Fauci, who enjoys broad respect among Democrats for his willingness to contradict President Trump, said testing concerns are over-hyped as Trump proposes that states pursue a phased reopening.
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According to the top epidemiologist in the world Testing isn't everything! |
“The emphasis that we’ve been hearing is essentially ‘testing is everything’ and it isn’t,” Fauci said Friday night at a White House press conference.
My guess is that this will be almost as widely reported as the fact that only 3.3% of our deaths are coming from people under 45, or that there are only 16 confirmed Covid-19 death certificate deaths of people younger than 25.
Call me skeptical or even a conspiracy theorist if you will. But this sudden demand for testing feels like another excuse for Governors to keep everyone locked up longer than we already have been. It's like they basically want to destroy the economy.
No, testing is NOT everything. A lot more is going on.
Maybe you should go back to quoting Rick Wilson.
Talk about Dumb and Dumber.
It's like they basically want to destroy the economy.
absolutely and without question.
complete and utter destruction of the economy is the left's last and best hope to destroy trump, and there are no depths to which the left will not sink in pursuit of this goal.
the left is evil. demonstrably fucking evil.
Thanks, Commonsense, but I'd rather quote Dr. Fauci.
"It is a failing. Let's admit it,' Fauci says of coronavirus testing capacity.
"The system is not really geared to what we need right now," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a House hearing.
Fauci testifies coronavirus testing in U.S. is 'failing'
March 12, 2020, 1:40 PM CDT
America has failed to meet the capacity for coronavirus testing that it needs, a top public health official acknowledged Thursday.
"The system is not really geared to what we need right now," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a House hearing about coronavirus test kits in the United States, which were initially dogged by technical glitches. "That is a failing. Let's admit it."
Fauci was responding to a question from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Florida, who asked about a claim by trade organization National Nurses United alleging that "countless" health care workers exposed to the coronavirus have been refused a test for it.
When the virus first started appearing in America, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had narrow criteria for who could be tested for it, further limiting the number of tests performed on top of the technical problems. Those guidelines have since been expanded. Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, who was also testifying in the hearing, directed Wasserman Schultz's question to Fauci.
"The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it, we're not set up for that," Fauci told Wasserman Schultz. "Do I think we should be? Yes. But we're not."
The U.S. has tested more than 8,500 specimens for coronavirus. That doesn't equal 8,500 patients.
The blunt acknowledgment came as the CDC reported it had tested just over 11,000 specimens for the virus so far, far fewer than other nations, especially given that multiple specimens are needed for each patient. Meanwhile, South Korea is testing nearly 20,000 patients per day, according to the BBC.
In response to Fauci, Wasserman Schultz said: "That's really disturbing, and I appreciate the information."
The question came a week after a nurse exposed to the virus in northern California said in a statement through National Nurses United that despite having symptoms, the CDC would not test her.
"They said they would not test me because if I were wearing the recommended protective equipment, then I wouldn't have the coronavirus. What kind of science-based answer is that?" the nurse said.
Let's see.
THAT'S what Fauci said March 12.
And just exactly what is he saying now?
Carol Roth
A reminder that Harvard, basically a hedge fund masquerading as a university with north of $40 BILLION in assets in their endowment, received $9 million under the "CARES Act" while small businesses are being told that funds to help them have run out.
12:05 PM · Apr 17, 2020·Twitter Web App
Fauci testifies coronavirus testing in U.S. is 'failing'
March 12, 2020, 1:40 PM CDT
only a complete imbecile posts a story over a month old.
Fauci says testing isn't everything, need to focus on mitigation strategies
WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, said Friday that despite the recent emphasis on the need for more coronavirus testing, it was important to recognize that more testing would not be "everything."
“The emphasis that we've been hearing is essentially testing is everything and it isn't. It's the kinds of things that we've been doing, the mitigation strategies, that are an important part of that," Fauci said at the daily coronavirus task force briefing at the White House Friday evening.
