Monday, July 18, 2016

Melania Trump !!!

Unexpectedly good speech!
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!
Second best speech of the night!


Anonymous said...

geezus, alky...

you're losing it.

first a jonathan capehart column, and then a claim that melania trump ripped off the lard ass mooch?


Anonymous said...

oh ok. now i get it.

"thrill up his leg" chrissy and ralph strap-on thought it was "devastating."

"bad. really bad."

well, at least we know what liberal clap trap MSDNC will be foaming at the mouth over today.

thanks for the heads up alky.

Commonsense said...

Yep, Liberal Media is Obsessing over "plagiarism" issue.

Wasn't so obsessive when Obama rip off Deval Patrick's speeches.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's all over the news this morning. It'd not just the portion I quoted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CNN provides the comparison.

Jimmy, she stole it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump hasn't put together a professional campaign. I'd his family and yes men. It's already hurting him. Instead of recognizing that she gave a wonderful speech, plagiarism is dominating the news coverage.

I love it.

KD, said...

Trump is either leading or in a dead heat with Hillary.

Crooked Hillary has burned thru 100's of Millions of dollars and her co-ordination with her super packs have spent even more money then she has.

Commonsense said...

People who watch Melania last night don't care and people who didn't watch could care less.

The only people who care are the ones who were never going vote for Trump in the first place.

KD said...

Notice that they have to attack the woman, again, it really a very predictable action on their part, being that the have opened up to Wars in the USA, the War on Woman and the War on COPS.

New York Major Rudy, was wonderful as he always is, I can see him a the NEW AG.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Menstra, there are a lot of people who have not yet decided who to vote for. This and other mistakes by the Trump campaign, are going to think that he's not a good decision maker. He unwillingness to put together a team of professionals, is hurting him now. It will only get worse.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch says:
Melania Gives Unexpectely Good [plagiarized] Speech!

Want proof it's plagiarized?

Here's proof:

Myballs said...

So she plagerized. She can now be vice president

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - Don't you find it ironic that you are cutting and pasting as a means to criticize Melania Trump for using someone elses words?

I invite you to use your words!

C.H. Truth said...

Also Roger -

Another pollster just went "red" in the four way race. Survey Monkey shows Trump leading.

Which way are the arrows pointing on RCP today? I only ask since the arrow direction seems to be the extent of your statistical analysis of polling movement.

Myballs said...

You're pointing to a Melania speech to bash decision making while ignoring the long list of bad decisions from Hillary? Lol.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, there really were too many unforced errors committed Monday night by the Trump gang.

One was the plagiarism, which became the story of the night.

Another was letting Trump talk to Fox News criticizing Kasich right during two of the red meatiest convention speeches, causing that network to cut away and meaning that a significant number of TRUMP's most rabid supporters didn't get to see those speeches.

Really, your team better start doing better than that!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Myballs said...

Trump now +11 with Indy voters.

That's why Hillary now sounds like she's running for president of BLM.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Gets YUGE Bounce From the Convention!!!!!!

It's ah... er... it's plus ah, er... one.

C.H. Truth said...

James - convention bounces come from polling done "after" the convention. Not polling from "before" the convention.

Whatever movement we have right now, is simply from recent events.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Convention anticipation leads to no bounce?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I notice that Ch ran FROM my comments about unforced errors.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry James...

I shouldn't be flippant. Of course, we all know you did your research on this one. You didn't just "make it up" as a cover.

So can you show us some historical data on the famous "convention anticipation bounces" and see how it compares to the "convention anticipation bounces" of previous conventions?

We are dying to know the numbers.

Commonsense said...

Menstra, there are a lot of people who have not yet decided who to vote for. This and other mistakes by the Trump campaign, are going to think that he's not a good decision maker.

Assclown, I guarantee you that outside of the political junkies here and elsewhere no one cares about this inside baseball.

All they care about is whether they are speaking their concerns and issues.

And to a great, great many people, they are.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"We are dying to know the numbers."

