BATON ROUGE - Police have closed streets between Baton Rouge Police Headquarters and I-12 where law enforcement officers have been shot.
Sources say two Baton Rouge Police officers and one East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office deputy are dead following the shooting. Another officer was critically injured. EBRSO confirmed multiple officers from both BRPD and EBRSO sustained injuries in the shooting and were taken to area hospitals. There is no word yet on the extent of all of the injuries.
A witness told WBRZ News 2, a man was dressed in black with his face covered shooting indiscriminately when he walked out between a convenience store and car wash across from Hammond Air Plaza. Shots were fired around 9 a.m. Sunday. The exact location of the business where the shooting took place has yet to be released.
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I am the law and order Candidate |
Arm everyone like trump says.
And yet it's Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama who embraces cop killers.
The Killing of COPS is clearly the tactic of the LEFT that 8 years ago seized the power in the USA.
Congrats go out to Jane, Odopie, HB and those they support Like Hillary/Obama/Holder/Lynch, really, you have the killings of COPS that you wanted, see you support those in BLM and other Militant anti-US groups and this is your reward.
SO do your Victory Dance and pop the champagne you really, really did earn it.
Out and OUT lie:
"Anonymous opie' said...
Arm everyone like trump says. "
That is all you have, scum.
Hillary's Score Card ------ BLM supporter
5 Murdered Officers in Dallas
2 More Murdered Officers In Michigan
3 More Murdered Officers in Baton Rouge
If you don't Dump Hillary then you are supporting the continued Real War on COPS.
Opie... does it not tell you anything that the police say more legal firearms would be better to resolve crime, than more gun control?
Making it political this early is tasteless.
When your candidate is out campaigning with Black (pigs in a blanket) Lives (fry em like bacon) Matter...
Dead cops are political. She has made is as much.
Sure thing, it's not the deep divisions caused by Trump, who hates almost every ethnic group.
He's trying to keep the country divided, because it works in his favor, and you just fell in line, like they told you think. Like a herd of sheep. Baa Baa Baa
It's not Trump inviting cop killers over to the White House.
It's Barack Obama.
Obama just met with leaders a couple days ago. Police departments across the country are absolutely fed up with Obama.
Roger should STFU.
Obama the black community activist still supports BLM. That is an outrage. To blame Trump for the division in the country is just stupid. Eight years of Obama's divisive politics is the cause.
Sure thing, it's not the deep divisions caused by Trump, who hates almost every ethnic group
Obviously, you really must believe these problems surfaced when Trump started running for President, which shows a complete dismissal of reality...
If you believe that seeing this as a long term problem that has been getting worse over the past decade or so as being "part of the herd"... then count me in.
You can live in your world where every problem in the world is the fault of a guy who has never held public office... because Hillary tells you so.
Just so you understand. The reason it gets under your skin when I call you a sheep, is because you deep down understand it to be true. Even someone with limited intellect will at least subconsciously understand when we are "fooling ourselves".
On the other hand, you misusing the same line in this situation only proves that it bothers "you" enough that you feel the need to toss it back. All I see out of your statement, is an acknowledgement that my critique of you hits home. I personally do not otherwise take it seriously/
Your limited intellectual abilities make you fall in line. You can't be in denial. It takes abilities you don't possess.
I'm saying that because sometimes, the only way you can't understand contrary opinion might be correct, is to assume you are intellectually superior.
Well CH is intellectually superior to you Roger.
Come to think of it. so is a glow worm.
Obama just met with leaders a couple days ago. Police departments across the country are absolutely fed up with Obama.
There's no getting around it. Obama is the most anti-cop president in history.
I have not read anything from political sources. I've spent my time watching coverage, and getting things ready for my trip to New Orleans, Louisiana.
Roger should STFU.
Agree, he's just digging himself in deeper.
Sometimes you just can't defend the indefensible.
Obama just said the killers speak for no one. Wrong Mr. President, they speak for BLM. And just like Isis, you refuse to acknowledge it.
