Let's be clear - the media elites that he rails against, as well as the liberals who believe that people shooting police, terror attacks in Paris are the new normal (the 30% of the country who believe we are on the right track)... will see this speech as negative and dark.
For those people who strive for something more and do not reflexively believe that anything that went wrong was beyond Obama's control, and if Obama didn't fix it it's because it could not be fixed (the 70% of the country who believe we are on the wrong track)... it hit the nail on the head.
Either the country is doing fine, and we can go on with another four years of Obama policy (without the charm and with more lies)... or the country is not doing fine, and we need change.
It's really that simple folks.
Note: Have to say this. Ivanka Trump could run for any office in my state, and I would vote for her. She nailed it tonight. As much as I don't care for Donald Trump, I actually got a little choked up at the end of her introduction speech. I thought she was wonderful.
My Grade: B I think it was a good speech all things considered. I felt it was a little disjointed and I thought it was a little long. I feel it would have been more powerful, had he not tried to say "something" about "everything" and kept it closer to 45-50 minutes. The best parts of the speech is when he talked about his children, his friends, and he spoke about his values. Ivanka's line about how her father was the most famous person who nobody actually knows rings true. Bottom line: I would have liked to have learned more about Donald Trump. Honestly, the more I hear his kids talk about him and the more I hear him talk about his life, the more I warm to him. He missed the opportunity to pull me in even more.
What he didn't do (which many were looking for or hoping for) is become obnoxious and over the top... and basically f it up. He stayed on script. That's a win for Trump.
Two focus groups: Both the CNN and the FOX focus groups moved about half of their "undecided" voters over to Trump. The problem was the attitudes of some of the people who saw it negative, were clearly predisposed to not like Trump to begin with. On the flip side, neither focus group came out with anyone saying they were so disappointed that they would vote for Clinton. This plays to the fact that he did not (as many expected) shoot himself in the foot.
Remember: all of the people telling you that you can’t have the country you want, are the same people telling you that I wouldn’t be standing here tonight. No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.
Instead, we must choose to Believe In America.
History is watching us now.It’s waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion, and if we will show the whole world that America is still free and independent and strong.
My opponent asks her supporters to recite a three-word loyalty pledge. It reads: “I’m With Her”. I choose to recite a different pledge.
My pledge reads: “I’M WITH YOU – THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.”
I am your voice.
So to every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you tonight: I’m With You, and I will fight for you, and I will win for you.
To all Americans tonight, in all our cities and towns, I make this promise:
We Will Make America Strong Again.
We Will Make America Proud Again.
We Will Make America Safe Again.
And We Will Make America Great Again.
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
Insightful original commentary by our host.
Ah. I see you did add some original thoughts after the initial post. My bad.
A much, much too long speech. As long as Obama's and Romney's acceptance speeches combined.
A sign of an inferiority complex, so long an acceptance speech.
The people in the hall didn't think so. Nor I suspect most of the people watching on TV.
It was vintage Trump.
I'm with Bill Chrystal on this one. Trump's style and message may resonate with people this election.
Don't feel too bad, Troothers, that the over long speech is getting poor reviews.
David Duke said he liked it.
From the usual petulant liberal columnist?
After 27 minutes of the screech owl's acceptance speech, Trump's speech is going to look like a classic.
James it's no surprise you care what David Duke thinks.
Only because his approval hurts the GOP, Common.
Only for that reason.
The party whose candidate says blacks are lazy.
Yeah sure James. Even the most liberal mainstream media didn't care but you did.
That's says something about you.
There didn't need to be rioting in the streets of Cleveland.
Plenty of rioting was going on in the convention hall. LOL
Yeah, Common, I DO care that you're running a candidate who made blatantly racist comments.
Funny that that doesn't bother you.
What Hillary did to the BLM is classic Liberalism,,,, get them protesting, support them with money and watch the lap dog liberal press cover them wall to wall, then tell them to get to the back of the bus, sit down and shut up.
That is what BLM did at the RNC, in turn they are going to have a parade of BLM speakers, that is going to put this to the forefront of every viewer.
Republicans have the Law and Order President
Socialist have what?
I knew it was a winner when Van Jones went apoplectic.
CNN Flash poll - 75% Positive reaction
Saw that. Just shows how out of touch the mainstream media is.
James, the most blatantly racist comments I've ever heard are from you.
I knew it was a winner when Van Jones went apoplectic.
