Saturday, March 10, 2018

So Stormy Daniels isn't going away anytime soon...

Does anyone have a list of all the things that were not going away anytime soon... 
but still managed to go away in spite of these exclamations? 


Commonsense said...

As I said in the previous thread, the left have to fixate on something.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is going to meet with Rocket man and you're worried about a porn star and the President who has cheated on every wife.

Or shouting Lock her up

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Coldheartedtruth is not true any more .

Loretta said...

Start your own blog chicken shit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not a c/p

How on earth did THIS U.S. president who promised "fire and fury" raining down on Pyongyang come to planning a meeting with the leader of the world's most rogue state, arming itself with nuclear weapons?

In the period before the outbreak of World War Two there was a agreement between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, they agreed upon their effective borders. The Germans didn't comply and millions died.

This President is not qualified by any measure to be the President, but more importantly is that he would be responsible for the deaths of upwards of a million people, military and civilian. I'm very concerned this event.

Incognito said...

Alzheimer's disease is a tragedy for the victims and their families .

commie said...

Alzheimer's disease is a tragedy for the victims and their families .

Especially for loathsome lesbian loretta and CH.....LOL

Loretta said...

"I'm very concerned this event."

Of course you are...

commie said...

Poor malodorous.....married a rich womanizer......I hope she gets what she deserves....Wonder how long she will stick around?????

Commonsense said...

"I'm very concerned this event."

Concerned he'll have a huge success and confound you beliefs and expectations again.

I for one certainly hopes he has a huge success and gets Kim to give up his nukes.

And since you live in California, you better hope he succeeds too.

Commonsense said...

I somewhat suspect Meliena went into the marriage with eyes wide opened. Trump's previous palandering was no great secret.

Right now it's nobody's business but her's.

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Rog - this post is a tongue in cheek response to this:

Where the NY Times states:

As this drama unfolds, it’s becoming clear that, for all its sordid details, it isn’t really a sex scandal. It’s a campaign finance scandal, a transparency scandal and potentially part of an ongoing national security scandal. It’s salacious and absurd, but we should take it seriously.

You see Rog... it's your left wing media who seems to believe that Stormy Daniels is the "next big thing" that is going to bring down the President. The left wing media are the ones suggesting that this so called "scandal" is sticking around.

But I guess, some people have limited ability to recognize sarcasm. Only higher intelligence people have that ability.

Commonsense said...

Trump at his Trumpiest.

Trump says 'the world is watching' Pennsylvania during campaign rally for Saccone

It was quite a show. Chuck Todd won't be so happy. Neither would Oprah Winfrey. Trump is baiting her to run. If there's any place a Trump rally will help the get out the vote it's the Pennsylvania 18th. However, it's still a big bet on Saccone.

Or put it another way. If the Democrat can't beat Saccone, then no Democrat can win PA 18.

Anonymous said...

This President is not qualified by any measure to be the President

yet you worshipped an ACORN hack and alinsky disciple who had, as MSDNC's howard fineman tells it - "a cup of coffee in the senate."

wphamilton said...

Am I getting old, or is that an unflattering shot of Stormy Daniels? It doesn't bother me with respect to Trump, de gustibus non disputandum es and all.

What does bother me is the whole deal with his lawyer Cohen, and the payoff, the whole sequence stinks to high heaven. The non-disclosure, you have to take that seriously because Trump's lawyers have always had a scorched earth policy with those agreements, and they have gone after anyone who's breathed a hint about them. I hope that the lady has buttoned down her helmet. But I suspect that she doesn't have much in the way of legal representation, not the talent that she needs anyway, and doesn't know what's coming.

Anonymous said...

Am I getting old, or is that an unflattering shot of Stormy Daniels?

we're getting old.

and there's hardly a shot that can be taken of an old whore that i would describe as flattering. what's most UNflattering is how trump's opponents seem to have seized upon this hag as the next big thing that will destroy this presidency. if you've pinned all of your hopes to a worn out porn actress you've basically lost the battle before it's even begun.

Myballs said...

If it was bubba tapping that, there'd be attaboys all around and it has nothing to do with job performance. Remember that?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mr. Trump has put a sober conservative on the Supreme Court, and many conservative judges on the lower courts. This provides greater balance in the judiciary. In a split country, split courts—balance—is probably the best we can do.

The economy is improving. And Mr. Trump helped pass a tax bill that was better—maybe a little, maybe a lot, but certainly better—than what it replaced.

Not bad for a first year in office!

But the last week has shown us what we will have to deal with for three more years, and God forbid, seven more years.

His staff never knows what’s he’s going to do on any given day. And each day the Mueller leaks offer more evidence that whatever questionable or illegal activity took place during the campaign, Mr. Trump surrounded himself with a true Team of Screwballs.

Crazy doesn’t last. Crazy doesn’t go the distance. Crazy is an unstable element that, when let loose in an unstable environment, explodes.

And so your disquiet. Sooner or later something bad will happen—an international crisis, or damaging findings from the special counsel. If the president is the way he is on a good day, what will he be like on a bad day?

