One fascinating note in the Pew survey. Pollsters found that about 57 percent of Latino registered voters are either bilingual or more proficient in Spanish than in English. Forty-three percent are more proficient in English than in Spanish. Among the bilingual and Spanish-dominant group, Clinton has a huge lead, 80 percent to 11 percent. Among the English-dominant group, it's a genuinely close race — 48 percent for Clinton to 41 percent for Trump. After all that has happened, Trump polls as well or better with English-dominant Hispanic voters than with the electorate as a whole.This poll reinforces what many political analysts have suggested for some time. Which is that as Hispanics become more assimilated into the American culture, marrying into white families, and otherwise breaking away from their heritage, that they stop seeing themselves as Hispanic or as a minority. Intuitively that would mean that they become less and less prone to decide their votes on issues of race or immigration, and will over time more closely mirror the voting patterns of Whites.
This is sort of the downside to the left believing that their future electoral success revolves around the changing of the country's demographics, rather than on some set of remarkable policy positions. It also may be why you see resistance on the left to bills that require immigrants and refugees to learn English, and otherwise try to argue that the requirement that they assimilate is unfair and racist.
Once again, it becomes increasingly clear that Democrats benefit from division of race, religion, and nationalities, while Republicans are likely to benefit from more unity and assimilation into our more traditional American culture. Unfortunately for the former, such division relies on an unlimited allowance for new immigrants and refugees. Meanwhile the latter may benefit from the long term effects of interracial marriage, interaction between the races, and the reduction of the cultural divide that is presently so prevalent.
Note: I believe it's also relevant how often Hispanics get lumped in with Whites when it comes to racism against Blacks. Does anyone remember how George Zimmerman became a "White Hispanic" or how everyone is treating the Mpls shooting as a White/Black issue, even as the shooting officer is Hispanic? These may be little things that most people do not notice or think about, but you would be naive to believe Hispanics do not notice.
Ch, I just found out what you are.
You are a "movement conservative."
What is a movement conservative?
A movement conservative is someone who "would rather lose on the issues than win without them."
But I had to go this morning to the first article at to find that out, so I guess you will delete this. :-}
The Legacy of Obama is that he took a generally United States, embraces the interlopers and reprobates and gave them the same standing in the once United States as those that are legal and working.
"The Fort Worth Police Officers Association called Black Lives Matter "an organization that chooses to MURDER American law enforcement officers"
We know Hillary stand for the Murders.
I stand with the COPS.
The results are not surprising. Hispanic immigrants are following the same pattern of assimilation as the irish, poles, italians, and other historic immigrants.
The more they assimilate the more conservative they become.
Maybe someone can explain to me after almost 8 years of getting everything they wanted from a black President are the Blacks in the USA so freaking mad?
The largest transfer of wealth from the working class to this minority has been happening for over 30 years now. 17 Trillion dollars has been squandered on them, and yet it is still not enough.
IF they want income equality, get a job , that is a fine start.
The more they assimilate the more conservative they become." CS
and wealthier, which from reading the Black Lives Matter site is the major grievance.
Average Income per person per year by Race
Whitey - 57 K
Hispanic - 39 K
Blacks - 33 K
It is amazing how the Hispanics in recent years have sprinted past the blacks in income.
Question, how is it all those protestors can get so much time off from their jobs and protest and those that are arrested, are they fired from those jobs?
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