Friday, November 4, 2016

Florida early voting

With less than three days before Election Day, Republicans hold an edge in early voting in the pivotal swing state of Florida. The Associated Press reports that state election officials say that nearly 5.3 million Floridians have voted by mail or at polling precincts. That already exceeds figures from 2012, which was at nearly 4.8 million.
Republicans currently hold an edge of nearly 2,000 votes over Democrats with, nearly 1 million of those voters having registered with no party affiliation.
According to the Republican National Committee, at this point in 2012 presidential election cycle, Republicans were trailing in the Sunshine State by over 75,000 ballots cast.

Interestingly, Barack Obama won Florida by around 74,000 votes... this might suggest that this margin has been wiped out by early voting. That being said, most of the GOP gains in early voting have come over the past week or so, so they definitely have the momentum on their side. This could move even more over the next few days in their favor.

So how can you look at these numbers and come up with a poll that suggests Clinton will win this state by four or five points?

You suggest (with a straight face) that 30% of those Republicans who are casting ballots are voting for Clinton... in spite of the following facts:

  • in 2012 Obama got about seven percent of Florida GOP voters (approximately the same as his national average)
  • the aggregate totals of over 15 national polls suggests Clinton is averaging just over 6% of Republicans.
That's how!

The irony here folks, is that it could be argued that the "better" ground game would have the advantage in early voting, and that the side with more limited resources would have to rely more on the Election day voter.

So Hillary's argument at this point would be to say that while they may have been out organized in early voting, that the overall support is on her side. That seems like a dubious argument considering how much they are touting their operational advantage.

One has to wonder that if their big organization is the reason that early voting is actually as close as it is, and that she just suffers from an overall drop in support from the heavy African American Miami-Dade and Broward counties that have pushed Obama towards victory twice.

If election day voting is approximately the same as it was in 2012, then Trump should win this state by fifty to seventy five thousand votes. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Copy this quick before Ch deletes it.

Commonsense said...

Hillary's lead among older white women (a significant demographic in Florida) is not as large as women overall.

These women like Trump and like what he has to say.

KD, Jane in Panic Mode said...

James he is not (unfortunately) deleting your post.

Stop being a bitch.

wphamilton said...

All recent FL polls are within the margin of error? Statistical tie.

KD, Where is BLM???? said...

These women like Trump and like what he has to say. "

Exactly, He has a Mandate when he wins, he spelled it out.

Will the left take to the streets and riot On a Trump WIN?

Commonsense said...

Don't worry James, everybody knows what the polling is in Florida.

And the Dems anxiety level just went up another notch with the possibility of being shut out in Florida after they have all but conceded the Senate race to Rubio.

KD said...

Brixit has been overturned by the Brit Court, to HELL WITH WINNING and TO HELL WITH THE PEOPLE.

wphamilton said...

Will the left take to the streets and riot On a Trump WIN?

Yes, KD, they probably will. There are many of them who believe that supporting Trump is literally hate speech. There are already incidents of people reacting in righteous anger at Trump hats and deplorables t-shirts. These people seem to believe that Clinton has already won. Sure, there will be riots.

KD said...

WP, your opinion is valued, thanks.

KD said...

Uncertainty Reaches Record High Level for Small Business Owners" NFIB

"The Uncertainty Index reached a <42 year record high level October>, the last measure before the November 8th election. Small-business owners were unable to directionally anticipate future events or conditions at record levels. Many owners could not say, for example, whether business conditions would improve, or deteriorate, or stay the same. They had no view held with any certainty, and thus were unable to incorporate that information into a forecasting or planning framework. High levels of uncertainty have a chilling effect on inventory investment, capital spending and hiring. Being fairly confident about an outcome, good or bad, allows planning to occur, but having no clear direction on which to base a decision generally puts the decision on hold."

James MarshUK said...

Brixit(sic) has not been overturned by a court.

the court ruling was simply affirming that in British democracy Parliament (the legislature) is sovereign in this respect. The prime minister cannot exercise article 50 of the EU constitution, as she had planned, without an act of parliament.

if you think thats 'overturning' Brexit then I'm afraid you're just poorly informed.

KD said...

Anyone Seen HB ?

I told him MI was tied three days ago, in his normal childish self he went all cry baby , made a dump in his diaper and then attempting to insult me.


KD said...

Jane, you know nothing about everything, thanks for proving it again.

The people spoke, they voted and then it was overturned by the Brit Court.

KD, Polls shifting Trump in a hurry said...

PA is tied too.... Oh Oh.

