Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Last chance to coexist past us by?

To be clear... I saw "another" threat on the last comment thread leading me to believe that we can no longer coexist...

So a simple proposal. To pull the Legacy blog back out of the trash can (literally Blogger saves deleted blogs in a trash can area  for 90 days) and have Roger and Reverend have sole access on that blog. Posting and commenting. 

Remove Reverend from this blog and only have the conservatives with access (and moderate for KD and others who do not have blogger accounts). 

This will no longer allow for any "debates". But then again, when was the last time we really had real debates.  Seems the only real debate on what subject we should be debating. One side wants to discuss the relative subjects of the day, while the other side wants to talk about Trump 24-7. 

But it will allow everyone a chance to express their own opinions in their own "safe place" and certain people will not be triggered by bad words anymore.

Hey... we all get that internet debate is a contact sport. It is not for the thin of skin. Sometimes people go over the line (as they always are prone to do online) and I have no time or energy to monitor, supervise, play daddy, or listen to more threats.