Monday, August 1, 2022

The new Democratic bill raises taxes during a recession?

Boy oh boy... how stupid can some people be?

So not only is it bad economics to raise taxes during a recession, but it's bad politics. Ironically this bill has been pushed largely as a Democratic selling point for the 2022 midterms. As in, yeah we haven't done much, but we did get this one bill passed (technically it is not passed, but that is a different story).

But imagine the campaign ads when the GOP runs ads against Democrats showing the public that this is a "tax increase" that anyone paying taxes will feel. I mean, didn't Biden pretend promise that he was going to be that liberal who only raised taxes on the rich? Now he wants to sign another bloated ($750 billion) bill that raises taxes on earners all the way down to $30,000/year? 

I am guessing they will try to "redefine" the term tax or possibly suggest that $30,000/year is actually rich? I don't know. Anything is possible with these morons! 

Either way... good luck with that! 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

First thing is that we are not in a recession yet.

Sorry but if they get it done

If they get it done ✔️ and then they might change the election in November.

Democrats have been campaigning for 30 years on promises they'd let Medicare directly negotiate the cost of prescription drugs — and after all that time, they might finally be about to achieve it.

Why it matters: The Senate's reconciliation bill would only open up negotiations for a small number of drugs, but even that is a threshold Democrats have never before been able to cross. And it opens the door to more aggressive policies in the future.

Flashback: Then-president Bill Clinton proposed direct negotiations between drug companies and the federal government in 1993.

538 and others say that the Democrats will keep the Senate and increase the majority.

And ✔️ the house is not grand anymore 😒

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Freedom of speech advocating Rev. said...

Ch just cowardly deleted me again.
If he does not restore what he deleted,
I will repost it under another name.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Censorship cowboy 🤠

Estimated Impact

In its report Friday, Penn Wharton estimates the bill would reduce the budget deficit by $248 billion over 10 years, less than the $300 billion estimate provided by Senate Democrats. An official score by the CBO is not yet available. 

The researchers added that if Obamacare subsidies are extended to 10 years, rather than three years in the bill now, then the deficit would shrink by just $89 billion.

They also flagged that estimating the overall impact of the new, slimmed-down bill is challenged “by the smaller size of the program’s spending and taxes relative to the overall U.S. economy.”

According to their modeling, the personal consumption expenditures index -- the main inflation gauge watched by the Federal Reserve -- may rise over the first few years, up to 0.05 percentage points in 2024. It would then create a 0.25 percentage point fall later in the decade. 

You really have forgotten that Bill Clinton had reduced the deficit to almost zero $$

President Bush reduced taxes and we ended up in the worst recession since 1929 and The Great Depression.

In November the Democrats have to make it clear that he kept his promises. Like James said before the coward delete it

Biden campaigned on a promise to increase the corporate tax rate. To pass the plan he openly campaigned on would not break his promise. It would fulfill it.

Uncensored Roger said...

Just in case you lose your mind Scott

Estimated Impact

In its report Friday, Penn Wharton estimates the bill would reduce the budget deficit by $248 billion over 10 years, less than the $300 billion estimate provided by Senate Democrats. An official score by the CBO is not yet available. 

The researchers added that if Obamacare subsidies are extended to 10 years, rather than three years in the bill now, then the deficit would shrink by just $89 billion.

They also flagged that estimating the overall impact of the new, slimmed-down bill is challenged “by the smaller size of the program’s spending and taxes relative to the overall U.S. economy.”

According to their modeling, the personal consumption expenditures index -- the main inflation gauge watched by the Federal Reserve -- may rise over the first few years, up to 0.05 percentage points in 2024. It would then create a 0.25 percentage point fall later in the decade. 

You really have forgotten that Bill Clinton had reduced the deficit to almost zero $$

President Bush reduced taxes and we ended up in the worst recession since 1929 and The Great Depression.

In November the Democrats have to make it clear that he kept his promises. Like James said before the coward delete it

Biden campaigned on a promise to increase the corporate tax rate. To pass the plan he openly campaigned on would not break his promise. It would fulfill it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James read this article

I don't think he can avoid testifying in Georgia

Freedom of speech advocating Reverend said...


IF YOU WANT TO READ IT, GO TO POLITICALWIRE.COM referenced at 9:51 above and click on the link provided there.


Uncensored Roger said...

This is domestic terrorism by Trump.

If they go after me, we are going to have in this country the biggest protest we have ever had…in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere,'"

C.H. Truth said...