Trump Forces GOP to Make a Tough Choice
New York Times: “But amid gloom about Republican prospects in November, Mr. Trump may have endangered the party in a more lasting way: by forging a coalition of white voters driven primarily by themes of hard-right nationalism and cultural identity.
“Republicans have wrestled for years with the push and pull of seeking to win over new groups of voters while tending to their overwhelmingly white and conservative base. Now, Mr. Trump’s candidacy may force them into making a fateful choice: whether to fully embrace the Trump model and become, effectively, a party of white identity politics, or to pursue a broader political coalition by repudiating Mr. Trump’s ideas — and many of the voters he has gathered behind his campaign.”
GOP (Grand Old Party)?
WSP (White Supremacist Party)?
where black lives DON'T matter...
He could have said "My justice department will investigate these murders as hate crimes'"
He could have said "We will not tolerate the deliberate targeting and murder of police officers."
But he didn't say any of that.
Leave it to James to be completely irrelevant.
Police Want Open Carry Suspended for GOP Convention
“The head of Cleveland’s largest police union is calling on Ohio Gov. John Kasich to temporarily restrict the state’s open carry gun laws during this week’s Republican National Convention following Sunday’s shooting in Louisiana that killed three officers and wounded at least three others,” CNN reports.
However, Kasich responded to the request: “Ohio governors do not have the power to arbitrarily suspend federal and state constitutional rights or state laws as suggested.”
Your limited intellectual abilities make you fall in line.
Roger... one of us is a Partisan who has always voted for and will always vote for Democrats, no matter how much the Party changes, or where the Party goes... it will always be Party first.
The other of us has voted for people from all Parties, including local Independence Party candidates. One of us has personal convictions that don't just change because a Party changes.
The former is... by simple definition, a follower. The latter is, by simple definition, an independent thinker.
I think everyone here understands the silliness of you suggesting that "I" have "limited intellectual abilities". It is the sort of thing that is stated out of frustration. I'll let it slide...
Ever'body strap on a gun an' come to Cleveland.
James keeps desperately wanting to change the subject.
I don't blame him. He position on cops is as indefensible as Obama's.
Changing the subject?
In case you didn't notice it, Commensa, it's the police who fear for their lives who want open carry to be suspended for the Convention.
It's not Obama asking for it. It's THE POLICE.
Only James could find the murder of police officers funny.
He really is a despicable piece of shit.
But of course the NRA wants open carry always to be protected.
Not a thing that I said is joking.
And once again the inferiority of your position is indicated by your resort to obscenity.
James -
There are three dead cops, and you want to talk about hypothetical violence in Cleveland. Which, with all due respect, would be initiated by liberal protesters, not people there to support the Party.
You're simply being an ass for the sake of being an ass. If you are not doing it on purpose, than you are truly dumber than a potted plant.
Well James sometimes an obscenity is the only proper way to describe you.
Obama doesn't get to be angry after encouraging the BLM movement that is behind all of the anti-police killing.
Thus is another legacy he cannot hide from.
The President's statement asking for unity.
After 7 years of divisive rhetoric, he finally calls for unity after discovering it was leading to the murder of police officers.
Want to see how serious the Democrats are now for unity?
One of the feature speakers at the Democrat convention will be Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown. The thug who lost his life trying to kill a police officer.
As with everything, Roger...
The President is calling for everyone to unite behind what he believes.
You can't just keep calling police officers racists, and keep passing judgments on situations before the facts come in... and then seem surprised when people attack the Police.
You certainly shouldn't condemn what you implicitly advocate.
Okie... does it not tell you anything that the police say more legal firearms would be better to resolve crime
Horse crap, CH. Just more chances to additional mayhem and killings.
Opie - argue with the police.
Now Obama calls on Americans to avoid divisive rhetoric.
Us he freaking kidding? That's all we've gotten from him for eight years.
What an ass.
