At least eleven officers shot and four five dead at a black lives matter rally...
Three in custody. Coordinated attack?
What we are starting to see in America is a self fulfilling prophecy. Obviously we do not know (at this point) who shot the officers, or what the motivation is. But the American public and the nation's police community will make the assumption based on the location (BLM rally) and the timing that this was a retaliatory attack against the police for the two recent officer related shootings.
Herein lies the rub. Once you start shooting at cops (something that has been happening more and more and more over the past few years), it creates tension, suspicion, and even a sense of paranoia in many police officers. This tension leads to more police feeling threatened in more situations, which causes more impulsive decision making by the police, and ultimately will likely lead to more officer related shootings. If your goal is to "reduce" the number of black people being shot by the police, then the answer certainly isn't for black lives matters to hold rallies where eleven cops are shot in a planned attack that looks as though it relied on some inside information regarding the rally.
Maybe BLM had nothing to do with the shootings, and maybe the shootings were not related to recent events. But unless there is irrefutable evidence showing otherwise, that will be the assumption made by most Americans, and probably most cops. This event will further escalate the divisions and likely lead to more violence. As they say, violence always begets more violence. Let's just hope that escalation was not the ultimate motivation by the shooters, but it's hard not to see this as almost an act of "war".
Lastly, let us all hope that our esteemed leadership has the stomach to face up to the realities of what is really happening here, and choose not to play politics with the situation by blaming "gun control" for the current out of control racially charged environment. We cannot put political correctness and politics ahead of the safety of every American (including the police community). We need to acknowledge what is happening, before we can ever pretend to come up with a plan to resolve it. Regardless of how that plays out politically.
The suspect with the rifle, was as reported by a Dallas TV station, his brother hand the gun, unloaded, and gave it to the police.
They now have two suspects in custody.
well, i hope dear leader is happy. it would be a shame to see all of his racial divisiveness over the course of his administration not pay off for him.
He of course made it immediately political by blaming guns.
Over the top liberal anti-cop rhetoric? Not so much.
Go ahead, HB , Jane and all you COP Hating Socialist, do your victory dance on the graves of these Officers.
Obama/Hillary/Holder/Lynch and BlackLiesMatter advocated this kind of Murdering of Police Officers.
You know, you could almost predict Obama was going to make a pitch for gun control.
Do we have the Race of the Shooters?
Interesting that two black men can be shot, one after the other, under very questionable circumstances and that gets no article from Ch. Policemen get shot (which indeed is terrible as they were only trying to help the situation) and that gets an immediate article from Ch.
Interesting that one of the Presidential candidates tweeted out condolences to the families of the fallen police officers... while the other candidate has tweets about race and justice and condolences to the African American families...
Not saying one is right and one is wrong... just saying there is a real honest to goodness divide in priority here.
Anonymous KD, Hillary 5 USA 0 said...
Do we have the Race of the Shooters?
what difference, at this point, does it make???
James - nearly 1000 people were killed during altercations with the police in 2015 and over 500 people have been killed this year during similar altercations ... and how many of those 1500 have you heard about? Why choose to make politics out of it, every time it happens to be a black person who is killed by a white cop?
11 police officers killed in a coordinated sniper attack is news.
I'll take that back...
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 2h2 hours ago
Prayers and condolences to all of the families who are so thoroughly devastated by the horrors we are all watching take place in our country
I guess that is an acknowledgement of everyone, not just the cops.
According to the Dallas Chief of Police.
The sniper said "He wanted to kill white people. He wanted to kill white officers.".
In actuality far more white suspects are killed by police officers than black suspects.
But you never hear about them. There's no politics in it for liberals.
Why choose to make politics out of it, every time it happens to be a black person who is killed by a white cop?
to stir the turds of racial hatred and divisiveness in this country.
it's one of the very few things this president excels at.
In actuality far more white suspects are killed by police officers than black suspects.
But are police quicker on the trigger with African Americans than they are with white people in similar circumstances? Comprehensive reporting shows that police kill disproportionately more black people than white people — but the numbers aren’t out of line with the disproportionate rates at which blacks commit violent crime. (Black Americans commit homicide at close to eight times the rate of whites and Hispanics combined.) In other words, crime and law-enforcement actions do not break down neatly on demographic lines.