Where is Hillary's 12 point lead?

James Marsh Uk said...

ummm...if brexit has been 'overturned' why is the british prime minister saying her brexit plans remain on schedule?

read the judgement- repeating your misinterpretation of events just make you look like you're stupid which i'm sure you're not. or badly misinformed which can be rectified if you'd take the time to read.

James MarshUk said...

Parliament must vote on whether the UK can start the process of leaving the EU, the High Court has ruled.

so since when has giving the elected representatives a vote meant the same as 'overturning the will of the people'

only in the land of post-truth politics.

KD, Jane you stupid fuck said...


Oh the timing of it all.

James, when I notice you stop posting something , I took a peak why.

Obama dropped to 49 % approval.

KD, Liberals Will Riot when Trump Wins said...

Right Way ---- Wrong Way

30.9 62.6

This is a Change Election, this Favors Trump.

Wonder When Trump Wins will Obama's USSC over turn the will of the PEOPLE like the court did on the Brixit Vote.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democratic insiders: Clinton's ground game will sink Trump
'Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure. HRC and the Dems have that cornered and are pounding the pavement to get out the vote'...

Read more:
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

RealClearPolitics Live Betting Odds
Chance of Winning

Hillary Clinton 73.8%

Donald Trump 25.2%

Gosh,, look how the graph turns UPWARD Hillary and DOWNWARD for Donald there at the end.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did someone say Michigan is tied?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did someone say Pennsylvania is tied too?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Is someone delusional?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Florida may not have had 28% Republicans for Clinton. But RCP

Average 10/27 - 11/2 -- -- 47.4 46.2 2.4 1.3 Clinton +1.2
FOX 13/Opinion Savvy 11/1 - 11/2 603 LV 4.0 49 45 3 1 Clinton +4
Gravis 10/31 - 10/31 1195 RV 2.2 49 46 2 1 Clinton +3
Remington Research (R)* 10/30 - 10/30 989 LV 3.1 44 48 2 -- Trump +4
Quinnipiac 10/27 - 11/1 626 LV 3.9 46 45 2 2 Clinton +1
CNN/ORC 10/27 - 11/1 773 LV 3.5 49 47 3 1 Clinton +2
All Florida: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Polling Data

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Close enough and what is K'putz saying?

Anonymous KD said...
Anyone Seen HB ?

I told him MI was tied three days ago, in his normal childish self he went all cry baby , made a dump in his diaper and then attempting to insult me.


November 4, 2016 at 4:47 PM

Average 10/25 - 11/4 -- -- 46.3 41.5 4.5 2.0 Clinton +4.8
PPP (D) 11/3 - 11/4 957 LV 3.2 46 41 6 2 Clinton +5
Detroit Free Press 11/1 - 11/3 600 LV 4.0 42 38 5 -- Clinton +4
FOX 2 Detroit/Mitchell 11/2 - 11/2 1150 LV 2.9 47 44 4 1 Clinton +3
Emerson 10/25 - 10/26 500 LV 4.3 50 43 3 3 Clinton +7
All Michigan: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Polling Data

The truth is what shows you are stupid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

K'Putz is always saying he said something and you or I, Roger, "ran away."

I often don't even see what he said until later, if at all.

There hasn't been much if any red ink in all of the polling done in MI and PA, but he says they're tied.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I've noticed the last few days that many of the battlestate polls for Clinton represented in the sidebar at RCP had a blue arrow pointing DOWN, meaning she was in decline. Now I notice that more of those arrows are pointing UP (except for PA).

Nate Silver thinks her downward decline has now stabilized and the way from now on could be up.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Although, as Silver stresses, it's not as simple as thst.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Documents obtained by The Associated Press from 20 years ago show that Melania Trump was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States worth $20,056 before she had legal permission to work in the country.

The documents provide the most detailed accounting yet of Mrs. Trump's first months in the U.S. She has said she followed all immigration laws as she moved from Slovenia to New York in August 1996 and obtained a work visa about seven weeks later.

The documents show she was paid for 10 modeling assignments between Sept. 10 and Oct. 15, before she would have been legally allowed to be paid.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James, KD was on the old Yahoo chat channel. They let people comment on the story. It was on a Yahoo story, "Bush Soars in the polls" His approval was about 90% after 9/11. It was open for several years. A lot of us followed to CHT. You could put someone on ignore on Yahoo. I ignored him because he's dumb as a rock.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Clinton "Indictment" Story Falls Apart, Sends Everyone Scrambling

When news broke earlier this week that an indictment of Hillary Clinton over Clinton Foundation business was "likely," we were skeptical. It turns out that the skepticism was well founded, because the story isn't true. As the story has unraveled, it's brought to light a lot of unsavory behavior, and none of it by Clinton.