Psychotic was the word he used. He was very funny.
"This Administration has failed America’s inner cities. It’s failed them on education. It’s failed them on jobs. It’s failed them on crime. It’s failed them at every level.
When I am President, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally, and protected equally "
From his lips to God's ears.
"Psychotic was the word he used. He was very funny."
LOL. Yep.
I think the most disappointing thing about the mainstream media's coverage of the speech was their lack of originality.
They just took Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's statement and made headlines out of it.
All the way down the line.
His voice was shrill, his message was again make america afraid of our shadow. Ivanka' lied through her teeth about her sugar daddy. She's a great thinker who made it on daddy's coattails. But you buy it. LOL!!!!
I am President, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally, and protected equally "
Sure, the billionaire cheat will protect all the children. I think God cringed when he said it. LOL
"They just took Clinton campaign manager John Podesta's statement and made headlines out of it."
Quite honestly, I didn't think Trump could give a cohesive speech. Not in my wildest dreams.
I would have bet against him staying on topic.
Another highlight for me was when he spoke of Mary Ann Mendoza, Sabine Durden, and Jamiel Shaw...forgotten families.
James -
Trump opened the first inclusive country club in Palm Beach that included Blacks and Jews. He actually had to fight for this in court, against the city (who didn't want it).
But guess who used to hang out at the all White exclusive Country Club? Yep, you guessed it. The Clintons from good old Arkansas!
Sure is refreshing to see that the George Harrison Estate did not approve of Trumps use of Here comes the Sun" at the convention. Once again the businessman just steals whatever he wants to promote his campaign. But, loretta thinks that God listens to his BS. LOL!
p opened the first inclusive country club in Palm Beach that included Blacks and Jews
Wow, he caught up to the 21st century! Even Augusta National admitted their first token, Condi Rice a couple of years ago.
Trump opened this inclusive country club two decades ago...
"Trump opened this inclusive country club two decades ago..."
Spent millions to defeat their racism.
Opie never misses a chance to make a fool of himself.
Trump opened this inclusive country club two decades ago..."
So, a whole 20 years ago he added blacks and jews to a club. That sure is something to be proud of, CH. .....does that really change the narrative of his bigotry?? And Loretta ,like the good pube' thinks money fixes everything. LOL
And menstral child once again shows his innate ability to add nothing. Idiot.
Opie will still search out my comments and troll me.
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You really are full of yourself, like the Donald. LOL
Trump opened this inclusive country club two decades ago..
And Augusta accepted Ron Townsend in 1990, Condi and Darla Moore were their first female members.
If fatty is speaking about something other than pies hes usually wrong
Opie - people say he is an antisemite too. His daughter who introduced him last night is Jewish.
Just because people say it... doesn't make it so.
Trump is oh so very inclusive.
He includes practically everybody in his insults.
As for ME making blatantly racist comments, Commensa, I've never said anything remotely as racist as this:
“I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
--Donald J. Trump, aspiring President of the United States
onald Trump is not a candidate the American people would turn to in normal times. He’s too inexperienced, too eccentric, too volatile, too risky. Voting Trump is burning down the house to collect the insurance money — you don’t do it unless things are really, really bad.
Here is Trump’s problem: Things are not really, really bad. In fact, things are doing much better than when President Obama came into office.
Unemployment is 4.9 percent nationally — a number Trump knows is far from a crisis, because it’s lower than the unemployment rate Mike Pence is presiding over in Indiana, and Trump keeps bragging about his running mate’s economic record. The deficit has gone down in recent years, and the stock market has gone up. The end of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars mean fewer Americans are dying abroad. A plurality approve of the job Obama is doing.
So Trump needs to convince voters that things are bad, even if they’re not. He needs to make Americans afraid again. And tonight, he tried.
But it's what I saw. I watched the speech. I couldn't believe that all he had, is fear, and fear itself.
KD, Econ 400 level said...
How are we going to afford to rebuild our infrastructure, if we cut taxes like he says?" HB
We have time and again explained every economic issue to you HB, you have no ability to learn.
But because I want your vote for Trump here goes.
HB asked it on the back alley blog created for his low IQ crap, so I post it here for those with brains to discuss.
Tax cuts put more money into the hands of the people, not, Obama never raised the tax cuts that Bush did for the middle income earners and the lower earners.
The people that earn that money then do a few things with it, pay off debt, which frees up money to be loaned by the lending institution again. The people save, which build wealth and eliminants the dependence upon government = more freedom. The people also go out and spend it.
