And why it's so important!
So lets cut to the chase... We have Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden, Warren, Klobuchar, and as they used to say at the end of the original Gilligan's Island theme song... "the rest". I would argue at this point that I list them in the order the reflects their chance of victory. If they are not listed, then there is a better chance than not that they will drop out before ever earning a single delegate. Yes, that even includes the ever personable Andrew Yang!
Let's be clear, Sanders, Buttigieg and Bloomberg are the only sure bets to make it to Super Tuesday. Sanders will make it because he will likely be leading in delegates and fundraising. Buttigieg will make it because he can still claim victory in Iowa (every Democratic nominee for President in recent history has won Iowa) and will be not far behind Sanders in fundraising. Bloomberg will be there because he has already dumped millions into the Super Tuesday states and it's his strategy to start there.
But the bigger question is who else is going to be there? I think we can assume that "the rest" (Deval Patrick, Michael Bennett, Andrew Yang, Tulsi Gabbard, and Tom Steyer) will be all gone by then, or at least should be. If not who cares? They would literally just be a name on the ballot with little resources or hope to garner votes. I think it will be difficult for Amy Klobuchar to break through between now and then, and it's likely her bid for a Vice President offer will come to an end as soon as after New Hampshire.
But what about Biden and Warren? These are two people who many expected to be the final two standing and both have led in the National polling and were at one time betting favorites to become the nominee. How hard would it be for either of these former front runners to drop out "before" Super Tuesday?
Yet, the overall race "could" actually be decided by whether these two stay in the race or drop out? Imagine a scenario where Biden stays in and Warren gets out, leaving a final four of the liberal Sanders, and three (Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden) left running in the moderate lane against him. Next imagine the opposite, where the final four pits two liberals (Sanders and Warren) against two so-called moderates (Bloomberg and Buttigieg). Warren getting out puts Sanders in a great position to come out of Super Tuesday well in the lead. Biden getting out, helps "prevent" Sanders from running away with a big lead. Will either of them consider these things or is it all entirely personal?
This was the same argument we heard in 2016 with the GOP and Trump, and why so many people were angry that John Kasich stuck around as long as he did, siphoning off moderate votes from the likes of Marco Rubio and (some would argue even) Ted Cruz. It turned out okay for the Republican Party. Hard today to even imagine the Party without Trump at the top. But he won, and it is probably more likely than not that Democrats running a literal "socialist" would not garner the same results.
So who will end up getting out of the way and who plays the potential spoiler? Or am I wrong to assume that Warren or Biden do not have a second wind, a last gasp, or an ace up their sleeve that can reveres their recent misfortunes? All I know is who is left standing after South Carolina might give us a pretty good indication of how the rest of the primary season plays out!
This man should be president, and here is why:
Mayor Bloomberg on Firing Line
The video is 27 minutes long and full of truth.
James commits to Billionaire Mini Mike.
Finally you committed.
Now get Dennis and Roger to commit.
Biden, the Failed Coup exposed him and his kids.
Thanks Coup Cunts.
π±π·The RNC, Trump's campaign and their joint fundraising committee have raked in $117 million in online donations since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry on Sept. 24, 2019, thanks to an influx of new small-dollar donors who wanted to stand by the president.π±π·
This man should be president, and here is why:
Mayor Bloomberg on Firing Line
This man advocated taxing the working poor to provide basic services "Because we know how to spend their money better than they do."
He should never become president.
"Because we know how to spend their money better than they do."
I'm sure Commensa can provide us with a link for that.
And be sure to represent Bloomberg by what he really said and in what context, thank you.
Bloomberg is the candidate that people know the "least" about... which makes him the new Democratic favorite. Since once you begin to know each and every one of these candidates, the less you seem to like them.
Go watch the 27 minute video at 1:32PM above. Presidential. Practical. Informed. Knowing. Reasonable. Likable. Not off the wall like Trump.
Re 8:O7AM
Still waiting for Commensa to give us a link for his alleged Bloomberg quote: "Because we know how to spend their money better than they do."
Trump may find out the hard way that "Mini Mike" can be "Mighty Mike."
Well Reverend Hypocrite!
During the 2016 campaign, the Democrats complained that the GOP was fielding a billionaire candidate from New York who "bought" his way to the nomination by spending his own money (and not raising a single cent). This might sound admirable until you stop to consider that the other candidates "need" to raise money to fund their campaigns. People like Biden, Klobuchar and Sanders do not have a personal fortune to fund themselves...
Yet, here we have another billionaire from New York who hasn't raised a dime, yet is outspending everyone by literally over a 100 million dollars. He had five times as many full time employees around the country as any Democrat (including Bernie) and yet still has not managed to break 15% in any of the national polls.
If Bloomberg comes in on Super Tuesday and buys his way to the nomination over Bernie... Bernie followers "WILL" stay home (as many of them did in 2016) and there will be plenty of calls for Bernie to run a Third Party race...
But, of course, why has Bloomberg spent this much money and hired this many employees and didn't bother to compete where most people believed he should have? He seems to have almost handicapped himself on purpose? Does he even want to win the nomination... or is this all in an attempt to run as the Third Party Independent if Bernie does win?
Bloomberg has real class and insight, in the mold of the wealthy Franklin Delano Roosevelt who cared so much for ordinary people and they knew it.
Bloomberg is entering the race now because we know that Bernie can't be elected. As for Bernie's strongly committed followers, even they are aware that this nation cannot allow a Trump second term.
Well Reverand!
You should really read this then...
An article that talks about how generally unpopular Mayor Bloomberg really is (54% unfavorable ranking) and particularly how unpopular he is outside of the Democratic Party. He is a jet set East Coast Billionaire Liberal. His one Super Bowl spot was "gun control". There is going to be about a thousand and one ways to attack him if he is the nominee.
His pitch about someone who can "get it done" is probably not the best "pitch" against someone who actually has the economic and political background of actually having "gotten it done".
If he becomes the nominee... the ads write themselves!
Why vote for someone who claims he can "get it done" when we already have a President who has "gotten it done".
At the end of the day, he's a liberal version of Trump... and will (like every other Democrat) come in guns a blazing attempting to make big radical changes to a Country that most people "finally" feel is going in the right direction!
It's an uphill climb for any of them... more so for someone like Bloomberg.
Blogger James said...
Bloomberg has real class and insight, in the mold of the wealthy Franklin Delano Roosevelt who cared so much for ordinary people and they knew it.
nothing says caring for ordinary people like locking ordinary japanese americans up in gulags.
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