To start, it has become clear that there is a vocal faction within the FBI that really dislikes Clinton and wants to see her candidacy derailed. Some of these individuals read a takedown of the Clinton Foundation entitled Clinton Cash, and that book was much of the impetus behind the Bureau's investigation into the Foundation. The problem is that the book was written by Peter Schweizer, a partisan "journalist" whose accuracy has been called into question many times in the past. Oh, and the book was also bankrolled by one Steve Bannon, then publisher of Breitbart News, now chair of the Trump campaign. Ultimately, the FBI's investigation uncovered very little that would be of interest to prosecutors, leaving the anti-Clinton faction within the Bureau very frustrated.

Then, of course, FBI Director James Comey went public with the news of the e-mails found on Anthony Weiner's computer. Apparently, this emboldened the agents investigating the Clinton Foundation, and so they ran to Fox News to tell their not-so-truthful tale. Bret Baier, the anchor who reported the news, acknowledged on Friday that it was a "mistake" and apologized for reporting the story. The pairing of one obvious case of FBI partisanship (the Clinton Foundation story) with another possible case of FBI partisanship (the new emails) is not a good look for the Bureau, particularly its director. Comey may well have been acting with integrity, but it's hardly certain, under the circumstances.

Meanwhile, this whole story has also put the Trump campaign in a bad light, corruption-wise. There's the Bannon connection, of course. And as we and others noted yesterday, it certainly seemed that Rudy Giuliani was aware of Comey's email announcement days before it actually came. On Friday morning, the former New York mayor confirmed on "Fox and Friends" that he did indeed know. His exact words:

===="Did I hear about it? Darn right I heard about it. I can't even repeat the language I heard from the former FBI agents."

Apparently, someone pointed out to "America's Mayor" that he was making it look an awful lot like the FBI and Trump campaign were in cahoots with one another, because later on Friday he went on Wolf Blitzer's program and insisted that he knew nothing about the e-mail announcement:

===="In my case, it's real simple: I've talked to no FBI agent, I've talked to no Justice Department official. I have no idea about who's leaking information."

That's a rather remarkable change of story in a mere three hours.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


In any event, it's been a long time since the FBI has had a week this bad—assuming they've ever had one this bad. The editorialists have their poison pens out, and they're pulling no punches. For example, the Washington Post's editorial board writes:

===="We can only guess at the motives of the FBI agents behind this politicization of law enforcement, but their behavior is sickening. The campaign has been hard enough with the ugly chants of "lock her up." The last thing we need is to find the fingerprints of the nation's premier law enforcement agency all over an 11th-hour smear of Ms. Clinton."

We stand by our belief that James Comey's position has become all-but-untenable. In fact, he really should be rooting a Clinton victory, since the negative optics of terminating him might be the only thing that can save him. If Trump wins, on the other hand, there would be nothing stopping Barack Obama from calling the Director on November 9 and saying, "To use a phrase popularized by our president-elect: You're fired." (Christopher Bates)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Melania Trump DID violate immigration law

See link above, scroll down.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Unemployment Down, Wages Up

The final economic report before the election was mostly good news for Hillary Clinton. Unemployment is down to 4.9% and wages are up 2.8% compared to a year ago, the fastest growth in 7 years. In addition, the trade deficit is down almost 10% from September.

Both major-party candidates responded immediately to the news. Clinton said: "I believe our economy is poised to really take off and thrive. When the middle class thrives, America thrives." Trump said that the data were skewed due to the large number of people who had given up searching for jobs, adding: "Nobody believes the numbers anyway. The numbers they put out are phony." (Tannenbaum) ANOTHER TRUMP LIE


Clinton's Ground Game Could Sink Trump

Latino Early Voting Is Way Up This Year

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Judge Orders Voters Restored to North Carolina Rolls

North Carolina law allows citizens to challenge the propriety of other citizens' registrations, often with the barest of evidence. Taking advantage of this "opportunity," a small handful of voters challenged thousands of registrations in three North Carolina counties. In a surprise to no one who has been paying attention, most of the challenged registrations just happened to belong to black voters. So, the NAACP filed suit on their behalf earlier this week, asking for an emergency injunction. And on Friday, Judge Loretta Biggs granted the request. The Justice Department, meanwhile, announced that it would be sending monitors to the affected counties to make sure that citizens are able to vote.