Take a look at your own sidebar, Ch.

And then speak to us about those unforced errors. ;o)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And also speak to us about my last posts on the next thread down.

C.H. Truth said...


Tell you what. You look at the side bar and explain to me why the last two polls that just came out show Trump in the lead... if Hillary is the one gaining?

Then you can go ahead and ask me to look at something else you wrote. Because I just cannot wait to go see what else (besides convention anticipation bounces) you have to talk about.

KD said...

Tell you what. You look at the side bar and explain to me why the last two polls that just came out show Trump in the lead... if Hillary is the one gaining?" CHT

CHT DID James ever answer your question to him yesterday on the Cops video issue?

James are the Executed COPS in now 27 states bother you?

Or are those dead cops just "Nazi's" as you yelled out the other day?

KD, Hillary's Theft of Bernie Words said...

Hillary Clinton’s Blatant Plagiarism"

"presidential campaign.

Ms. Clinton’s plagiarism doesn’t stop here. As a lead to affirming his stance on campaign finance reform and other issues, Mr. Sanders often begins by mentioning it might not be a popular thing to say as a presidential candidate. Ms. Clinton stole that line during her victory speech as well.


“Now it might be unusual, as I’ve said before, for a presidential candidate to say this, but I’m going to keep saying it,” Ms. Clinton announced. “I believe what we need in America today is more love and kindness.”

Twitter has responded to Ms. Clinton’s use of Mr. Sanders’ lines with the hashtag #StealTheBern, and CNN Political Commentator Van Jones pointed out, “You could have switched speeches tonight. Hillary Clinton’s speech and Bernie Sanders. If you just switched them, you would not have known the difference. That is the impact that Sanders has had on this race and Hillary Clinton.”

Last month, Mr. Sanders joked on NBC’s Meet the Press, “We’re looking into the copyright issues here, those are our words.” Mr. Sanders referred to Ms. Clinton’s victory speech after winning Nevada, where she stole, verbatim, talking points often used by Mr. Sanders on Wall Street reform."

And this is your candidate, you will now tell us how this has you in a twist.

KD said...

Crooked Hillary has a long history of stealing words , aka plagiarism.

Hillary Clinton’s Plagiarism Problem

What a stupid controversy, this supposed plagiarism thing.

By Steven Reynolds / The All Spin Zone

February 19, 2008

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What a stupid controversy, this supposed plagiarism thing. It is not just that the Clinton campaign is wrong and should apologize to Deval Patrick and Barack Obama. It isn't even that the Clinton campaign should watch their own plagiarism problems with Hillary's speeches. Their problem is they should stop acting like Republicans.

By now everyone has heard that the Clinton campaign has accused the Barack Obama campaign of plagiarism, claiming the act places doubt over Mr. Obama's whole campaign. It turns out a rhetorical strategy Mr. Obama used to counter the Clinton attacks that Obama is all words was first used by Deval Patrick. Indeed, it was Mr. Patrick who suggested that Barack Obama use the rhetorical strategy of noting that words like "I have a dream" and "all men are created equal" DO matter. The Clinton people, behind the leadership of spokesman Howard Wolfson, are attacking hard at Mr. Obama for listening to his friend Deval Patrick's advice. Yeah, this is nothing but attack politics, and beneath anyone but a Republican.

As Bob Cesca notes, Hillary Clinton, if judged by the same standards ad Howard Wolfson is judging Barack Obama, has her own plagiarism problem. OK, Cesca's is a silly tit for tat sort of article, but it reveals an important point. Hillary Clinton's strategy, as exercised by Howard Wolfson, is a desperate example of the old politics people want to get beyond.

