Thursday, November 3, 2016

Clinton Foundation investigation - High priority at FBI!
Indictment likely?

FBI Sources Believe Clinton Foundation Case Moving Towards "Likely an Indictment"
Twin reports—from Fox’s Baier and from CNN’s Pamela Brown, who along with her fellow CNN Justice Department correspondent Evan Perez said she talked with a dozen sources in positions of knowledge—confirmed that the criminal investigation into the Clinton Foundation is active, ongoing, and expansive at the FBI. It has apparently been going on for a year, and politically motivated officials at the Department of Justice—controlled by Attorney General Loretta Lynch—have reportedly tried repeatedly to shut it down. But according to another bombshell report from the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday night, FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe would not shut it down, calling it a “validly predicated investigation” in conversations with DOJ officials.
Jason Miller, senior communications adviser to GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump’s campaign, issued a blistering a statement in response to the news:
Today’s reports that the FBI has an open investigation into the Clinton Foundation shows the true extent of the corrupt Clinton cash machine. Even more concerning than that is the fact that the Obama Department of Justice is refusing to allow an overt investigation until after the election. Not only is it completely disqualifying for a candidate for president to be facing two separate FBI investigations less than a week before the election, but the fact that the Obama Administration is so blatantly trying to tip the scales of justice toward Clinton should give every American pause.
The FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation is separate from, but running parallel to, the now reopened criminal investigation into Clinton’s illicit home-brew email server that she set up in violation of State Department guidelines.

So these are "twin" reports here, from two major news outlets (FOX News and CNN) that claim there is an ongoing investigation into the ties between the Hillary State Department and the Clinton Foundation. Moreover FOX News has reported that people within the investigation claim that short of political interference that the investigation will result in a "likely indictment".

Now, this seems like some news to me? How about you?

Of course you won't read about it anywhere on CNN or MSNBC or most other major news sources. CNN (in spite of one of their anchors actually helping break the story) actually has three front page stories about Donald Trump's behavior (including a headline questioning whether or not he can remain disciplined on the campaign trail) but don't mention Clinton, any of her investigations, or even any story about the tightening of the election polling.

Can anyone actually figure out any justification for why you would have a front page story about whether or not Donald Trump can remain disciplined on the campaign trail, when one of your own anchors broke a big story about a second ongoing criminal FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's behavior while at the State Department? They don't call it the Clinton News Network for nothing.


Myballs said...

Joe biden must be kicking himself

KD, FBI Knew over a Month Ago said...

We are now learning that Clinton/Huma criminal connection goes very deep into the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.

The FBI has Two separate Criminal Cases open, Both on Hillary.

1, The Emails that exposed national security to unknown bad Hombres

2, The Bill/Hillary/Chelsea Crime Family Foundation and the pay for play that , that money bought. They sold the USA to enrich themselves.

Note, They got rich from the foundation.

And another thing, all you wet dreamers out there that want to see the IRS private Records of Trumps Tax Filings, go pound sand, you are not going to. I hope this puts an end to this non-sense.

KD, #HillarylooksgoodinOrange said...

Balls, great point.

Ole slow JOE, would have been a fine President, historically he is making history by not running and being the sitting VP.

I can only imagine what kind of pay off the Clinton Crime Family Foundation is paying him to have him sit this out.

Mellenails are not going to Hillary, they are voting more often for Trump.

The data shows that it is a protest vote of HER cheating with CNN and others in the DNC , Like the disgraced DebbiewasaMAN Shutlz and the new head the corrupt Donna yesigavehillarythequestions Brazilla.

Can the left here name one Democrat not corrupted by Hillary/Bill ?

Commonsense said...

Joe Biden would have cleaned Trump's clock. It wouldn't even be close.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CLOSE, BUT------

Clinton Still Holds Advantage In Tightening Race

November 3
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball:
“Hillary Clinton has picked an awful time to hit one of the rough patches that has plagued her throughout the campaign. Now with just days to go until Election Day, there’s added uncertainty about the outcome. But while she may not be on the brink of an Electoral College win the size of Barack Obama’s in 2008 or even 2012, her position as the clear frontrunner in this race endures.”

Cook Political Report:
“A tightening race nationally has also translated into tightening at the state level. States that were trending Trump’s way in September started to slip away from him in early October. Now, with the focus more on Clinton’s emails than on Trump’s debate performances or his Twitter spats, states like Iowa and Ohio are moving back in Trump’s direction… However, these are minor, not major adjustments to the overall Electoral College map with Clinton now at 278 (8 more votes than she needs to win) and Trump at 214 (56 short of 270).”

KD, James will be brillent, just watch said...

James, for once would you stay off the Adult side of CHT, you already posted that on the kiddyblog. OR if you have to stay here, talk on issue.

What do you, in your own words think of the FBI Criminal Investigation of Hillary and her foundation?

Commonsense said...

A lot of prognosticators are hedging their bets and James thinks that's a good thing.

Myballs said...

New Boston area poll has Trump +1 in NH.

Loretta said...

Plagiarized spam

Commonsense said...

BTW these are the same prognosticators who said last week that it was all over but the shouting.

Commonsense said...

This of course will hurt Clinton even more.

A lot of #NeverTrump voters are coming home because to do nothing and let Clinton become president would be more disastrous for the country.

KD, Jane Had to Run off said...

This is laughable, the ONE is out telling her supporters to "forgive her mistake".

Loretta said...

"A lot of prognosticators are hedging their bets and James thinks that's a good thing."

He doesn't "think".

Myballs said...

The Clinton news media are now putting out desperate flailing commentaries smearing trump. But his voters see it all for exactly what they are. The media is part of the reason we have trump. It began as the tea party and will now close culminate with a Trump presidency. Voters have had enough of being ignored and lied to.

Loretta said...

Her private unsecured server, which Obama KNEW about, was hacked by "at least five foreign intelligence agencies"...

High crimes.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

SABATO: Clinton now at 278 (8 more votes than she needs to win) and Trump at 214 (56 short of 270).

Trump absolutely MUST have both FL and NC.

Absolutely. MUST.

And even if he wins both FL and NC, and wins both NV and AZ, he still loses, with Clinton at 273.

Loretta said...

FBI: No Tie Between Trump and Russia

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Live Betting Odds

Hillary Clinton 69.7%
Donald Trump 29.2%

Oh no! Hillary slightly below 70%!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Loretta Russo said...
Her private unsecured server, which Obama KNEW about, was hacked by "at least five foreign intelligence agencies"...

well, i suppose when you entrust the security of your rest room-housed server to the tidy-bowl man, this is what can happen.

Loretta said...

Plagiarized spam

KD said...

'High Priority': FBI's White Collar Crime Division Investigating Possible Clinton Pay-for-Play"

The FBI has been shifting thru this for over a year, putting , as we now find out, two "deep cover" special agents inside the Foundation.


KD, FBI vs Hillary, i bet on the FBI Rank and File said...

James , why do you repeat the same shit in the afternoon that you posted on many many threads in the morning?

Commonsense said...

Three New Hampshire polls came out today.

WMUR Trump +1

FoxNews Trump +1

Suffolk Tied.

Momentum to Trump.