HOLD YOUR NOSE FOR THE FOLLOWING: After several years of coordinated activity by the GOP to block as many Democrats (particularly minorities) from voting as is possible, the justice system has largely struck back with a vengeance. Judges in various states have also taken the pro-active step of warning the Trump campaign against voter intimidation on Election Day. It's a pretty good civics lesson in why the framers of the Constitution divided up the powers of government among three branches. (Tannenbaum)

Loretta said...


Nothing but spam.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You mean, not plagiarized? :-)

But even rotten spam doesn't smell like some of the above.

And there's a lot more interesting stuff at

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Big Names Come Out For Clinton

“Hillary Clinton campaigned Friday in the company of friends and celebrities, first flanked by the billionaire businessman Mark Cuban in Pittsburgh and Detroit, and then at a concert in Cleveland with Jay Z and Beyoncé. High-wattage political leaders fanned out for her around the country: Her husband, Bill, stumped in Colorado, as President Obama rallied voters in North Carolina,” the New York Times reports.

“By comparison, Donald J. Trump was a lonely figure.

“In the final days of the presidential race, Mr. Trump’s political isolation has made for an unusual spectacle on the campaign trail — and perhaps a limiting factor in his dogged comeback bid.”

Not a whole lot of celebrities want to have their names associated with his. (See below)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Woman Who Accused Trump of Child Rape Drops Suit

Jezebel: “A woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her at a party when she was just 13 years old has voluntarily dismissed her lawsuit, according to court records. The woman, who has gone by the pseudonyms Jane Doe and Katie Johnson, was a no-show at a much hyped press conference earlier this week with celebrity attorney Lisa Bloom.”
The scuttlebutt has it that she did a no-show and dropped suit because she was getting death threats.

But of course we know that no Trump supporters would do anything like that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Tabloid Shielded Trump From Story About Affair

“The company that owns the National Enquirer, a backer of Donald Trump, agreed to pay $150,000 to a former Playboy centerfold model for her story of an affair a decade ago with the Republican presidential nominee, but then didn’t publish it,” according to documents reviewed by the Wall Street Journal.

“The tabloid-newspaper publisher reached an agreement in early August with Karen McDougal, the 1998 Playmate of the Year. American Media Inc., which owns the Enquirer, hasn’t published anything about what she has told friends was a consensual romantic relationship she had with Mr. Trump in 2006. At the time, Mr. Trump was married to his current wife, Melania."

Commonsense said...

Final Florida Early Voting Results:

By mail:
Republican 985,142
Democrat 910,908
Unaffiliated 414,719

In person:
Republican 1,108,444
Democrat 1,180,845
Unaffiliated 540,584

Republican total 2,093,586 (33.4%)
Democrat total 2,091,753 (33.4%)
Independent percentage (15.6%)
Total early votes/in mail cast (including other): 6,260,236

It's going to be a razor thin in Florida. 2000 like thin.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here's one "celebrity" who doesn't mind being associated with him:


Palin Will Campaign with Trump In Final Days

Sarah Palin will join Donald Trump on the campaign trail in the final days before election day in two key states, Michigan and North Carolina, the Daily Beast reports.

She will also join Trump on Election Night in New York City.

Maybe she can, you know -- er ... "comfort" him when he loses.

Apparently Melania wouldn't care.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My sister, a strong Obama supporter, phoned me last night from Winston-Salem, NC to tell me she had just watched Obama's speech in Charlotte, live. She was ecstatic and said it was one of the best speeches she has ever heard him give. At the end, she said, she had tears in her eyes.

It was the old Obama, she said, like at the beginnings of his campaign.

I plan to watch it later today on video.

Commonsense said...

Gee it's too bad Obama isn't on the ballot.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A really good speech could make a difference in NC. My NC father voted yesterday -- for neither Trump nor Clinton -- and said that at the polling place where he went there were ten to twelve black voters for every white voter present.

Myballs said...

13 of last 16 posts from James. Another thread ruined.

I thought 2.0 was to eliminate this.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You are welcome to put here as many as you wish.

RCP Live Betting Odds
Chance of Clinton victory 76.6%
Chance of Trump victory 23.0%

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In regards to the Florida, Nevada and North Carolina.

The Latino vote has long lagged behind its potential, and turnout may depend largely on voter registrations. Studies show that once registered to vote, Latinos turn out at the same rate as white voters.

But with the window for registrations closed, outside organization are flooding key states to mobilize voters to the polls with volunteers and Spanish-language ads, like one featuring 11-year-old Sarai Gonzalez, the breakout star of Bomba Estereo’s “Soy Yo” video.