But Fauci, who said that he thought there would be enough tests available to control the virus, said that just because testing is not a silver bullet does not mean it is unimportant.
“I want to make sure that people understand not to underestimate the importance of testing. Testing is a part — an important part — of a multifaceted way that we are going to control and ultimately end this outbreak.”
Trump was criticized for announcing Thursday a three-phase plan to open up the economy without offering any nationwide testing and contact tracing program. Some public health experts have said that testing for the coronavirus would have to be at least doubled or tripled from its current levels to allow for even a partial reopening of America's economy.
Oh, so THAT'S what Fauci is actually saying NOW.
I know that everyone will thank me for clarifying that.
JamesBrainDead is only pro life when it comes to his sorry ass.
She is one Sick twisted freak.
Only a completely dishonest rat would object to comparing a March 15 statement by Fauci to an April 17 statement by Fauci.
Especially since they both saY MUCH the same.
"only a complete imbecile posts a story over a month old."
was it :
Fat old lady Denise
Isn't Harvard where Elizabeth Warren teaches one class and receives $400,000 for that?
And wants free college education and tuition debt forgiveness?
Maybe that should be taken from her and her employers lavish bank accounts rather than taxpayers.
“I want to make sure that people understand not to underestimate the importance of testing. Testing is a part — an important part — of a multifaceted way that we are going to control and ultimately end this outbreak.”
and just think -
NY could have tested each resident several times over with the billion$ it pissed away on a shuttered solar panel factory in buffalo and the expansion of medicaid alone.
liberals - smart. very smart. the party of science. 57 genders sciency science.
Did our waterboy even watch yesterday's press conference ?
Fauci is fine with the testing capacity we currently have for current needs and expects it to continue to get significantly better.
And for correct context of Fauci's remarks what was our testing levels in early March as compared to mid April. Hint - it's been rapidly ramping up.
Kimberly Guilfoyle and Lara Trump will be working for President Donald Trump's reelection campaign, and are reportedly being paid $180,000 a year.
Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of Don Trump Jr,
and Lara Trump, the president's daughter-in-law,
are expected to appear at campaign events, if and when those can resume due to the pandemic.
IF AND WHEN. And meanwhile, $180,000 a year. Each?
Wanna hear how much Jill Biden is getting?
rrb, let me educate you.
There are NO scientists who are claiming there are 57 genders.
There are just 58 (actually) different designations that trans gender and other unusual gender people have come up with to "self designate," or which they would prefer that other people use in describing them.
I will not ask you for a link to a scientific treatise claiming that there are 57/58 actual genders, because I know you can't produce one.
How much, Commonsense?
Though you never asked. 1.5 million dollars last year.
Oh? Spell that out for us. She received that from tax payer money?
Of course you didn't meant this:
"His wife also earned more than $700,000 for speaking engagements associated with her book from March 2018 through early May 2019, the disclosure says."
Speaking engagements associated with book sales are not paid for by tax payers.
Neither is the salary for Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle. It's paid for by the campaign.
That's how you know about it.
Well, I think if I were a contributing Republican, I might question whether that much of my hard earned money should be going to those particular two, and why.
I will guarantee you a contributing republican would have no problem with it. And they would only be too happy to have one or both at any fundraiser they plan.
Kimberly only $180k that’s a buy
"The system is not really geared to what we need right now," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said at a House hearing.
It's almost as if the Reverend doesn't realize that this was from five and a half weeks ago... and that our testing capabilities today are exponentially better than they were at that time.
Nothing like using an old quote from a different situation in an attempt to undermine what someone said last night about what is happening today.
Later, the Reverend will tell everyone how he got the better of everyone on this thread with this wonderful antique quote!
To be clear, nobody claimed that Fauci downplayed testing as part of the solution. But with every person who has been to a doctor believing themselves a medical expert... someone was bound to ask Fauci about why he and his task force was going to allow people to reopen their economy when "critics" suggest that we don't have the testing capabilities to do so...