Republicans Say Biden’s Plan Taxes the Middle Class.

Looks to me like the argument is with the Congressional Joint committee on Taxation.

Oh and something pretty simple here. Since 90% of middle class taxpayers now take the standard deduction and fill out an EZ form... how many will go looking for "tax credits" for health care, green energy, and prescription drugs and then fill out the longer form to find those so called tax savings

The answer will be close to zero.

Even if any of them actually use enough health care (or use prescription drugs) or use "green energy". I have no plans to install any green energy products, I take no prescription drugs, and my insurance and HSP more than covers my healthcare costs.

But I will still pay more in taxes!



Republicans Say Biden’s Plan Taxes the Middle Class. That’s False.
Biden’s plan fulfills his campaign promise.
By Jonathan Chait

Over the weekend, a congressional tax committee analyzed a portion of the tax Inflation Reduction Act Senator Joe Manchin struck with Senator Chuck Schumer and President Biden.

Republicans inaccurately claimed the report shows the plan would increase taxes on the middle class. The plan in fact raises taxes only on corporations with an income over $1 billion. It does not raise taxes on individual taxpayers at all.

This false claim immediately began to spread through conservative media. The study, by the Joint Committee on Taxation, “finds that average tax rates will increase for nearly every income category in 2023 under the bill,” asserts The Wall Street Journal editorial page. “This gives the lie to Democratic claims that no one earning under $400,000 will pay more taxes under the bill, a promise Mr. Biden also made in his campaign. The reality is that the Schumer-Manchin bill is a tax increase on nearly every American.”

Even some neutral media have given this charge respectful treatment. “Biden vowed never to raise taxes on any Americans making less than $400,000 annually,” reports the Capitol Hill newsletter Punchbowl. “Yet according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Schumer-Manchin bill does just that.”

The JCT report simply does not find this at all. The false assertion that Manchin’s deal raises taxes on the middle class combines a series of fallacies.

First, the study, performed at the behest of Senate Republicans, analyzes only a portion of the bill. It omits all the benefits from the tax credits for health care, green energy, and lower prescription drug savings. I will explain the importance of this omission in a bit.

Second, and far more importantly, the partial analysis does not actually find that the plan increases taxes on the middle class. It is an analysis of the burden of a proposal, which would establish a 15 percent minimum corporate income tax on firms with income over $1 billion.

The complication that enters the picture is that the JCT, like other economic modelers, tries to project how the burden of a tax increase is borne. The agency used to assume that corporate tax increases are borne entirely by shareholders in the firms that pay the tax.
In 2013, the agency changed its modeling assumptions and now assumes that corporate tax increases are not borne entirely by shareholders.
Instead, firms respond to tax increases in part by reducing wages for their employees and reducing investment, which ultimately leads to slightly lower wages.

These assumptions are projections.
It is still a subject of significant dispute, and nobody believes the assumptions can be treated as anything more than an educated guess.



But even assuming JCT’s projections are completely correct, it is not a description of a tax increase on the middle class.
It is a forecast, rather, that a tax increase on large corporations will eventually lead to slightly lower incomes by the middle class.
JCT’s table breaks down this burden by income category. But it is not showing that the people in these income categories will pay more tax.

Republicans are perfectly free to use these projections to argue that the Democratic plan will hurt the middle class. But to insist that it will raise taxes on the middle class is simply false.

Obviously, it sounds bad that the Democrats’ plan would have effects that reduce incomes for the middle class. But here is where the partial nature of the analysis makes it especially misleading.
Financing the government isn’t free.
All spending programs have some cost, either through borrowing or taxation.

But they also have benefits.
The JCT analysis measures the cost side of the Democrats’ program but not the benefit side.
(It likewise makes no attempt to measure the benefits either of a lower deficit or of lower pollution, both of which would result from the bill.)

Nor does this analysis vindicate the Republican claim that Biden would be violating his promise not to increase taxes on people earning less than $400,000.
Biden campaigned on a promise to increase the corporate tax rate.
To pass the plan he openly campaigned on would not break his promise.
It would fulfill it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But there are millions of others who don't have insurance like you and me.

I pay $16.00 per month for Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage

Doctor visits are free and my medications cost no more than $10 each

But millions of people don't have access to it

C.H. Truth said...


True to form...

I post a rebuttal with sensible and logical issues with the article that was posted... and the unhinged up in arms Reverend (bad morning padre?) decides to "repost" the same C&P again.

Well that was my "one" try for the day...

