The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%. Twelve percent (12%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Last week at this time, it was Clinton 44%, Trump 39%. This is Trump’s highest level of support in Rasmussen Reports’ matchups with Clinton since last October.I am sure the left will discount this poll as a outlier. But I would offer it as further proof that nobody can objectively know whether or not the polling is really moving in Hillary's favor, or moving in Trump's favor right now. The one thing we do know for sure is that it cannot be doing both at the same time, so some (or possibly all) of these polls are wrong.
The interesting thing is that intuitively it's easy for people to see what they want to see here. Those who believe that the negative Trump media coverage is continuing to bring him down, can find bias confirmation from the Ipsos/Reuters and ABC/WashPost polls showing Clinton's lead expanding. Those who feel that recent terror events both home and abroad seem to play into the hands of Donald Trump, can find bias confirmation from looking at NBC/WSJ and Rasmussen Reports showing Trump drawing essentially even or actually pulling ahead.
In other words, people can find a reasonable explanation (at least reasonable to them) for both polling realities.
I will note the irony that this was James favorite poll.
But I agree with the premise, there seem to be no consistent trend emerging.
It's certainly to early to call the election for Clinton as the Washington Post has done.
They are making the mistake if unthinkingly following conventional wisdom again then time and time again has shown this election is not following conventional wisdom.
We've seen real violence against Trump supporters. It's very possible that there is a % not admitting their support.
Funny the way you work CH. Rasmussen which you constantly diss is now favored. How can that be?????
Have you not notices that I have posted stories regarding three different polls and have reference several others? No one poll is the end all be all here. I am not going to post a story (like Roger) about two polls, while ignoring two other polls released the same week that showed something different. I will actually provide the analysis using "all" relative data.
Meanwhile, I have no particular problem with Rasmussen polling, other than I believed they were a better pollster when Scott Rasmussen himself was still running the show.
Yes I have. I also noticed that Rasmussen made the headline. Sorry, your slip is showing. LOL My statement still stands that you have dissed Rassmusen more than once which is my point.
Notice how kind and accommodating all the Rep/Conservatives are as we post .
GDP Stunk
8:39 Even Commensa should know by now that I have always preferred Gallup to Rasmussen.
The Rasmussen poll is the only poll conducted since the Benghazi Report was released. In fact, it was conducted the first two nights after it was released. See whether other polls conducted beginning Tuesday also show Trump doing better than recent polls before dismissing this as an outlier.
Ette is right. A damn shame really.
The whole meeting between the sitting AG and the former president was never to be known.
AS we find out not a single main stream reporter knew of the meeting and if not for some honest local reporter we may have never known they met in secret on a private jet .
This smell like Clinton.
James - How about the same game he has been playing from the Start.
The same group of NeverTrump/DumpTrump folks - Lindsay Graham, Mitt Romney, Mark Kirk, Glenn Beck, Erick Erickson, Bill Kristol, George Will, Mark Levin and others are singing the same tune they have song all along. McConnell has always resided right on the fringe of that.
Not like this is anything new. Writing about the same people saying the same things over and over and acting like it is new (or actually matters) is an exercise in self indulgence.
James - according to the link you posted on the legacy log the statements by McConnell were not new, or anything unusual. In fact they argued that it was not the first time "that week" he has said something disparaging about Trump.
Again, the DumpTrump gang are singing the same old tune. Nothing newsworthy about it. We'll just have to see which those people decide to take, once Trump is officially their Candidate. Will McConnell continue to attack the person sitting at the top of his Party's ticket?
That's the only thing even mildly interesting about it, and we can only speculate at this time.
Crooked Hillary and Bill
Bill just happened across the private jet of the AG in AZ , they had a very private meeting, what was said, only those two know. The AG has lied to us about what was said, they never ever talked about the Pending FBI Criminal Investigation of Crooked Hillary, oh no.
AG Lynch, " filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch.
Read more:
The Benghazi inquisition report got about six hours of attention, because the terrorist attack in Istanbul. I doubt it would change minds anyway. It's old
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