Sunday, February 9, 2020

Klobuchar gains in most recent polling!

Amy Klobuchar may have found a second (or would it be a first) wind after her surprisingly close to Biden finish in Iowa and a well received debate performance. She has now jumped into double digits and pulled within 0.2% of Biden in New Hampshire polling. The most recent Emerson shows her in third place behind Sanders and Buttigieg.

If there would be anything that could push Klobuchar into remaining in the race through Super Tuesday it would be beating Biden in at least one of the first four states. Not that I think Klobuchar is going to become the "moderate lane" frontrunner (that's a long shot), but I think she could stick around to muddy things up. Again, it would be bad enough if Super Tuesday still included both Buttigieg and Biden to compete with Bloomberg in that "moderate lane" but even worse to have four people competing with two or even possibly just one candidate left in the "Democratic Socialist" lane.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

She may end up being a very good Veep candidate along with Mighty Mike.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If she wins the nomination, Mayor Pete as the Vice president candidate, they could easily carry the "midwestern" states in a landslide.

That's not my prediction. But it easier than Biden.

But they won't be able to motivate the African American voters.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The word Democrat will do that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The word Trump will also do it.

Anonymous said...

And down does James. mini-Mike no longer his go to candidate.

Black, Latino and blue collar Democrats are finding a home with Pres. Trump.

Anonymous said...

So Biden has been stabbed in the back by James and Roger.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

If she wins the nomination, Mayor Pete as the Vice president candidate, they could easily carry the "midwestern" states in a landslide.

and there it is.

the fucking dumbass alky "landslide" comment we all knew was coming this election year.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You ignored what I said.

That's not my prediction. But it easier than Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bullshit again.

In 2018 the Hispanic population and the African American politics voted for the Democrats by about 90%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Black, Latino and blue collar Democrats are finding a home with Klobuchar.

In the critical middle Western states.

Pennsylvania Michigan and Wisconsin are Klobuchar states.

She's not a Democratic Socialist.

Maybe she's the Obama of 2008.

Anonymous said...

In 2018 the Hispanic population and the African American politics voted for the Democrats by about 90%.

and since then they are enjoying the best overall economy and the lowest unemployment rates in their demographic OF ALL TIME.

democrats have enslaved minorities. trump has economically emancipated them.

why in the ever loving fuck would they vote democrat, alky?


C.H. Truth said...

In 2018 the Hispanic population and the African American politics voted for the Democrats by about 90%.

Trump got 8% of the Black vote and 28% of the Hispanic vote in 2016. He's making the move to drastically improve that with Black and Hispanic men.

Van Jones has even suggested that Trump is improving with the Black community and could get close to double what he got in 2016. Says if Trump makes 16% of the African American Voter, it's all over for the Democrat!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A CNN-University of New Hampshire poll released Saturday showed Buttigieg at 21%, up from 15% in a similar poll conducted last month. Other data shows a similar swell of support.

C.H. Truth said...

So Rog... you "riding" the Buttigieg express now?

Just as James has become a fan of Little Mikey Bloomberg?

I wonder who Denny has determined is the new savior?