Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Why is it?
When Bernie Sanders yells a speech, telling about everything that is wrong with the country (oppressive law enforcement, evil rich people, global warming dooming the planet)... he is just a positive advocate for change and revolution, calling for unity.
But when Donald Trump does the exact same thing (ISIS, crime, attacks on our police), he is considered dark, dangerous, and calling for division.
The only difference I can see is who each of them identifies as the enemy. Apparently it's okay to call the "Koch brothers" evil and demand that Citizen's United and racists cops are the real threat to this country. But referring to the enemy as Islamic terrorists who want to kill Westerners and destroy our way of life is considered racially insensitive, politically incorrect, and designed to divide the country?
Let's be clear. Calling cops racists, and demanding everyone else is to blame for the plight of the poor, is not a call for unity. It's guaranteed every single time to further divide the country? But you would "think" that we could all get behind stopping ISIS and radical Islamic terror? Or perhaps get behind reducing violent crime in major cities?
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LOL Actually, it was Michelle's speech that was especially uplifting.
The fact that the far left of the Dems feel they MUST attack Trump strongly -- I can understand you don't like that.
It's too bad you don't attack ISIS with the same vigor.
James - Nobody, on either side, has endured more attacks than Trump. He took it from pretty much every Republican running against him. He's taken it all along from the MSM. He's taken it from liberals, conservatives, and everyone in between.
As someone who is at best a lukewarm supporter of Trump at this point, I can assure you that the "only" way someone convinces me to vote for someone else, is by showing me that that someone else actually "gets it". That someone else is going to take a hard look at the country and world we live in, and be willing to deal with it as is and try to resolve those problems.
You believe anyone leaning towards Trump (likely due to his stances on ISIS, Crime, Immigration, etc)... is going to be impressed by the fact that the Democrats can manage to send 60 people to the podium and not even mention ISIS?
You think any marginal Trump supporters, or people leaning in that direction are going to be impressed by a Party who sees the real enemy as the Law enforcement or the top wage earners? That ISIS is not even a problem worth mentioning?
You need to pull yourself back from what "you" want to hear, and consider what undecideds or people leaning towards Trump wants to hear.
To put this in perspective James...
I can honestly tell you that the "only" speeches worthy of bending the thought patterns of undecided voters last weeks, were those made by Trump himself, Ivanka, Donald Jr, and to lesser degree... Mike Pence. None of those speeches moved anyone because of fiery policy positions. Rather they spoke to the character of the nominee and showed what sort of person (good or bad) he choose for V.P.
The rest of the red meat speeches (and most of them were red meat speeches) are only designed to fire up the base. Anyone who believes that having Laura Ingraham attack Clinton and liberals actually does anything for undecideds or leaners... is incapable of stepping back and seeing things objectively.
Trump is just SO "attackable."
And for SO many reasons.
Numerous Republican foreign policy experts warn of what a lightweight he is in the field of foreign policy.
Ah, but he listens mostly to himself.
And when is he EVER going to release those tax returns?
What does he fear us seeing?
By the way, you have a ghoul over there on Roger's portion of the blog.
Death is not the ghoul. SHE is the ghoul.
It's the trash blog.
"When Bernie Sanders yells a speech, telling about everything that is wrong with the country (oppressive law enforcement, evil rich people, global warming dooming the planet)... he is just a positive advocate for change and revolution"
Sanders is basically a bum, like Hillary.
Neither one could make it in the private sector.
A fresh poll released Tuesday shows Donald Trump remaining exactly where he was pre-Cleveland Republican convention: right behind Hillary Clinton.
The NBC News/Survey Monkey poll was conducted online from July 18-24, surveying 12,931 adults nationwide aged 18 or older who say they are registered to vote. The margin of error was plus-or-minus 1.2 points.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/poll-trump-republican-convention-226198#ixzz4FX4B8sMQ
What bounce?
I spent over an hour writing the post on the legacy blog. The only response, was insults. I documented what happened, what Bernie got in the Democratic platform.
I know CH can't ban anyone from posting, but since all she has are insults and comments off the topic, they will be removed.
Ette don't you just love it when those that have never ever in their entire lives created a JOB, tell us that have how to do it.
‘You Didn’t Build That" stolen from Warren by Obama
HB, you are a sissy, stop whinning.
I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money” Obama
94 million out of work have unwillingly take that advice.
The NBC News/Survey Monkey poll was conducted online from July 18-24, surveying 12,931 adults
Self-selected and Trump still leads?
I documented what happened, what Bernie got in the Democratic platform.
bernie got fucked and his supporters are livid.
if it took you an hour to write that, you are one slow bitch.