He’s unserious— Vladimir Putin says his missiles can get around any U.S. defense, and Mr. Trump is tweeting about Alec Baldwin.

It all feels so dangerous.

A president who has relative prosperity and relative peace should be at 60% approval. This is why he is about 20 points lower.

Centrists and moderates are seeing what Trump supporters cannot, will not see. I see this with every post by Scott. He won't or can't see how crazy he is.

it's not the Media telling stories about him that you all believe are fake, it's his behavior,

It isn’t snobbery. The people trying to wrap their heads around this presidency are patriots too. That’s one of the hellish things about this era.

I get tired of being called alky, etc.That won't stop, because he usual suspect isn't smart enough to reply. LOL.

But the truth is as a patriotic American, this man who believes that he knows everything, is dangerous to the nation. He's not going to read any briefings on North Korea. He knows all he knows he needs to know. He said that in many speeches and repeated it yesterday. I would like to help you wrap your heads around this, but it's not possible.

commie said...

How any woman, with the exception of our loathsome lesbian loretta, can continue to support the adulterer in chief is beyond me....seems some women of his core support are showing regret....just wonder when the rest will smarten up....

“I would like for someone to challenge him,” Ms. Rains said, as she sipped wine recently with two other evangelical Christian women at a suburban restaurant north of Dallas. “But it needs to be somebody that’s strong enough to go against the Democrats.” Her preferred alternative: Nikki R. Haley, the United Nations ambassador and former South Carolina governor.

One of her friends, Linda Leonhart, agreed. “I will definitely take a look to see who has the courage to take on a job like this and do what needs to be done,” she said.

While the men in the pulpits of evangelical churches remain among Mr. Trump’s most stalwart supporters, some of the women in the pews may be having second thoughts. As the White House fights to silence a pornographic actress claiming an affair with Mr. Trump, and a jailed Belarusian escort claims evidence against the American president, Mr. Trump’s hold on white evangelical women may be slipping.

According to data from the Pew Research Center, support among white evangelical women in recent surveys has dropped about 13 percentage points, to 60 percent, compared with about a year ago. That is even greater than the eight-point drop among all women.

“That change is statistically significant,” said Gregory A. Smith, Pew’s associate director of research, who also noted a nine-point drop among evangelical men. “Both groups have become less approving over time.”

If that drop in support translates into a lack of enthusiasm among core Trump supporters in the midterm elections in November, as it did for many of President Barack Obama’s voters in 2010, the Republican Party could be more vulnerable in its efforts to maintain control of Congress. In 2020, it would also possibly open a lane for a primary challenger to the president.

commie said...

apping that, there'd be attaboys all around and it has nothing to do with job performance. Remember that?

You are delusional ballz....and brainwashed.....LOLOLOL Like with bubba....didn't give a fuck who he was tapping....same with donnie who has had his dick in more holes wilt chamberlain. What I don't get is how the holy rollers will tolerate his behavior because he supports their agenda...typical hypocrite baptists who never buy liquor ...

Commonsense said...

But the last week has shown us what we will have to deal with for three more years, and God forbid, seven more years.

Oh please!!! After eight years of supporting Bill the rapist you have the nerve to post this.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bill Clinton doesn't matter.

Trump matters .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

it's not the Media telling stories about him that you all believe are fake, it's his behavior,

It isn’t snobbery. The people trying to wrap their heads around this presidency are patriots too. That’s one of the hellish things about this era.

All you can think about is Bill and crooked Hillary.

He's not going to read the daily intelligence report or the Korean briefings.

You don't care

Commonsense said...

Your hypocrisy is astounding, and you're really not to be taken seriously at all.

Trump has done more good for the country in eight months than your plastic jesus did in eight years.

That's what counts.

Your elitist sensibilities be damned.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1. "Hello Pittsburgh. Hello Pittsburgh."

"Hello Cleveland!"

2. "And a lot of steel mills are now opening up because of what I did."

Trump signed the steel tariff measure on Thursday. So, that's, um, fast work.

3. "Pennsylvania is the state that gave us the 45th president of the United States."

This is beyond third person. It's like fourth person, says a reporter for CNN.

4. "A lot of evil. A lot of bad people. A lot of bad people."

This is Trump talking about Washington. It's a throwaway line, but think about what he is saying here. It's not just that there are people who disagree with him in Washington. It's that these people are bad, they are evil. Rhetoric like this has consequences. I think Trump knows that but doesn't really care because it works for him.

5. "President Moon of South Korea said without Donald Trump, the Olympics would have been a total failure. That's true. True."

Ok, follow this logic: Trump is tough on Kim Jong Un and North Korea → Kim backs down off his nuclear threats → Olympics succeed. Done and done!

6. "It's a little hard to sell tickets when you think you are going to be nuked."


7. "He's a sleeping son of a bitch."

This is a sentence from the President of the United States. (He's talking about "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd.)

8. "But they show me young, handsome."

Self deprecation, thy name is not Donald Trump.

9. "They are very happy with what I'm doing."

Trump is talking here about Japan. And he's wrong.

