Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Who's afraid of change?

One of the favorite rhetorical arguments you hear from people on the left is that liberals are open to change, while conservatives are prone to fight to keep the status quo. This is part of why they want to label themselves as "progressives" as in they are always looking to push the country forward. On the flip side, they deem this resistance to change as showing a lack of open mindedness and fear of the unknown. Like clockwork, every two three years, there will be some liberal psychologist who will put out some study showing some wonderful forward thinking traits associated with liberals, versus destructive close minded resistances from conservatives.

However, what is being left out of much of this discussion is that these liberals generally judge people on whether or not they agree with "liberal policies" that would offer change. Not just change as it pertains to change. The truth is that societies are always evolving and changing, and historically speaking, this evolution and change is not always positive. Right now it could be argued that there are many many different cultures and societies spread out on the globe at many different stages. Some might be seen as forward or advance, while others might be seen as backwards. Some may be on their way up, while others are probably on their way down. Historically there has always been an ebb and flow to these things. Culture and society has not progressed on a linear basis (building on previous mistakes and knowledge). But rather dominant societies have risen and fallen throughout history.

There is really no reason to believe that twenty first century society will be any different.

So we just had what most analysts suggested was a "change" election. People have been fed up with business as usual. I don't believe that this is "just" the fact that we have had a Democrat in the White House for eight year, but rather it goes deeper than that. This thirst for change likely goes back over the past sixteen years of the past two administrations that were largely different sides to the same coin. Obama certainly offered "hope and change" but really gave us neither. Bottom line: the 2016 election was not just a rejection of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but also of George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Mitt Romney, John Kerry, John McCain, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi and everyone else in the so called "establishment".

This is why we ended up electing a Billionaire with no political experience, who promises to drain the swamp, and has packed his cabinet with many non-conventional choices of people "not" from within the political establishment. He has tapped a media mogul, several former Generals, other Billionaires, with only a spattering of mainstream politicians. Nearly all of his nominees are controversial.

This, ladies and gentlemen is real change. Not just the same old same old liberal policies (that cannot pass through normal political means) being pushed at the stroke of a Presidential decree or a court order that is being pegged as change. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, and the change we are talking about is "not" within the comfort zone of the so called "progressives"... isn't it amusing how these open minded forward thinking people are reacting to real honest to goodness change?

  • Liberals demanding recounts to prove Russian hacking.
  • Liberals demanding the Electoral College voters break their pledges.
  • Liberals threatening to move out of the country.
  • California threatening to secede from the union.
  • Liberals demanding they can no longer have sex or date because Trump is their President.
  • Liberals who claim that they no longer want to leave the house because Trump is their President.
  • Liberals demanding (as they did with Bush) that Trump is not "their" President.
  • Liberals getting upset because Lynyrd Skynyrd plays in public places. 
  • Liberals not knowing what to tell their kids. 
  • Etc, etc, etc... 

Trust me when I say that these are not the sort of reactions you would expect from a group of people who claim to be open minded (by nature) and demand that they are more open to real change than their political opponents.  They are not actually any more open to change (probably less so). They are (as most conservatives are) open to their "own" change, while being completely resistant to any change they disagree with. 

One of the things that liberals will have to learn is that just because they offer something as change, doesn't mean it's good change. Take diversity for instance. Diversity is Diversity. As a fundamental principle, it's neither good or bad. It simply "is". In fact, if viewed through a historical lens, the more homogeneous a society is, the stronger those societies tend to be. The more diverse they become, the weaker they become. There is no historical precedent that shows "multiculturalism" can actually survive long term in a society. Yet, liberals arbitrarily "celebrate" diversity as if it actually means something in and of itself. It simply doesn't, and saying it does doesn't change that.

Likewise, globalization is just a modern day term for imperialism. Brexit is simply the political version of resistance that autonomy driven people throughout history have generally achieved through the tip of a sword.  Whether it's the real life William Wallace, or the fictional Katniss Everdeen or Luke Skywalker, the people resisting centralized control have always been viewed as the hero. According to modern day liberals, they were all just bigots who were afraid of the wonderful change offered by a centralized authority and wanted things to go back to the way they were.

Bottom line folks. The election of Donald Trump is currently the testing the ability of people to accept and adjust to real change. I would offer that those liberals (who demand it's their forte) are failing this simple test in alarming fashion. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Off topic, maybe. First, your side from day one never accepted the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

Secondly, on the disaster in Syria, from the legacy blog.

The crease fire in Aleppo Syria, has apparently collapsed. It's easy to blame President Obama, and he will carry the guilt of not acting on this horrific event until his last days. But the burden also lies upon mankind. The reports of murder of innocent men, women and children by the forces of Assad and the Russian air strikes on hospitals go unanswered.