Some states are showing an uptick. Florida has seen record Latino turnout for early voting — up more than 100% compared with this point in early voting four years ago, according to data from Daniel Smith, a University of Florida political science professor.

Nevada’s Latino population also is highly organized for turnout, in large part because of the power of the culinary union. And in Texas, the El Paso Times reported record Latino early voting in three counties along the border with Mexico.

In North Carolina, Latino turnout already has topped 38,000 during early voting, according to Michael Bitzer, a professor at Catawba College. That’s more than half the total Latino ballots cast in 2012.

This could be it.

Hispanics who have registered as Republicans, could be the 28% reported in the poll CH differs with.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another thread ruined?
11 posts from KD

I don't know how many are



Loretta said...

Half of ALL posts are spam from James.

NO original opinion, most don't include links, which Roger asserts is illegal.....

Two trash blogs, BOTH created by Roger and James.

Commonsense said...

Hispanics who have registered as Republicans, could be the 28% reported in the poll CH differs with.

Not likely. "Hispanics" who register Republican are more than likely of Cuban ancestry (I put "Hispanics" in quotes because most Americans of central and south American ancestry despises the label, Cubans in particular). And they have real problems with the Clinton/Obama policy towards Castro's Cuba.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Another thread ruined?

every thread you and james touch, alky.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There is a sharp decline in the feeling among Cuban Americans that Obama's policy toward Cuba was wrong.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, it really ruins a thread to show so clearly how big a creep The Donald is.

Commonsense said...

There is a sharp decline in the feeling among Cuban Americans that Obama's policy toward Cuba was wrong.

Really James? And you know this how?

You don't live with them.
And you don't read their media.

So how do you know?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Most DO included links. It doesn't take too much intelligence to go to, for example.

I just watched the entire speech Obama gave in Charlotte, NC. It was, as my sister said, the old Obama. He pushed all the buttons, and, along with Clinton's superior ground game, could make a significant difference in Latino, black, and Native American turn out in that state.

Loretta said...

A crack dealer and a racist cop hater both support Hillary at her rally ...

Yeah, I'm impressed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I read (rhymes with reed.) I read (rhymes with red) it.

Loretta said...

" just watched the entire speech Obama gave in Charlotte, NC."

Pleasuring yourself....

Loretta said...

"every thread you and james touch, alky."

Like clockwork.

KD, Obma losses his mind yells at blacks, lol said...

Hillary Rotten Clinton has two active Criminal FBI Investigations going, they will go on well past the election and into the first term of the new President.

Thing is Trump is tied in PA and MI. Other states she held commanding leads she now is falling too far behind to make up.

So what happened to that 12 point lead?

My belief it was media wishful bs reporting of their fav Hoooker Hillary, she will do anything for a buck.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

...Pleasuring yourself...

Actually, unlike The Donald, I don't have to grab myself or anyone else anywhere.

Loretta said...

Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"

"You're tuned into the motherf----- greatest," a voice said as Jay Z appeared onstage.

"If you feelin' like a pimp n----, go and brush your shoulders off," Jay Z rapped. "Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N----- is crazy baby, don't forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders."

No thanks.

Loretta said...

James and Willie Jeff have a lot in common...

Jeffrey Epstein.

KD, HalfJane holding Hands, very sick behavor said...

"every thread you and james touch, alky."

LOL, yep never new men could be so breathlessly emotional.

94.3 Million Americans out of work.

Obama care is in free fall and crashing all over the pocket books and wallets of American House Holds.

Stocks dive.

Hooker Hillary wealth has rocketed in just a few years, like the cattle futures she committed crimes while doing and the people around her went to jail and lost their brokerage licenses.

KD, MI and PA Tied, other state GO Trump said...

Obama speech, racism at it very worse.

Dividing the USA is all he has ever done, his goal achieved.

One word I did not hear in his speech is "Prosperous" , never heard Hooker Hillary either, it is not a goal of the Liberal.

Hooker Hillary has a YUGE problem, more blacks are voting for Trump then did for Romney. The Black voter is the new swing voter. They are voting to get control of their lives back, to win economically and to create generational wealth.

KD said...

Anonymous wphamilton said...
Will the left take to the streets and riot On a Trump WIN?

Yes, KD, they probably will. There are many of them who believe that supporting Trump is literally hate speech."

I saw this, thank him for his honest input. I respect his opinion.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CLINTON HAS "two active Criminal FBI Investigations going..."

