applied to the public as well as city employees.

But Lyoya’s family and Black leaders, including the Rev. Al Sharpton, repeatedly pressed for it, including at Lyoya’s funeral, which drew 1,000 people Friday.

“We want his name!” Sharpton shouted, saying authorities cannot set a precedent of withholding the names of officers who kill people unless the officer is charged.

Ven Johnson, an attorney for the family, said it’s important that Lyoya’s parents now know Schurr’s name, though he scoffed at the police chief citing “transparency.”

“It’s not transparent when you hide something for three weeks. It’s quite the opposite,” Johnson said. “It’s cops taking care of the cops instead of treating it like a normal investigation.”

After Lyoya’s funeral, Grand Rapids City Manager Mark Washington acknowledged the demand for the officer’s name and said he would discuss the matter with Winstrom and city employment officials.

Grand Rapids, population about 200,000, is in western Michigan, 160 miles (257.5 kilometers) west of Detroit.

Caliphate4vr said...

I asked that question 4 days ago Alky, why should the Mouse have a competitive advantage over the other plethora of parks in that damn swamp?? They seem to make a buck

And you’re incapable of answering that simple question….

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CNN has released additional text messages relating to the January 6 nightmare. God only knows how many more are out there and how much more deception from those who are supposed to have our best interests at heart remains to be found. These messages reveal the lengths to which Trump and his inner circle went to attempt to overturn the election. Clearly, there are people who still believe this nonsense, and no article or text message is going to change their minds.

Mark Meadows is the central figure, with the conspiracy including everyone from Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell, and Sean Hannity. It continues to boggle the mind that these people thought (a) they would be successful and (b) that they even had any right to do what they did. The most recently released texts centered around their plans to “fight” the results. How do you “fight” something that requires no fight? Trump lost. The end. After all these nefarious texts, some of same people began imploring Meadows to put a stop to what was unfolding inside the Capitol.

There are too many of those text messages to include, but it is telling that for a while, Meadows seemed to be simply ignoring the text messages until he responded to Barry Loudermilk of Georgia: “POTUS is engaging. We are doing it.” How long did it take for them to do something about the violence? We now know it took quite some time, and these ignored text messages help to tell that story. At the same time, others were texting to implore Trump to “keep fighting.” Keep fighting what? He LOST. That should have been the end of everything, but people like Donald Trump do not take “no” for an answer and apparently, neither did his supporters. Instead, they all began spreading their lies like a wildfire. Though they well knew nothing untoward had happened with the election, they simply could not accept the truth. Rick Perry texted Meadows immediately after the election: “We have the data driven program that can clearly show where the fraud was committed.” No such thing happened, and that’s why Perry initially denied to CNN that he sent those texts to Meadows. Interestingly, his messages are signed “Rick Perry.” So, either someone stole his phone to send the text messages or Perry is a liar. He is a liar, as are all who were involved following the election and leading up to January 6.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans are going crazy 🤪.

HOUSEMcCarthy warns of impeachment for Biden border official 

BY EMILY BROOKS - 04/25/22 6:25 PM ET



House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) warned that impeachment could be on the table for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a trip to the southern border with other GOP lawmakers.  

The border trip is meant to kick off a week where Republicans plan to seize on the issue to bolster their midterm election chances — and to put the pressure on Mayorkas, who is set to testify to the House three times on Wednesday and Thursday. 

McCarthy has been in the headlines for days over audio recordings of him telling other GOP lawmakers that he thought an impeachment resolution against former President Trump over the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol would pass and that Trump should resign. McCarthy denied making the remarks, before audio was released in which he could be heard making the comments.  

On Monday, McCarthy suggested that he was not being untruthful because he was answering questions about whether he told Trump, which he said he “never did,” redirecting attention to the border.

“What’s more important than something that happened 15 months ago on a private conversation with about four other people is what’s happening here right now,” McCarthy said, later adding that it is Biden’s Homeland Security official who should worry about impeachment if the GOP takes the House. 

“This is his moment in time to do his job. But at any time if someone is derelict in their job, there is always the option of impeaching somebody,” McCarthy said of Mayorkas in a press conference from Eagle Pass, Texas. 

“But right now, he’s got 30 days. His first response to us should be, ‘We should not lift Title 42,’ ” McCarthy said. “They’re not prepared to protect, and we cannot sustain what will happen to this nation.” 

C.H. Truth said...

can investigate any and all allegations of vote fraud.

And what is your problem with investigating crime?

Voter fraud is a crime, just like murder, theft, or assault.

Perhaps you should take that same attitude about "investigating" a certain ex president bad orange man... if it is fascism to investigate, why are you okay with over 5 years of investigation (failure after failure) of one person... because they don't like his politics.

Leah said...

RE "mass formation psychosis" mentioned by one poster

The official framing of this "phenomenon" is misleading and wrong. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is "just some temporary occasional" madness by the masses that has been going on since only about the 20th century when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with "civilized" people ---

One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn't think it's ALL intentionally sinister. This makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition.

Worst of all, perhaps, the mass formation/mass psychosis notion frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon. Nothing could be further from the truth (see referenced source above)...