Thursday, April 16, 2020

President, Fauci, Birx all in agreement about the new plan to reopen the economy!

Trump unveils coronavirus 'opening up America again' plan
President Trump announced his new guidelines for “opening up America again” amid the coronavirus pandemic Thursday that allow for a push for normalcy in some areas even before the April 30 date previously set by the White House — in some states, as soon as Friday.

"Instead of a blanket shutdown, we will focus on sheltering the highest-risk individuals," he said.
Trump said the "curve" of new cases "has flattened" and 30 percent of the country hasn't had a new case in the past seven days. While some areas will reopen later, the president said it's necessary to have a working economy
"Some states will be able to open up sooner than others," Trump said. "Some states are not in the kind of trouble others are in. Now that we have passed the peak of new cases, we're starting our life again. We're starting rejuvenation of our economy again in a very safe and structured responsible fTrump unveils coronavirus 'opening up America again' planashion."
The guidelines for “reopening” after the coronavirus pandemic are data-driven, not date-driven, White House officials told FOX News. Layered reopenings will be governor-led using medically based metrics and not a one-size-fits-all approach. The White House coronavirus task force medical advisors, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Robert Redfield, have all signed off on the plan, officials said.

Some key takeaways:

  • Trump has obviously backed off his bluster regarding his power being absolute, instead focusing on the idea that each state can draw it's own conclusions
  • Sadly for many Democrats, Fauci and Birx are on board with the plan. No more demanding that the President is not listening to his medical team.
  • The opening back up will be data-driven. The reality is that a one size fits all plan (the type of blanket shut down we've seen in many states) literally does not really "listen to science" as the empirical data suggests that there are differences from one area to the next.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Most Say Trump Too Slow to Address Threat of Virus
April 16, 2020 at 3:59 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

A new Pew Research survey finds 65% of Americans believe President Trump was too slow to address the coronavirus threat to the United States when cases of the disease were first reported in other countries.

Also interesting: Most Americans do not foresee a quick end to the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, 73% say that the worst is still to come.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend sorry that Dr Birx and Dr Fauci are on board with Trump's plan... or was it their plan?

I guess now that you no longer have the Trump isn't listening to the doctors line of attack...

Now what?

Change the subject with an obsolete and irrelevant poll?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, Ch, I repeatedly SAID he was FINALLY listening to them. ----Finally. (Remember that word? FINALLY?)

You don't get right what I REALLY say half the time. Or less than that. I guess you "hear" only the echoes in your head.

Commonsense said...

You have an interesting definition of "finally" James since Trump has been listening to them all along.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pres. Trump has.

Team work for America has Jane confused, again.

Anonymous said...

Where is the "Biden Plan".

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend listen to every rumor out there like a housewife with nothing better to do...

There has never been a time when Trump has acted in any fashion OTHER than with the complete advisement and agreement of his medical team.

There has only been bloggers and media whores providing fake stories that never turn out to be true. The fact that you choose to believe them is on you.

This is just another example of you wasting how much time chasing down stories about how Trump was going to announce an opening of the economy that would be fought by the Governors and his own team because he wouldn't listen to anyone.

Story after story after story after story.

All proven unequivocally to be WRONG!!

Remember... I am an empirical sort of guy. I believe what can be confirmed and proved... not what is alleged in fake stories.

You are man of faith in things that cannot be proven.

In this case the former is a huge advantage...
while the latter is a massive liability.

To date, you have never provided any action taken by the President that you can specifically say was not done with the proper eye on medical and scientific advice...

as much as you would like to.

All you can do is peddle your fake rumors...

and they always turn out to be fake, don't they!

Anonymous said...

James, have you abandoned your 2.2 million Americans dead model?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonmsense said:
You have an interesting definition of "finally" James since Trump has been listening to them all along.

KansasDemocrat said...
Yes, Pres. Trump has.

Fauci had to contradict Trump publicly more than once in order for Trump finally to realize that he couldn't make Fauci jump through his hoops.

And it was only after Fauci and Birx in an Oval Office confrontation loaded Trump down with data that made it crystal clear that it would be FATAL to open things up for Easter--only then did Trump finally abandon that ridiculous idea. Finally.

You can lie and distort repeatedly, but you can't rewrite history.


Donald J. Trump

Crazy Nancy Pelosi deleted this from her Twitter account. She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA. Based on her statement, she is responsible for many deaths. She’s an incompetent, third-rate politician!

You can go back and delete old tweets and lie and distort repeatedly Nancy but you can't rewrite history.




CNN published 700 articles on Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey, beginning as soon as her story came out. For Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade, CNN is enforcing a strict ban, much less enabling the feeding frenzy they created re: Kavanaugh.

Search of CNN using keyword Tara Reade produces zero results.

I guess CNN needs to be history, but a constant source for political_lire along with FAKE NEWS WP and NYT. Guess you can't be a source here if you hide what's happening.



and why is the POS "pastor" trying to act like a historian, he can't even defend what he waterboy carries over here...


Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022

CNN March 4:

“the flu right now is far deadlier. So if you’re freaked out at all about the coronavirus you should be more concerned about the flu"

"15,000 people roughly have already died of the flu this season. Couple years ago, 60,000 people died of the flu."

CNN chief medical correspondent video:

You can lie and distort repeatedly, but you can't rewrite history.