The European union, and Great Britain, have been overwhelmed with refugees. But where are their armed forces? Have they confronted the war crimes of Vladimir Putin? No they have not.

This is a failure of mankind. NATO was created to contain the expansion of the Soviet Union. It is unable to unify to act behind a humanitarian crisis of historic proportions. I'm afraid that we won't act under President Trump either. They seem to be more concerned about the supply of oil and natural gas, than the horrors of the Russian air force.

If our President Elect, and soon to be President of the United States Of America, applies his touted ability to get people to work together and confront the horrific events in Syria, he will be seen as a success. And our great country will be seen as a glowing humanitarian success.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And yes, the alky wrote that himself, Jimmy.

Try it sometime. I would have a laugh at your expense.

Jimmy Beaner Olinsky.

C.H. Truth said...

Canadian immigration websites didn't crash, college professors did not declare the election Obama as hate speech, conservatives didn't demand that they lost the appetite for sex or relationships because of who was elected President, nobody asked for recounts, and there were no death threats made to Electors who were supposed to ask their Electoral College votes to Obama.

Pretty sure conservatives just focused on what to do next, and how to win back the Senate and house in 2010. (which they had a pretty successful election). Right now the left has conceded and 2018 Senate, and house leadership is complaining about gerrymandering and how they hope the 2020 redistricting can help them in 2022.

wphamilton said...

If by "change" you mean dismantling the departments for Energy, Health and Human Services, environmental protections, and rolling back consumer protections and civil rights, and demonizing science in general, then you're probably right that the Liberals tend to oppose "change".

Commonsense said...

Democrats keep this up they are going the way of the whigs.

Anonymous said...

C.H. Truth said...

Canadian immigration websites didn't crash, college professors did not declare the election Obama as hate speech, conservatives didn't demand that they lost the appetite for sex or relationships because of who was elected President, nobody asked for recounts, and there were no death threats made to Electors who were supposed to ask their Electoral College votes to Obama.


and after each 0bama victory, we didn't riot, loot, burn, cut and color our hair or otherwise cause a problem.

the day after each election there was disappointment, especially after 2012. i personally was amazed that we could have re-elected the fuckstick to a second term.

but then we did what we always do - we went to work. and suffered in relative silence until this election.

so yes, we did accept the presidency of obama. we weren't happy about it, and many of us lodged a myriad of legitimate criticisms at the president. all of which were dismissed as racist.

once again the fantasy world of alky-land crashes head-on into reality.

Anonymous said...

This is a failure of mankind.

no, it's a failure of rabid violent ragheads.

the worlds christians, and specifically the regions coptics are have no ownership of this bullshit. neither do the jews.

you liberals always love to trot out your moral relativism when this shit occurs, to share the blame across all of humanity.

birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, moose-limbs gotta jihad.

it's what they do and THEY own it. no one else.

and furthermore, conflating putin's geopolitical aims with those of the most violent cult on earth is the height of intellectual dishonesty. the guy's a treacherous, ruthless bastard to be sure, but he's also an opportunist. and if islam is going to create an environment where he can further his aims, he's going to take it.

8 long years of feckless (and perhaps borderline criminal incompetence) foreign policy in the region teed this situation up for putin beyond his wildest dreams.

embrace the suck alky. your dear leader 'built that.'

Indy Voter said...

I always thought liberals started calling themselves progressives was because "liberals" had become a pejorative term thanks to the likes of Rush Limbaugh.

Indy Voter said...

I recall Texas' governor threatening to secede at some point during the past eight years.

Anonymous said...

Speaking at a U.N. Security Council Emergency Briefing on Syria on Tuesday, US ambassador Samantha Power had some scathing words for her Syrian, Iranian and Russian counterparts.

“You bear responsibility for these atrocities,” she said of the plight of eastern Aleppo residents amid reports of widespread summary executions, including of women and children, by Syrian forces in formerly rebel-held areas.

“When one day there is a full accounting of the horrors committed in this assault of Aleppo -- and that day will come, sooner or later -- you will not be able to say you did not know what was happening.”

She said the actions of the three players “should shame” them.

“Three Member States of the U.N. contributing to a noose around civilians. It should shame you. Instead, by all appearances, it is emboldening you. . . Are you truly incapable of shame?”

capable of shame???

these fucking ragheads set fire to prisoners in cages, throw gays from rooftops, behead prisoners and ENJOY IT, and strap bombs to 8 year old girls and detonate them in the midst of large crowds of innocents.

a better question is...

do you have the first FUCKING CLUE?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Indy Voter said...
I recall Texas' governor threatening to secede at some point during the past eight years.


but that's 'old and busted.'

the 'new hotness' is californian secession.

Indy Voter said...

We'll see whether this is real change, or if instead of draining the swamp we get an overflowing cesspool.

C.H. Truth said...