Back to ignoring the C&P brothers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let's just say that we might be facing a slow growth process after we emerge from the current economic crisis..

If monetary policy failed to reinvigorate growth and fiscal stimulus gave us bursting inflation, perhaps the solution is more Build Back Better and less American Rescue Plan: government spending not to juice demand but to build the physical and social infrastructure that can pull left-behind America out of the doldrums and put it nearer the productivity frontier.

That might even help the nation’s politics. While this opportunity may have receded for now, it may not be lost for good. “Maybe when we’re back to low inflation,” he said. That may not be too far away.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

REVEREND said...

Ch, you would have made yourself look a lot better if you had simply ALLOWED my posts in the first place. And do not pretend that they were AUTOMATICALLY censored by your spam filter which you could not control. That's BS, and you and we all know it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After I posted my own opinion and backup Scott responded with

Well that was my "one" try for the day...

Back to ignoring the C&P brothers.

Cowardly behavior

Right minded Reverend truthfully said...

Folks, Ch just went back and RESTORED the article he earlier deleted as if to pretend he never deleted it in the first place.

IOW, he lies like Trump.

Caliphate4vr said...

No one deletes you, it’s your spam that causes it, it’s your fault


Rev said...

Earlier, the three posts at 10:18 and 10:24 were missing. I deleted them myself to show you what was originaly thre: Nothing.

Truth telling Rev, said...

Nope, Cali, we can be going along fine with no deletions, as we were earlier this morning in the last thread and in this one, and then when I put something up that really presses Ch, he deletes it.

And I tell the truth.

Caliphate4vr said...

Even if any of them actually use enough health care (or use prescription drugs) or use "green energy". I have no plans to install any green energy products, I take no prescription drugs, and my insurance and HSP more than covers my healthcare costs.

But I will still pay more in taxes!

Neither have even a basic understanding of Econ 101, it’s futile

C.H. Truth said...

Reverend... I am on west coast time and I didn't open up my computer to start my day about an hour and a half ago. Most of the messages (13) in the spam folder were hours old. While I get up at 6:30ish here - I walk dogs, clean up, feed the cat... etc... I don't get on my computer until about the time I start work.

Are you seriously accusing me of waking up in the wee hours of the morning here in Seattle just to come out to this blog and delete your posts? Do you really believe that I am that sort of psychopath?

C.H. Truth said...

Must be part of that Religion!

The good book for them just assumes everyone is evil and out to get the Reverend!

C.H. Truth said...

Oh... and going to my blog in the morning is not the first thing I do. I actually have work things to do first.

I had two posts scheduled to be published that I had previously written (one for 12:00 AM (start of the new day) and one for 10:00 AM CST.

Caliphate4vr said...

Way over their heads, cold way over

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Supporters Think They’re in a Fight to the Death
August 1, 2022 at 12:11 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 31 Comments

Peter Wehner: “For all the defects Donald Trump has as a politician, he does possess certain skills, among them an almost preternatural ability to tap into the sensibilities—the id—of the American right. More than any other Republican candidate in 2016, Trump was in sync with the base of the party. He still is, as he prepares for what looks like another run for the presidency.”

Exxon and Chevron Report Record Profits
August 1, 2022 at 11:15 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 90 Comments

“Exxon Mobil and Chevron, the two largest energy companies in the United States, said on Friday that profits rose to record levels in the second quarter as they continued to reap the benefits of soaring oil and gas prices,”

the New York Times reports.

I guess something failed to "trickle down" to Amnerican workers.

Court Allows Abortion Ban to Take Effect in Michigan
August 1, 2022 at 11:03 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 90 Comments

The Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that “a court order that sought to bar enforcement of a dormant law criminalizing most abortions in Michigan does not apply to county prosecutors,” the Detroit Free Press reports.

“The massively consequential ruling means the 1931 law banning all abortions except those done to protect the life of a pregnant person essentially takes effect immediately.”

Taggen Goddard comments:
Ever since the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade, Michigan’s Democratic officials have insisted that abortion remains legal there.
Not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Let’s roll the tape:

In August 2009, Obama said: “The last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession.”

In October 2010, in a nationally televised debate, Manchin said: “I don’t think during a time of recession you mess with any of the taxes, or increase any taxes.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I really want to congratulate you, Ch, on having a so wonderfully
"politically discerning" spam filter!

Anonymous said...

