Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why can't Democrats find a Democrat to nominate?

Chris Matthews: How Can We Beat Trump By Outsourcing Our Nomination To A Socialist Or A Republican?

So obviously the Socialist is Bernie Sanders and the Republican is Michael Bloomberg (who ran for Mayor of NYC as both a Republican and an Independent). But the point remains, why can't the Democrats find a legitimate mainstream old school Democrat (or at least someone who hasn't switched Parties like underwear) to run against Trump?

Now obviously they thought they had their guy in Slow Joe Biden, but the gun went off and he was ill-prepared to start the race when everyone else did. His slow plod at the ballot box is only outdone by his slow plod in the donor race. He is running out of money and does not have either Bernie's large small donation donor list or Bloomberg's billions to fall back on. Buttigieg is still an ex-Mayor who isn't old enough to know that he looks like Alfred E Neuman, and some people are willing to skip an Amy Klobuchar speech to watch grass grow or paint dry.

So look for the Democratic Party to "outsource" their Presidential nomination to someone who exists either for real, or just intangibly, outside of their Party. Because they would be sure to lose if they had to nominate an actual true blue Democrat.


Anonymous said...


...democrats impeached trump for allegedly asking ukraine to investigate joe biden. the very same joe biden who will end his campaign after failing miserably in south carolina.


caliphate4vr said...

So look for the Democratic Party to "outsource" their Presidential nomination to someone who exists either for real, or just intangibly, outside of their Party. Because they would be sure to lose if they had to nominate an actual true blue Democrat.

Hillary is waiting in the wings....

Anonymous said...

Creepy Screaming Chomo Joe.

Biden on phone call: ‘I'll be damned if we're gonna lose this nomination’

The former vice president tried to reassure supporters in a 13-minute call Wednesday😅 Politico 


John Hayward

I doubt I could sit on my hands and say nothing while my old friend and partner for the biggest eight years of my life was humiliated and turned into a national laughingstock, but I'm not Barack Obama.

after all he's got to get ready for his biggest achievement, filling out his Mach madness bracket.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bloomberg Disrupts Local Campaigns with Hiring Spree

The Intercept:
“Much of the focus on Bloomberg’s historic spending spree has been on the TV ads he’s running in at least 29 states, helping boost him into the top tier in polls and driving up the price of air time for other candidates.

“Beyond pushing out his competitors, though, Bloomberg’s spending is having a shockingly disruptive effect on Democratic politics throughout the country: He is hiring armies of staffers and canvassers in nearly every state in the country at eye-popping salaries, poaching talent from other campaigns and progressive organizations that are now struggling to fill jobs. In just three months, the Bloomberg campaign has hired thousands of people to staff more than 125 offices around the country.”

It's not huge amounts of money, however.

It's freedom of speech. You Republicans taught us that.


* March


Anonymous said...

It's freedom of speech. You Republicans taught us that.

well lookie here -

pastor hypocrite the pederast is suddenly on board with citizens united!

gee, how conveeeeenient.


Anonymous said...

feel the bern!!!

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has opened up a double-digit lead over his next closest rivals in a new national survey.

The latest Morning Consult poll finds Sanders at 29 percent support, followed by former Vice President Joe Biden at 19 percent and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at 18 percent. Sanders gained 3 points in the poll after winning the New Hampshire primary this week, while Biden lost 3 points after a disastrous fifth-place showing.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, I'm not on board with Citizen's United. Just with Mighty Michael, a FDR style of wealthy Democrat.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch is desperately trying to throw "Republican" at Mighty Mike. It won't stick. Here's why:
Washington Examiner
Reminder: Michael Bloomberg was only ever a Republican of convenience
by Philip Klein

As Michael Bloomberg inches his way toward a late entrance into the 2020 Democratic primaries, his past as a Republican will no doubt come into focus. But it's important to recall that Bloomberg was always really a Democrat, and only spent time as a Republican out of short-term convenience.

It all came back to his first political campaign, his run for mayor of New York City in 2001. Though leading up to that point, Bloomberg had been a Democrat, at that point, the Democratic field was already large and crowded.

