Thursday, September 8, 2016

If you give 1000 monkeys 1000 typewriters...

They will come up with better lies than Hillary Clinton... and it won't even take that long.


KD, Hillary Caught cheating on Forum Stage said...

Hillary has been caught cheating at the Forum, she wore a "coaching ear piece".

What kind of person , that is a so-called expert on these matters needs that kind of crutch , well, she does.

Question for the ALT-Leftist crowd

Why did she do it?

opie' said...

Lets take the oil......Donald Trump suggests he has less a clue than kd. Wonder how he would do it. His answer was ABSOLUTE BS. But, he's your guy. Then fire all the current generals since they are just rubble. I'm sure that can be done considering they are all morons compared to the donald.