Saturday, September 17, 2016

Some morning laughs...

We all know that the media is not all that upset because Donald Trump did something to be ashamed of. They are upset because Donald Trump played them for fools, and left them holding a giant sack of dog shit.

They can scream and holler over the fact that Trump didn't apologize or didn't make any humble gestures about being wrong. But the real truth is that that Trump outsmarted them to get them to cover this event, but more importantly Trump outsmarted them by putting the birther nonsense to bed.

Let's start with a simple fact. The public doesn't much care about the "birther" issue anymore. Why would they? It has nothing to do with this election. The only reason it was brought back into play, was by a desperate media attempting to induce Donald Trump into rehashing a past issue that they felt might gain some traction, do some damage, and possibly change the momentum. After all, isn't this the exact thing that Donald Trump would do?  He simply cannot help himself, can he?

Problem is that Trump simply didn't fall for it. He showed up. Filed out his endorsements. Told him that Obama was born in Hawaii. Claimed Hillary started it. Left the stage. Didn't even take questions (nor should he on the topic).

The media now has the option of letting it go. Or going after the angle of who actually started it. Neither is going to get them any closer to making Trump look bad in this case. If they let it go, he wins. If they have to go back and investigate who actually started it (to prove him wrong) it only takes them off course on something that technically has nothing to do with him. The more different theories that come out about how it started, and when it started, and how many people were involved, the more it becomes clear that this is not (as suggested) Donald Trump's signature issue... nor is it an issue that can be clearly tagged on him. In fact, it only works to associate Clinton with the issue, which actually might be the only real damage done by all of this.

After all, Trump believes Obama was born here.

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