Neither statistics nor tweets can provide answers in any given, isolated incident. It is entirely possible that Philando Castile would still be alive if he was white. And, though their situations are different, the same goes for Alton Sterling. The opposite could also be true in either case. After all, police do kill hundreds of white people every year.
So what to do about a problem that is tearing at the political and cultural fabric of our nation?
There are no good answers, but we can start by not reflexively taking sides.
Each case should stand on its own facts, and prosecutors should neither favor nor vindictively pursue police officers under investigation. Chicago’s shameful concealment and stonewalling in the Laquan McDonald case doesn’t justify Baltimore’s unconscionable witch hunt in the Freddie Gray prosecutions.
Read more at:
And our worthless congress again sticks its head in the sand while ignoring what the voters want. Ever wonder why the polls for congress are in the crapper????
The last faint hope that Congress would do something this year to address gun violence in the wake of last month’s Orlando night club massacre may have been extinguished on Thursday as House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) put off votes this week on a package of anti-terrorism measures including a modest effort to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists.
Conservative opposition endangers House Republican gun bill Associated Press
US House plans vote on gun control next week AFP
The Senate struck out June 20, failing to reach agreement on four proposals advanced by Republicans and Democrats that would at least show some congressional concern about the spate of shootings and terrorist violence that have shocked voters and prompted increased calls for action. If anything were to happen this year, then it would be up to the House to jumpstart the process.
There are no good answers, but we can start by not reflexively taking sides.
Point taken. But as I was saying to and with my sister a few minutes ago, IS IT REALLY IMPOSSIBLE for police to wait until they actually SEE A GUN actually IN THE HAND of a person being arrested before they fire off multiple rounds?
11 police officers killed in a coordinated sniper attack is news."
Jane, where did you get the above, bad enough that 5 have been murdered in a domestic Terrorist Attack.
OR is it now unfair to call Hillary/Obama/Sanders/Holder/Lynch domestic terrorist for their open and full throated support of BlackLIESmatter.
Remember during the Democrap Debates when Martin O'Malley was booed for saying "All Lives Matter" ?
Tell you what James...
Why don't you go out and volunteer to become an officer of the law, go through the same training, and take the same risks with your life... as they do, to protect you. Then you can ask flippant questions about how cops react as a general rule. Walk a couple days in their shoes and I am sure you would think differently.
They are people, like anyone else. They make mistakes, like everyone else. But at the end of the day, the answer is no... life is not the movies. Cops do not have the ability to shoot the guns out of the bad guys hands, or strategically shoot them in the shoulder or anything else. They are trained to shoot to protect themselves... They will shoot you if they feel threatened. They have that right as police officers.
Which is something every American should realize and take into account every time they have dealings with a cop... and they should certainly put a lot of thought into that fact before they escalate any situation into an altercation.
IS IT REALLY IMPOSSIBLE for police to wait until they actually SEE A GUN actually IN THE HAND of a person being arrested before they fire off multiple rounds?
to wait? for how long? should the cop count to ten?
think about it... an officer has milliseconds to make a decision. if he/she chooses wrong they might end up dead. like the 5 cops in dallas. i suspect that none of them "saw the gun." and now there will be at least 5 funerals in dallas over the coming days.
the pressure on law enforcement is greater than ever these days. second guessing such a potentially deadly situation is the mark of a fool.
James is like Hillary/Obama always blaming the police.
James, where did you get that 11 fine Police Officers in Dallas have been murdered?
I called my local police and my County Sherriff Offices today to thank them for their service and dedication to protecting my family from the interloping scum.
10:31 As I saw/understood it, two situations in which officers were in close to the suspect and shot without seeing a weapon in the suspect's hand, Ch.
And you justify that...
And Rat justifies it too. (No surprise there.)
like the 5 cops in dallas. i suspect that none of them "saw the gun."
When a sniper is firing from a rooftop or high level window, that is an entirely different thing from what I described.