C.H. Truth said...

Fauci had to contradict Trump publicly more than once in order for Trump finally to realize that he couldn't make Fauci jump through his hoops.

Not according to Fauci, who says Trump has always listened to him...

But what would Fauci know about Fauci?

I am sure Goddard knows a lot more about Fauci than Fauci.

Anonymous said...

Pelosi said she knew in Dec. 2019.

Yet, she told no one?

Anonymous said...

Dems tactics.
""Look, I think any side that is on the side that looks like they’re holding up money, I think, is bad politics," Todd said. "I think that the Democrats are genuine in their sticking up for the governors here. I think that’s what they believe they’re doing. I believe they think that you know, Cuomo and Hogan are basically lobbying on their side on this... They’re like we need our money too."

"So I think that’s what Democrats are calculating, that this is, this is, you know, if you look at it through one eye, it looks like they’re holding up small business money. If you look at it through the other one, hey, governors are asking for their money. So I think that’s what the Democrats are calculating. I don’t know if that’s coming to fruition, though."

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ch, I repeatedly SAID he was FINALLY listening to them. ----Finally. (Remember that word? FINALLY?)

according to Dr Fauci, trump has been listening to the medical experts from the jump.

that would mean from the beginning, pederast.

i suppose you could put the word "finally" in there just to be an asshole, and to confirm to all that you're a liar...

Anonymous said...

Fauci had to contradict Trump publicly more than once in order for Trump finally to realize that he couldn't make Fauci jump through his hoops.

ask your butt boy teegen if he can provide any links, (video perhaps?) with which to prove this assertion.

anonymous said...

Sadly for many Democrats, Fauci and Birx are on board with the plan

What is truly sad is the dumb fuck Lil Scotty thinking anybody would not be for an intelligent plan....As long as those red state gov's who open things up, don't have surprises if things get out of control.....God you non thinking assholes love sucking on trumps old white fat ass!!!!

anonymous said...

Smithfield plant in SD is the worse hot zone in the US!!!! In case anyone gives a shit....SD is one of those 29 states trump thinks can reopen quickly.....

What is scary, most of these plants are in low impacted states!!!!!!! This pathogen is easily transmissible and all it takes is one person to create havoc......IOW's lack of testing will drive people to make stupid decisions!!!!!

Anonymous said...

""Look, I think any side that is on the side that looks like they’re holding up money, I think, is bad politics," Todd said.


ironies abound.

we had to impeach trump for withholding aid to ukraine. we just had to because the TDS voices in our head reminded us - 'orange man bad.'

but democrats, led by denture-sucking peloshee, can withhold aid from the American people indefinitely until the bill is adorned with tens of BILLION$ of unrelated liberal wish-list spending.

anonymous said...

we had to impeach trump for withholding aid to ukraine.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! God you are a dumb fuck.....he was impeached trying to influence a foreign entity for his own gain...But, why let your moronic opinion need facts ??????? Asshole

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Denise continue to support and defend China.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAA!!!!! You own the biggest importer of China goods next to wall mart a place you do all your shopping for cheap clothes....>God you are a doting idiot!!!!

Anonymous said...

Smithfield plant in SD is the worse hot zone in the US!!!!

no it's not. not by a long shot.

roughly 400 meat processing workers tested positive.

only a fucking moron like you or my governor cuomo would shut down an entire state for that.

do your part to drain the shallow end of the gene pool, denny... a pistol.

C.H. Truth said...

What is scary, most of these plants are in low impacted states!!!!!!! This pathogen is easily transmissible and all it takes is one person to create havoc......IOW's lack of testing will drive people to make stupid decisions!!!!!

Well Denny...

Glad you know more about Covid-19 than Fauci, Birx, and the Covid-19 task force. I guess the country should be listening to you instead?

cowardly king obama said...


So @NYGovCuomo is keeping New York locked down until May 15 on advice from McKinsey's consultants

McKinsey was also paid to consult on Cuomo's original COVID-19 projections:

Graph showing how unreliable they were:

So a huge cost to everyone else for their error but they get used again ???

anonymous said...

Glad you know more about Covid-19 than Fauci, Birx,

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! That's how your fucked up mind works Lil Schitty.....You really need to get laid and relieve that pressure of being stupid and republican!!!!!!! You really need an intervention!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Lousy Democrats Pelosi/Schumer are not taking hostages , They are executing Mom & Pop small businesses.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci never said he had not corrected the president. He made it clear that he had.

And Fauci would know.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

I heard Fauci make the statement that every time him and Birx have offered him a suggestion, that he has taken it.

They all seem to be in agreement in terms of the current plan to reopen the country.

Perhaps it's just time for you to give up on your unproven liberal fantasy that Trump doesn't listen to Fauci or his medical team. Every time you suggest he is just "about" to do something stupid...

Which, btw... he was never going to do...

He does the smart thing as he intended all along!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, as he intended all along, he was about to smartly open up the country for Easter until Fauci and Birx were forced to bombard him with so much data proving that would be an absolute disaster that he FINALLY had to listen to them and the next day changed his tune.

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker....made a whole 12 bucks today on my vast holdings in chinese GE!!!!!! Dayum a whole 20 pack of Bud!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! And it is amusing that Lil Schitty believes everything coming out of the white house.....!!!!