If by "change" you mean dismantling the departments for Energy, Health and Human Services, environmental protections, and rolling back consumer protections and civil rights, and demonizing science in general, then you're probably right that the Liberals tend to oppose "change".

WP... you've been around long enough to realize that politics is nothing more than a ping pong match.

Either it's conservatives undoing liberal policies and replacing them with conservative ones... or it's liberals undoing conservative policies and replacing them with liberal ones.

Depending on your point of view, progress is either being made or being dismantled. Either way it's change. The fact that more conservatives seem to recognize this, while most liberals feel entitled to feel their own versions are the only ones just and right... is irrelevant to the reality.

The difference "this time" is that we have an entirely different type of leader who is putting together an entirely different type of leadership team around him. I tend to think he might be a "change" from the typical ping pong match that we have seen.

The "dismantling" of the plethora of government agencies (or at least the watering down of their authority) has long been called for by many many people on both sides of the aisle. Perhaps Trump has the courage to actually follow through.

KD, Are you a Hypenated American? said...

Rush Limbaugh.

I recall I time that Obama told the Republicans in one of his first Meeting Not to Listen to Rush.

I also recall that HB, what a dumb fuck, said Rush was going to be off the air because of his drug use.

I recall Obama telling US Republicans to sit down , shut up, HE WON!

Contrast that with the host of leftist Mr Trump has had meetings with and has actually listened .

Jim Brown, wow, he put a sharp point on it, he said he never saw his blackness as being a roadblock that he could not over come, he never saw himself as a victim.

That is a message for every black in the USA.

We are all Americans again.

KD, Fed Rate Rocket UP said...

I don't see any agency being out right ended, but, I hope that many have their staff's cut with a meat clever.

My first cuts would be to the food programs that get tucked into the AG bills. Work is the new cool four letter word.

Yellen could not wait to put on her strap on and give it to President Elect Trump. Raised rates as soon as she could, what a fucking piece of human ass candy.

wphamilton said...

CH, this isn't a political perspective or a matter of semantics. These guys have said outright that they would like to dismantle these Departments. Not rein them back, not change how they conduct business, but shut them down.

Anonymous said...

These guys have said outright that they would like to dismantle these Departments. Not rein them back, not change how they conduct business, but shut them down.

works for me, wp.

energy and education should definitely be scuttled. EPA should have its workforce reduced by 40%, and HUD could use a good housecleaning as well.

democrats figured out long ago that government (at every level) can be used to serve THEM, not the citizenry, as one colossal permanent employment program for... democrats.

as of 2014 we had 2,663,000 federal civilian employees. and they sit around surfing porn, leaving dead veterans in the shower for 9 hours, etc., etc., etc.

this shit has got to stop. between the $$$ they cost us and the crushing regulations they impose to choke profits and stifle productivity, something has finally got to give.

we can do with considerably LESS government, if we have the courage to take on the union parasites. unions btw, that even FDR thought completely unnecessary.

C.H. Truth said...

Well WP...

I guess it would still be a matter or political perspective whether or not dismantling certain agencies would be a progress (good thing) or regression (bad thing).

The fact that something "is" doesn't make it good.
Expanding on something that is bad is not progress.

Those are the intellectual "traps" of liberal thinking that everything Government is good, wise, and just... and therefor, we always need more of it and cutting it back is bad.

At the end of the day, it's just your opinion. That opinion would have to be shared by everyone to make it anything more than partisanship.

Commonsense said...

Who knows WP. It may be "change you can believe in."

In other words; "We are the change we've been waiting for."

wphamilton said...

Regardless of whether you believe that it's a good idea to destroy agencies that protect the consumer, the environment, natural resources or what have you, the fact remains that you've drawn a false analogy to apocryphal Liberal mindset of accepting only "change" which agrees with the "Liberal" philosophy.

The responses here confirm my original thought: 'If by "change" you mean dismantling the departments for Energy, Health and Human Services, environmental protections, and rolling back consumer protections and civil rights, and demonizing science in general, then you're probably right that the Liberals tend to oppose "change".' Yup, burn it all down and if someone doesn't like that idea, it just means that they're hypocrites about seeking change. Doesn't that about cover it, CH?

C.H. Truth said...


There are trade offs with everything. Zero sum game. No free lunch.

An agency designed to "protect a consumer" should be offset with an agency designed to "protect the retailer" as well...

and it's only your opinion that questioning scientific methods and offering alternate lines of thought on these subject is "demonizing science in general".

The reality is that when it takes four years for the EPA to grant a license for a business, and that business ends up starting up in a foreign country because of it... then there is a trade off that needs to be addressed.

It's simply not as "simple" as you would like to make it out to be... and I don't fall for your hyperbole or rhetoric.

caliphate4vr said...