Let's face it. Whether this is Hillary plagiarizing or Barack Obama listening to his friend Deval Partick and heeding his advice, this is not a Joe Biden moment, plagiarizing a whole speech by Neil Kinnock, an act that knocked Biden out of the 1988 Presidential primaries. This is Clinton campaign desperation, plain and simple. Whether that cadnidate is Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, I do not want him or her to use the strategies of personal destruction Howard Wolfson is employing for the Clinton campaign. I do not want my candidate to act like a Republican. I'm thinking a whoile bunch of Americans, Democrat and Independent, are with me on this one. "

Oh yeah, then their is the repeated Plagiarism of the Sitting VP Biden, but that will be over looked and under reported because, well, they are Big D.

opie' said...

Commonsense said...
Yep, Liberal Media is Obsessing over "plagiarism" issue.

LOL... They screwed the pooch, got caught, and denied it. Sure sounds like a clinton move. LOLOLOL

opie' said...

Tell you what. You look at the side bar and explain to me why the last two polls

Tell you what CH, explain how 2 whole polls are statistically significant. LOL Polls appear to have stabilized somewhat. My guess after today, the margins will change again. Chuckle

opie' said...

Trump now +11 with Indy voters.

And minus 22 with women, all women.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

8:22 Ch, that plus one bounce for Trump is pre-convention bounce or convention anticipation bounce. (Boy are you dense!)

And I SMEARED you in my last two posts in the "Mosby loses again" thread.

Looks like I left you speechless.

C.H. Truth said...

Tell you what CH, explain how 2 whole polls are statistically significant.

Well Opie, I guess they are as statistically significant as any other polling... what's your point, other than you want to discount polls you don't like and prop up the ones you do?

C.H. Truth said...


We simply agree to disagree. I think Law Enforcement are the good guys and the criminals are the bad guys. You can continue to believe it's the other way around all you want.

It's just more proof of your bias against Law Enforcement in general. Your a bigot who 'searches' for isolated (and dubious) examples to justify your bigotry.

You understand the concept of faulty generalization? Where you reach a conclusion based on the basis of one or just a few instance of a phenomenon? Otherwise known as jumping to conclusions. Finding one or even a handful examples of cops who did not do the right thing, does not go to the overall conduct of Law enforcement, any more than one or a handful of bad people in any profession proves that everyone in that profession can be also judged.

C.H. Truth said...

More to the point, James...

I grew up in a medium sized town. My dad was an accountant for the State of Minnesota (and a sergeant in the Army reserves) and my mom was a secretary at a hospital. I was not raised Democrat or Republican (although my dad was more the former and my mother more the latter)...

But I was taught to respect and treat with respect law enforcement. I was taught that they were out to protect us and that they were the good guys. I wasn't taught this to fit a political agenda. The concept that the police would become a political wedge issue never crossed anyone's minds.

So there is one of us who has held a consistent belief and held a consistent respect for law enforcement since we were children.

The other is blatantly attacking police and law enforcement to fit in with their political agenda. You can't really be a Democrat these days without at least considering the fact that Law Enforcement is a racist entity. The President over and over and over has suggested as much.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch keeps trying. He must realize he's put himself in a difficult spot.

From that other thread:


We simply agree to disagree. I think Law Enforcement are the good guys and the criminals are the bad guys. You can continue to believe it's the other way around all you want.

It's just more proof of your bias against Law Enforcement in general.
July 19, 2016 at 9:46 AM

James said...
Why no, Ch. I believe law enforcers are the good guys -- MOST of the time.

That's why I find it so disturbing to see a "peace" officer shooting a fleeing black man in the back multiple times.

And I really find it strange that you seem incapable of understanding why -- after seeing numerous repetitions of such videos -- our black citizenry tend to get upset.
July 19, 2016 at 9:56 AM Delete

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I also find it disturbing that you seem to be incapable of seeing how much harm gross violations of ANYone's right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" do to those policemen who always behave in an exemplary fashion even under difficult conditions and circumstances.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Believe me, I grieve and mourn those officers recently killed in the line of duty. I'll have more to say about that later.

C.H. Truth said...

James - the difference isn't in whether or not we take issue when cops break laws or when cops do what they are not supposed to do.