Meanwhile, Hillary has not made as by statement.
Some leadership there.
Crooked Hillary?
Her opponents keep insisting that she can’t be trusted, that she’s not telling the truth, and that there is therefore no telling what she might do while in office. But whenever fact checkers look at what Clinton and her opponents are saying during this election cycle, she rates out as the most honest of the bunch.
Crooked Trump?
It turns out Donald Trump’s statements have only rated out as being fully “True” a mere 3% of the time (source link). In fact he rates out as “False” or “Pants on Fire” an astounding 61% of the time. Ted Cruz is nearly as dishonest, rated “True” just 6% of the time, and “False” or “Pants on Fire” 36% of the time (source link). So what does this tell us?
She lied standing by the caskets of fallen Americans. You can't change that as much as you'd like to....
"Today’s devastating assault on police officers in Baton Rouge is an assault on all of us. There is no justification for violence, for hate, for attacks on men and women who just put their lives on the line every day in service of our families and communities.
We must not turn our backs on each other. We must not be indifferent to each other. We must all stand together to reject violence and strengthen our communities. Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of the police officers who were killed and injured today." Hillary Clinton statement.
How many times has Donald Trump lied about National Security and his involvement with classified information?
How many times did Donald Trump lie to the Parents of slain Americans?
How many times did Donald Trump commit perjury under oath in front of Congress?
Sometimes, Roger... the types of lies being told are more relevant than some fact-check site (which generally needs a fact checking sites to catch their own incorrect facts)
Ballsless it took me two minutes to find her remarks.
We grieve for the officers killed in Baton Rouge today," Trump said in a post to the social media platform, which also linked to a Facebook message. "How many law enforcement and people have to die because of a lack of leadership in our country? We demand law and order."
Another tweet from Trump, sent an hour later, went on to say that America was "divided and out of control":
Trump has reacted to recent tragedies in a similar fashion over the past few weeks, pushing out short missives on social media platforms in the proceeding hours.
As usual, Trump goes political. Truthers love it.
CH, think about this. First, I've never said all cops were racists.
But let's go here.
1: You don't like the decision of the FBI and Justice department decided that she should not be charged.
2:When the few police who obviously killed suspects because they were black, are almost never charged by local or federal Justice Departments you agree with those decisions?
I can't wait to see how you can justify that. Probably claiming they aren't related.
So the liberal NY daily news, the RAF that had the headline drop dead Ted, says Hillary is honest.
Well, that's good enough for us.
Another high class Republican.
Republican Convention speaker Scott Baio keeps referring to Hillary Clinton as a “c*nt"
The President of the United States has gone knee jerk every time a black person is killed by the cops. Immediately going to "racism" whether or not there is any proof as much. Basically playing one side off the other, getting people all riled up, because it fits the narrative.
On the flip side, every time a cop is killed, he pretends we have no clue why it happened and blames gun control, and then calls for unity because the narrative of black people killing cops doesn't help him politically.
Do you have the name of a cop who "obviously" killed a black man over race, that wasn't charged? Also, what proof are you using to make that determination?
My best guess is that you are making "assumptions" based on your own bias. A form of racism, as it is.
On the flip side...
The Director of the FBI told the American public that laws were broken, that classified information was mishandled, and made a dubious decision (disagreed with by both a majority of Americans and a majority of legal experts) that the case couldn't be prosecuted without "malicious intent".
As far as whether or not the two are related. Not really. Hillary didn't kill a black person. She mishandled classified information.
More relevant comparison would be with the dozens of people who have been charged under these statutes over the past decade or so. I have provided multiple names of people (such as Sandy Berger) who were charged for mishandling classified documents without ever showing any "malicious intent".
It took hillary 7 hours to draft a response.
Like I said........
The Director of the FBI told the American public that laws were broken, that classified information was mishandled, and made a dubious decision (disagreed with by both a majority of Americans and a majority of legal experts) that the case couldn't be prosecuted without "malicious intent".
