Thursday, February 1, 2018

The more the FBI and Democrats "protest" the release of the memo...

the more the American public will want to see what's in it.

This is fundamental psychology. The only reasonable explanation here is that the FBI and/or the Democrats believe that if they went "all in" attacking everything and anything they can, that it would either prevent the release or muddy up the waters enough to dilute the impact. I would offer that the totally irrelevant and logically void argument that this is about the Mueller probe is probably the most desperate (and transparent) of all.

I wonder if politicians (like the radio DJ who talks over the intro of every song) actually believe that people actually like listening to the drone? Maybe if they can time their political rhetoric to end "right" before the lead singer kicks in, everyone will be impressed, and suddenly believe that allowing the public to see possible law enforcement improprieties is a bad thing, and a distraction from much more important matters.

The reality is that it simply makes them all look like they have something to hide. Moreover, nobody is going to mind if the FBI wants to release the "whole" story here, so telling us that there is an omission of fact is a bluff that I doubt they would ever carry through with.


Anonymous said...

it looks like today's the BIGLY day:

...and the schiff hits the fan.

Anonymous said...

interesting. general flynn's sentencing hearing has been postponed:

i thought they had his ass dead to rights.

Anonymous said...

interesting. it seems the panic is reaching a crescendo:

Transcript Shows The Daily Beast Peddled Fake News About Devin Nunes

The Daily Beast's headline, subheadline, and lede about the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee refusing to answer a question are all false.

commie said...

the more the American public will want to see what's in it.

Your editorializing and speaking for all americans continues to be your foolish choice of supporting the BS...I for one, who knows a whole lot more about state secretes than you can ever opine on, do not want to see the memo, especially coming from the hacks in your party...It is a diversion which you are happy to accept and are ready to open secrets that are the boogie man of your thinking. Sad, you cannot see how you have been manipulated....

Anonymous said...

.I for one, who knows a whole lot more about state secretes


what does your daughters vaginal discharge have to do with anything?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The only reasonable explanation is that almost every day you have been seduced by The President. You aren't reasonable, because you can't see how that dictatorship work on people like you. Intelligent people work for dictator.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The famously ratings-obsessed Donald Trump will not like the overnights. Preliminary numbers from Nielsen show the president’s first State of the Union address, billed as “must-watch TV” by press secretary Sarah Sanders this week, did not attract record viewership–and it didn’t beat Barack Obama’s first State of the Union ratings back in 2010.

According to data released Wednesday by Nielsen, Trump’s speech drew a combined 17.3 million viewers on the cable news networks–with Fox News dominating cable news–and another 23.1 million watching on the four broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox. In that matchup, NBC News finished first with a total average audience of 7.1 million viewers, just ahead of CBS with 7 million. ABC was third with 5.4 million and the Fox broadcast network had 3.6 million.

On cable, Fox News Channel crushed its competition, with 11.5 million viewers–more than second-placed CNN (3.1 million) and third-placed MSNBC (2.7 million) combined.

The president’s first address to a joint session of Congress last February did better, with a total audience of 47.7 million viewers. President Obama, Trump will not be happy to learn, had better ratings for his first speech to Congress in 2009 (52.4 million viewers) and his first SOTU (48 million).

Anonymous said...

trump lied!!! his ratings died!!!


geezus alky, nobody i know self-parodies like you do.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The only reasonable explanation is that almost every day you have been seduced by The President.

that's right alky. for me personally it's the hair. and his hands. seductive as hell, they are.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How big are his hands?

He impresses you so much.

Was that birth certificate a forgery?

He is trying to discredit the DOJ and the FBI to stop the investigation, and you irrationally believe him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

for me personally it's the hair. and his hands. seductive as hell, they are.

rrb is in love,!INSANE

C.H. Truth said...

did not attract record viewership–

Ooooh... the standard is "record viewership" or bust?

In an age when many people don't watch television. Instead possibly live streamed through the internet, or watched a recording (as I did)....

This was the highest rated address since 2010.

It's conceivable (maybe even probable) that when you add in those who watched via the internet, or via recording, that were looking at something "record setting".

To put it in perspective.

Obama's last SOTU got 19.6 rating.
Trump's first got 28.7 rating.

That's nearly 1.5 times the viewership from last year. A pretty big showing, all things considered. The fact it wasn't a "record" doesn't diminish the big number.

commie beats the snot out of rats..... said...

Rat the hole shits his brain again with,.....

what does your daughters vaginal discharge have to do with anything?

Does your wife attracting stray dogs at night keep you up???? God you are an incessant proud you support stupidity...

commie said...

This was the highest rated address since 2010.

So...Still not a record, which trump obsesses over like you....LOL

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

How big are his hands?

i'm not exactly sure since tv makes everything look bigger.

Was that birth certificate a forgery?

whose? 0linsky's? got me. but skeets' photo with screwy louie farrakhan certainly wasn't. nice slight of hand keeping THAT out of the public eye until the piece of shit left office.