James, until ready your point of view today I did not know that you had such open hate for Police Officers, I do now.
Do us all a favor, keep posting, I need to know just how sick the New Socialist Democrat has become.
Oh and the "WAR on COPS" is real , unlike the made up bs war on woman.
As I saw/understood it, two situations in which officers were in close to the suspect and shot without seeing a weapon in the suspect's hand, Ch.
As we first saw and understood it... Michael Brown was a nice lovable non-violent teddy bear who was minding his own business when he was chased down and shot by a racist cop... all the while keeping hands up crying "don't shoot".
So, while it certainly may end up that this cop made a bad shooting, I guess we don't really know that right now. As with every situation, we should wait for all the facts, not judge it by what the girlfriend says.
If it's a bad shooting (or done with malice) the cop will be disciplined and possibly face charges.
And Rat justifies it too.
i simply choose to wait for a compilation of evidence before jumping to a conclusion, while you jerks seize an opportunity to immediately jump on the political grandstand.
the left always assumes that all cops are guilty until proven innocent, and then wonders why violence skyrockets when the police lose interest in patrolling high crime areas.
James, until ready your point of view today I did not know that you had such open hate for Police Officers, I do now.
Oh I think James has good reason to fear and loath cops.
"acted stupidly" Obama comment about Police Officers
"Well, sadly it’s reality, and it has been heartbreaking and incredibly outraging to see the constant stories of young men like Walter Scott, as you said, who have been killed by police officers," said Clinton. "There needs to be a concerted effort to address the systemic racism in our criminal justice system. And that requires a very clear agenda for retraining police officers, looking at ways to end racial profiling, finding more ways to really bring the disparities that stalk our country into high relief." Hillary, anti-Law Enforcement
Oh I think James has good reason to fear and loath cops. " CS
He preference toward very young boys was exposed by CHT and for that I am thankful.
It was just another piece of data that gives us a look inside the mind of Jane.
The less law abiding someone is...
The less they like cops...
Actually, I am a strong supporter of policemen.
Not vigilantes. Policemen.
Trained to respond when necessary with FITTING force.
(Not as in the video at 11:12.)
I guess the Sierra Club is wrong in its assessment.--
After the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile this week, our executive director Michael Brune shared this:
"It is impossible to not be outraged by the devastating images of black people being gunned down by police on a shockingly regular basis and it should be impossible to remain silent in the face of this sustained injustice any longer. Sadly, the tragedies that are unfolding before our eyes are just a fraction of the violence that has been happening OFF camera in our nation for far too long.
"The Sierra Club believes all people deserve a healthy planet with clean air and water, a stable climate and safe communities. That means all people deserve equal protection under the law and the right to a life free of discrimination, hatred and violence. Unfortunately, those aspirations and goals are not a reality in our country, and that is why that is why the Sierra Club stands in solidarity with all of those saying #BlackLivesMatter, demanding justice, accountability, and action to confront the racism and inequality that has allowed these tragedies to persist. We can do better and by standing together to work for the changes that are needed, we will.”
--The Sierra Club
Gee what was the Sierra Club's response to the murder of five police officers by a man who just want to kill white people?
No comment?
Actually, I am a strong supporter of policemen.
Not vigilantes. Policemen.
Well, James you're ready to try and convict policemen before all of the facts are known.
Isn't that the textbook definition of a vigilante?
Go on, admit it. Hypocrisy is quite common trait for people in your "profession".
I keep repeating the old line: Behind every apparent double standard is an un-confessed single standard. The single standard here is that only the right people may politicize tragedy. Only the right people get to determine what sort of speech incites violence. Only the right people know when it’s a time for prayer and unity and when it’s time to take up action. Only the right people know when the blame falls solely on the murderers and when the murderers are simply a symptom of a larger problem. And when anyone disagrees with the right people, they reveal themselves to be the wrong people. Because you can only be right if you agree with the right people.
- Jonah Goldberg
Not sure what a statement from an environmental group about cop shootings has anything to do with anything... Other than it proves how easy it is for James to be swayed by pretty much anything written by just about anyone.