I have a suspicion, that Lynch told Comey that she wouldn't accept a recommendation to indict unless he can prove "malicious intent".
Of course she new that law doesn't require it.
The gunman in a Baton Rouge shooting that killed three cops was identified as Gavin Long, 29, a former Marine from Kansas City, Missouri, law enforcement sources told ABC News. Long was discharged in August 2010 after five years of service, records show.
Do you have the name of a cop who "obviously" killed a black man over race, that wasn't charged?
Roger is struck dumb. A not altogether unusual condition for him.
The gunman in a Baton Rouge shooting that killed three cops was identified as Gavin Long, 29, a former Marine from Kansas City, Missouri, law enforcement sources told ABC News. Long was discharged in August 2010 after five years of service, records show.
More to the point. A cop being accused of an illegal killing is like any other American. Assumed innocent until proven guilty. A cop simply "killing" a suspect is not a crime... unlike the concept of housing classified in an unsecured location (which is by definition a crime).
You have to prove it's a bad killing, and just "claiming" racism is not going to hold up in court. You have to be able to prove it to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
A Youtube account operated by Gavin Eugene Long and discovered by The Daily Caller reveals key insight into what might have motivated the 29-year-old black man who killed three Baton Rouge police officers Sunday morning.
Videos on Long’s account show that he was a former Nation of Islam member. He also ranted against “crackers” and made references to Alton Sterling, the black man killed by police in Baton Rouge on July 5.
Read more:
Never mind that the killings themselves were probably political.
It takes a village to craft her immediate response to anything.
I can't wait till I see the 60 Minutes interview. We are at a Thai restaurant. Love my DVR.
Hillary Clinton widened her lead over Donald Trump nationally heading into the Republican National Convention, a new poll released Sunday shows.
The CNN/ORC poll shows Clinton leading Trump, 49 percent to 42 percent. In the same poll conducted last month, Clinton led Trump 47 percent to 42 percent.
But in a four-way match-up with Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, both Trump and Clinton lose ground.
Clinton carried 42 percent, while Trump had 37 percent, Johnson had 13 percent and Stein had 5 percent. Note that the lead drops only drops 3%
That's a 4-point increase from the same poll last month for Johnson.
The poll also shows Trump gaining more support among Republican voters, with 56 percent saying they prefer him as the nominee over someone else, compared to 51 percent in June. The Dump Trump Movement is DOA.
An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll also released Sunday morning shows Clinton with a 5-point lead over her likely general election rival in results unchanged since June.
An ABC News/Washington Post poll released Sunday shows Clinton with 47 percent support nationally, while Trump has 43 percent.
All three polls, released today, show Clinton's lead is at the least stable or in the case of the CNN poll, it's increasing. Anywhere from 4% to 7% she is holding onto her lead, <
Roger is struck dumb.
what we're witnessing is an individual in the grip of a severe mental illness.
6:42PM above.
Ch, you know as well as I do that if a video did not exist of the policeman shooting a fleeing black man multiple times in the back*, no charges would have been brought and that officer would still have his job.
If you are not aware of that, you are really out of it.
And what about the many, many times when no video exists?
Although most law officers carry out their duties with honor and integrity, abuses do happen all too often.
*A video taken on a phone by someone who just happened by and saw what was happening.
Roger is struck dumb.
By what? By those wonderful polling indications going into the GOP convention?
Surprisingly the liberals at MSDNC are not as excited about those polls as you are.
They're are worried that Hillary is still stuck in the low forties and cannot break away from Trump.
Commonsense said...
James keeps desperately wanting to change the subject.
I don't blame him. He position on cops is as indefensible as Obama's. "
You mean to say that when Obama called the police STUPID at the very beginning of his first term that set the tone for his entire 8 years of hating COPS and Loving The BLackLiesMatter mob, Hillary is pro- BLM, and anti-Cop.
Last year at this time 15 Officers had been Murdered, today 31 have been.