Fauci was, in fact, pushing back on those people who claim that we cannot reopen without some full scale testing that would get into the unrealistic numbers overnight. Whether that be people who demand that we need to be testing three or five or even ten times as many people as we are today before anyone can even think about opening.
Or as certain Reverends have been trying to point out... people will just not go back out or go to work unless there is massive testing...
Hmmmm... but what happened when Florida reopened part of their beaches? Did people stay home because of a lack of testing?
Fauci is rightfully claiming that there are OTHER statistical parameters that need to be considered and used in making this determination and that "testing" is not the end all be all (as many suggest it is).
While many of these media "experts" probably do not know that reopening is not likely to end up in any surge of young people dying, Fauci understands everything that the CDC is posting (and people are ignoring).
He understand (like I understand) that there really are at least 30 states that could allow at least parts of those states to enter phase one pretty much tomorrow and not suffer much (if any) uptick in Covid-19 deaths.
Actually, the women are being paid SECRETLY through the campaign manager's private company "to get around
Federal Election Commission rules":
Read about it here:
“I can pay them however I want to pay them,” Parscale told HuffPost on Friday, but then declined to comment any further.
Critics of the arrangement, including Republicans, said the setup was designed to get around Federal Election Commission rules that require campaigns, political parties and other committees to disclose their spending in detail.
“A lot of people close to Donald Trump are getting rich off of his campaign,” said Paul Ryan, a campaign finance legal expert at the watchdog group Common Cause. “They don’t want donors to know that they’re getting rich. Because, at the end of the day, it’s donor money.”
Yeah, I think if I were a Republican donor, I might be just a little P. O'd.
Yeah, I think if I were a Republican donor, I might be just a little P. O'd.
Sure... at the Huffington Post for publishing nonsense!
YOU SAID Fauci said that testing concerns have been "over-hyped" when actually he warned not to under-hype them.
Fauci said that just because testing is not a silver bullet does not mean it is unimportant. “I want to make sure that people understand not to underestimate the importance of testing. Testing is a part — an important part — of a multifaceted way that we are going to control and ultimately end this outbreak.”
Not so different from what he was saying in March.
Business Insider:
The existence of such payments was first reported last month by The New York Times, though the HuffPost report Friday marked the first time the payment amounts were disclosed.
Well, we all know the NYT only lies.
And Lil Scotty posts out his ass again with..
and that our testing capabilities today are exponentially better than they were at that time.WHICH ARE STILL INADEQUATE!!!!!
Schitty is now speaking for the good Dr with his own idiotic view of the world....!!!!!! Nothing like defending the fat assed obese stable genius who has fucked up everything he has touched!!!! Sad our brilliant minor in statistics can't find his own ass in the dark when it comes to meaningful amounts of testing!!!!!!!
Why are republicans such a group of herd animals???? Following these idiots as if they were Gods!!!!! Dr Cramps needs to go to these rallies since he is lonely!!!!!
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Conspiracy theory website Infowars convinced hundreds of people to gather in close proximity in Austin, Texas, on Saturday at a rally to protest business closures caused by a global pandemic that has killed thousands of Americans.
Infowars talk show host Owen Shroyer organized the rally, called “You Can’t Close America,” after threatening earlier this month to mobilize his gullible audience into defying common sense social distancing orders.
“Reopen the economy next week, reopen everything next week, or I really might come on here just start calling for revolting against this,” he said on Infowars on April 8, Right Wing Watch first reported.
Protesters gathered at the Texas State Capital building on Saturday. (Photo: Sergio Flores via Getty Images)
Protesters gathered at the Texas State Capital building on Saturday. (Photo: Sergio Flores via Getty Images)
He made good on that threat when hundreds of his listeners showed up at the state capitol Saturday demanding that businesses that have been closed be allowed to reopen immediately.
