The buzz is that Comey may be called before Congress to further explain how he got from point A to point B on this. His 15 minute statement was a contradiction of logic, and many believe he owes it to the American public to answer a few follow up questions.
Interesting to listen to some of the reactions from the left.
First talking point is the fact that over 100 emails sent were classified "at the time" was a surprise to Clinton and the State Department, as was the fact that some of them were marked classified, as was the fact that they found thousands of emails that had not been turned over. Apparently the left wants us to believe that these denials were "honest mistakes" rather than lies. More specifically they want us to believe that they believe that. Sorry, folks... but I don't believe "anyone" actually believes much of anything that comes out of Clinton's mouth.
The second talking point on the subject was that the Director was not attempting to relate the possible charges directly with the statutes, but rather attempting to relate them to previous prosecutions. This allows for the shift from one of technical objective legal codes, to a more subjective opinion about how this relates to other cases. Of course, the fact that many people have been charged for much less, doesn't seem to phase them. The argument doesn't have to be actually "valid"... it just needs to allow for subjective disagreement.
Lastly, almost universally, both the left and right agree that Comey's statement was damaging to Clinton political defense of her email system. Of course the right believes it was more damaging than the left, but that's beside the point. The reality is that this puts holes into almost every claim she made regarding the set up. Regardless of it being a total lie to an honest mistake, there is a zero sum game of political fall out. Either she was dishonest, or she is incompetent. The more you argue that she was honest, the more incompetent she appears. The more you argue that she knew what she was doing, the more dishonest she appears.
This was not the ideal outcome for anyone. Director Comey made sure of that with a scathing rebuke of Clinton's behavior.
I think that the Republicans will try and keep this story alive. His statement, as you said, was far from flattering.
But I think, just me, that most of the voters will think that, the decision to not prosecute, will fade into the past. Just as it has with Benghazi.
Wishful thinking Roger. We're already getting a slew of legal experts defining the law and puzzling over how he got to his recc.
And the Bernies are pissed too.
To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. " Comey
This is now coined and known as the "Clinton Clause".
The Fading of Benghazi, really, so coldhearted, the families are over it according to HB.
I have been spending some time at the Bernie for President sites, the thing is, Bernie himself yesterday said that this announcement does not change his run for the Presidency, he has not suspended his run.
He is going to have his people stand up , be heard and disrupt the Socialist CONvention... AKA "Occupy the DNC"
Only 33% of those polled find Clinton honest and trustworthy.
Do you really think those numbers are going to go up with this?
The better question is why does this kind of thing keep coming up?
Why is it the Clinton's continue to have that stench about them in their private and political life?
jason chaffetz can waste his time and our tax dollars questioning comey before congress, but it won't change a thing...
President Obama has overseen a corrupted IRS and punished no one; overseen a corrupted DOJ and punished no one; overseen a corrupted EPA and punished no one; overseen a corrupted VA and punished no one; overseen a corrupted FBI and punished no one.
And the Republicans keep complaining to the nearest camera, to no effect. Democrats know that and believe they can get away with anything.
And they’re right.
Read more at:
so what have we learned?
well, we've learned that in addition to being totally incompetent (san bernadino, orlando) the FBI is corrupt to it's core and is being led by the hackiest of political hacks. straight shooter? honest lawman? it's always been bullshit. the most honest act of comey's life was confirming his hackishness. thanks fr clearing that up, jimbo.
we've learned that this administration and the democrat party writ large are corrupt in every fiber of their being, and that they have decided to drop all pretense to the contrary and give the american people a giant FUCK YOU as they embark on another act of blatant corruption.
we've learned that we are in a post-constitutional banana republic, and that the american electorate seem to like it that way.
gone are the days of "ask not what your country can do for you..."
now it's "gimme my free shit and keep it comin,'" and if the constitution and the rule of law are a casualty to that, so be it. we're a nation driven by greed, envy and sloth. the current regime, and those on the democrat side vying to take his place are a testament to that.
and fortunately for all of us, we're graduating legions of special snowflakes who have majored in social justice, perpetual grievance mongering, and whose highest priority is being able to use whatever bathroom strikes their fancy on any given day. this is america's next generation of "leaders." bernie/hillary sycophants who think that fairy dust and unicorn farts can power the greatest free market economy the world has ever known.
watching this nation swirl down the shitter will be morbidly fascinating to watch, and i'm just thankful that i am at an age where, if the life expectancy actuaries are correct, i'll be sliding on out of here just before we descend into full blown "idiocracy."
