- The NFL is a business
- The players are employees of this business
- The fans are the "clients" of this business
- Game day is their work day
If during my interactions with my clients at work, I were to make any sort of statements (symbolic or otherwise) regarding politics or social issues that made any of our clients uncomfortable, I would be reprimanded, disciplined, and possibly fired. It wouldn't matter when I did it. It wouldn't matter of some of our clients agreed with my feelings. Nothing would matter, other than the fact that my work relationship with my clients is not the place for me to engage my political or social opinions.
What makes athletes (almost universally "black athletes") immune from these same standards of business etiquette? Where does the logical argument that this is a "first amendment" issue for athletes, but a violation of work ethics for everyone else?
Fact is there is no "logical argument". There is only the feeling that for modern athletes (and other socially aggrieved people), it's all about them, all the time. It doesn't matter if their social norms are completely different from what has been a unifying engagement to our country for 200 years (the playing of the national anthem)... it's their right to disrupt, divide, and make it about whatever it is that they are upset about today.
The President made the attack on the athletes, to direct attention away from the failed attempt to repeal and replace Obama care. The players responded to the s.o.b attack on them. He started the whole thing, because he cannot tolerate any criticism of him. The President made the attacks on him, into an attack on the respect for the flag, and what it stands for.
I can see the symbolism as he framed it. But I don't agree with the President or you on this. At least it looks terrible. I don't agree with the President or you, on that level. Because to me it was a protest against the President and not disrespectful of the United States and for what it stands.
Newsflash... Trump didn't start it. Kaepernick did. Trump just decided that he had had enough of it, just like many americans.
And yes it is a direct insult to the national anthem and country. It's the anthem they're protesting. Not before. Not after. Not during halftime. Not in a press conference. They're deliberately insulting the anthem. And millions of Americans don't like it.
This is not on topic, but It's evidence that the Coldheartedtruth is a distinct minority of the population of the United States Of America.
President Donald Trump is not "fit to serve as president," American voters say 56 - 42 percent, and voters disapprove 57 - 36 percent of the job he is doing as president, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
There are deep party, gender and racial divisions on whether President Trump is fit to serve, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds:
Trump is not fit, Democrats say 94 - 5 percent and independent voters say 57 - 40 percent. Republicans say 84 - 14 percent that he is fit.
Men are divided 49 - 49 percent, as women say 63 - 35 percent he is not fit.
White voters are divided as 50 percent say he is fit and 48 percent say he is not fit. Trump is not fit, black voters say 94 - 4 percent and Hispanic voters say 60 - 40 percent.
American voters disapprove 62 - 32 percent of the way President Trump is handling race relations. Disapproval is 55 - 39 percent among white voters, 95 - 3 percent among black voters and 66 - 28 percent among Hispanic voters. President Trump is doing more to divide the country than to unite the country, American voters say 60 - 35 percent.
The anti-Twitter sentiment remains high as voters say 69 - 26 percent that Trump should stop tweeting. No party, gender, education, age or racial group wants to follow the Tweeter-in- Chief. Voters say 51 - 27 percent they are embarrassed to have Trump as president.
"There is no upside. With an approval rating rating frozen in the mid-thirties, his character and judgement questioned, President Donald Trump must confront the harsh fact that the majority of American voters feel he is simply unfit to serve in the highest office in the land," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
"A divider, responsible for the deepening chasm of racial discord. That is the inescapable characterization of President Trump from voters who see race relations deteriorating on his watch.
"Weary and wary of the Twitter-happy president's blizzard of provocative tweets, voters say dump the device for good."
American voter opinions of most Trump qualities remain low:
59 - 37 percent that he is not honest;
60 - 38 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
56 - 42 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
67 - 30 percent that he is not level headed;
61 - 37 percent that he is a strong person;
55 - 42 percent that he is intelligent;
61 - 36 percent that he does not share their values.