The Republican Party, however, was desperate to find a plausible candidate to succeed Rudy Giuliani. When Giuliani was elected in 1993, he was the first Republican to do so in the overwhelmingly Democratic city since 1965. With Giuliani out of the picture, the assumption was that things would reset to normal, and a Democrat would be elected. So then Bloomberg steps into the race with an effectively unlimited bank account, and Republicans were all too eager to hand him the nomination.

When it came to the general election, Bloomberg basically promised to continue Giuliani's tough on crime policies with less drama and to work to rebuild downtown New York City after 9/11.

Bloomberg ended up winning, of course, helped by the fact that Democrats emerged from a bitter runoff deeply divided.

He eventually switched to an independent before coming back home to the Democratic Party.


In any event, Bloomberg may be moderate by the standards of today's Democratic Party, but effectively he was always a Democrat. He simply took advantage of the fact that the Republican Party in 2001 was the clearer path to becoming mayor.

And the Republicans were delighted to get him, if even for only very a short time. :-)


Anonymous said...

But it's important to recall that Bloomberg was always really a Democrat, and only spent time as a Republican out of short-term convenience.

so he's a fraud and a liar.

got it.

thanks pederast.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A bigger fraud and liar is Trump
who was always a self-described
"proud, pro-choice Democrat"
until he wan't.

Thanks for giving me a chance to point that out, racist rat.

Anonymous said...

Yo! James sure nailed Rat! Rev. Boswell is obviously no pederast, and never has been, but Rat is obviously a racist, and always has been.

Anonymous said...

Jane hides behind different ID's.


Donald J. Trump

Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!

funny that "anonymous" "rev" boswell is now claiming he's no pederast.


next he will claim he's no waterboy for political_lire which tells him exactly what he is to think every day.



“Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!”“Donald Trump — we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.”



“Donald Trump — we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Senate Votes to Restrain Trump Against Iran

“A bipartisan Senate majority voted to pass a resolution Thursday limiting President Trump from ordering future strikes against Iran without first seeking Congress’ explicit permission, in a pointed rebuke of his administration’s resistance to involving the legislative branch in foreign policy decisions many fear could lead to all-out war,” the Washington Post reports.

“Eight Republicans joined all Democrats in voting 55 to 45 for the measure from Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), which invokes the War Powers Act to block Trump from engaging in hostilities without consulting Congress except in cases where self-defense is required against a clear, imminent attack.”

Trump is expected to veto the measure, which he warned would “show weakness” and “sends a very bad signal.”

No, Donald, the world is glad to see bipartisan resolve to keep madman you from plunging us all into a disastrous war for your own political gain.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I have the record and the resources to defeat you. And I will.


Anonymous said...

Jane prancing around

Anonymous said...

Mini mike
"Well, the Republican Party called me, asked me to run. I’ve been endorsed by almost all local Republican government officials and party leaders. And I agree with the Republican values of those inclusive Republicans like the mayor, like the governor. And I’m very comfortable in running as a Republican, and I will stay a Republican long after this election.” 

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend Hypocrite!

Would you rather than 5000 paid employees like Bloomberg...

Or tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of volunteers willing to knock doors, register people, and campaign for you... like Bernie Sanders has?

Suddenly, the Reverend Hypocrite is impressed by a Billionaire willing to spend his own money, when that was all of the rage to drone against four years ago when Trump was doing it!

Anonymous said...

The Nation is feeling the Bern. He is my Fav.
"Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has opened up a double-digit lead over his next closest rivals in a new national survey."

anonymous said...

Here's my fav goat fucker......Fraud farmer run over by daisy in her field.....fraud gets what he deserves.....peace at last.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernie taking that big a lead after voting has taken place is a very good sign.

anonymous said...

Fraud farmer drowns in manure pit......body is never found!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Notice how Dopie, Jane and Alky are nutz.

anonymous said...

Here's a great link for trump and his fake conservative mantra......BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Howard Stern Remembers When Donald Trump Backed Hillary Clinton
Howard Stern Remembers When Donald Trump Backed Hillary Clinton. ... In a 2012 interview with Fox News, Trump called Clinton a “terrific woman” and spoke highly of her work as secretary of ...

anonymous said...