It's not really true that Clinton's voters will excuse anything short of criminal indictment, and possibly even that. They actually believe that every charge ever leveled against either Clinton has been debunked, politically motivated lies. It's easy to assume that they're stupid, or simply don't care but generally speaking I don't think that's the case and because of that I see some room for optimism.
It's the echo chamber, a positive reinforcement loop that's passed around so many times that they aren't only convinced of it, but they believe that these opinions are solidly fact-based, vetted by authoritative processes, and mainstream beliefs such that any dissent comes from mentally unbalanced conspiracy theorists. It's a lot like the trashing of Obama from the other side.
They aren't unreasonable, just operating from invalid assumptions.
Democrats know that and believe they can get away with anything. " RRB
"Clinton Clause". KD
The press stood back and never really asked Hillary a tough question, they can't, not on any subject.
President Obama has overseen a corrupted IRS and punished no one; overseen a corrupted DOJ and punished no one; overseen a corrupted EPA and punished no one; overseen a corrupted VA and punished no one; overseen a corrupted FBI and punished no one. "RRB
This President promised to transform the USA, he has, Hillary will give us more of the same, make no mistake.
What we also learned from the lies Hillary told is that she can do it with such ease.
They aren't unreasonable, just operating from invalid assumptions.
So does the Comey announcement further cement their view that this was just another politically motivated debunked scandal? Because that was how they viewed Whitewater (in spite of 15 people going to jail). How they viewed the impeachment (despite the President admitting to lying to federal investigators - something that garnered Scooter Libby a felony conviction). How they have viewed everything.
When 67% of the country believe she likely broke the law, and 50% think she should still run even if under indictment (Rasmussen) - I hesitate to believe that this is really cognitive dissonance as much as indifference to ethics and the law.
Comey debunked every claim she made about her email system, proving that she lied to the public, and probably lied before congressional hearing, and who knows where else she may have lied. yet I heard nobody on the left say anything last night that didn't just offer that Comey provided vindication.
Their "only" criteria was recommendation of charges vs no recommendations. They simply don't care about the rest.
It is possible that they'll see how the investigation contradicts her most often stated defenses and she'll sink even lower in public esteem and trust. These contradictions are not being used to accuse her of a crime after all, and therefore are not motivated for that purpose.
Sure, it seems obvious to you and me, that with so many of her partners going to jail it means that there were crimes committed, and in spite of her involvement she escaped prosecution not because anyone believed her but because evidence was destroyed, witnesses died or went to jail rather than testify ... and so on ... but these folks are not operating under the premise that any of that is true.
However, people don't like being lied to and in this case, if you believe that Hillary doesn't really deserve being charged, then all of those lies about why, what and how beg the question of "what was her point of lying?" The answer, whichever way you look at it doesn't lead anywhere good, so sure I think people will care about it.
And, as you know, it's not those people who will elect Clinton or her opponent. More people are holding their nose on this choice than honestly support either of them - perhaps more than both of them together. Clinton needed to be exonerated, not chastised like a clueless intern. Trump will wring every drop of blood from this ... and if he promises a hard look at it after the election he may pick up some voters out of pure spite.
They aren't unreasonable, just operating from invalid assumptions.
well wp, in my opinion, knowing what we all know as a matter of fact to be true about hillary clinton going all the way back to her watergate involvement, i can only conclude that a hillary supporter is suffering from a severe and chronic mental illness.
denial this strong cannot exist in a clear and rational mind.
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