"I know CH can't ban anyone from posting, but since all she has are insults and comments off the topic, they will be removed."
Quit whining and get back to the trash blog
go back to your play pen/padded cell alky.
bernie got fucked and his supporters are livid."
Now Rat, why would Bernie Voters have a beef, I mean after All, Hillary's DNC in bed with the Obama's lied, stole and cheated to bet him and his voters.
The thing here is the Emails are real, no Democrap has said otherwise, the Emails point out that the President, hillbilly and GONEDOWNDEBBIE all worked together to defeat Bernie.
And again Hillary is in another scandal.
ABC Reported under threat of a Freedom of Information Act that more scum have been Arrested and Charge at the DNC CONvention in day ONE, then in all days at the RNC Convention.
Why are the left so mad?
Thomas Sowell:
"If black lives matter at all to the Obama administration, they obviously don't matter as much as black votes that can be won by posing as defenders of blacks, even in situations where defenders of thugs are destroying black children's futures. Even the thugs themselves will be worse off in the long run, if somebody does not put a stop to behavior that can lead them to prison as adults. Hillary Clinton plays the same political game of posing as a defender of blacks from enemies threatening them on all sides, as she tries to win an election that would amount to a third term of the Obama administration's policies — most of which have left blacks worse off than before Obama took office. The ancient phrase, 'By their fruits ye shall know them' has been replaced by the current notion that by their rhetoric you should judge them — and vote for them. One of the key questions this election year is whether black lives matter more than black votes that can be won by racial charades that undermine and endanger those lives. The answer to that question will affect all Americans, because racial turmoil is to no one's interest, except some politicians and race hustlers."
Roger - the poll has already been posted on the sidebar. Has been since it came out. In the four way race, Trump leads 41-39 (which was an improvement from last week). It's not news to me.
That being said, I am not one who takes much stock in convention bounces. Especially when they run back to back weeks, this early. Do you recall that the DNC convention in 2012 was held after Labor Day?
What I show is an improvement in my averages from 3.7% to 1.6% and from 2.3% down to 0.4% in the projection. So basically about a 1.9% bump for Trump in the 20+ poll average. More than I would have expected, by a long shot.
We will wait and see... but I have to wonder very seriously if Hillary can bump that back up to 3.7% and 2.3% by next Monday/Tuesday.
More to the point... we will see where these polls are after labor day. That's when the real race will begin.
Thomas Sowell, he is just one of those Ni88ars.
Moochelle Obimbo loves her some racism
"She also said that her husband, Barack Obama, was asked to get coffee when he was wearing a tux. “He was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee,” she told People
I wonder if she is talking about this:
"“A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.” Bill the Rapist
Every time the name Hillary Clinton is mention from the podium, half the convention hall boos her.
I've never seen a convention where the nominee is hated by half of the delegates there.
here's a story you won't see reported by the msm:
On the night the head of the Planned Parenthood abortion company is slated to speak to the Democratic National Convention, the man behind the undercover videos has been vindicated. Again.
As LifeNews reported last month, a Harris County, Texas judge dismissed the bogus misdemeanor charge against David Daleiden for allegedly trying to buy body parts from the Planned Parenthood abortion business he was exposing for selling them as a part of the Center for Medical Progress’ undercover investigation.
Today, Harris County District Attorney’s office on Tuesday dismissed all charges against Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the pro-life advocate who worked with him on the groundbreaking videos. From the Houston Chronicle:
The Harris County District Attorney’s office on Tuesday dismissed all charges against anti-abortion activists who secretly videotaped Planned Parenthood officials in Houston.
David Robert Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were charged with tampering with a governmental record, for using a fake identification to gain access to the facility. In a surprise move before a hearing on the legitimacy of the indictment, prosecutors dismissed the charges.
Deleiden and his attorneys claimed victory for the anti-abortion movement, saying they were satisfied with the decision.
Daleiden, 27, and Sandra Merritt, 62, both of Davis, Calif., were indicted by a Harris County grand jury in January, accused of tampering with a government record for allegedly using fake driver licenses to conceal their identities while dealing with a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic.
It's about time the Harris county DA be investigated for prosecutorial abuse.
It stinks of politically motivated persecution.
Commonsense said...
Every time the name Hillary Clinton is mention from the podium, half the convention hall boos her.
hence the WALL they erected right in front of the podium.
and 4 full miles of fence outside.
Commonsense said...
Every time the name Hillary Clinton is mention from the podium, half the convention hall boos her.
hence the WALL they erected right in front of the podium.
and 4 full miles of fence outside."
And the censorship of the Bernie Backers having there signs taken away.