Clinically Brain Dead Fucktard
"Coldheartedtruth TellerAugust 1, 2022 at 10:14 AM

First thing is that we are not in a recession yet"

Yes , we are in The Biden Recession

Anonymous said...

Neither have even a basic understanding of Econ 101, it’s futile"

They remain ignorant on purpose.

Anonymous said...

But, they both did raise taxes.
"Let’s roll the tape:

In August 2009, Obama said: “The last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession.”

In October 2010, in a nationally televised debate, Manchin said: “I don’t think during a time of recession you mess with any of the taxes, or increase any taxes.”

C.H. Truth said...

But there are millions of others who don't have insurance like you and me.

Well then... I guess for some it will be worth their while to fill out a long form, hire a tax professional, and maybe (or maybe not) it will be worth their time and energy to possibly reduce taxes (or maybe it will cost them more to hire someone than they will save on taxes).

it would be a crapshoot if you have no understanding.

For the rest of the population not using green energy, accumulating uninsured healthcare costs, or taking prescription drugs... then it is a tax increase.


Anonymous said...

"The Inflation Reduction Act — unveiled Wednesday by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and endorsed by Biden — would increase tax revenue by $16.7 billion from Americans earning less than $200,000 a year, according to a nonpartisan analysis from the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) published Friday. Nearly every tax bracket would pay more in taxes with those making below $10,000 per year seeing the largest uptick, the analysis showed."

Oh, so Biden, James and Roger lied.

Anonymous said...

Let's ask this outlook to the True Believers.
We are not in a recession and this Bill will Reduce Inflation.
How much does it Reduce inflation and when?
How will we know the Act is causing the reduction.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Over the weekend, a congressional tax committee analyzed a portion of the tax Inflation Reduction Act Senator Joe Manchin struck with Senator Chuck Schumer and President Biden. Republicans inaccurately claimed the report shows the plan would increase taxes on the middle class. The plan in fact raises taxes only on corporations with an income over $1 billion. It does not raise taxes on individual taxpayers at all.

This false claim immediately began to spread through conservative media. The study, by the Joint Committee on Taxation, “finds that average tax rates will increase for nearly every income category in 2023 under the bill,” asserts The Wall Street Journal editorial page. “This gives the lie to Democratic claims that no one earning under $400,000 will pay more taxes under the bill, a promise Mr. Biden also made in his campaign. The reality is that the Schumer-Manchin bill is a tax increase on nearly every American.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even some neutral media have given this charge respectful treatment. “Biden vowed never to raise taxes on any Americans making less than $400,000 annually,” reports the Capitol Hill newsletter Punchbowl. “Yet according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Schumer-Manchin bill does just that.”

The JCT report simply does not find this at all. The false assertion that Manchin’s deal raises taxes on the middle class combines a series of fallacies.

First, the study, performed at the behest of Senate Republicans, analyzes only a portion of the bill. It omits all the benefits from the tax credits for health care, green energy, and lower prescription drug savings. I will explain the importance of this omission in a bit.

Second, and far more importantly, the partial analysis does not actually find that the plan increases taxes on the middle class. It is an analysis of the burden of a proposal, which would establish a 15 percent minimum corporate income tax on firms with income over $1 billion.

The complication that enters the picture is that the JCT, like other economic modelers, tries to project how the burden of a tax increase is borne. The agency used to assume that corporate tax increases are borne entirely by shareholders in the firms that pay the tax. In 2013, the agency changed its modeling assumptions and now assumes that corporate tax increases are not borne entirely by shareholders. Instead, firms respond to tax increases in part by reducing wages for their employees and reducing investment, which ultimately leads to slightly lower wages.

Anonymous said...

Roger, is there a chance you can write something.?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You got caught lying again 🤣

Uncensored Roger said...

These assumptions are projections. It is still a subject of significant dispute, and nobody believes the assumptions can be treated as anything more than an educated guess.

But even assuming JCT’s projections are completely correct, it is not a description of a tax increase on the middle class. It is a forecast, rather, that a tax increase on large corporations will eventually lead to slightly lower incomes by the middle class. JCT’s table breaks down this burden by income category. But it is not showing that the people in these income categories will pay more tax.

Republicans are perfectly free to use these projections to argue that the Democratic plan will hurt the middle class. But to insist that it will raise taxes on the middle class is simply false.

Obviously, it sounds bad that the Democrats’ plan would have effects that reduce incomes for the middle class. But here is where the partial nature of the analysis makes it especially misleading. Financing the government isn’t free. All spending programs have some cost, either through borrowing or taxation.

