Monday, July 11, 2016

Where do the police stand?

According to a 2013 survey of 15,000 law enforcers; those who would probably know the best, overwhelmingly believe that more gun control laws are not the answer. More than 90% of those surveyed said a federal ban on "assault weapons" would have either no effect or a negative effect in reducing violent crime.

Moreover, approximately the same percentage of enforcers support concealed carry by civilians who have not been convicted of a felony or have been deemed medically incapable (either psychologically or otherwise). 86% believe that casualties would have been reduced in previous mass shootings if a legally armed citizen was present. A majority even believed that the presence of armed citizens would have prevented them.

Improved background checks, fell below "more permissive conceal carry laws", "more aggressive institutionalization for mentally ill", and "more armed guards and armed security personnel" as a means to reduce violent crime.

I would offer that perhaps there is a very intuitive reason that so many of your violent mass shootings take place in establishments or buildings that ban guns outright, and that it seems that mass shootings are no less prominent in areas of the country where gun control is strictest. Better to be the only person with a gun, than to worry about people shooting back at you.

There quite obviously was some criticism of this survey by gun control advocates, claiming that the fact it was a voluntary survey biased the results, and deeming the entire survey NRA propaganda. There was also a negative fact check article regarding the use of this survey to suggest that background checks were unpopular (rated false due to the fact that there was not a specific question offered on the subject).  But those criticisms are quibbling around the edges, and no other survey of law enforcement (that I can find) provides any rebuttal to this.

Bottom line: Politicians say things to get votes. Police officers are the one with their lives on the line and dealing with violent crime up close and personal. Who should you trust to tell you the truth on what is really the best manner to reduce violent crime in this country?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Something has been bouncing around in my mind. The second amendment was written over 200 years ago and the world was far different than it is now. It made sense,as a way to make it very difficult for the government to impose policies contrary to the Constitution. Well regulated militias could stand up to a repressive regime. The truth is, that there is no way for a militia could stand up to the armed services as they exist today.

I would have no problem with people having personal weapons for self protection,hunting, and target shooting, and other personal uses, trap shooting, target and etc. But there really is no good reason to allow military, high capacity, semi automatic weapons.

There are a lot of good reasons that make this very difficult to enforce. And the argument that bad guys would get then anyway. But I like to think we are smart enough to make something like his work.

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately, President Obama, ever since he first appeared on the national political scene in 2008, has systematically adopted a rhetoric and an agenda that is predicated on dividing up the country according to tribal grievances, in hopes of recalibrating various factions into a majority grievance culture. In large part, he has succeeded politically. But in doing so he has nearly torn the country apart. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to suggest that no other recent president has offered such a level of polarizing and divisive racial bombast.

Read more at:

"But there really is no good reason to allow military, high capacity, semi automatic weapons."

the irony here is that thanks to your dear leader, now would be the absolute WORST time to disarm law abiding citizens.

KD, HB steps in it again said...

When you know so little, it really makes you look so stupid.

"The truth is, that there is no way for a militia could stand up to the armed services as they exist today."

History again smacks you down:

Afganistan and the Russians

Vietnam and the US

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The irony is, that it's the Republicans are the ones dividing the country. Donald Trump is alienating most non white ethnic voters from the Republican party. Jeb Bush said in his interview yesterday.

C.H. Truth said...


What a flat out missing the point comment in the wake of more police deaths and rioting, happening in large part because politicians like the President and my own Governor rush to conclusions, turn every situation between a police officer and a black person into race.

The reality is that Trump is polling at numbers very similar to what Romney and McCain received, and that's despite the constant drum beat from the Anti-Trump crowd (which, yes Roger, includes people like Jeb Bush) that everyone "should" be offended by him.

Only a liberal would see politician "A" telling the American public that politician "B" hates them and is a vile racist... as the fault of politician "B". Even in situations where politician "A" is being blatantly dishonest.

Now I don't "blame" Democrats for doing it. But we both know that the criticism is not generally "honest". It relies on half truths, openly misrepresenting statements, and ignoring the fact that Trump has no personal history of racism or anti-Semitic behavior.

Associating the six sided star (which is found everywhere including Microsoft Paint) as a "star of david" and then declaring it anti-Semitic (with no explanation as to why) regarding someone who's own family is Jewish... is a great example of dishonest attack on someone.

The fact is... I am sure you will still argue that it was anti-Semitic without any reasonable or even unreasonable argument as to what exactly was meant to be offensive about it.

Given the six sided star is used in our society in many instances that have nothing to do with the Jewish faith. Most prominently the 6 sided sheriff's star.

Btw... technically a six sided star isn't even the star of David, unless you specifically use the two triangles to make it. A six sided block star, isn't even the Star of David.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't try to address your post. I don't agree with much of you believe. So that's why I brought up gun control, as a way to address the huge number of gun violence.

C.H. Truth said...

So Roger... 90% of police disagree with your assertion that more gun control will reduce violent crime. 90% believe there are other, more effective ways to reduce violent crime.

There are statistic after statistic that more gun laws do not reduce violent crime or gun crimes. (There are statistics that claim that other types of gun deaths, such as accidental and suicide by gun do go down, but those are not relevant to whether or not it reduces crime).

Domestically, there is no evidence that states that have strict gun laws, have less violent crime.s

Internationally the same. Switzerland, for example... has one of the most lenient gun laws in the world. Every person who served in the army in Switzerland keeps their personal weapon after service. They say that there is a military assault rifle in nearly every house in Switzerland, and they have the third lowest homicide rate in Europe.

Of the top ten countries for homocides, they all have near or total gun bans.

Statistics disagree with you Roger, as do the police.

KD, Blacks lost more ground under Obama economy then any other Prez said...

I really love reading the twit posts of HB a very low iq guy. He moves with the wind on any and all issues, too stupid to think for himself, I swear he is also Jane, but, back to the issue at hand.

HB now loves him some Jeb, the same Jeb that had tons of money and no voters.

Reminds me of Snow White Hillary,,, she has spent 100's of millions of dollars on this campaign and is only leading Trump by a net 2 points.

OMG Funny.

KD, said...

This is from a very Fine Police Chief that does his best for the KCMO PD.

HE is much like the Fine Police Chief in Dallas, oh and for those on the left that think more of the color of one's skin then what is inside a man, they are both BLACK.

"The chief says he practices "faith based" policing, and that guides him to treat others with compassion and respect. Forté acknowledges there are problems in the KCPD, but says policies are under constant review and he holds to his belief that prayer changes things.

Forté has never been shy about his faith, and thinks when we're dealing with misdeeds of police, or assaults against officers we need to turn to a higher power.

"It's what I've practiced since I started on the police department. I just don't use that term, it turns some people off. It's about treating people right, respect. It's about not bullying people. It's about understanding that prayer is powerful and can change things," says Forté."

Jane, I know you are too big a coward to address what you said, but are these TWO Chief's, or the two Murdered Officers in Michigan or THE DALLAS FIVE are they your "Nazi Officers"?