Notice the goat fucker eats his own young.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Notice the goat fucker eats his own young.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump.Economy.Winning for Workers.

CNBC Reports
"There's now a record number of 401(k) and IRA millionaires, according to Fidelity


anonymous said...

Trump.Economy.Winning for Workers.

CNBC Reports
"There's now a record number of 401(k) and IRA millionaires, according to Fidelity

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I am sure all those union workers making 40k a year are not part of that metric you dumb fucking asshole!!!!!

anonymous said...

Grand total new 401 k millionaires is 200K people......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sad how really menial your metric is in the great scheme od things......maybe they are all D's in that sample......think they will vote trump????


Suddenly, the Reverend Hypocrite is impressed by a Billionaire willing to spend his own money, when that was all of the rage to drone against four years ago when Trump was doing it!

Exactly. And just look at the energy of a Trump rally.

I expect Bloomberg will have trouble even matching Biden.

ROFLMFAO at the lying loser of a POS "pastor"


Barr Says Trump Tweets Complicate His Job

Attorney General William Barr pushed back hard Thursday against President Trump’s criticism of the Justice Department, telling ABC News, “I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody.”

Barr added that the president’s highly critical tweets aimed at the department “make it impossible for me to do my job.”

Matthew Miller: “Don’t be fooled by this one, people. Barr is telling the president that his impulsiveness is making it politically harder for him to deliver the results he wants.”

Asha Rangappa: “It definitely makes it harder to 'crime' for the President when the President keeps making it obvious that you are 'criming' for him."

Commonsense said...

The pastor is no different than any other leftest. He has no principles, no moral compass.


I wish the President would quit lying about things. Makes it harder for me to support him.

His story about a formerly homeless, drug-addicted Army veteran got a standing ovation at the State of the Union after the President described how he turned his life around thanks to a construction job at a company using the administration’s ‘Opportunity Zone’ tax breaks targeting poor neighborhoods.

Trouble is, that’s not true.

The vet did move out of his car and into an apartment since he landed a job refurbishing a Nashville hotel two years ago, but he doesn’t work at a site taking advantage of the breaks as Trump claimed, and never has.

Trump's lying makes it harder on us, his supporters.


And here he goes again, making things difficult for us, his supporters:

Trump Accused of Quid Pro Quo with New York
February 13, 2020 at 4:23 pm EST

President Trump appeared to link his administration’s policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

OMG, that's really going too far!

News story:
Hours before New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to meet the president at the White House, Trump tweeted that Cuomo ‘must understand that National Security far exceeds politics,’ a reference to his administration’s recent decision to halt New York’s access to the Global Entry and other ‘trusted traveler’ programs that allow New Yorkers faster border crossings and shorter airport lines.

Trump continued:
“New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harrassment, start cleaning itself up, and lowering taxes.”

Trump’s invocation of “lawsuits & harrassment” was a reference to the state’s numerous lawsuits against his administration and also against Trump’s business.

I'm beginning to be afraid he really does think he can get away with any criminal act.


I see I have now completely owned the lying POS "pastor" james boswell, normal Illinois

Who's only abilities are copying daily from political_lire

and now posting under my handle.

I keep thinking you can't get any lower than this piece of shit.

But he proves me wrong.

ROFLMFAO at the fading weakling of an old man. much like Biden.

Both sad and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

" those union workers making 40k a year are not part of that metric" Bitter Dopie

No they are not, they are doing even better.

Anonymous said...

"CommonsenseFebruary 13, 2020 at 4:34 PM

The pastor is no different than any other leftest. He has no principles, no moral compass."

She is such a gutter sub-human he uses 3 Id's just today to snipe.

Anonymous said...

New Millionaires really pissed off Denny.
Was Alky one of the newly minted Millionaires , he said it was his goal this year.

Dopie all pissed off.
"anonymousFebruary 13, 2020 at 4:07 PM

Grand total new 401 k millionaires is 200K people.."

anonymous said...

Dopie all pissed off.
"anonymousFebruary 13, 2020 at 4:07 PM

You dumb fuck.... I was pointing out your abject stupidity thinking that metric was meaningful......god you are a dumb fuck!!!