Off topic, maybe. First, your side from day one never accepted the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

Secondly, on the disaster in Syria, from the legacy blog.

Ever wonder why mass slaughter like this occurs when Donks are Pres? Cambodia 2,000,000 Carter, Rwanda 1,000,000 Bubba, Syria Obumble

caliphate4vr said...

To be fair I do need to say the Bangladesh genocide was under Nixon.

KD, cut government , let people keep the money in own wallet said...

WP, points out a problem, every agency and program created by the Government must always live on.

I can think of not a single agency that has been killed off in my life time, I do know for a fact that those that have been created only grow bigger, more expensive and do less.

Why do we still employ a single Postal Worker?

Why do we employ 1 million defense related private contrators.

Let us not get into the silliness that Republicans are the problem, when the nation just gave about ever lever of power to them.

KD, Flip those Electors for Hillary said...

Secondly, on the disaster in Syria" The Mutt

I wonder if that redline is ever going to be enforced by the Obimbo.

IS the recount done, did Hillary WIN?

caliphate4vr said...

WP, points out a problem, every agency and program created by the Government must always live on.

That's the DAMN truth, gubment agencies live on through in perpetuity

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a classic example of loyalty to a politician.

Conservatives demanded Obama provide is college transcripts.
Conservatives demanded Obama provide his birth certificate.
Conservatives did not think the "community organizer" was qualified.
Conservatives never accepted Obama as a legitimate.

Conservatives don't have a problem with the proven fact that he has lied literally hundreds of time in the campaign. The most egregious was the false claim that thousands of Muslims demonstrated in the streets of New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks.

Conservatives accept the fact that he is bringing into his cabinet the people who were deeply in the swamp.

Conservatives accept the fact that he's not going to "lock her up."

Conservatives accept the fact that the President Elect thinks the most brutal dictator in the world, is a better leader than our President.

Conservatives have no problem with making John Bolton, the most vocal neo-conservative supporter of the invasion of Iraq, that the President Elect lied about his opposition to that war.

Conservatives accept the fact that the commander in chief is unwilling to read the daily intelligence briefings.

Conservatives accept the fact that the President Elect has no foreign policy experience.

Conservatives accept the fact that the President Elect is attacking the very intelligence agencies that he will depend on for important life and death decisions.

Conservatives accept the fact that the President Elect will put his multinational financial sources of income into a blind trust as every one of his predecessors did, in possible violation of the Constitution.

Conservatives accept the President Elct's Birther beliefs

Conservatives accept that the President Elect claimed that the Mexican government was sending rapists and drug dealers across the border

Conservatives accept the assault on the freedom of Religion guaranteed by the Constitution.

Conservatives accept the fact that Trump will not stand with NATO on the Russian control of The Ukraine.

Conservatives accept the fact that the President elect has backed off of every single promise he made to get elected.

Conservatives remain loyal, despite the new revelations released today that said Vladimir Putin was personally involved in the electronic hack of the DNC and more.

For the last eight years, the conservatives and our esteemed host criticized the liberals of unreasonable loyalty. Sure, there was some of that. But it in no way compares to the depth of he loyalty to the least politically experienced President elect in the history of the country has today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. intelligence officials now believe with "a high level of confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.

Putin's objectives were multifaceted, a high-level intelligence source told NBC News. What began as a "vendetta" against Hillary Clinton morphed into an effort to show corruption in American politics and to "split off key American allies by creating the image that [other countries] couldn't depend on the U.S. to be a credible global leader anymore," the official said.

Ultimately, the CIA has assessed, the Russian government wanted to elect Donald Trump. The FBI and other agencies don't fully endorse that view, but few officials would dispute that the Russian operation was intended to harm Clinton's candidacy by leaking embarrassing emails about Democrats.

The latest intelligence said to show Putin's involvement goes much further than the information the U.S. was relying on in October, when all 17 intelligence agencies signed onto a statement attributing the Democratic National Committee hack to Russia.

The statement said officials believed that "only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities." That was an intelligence judgment based on an understanding of the Russian system of government, which Putin controls with absolute authority.

wphamilton said...

and it's only your opinion that questioning scientific methods and offering alternate lines of thought on these subject is "demonizing science in general".

It's not an opinion. They do demonize science, literally and deliberately. I know what Perry and his education board did with textbooks in Texas, and we know why. I don't even want to get into the other appointees, but having an "alternate lines of thought" doesn't mean their "line of thought" is based anything even remotely grounded in science. They don't "question science"; they reject science with no justification beyond what plays to their political and religious audiences. There is a place for that, but that place isn't the EPA or Energy.

And not even you believe that every consumer protection has to be "balanced" by protecting industry. Consumer protections ensure the free market. You want to what, allow the biggest businesses to distort it, to somehow "balance" things?

wphamilton said...