Protestors carried signs in support of President Donald Trump, who has done little to convince his base to stop protesting stay-at-home orders. In Michigan earlier this week, hundreds of anti-safety protestors blocked streets in defiance of an executive order from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to shelter in place. Trump responded by calling for a mutiny against state governments on Twitter.
Experts in the UK complain about not enough test, so does France, Germany, Spain, Italy. You asked medical experts if there is enough testing and they will say "No".
The bottom line is to some people there never enough testing and if you wait long enough there will be nothing left.
Bottom line is real people are hurting with this shutdown and if it's not manages correctly they will reopen the economy on their own.
Jill Biden vs the Two James Posted.
CS, thanks again for desimating Jane.
11 States are having US Citizens exercise their God Given Rights under the US Constitution.
Denise and the effeminate James are angered.
2020 Election Odds: Donald Trump Pads Lead as Betting Favorite as Joe Biden’s Odds Fall
2020 Election Odds
Donald Trump: -120 (50.5% implied probability)
Joe Biden: +120 (42.0%)
Just five days after seeing a boost from Bernie Sanders dropping out of the race, Joe Biden’s election odds are once again trending downward while Donald Trump’s continue to rise.
Here’s how their implied probabilities of winning (per their odds) have shifted since last Wednesday:
Trump: 47.6% to 50.5% (+2.9%)
Biden: 45.5% to 42% (-3.5%)
look for CNN, the WP and the NYT to go even more batshit crazy.
If that's possible. CNN apparently broke away for 7 hours from task force briefings last week to instead feature reporting from their ace reporter Jim Acosta amongst others. No wonder their viewers and waterboys are so ill informed.
Number 1?
I'll remind you we don't know the real numbers from China or Russia. Two countries more populous than the US.
Donald Trump: -120 (50.5% implied probability)
Joe Biden: +120 (42.0%)
That's a money line bet right? Must have been a huge amount of action for Tump to move the number that much.
James is now a convert, he is pro life of all humans.
How long will he stay pro-life?
U.S. Shipped Millions of Face Masks to China
April 18, 2020 at 3:43 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
“U.S. manufacturers shipped millions of dollars of face masks and other protective medical equipment to China in January and February with encouragement from the federal government,” the Washington Post reports.
“The move underscores the Trump administration’s failure to recognize and prepare for the growing pandemic threat.
“In those two months, the value of protective masks and related items exported from the United States to China grew more than 1,000 percent compared with the same time last year — from $1.4 million to about $17.6 million.”
And many first responders and nursing home helpers have gone without sufficient protection.
Bernie funneled millions of dollars to his daughter and wife.
Jane are you outraged?
The idea was to contain the virus in China. Nobody knew at the time that China and the WHO lied to the world and the virus was already out of containment.
Fox News and the GOP want to put all the blame on China, but Trump keeps undercutting that with his fawning fear of rattling the markets and his desire to keep his friendship with Xi, partly because he now has to rely on China's manufacturers for much needed lifesaving medical supplies.
Fox News and the GOP want to put all the blame on China
Washington Post too.
That's because China is to blame. Dipshit.
Fauci said that just because testing is not a silver bullet does not mean it is unimportant. “I want to make sure that people understand not to underestimate the importance of testing. Testing is a part — an important part — of a multifaceted way that we are going to control and ultimately end this outbreak.”
Not so different from what he was saying in March.
Actually it's entirely different from what he was saying over five weeks ago. Over five weeks ago we did not have adequate resources to test.
Today he is acknowledging that parts of the country can reopen and that we don't need the sort of testing that critics suggest we need.
They are not even addressing the same real issue.
I believe it's been you, Reverend...
Who has been writing things like "Testing, testing, testing" and posting opinion after opinion that we cannot open any part of this country until we increase our testing by huge amounts. Then repeating "testing testing testing'... and arguing that it's all about testing.
What Fauci is saying is simple.