But the reality is that James quite obviously does not respect law enforcement. That can be determined straight off when he makes statements about how he only respects those who hypothetically behave how he hypothetically wants them to.
If one truly has respect for the law enforcement community, then you accept the community as they exist and respect the guidelines and boundaries that are set up in the system.
James does nothing but question long standing police protocol with whimsical what ifs that only happen in Hollywood fiction productions.
btw, how's that whole freddie gray trial thingy going?
any actual convictions yet?
Question for all, especially the "strongly supporter of policemen (why not police Woman?) James.
What did the 5 Police (james said 11 were killed, wrong on the facts again) Officers that were in cold blood killed by black snipers do ?
James is attempting to lay out the case that some how these 5 (largest killing of Police Officers in a single event since 9-11) Police Officers Deserved to be killed, but what did they specificially do?
I find it just a little more difficult to "respect" SOME elements of the law enforcement community each time I see another video of a weaponless black men being shot repeatedly the back while running away from, or walking weaponless alongside a coterie of police, or sitting in a car with a little girl in the back and a girl friend beside him and reaching for his wallet for id as requested, or a young black man turning to get his id out of his truck as commanded, and suddenly the officer lets loose a hail of bullets.
Yes, the more I see of that, the less respect I find myself having for SOME officers in this land.
But I guess none of this bothers you, for politically it would be inconvenient to entertain the idea that SOME of our blue shirts are looking more and more like Nazi brown shirts, and our nation is looking more and more like a fascist society that doesn't want its darker skinned citizens to vote or even live.
Obama Addresses "Vicious, Calculated, Despicable" Attacks On Dallas Police
I am a strong supporter of policemen." James
Well that did not take long, from faking support to calling them Nazi Brown Shirts.
What did these 5 Dallas Law Enforcement Officers do ?
In your own words, not some c & p , bs.
well pastor pederast, you got your wish.
"Our nation is looking more and more like a fascist society that doesn't want its darker skinned citizens to vote or even live." Jane
After badly losing the rational fact based debate, Jane had to post the above.
Realizing that Obama is the President and Hillary promises more of the Nation Jane sees today.
In the wake of a Black Lives Matter protest that turned deadly Thursday as an ambush on police in Dallas, Texas left five officers dead, and seven others critically wounded, video has emerged showing protesters taunting police officers standing guard in front of a gas station.
dancing and celebrating.
truly heartbreaking, but not at all surprising.
James - you saw a video of a guy being shot while reaching for his wallet? Because the only video I know of is of a woman "claiming" that's what happened.
Just as we heard people claim that Michael Brown was shot with his hands up. Just as we heard that Freddy Gray was murdered. Just as we heard people claim that a guy from mpls who beat up his girlfriend was shot "execution style".
You're officially full of shit, James. When you have to flat out "lie" to justify your position, you know you are full of shit.
Btw James...
Did you notice when you watched your phantom video that the officer in question (who shot Castile) was not a white racist cop as you assumed.
In fact the cop who shot him wasn't even white?
James - you saw a video of a guy being shot while reaching for his wallet? Because the only video I know of is of a woman "claiming" that's what happened.
Already the audio recording of the radio dispatch is contradicting the girlfriend's streaming video.
I suspect by the time the case of Philando Castile is thoroughly investigated there is going to be more than a few red-face politicians oweing an apology to the police. Starting with governor Dayton himself.
James is a creep beyond redemption.
Ch, I assumed nothing except that a policeman seems to have shot a man while (as his girl friend said) he was reaching for his wallet to get his id as the officer requested of him. She also said the policeman who shot was "Chinese" or "a Chinese" as I remember it (I have not looked at it again).
I am quite willing to wait to hear the police say that the man was reaching for a pistol.
One could argue that to say, I have a legal gun permit
--that may not have been a wise thing to tell a policeman. "After he said that, I assumed he was reaching for it," the policeman may say, as his defense. And you, no doubt, will consider something like that, if that claim is made, a reasonable defense.
And by the way, where was the legal weapon at the time? I don't pretend to know.
Also, I never made any of the arguments you mention in your second paragraph at 3:05.
