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Establishment backed conservative darling? |
The buzz today is that Mike Pence has risen to the top of the list for potential Trump VP candidates. For the record, I do not believe this is the best choice for Trump. Personally I think it would make more sense for him to choose someone like General Flynn, who can double down on on the we need outsiders to fix Washington. Or Newt Gingrich, who would both fit the description of someone not really "inside" Washington today, but also someone who provides enough experience that he could help with the ins and outs of Washington politics.
Mike Pence does have both congressional and Governorship experience, and on paper he seems to make sense. He calls himself a Christian, Conservative, and Republican, in that order. He has strong ties to conservative donors (like the Kochs). In fact, he probably shores up the far right (in terms of both the Christians and Conservatives) as much as anyone could shore up the far right, but leaves the ticket vulnerable to being cast as the more extreme of the two tickets. As a fundamental truism, I have always believed that the Presidential Candidate who comes across as more moderate and inclusive, generally wins the election. The classic, who would you rather invite over for a BBQ test.
Pence will be attacked for his support of the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, as well as his strong advocacy for traditional marriage. The left will hit him hard there, and it could reinforce the concept that Trump is non-inclusive and bigoted, by picking someone who will be labeled as anti-gay.
I am a little concerned that no prominent woman, or prominent minority candidate has really come to the forefront. I would have thought that the best way for Trump to move the needle on his so called bigotry would be to find someone like Joni Ernst or even Ben Carson to join his ticket.
Mr. Charisma. I think Trump is going to take Indiana anyway and I don't think he helps with Ohio or the other midwest states.
A woman would be a better pick.
Most likely Trump will choose who from my perspective is the worst possible VP from his purported short list. I base this on the recent history of Republican boneheaded and annoying political decisions. Plus, like I said Crhistie looks thoroughly whipped and Trump might be addicted to having that around. So if I had to bet, it would be Chris Christie.
Although I don't know anything about Pence so he might be worse but I doubt it. Rick Perry would have to rank right up in there (is he on the "short list"?
The perfect VP for the Trump card.
Phil Robertson has done it again.
The Duck Dynasty star blamed the LGBT community for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people during a Saturday address at Western Conservative Summit, the annual gathering of the right-wing elite. Other speakers at this year’s conference, held in Denver, included Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, and Donald Trump.
Robertson, who stars on the popular A&E reality program, claimed that since the start of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, between 6,000 and 7,000 soldiers have been killed in combat overseas. Meanwhile, 160,000 people were murdered in the United States during that same period.
“Who’s behind it?” he asks. In short, the gays.
Robertson pointed the finger at the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision on marriage equality, whichlegalized same-sex unions in all 50 states, and the recent battle over transgender bathroom use for America’s high murder rate.
“When you allow men to determine what’s right and what’s wrong,” Robertson said, “you get decisions like the five judges who said, ‘I may not know we have 7,000 years of history of men marrying women — a male and a female …. I know it’s been that way for 7,000 years, but we know best for what’s everybody.’”
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