This blood is on the hands of Hillary/Obama.
Ch, you know as well as I do that if a video did not exist of the policeman shooting a fleeing black man multiple times in the back*, no charges would have been brought and that officer would still have his job.
Oh I don't know, forensic evidence of being shot in the back may have raised a suspicion or two.
That can poll us D+10. Didn't look at the others, but I bet they're the same.
And hearing Hillary lapdog podesta call Pence the most right wing choice ever us both absurd and desperate.
All three polls, released today, show Clinton's lead is at the least stable or in the case of the CNN poll, it's increasing. Anywhere from 4% to 7% she is holding onto her lead,
Actually -
Clinton gained two points in WSJ poll.
Neither gained in CNN poll.
Trump gained eight points in the ABC poll
Once again, Roger is simply wrong on fact. Didn't bother to read the links from his own post.;
Once again, Roger is simply wrong on fact" CHT
We both point out each and every day how often and deeply HB is wrong, the thing is he has zer0 ability to learn.
So what does Hillary do with her BlackLiesMatter funded mob?
She has endorsed them so she can't very well run from them and she can't just ignore them either.
James - this is still America, where people are assumed to be innocent until proven guilty of crimes. Yes, James... that includes Police Officers.
Now you can continue to assume the worst in cops and believe that the suspects are the victims... because that's what you are told to believe.
Personally, I don't choose (as you do) to believe that every cop is a racist who is looking to gun down innocent black people for the fun of it. The cops I know (and I know a few) are good, honest, brave soles who do the best they can in a very tough job. Not one of them is racist. I wouldn't want to do what they do, and I have the utmost respect for them.
So given that this is America where you are innocent until proven guilty and where evidence is needed to prove guilt... I will ask you the same question I asked Roger.
Give me some examples where there is evidence of bad shootings by bad cops where they got away with it.
And no... you assuming the worst in Law Enforcement only proves your easily manipulated and prone to bigotry.
We both point out each and every day how often and deeply HB is wrong, the thing is he has zer0 ability to learn.
Honestly... my best guess is that Roger cut and pasted his statement from someone else who was actually wrong. The fact that he "never" fact checks anything he posts, is one of the main reasons I decided to split the blogs.
Being factually correct is important to me. Never has been with Roger.
From all appearances, this guy was an angry, mentally distributed man. It was not a black lives matter related murder, or a Muslim terrorist.
One of the officers killed, was a black man, who had recently been posting on Facebook, urging calm and peace.
May he rest in peace.
The "law and order" candidate would not have been able to stop this before it happened.
James called US Law Enforcement Officers "brown shirts" and "Nazi's".
That is his cornerstone position.
A lot like Hillary's and Obimbo, that have fueled the flames of their War On Cops for 8 plus years.
How do they feel and what do they say about US Law Enforcement Officers :
"justice system is plagued by "systemic racism," both "conscious and unconscious."
See in the world of Hillary/Obama, it is the cops to blame, they are the problem , not the rioting asshole BLM mob.
You are the one who went clear back to the early June polls to dispute my post. If, as the story clearly stated that the trend in the July polls are trending upwards again.
Perhaps you could blog under the name
We know for a fact that Obama/Hillary fuel this kind of Hate.
He killed 3 Officers and He is A Muslim, sorry HB, you do not get to make up your own facts, continue to be a brain dead American Hating asshole, it fits you well, interloper.
The "law and order" candidate would not have been able to stop this before it happened.
true, but we have the "hope and change" asshat to ensure that it DID happen.
You are the one who went clear back to the early June polls to dispute my post. If, as the story clearly stated that the trend in the July polls are trending upwards again.
you do realize that a single poll does not constitute a trend. and you should note that the polls tightened on basically no news from the trump camp. it was purely a reaction to granny the liar getting away with murder.
it looks to me like you're getting nervous.
Ch, stop mischaracterizing me. Evidence of bad shootings by bad cops? If only we had more videos...?