Also, I said that SOME of our blueshirts are looking more like brownshirts. SOME, not all.
I consider it especially tragic that those officers killed and wounded in Dallas were upstanding policemen serving the public by doing their best to protect everyone.
Jane, lost badly.
"...our police have an extraordinarily difficult job and the vast majority of them do their job in outstanding fashion. ...we need to be supportive of those officers who do their job each and every day, protecting us and protecting our communities."
--The President
Also I manage to post here without using the obscene language of personal attack you, Ch, and you, Common, are using.
Slippery slope, Ch. You have already plummeted down it. How can you not expect this blog to descend into the sewer again?
You've called cops brownshirts James. That sounds personal and obscene to me.
What I really said.
But I guess none of this bothers you, for politically it would be inconvenient to entertain the idea that SOME of our blue shirts are looking more and more like Nazi brown shirts, and our nation is looking more and more like a fascist society that doesn't want its darker skinned citizens to vote or even live.
Well James we don't accept your premise that there's a widespread and systemic problem with the police and that your premise is based on your personal dislike and prejudice against police officers rather than any facts on the ground.
So yes, you are personal and obscene.
SOME police.
Clinton Holds Double-Digit Lead Nationally
A new Democracy Corps (D) survey shows Hillary Clinton way ahead of Donald Trump nationally, 48% to 37%.
The poll also shows Democrats making gains down-ballot. In a named congressional ballot, Democratic congressional candidates have opened an 8-point lead over Republican congressional candidates, 49% to 41%.
Chariot's a-comin'
You've called cops brownshirts James. That sounds personal and obscene to me. "
Yes he did
We all saw it, read it and understood it.
James what did those 5 Officers do to deserve being assassinated?
Really, we now see what matter more then the lives of the Murdered Officers, Hillary's poll numbers, not shocking Jane would post those at a time like this, shameful, except Jane has none .
Obama had the black lies matter leader to the White House.
One of the Fine Officers Killed by a murdering thug from the Criminal Enterprise BlackLiesMatter, was a 3 tour Veteran of the US Army.... Jane branded this Officer a " Nazi brown shirts".
He did nothing, but do his job for this Country and for his Town and for that the group supported by THE DNC, HILLARY and Obama was murdered.
Oh and he was Hispanic, not white.
James - again... you didn't see a video showing you what happened. You saw a video after the fact, with the girlfriend giving her version of events.
Now I ask you. How did the Michael Brown case turn out in comparison to the first known "versions" told by the eyewitnesses? How did the last shooting in Mpls turn out (there was actually video that disputed the eye witness accounts)?
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You "claim" that you are withholding judgement, while you are actually prone to believe the girlfriend as gospel, no questions asked. Actually using her statements to declare that you saw it happen.
Brent Thompson, 43, was a DART transit police officer since 2009 and is the first DART officer killed in the line of duty.
A second officer killed in the attack was identified as Michael Krol, 40. He was a member of the Dallas P.D. since 2007, previously serving as a Wayne County Corrections officer in Detroit before moving to Dallas.
The third officer to be identified reportedly served three tours in Iraq. Dallas police officer Patrick Zamarripa, 32, was a Mexican-American Navy veteran.
Mike Smith, the fourth victim, was a DPD sergeant from 1972 until 2009.
Senior Cprl. Lorne Ahrens, the fifth victim, was a 14-year veteran of the department. He leaves behind a wife, a 10-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son.
Senior Cprl. Lorne Ahrens, the fifth victim, was a 14-year veteran of the department. He leaves behind a wife, a 10-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son.
May they rest in peace.
whassa matter rog?
not getting enough page views over in your playpen so you had to drag that stuff over here?
It was simply to post the names of the victims of the crime so they are not forgotten.
They deserved it.
As usual, you don't care about them.
You just want to use their deaths for partisan reasons.
Pathetic loser.
5:25PM yesterday
Yeah, I'm "prone" to believe the girlfriend, not as "gospel," but as the shell-shocked wail of one who can't believe what just happened.
But I will listen to any and all evidence that is yet produced, either to support or to contradict her.
Do we yet know where the weapon in question was?
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