Saturday, September 17, 2016

The new Donald Trump...

I have heard real anger from the left regarding this whole segment. Many believe that it was inappropriate for Fallon to allow Trump on the Tonight Show and normalize/humanize him. I guess it's the sworn duty of everyone in the media to treat Donald Trump like the monster the left wants him to be.

By the way, if he was actually the monster the left thinks he is, then how is it that he could even appear to be normal and human at all? I would expect a monster to turn down the request (obviously a planned deal) and otherwise act like an ass.

Of the two events... Fallon showing Donald to be human by messing up his hair, and Kimmel showing Hillary to be healthy by having her open up a pickle jar... only one of those two segments appears to be truly ridiculous at this point.


Loretta said...

If you're not calling Trump names, you're a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, bigot - and a supporter, whether you are or not.

Indy Voter said...

Clearly his appearance wasn't during a full moon.

Or maybe there's a painting in a locked room in one of Trump's mansions that physically changes instead of the candidate.

C.H. Truth said...

The theory of the "weretrump"... sounds as viable as anything else to me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's an actor. Even the worst people on the planet, if they can act, and fool enough people, he even can con allegedly unbiased analysts into believing he's normal. Oscar® for Trump.

Myballs said...

Roger don't be an ass. He did the same appearance as Hillary. But only he us phoney??

Yeah right.

Commonsense said...

Fallon is a comedian. The left needs to get a life.

Anonymous said...

Even the worst people on the planet, if they can act, and fool enough people

and to that i say -

no shit, sherlock.

for 8 long, miserable years we have been witness to the biggest con ever pulled on our nation. never before in the history of our republic has one charlatan fooled so many. not once, but twice.