The Republicans ran a crime free Convention, with style , substance and great grace. I have read a few of the speeches giving last night, they PAINT a very Dark, poor, unfair, rigged and racist nation.
As Ette pointed out, Moochelle pulled out the race card , again.
But , the speaker I love most and the one that laid out how bad things are in their Obamanation was good very old and very very, very RICH Lizzy Warren.
"There is lots of wealth in America but it isn’t trickling down to hard-working families like yours. Does anyone here have a problem with that? Well I do, too. People get it. The system is rigged. It’s true."
She should know Obama/Hillary and her do the rigging.
is tonight the night the "moms with dead criminal sons an' shit" speak?
I sure Hope BLM gets an hour of prime time cop bashing ,,,, let their voices be heard.
Last night Moochelle talked of her fake slavery years.
Last night Lizbo Warren talked of her fake Indian Reservation years.
More arrests on day one than the entire gop week.
And Hillary sticks it to the Sanders backers yet again, not allowing another VP candidate to be considered. They're more ad as hell. Trump will pickup Some % of them.
Hillbilly is so used to abusing everyone around her, she believes she can do it to every Progressive, moderate voter, thing is Liberals are pissed off as much IF not more then Conservatives.
A good percent will vote Trump , just to piss of Crooked Hillary. The Bernie voter is rightfully pissed off at how Obama-Hillary-WhatwashernameSchultz.
IF not for WikiLeaks, the plot would have gone undiscovered.
moira liasson npr at the CONvention just told all viewers, she believes that the Bernie Sanders voters have been so hurt by the actions of Obama-Hillary-Debbiewasaman that they are going to vote , in protest for Trump.
She went on to admit, she can see the Sanders Voters point, in that they were betrayed by the DNC.
I think she wanted to say more, but, got cut off by some big fat black lady that host PBS coverage.
Bernie and his voters got Slonged by Hillary's DNC
Why is it ... When Bernie Sanders yells a speech, telling about everything that is wrong with the country (oppressive law enforcement, evil rich people, global warming dooming the planet)... he is just a positive advocate for change and revolution, calling for unity.
Because that's what Bernie Sanders is, or was, or at least represented.
But when Donald Trump does the exact same thing (ISIS, crime, attacks on our police), he is considered dark, dangerous, and calling for division.
Because that's what Trump is, what he does.
Come on CH, it's OK to admit this. Sanders will not be President, nor even very important in a few months, and it's not going to hurt Trump. It makes no difference.
WP, See Trump talked about isis and not your humming AC unit, so that makes him an idiot.
And as for the US economy, Bernie and Sen Warren trashed it.
It is just too funny to hear the Millionaires of the DNC talk about the poor and how they will help them.
Here is a freaking clue, write a check to the US Treasury, they have a department for that very thing.
Cut your own wealth by 80 %, then you will have some moral ground , otherwise stfu.
Been there and done that KD, and I've got to tell you that it doesn't grant any extra moral legitimacy.
Not sure what your point is though?
Blogger C.H. Truth said...
James - Nobody, on either side, has endured more attacks than Trump.
You must be kidding!!! I guess your selective memory is in full bloom!!! LOL Benghazi strike a familiar note or did that circle jerk tnever happen?
Opie - you are confusing investigations with attacks.
Because that's what Bernie Sanders is, or was, or at least represented.
Because that's what Trump is, what he does.
I guess my point, WP... why is attacking other Americans and using class warfare determined by our political minds of 2016 to be a unifying message?
But vowing to put an end to ISIS and denouncing criminal behavior is deemed dark and divisive?
Why would that feel "right" to you?
why is attacking other Americans "
Or hispanics, or women or any other group. What difference does it make that on a non-issues night, should anyone mention ISIS???? I guess you are complaining just to hear yourself complain about something like O'reilly did about Michelle's speech. What an idiot that guy he is.
O'Reilly: Slaves Who Built White House Were "Well-Fed And Had Decent Lodgings Provided By The Government"
IOW's slavery was a good institution.
Okie - you are confusing investigations with attacks.
Unlike you CH, I guess a committee member, Kevin McCarthy stating the investigations were designed to decrease Hillary's poll numbers which clearly states there goal to attack her creds' by wasting taxpayer money. In your world, that was a garden party. LOLOL Keep spinning CH, this is most amusing. Maybe you can claim again a gay conservative was banned from twitter because of his politics and sexual orientation when in reality he was an asshole like rat.
Opie - I think the FBI investigation did more than all of the rest of the investigations put together. That being said, if it wasn't for Trey Gowdy uncovering the secret server - there would not have been an FBI investigation.