Conservatives believe in holding everyone accountable (including cops) when they do something wrong. It's why Scooter Libby was charged and convicted for lying to federal investigators, but when Bill Clinton did the same thing, every Democrat in the Senate voted him "not guilty" over a crime he admitted to.

Where you and I have a difference is in how we take issue. I take issue with the individuals who committed the crime or the bad actions.

You take issue with Law Enforcement as a whole, and then carry it a step further by then "assuming" that the rogue bad behavior is common place and simply covered up.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I take issue with either side when either side is shown to be wrong.
You constantly distort my position and then call me a bigot.
Maybe you're the bigot.

wphamilton said...

Michelle is probably tickled pink that the Republicans liked her speech so much! Maybe the RNC should invite her for a cameo appearance.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Trump campaign is denying that Melania plagiarized and calling such a charge "crazy."

Big mistake. Better to admit that SOMEBODY goofed and that it was both wrong and stupid to do it.

The issue lives on even more with denials.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Lots of people are tickled pink, Wp.
Just one more of several unforced errors.

C.H. Truth said...

I take issue with either side when either side is shown to be wrong.
You constantly distort my position and then call me a bigot.
Maybe you're the bigot.

Okay James. For the record. Your issue is:

1) Limited to those cops who do bad things and we need to deal with these individuals as individuals.

2) With Law enforcement in general. You believe that they show (as a whole) racist attitudes and that the entire Law enforcement community must be held accountable.

For the record: Until this question is answered. I will delete every comment you make from this blog moving forward.

C.H. Truth said...

Michelle is probably tickled pink that the Republicans liked her speech so much! Maybe the RNC should invite her for a cameo appearance.

Someone made the argument that this was somehow planned. That they wanted people to talk about Melania Trump and Michelle Obama in the same breath, so that people would start to see Melania Trump as a possible First Lady.

At first glance it makes no practical sense. First of all, I think she appears more than capable of handling herself without mind games. Secondly, the Trump team has to know that the media would make any molehill into a mountain, and this was probably bigger than a molehill.

But then I wonder what people will actually remember 60 days from now about the events (will it be Melania/plagurism or will it be Melania/Michelle)? Or maybe they just figured that they media would attack "something" no matter what, and they simply wanted to control it.

That being said... I think Trump is smarter than people give him credit for (or he wouldn't be where he is) - but I don't believe that anyone on his team is thinking this deep.

wphamilton said...

It's not even molehill high CHT. For one thing it's the spouse, so who really cares. For another, as someone mused at lunch today I wonder who it was that they both cribbed it from? It was after all about four sentences of the same standard "family values" bromides that we hear from just about every candidate.

C.H. Truth said...

For one thing it's the spouse, so who really cares.

The liberal side of the media... or in other words, most of the media?

KD said...

CLEVELAND — Pat Smith, the mother of a State Department IT consultant who died in Benghazi, said at the Republican National Convention on Monday that she personally blames Hillary Clinton for the death of her son, Sean.

“I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son,” Smith said. “Personally.”

KD, Ruddy rocks said...

I also find it disturbing that you seem to be incapable of seeing how much harm gross violations of ANYone's right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness""

Jane do you feel that way when Obama Directs the IRS to attack the TEA Party?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1 min ·

Melania Trump's net favorability rating is -4 percentage points — lower than Bill Clinton's, and lower than every other nominee's spouse since 1988.

KD said...

After living and working in Milan and Paris, I arrived in New York City twenty years ago, and I saw both the joys and the hardships of daily life. On July 28th, 2006, I was very proud to become a citizen of the United States -- the greatest privilege on planet Earth. I cannot, or will not, take the freedoms this country offers for granted. But these freedoms have come with a price so many times. The sacrifices made by our veterans are reminders to us of this. I would like to take this moment to recognize an amazing veteran, the great Senator Bob Dole. And let us thank all of our veterans in the arena today, and those across our great country. We are all truly blessed to be here. That will never change."

A classy lady, Mrs Trump

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

July 19, at 11:38AM
Okay James. For the record. Your issue is:

1) Limited to those cops who do bad things and we need to deal with these individuals as individuals.