ONE part of the Trump plan is to " Repatriation" of money earn aboard by companies based in the USA. See when that money is brought to the USA it gets taxed, again ,,,, Trump plans to make those funds flowing IN to not be taxed as they come to the USA.
US Has the Highest punishing Corp Tax in the industrialized world:
"United States 39.0%"
CNBC (leftist) study on off shore held cash, not assets like machinery or brick and mortar shops, but pure cash and cash equivalent puts the dollar amount at 2.1 trillion US Dollars.
Just think for a moment if say 1/2 of that where to flow back into the USA .
7:40 AM
HB, when you stop county humans without employment the number goes down, I swear you are the dumbest ass on the internet on all subjects.
The end of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars mean fewer Americans are dying abroad."
Yep, you're right, they are dying in mass rates here on the home land, congrats Alky.
This may come as a shock to you James but I don't actually believe any quotes sourced from the Daily Kos and any far-left websites that use Kos as a source.
His actions speak far louder than any false words you can come up with.
As for you, I've experience your racism every time you use the n-word or slip into your negro minstrel dialect.
It's undeniable.
"As for you, I've experience your racism every time you use the n-word or slip into your negro minstrel dialect.
It's undeniable."
She's a great thinker who made it on daddy's coattails" opium
you are talking about Granny and her Sugar Daddy Bill the Rapist.
Funny, every time the issue of family money comes up the far leftist on this blog talk as if they don't help their own children.
Those of you that have children, do you help them financially as they launch their lives?
"But it's what I saw. I watched the speech. I couldn't believe that all he had, is fear, and fear itself."
As opposed to transforming America...
Ask the families of the over 3,400 blacks who were murdered in Chicago since Obama was elected if they feel safe.
Unemployment is 4.9 percent nationally — a number Trump knows is far from a crisis
That "unemployment" number is a sick joke to the man who can't come home at night because he's working his second part-time job to make ends meet when he use to have a high quality high paying full-time job.
But it's what I saw. I watched the speech. I couldn't believe that all he had, is fear, and fear itself.
You're among only the 12% who saw it that way.
That's how out of touch you and the media are.
Oh, so you're denying he said it.
The “laziness” statement came after Donald Trump started having financial difficulties at his casinos in Atlantic City. Trump’s response? He had black accountants. And he managed to squeeze two forms of racism into a single statement.
John O’Donnell, who was president of the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino and later wrote a memoir about his experience, said Trump blamed financial difficulties partly on African American accountants.
“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza — black guys counting my money!” O’Donnell’s book quoted Trump as saying. “I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. . . . Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump told Playboy magazine that O’Donnell’s memoir was “probably true.”
For African-Americans between the ages of 17 and 20, the real unemployment rate is 51 percent. - Bernie Sanders
And then there was this:
When a black woman asked to rent an apartment in a Brooklyn complex managed by Donald Trump’s real estate company, she said she was told that nothing was available. A short time later, a white woman who made the same request was invited to choose between two available apartments. …
In October 1973, the Justice Department filed a civil rights case that accused the Trump firm, whose complexes contained 14,000 apartments, of violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
The Trumps hired Roy Cohn —yes, that Roy Cohn— to defend them in the case, They did what the Trumps always do, countersued for $100 million and made claims that the government was trying to force them to “rent to people on welfare.” Cohn also helped them concoct a series of claims that the Justice Department was employing “Gestapo tactics.” Cohn’s antics were thrown out. The Trumps settled the case.
Sure Roger...
In a country where 70% of the public believes we are going in the wrong direction...
What you need to do is tell them that they are wrong. Convince them with statistics that what they "feel" is wrong. Tell them over and over and over that their feelings are unwarranted.
I love statistics, but voters have little interest in them. They know in their hearts how they "feel" about things. Many "feel" right now like things are going to hell in a hand basket, and many others feel like things are simply "wrong".
You just better hope there is no more unrest. No more protests, attacks, or anymore bad news about Obamacare, etc... maybe then you can convince Americans that everything is awesome and that we don't need anything changed.
As opposed to Hillary's comments that young black males are super predators.
Oh we need a LOT to be changed. Republican dominance of the Senate and the House and the lackey Supreme Court as well as Republican recalcitrance and obstructionism to practically every really decent social program for the middle class and the masses and and and....