Your opinion is duly noted. I guess all the coverage of benghazi and it being brought up prominently at your convention says other wise. Trey Gowdy is nothing more than a biased hack who stumbled on something that had nothing to do with his witch hunt and attempt to ride a tidal wave to glory. Again, your original statement that the investigations were not an attempt to kill hillary is BS.
The actual facts say otherwise as you are just throwing stuff around to see what sticks.
Opie - from Whitewater to Cattle futures to Travel gate to China gate to Benghazi, her FBI investigation, to the IRS now possibly investigating the Clinton Foundation...
We know scandal follows around Clinton, like stink on shit...
But go ahead and put it all on Trey Gowdy if it makes you feel any better.
om Whitewater to Cattle futures to Travel gate to China gate to Benghazi,
Like someone who has nothing to say, why not also add she killed vince foster!!!
The investigation continued, with Kenneth Starr at the helm and businessman David Hale as the star witness. Starr alleged that Bill Clinton, during his term as governor of Arkansas, pressured Hale to make an illegal $300,000 federally-backed loan to Susan McDougal. The allegation lost much of its credibility after Hale was convicted of numerous felonies. But the Starr investigation went on to include the Lewinsky sex scandal and several other controversies involving the Clintons
Read more: What was the Whitewater scandal? | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/whitewater-scandal.asp#ixzz4Fd3L64cD
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Nothing like bring up ancient history to prove shit, CH. While you keep praying otherwise.
I said Trey Gowdy was a hack and wasted millions of dollars. i guess I put everything on his worthless investigation while you think he's a genius. Keep believing that if that helps. LOL
Of course Opie...
The country would be better off if we didn't know that Hillary Clinton was running national security secrets through an unsecured server in a bathroom.
As it was when Ken Starr managed to put 15 people in jail... or when a law firm manages to lose every copy of the whitewater files, as well as all of their billing records... or when two key witnesses end up dead, and the third pleas to criminal contempt to avoid testifying...
or when the FBI declares that there is evidence that laws were broken (but they couldn't prosecute without malicious intent)...
It's all just part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.
Hell, I bet you even believed Bill when he said "he did not have sexual relations with that woman" just as you believed Hillary when she claimed she didn't send or receive any classified information.
PT Barnum
y Clinton was running national security secrets through an unsecured server in a bathroom."
Thanx to the hack Trey Gowdy who stepped in cow shit and "discovered" the server. What a great investigator he is, finds something he wasn't looking for, like most republicon's searching for their asses with their eyes closed. And BTW, you still don't have a clue what the classification process is and a "c" on a document is not proper marking. Some day you'll figure it out, but I really doubt your bias will let you. What I believe about your Bill quote is you are like a fluff dog nipping at someones ankles that just never goes away. Again you are obsessed with a blow job 25 years ago with an adult. Who gives a flip except you and your inability to get over it. BTW, yes he lied, but I know more than one male that do not consider a BJ sexual relations. But, you think he lied and still think white water was a conspiracy. I guess the fact no one was convicted after extensive waste of money by Starr and congress. Oh well. 15 convictions for mail fraud, the governor, the Susan Mcdougal for refusing to answer question, misappropriation of funds and other sundry charges seem to me to be rather petty BS for all the effort expended which you still think is a current event. LOLOL. And yes, the FBI couldn't prove intent and let it go. Why don't you.
Wow, Starr's work is very impressive. He investigated Foster's death, the Blow Job, some tax evaders. bribers and other petty crimes. I'm sorry CH, but your superior intellect seems to be working overtime with these old problems that resulted in very little and wasted plenty of time since you are still talking about it. LOLOLOL!
Smith became part of Ken Starr's investigation during the Whitewater scandal; he remained loyal to Clinton. Smith confessed to getting a phony loan from David Hale's company, saying it was to go for a "disadvantaged" political consulting firm Smith operated in the 1980s. The $65,000 loan in fact was for an overdue bank loan Smith had with Jim Guy Tucker. He pleaded guilty on June 8, 1995 to one misdemeanor count of conspiracy.
Why is the latest RCP averages show the RNC bounce as a very minor 3 % with trump now up 1.1% on the average of all polls and virtually no changes to the battle states numbers.
why is attacking other Americans and using class warfare determined by our political minds of 2016 to be a unifying message?
Good question. When Sanders did it, he was attacking the small portion of the 1% who enriched themselves on the suffering of others, which is pretty unifying for the 99.9% rest of us.
When Trump does it, he's pretty much attacking everyone at one point or another, which is mostly divisive.
Just admit it to yourself CH, and realize that it makes no difference in the scheme of things. It's liberating.
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