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Hamilton, Brown, Garner, Gray - good guys Police officers - bad guys |
- Dontre Hamilton - A criminal who had been arrested for armed robbery and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Disarmed a police officer and started hitting him over the head with his baton, prompting the shooting. No charges brought against the officer. Self defense was established.
- Michael Brown - Another person with a criminal record, on video robbing a convenience store earlier that same day. Tried to grab gun from police officer. Eye witness and forensic evidence established that the 6'5" 290 lb 18 year old was bull rushing the officer when shot. No charges brought against the officers. Self defense was established.
- Eric Garner - Criminal record with over 30 arrests, including assault and grand larceny. The 250 lb Garner died in transit from heart complications, after being held in a choke hold while resisting arrest. Garner refused to leave after the police officers asked, prompting the arrest. No charges brought against police.
- Freddie Gray - Criminal arrest record of over 18 arrests. Arrested the day of his death for fleeing and for possession of illegal switchblade. Died in transit to police station. Several officers "charged" in the death. Two of them have been acquitted during a bench trial for what the judge has found to be "a lack of evidence". Another case went to mistrial after a hung jury. Some are suggesting that the district attorney be indicted for malicious prosecution, after making the decision to retry the mistrial, and for failing to drop charges on the rest of the officers.
These are some of the victims listed in the most recent speech given by Hillary Clinton; which prompts a serious question. Did Hillary Clinton politically include these men in her list of victims due to the high profile nature of these cases, or does she truly side with criminals over the law enforcement community?
When Prince died, the Whitehouse was lit up in purple. It was lit up in rainbow colors for gay marriage. Do was it lit up in blue for those murdered officers? Of course not.
Obama is the one driving this. And it's disgusting.
Show me one video or comment, where Trump mentions the names of the officers killed in Dallas.
He also has made comments about the possibility that excessive force has been used against black men.
It works both ways.
Both of them have politicised the officers deaths.
Lighting it up in blue would be a good idea.
The White House flag is at half staff over the Dallas Shooting.
There is no associated color pattern over the death of the officers.
"The Tine Blue Line"
Obama/Hillary/Lynch/Sharpton/Ried/Polosi/Boxer/Jesse Jackson,,, they all are driving it, they wanted it, and now that it is tearing the UN-united states apart they act innocent, well, not a chance.
No one on the left understands the systemic damage they have done to the Blacks, and further more , they don't freaking care.
Shetamia Taylor, who attended the march with her four sons, thanked Dallas police for protecting her in the chaos that erupted Thursday night.
"I want to say thank you to the officers," she said during an emotional press conference at Baylor University Medical Center. "They were really heroes for us. They saved my life, my son's life and I want to say thank you to them first and foremost."
She says officers shielded her as bullets whizzed through the air around them.
"They had no regard for their own life. They stayed there with us. They surrounded my son and I," she said.
Taylor, in a wheelchair with her right leg immobilized, said that she always held police officers "in a very high place" and notes that her youngest son wants to be a cop.
"I never had an issue with police officers," she said. "If anything it made my admiration for them greater." Amen
This woman get's it, she understands what those in Law Enforcement are about (Jane you suck calling the LEO's "Nazi's).
I believe in the words of MLK not Hillary .
There is no associated color pattern over the death of the officers." HB
Hillary made this issue very WHITE and BLACK.
This Nation is as divided today as it was in the late 60's.
7 more Officers have been shot or shot at over the weekend, after the Dallas FIVE were murdered.
One officer shot and killed a BLM idiot after he came to the OFFICERS HOME and attempted to do the OFFICER GRAVE HARM.
I am glad the Officer shot that thug .
Of course Hillary sides with criminals over law enforcement officers.
She's an unindicted criminal herself.
He also has made comments about the possibility that excessive force has been used against black men.
Nobody would ever argue that there is "no possibility" that excessive force has ever been used against black men by police officers. When there are obvious bad shootings, or bad police behavior, those officers are charged as they should be.
But Roger... I have some advice for you. When you find yourself refusing to look at something in shades of grey, because your argument only fits when it's black and white... then you are likely making either an argument of very faulty logic, or making a dishonest argument.
In this case, Clinton is lumping people who probably were victims, in with actual criminals who likely sealed their own fate with their own actions. In two of the cases, the people shot had been actually assaulting (or attempting to assault) police officers.
When the only logical conclusion you can draw, is that Clinton believes that Dontre Hamilton should have been allowed to continue to hit a police officer on the head with a billy club (rather than be shot), and that Michael Brown should have been allowed to physically attack the police officer (rather than be shot). I simply disagree, as a matter of fundamental right and wrong. I believe that the police officers had a right to defend themselves. I have no stomach for anyone who would suggest otherwise.
Lethal force should be the last resort. Too often it's not.
I post about the Whitehouse and it's colored salutes, or lack thereof, and you respond with trump.
He has nothing to do with my comment.
Lethal force should be the last resort. Too often it's not.
Considering an overwhelming majority of police killings are ruled justified I would say lethal force is a last resort in all of them.