2) With Law enforcement in general. You believe that they show (as a whole) racist attitudes and that the entire Law enforcement community must be held accountable.

For the record: Until this question is answered. I will delete every comment you make from this blog moving forward.

Well, Ch, I just NOW saw this and, for the record, my issue is with those cops who do bad things and we need to deal with these individuals as individuals.*

I really don't see how you could have gotten any other impression.
*Except, of course, in those cases where a number of police may be in collusion in having done bad things.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Explanation of my asterisk above.
More than one individual Chicago policeman apparently claimed a suspect "lunged" at policemen when the video in question shows no such "lunge."

C.H. Truth said...

I really don't see how you could have gotten any other impression.

Well good to know that we are on the same side of the issue James.

I am just surprised that you disagree with your President and Presidential candidate who both believe that the Police have systematic racism problems and that Law enforcement as a whole (not just some individuals) treat black people poorly because of the color of their skin. I am surprised that you disagree with the old Attorney General who decided that several police departments (as a whole) "ALL" had to be retrained, because there was systematic racism within the entire department.

But I am glad that you fundamentally agree with at least three different studies that have recently come out disputing the President and others. It shows you have at least "some" principals and that you are actually capable of seeing "rhetoric" and "political fodder" for what it is.

KD, New First Lady rocks said...

Melania Trump is a very nice lady with real class and grace, she rocked the house last night, for that very fact the Liberals had to attack her.

She out Trumped , Hillary and that pos Moochele

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Blogger James said...
I am just surprised that you disagree with your President and Presidential candidate who both believe that the Police have systematic racism problems and that Law enforcement as a whole (not just some individuals) treat black people poorly because of the color of their skin. I am surprised that you disagree with the old Attorney General who decided that several police departments (as a whole) "ALL" had to be retrained, because there was systematic racism within the entire department.
Oh, there may be "systematic racism problems" in some police venues. I am from the South, and know how entrenched racism was in police systems there for oh so many years.

Racial attitudes are subtle in all of us and reevaluation and rethinking and retraining may be more widely needed than is often thought.

C.H. Truth said...

You are soooo predictable James.

When offered a simple honest question. You answer it truthfully and honestly.

When reminded that your Party plays a different card, you hedge your statement and bend it to conform.

Someday, perhaps you will take off the leash.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The only "leash" I am on is fidelity to the complicated truth.

When I say there MAY be systematic racism in some police venues I am simply speaking truth, and if you think there is NO such racism anywhere anytime, you are somewhere out there with Alice in Wonderland.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry James... when asked without pretense. You gave the respectable answer that any reasonable person should give.

That the bad police should be punished for bad behavior, but that Law Enforcement as a whole should not be judged by it. You even suggested that you have never given any other impression.

I was impressed with that answer.

The reason you are frustrated now, is that you got caught disagreeing with a fundamental rhetorical argument being made by the people who you worship above all other Gods. Democratic Politicians. So you decided to temper your answer.

Obviously you know that I agree that racism exists everywhere. I am sure I work with people who are racists. You probably work with racist. Everyone probably has worked with a racist. Doesn't mean that "you" or "I" should be judged by the behavior of others in our same profession. I think you would fundamentally agree with that.

Unless of course your Party tells you differently. Tells you that the one of the most important and dangerous professions in our country is the exception to that rule. That you really can and really should judge all law enforcement by the worst actions of a small select group of bad apples. You understand instinctively that it's wrong... which is why your arguments for it are so horribly illogical.

KD, Hillary's War on COPS said...

CHT, as always you best James and then out of the blue comes a self proclaimed Pastor of only god knows what cult, swearing at you.

I assure you the Father of my Church does not swear.

James did you see a KCKS Police Capt was murdered yesterday and the mainly BLACK Community Rallied to his aid and are deeply sad about his death and pissed OFF at the people that killed him.

He was white, so in your words his just another Nazi Cop.