Democrats and Republicans
American voters disapprove 78 - 15 percent of the job Republicans in Congress are doing, worse than their 70 - 25 percent disapproval in a June 29 Quinnipiac University poll. Even Republican voters disapprove 61 - 32 percent. Voters disapprove 63 - 29 percent of the job Democrats in Congress are doing, virtually unchanged from June.
Voters say 47 - 38 percent, including 44 - 32 percent among independent voters, that they would like to see Democrats win control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2018 Congressional elections.
Voters also say 49 - 40 percent, including 47 - 34 percent among independent voters, they would like to see Democrats win control of the U.S. Senate next year.
By a narrow 48 - 44 percent voters approve of Trump's handling of the economy. He gets mostly negative approval ratings for handling other key issues:
38 - 57 percent for handling foreign policy;
38 - 59 percent for immigration;
34 - 59 percent for the environment;
34 - 60 percent for health care;
47 percent approve of his handling of terrorism and 45 percent disapprove.
From September 21 - 26, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,412 voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points, including the design effect. Live interviewers call landlines and cell phones.
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys nationwide, and in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa and Colorado as a public service and for research.
Visit poll.qu.edu or www.facebook.com/quinnipiacpoll Call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter @QuinnipiacPoll.
The Bush lover balls, has fallen in love again.
Newsflash... Trump didn't start it. Kaepernick did. Trump just decided that he had had enough of it.
1: Kaepernick knelt in sympathy to African Americans who have been subjected to police brutality because of the color of their skin. I personally know people who have been subjected to begin stopped by white police officers for "driving while black".
2: The President made a cold political calculation to divert attention away from his inability to fulfill a single promise made in his campaign promises.
3: It was his desire to keep his base happy.
It's apparent that he has accomplished step three in spades. It's promoted at least three posts on this subject.
Kaepernick also showed off a Fidel Castro t-shirt and cops-as-pigs socks.
And all you want to do is blame Trump for their stupidity.
The President successfully manipulated people like you into believing that an expression of a negative commentary on his irresponsible and again irrational behavior, was an attack on the United States. You have been sucked in again into the Trump bubble of denial.
Roy Moore said that in an interview on talk radio, that he knew absolutely nothing about DACA Dreamers reforms.
Yesterday when the President was questioned about his tax reform plans, he knew absolutely nothing but his talking points.
This is the Republican party has become under President Trump. Ignorance is bliss.
The President successfully manipulated people like you into believing that an expression of a negative commentary on his irresponsible and again irrational behavior, was an attack on the United States.
When Colin Kaepernick started it all, the President was Barack Obama.
It was nothing short of disrespect for the country. Stop sucking your kool-aid.
When Colin Kaepernick started it all, the President was Barack Obama.
And it remained under the radar until trump got your inane ear and started the food fight......yep, it's all obama's fault....See that quinippiac poll the has 56% thinking trump is not fit to be POTUS??? LOL
alk radio, that he knew absolutely nothing about DACA Dreamers reforms.
Nothing new there....but I bet he can ride a horse and shoot straight.....idiots...
Gee Roger...
I didn't know that I was offended by Colin Keapernick back in 2016 because President Trump was "in the future" going to call out NFL Players for political displays during the National Anthem.
Fucking idiot...
More proof positive that you can make EVERYTHING (even stuff that happened prior to Trump being President) about Donald Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.... You are ragingly mentally ill my friend!!!
"48,000" Alky
Actually, there are 58,318 names of dead service members on the walls of the Vietnam Memorial.
And John fraud kerry was then and still today an asshole like you.
So Roger...
How well would it have gone over if you (back when you were an plumber or electrician or whatever if was that you did)... walked into your client site (or client home) and in front of your clients provided some "political statement" that offended a majority of your clients... just prior to starting work?
How many of your co-workers routinely made political statements in front of clients that they "knew full well" was offensive to most of them... just to prove some first amendment right?
So Roger....
Too bad all those people Quinnipiac polled didn't vote.
Two more businesses end their relationship with the nfl over the colin keparnic police/Military/Flag/Anthem potest.
Colin thank you for exposing the left on the National stage and your support of Blacklivesmurders.
