Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Speaking of polls...

Most Disagree with Decision Not to Indict Clinton
The FBI concluded that Clinton potentially exposed top secret information to hostile countries when she used a private e-mail server as secretary of State, but Comey announced yesterday that the FBI has decided not to pursue a criminal indictment in this matter. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey – taken last night - finds that 37% of Likely U.S. Voters agree with the FBI’s decision. But 54% disagree and believe the FBI should have sought a criminal indictment of Clinton. Ten percent (10%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Sixty-four percent (64%) of Democrats agree with Comey’s decision not to seek an indictment of their party’s presumptive presidential nominee. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of Republicans, 63% of voters not affiliated with either major political party and 25% of Democrats disagree with the decision. 
Many critics of the FBI’s decision claim that lower-level individuals caught mishandling classified information have been subject to prosecution and severe penalties. But 81% of all voters believe powerful people get preferential treatment when they break the law. Just 10% disagree.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why it's the correct political decision for the GOP to hold more hearings on the subject of the FBI investigation and findings. The majority of the country, and vast majority of Republicans and Independents are probably looking for further answers.

But, as a matter of fundamental logic. If the left suggests that the GOP shouldn't do it, then that is a sign that the GOP probably go full blast in that direction.  


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You made my point.

This is strictly for political reasons. You admitted to that.

It is not designed to address anything important. It is strictly a political inquisition.

Your obsession is incurable. Clintonitis is at stage four.

This will guarantee a victory for Hillary Rodham Clinton. The American people are smarter than you think. They will see this, if they your party makes this mistake, as nothing more than political grandstanding.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

The more you say it's a mistake. The more I tend to believe it's the correct thing to do. There is very little downside to this, but a substantial amount of upside. Either way, lot's of questions that were not answered in a fifteen minute announcement. Such as:

1) Who made the decisions on which statutes to judge her on?
2) Why were lesser charges (misdemeanor mishandling) not recommended?
3) When was the decision made to not to recommend indictment?
4) Which prosecutors and how many did he run this information by, before coming to the conclusion that "no reasonable" prosecutor would bring the case.

Just a handful off the top of my head. I am sure that over 200 representatives, many of them attorneys will come up with a few of their own. Who knows what could come of it?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If Clinton had been indicted, however, only 46% of all voters think it would have been possible for her to get a fair trial. Thirty-three percent (33%) say a fair trial would not have been possible, but 21% are not sure.

For some reason, that was not included in the c/p from Rasmussen. A polling outfit with a conservative bias.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There you go again and make my point.

You are calling into question the decision by the FBI, and the director of the agency itself. He has a spotless reputation. And appointed by non other than George W Bush. And you question his integrity??? You are losing it to stage four Clintonitis.

If you have carefully read his statement, every one of your questions were answered, unequivocally.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He was a prosecutor, indicted Martha Stewart, and has a spotless reputation.

This will blow up in your face.

Myballs said...

Do reputation matters for Comey but not for Hillary. Got it.

Commonsense said...

But this should concern all people.

But 81% of all voters believe powerful people get preferential treatment when they break the law. Just 10% disagree.

After yesterday's announcement it's hard to disagree with.

C.H. Truth said...


First, you are assuming Comey would take issue with a probe. Perhaps Comey actually has more to say than his fifteen minutes allowed.

Secondly (as usual) your thought pattern here doesn't reflect mine. You judge people based on the letter behind their name. Just because you believe "all Democrats" are bastions of honor and integrity and incapable of any wrong doing... doesn't mean I feel the same way about all Republicans.

More to the point, people don't have to be dishonest to be questioned, and you don't have to accuse someone just to gather more information. There are plenty of legitimate questions here that a very, very large segment of the population want answered.

I understand that it might be inconvenient to the narrative that it's time to move on... but that's not really my concern here. I believe that after the Government spent millions of dollars and thousands of man hours on an investigation (that I as a taxpayer helped fund)... that we deserve more than a 15 minute explanation.

Wouldn't you agree?

KD, Dems when will you wake UP? said...

Bernie Sanders raised the Flag on the Clinton's.

He told us the system was rigged for her.

It is clear he was right in so many ways.

"But this should concern all people.

But 81% of all voters believe powerful people get preferential treatment when they break the law. Just 10% disagree.

After yesterday's announcement it's hard to disagree with. "

For the first time in my life I am in the 81%, never before yesterday was I.

Commonsense said...

Seems to me Comey is too eager to explain himself before the house oversight committee.

We may get an inkling on how much command influence was involved in quashing the indictments.

KD, Crooked Hillary said...

Crooked Hillary misfires .

Seems Crooked Hillary was in Atlantic City, New Jersey misfiring at President Trump.

Her statement about him owning the Casino which still bears his name was wrong, he sold it, way back, 7 years ago, what a dumb woman she is.

She went after his job creation,,,, Fact check put that number at around 35,ooo wage earning employees.

What jobs has she created with her own money?

Anonymous said...

First, you are assuming Comey would take issue with a probe. Perhaps Comey actually has more to say than his fifteen minutes allowed.

FBI director to appear Thursday before lawmakers to explain Clinton decision

Myballs said...

On another topic, I predict that Trump will not get the nomination. It would be unfair, but life is unfair.

Very few people could come in now and be accepted. Paul Ryan is one of them.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Balls, check this out, Wall Street Journal.

I have a post scheduled too.

The Wall Street Journal isn't a left wing site.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His rambling speech yesterday, hasn't helped.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

RCP average is back up to 5% for Clinton.

Despite the tough comments by the FBI.

BTW. I do think she lied about top secret email. But compared to the huge number of lies by the presumptive nominee, she's a lot more qualified than the idiot i watched yesterday. OMG

opie' said...

WTF DOES MOST MEAN? Like most scientists agree GW is man driven?? Something most disagree with??? Is it the same meaning or is it what you want? Watching the congressional BS. It is evident that the R's have all agreed she is guilty and Comey is a partisan hack. Gee, what a surprise after reading most of the BS here. You are all correct and she should be shot. Gowdy once again looks like the ass he is. Oh well can't fix stupid like partisan politics.

opie' said...

Seems all R's are now blaming the FBI for extreme bias.!!!! Another BS witch hunt because they don't like the outcome!!!! Just like Trun\mp an the judge!!! Voters will see through this guano!!! Idiots !!!

opie' said...

Once again, all they got is conspiracy's. Hearing is a flipping joke!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

WTF DOES MOST MEAN? Like most scientists agree GW is man driven??

Most as in 50% + 1 of those polled. I know, basic math escapes you.

opie' said...

Most as in 50% + 1

Sure menstral child. I guess you forgot about the infinite permutations that exists in a sample, like 3 or more outcomes. LOLOL Your simple mind once again shows your total lack of education.

opie' said...

Impugning comey to get at hillary. This is abject bullshit at its best.

wphamilton said...

Over half of the people disagree with the decision to not charge Clinton, and believe she should be prosecuted?

Sounds a lot like I predicted - it's a small step from there to "the fix is in." Pundits are already writing about a potential "political firestorm". About which I did ask that readers "mark these words" remember who wrote them.

Regardless of my "political acumen", my judgment has been demonstrated to be correct so far in this matter. It only gets worse from here.