Actually, after the kind of revelations we see at 6:14 and 6:15AM above, it could very well be the FBI itself that comes under some very intense investigation.

FBI interference with an election is unprecedented in our history and the American people will not stand for it.

If everyone knew and understood what is revealed above, Hillary Clinton's election would be even more assured.

Anonymous said...

Loretta Russo said...
Jay Z also performed the song "Jigga My N----," in which he boasted that he was "Jay-Z, motherf-------!"

you know they're worried about low black voter turnout if they have to trot out this shitstain in an attempt to prop it up.

Loretta said...


Commonsense said...

Tim Kane in Bonita Springs? Boy talk about a waste of time and resources.

Anonymous said...

FBI interference with an election is unprecedented in our history and the American people will not stand for it.

well pastor pederast, it all could have been avoided -

This is the type of ends-justifies-means thinking that has guided Democrats since the beginning of this process, conveniently occluding their ability to recall that this whole problem is entirely of their own making. It was Hillary Clinton who set up a private e-mail server, almost certainly to evade federal transparency laws. It was Hillary Clinton who, in violation of the law, sent dozens of classified e-mails from the unsecured private account run through that server. It was Hillary Clinton who swore under oath that she had surrendered to investigators all work-related e-mails. It was Democrats who then went and nominated the woman under FBI investigation. And it was Loretta Lynch, a Democratic attorney general, who met with Bill Clinton behind closed doors on an airport tarmac in Phoenix and compromised any possibility of her trustworthiness when it came to this investigation.


But Comey’s missteps — many and large though they have been — were the result of Democrats who, from the White House on down, conducted themselves time and time again as if they were above the law.

Read more at:

don't want a scandal? don't nominate a scandalous candidate.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

RCP Live Betting Odds

Chance Hillary victory 78.2%
Chance of Donald victory 21.5%

Oh dear. At 9:14 this morning this was at 76.6% and 23.0%.

What could possibly be happening?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The second generation of Cuban refugees is Americanized.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

FLORIDA oh dear oh dear

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Next time nominate qualified candidate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Average 10/28 - 11/4 -- -- 45.0 42.7 4.8 2.1 Clinton +2.3
FOX News 11/1 - 11/3 1107 LV 3.0 45 43 5 2 Clinton +2
McClatchy/Marist 11/1 - 11/3 940 LV 3.2 44 43 6 2 Clinton +1
IBD/TIPP Tracking 11/1 - 11/4 804 LV 3.5 44 44 5 2 Tie
Rasmussen Reports 11/1 - 11/3 1500 LV 2.5 44 44 4 1 Tie
ABC/Wash Post Tracking 10/31 - 11/3 1419 LV 3.0 47 43 4 2 Clinton +4
Reuters/Ipsos 10/30 - 11/3 2021 LV 2.5 44 37 6 2 Clinton +7
Economist/YouGov 10/30 - 11/1 1233 LV 3.2 46 43 4 2 Clinton +3
Gravis 10/31 - 10/31 5360 RV 1.3 46 45 4 2 Clinton +1
CBS News/NY Times 10/28 - 11/1 1333 LV 3.0 45 42 5 4 Clinton +3
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Polling Data

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It appears that Clinton has regained the lead, post FBI. The battle states are going to be held, for the most part, by Clinton, because in most of them have local organisations, Trump does not.

It also appears that the Hispanic and Africa American contingencies are being motivated by the President, who is, more popular at this stage of his administration, than, Saint Ronald of the Reagan. The 4.9% jobless rate is also in her favor.

The coldheartedtruth the undecided voters are going with the candidate who they feel comfortable with, and that is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

ECV landslide at 312 or so.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fla. ― If the Republican Party’s challenge in winning the White House could be boiled down to a single image, it might be the 2-foot-by-3-foot sign in front of a polling place in this Central Florida city.

“VOTACION ADELANTADA,” it reads, and underneath: “24 de Octubre de 2016 – 6 de Noviembre de 2016.”

It’s not the Spanish wording per se ― there is an English version, too. What should be alarming for Republicans is the sign’s location: Not Miami, or even Tampa, but Osceola County, which until not long ago was home primarily to cattle ranchers ― and voted like it.

Today, the county is majority Latino, thanks in part to large numbers of Puerto Rican migrants moving to Central Florida. Unlike Hispanic immigrants, Puerto Ricans are already U.S. citizens, and can register to vote the day they step off the plane.