It's simply not as "simple" as you would like to make it out to be... and I don't fall for your hyperbole or rhetoric.

None of it is hyperbole, nor even exaggerated. Have you honestly looked into any of these appointments? Beyond the labels?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp, you are spot on.
They reject science if it does not confirm their ideology.

It's simple, they deny reality.

You are trying to feed a corpse.

KD, Too much fun at your expense said...

Election Deniers

How did the re-count go, did she win?

KD, Liberal Lies in Pieces said...

WP, I don't recall your voice against most things that Obama did, but, I could be wrong, but am I?

Commonsense said...

Isn't it fascinating that the very liberals who accuse conservatives of "rejecting" or "demonizing" science deny the scientific fact that an embryo in the womb is a unique human life.

All because it is inconvenient to their argument that a woman has an absolute right to kill her baby up to the time his/her feet exit the birth canal.

Now that's demonizing science.

Anonymous said...

I can think of not a single agency that has been killed off in my life time, I do know for a fact that those that have been created only grow bigger, more expensive and do less.

Paul Light of New York University passes along this interesting tidbit about the growth of the executive branch in his Wall Street Journal op-ed today:

"In 1961, according to my analysis, John F. Kennedy oversaw 450 political and career executives who occupied 17 bureaucratic layers at the top of government. Mr. Trump will soon oversee more than 3,000 executives in 63 layers. This leads to a Washington hallmark: titles like chief of staff to the deputy assistant secretary. Such complexity distorts information as it travels up the chain of command, and then thwarts guidance on the way down."

If you don’t think this state of affairs favors the bureaucracy you’re not paying attention in class.

when i was a kid we had civil servants whose primary function was to actually serve us - the citizenry.

now we have a leviathan government that exists primarily as a permanent employment mechanism for democrats.

the size of our federal civilian employee base has grown to almost 2.7M parasites who can never be fired except for the most egregious of circumstances, who enjoy compensation well north of their private sector counterparts, and who enjoy the benefit of being exempt from virtually every law, regulation, and rule they impose and enforce upon the rest of us.

while there are federal agencies that should be eliminated, at the very least trump should impose a federal hiring freeze for the duration of his presidency, and he should grab the leaders of federal employee unions by the back of the neck and slam their faces into the top of the bargaining table, and begin to unravel their lucrative taxpayer funded compensation and benefits packages.

and as an added bonus, let's move federal jobs from washington to the rust belt where cost of living is lower, and those who sit on their fat wallets delivering government to us serfs can live amongst us:

wp, you decry the removal of consumer protections. well, we're all consumers of government, and since we're getting such a shitty deal on what we're forced to consume, i'd like to think that for the first time in a long time we should actually have a say in the matter.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Isn't it fascinating that the very liberals who accuse conservatives of "rejecting" or "demonizing" science deny the scientific fact that an embryo in the womb is a unique human life.

look at it as being part of their so called 'pro choice' stance.

they get to 'choose' which science they hold up as legitimate and which science they dismiss out of hand as a matter of convenience.

hypocritical yes, but we all know the relationship between hypocrisy and liberalism.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry WP, but no matter how absolute you attempt to make your case, it's still just your opinion. You could read the Powerline Blog or many other conservatives sites and find that many are absolutely giddy over the appointments, believing these are great choices:


Donald Trump has appointed former Texas Governor Rick Perry Secretary of Energy. Perry is a great choice for Energy, but frankly, he would be a terrific choice for just about any executive branch position. Rick Perry is perhaps the most successful governor of modern times; his track record as an administrator is unexcelled. Give Perry a department, and he will run it well.

Liberals fear that as Secretary of Energy, Perry will favor fossil fuels over “green” energy. I certainly hope so, but that may not turn out to be part of his job. In any event, it will be far better to have Rick Perry running the Department of Energy than the ridiculous Steven Chu, who wanted Americans to pay $8 per gallon of gasoline, and who completely failed to understand America’s vast fossil fuel resources

Again, in "your" mind, the energy department is all about promoting green policy (liberal policy). But it's not. It's about promoting all "energy" including the fossil fuels that the left don't like. How can you argue that promoting only one type of energy makes you better qualified (objectively) for the position.

You would have to be able to take off your partisan glasses to understand why you are just flat out wrong. But you refuse (or possibly can't).

C.H. Truth said...

By wrong, WP... I don't suggest that your "opinion" is wrong. I only suggest that your absolute belief that these policy positions have black and white right and wrong sides... is "wrong".

By definition, if there is widespread disagreement about a political policy or the best way to run a department, there isn't not going to be a black and white answer, only opinions.

Right now the opinions of the people being nominated by Donald Trump matter. The opinions of the people they will be replacing only matter to the degree that opposing opinions mattered over the past 8 years (ping pong). If my memory serves correctly, Obama and his administration were not exactly inclusive with conservatives when it came to making their policy.