But they also have benefits. The JCT analysis measures the cost side of the Democrats’ program but not the benefit side. (It likewise makes no attempt to measure the benefits either of a lower deficit or of lower pollution, both of which would result from the bill.)

Nor does this analysis vindicate the Republican claim that Biden would be violating his promise not to increase taxes on people earning less than $400,000. Biden campaigned on a promise to increase the corporate tax rate. To pass the plan he openly campaigned on would not break his promise. It would fulfill it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You said that but you didn't provide evidence 🙄

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Links for the following at

Biden Still Testing Positive in Covid Rebound

Trump to Endorse In Missouri Senate Race
~~~~Former President Donald Trump announced he is preparing to endorse in the Missouri GOP Senate primary today.

Playbook: “He is very likely to back Eric Greitens, the scandal-plagued former governor, who has strong ties to Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle.”

Manchin to Talk to Sinema About Reconciliation Bill
~~~~Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told CNN that he plans to talk to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) today and says he didn’t talk with her through negotiations of the new budget reconciliation legislation because he didn’t think deal would come to fruition.

Tim Scott Backs Away from His Own Book
~~~~Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) “has denied preparing to run for president, despite writing a book which says he is,” The Guardian reports.

Graham Challenges Subpoena in Georgia Election Probe
~~~~“As expected, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is challenging a subpoena to testify before a special grand jury that’s investigating whether then-President Donald Trump and others broke any laws when they tried to overturn Joe Biden’s win in Georgia,” the AP reports.

“Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, received a subpoena that was issued on July 26 and orders him to appear before the special grand jury to testify on Aug. 23, his lawyers said in a court filing. Graham is seeking to have the challenge to the subpoena heard in federal court in Atlanta rather than before the Fulton County Superior Court judge who’s overseeing the special grand jury.”


Anonymous said...

Nope, Roger , you cut n paste others opinion.
You do realize those are not your thoughts and not your words.

Obimbo said my family would see a $2,500 cut to my health insurance.
When does that kick in?
See you ND your cut n past brother can't answer:
Let's ask this outlook to the True Believers.
We are not in a recession and this Bill will Reduce Inflation.
How much does it Reduce inflation and when?
How will we know the Act is causing the reduction.

Anonymous said...

James and Roger have the "Monkey Pox" Vaccine shot.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Drop the stupid Rasmussen, and EVERY POLL since July started puts Trump at an astonishing MINUS 18 UNFAVORABlLITY.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It will take about one and a half years to cut the deficit but it will keep reducing the deficit as long as the law stays on.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't need the Monkey Pox vaccine yet

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But this is clearly why I support Bide

Blinken urges return to 2015 nuclear deal

Antony Blinken, secretary of state, said at global nonproliferation discussions at the United Nations today that a return to the 2015 nuclear deal remains the best outcome for the United States, Iran and the world.

Reuters is reporting that Blinken made a point to repeat a warning from the US that North Korea is preparing to conduct its seventh nuclear test.

Blinken’s statements came after Joe Biden said that the US was ready to outline a new nuclear arms deal with Russia and called on Moscow to demonstrate its ability to negotiate in good faith at the talks that began on Monday.

Trump withdrew

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The culture war is getting worse than ever in my life 😪

As the start of the school year approaches in Florida, teachers are grappling with a new law governing discussions around sexual orientation and gender identity in their classrooms — with one school district advising teachers in same-sex relationships to avoid talking about their partners altogether, The Washington Post reported.

Orange County Public Schools told teachers in same-sex relationships that they could have photos of their partners in their classrooms but shouldn't talk about them, The Post reported.

Discussions about a teacher's same-sex partner "could be deemed classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity," Michael Ollendorff, a district spokesperson, told The Post.

They are not trying to turn you gay men

Caliphate4vr said...

Are you seriously accusing me of waking up in the wee hours of the morning here in Seattle just to come out to this blog and delete your posts? Do you really believe that I am that sort of psychopath?

I’m curious if the person on this blog that does come here in the wee hours on the west coast to post, recognizes it is he that is a psychopath

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Guess who approved Speaker Nancy Pelosi 🤪??

Anonymous said...

Roger, clear something up for the blog members.
You cheer on the stock markets, yet , in the same breath tell us only the rich invest.

Anonymous said...

This is what the lowest of IQ say.
Coldheartedtruth TellerAugust 1, 2022 at 12:52 PM

I don't need the Monkey Pox vaccine yet."
"Men who have sex with men are the group at the highest risk of infection right now from monkeypox, according to the WHO."