And this election, perhaps because of Republican nominee Donald Trump, they seem to be doing precisely that. Of the early votes cast by Friday, close to one-third of the Hispanic voters had never voted in an election before. And polling makes clear that they are overwhelmingly voting for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“That, my friends, is the definition of a surge,” said Steve Schale, the Democratic strategist who helped win the state twice for President Barack Obama and has been closely analyzing the early voting numbers in Florida for two weeks.

The looming danger for Republicans in this is clear. Republicans once were able to count on California, Texas and Florida in presidential contests. Then it was only Texas and Florida. A Clinton win in the Sunshine State on Tuesday could confirm the start of an era where Democrats head into presidential contests able to count on three of the mega-states ― California, New York and Florida ― with Republicans having only Texas.

Commonsense said...

Last two posts by Roger is long on wishful thinking and short on facts.

The fact is Republicans at way ahead in early voting compared to 2012 and Democrats are way behind.

And the fact is that Florida polls are bouncing between a Trump or a Clinton lead but it's all within the margin of error.

And my opinion based on their respective rallies, there is way more enthusiasm for Trump than there is for Clinton.

And my opinion is that polls are under-counting Trump support by 2 or 3 percent.

And if that is true, it will be Brexit all over again.

Loretta said...

"well pastor pederast, it all could have been avoided -"

He's watching videos of Obama, so you know what THAT means.....

KD, Trump Runs the Table said...


Well , the Three Liberal Stooges, shilling for Hooker Hillary have drank the koolaid.

But, the rest of us have had enough of:

Obama took over Health Care
Obama took over 96 percent of all new home loans
Obama took over 100 percent of all student loans

wphamilton said...

“This isn’t in keeping w the agreement,” Mook wrote to Podesta of the supposed Sanders infraction. “Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch–or did you establish a direct line w him?”

So as far back as 2014, the Clinton's had "leverage" against Sanders enforcing an "agreement" to refrain from even the most vague criticism. That explains a thing or two.

KD said...

HalfJane the dumbest drama queens eva"

I heard you two cheerleading Hillary's Economy.

Home ownership is at 60 year lows
Stocks fall, giving Wall Street its longest losing streak in 36 years
Los Angeles Times‎

KD said...

So as far back as 2014, the Clinton's had "leverage" against Sanders enforcing an "agreement" to refrain from even the most vague criticism. That explains a thing or two."

Yes it does, thanks for bring more corruption by the Hooker Hillary's Team of corrupted.

wphamilton said...

“politically craven at best or a liar at worst.”

Not written by one of her political enemies. Email to Clinton Campaign Chairman Podesta from Clinton surrogate Center for American Progress' Neera Tanden.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
It appears that Clinton has regained the lead, post FBI.


you moron. the entire fucking race is basically one big statistical tie.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A big statistical tie.

Average 10/28 - 11/4 -- -- 44.9 42.9 4.8 2.1 Clinton +2.0
FOX News 11/1 - 11/3 1107 LV 3.0 45 43 5 2 Clinton +2
McClatchy/Marist 11/1 - 11/3 940 LV 3.2 44 43 6 2 Clinton +1
IBD/TIPP Tracking 11/1 - 11/4 804 LV 3.5 44 44 5 2 Tie
Rasmussen Reports 11/1 - 11/3 1500 LV 2.5 44 44 4 1 Tie
Reuters/Ipsos 10/31 - 11/4 2244 LV 2.2 43 39 6 2 Clinton +4
ABC/Wash Post Tracking 10/31 - 11/3 1419 LV 3.0 47 43 4 2 Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov 10/30 - 11/1 1233 LV 3.2 46 43 4 2 Clinton +3
Gravis 10/31 - 10/31 5360 RV 1.3 46 45 4 2 Clinton +1
CBS News/NY Times 10/28 - 11/1 1333 LV 3.0 45 42 5 4 Clinton +3
All General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Polling Data

With two days to go, have another six pack of PBR.

Trump doesn't lead in a single poll .

wphamilton said...

Roger, Which of those leads are not within the poll's margin of error?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous wphamilton said...
Roger, Which of those leads are not within the poll's margin of error?


thank you, wp.

roger possesses the political prognostication ability of a potted plant.

"With two days to go, have another six pack of PBR."

perhaps you should try attending 7 or 8 AA meetings. all of granny's leads are within the MOE. ask one of the losers at AA to explain that to you.

s l o w l y.

Commonsense said...

Speaking of Nate Silver, The Huffington Post is upset at Nate for not being in the tank enough for Hillary Clinton.

BTW the HuffPost has Trump at a 2% chance of winning. Which makes them the leading candidate for idiot of the year should Trump win.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp They are all within the margin of error, of course.