In your mind, they may have been correct not to do so. But in the minds of many others, they were naive partisans that 100% followed political motives. Talk to many conservatives and they will offer that Trump is now putting adults in charge again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"fake" hacking looks foolish. Loyalty overrides reality.

U.S. intelligence officials now believe with "a high level of confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.

Putin's objectives were multifaceted, a high-level intelligence source told NBC News. What began as a "vendetta" against Hillary Clinton morphed into an effort to show corruption in American politics and to "split off key American allies by creating the image that [other countries] couldn't depend on the U.S. to be a credible global leader anymore," the official said.

Once the Trump transition team puts out the spin, it will appear on 2.0 within two hours.
Or the non partisan powerline blog, or Drudgery will provide the spin

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Talk to many conservatives (Trump Loyalists) and they will offer that Trump is now putting adults in charge again."

Rick, "I forgot" Perry is in charge of a department he forgot he wanted to eliminate.

Grown up?

KD, Syria blood on Obama/Hillary Hands said...

i'd like to think that for the first time in a long time we should actually have a say in the matter." RRB


Is the Spam blog dead? I ask because HB is spamming up this the Adult blog with Alt-Left loser crybaby crap and a half.

I surely did not hear any of these excuses for the massive lead Hillary Camp with all the walls, all the Money and all the Ground game with her lead pre-election 9 points, it was over, but the voting.

So why the flood of post election excuses by the Alt-Left?

KD, said...

The staff at the White House will be down sized with in a year.

President Trump understands the value of the US Tax payers dollar , just look at his tweets.

It is not the job of business to create jobs, it is the Job of Business to return the highest yields to the investor, in this case the Tax Payers, we will start to WIN again and government is run by adults and not idiots.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Preibus is going to make changes on press corps access.

Say goodbye to NBC, CNN, and access will be given to Poweline and Breitbart?

I'm sure that if they do that, they will be approved here.

opie said...

Poweline and Breitbart?

The undisputed leaders of fake news. How reassuring. LOL

KD, HalfBaked bull shit said...

Why are you saying good bye to those networks?

Or are you either projecting or fake newsing the Adult blog.

President Trump, darn nice ring to it .

KD said...

Real news, 25, ooo new in the USA Jobs announced by tech giant IBM.

1,000 union jobs that Obama wrote off as "gone" saved by Trump at Carrier.

Softbank, bringing 50,000 jobs to the USA. With 60 Billion in investments in US.

That is how it gets started, recovery with teeth and growth and private sector jobs that create taxable incomes. Not taxed income that sucks the workers to pay for make believe not so shovel ready non jobs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thank you President Barack Hussein Obama.

The dollar climbed to the highest level since 2003 against the euro as the prospect of a steeper path for U.S. interest rates next year filtered through markets. European bank stocks climbed while bonds and gold slumped.

The greenback extended its advance against major and emerging-market peers after the Federal Reserve’s first and only interest-rate hike of 2016 was accompanied with a signal of three increases next year. U.S. 10-year yields reached the highest level in more than two years, while 30-year bunds led a decline in German securities. China’s 10-year benchmark headed for its biggest one-day increase and gold fell to a new low.

opie said...

1,000 union jobs that Obama wrote off as "gone" saved by Trump at Carrier.

Really? Only swamp drinkers think that number is accurate. LOL

C.H. Truth said...

The dollar climbed to the highest level since 2003 against the euro as the prospect of a steeper path for U.S. interest rates next year filtered through markets. European bank stocks climbed while bonds and gold slumped.

Which pretty much "every" analyst is suggesting is a response from the election of Donald Trump. Not sure Obama has done anything (other than start packing) that would qualify him for taking credit.

But nice try...

C.H. Truth said...

Say goodbye to NBC, CNN, and access will be given to Poweline and Breitbart?

One could only hope...

C.H. Truth said...

Actually Roger...

The Trump administration has been toying with the idea of having more interactive press briefings, possibly something like a webcast that would allow question from viewers (questions that would then be voted on for importance).

The idea would be to allow equal access to all media outlets (not just a select few) and take questions from real people about subjects that real people are concerned with (rather than allow a few members of the old school MSM to determine what the public should be concerned with).

That sort of Freedom of an open press, with the interaction of the American public should be applauded and pushed for. It would be a clear upgrade from the traditional manner in which Press Conferences are held (and certain privileged members) are given special access. Not very American.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Say goodbye to NBC, CNN, and access will be given to Poweline and Breitbart?

One could only hope...

Not very American. Fascism in practice.

C.H. Truth said...

So Roger...

Your idea of America is to limit the press to a few selected outlets controlled primarily by one ideology?