David Brooks thinks this convention signaled the end of the Republican party, which, Brooks says, Trump is "dismantling" to replace it with "a personality cult."
The GOP is not dividing, Brooks says, but "ceasing to exist as a coherent institution.”
It breaks his heart.
Matthew Continetti: “There are two Republican parties for the moment: the party led by Trump and the Republican Party in exile... Election Day won’t just determine who will succeed President Obama. It will also determine the fate of Donald J. Trump’s hostile takeover of the GOP.”
Now for the daily dose of spam from the unemployed pastor.
Brooks has not been a Republican in 20 years.
James - name "anything" the left has accomplished in the last 20 years that didn't go through the Courts. Nearly everything the left has accomplished has been accomplished not through legislation, but through the courts.
I could have sworn that the Affordable Care Act was enacted by the 111th United States Congress.
Love reading recaps of the Twitter commentary during the speech.
I could have sworn that the Affordable Care Act was enacted by the 111th United States Congress.
CH was looking for accomplishments, not disastrous failures.
Trump attributed the rise of ISIS in the Middle East directly to Clinton’s decisions as secretary of state.
"In 2009, pre-Hillary, ISIS was not even on the map," he said.
This statement mischaracterizes history. The acronym ISIS is recent, but the group’s origins stem as far back as 2004, when Sunni extremist Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi established al-Qaida in Iraq. The group has gone by various names.
As for ISIS’ growth, some have criticized former president George W. Bush for overthrowing Saddam Hussein in Iraq and creating a vacuum. Obama has been accused of creating a similar vacuum by withdrawing from the country.
"She may ‘share some of the blame,’ but there is more than enough share to go around," said John Pike, a defense expert and director of GlobalSecurity.org. "She was in no sense the singular author of the thing."
As usual, he failed to admit that the Iraq war is the major cause of ISIS.
Yeah I saw Politifact bending history to protect Obama and Clinton.
But the fact is ISIS didn't exist as an organization until Obama ordered the bug out of troops stationed in Iraq in 2009.
That fact that the founding members of ISIS belong to another terror organization is somewhat immaterial.
I could have sworn that the Affordable Care Act was enacted by the 111th United States Congress.
First - hardly an accomplishment. Now even the Democrats believe it's a failure that needs to be replaced by single payer. Secondly, it was crafted illegally and still needed a couple of 5-4 court decisions to become actual law.
Polifact (or any fact checking org) has no business lending "opinions" to the issue of fact checking. Either it's a fact, it's wrong, or it's an opinion.
Trump offered an opinion that the rise of ISIS can be tied to the Obama/Clinton foreign policy decisions in the Middle East. It's more than a valid argument.
The opinion of those defending the Administration and Clinton against that argument, is just that: a different opinion.
The fact that there is disagreement on the subject does not allow a liberal factbending organization like polifact to call an opinion "false". It's why I simply don't bother to even acknowledge "fact checkers" anymore. I can do my own fact checking clear of other's opinions.
Jane, are you doing stand up comedy?
You cited the UN-Affordable Care Act.
OK, answer this one small question .
What has the promised amount of money that was going to be spent on it for the first 10 years and what is the projected expense of it?
11:50 Ch is one of the few "pundits" who does not see the ACA as an amazingly significant accomplishment.
Changed or revised or improved, it is here to stay.
PRINCETON, N.J. -- President Barack Obama averaged 50.9% job approval during his 30th quarter in office, which began on April 20 and ended on July 19. This is up from a 49.5% average in his 29th quarter and 46.6% during his 28th quarter. (Gallup)
Coattails, coattails.
Jane, because you will not answer, because my question highlights how little you know about most everything.
Obama Promised it would not cost more the $900 billion in first ten years.
True Cost - 2.1 Trillion over those same 10 years and I am taking the most rosy lowest projection.
PRINCETON, N.J. -- President Barack Obama averaged 50.9% job approval during his 30th quarter in office,
Gee James I'll bet it never occurred to you that about 20% of the people giving Obama a favorable rating are doing so they don't want to appear racist to the pollster.
Because that's the approximate diffrence between his favorable rating and the percentage of people who say the country is on the wrong track.
I guarantee you the people at Gallup noticed the anomaly as well as the Clinton campaign.
It's only fools like you that don't.
Ch is one of the few "pundits" who does not see the ACA as an amazingly significant accomplishment.