But as I clearly stated, I believe most white officers treat black suspects correctly most of the time.
Hillary being old, slow and stupid took forever to tweet her views, or should I say to focus group what she said, what she had to say was meaningless, shallow and really stupid, no need to focus group that, just more of her same old tired liberal bs.
Flags to remain at Half Staff Given the continued unpresidented ambushes resulting in a blood bath of US Law Enforcement Officers.
We love our police officers here in the Great State of Kansas, we never have look upon them with anything but admiration and support.
If you see a COP today thank Her/Him for doing that very work you know you could never do and for safeguarding you, a stranger.
Hillary sees you a skin color.
Chilling info about the Baton Rouge shooter.
A real nut case. Three of the officers he shot were black.
James, one only has to look at how you post to see with a clear view how full of rage you are toward Law Enforcement Officers.
"Brown shirt", "Nazi" ,,, you words
Own them sissy. You support those that kill the police, own that too, just being honest about what you are and who you support.
Chilling info about the Baton Rouge shooter."
He was a muslim.
In real matters of National Safety and the Lives of the Men/Woman in blue, how come the prez does not use his "phone and Pen" to support and defend the Police?
You are the one who went clear back to the early June polls to dispute my post.
I used the statements from the pollsters you linked... showing her lead evaporating, to dispute your post.
Ch, stop mischaracterizing me. Evidence of bad shootings by bad cops? If only we had more videos...?
Again, James... what is your "assumption" telling you? We are talking hypothetical here James. At that point, it's only what you choose to believe.
In your case you "choose to believe" that if we had more video it would prove your bigoted bias that Law Enforcement officers are racists who engage in bad shootings against black people?
Or am I wrong? Am I "mischaracterizing you"?
Because then you would believe that videos would show cops are acting in good faith and doing a tough job as well as they can.
Chilling info about the Baton Rouge shooter.
A real nut case. Three of the officers he shot were black.
So James if the cops were white it wouldn't be so scary?
You're some piece of work there James.
So James if the cops were white it wouldn't be so scary?
You're some piece of work there James.
well, perhaps he just proves the point that his dear leader might have been right when he said "racism is in our DNA."
it's most certainly in james' DNA.
Obama one week ago: It's the police's fault.
Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures
America's police will be safer when they admit they have a problem, Pres. Obama declared on Sunday at a bilateral event with the prime minister of Spain in Madrid.
Fielding a question on Sunday, July 10, about the violence against police in Dallas, Texas last week, which left five officers dead, Obama said police officers will be safer once they acknowledge their failures:
"There are legitimate issues that have been raised, and there’s data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these protesters.
"And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated."
Hillary-Obama have always had a great dislike for COPS, Obama has repeatedly attacked and attacked Police and how they are "systemically " racist, YET, a group that id's itself as "BLACK"liesmatter are the ones with "legitimate" issues.
Wait, Didn't Hillary-Obama say that the Terrorist also have legitimate issues with the US?
"legitimate grievances " Obimbo
Yep , ISIS has it, BLM has it, but the COPS nope, they are Stupid.
Freddie Gray case: Judge acquits Lt. Brian Rice of all charges
Hillary Clinton is trashing police at the NAACP convention.
Being factually correct is important to me. Never has been wi
Like 2014 wasn't the warmest year, the models are wrong and GW is a hoax.....Like that CH???
There's a diffrence between fact and speculation. Most educated people know that.
Lt. Brian Rice should sue the living shit out of all that attacked him and his good name.
Hillary is the lowest form of trailer trash.
Opie - regarding 2014 - I made factual mathematical statements, which you took issue with. Not because they were not correct (they were absolutely correct) but because I was literal in my interpretation of them; whereas the people who blindly follow were not literal.
Hillary Clinton is trashing police at the NAACP convention.
the fact that she has to align herself with a hate group and domestic terror organization to become president is really sad.
she's riding dirty with the klan with a tan.
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