I am pretty sure that is not what the founding fathers had in mind. I am quite certain they would be on board with anything that would "expand" the media access, rather than diminish it.

But that is the difference between the inclusive America for the people that I see.... and the exclusive America for the few media elites that you envision.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Imagine the outrage from Trump, media and Republicans if intelligence agencies said Putin hacked Trump's campaign emails on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You claim that most of the journalist are ideology biased.

To you, anyone who dares to ask a question on Trump is ideological and not loyal to your new God.

C.H. Truth said...

Imagine the outrage from Trump, media and Republicans if intelligence agencies said Putin hacked Trump's campaign emails on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

I can imagine lots of things... pink elephants, unicorns, a Viking Super Bowl win... but my imagination is still not as vivid as yours and your ilk. You guys will truly believe "anything" you are told.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Preibus is going to make changes on press corps access.

Say goodbye to NBC, CNN, and access will be given to Poweline and Breitbart?

HH: Last two questions have to do with the media. First of all, instead of that boring Saturday morning radio address, I think the President should do a Friday morning drive time nationally syndicated show each week, you know, in the morning when you can shape news. Don’t you agree?

RP: Well, you know, what? Look, I think that many things have to change, and I think that it’s important that we look at all of those traditions that are great, but quite frankly, as you know, don’t really make news…

HH: No.

RP: And they’re just sort of…

HH: It’s horrible.

RP: …mundane, boring episodes. And you know, even looking at things like the daily White House briefing from the press secretary, I mean, there’s a lot of different ways that things can be done, and I can assure you we’re looking at that.
HH: And that brings me, Glenn Thrush on Wednesday said there is worry in the White House Press Corps that they’re going to do away with the traditional bullpen, the upstairs, the downstairs. Now I do want the front row given over to Salem Media, but what do you, what are the plans for the press corps and that traditional approach?
RP: We’re, and I hate blowing things off, because I’m not doing it on purpose, it just so happens that we’re actually talking about those things right now. And what the new tradition, I guess you could say, should be in the Trump White House. You know, this was the first front row assigned seat issue, as I understand it, started in the Obama administration. In the Bush administration, you just took a seat, and I guess there were a couple of people that have had reserved spots. But for the most part, the more formalized reserved seating piece came in over the last eight years. That issue is being talked about. The point of all of this conversation is that the traditions, while some of them are great, I think it’s time to revisit a lot of these things that have been done in the White House, and I can assure you that change is going to happen, even on things that might seem boring like this topic, but also change as far as how we’re going to approach tax reform, the American worker, how we protect them and business all at the same time why skyrocketing our economy.

HH: Reince Priebus, again, congratulations. Make sure in that change, they put that Hugh Hewitt chair right there in the middle of the front row. We appreciate you being here.

RP: You got it.

HH: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

End of interview.

relax, drama queen. grab the smelling salts and pick your cirrhosis-laden ass up off the fainting couch.

the above was the sum total of reince's comments on the media and white house briefings.

wphamilton said...

My opinion of Rick Perry is built on what I've heard from family members in Texas - solid Obama-bashing Conservatives to a person - and colored by a speech I sat through just before he ran for Governor.

He was addressing the commencement at Texas A&M University. Perry warmed the crowd up by explaining the advantages that A&M graduates have when dealing with anyone in the A&M alumni network. You'll get that job, you get that contract, whenever that guy on the other side of the desk is also an A&M graduate because that's how the network works. Extolling the virtues of the Good Ole' Boy network he went on and on about it, stopping short of the secret handshake but he did say to always wear the ring. As someone who did NOT attend this University I was non-plussed, but, well OK if the hicks want to discriminate against everyone else we all already knew they would and the good-old-boy network was no secret.

I don't want someone like that running a State let alone a Federal agency but realistically you can expect no better. What bugged me was the segue into his stump speech, even then light on facts, ridiculing scientists, and rather proudly displaying general ignorance. So yes, it is "my opinion" but it is one based on facts and experience. Perry fails my standards in character, in his knowledge, and in his record in Texas.

And by the way, I and my family are card-carrying dues paying members of the National Royalty Owners Association (that's oil and gas royalties) and we do keep up with what the politicians are doing in Texas in particular. We aren't all that thrilled with Rick Perry.

KD said...

WP, you may want to change your diet, try to stay away from that steady diet of sour grapes.

wphamilton said...

Sour grapes? I don't care who is heading Energy as long as he's good for oil and gas and smart enough to handle the rest of the mission. Perry isn't any of that, how is that sour grapes?

C.H. Truth said...

So WP... the guys from the Powerline blog are successful attorneys, writers, and political commentators who have sat in for Hugh Hewitt, been on Fox News panels, and are routinely published in major outlets.