Let's just agree to disagree about whether or not pundits see it as amazing and whether or not something that is largely unpopular with Americans can be called an accomplishment.
But moving on... other than ACA... what else?
If not for the courts and executive action... where would they be?
It would be unfair of me to point out the following to Jane.
By Aaron Blake December 12, 2013
The fact-checking Web site Politifact has named President Obama's claim that people could keep their health insurance plans if they liked them its "Lie of the Year."
Obama in recent years has repeated some variation of the following phrase: "If you like your health-care plan, you can keep it." The problem was, it wasn't true, as millions of Americans with health plans that didn't meet Obamacare's standards got cancellation notices."
remember tire old Jane
Here, I was always told that 50% was the tipping point for whether or not a President could help in an election he was not participating in? With Reuters coming in at 44 and YouGov coming in at 45... his average has dropped down to 49%.
He's probably lucky that the conventions are taking place right now, drawing attention away from the other cop killing over the past week, and the new attack today in Munich.
Multiple people are dead during a gun rampage in Munich Germany.
If only they had an assault weapons ban.
Oh! That's right!! They do!!
With Reuters coming in at 44 and YouGov coming in at 45... his average has dropped down to 49%
And with wrong track numbers at 70%, those are soft, real soft.
french are conducting raids in Paris
When will Europe have enough of the blood of their people in the streets.
Trump is my voice on the issue of mass killings of our people on our land by the ISLAMIC TERRORIST and the BLACKLIEMATTER Terrorist.
Did you all catch the video of some thugs throwing a package into an occupied Cop car in NYC ?
Republicans Honored the Police and other first responders .
Democrats will be full out Dis-Honoring those brave men/woman.
You are going to see Europeans turn to political parties that are so right-wing that it will make the Trump administration look like the cast of The West Wing.
"french are conducting raids in Paris"
Relax, it's all cool mass shootings don't happen in other advanced countries.
David Duke has announced he is running for the US Senate - as a Republican - because he is so inspired by Trump.
...so right-wing that it will make the Trump administration look like the cast of The West Wing.
It'll be difficult for the Trump administration to look like ANYthing, since it won't exist.
Obama Hits Back at Trump’s Depiction of the U.S.
President Obama “fiercely rejected Donald Trump’s depiction of an America in crisis on Friday, arguing that violent crime and illegal immigration have plunged under his leadership to their lowest rates in decades,” the AP reports.
Said Obama: “We’re not going to make good decisions based on fears that don’t have a basis in fact.”
He added: “This idea that American is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn’t really jibe with the experience of most people.”
Relax, it's all cool mass shootings don't happen in other advanced countries. " Ette
Now that is unfair of you to point out that Obama is a feckless President that is so wrong on the facts.
wait, maybe that is why HB ask questions and then runs when I provide the facts and he takes his ugly peddy Jane with him.
So the attack in Germany, are the looking for Utah Mormons as the attackers, or are they looking for Obama/Hillary's JV TEAM.
"You are going to see Europeans turn to political parties that are so right-wing that it will make the Trump administration look like the cast of The West Wing."
Everyone needs to calm down, the world isn't a dark place....obama said so
Of course Obama "fiercely rejects Donald Trump’s depiction of an America in crisis" .
To concede it means he would have to admit he's the worst president since James Buchanan.
"So the attack in Germany, are the looking for Utah Mormons as the attackers, or are they looking for Obama/Hillary's JV TEAM."
We just don't know, because mass shootings don't happen in other advanced countries.
David Duke has announced he is running for the US Senate - as a Republican - because he is so inspired by Trump.
Funny, you'd think Byrd would be his role model since he's the only senator who was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
Jane, does Obama's hand fit comfortable in your ass?
Because we can be assured that you will puppet for him all of the time.
No matter the facts you still believe in Obimbo your messiah .
70 % of people believe that the USA is headed in the Wrong direction.
More Blacks are in poverty and on food stamps then before he took office.
Less Blacks have started business then at any other time in US History.
Less Blacks own their own homes ( a piece of the American Dream).
Less Blacks have the ability to give their children a proper start to their adult lives, unable to save for college, unable to help with a down payment on their first home and unable to pass on any kind of inheritance.
But, look the other way , be a good little step and fetcher and carry that dirty water.
"So the attack in Germany, are the looking for Utah Mormons as the attackers, or are they looking for Obama/Hillary's JV TEAM."
I'm sure they are being hidden by the Amish.