Is the 5th battle clean?

Caliphate4vr said...

China Threatens To Retaliate For Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip By Letting Her Return Safely

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I found the article he used for this post claims

They are hard right wing Federalist philosophy.

If they win the next couple elections they will take Thomas Jefferson of Mount Rushmore and put Trump on it

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pelosi to Meet with Taiwan’s President

August 1, 2022 at 2:16 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 22 Comments

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to meet Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday, in a controversial visit that has triggered concern about a possible military response from China,” the Financial Times reports.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Calling out Sen. Pat Toomey by name, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday said Republicans blocking a bill aimed at providing care to veterans exposed to toxic chemicals overseas should not have voted to fund the wars that created the health nightmare for millions of people.

"I say to Senator Toomey, if you don't believe we can afford to take care of our veterans suffering from toxic burn pit exposure, then you should not have approved funding to go to war," said Sanders (I-Vt.), who voted to authorize the U.S. war in Afghanistan but against the Iraq invasion.

"Taking care of our veterans is the cost of war—period," Sanders added. "End of discussion."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pelosi to Meet with Taiwan’s President

August 1, 2022 at 2:16 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 22 Comments

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to meet Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday, in a controversial visit that has triggered concern about a possible military response from China,” the Financial Times reports.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wall Street Journal reports

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is planning to visit Taiwan, with meetings scheduled with government officials on the self-ruled island that China claims as its own, according to a person familiar with the matter, raising the prospect of increased tensions between the U.S. and China.

People whom Mrs. Pelosi is planning to meet with in Taiwan have been informed of her imminent arrival, this person said, though some details remain in flux. Some of Mrs. Pelosi’s meetings have been scheduled for Tuesday evening, but most are set for Wednesday, the person said, adding that they include, but aren’t limited to, Taiwanese government officials.

“She’s definitely coming,” the person said. “The only variable is whether she spends the night in Taipei.”

Caliphate4vr said...

Pelosi Cancels Taiwan Trip Over Fears of China's Newly Developed Vodka-Seeking Missile

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been forced to cancel her planned flight to Taiwan after China announced they have developed deadly surface-to-air vodka-seeking missiles.

"Your politician lady will never get past the awesome might of our XA-12 People's Liberation Army Martini Maimers!" said CCP General Xu Xian Xong. "We dare you to try! Hahahahaha!"

"We were going to continue the trip as planned until China's very serious threat," said a State Department official. "Speaker Pelosi's blood vodka levels are higher than any known American, making it impossible to evade a deadly missile barrage. Plus, she is extremely flammable. It wouldn't be a pretty sight."

Pelosi's team is considering several safer options for her trip, including using Zoom, investing millions in CCP-owned companies in exchange for safe passage, and having her fly below SAM radar on her broomstick.

"I will nobbeee intimidated by Chinese threats," slurred Pelosi while chugging Tito's directly from the bottle. "Muh fooshuuuuuu blarmgiddle. Good morning, Sunday morning."

At publishing time, the CCP also warned Hunter Biden about trying to get past their array of crack-seekers.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi caved?
For real?

Anonymous said...

Ok, nevermind

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She is not caving in to China

‘If she dares’: China warns Nancy Pelosi against visiting Taiwan

The foreign ministry threatens ‘serious consequences’ if the US house speaker makes a trip to the self-ruled island claimed by Beijing.

Threats of retaliation over a visit by Pelosi have driven concerns of a new crisis in the Taiwan Strait [File: J Scott Applewhite/AP]

Published On 1 Aug 20221 Aug 2022

China says its military will never “sit idly by” if US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi were to visit Taiwan, the self-ruled island claimed by Beijing.

In Beijing, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian reiterated earlier warnings on Monday, saying “there will be serious consequences if she insists on making the visit”. He did not spell out any specific consequences.

“We are fully prepared for any eventuality,” he said. “The People’s Liberation Army [PLA] will never sit by idly. China will take strong and resolute measures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

China has been steadily ratcheting up diplomatic and military pressure on Taiwan. Threats of retaliation over a visit by Pelosi have driven concerns of a new crisis in the Taiwan Strait, which separates the two sides, that could roil global markets and supply chains.

Several Taiwan media outlets reported late on Monday that Pelosi was set to visit Taiwan on Tuesday and spend the night in Taipei, citing unnamed sources.

