Saturday, April 18, 2020

Here is a question for everyone to answer...

The CDC is tracking deaths by age group according to the official cause of death on a death certificate. Because there is a lag between reported deaths and the certificate, the current official confirmed death certificate numbers include about half of the reported deaths (approximately 13,000 overall)

How many people do you suppose have died nationally so far that are under the age of 45 so from that count?

By nationally, I mean everyone from New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Washington, California, etc. Not just the low death rate states, but the entire country. Keeping in mind that New York reports hundreds of deaths per day.

  • < 500
  • 501-1000
  • 1001-2000
  • 2002-5000
  • > 5000

Give it your best guesstimate.

How many deaths for people under the age of 45 for THE ENTIRE NATION?


Anonymous said...

501 - 1000

anonymous said...


anonymous said...

And the dumb fuck rat takes the bait like the dumb fuck he is!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Denny...

I guess you are proposing a ban on Alcohol, pot, cigarettes, vape, fast food, and candy... all because they can cause death.

In the case of cigarettes, lung cancer kills about 391 people every day... and I don't see you proposing we ban people from smoking?

In that case, banning cigarettes doesn't effect people ability to go to work, get a paycheck, pay their bills or possibly even just have a job in a few weeks.

One job being destroyed is one too many!

C.H. Truth said...

but the main thing is that this question requires counting and math and Denny is Democrat, thus incapable of understanding, much less answering.

Anonymous said...

what's interesting to me and why i find the left's arguments disingenuous is that the left actually promotes death for the elderly -

physician-assisted suicide, health care rationing, etc....

"so, you're 91 and have heart disease. we could give you a pacemaker but that just isn't economical. here's a prescription. go home and die."

the left has no problem killing off the aged on THEIR terms, but to reopen society and restore freedoms and liberties which might result in a disproportionate number of elderly deaths? oh no. that we cannot tolerate.

hypocrisy = bedrock of liberalism.


I have a question that I haven't come across anywhere that I can recall.

Do the "new tests" posted daily on tracking sites include people who are currently considered coronavirus positive? In other words they are being tested repeatedly I would think and am curious how that fits in.

back to trolling...

(oh, I'd guess under 500)

anonymous said...

Sorry Denny...

I guess you are proposing a ban on Alcohol, pot, c

SORRY LIL SCHITTY!!!!!!! Nothing like you trying to obfuscate your idiocy with more stupidity!!!!! Maybe we should take seat belts out of cars because dumb fucks like you don't use them and need laws.....maybe someone should get rid of the requirements to have car insurance, or wearing helmets on motorcycles..... these are just as stupid as your fucking idiotic post!!! Again, you need to get trumps dick our of your mouth and wake up!!!!! Dayum the road to your bottom is riddled with trumps fat white obese ass!!!

anonymous said...

Denny is Democrat, thus incapable of understanding, much less answering.

WOW LIL SCHITTY.......Keep making up your own dialogue is most amusing....I am an Independent with libertarian tendencies....God you are a dumb fuck!!!!! Sad how little you have to offer let alone say....You really need to get laid by that young mail order bride you have!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

One job being destroyed is one too many!
One life being lost is far too many
even if they are above the age of 45.

C.H. Truth said...

How many deaths under 45 Reverend?

Commonsense said...

Easy, under 500.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Approaching 1,000.

Anonymous said...

One job being destroyed is one too many!
One life being lost is far too many

well pederast, what you've advocated is a position that could very well leave what you wrote inextricably linked.

the left flatly fails to accept the increasingly real possibility that the economic carnage we're living could very easily result in a body count exponentially higher than the virus itself.

every time i look up the boot upon my neck is connected to a democrat.

and that's just fucking evil.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The risk appears to rise with every decade of age. The Post found at least 45 deaths among people in their 20s, at least 190 deaths among people in their 30s, and at least 413 deaths among people in their 40s.

Determining a precise number for each category is difficult because of the divergent ways states present age groups. But The Post found at least 102 other deaths that occurred among people younger than 50.

The true number of deaths among young people is probably even higher. Not all states provide data on coronavirus deaths sorted by age group. Some, like New Jersey and Texas, provided figures after being approached by The Post, while others, like California, did not. As a result, the figures above do not include data from some states, including several with sizable outbreaks.

Anonymous said...

Who Ran on this?

"More than eight-in-ten American adults call mass migration at least a “threat” to the United States, a survey finds.

The latest Pew Research Center survey revealsthat the overwhelming majority of Americans see the mass migration of people from one country to another as a threat in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

JamesBrainDead "One life being lost is far too many"

Do you apply that standard to all Life?


rrb said:
the left flatly fails to accept the increasingly real possibility that the economic carnage we're living could very easily result in a body count exponentially higher than the virus itself.