It's not "all about testing".
Testing is just one part of what the real adult doctors are looking at and they believe that the testing portion is robust enough RIGHT NOW to open back up parts of the Country.
I am pretty sure you have been arguing the opposite. That testing is not good enough to reopen, and I am pretty sure that you have suggested on multiple occasion that you believed Fauci and Birx would agree.
but they don't...
Reality is that there is a real balance and at a certain point in time a quarantine must be lifted or it can literally start to cause more harm than good. Longer isn't always going to be better and when you add in the very real trade off of what sort of economic carnage that is being wreaked on everyone in this heavy handed state declared approach...
There comes a time when the scales tip to the other side...
Actually it's entirely different from what he was saying over five weeks ago.
You mean like the virus would miraculously disappear in april???? Or that 15 would soon be zero???? Or that we have things under control you dumb ass???????? You really need to give up......trumps presser today was an fucking absolute embarrassment !!!!!! Trump sucked himself off today with your help, Lil Schitty!!!!
That's because China is to blame.
And silly me thought trump blamed it all on Obama and the Gov's !!!!! Asshole
Come to think of it Obama did give China 3.2 million dollars for, wait for it, the Wuhan Virology institute.
james said:
“In those two months, the value of protective masks and related items exported from the United States to China grew more than 1,000 percent compared with the same time last year — from $1.4 million to about $17.6 million.”
And many first responders and nursing home helpers have gone without sufficient protection.
Yeah while China was lying about the extent of the problem and Trump was fighting off fraudulent impeachment charges after defending himself from fraudulent Russia, Russia, Russia charges for 3 years, China took advantage and cornered the market on protective gear.
Who's fault do you think this was?
Anybody without TDS will correctly point out it is China, and also not restocking our pandemic stockpile after Obama used it up in 2009.
and indirectly the "resistance"
Thank God for President Trump
Record Debt Risks ‘Tipping Point’ After Pandemic
April 18, 2020 at 6:27 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
“The United States is embarking on a rapid-fire experiment in borrowing without precedent, as the government and corporations take on trillions of dollars of debt to offset the economic damage from the coronavirus pandemic,” the Washington Post reports.
“The federal government is on its way this year to spending $4 trillion more than it collects in revenue, analysts say, a budget deficit roughly twice as large relative to the economy as in any year since 1945.
“Business borrowing also is setting records. Giant corporations such as ExxonMobil and Walgreens, which binged on debt over the past decade, now are exhausting their credit lines and are tapping bondholders for even more cash.”
Extra Bonus Quote of the Day
April 18, 2020 at 6:35 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
“It’s OK that we have different governors making different decisions in different states, but let me tell you what isn’t OK… There was never a national strategy to prepare our country.”
— Sen. Amy Klobuchar, in an interview with CNN on President Trump’s coronavirus response.
James , your attacks on the US mirror the Attacks from China on the US.
If congress is on vacation, why did the relief bill contain $93 million to keep congress working through this pandemic?
Ever notice how “pandemic” is just “Dem” surrounded by “panic”?
This pandemic has blown the lid on everything Trump has been saying for years:
China is our biggest threat.
The ruling class sold us out.
Manufacturing is national security.
Globalism was a scam.
Nancy Pelosi is an evil witch.
Nancy Pelosi has good ice cream.
But I wonder what other stuff she has been able to buy with the $100 million fortune she has amassed via three decades in "public service."
Democrats think the longer they can keep you from having a job, the greater the chance Joe Biden will get one.
But slow Joe is going down faster than Kamala Harris in a job interview.
South Carolina will reopen their beaches, public parks, and boat ramps. Meanwhile New York will reopen their Marinas.
JamesBrainDead is only pro life when it comes to his sorry ass.
Jane is ine Sick twisted freak.
James , Alky and That fat ugly chic Denise all parrot the Communist Party Line.
Yet, China has blamed the US Military for the China Virus.
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