One of the newspapers, the Liberty Times, said Pelosi was scheduled to visit Taiwan’s parliament on Wednesday morning before continuing her Asia trip.

Taiwan’s foreign ministry said it had no comment on reports of Pelosi’s travel plans.

“We have many differences when it comes to Taiwan, but over the past 40 plus years, we have managed those differences and done it in a way that is preserved peace and stability and has allowed the people of Taiwan to flourish,” said US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“It would be important, as part of our shared responsibility, to continue to manage this in a wise way that doesn’t create the prospect for conflict.”

Anonymous said...

"Unrelenting inflation is driving up costs, leaving more Americans living paycheck to paycheck"
With no break in sight for rising prices, nearly two-thirds of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, according to a recent report.Even top earners say they are stretched thin, the report found.Over one month, average savings dropped from $11,274 in May to $10,757 in June."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Axios reveals

Beijing has vowed to take control of the self-governing island, by force if necessary, and reacts furiously to any gestures that seem to treat Taiwan as an independent state.

Pelosi would be the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit since 1997 and her planned visit comes at a sensitive time for President Xi Jinping, who is preparing to seek a third term at the upcoming Communist Party congress.Beijing's readout of Xi's call with President Biden last Thursday said he'd warned the U.S. president not to "play with fire" over Taiwan.Kirby said Monday that Biden had told Xi on the call that Congress is independent of the White House and Pelosi "makes her own decisions" (though Kirby confirmed that she is traveling on a military aircraft, as is typical on such trips).He added that Pelosi has "the right to visit Taiwan" and promised that her safety would be ensured throughout her trip. 

"We will not take the bait or engage in saber rattling. At the same time, we will not be intimidated."

— White House spokesperson John Kirby

What they're saying: Kirby repeatedly argued that the visit, if it happens, would not be without precedent, as then-Speaker Newt Gingrich traveled to Taiwan in 1997 and numerous lower-ranking U.S. lawmakers have visited more recently.

But Biden himself helped focus attention on the trip when he publicly warned on July 21 that the U.S. military thought it was "not a good idea right now."Kirby contended that Pelosi's visit would not alter the status quo or signal any change in U.S. policy, while "Beijing's actions could have unintended consequences that only serve to increase tensions."Pelosi has kept quiet about her trip, which is expected to include a meeting on Wednesday with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. Pelosi tweeted an itinerary of her travels in Asia on Sunday but made no mention of Taiwan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A very busy day 😴 😪

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Powerline a very conservative website 🙄

The Biden administration has both lowered respect for the United States among our enemies and amplified Pelosi’s visit into something like a crisis. It would be terrible for the United States if she succumbed to the pressure of the CCP and the Biden administration. We wish her the best on her planned visit.

I give her a lot of credit

Anonymous said...

Biden sold millions of Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Hunters Friends and 🇨🇳.

Anonymous said...

Roger is a Spazz.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
A very busy day

Yeah, your c&ping abilities have been tested


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Texas militia member on Monday received the longest sentence to date of any participant in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol: seven-and-a-quarter years in prison.

Guy Reffitt, 49, was the first Jan. 6 defendant to go before a jury and was convicted in March on five felony charges, including interfering with police during civil disorder, obstructing the tallying of the electoral votes and threatening his children if they reported him to authorities.

anonymous said...

Wow complaining about Rogers post all you have left in your menial salesman life?????? BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Just a question to you GOP loser veterans ......What do you think of the GOP voting down the vet aid bill for pit burning exposure????? Was it smart or a vindictive move to show how little the GOP cares about vets??????? BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Why do you lie fatboi?

anonymous said...

Because you suck and complain like an old cunt!!!!!.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

BTW, more fake global warming......

Associated Press
Seattle, Portland set heat duration records during hot snap
Sun, July 31, 2022, 6:57 PM
SEATTLE (AP) — Seattle and Portland, Oregon, set records Sunday for most consecutive days of high temperatures and authorities in Oregon investigated more possible heat-related deaths.

In Seattle, the temperature rose to 91 Fahrenheit (32.8 Celsius) by early afternoon, the record sixth straight day the mercury rose above 90 F (32.2 C). In Portland, Oregon, on Sunday temperatures rose above 95 F (35 C) for the seventh day in a row, a record for the city for consecutive days above that mark.

In Oregon, the state Medical Examiner's Office said Sunday it was investigating 10 deaths as possibly heat related. In the Portland area temperatures have risen above 100 F (37.8 C) several times over the past week.