The left fraudulently only looks at one source of deaths. And ignores the additional hundreds of millions they are hurting. We need sooner rather than later especially with the knowledge we are now accumulating.

Clay Travis

All elected politicians — state and federal, Democrat, Republican & independent — should have their pay stopped until Americans can go back to work.

and their staffs. Of course Nancy was able to accumulate perhaps a hundred million dollars so her pay is obviously not coming from her paycheck.

C.H. Truth said...

The CDC is finding that only 3.3% of the confirmed deaths are from people younger than 45 years old.

Based on confirmed death certificates...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, at present that would be only about 889 dead young people. And since many of them might vote Democratic, that makes then dispensable, I guess.

C.H. Truth said...

To put that in perspective....

Approximately 40% of our population (older than 45) is suffering 96.7% of the deaths.

Approximately 16% of our population (older than 65) is suffering 77.8% of the deaths.

Seems to me that most Governors have devised a plan to combat this virus without any consideration for this data. It's almost as if we have purposely ignored and underplayed this data in order justify draconian shut downs of economies... that will have long term devastating financial issues for millions and millions of Americans...

Quite likely unnecessarily.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

When JamesBrainDead loses he criesbabies like this:And since many of them might vote Democratic, that makes then dispensable, I guess."

Bad Guess.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anybody want to waste time trying to explain to KD what irony is?

Anonymous said...

JamesBrainDead "One life being lost is far too many"

Do you apply that standard to all Life?

Anonymous said...

The NY Times
"Joe Biden’s Young Voter Problem: They Don’t Think He’s Listening"

C.H. Truth said...

"Joe Biden’s Young Voter Problem: They Don’t Think He’s Listening"

I think his problem is he forgot to turn on his hearing aid.

Anonymous said...

Socialist Insecurity is in deep shit.
See the Hyper Hype of the News Orgs. The failure of WHO and the Joe Biden Chinese covering up the China Virus caused unwarranted panic.
Shutting down the #1 Economy crushes inflow of cash to Socialist Programs.

Enjoy. I know I am.

Commonsense said...

All elected politicians — state and federal, Democrat, Republican & independent — should have their pay stopped until Americans can go back to work.

I would also expand that to all reporters. If they felt the pain of economic depravity currently being suffered by their fellow Americans maybe they will reign in their sanctimony a little.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that most Governors have devised a plan to combat this virus without any consideration for this data.

that's the case here in NY.

cuomo's such an imbecile he has a one-size-fits-all approach that is hurting an already fragile upstate economy for the sake of phony praise and headlines.

NYC is a fucking petri dish, so the dumb fuck closes all of the adirondack boat launches.


Anonymous said...

Kansas Den. Gov. extended her kill Kansas Ag. plan until freaking May 3rd.

What a mistake this bitch is.

Anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

How many deaths under 45 Reverend?

April 18, 2020 at 10:58 AM
Blogger Commonsense said...
Easy, under 500.

TWO DUMB FUCKS DEBATING IF DEAD IS DEAD!!!!! For the cultist hero who consider a single cell as life in the womb and the newlywed asshole to have such wanton disregard to all lives is appalling and SOOO REPUBLICAN!!!!!! Country has gone to hell in your hand baskets you dumb fucks!!!!!!

anonymous said...

ill Kansas Ag. plan until freaking May 3rd.

Good for her goat fucker....maybe that'll kill unproductive assholes like you who do nothing for society but complain!!!!

anonymous said...

Another one of our Stable Genius fuck ups that exacerbated how unprepared he was to address the Pandemic that has bitten him on his fat, obese and stinky white ass....Dr Cramps will say only 36k people died and declare victory for the asshole in chief....Lil Schitty will see everything through his rose colored glasses....

In January and February, the United States shipped millions of masks to China from companies such as 3M.
In January and February, the United States shipped millions of masks to China from companies such as 3M. (Justin Chin/Bloomberg)
Juliet Eilperin,
Jeff Stein,
Desmond Butler and
Tom Hamburger
April 18, 2020 at 2:13 p.m. EDT
U.S. manufacturers shipped millions of dollars of face masks and other protective medical equipment to China in January and February with encouragement from the federal government, a Washington Post review of economic data and internal government documents has found. The move underscores the Trump administration’s failure to recognize and prepare for the growing pandemic threat.
In those two months, the value of protective masks and related items exported from the United States to China grew more than 1,000 percent compared with the same time last year — from $1.4 million to about $17.6 million, according to a Post analysis of customs categories which, according to research by Public Citizen, contain key PPE. Similarly, shipments of ventilators and protective garments jumped by triple digits.
“Instead of taking steps to prepare, they ignored the advice of one expert after another,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Tex.). “People right now, as we speak, are dying because there have been inadequate supplies of PPE.”