But not one of them shows Trump ahead.

None of them show how large the early voting numbers are.

The Headlines in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times and The Wall Street Journal report massive turnout of Hispanics in almost every area. So I feel comfortable with what I'm saying.

wphamilton said...

None show him behind either, Roger. Within the margin of error means a statistical tie.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Huff Po has been criticizing Nate Silver for skewing the polls and thus giving Trump a "heart-stopping" 35% of winning:

"HuffPost Pollster is giving Clinton a 98 percent chance of winning, and The New York Times’ model at The Upshot puts her chances at 85 percent."

Huff Po concludes:

"If you want to put your faith in the numbers, you can relax. She's got this."
I'd like to think Huff Po is right. :-)

Indy Voter said...

Her path is easier than his, but this isn't in the bag. If he can't take CO, MI, or PA he will need to sweep FL, IA, NC, NH, NV, and ME-02 to get to 270. And right now he's still behind in CO, MI, and PA - unless the polls are wrong.

Less than 52 hours until Dixville Notch votes!

wphamilton said...

Indy, Clinton's lead in the recent Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll in PA is 4 points when third party candidates are included, which is within the poll's 5.5 point margin of error. You cannot predict the outcome within the margin of error, except that it will be somewhere within that range 90% of the time, or whatever the confidence interval is. ie, Trump could win as easily as Clinton according to that poll.

And here's the thing about the poll in PA. It ALSO found that voters had heightened concerns about potential violence in the area. People with those concerns and supporting Trump don't want to make that public, and could be reluctant even over the phone. The poll could plausibly have undersampled Trump support.

Indy Voter said...

You do realize that Clinton hasn't trailed in a single poll in PA since before the conventions, don't you? If she's actually behind Trump now, then the polls are wrong.

Still almost 60 hours until the polls open there. Could still be movement, but Trump is still playing catch up in my view.

wphamilton said...

CO is hard to poll. Some polls show Clinton with a slim lead, other recent polls show a deadlock. So if Trump does need to take only one of PA, CO or MI, and he has say 50% chance in PA and 50% in CO, then even disregarding MI he'd be 75% to take at least one of those two.

wphamilton said...

Indy, look at what I said. I didn't say that Trump leads in PA. I said "You cannot predict the outcome within the margin of error, and that poll IS within the margin of error.

That means one is as likely to win as the other.

Indy Voter said...

No. It means that Clinton is more likely ahead than Trump, but that the possibility that Trump is actually ahead is not negligible.

We've had this discussion many times, WP. I'm not going to repeat it again. Wait until the returns come in and then decide whether the polls were good or bad indicators. That is what I will do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Early Voting Trends Favor Clinton In Florida

“In a sign of momentum for Hillary Clinton, Florida Democrats widened their lead over Republicans in casting early ballots in the nation’s biggest political battleground Saturday morning as she and Donald Trump paid late-minute visits to the Sunshine State,” Politico reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Good morning!

See my last two posts morning from in the thread above.

Commonsense said...

Roger: The second generation of Cuban refugees is Americanized.

James: There is a sharp decline in the feeling among Cuban Americans that Obama's policy toward Cuba was wrong.

About those Cuban Americans.

Shift among Cuban American voters could deliver Florida to Donald Trump

If Republican candidate Donald Trump wins Florida, as some polls predict, and goes on to win the Nov. 8 election — a big if, but not an impossible outcome — he might have President Obama to thank for lending him a hand in the final stretch of the race.

Obama’s Oct. 14 decision to further relax the U.S. embargo on Cuba by allowing American tourists to bring back unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars, as well as his Oct. 26 decision to abstain for the first time in a United Nations vote against the U.S. embargo on Cuba, have probably pushed many undecided Cuban Americans in Florida to vote for Trump.

“Cubans return to Trump,” read a sub-headline of The New York Times Upshot/Siena University poll released Oct. 27, which gave Trump a four-point lead in Florida. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was leading in the same poll only a month earlier.

It's OK if you never been to Florida or have ever talked to a Cuban American. But at least read someone who has.

wphamilton said...

We've had this discussion many times, WP. I'm not going to repeat it again.

I was hoping you'd see the error this time, but I'll respect your wishes to not go over it again.

wphamilton said...

Donald Trump causing a historic drop in the stock markets. LOL the mainstream attacks are pulling out all the stops this weekend.

The only good thing about this election is it will be over in a couple of days. Unless Clinton wins of course, then that part won't stop until she purges the FBI and stacks the Justice Department with insiders.