The White House flag is at half staff over the Dallas Shooting.
There is no associated color pattern over the death of the officers.
That's my response to your comment.
Between 1999-2011 2,151 white suspects and 1,130 black suspects were killed by police officers.
You never see vigils for those white suspects even though there are over twice as many white suspects killed.
That because there's no opportunity for divisive racial politics with white suspects.
Trump is an idiot in spite of you defending his lack of intellect. It's Obama's fault since nothing else is sticking. Keep talking and someone may care, like you and menstral child who has never admitted to being wrong. '
Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, directed blame at Obama and the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.
Citing the president’s claim on Saturday that the country is not as divided as some suggest, Trump countered that Obama is “living in a world of the make believe.”
“Look what is happening to our country under the WEAK leadership of Obama and people like Crooked Hillary Clinton,” Trump tweeted Sunday morning. “We are a divided nation!”
Considering an overwhelming majority"
And that is good menstral child???? Considering 1 is too many, your lunacy is again noted.
“living in a world of the make believe.”
Well... anyone who believes our country is united today, is living in a world of make believe.
And that is good menstral child???? Considering 1 is too many
And you are never going to eliminate the rare cases where a killing is not justified.
You are demanding an impossible standard to meet. You are demanding police officers be perfect human beings.
In the history of mankind only one man was ever perfect and you don't believe in him.
Question for the blog:
What happened to the "post Racial Presidency"?
Why are so many Blacks still mad 8 years into the first Black President term?
In the history of mankind only one man was ever perfect and you don't believe in him."
I agree, just wondering are you directing that at HB, Jane and/or Opie?
In the history of mankind only one man was ever perfect and you don't believe in him.
Bill Clinton?
The following has to be re-re-repeated, because it shows a new low for the COP Haters like HB- Jane called them Nazi's.
"Roger Amick said...
Lethal force should be the last resort. Too often it's not.
July 11, 2016 at 8:54 AM"
CS thanks for smacking down HB's constant race baiting stupidity.
Yes there is a color associated with police. It's blue you jackass.
He'll light up the Whitehouse for Prince and gay marriage but not for police. That is fact. That is a far more visual act than the half staff. But Obama doesn't want to show that level of support for police.
Bill Clinton?
LOL I think Opie would believe Bill Clinton is perfect.
Balls, you are just full of hate.
No, that would be the BLM leaders who Obama has had to the Whitehouse.
I merely point out simple facts.
And you respond with diversion and projection.
Balls, you are just full of hate." HB flies the flag of Defeat
Black Lives Matter has to be pro-life, right?
I mean if all black lives matter , then those lives in the womb of those black woman must follow that BLM is PRO-Life.
BLACK Lives Matter, funded by Hillary and her pals, would be a odds with most Democrats.
Hillary - Obama started the fires burning in BLM and in the stores they attack and the COPS they murder.
But, but, but,,,,,
"President Obama said at a Saturday press conference in Poland that it is "very hard to untangle the motives" of the shooter in Dallas who killed five police officers Thursday evening."
Nope, Mr Failed President, it is very easy ,,,, the Murderer Killed the Officer because he wanted to Kill them.
It's a good point abortions happen to black mothers far more often than white mothers.
And Hillary is going to be the abortionist in chief.
21 U.S. Code § 848 - Continuing criminal enterprise .
I am sure that AG Lynch has told the FBI to begin a case against BLM using the Above Federal Law.
The group, funded by Hilllary and Friends,,,,,,,, is currently advocating the Killing of More Police Officers. They are an enterprise that takes in money to continue the disruption and shut down of Interstate Highways.
Oh Liberals, your team scored two more today.
Congrats, Hillary told us we whites must listen to the real grevencies of the oppressed in chains BLM ilk.
Can Hillary hear the gun fire that killed Two More Law Enforcement Officers from her ivory tower?
Is Hillary "sophisticated" enough to even realize that she's supporting career criminals over law enforcement? We don't know for sure that she actually "has intent" to incite violence against our police, nor that she understands the implications of what she's doing, so we've got to take it at face value that she's just opposing racism. Right?
Seems to me that she's just trying to get people to vote by excoriating their "enemy", even if she has to invent that enmity. Puts her on par with Trump as far as I'm concerned ... with the sneaking suspicion now that I'm in the class of people that she's postulating as enemy ...
What's interesting, WP... is in Minnesota, the Democratic Party is called the DFL. Democratic Farmer Labor Party.
Problem is that I never met a farmer in Minnesota that didn't go to church at least once a week, and like most of the laborers in Minnesota... are mostly uneducated white Christians who love their hunting rifles.
Those who cling to their guns and religion... are who the Democratic Party used to appeal to. Now they are the "enemy".
The funny thing is the defining case on guns was from Chicago and was Brought by a Religious Black Man.
McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that determined whether the Second Amendment applies to the individual states. The Court held that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms" ... McDonald challenged four broad aspects of Chicago's gun registration law, ..."
He won.
Is he who Hillary is wanting to disarm?
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