He is trying to discredit the DOJ and the FBI to stop the investigation, and you irrationally believe him.

the DOJ and FBI have been doing an absolutely spectacular job discrediting THEMSELVES, alky. the FBI in particular is rotten to the core and has been since the days of cross-dressing j edgar.

this isn't about "believing" trump alky. it never has been. this has always been about getting to the bottom of the shenanigans the intelligence community, the FBI, the DOJ, and who knows who the fuck else have been pulling in concert with the democrats (led by your very own 0linsky) to take down trump.

what? you expected trump to roll over? heh. looks like you guys picked the wrong guy to fuck with. your butt hurt is only just beginning pal.

Anonymous said...

btw, nice work on the scalise shooting, there alky.

it's almost as if you pulled the trigger yourself.

caliphate4vr said...

He is trying to discredit the DOJ and the FBI

Nah, that occurred when Ted Stevens conviction was overturned. or when they shot Vicki Weaver while she was holding her toddler

Eliminate the swamp

Anonymous said...

The Democratic Party pretends to care so much about national security, to have such faith in the FBI’s stewardship of it, and such diffidence of the American people’s capacity to judge such matters, that its leading spokesmen have joined the agencies’ demand on Trump.

This is as rich constitutionally as it is politically. The Agencies, having told the country and President Trump for a year that they are the arbiters of secrecy, scurry to get back under the presidency’s protective power by asserting that this power extends over Congress as well.

Sorry, fellas, it does not. No president can tell Congress what to tell or not to tell the American people, or not to subpoena your documents, or not to put you in jail if you don’t comply. Maybe if you had not slapped your lawful boss around with your pretense of “independence,” if you had come to him confessing your sins and humbly asking his indulgence, you might not be in this fix. Now you are asking for a “get out of jail” card, which he probably can’t give you even if he wanted to.

The reason is political. Despite your, the Democratic Party’s, and the media’s dogged efforts to deep-six the facts concerning your misdeeds, nothing is going to put these black cats back into the proverbial bag. They are coming to light through the whistle-blowers among you, working with journalists on the media’s periphery, and with substantial Republican elements. At this point, the more you protest “National Security,” the fewer people believe you and the more you anger.

Your best hope is to retire and resign, hoping that your soft-hearted opponents might be satisfied with non-punitive housecleaning. The chief of the FBI’s national security division did that as soon as NSA sounded the alarm over the not-so-incidental interception of Trump campaign officials’ communications. Bruce Ohr was demoted, “Andy” McCabe functionally retired. What will the people involved in asking for certain FISA warrants do? When will they do it?

At this point, your retreats are being covered by ever fiercer fire from a decreasing number of officials and media people. But that ferocity makes it impossible for your opponents to let you off the hook. For the rest of us, this is a spectacle.

Naval War College professor Tom Nichols said...

Let’s Play Alternate Universe

Here's a "little thought experiment” from Naval War College professor Tom Nichols:

“It’s 2017, and President Hillary Clinton is facing charges that Chelsea met with Russians who offered oppo on Trump. Chelsea didn’t call the FBI; and Clinton nat sec adviser Jake Sullivan lied to the FBI about talking to the Russians.”

President Clinton fires the F.B.I. director after he declines her request to “let it go” on Sullivan. “Then, at least three other Clinton campaign officials end up indicted. All of them are tied in some way to a hostile foreign power.” Later, she threatens to “yank FOX’s license” because she didn’t like its critical coverage.

“I’m sure … totally sure …” Nichols added with no little irony, “that stalwarts of the G.O.P. would say: Look, this is a nothingburger, you can’t define ‘collusion,’ it’s just ‘the coffee boy,’ and on and on.”


more political_lire spam ........



oh, the best the "pastor" can do

Teresa Dulyea-Parker said...

James Boswell of Normal, Illinois is a pedophile.

Soon when you Google Rev James Boswell, "pedophile" will show in the searches.

Sweet justice.

Anonymous said...


Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in first quarter, Atlanta Fed tracker shows
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
Published 48 Mins Ago Updated 35 Mins Ago
The Atlanta Fed updated its rolling look at the U.S. economy, projecting that GDP would grow 5.4 percent in the first quarter"

Commonsense said...

Is the other show about to drop?

Report: McCabe May Have Asked FBI Agents to Change 302 Forms

Investigative journalist Sara Carter reported on Fox News last night that outgoing FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe may be in serious trouble if the information she had received from FBI sources proves to be true.

"I have been told tonight by a number of sources ... that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to actually change their 302s," Carter told host Sean Hannity.

The 302 form contains information from the notes an FBI agent takes during an interview of a subject. It is used by FBI agents to "report or summarize the interviews that they conduct."

"So basically every time an FBI agent interviews a witness, they have to go back and file a report," Carter explained.

Hannity pointed out that, if true, it would constitute a case of obstruction of justice, and Carter agreed. She said the matter was being investigated by FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Hannity pointed out that, if true, it would constitute a case of obstruction of justice, and Carter agreed. She said the matter was being investigated by FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"If this is true -- and not just alleged -- if this is true, McCabe will be fired," Carter said. "They are considering firing him in the next few days. If this turns out to be true," she added.

It may be why McCabe was told to leave right away after Wrey saw the memo.
It may also be why Mueller is delaying Flynn's sentencing hearing.

McCabe is technically on terminal leave till retirement, If fired for cause he will lose his pension.

So far it is only one report based on a number of anonymous sources, stay tune.

Commonsense said...