The consider Rick Perry (based on how he ran Texas, specifically job creation and other tangible economic statistics) to be well qualified to run energy or (as they argue) any department.

Your opinion seems based on things Rick Perry has said that you apparently disagree with. Their opinion is based on tangible statistical evidence that he was an effective Governor.

I understand that opinions run deep for people... but doesn't it appear that your negative opinion of Perry is based more on philosophical differences than any tangible evidence that he is not a good executive?

Anonymous said...

He was addressing the commencement at Texas A&M University. Perry warmed the crowd up by explaining the advantages that A&M graduates have when dealing with anyone in the A&M alumni network. You'll get that job, you get that contract, whenever that guy on the other side of the desk is also an A&M graduate because that's how the network works. Extolling the virtues of the Good Ole' Boy network he went on and on about it, stopping short of the secret handshake but he did say to always wear the ring.

wp, that's not exclusive to A&M. most major university alumni networks operate in exactly the same fashion. particularly in the ivies. between legacy admissions and post-graduation networking, being connected to alumni, especially from the more prestigious schools in any given area of the country, will always give an individual with those connections a leg up on employment, business dealings, etc.

perry simply spoke what those graduates should have already learned from their academic advisor if said advisor was actually worth the paycheck they were collecting.

wphamilton said...

CH I'm sure that oil and gas royalty owners in Texas have a more objective and detailed picture of the governor of Texas than do some Powerline bloggers. My "negative opinion" of the man is based on his being an ideological idiot, not simply philosophical differences. Perry doesn't even rise to the level where he can have philosophical differences.

wphamilton said...

Trump's choices do make sense in an animal cunning sort of way. If he has a Cabinet even further off the beam than he is, it's unlikely that a majority of them could get together with VP Pence and declare Trump unfit for office. So it helps to safeguard his position.

C.H. Truth said...

WP - you can actually look at Texas's economy. See whether there was job growth and economic growth. You can see if there was population growth. New business growth. You can see whether or not he accomplished things he set out to do.

Being a good executive has nothing to do with whether or not you agree with what his ultimate goals are. Being a good executive is about achieving those goals.

As far as the rest goes... Rick Perry is a college graduation who later became an commissioned officer and Pilot in the Air Force. Not sure if you are aware of the qualifications to become a pilot in the armed forces, but you have to be at the top of your class in both physical and mental capacity. He as elected three times as the Governor or Texas. I am guessing his record of accomplishment puts yours to shame.

The fact is that you disagree with him on policy, and therefor you decide to call him names and pretend he must be stupid for not agreeing with you. I think that is childish, not to mention something that makes for a ridiculous fallacy filled argument.

You are obviously intelligent yourself, but intelligent people disagree. However, as intelligence as you might be, your arguments have become less so. You"used" to be much more logical and grounded back in the day. You never would have been prone to making fallacy filled arguments. I often times wonder what happened.

wphamilton said...

Sure I know the qualifications to be an AF pilot. There was a RIF going on when I was in AFROTC, but I was told I had a pilot's slot anyway based on my AFOQT (among the highest in the nation they said), academic record ((4.0 at the time) and grading in the OTC (highest marks as Group Commander). I decided to go another way, but pulling that crap on me won't get you very far.

I doubt that you even know the job growth and economic growth in Texas when Perry took office, and what caused to change, or what that change was, but I do. Neither the hard times nor recovery had much if anything to do with whatever Perry did. You're fixated on labels and political reputations, but it looks to me like you don't have a clue beyond that - but you condescend to me about opinions?

C.H. Truth said...


My whole point is that these are just opinions, not absolutes. I would not suggest that the opinions of the Powerline Bloggers are more relevant than anyone else's opinions. At the end of the day, they are all opinions.

But I do get tired of the name calling and the accusations that people who disagree with us must be "stupid". Or that qualifications for a political job must start and end with whether or not they have the right ideology. The one thing I have learned over the past 12 of blogging is that there are smart people on both sides of the debate, and stupid people on both sides of the debate.

The only true "qualification" for the job of Presidency is that you are a naturalized citizen over the age of 35. I think it's preferable (since the Presidency is in charge of the executive branch) that the person running for President has some experience at managing people or governing things (that is why Governors are ideal).

Donald Trump may have no "political" experience, but he does run a multi billion dollar company with a ton of moving Parts. Unlike most billionaires, you cannot point to one company or one idea that made him his billions. It's been a continuous ability to start new companies and have them be successful. That tells me more about him and I find it more impressive than someone like Bill Gates, who made a fortune off one company. Maybe that experience will or maybe that won't translate well into being President of the United States. But it's quite likely that there really isn't much preparation one can do for the job.

The fact is that Trump is going in a completely different direction. Which is what he was elected to do. I can live with the idea of finding out if it works....

Because I know damned well that the alternative would have been a complete disaster.