10. "A certain anchor on CNN ... fake as hell CNN, the, fake as hell CNN, the worst, so fake, fake news."

This is a "sentence" from the President of the United States.

11. "Arnold Schwarzenegger failed when he did the show and he was a movie star. Martha Stewart failed."

How did Trump get onto the ratings for "The Celebrity Apprentice"? Oh, I have no idea.

12. "NBC is perhaps worst than CNN, I have to tell you. And MSNBC is horrible."

Updated Trump media rankings: 1. CNN 2. NBC 3. MSNBC ("horrible").

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

13. "So here they are, they are outside, these wonderful representatives, very high level from South Korea, are saying all of these things, de-nuke, and all of the things that they can't believe, because it's like five years ahead of schedule."

Every English teacher in the country just fainted.

14. "No, no, they are saying Obama. Obama. Obama. Obama was driving you down."

Your guess is as good as mine. Quite literally.

15. "I'm joking about being president for life."

"There is a grain of truth in every joke."

16. "Did you see the other day, 96% of what they do, all I do is good stuff, the economy is the best it's ever been."

I read this "sentence" five times. I have absolutely no idea what he is saying. Like, none.

17. "Your coal -- by the way, folks, some of you are in the coal world, your coal is coming back big, big, big."

B-I-G. Yuge. The best coal comeback. Believe me. Many people are saying it.

18. "But your steel is coming back. It's all coming back ..."

19. "... And six months prior to the election in 2020, every one of those guys, we really endorse Donald Trump, we think he has to."

These are back-to-back sentences from Donald Trump. Also, if you look up "non sequitur" in the dictionary, you get these two sentences.

20. "I was watching, during the campaign, and Hillary was sitting right there, and Pocahontas was up, she was so angry, you know, I think she's losing the audience."

"Pocahontas" is Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts). As for the rest: ???????.

21. "I would love to beat Oprah. I know her weakness."

Is this like an Achilles heel type situation? Or is Trump issuing some sort of vague threat to Oprah?

22. "Women, women, we love you, we love you."

Offered without comment.

23. "We got 52%, right, 52."

Trump is saying that he won 52% of the vote among women. He didn't. He got 41%. Trump got 52% among white women.

24. "By the way, if we coasted for two-and-a-half years, we did a hell of a job."

Trump suggesting he could do nothing more until 2020 and he should still get elected because of everything he has done to date.

25. "I love the policeman. I love the fireman."

I love lamp.

26. "And Maxine Waters, a very low IQ individual."

Not for nothing: Waters is an African-American woman. And, yes, Trump is well aware of that fact.

27. "She's a low IQ individual. She can't help it."

So: Trump is suggesting that the reason Waters criticizes him is because she is dumb and can't help herself. Yes, that's it.

28. "And Conor Lamb, Lamb the sham."

Credit where credit is due: "Lamb the Sham" is a damn good nickname. (Lamb is the Democrat running against Saccone in the 18th district special election.)

29. "I hear he's better looking. I think I'm better looking than him. I do. I do."

This is a sentence from the President of the United States.

30. "And you did a great job on television today. I watched you, Rick, that was a great interview."

Trump is obsessed with cable TV. Despite all of his denials, he consumes massive amounts of cable. It's the lens through which he sees the world.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He got us out of the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression

We had a record number of consecutive months of improving economic growth in history.

james said...

Trump Lawyers May Try to Block ’60 Minutes’ Interview

Lawyers associated with President Trump are considering legal action to stop 60 Minutes from airing an interview with Stormy Daniels, BuzzFeed News reports.

“It was not immediately clear what legal argument the lawyers would be making to support the considered litigation, and Trump and his legal team often have threatened litigation without following through on those threats in the past.”

james said...

LOTS of good stuff at just now.

Teresa Dulyea-Parker said...

James Boswell of Normal, Illinois is a pedophile and admits it.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
He got us out of the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression

like FDR, skeets made it last much longer than was necessary.

James, admitting nothing of the sort, , said...

Stormy Daniels Offers to Return Payment to End Deal for Her Silence

The New York Times
54 mins ago

It ain't going away.

wphamilton said...

Anonymous James, admitting nothing of the sort, , said...
Stormy Daniels Offers to Return Payment to End Deal for Her Silence

I may be wrong in this particular, but I believe that her potential exposure due to abrogating the NDA is limited to the amount that she was contractually paid. And a possible punitive penalty depending on the jurisdiction and whether she has violated some other statute, but basically the "damages" Trump can seek are $130K and that's it. I'm assuming that nothing special is written into the contract regarding breach.

So if she's really willing to hand that back, there isn't a whole lot of leverage left against her. Of course, Cohen is going to be threatening her with all sorts of dire consequences, crippling attorney fees and, likely, the inevitable exposure of information she'd probably want kept quiet. Then it starts getting interesting.

Commonsense said...

No. They can theoretically seek damages in the millions for each violation of the agreement.

The penalties are far more than the initial agreement.

So the offer to return the money is nothing more than a stunt. It's far more valuable for Cohen to keep the agreement intact.