Officials in Portland said they would keep cooling shelters open through Sunday night.

Myballs said...

That bill also contained 400B in other build back broke agenda items that Schumer couldn't get passed. If the vet stuff is so important to dems, let them break it out and it'll pass bipartisan.

anonymous said...

Funny Bagby how you ignored the vet fucking stupid to be honest on a subject????

anonymous said...

That bill also contained 400B in other build back broke agenda items that Schumer couldn't get passed.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! The GOP is nothing but the party of ME and who gives a fuck about anything else including veterans !!!!!!1. Sorry asshole....vets are up in arms over the latest snub from you and the party of TRUMP!!!!

anonymous said...

Fuck off ballz you worthless lying pile of shit....

Republicans claim they are blocking the PACT Act over concerns about a budgetary provision. Democrats have accused them of actually blocking the bill in retaliation for the release of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a reconciliation bill to funds climate reform, health care, and deficit reduction. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had threatened to sink the semiconductor manufacturing bill, the CHIPS Act, if Democrats moved forward with reconciliation. Democrats appeared to back off of a broad reconciliation package in recent weeks, only to announce it was back on hours after the CHIPS Act passed the Senate.

Caliphate4vr said...

Myballs said...
That bill also contained 400B in other build back broke agenda items that Schumer couldn't get passed. If the vet stuff is so important to dems, let them break it out and it'll pass bipartisan.

If they didn’t lie, they couldn’t breathe

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Funny that an asshole like you thinks your party will put anything bipartisan together.......BTW....the vet stuff is more important to your side as the GOP normally weighs heavily in their fuck em again and again...the GOP motto.....LOLOLOLOl

anonymous said...

Even sadder ballz you worthless fuck is that the bill passed in July 342-88 on July 13......tell me oh omnipotent asshole, what changed???????? Other than retribution and dumb fucks like you?????

Anonymous said...

Cali, I know you are like me and skip 99 % of it.

Roger said we are not in a recession.

anonymous said...

Gee, now we have the ball less idiot from NY telling us they ignore Rogers posts but stilll post about them.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Anonymous said...

66 % of Americans are feeling The Biden Recession. Living paycheck to paycheck.
The U.S. personal savings rate—the percentage of disposable income that consumers save—hit 5.4% in May, according to Federal Reserve data, down from 12.4% in May 2021.Jul 6, 2022"

Savings is being used to pay for Biden's Inflation.

Caliphate4vr said...

tell me oh omnipotent asshole, what changed???????? Other than retribution and dumb fucks like you?????

Dumbass if nothing changed they wouldn’t have needed to vote, you stupid fat fuck

It’s tedious explaining simplistic shit to you three

Myballs said...

We don't call you dopey for nothing you ignorant blob.

It's filled with shitty bbb crap

Caliphate4vr said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Cali, I know you are like me and skip 99 % of it.

Roger said we are not in a recession.

That’s why he’ll never get the door code

Anonymous said...

Roger and James , truly Believed.
"President Joe Failure "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,"

They live in constant fear.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. Strikes ‘Significant’ al-Qaeda Target

August 1, 2022 at 5:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 23 Comments

President Joe Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. ET tonight following a CIA counterterrorism strike against a “significant Al Qaeda target” in Afghanistan, CNBC reports.

Politico reports the drone strike killed Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri.

A statement from the Taliban condemned the operation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The United States has killed Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda and one of the world’s most-wanted terrorists, who oversaw the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, alongside the group’s founder, Osama bin Laden, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

Both men escaped U.S. forces in Afghanistan in late 2001, and Zawahiri’s whereabouts had long been a mystery. Bin Laden was killed in a raid by U.S. forces in Pakistan in 2011.

The Associated Press first reported that Zawahiri was killed.

It was not immediately clear where and when Zawahiri died and what element of the U.S. government had carried out the mission.

The Central Intelligence Agency carried out a drone strike over the weekend in Kabul, Afghanistan, according to officials familiar with the matter.

The White House said on Monday that President Biden would give remarks in the evening about “a successful counterterrorism operation,” but did not mention Zawahiri.

Myballs said...

7:30 address. He's in bed by 9 I suppose.

Caliphate4vr said...

I wonder if he’ll blink, turn to shake hands with no one, take a single question without a list of whom to call on

Shit he didn’t know this happened until a few moments ago

Caliphate4vr said...

"Herschel Walker will do what he's told and that's what Republicans want from their negroes."

MSNBC is truly having a normal one

Et tu, Alky?