"Of course Obama "fiercely rejects Donald Trump’s depiction of an America in crisis"
Ask the families of the over 3,400 blacks who were murdered in Chicago since Obama was elected if they feel like there just might be a crisis under way.
It'll be difficult for the Trump administration to look like ANYthing, since it won't exist.
President Trump. Get use to it James. It will be the classiest most fabulous administration evah.
Under Obama the Blacks have a new "GAP".
This time my readings took me to see if Whites retire with more wealth in the end and into retirement do we Whites have more to live on and more to travel on and generally enjoy life.
The answer surprised me, I mean after almost 8 years of the greatest presididn't and the greatest transfer of wealth from the workers to the interlopers , I was thinking surely both people like my wife and I, both WHITE retire with the same level of saving and income thru retirement as the BLACK person.
I have to admit I am wrong. Seems that the black retiree is far poorer. Saved less when they did work, earned less on the saved money then whitey and in the end will have less money to pay bills and have a tiny bit left over to enjoy retirement.
Urban Institute finds that the black family has $100,000 less in retirement savings then does the average whitey,,,,,, to attempt to be fair to the black people mainly Democrats, the UI, did “We found that even after controlling for income and age, African American and Hispanic families have less,” .
So even IF the whitey and the black person made the same income over their lives, the black man still retires on less, a lot less.
Somebody's going to be DEVASTATED.
continuing educate the left daily is has been my mission since the BUSH SOARS Days.
"According to new research from Johns Hopkins University, blacks were much more likely than whites to experience major declines in their overall net worth -- regardless of whether they bought their homes before or during the Great Recession.
"We expected that both whites and blacks would lose if they purchased right around the recession and they did," said Sandra Newman, a professor of policy studies at Johns Hopkins who co-authored the report.
But what the researchers didn't expect were such stark racial differences.
For example, blacks who purchased their first home between 2003 and 2005 suffered a 23% loss in net worth. In the same period, the net worth of white first-time homebuyers jumped as much as 50%. "
ouch, that sucks.
Surely because of free shit for some, it got better because the ONE has been in office, Right?
"Part of the reason why blacks lost wealth is because their homes did not appreciate in value as much as those owned by whites, particularly if those homes are in majority black communities that experienced high rates of foreclosure and declining rates of homeownership.
DNC planned to publicly question Bernie Sanders’ religion
Wikileaks has released a collection of 20,000 DNC emails given to them by the hacker known as Guccifer 2.0. One interesting thing discovered in reviews of the contents is that the DNC really did seem to have it out for Bernie Sanders.
I would say that releasing 20,000 DNC emails on the eve of the Democrat Convention would turn a dull, stage-manage event into something interesting but I don't expect the media to follow up with the same gusto they would have if it was the Republicans.
James is such a wit.
Somebody's going to be DEVASTATED.
Your buddy Nate Silver is now saying it's over a 40% that its going to be you!
The VA Supreme Court just struck down McAuliffe's felon voting executive order..
That's 200k less donks
needed a couple of 5-4 court decisions to become actual law.
Gee, it appears CH believes the SCOTUS writes the law while I always thought it was congress. Must suck to be as biased as you.
Maybe if congress actually worked instead of going on vacation, things might have been different. LOL
Gee Opie... I thought it was suppose to be congress too? But when did congress pass a federal law legalizing same sex marriage?
I'll give you a hint... they didn't.
? But when did congress pass a federal law legalizing same sex marriage?
Gee CH, maybe you didn't notice that the SCOTUS ruling was based on discrimination that is based on the constitution that all people are created equal. And to think, I thought you were an expert on all things law. Here's a hint, you can't fix stupid like your spin. LOLOL
Dayum CH, you can be Loretta dumb at times, but, I still am amused at your attempt to spin everything your way.
WASHINGTON — In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the Supreme Court ruled by a 5-to-4 vote on Friday that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.
“No longer may this liberty be denied,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority in the historic decision. “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were.”
I guess you think we should legislate everything in your world. BWAAAAA!!!!!
Opie - thanks for proving my point...
Which was that most of the major accomplishments touted by liberals (such as gay marriage) were not passed through congress and signed into law.
Gay marriage bans were passed via voter referendums in 30 different states, only failing twice.
A federal constitutional amendment was blocked by Democrats who simply did not want the "country" to decide... they preferred it be decided by the courts.
Kind of ironic that a party that call themselves the Democrats eschews a democratic solution.
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