USA Insurance Company is hearing it from us retired and active and widowed service members to drop any business with the NFL.
Poor little Alky wrong so often it is hard to correct her.
Remember, alky was so sure his much needed deduction on his wife's house on his mortgage deduction was gone under 45's tax plan. Wrong again Mr. Flacid.
Good news CA, welfare to tax filers will be reduced by $130 million a year, with the elimination of the federal deduction for state and local taxes.
Stump broke idiot posted......
USA Insurance Company is hearing it from us retired and active and widowed service members to drop any business with the NFL.
And who gives a shit other than you and your lies??????? A complaint of one is as useless as your life....
Too bad all those people Quinnipiac polled didn't vote.
Wow, what a come back, CH....my guess that trend is about to end....LOLOLOL
"How well would it have gone over if you (back when you were an plumber or electrician or whatever if was that you did).."
What makes you presume he didn't?
He has zero social skills.
Ette, what do your marine Family think of the Obsma/Kappernec a them protest.
Colon said he can not support the flag because of racial and financial injustice of blacks . Oct 2016.
Good morning Madam Opie.
eat shit and die stumpy Idiot
None of these Marines spend a lot of time on the latest "hair on fire" moment. They're ALL too busy mentoring young kids of all races.
Each Marine family in our circle has their own passion helping at-risk kids.
BTW, my husband is distantly related to Kaepernick's adoptive mom. She seems like a nice lady.
Aug. 27, 2016
The left's Hero Colon kaepernick told espn he is protesting the US Flag because of oppression of blacks and the cops that kill them and are given the reward ofn paid vacation.
This is the right thing to do!
The Trump administration announced Thursday that it has temporarily waived a U.S. shipping restriction for Puerto Rico known as the Jones Act.
Under the law, only U.S.-flagged ships are allowed to move goods between U.S. ports. Now foreign-flagged vessels also will be able to move shipments, including much-needed relief supplies after Hurricane Maria battered the U.S. territory last week.
The Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration thanked President Trump in a Tweet:
That was in response to the announcement from White House press secretary Sarah Sanders:
Stump broke lies again...
The left's Hero Colon kaepernick
Colon is an abject asshole, just like you!!!! But he has an audience, you have CHT as your pitiful platform.....LOLOLOLOL
The Trump administration announced Thursday that it has temporarily waived a
A no brainer that took a week to implement....helluva job, donnie.....LOL
I was a highly skilled carpenter. Then, because I had the ability to read construction documents and understand what the architect and engineers wanted done, I would write the bidding document, and solicit the bids from all the different trades.
I would also provide conceptual costs for potential remodeling. All of this was in the health care industry. The regulations are highly complex.
The Alzheimer's disease victim believes that I have no social skills. The truth is exactly the opposite.
As to CH, the comparison of my job, and the sports figures and my job is completely irrational. I was not a public figure. I never had to stand up for the national anthem as part of my occupation.
"Fucking idiot...
More proof positive that you can make EVERYTHING (even stuff that happened prior to Trump being President) about Donald Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.... You are ragingly mentally ill my friend!!!"
I am mentally ill, so says the glorified account. This is a symptom according to the person who cannot comprehend contrary views may actually be valid. This is nuts?
"The President successfully manipulated people like you into believing that an expression of a negative commentary on his irresponsible and again irrational behavior, was an attack on the United States. You have been sucked in again into the Trump bubble of denial."
And it remained under the radar until trump got your inane ear and started the food fight...
Hardly under the radar. Maybe under your radar since you only selectively see half the field.
As to CH, the comparison of my job, and the sports figures and my job is completely irrational. I was not a public figure
Right... because millionaire athletes have special privileges and are above everything. I "almost" forgot.
If you put on a police uniform, you represent the police. While on duty, you are required to follow the standards and behave in such a manner that promotes the reputation of your department.
If you put in a military uniform, you represent the military. Same rules apply. If you put in your UPS uniform, you represent UPS. Even though I don't put on a uniform, I represent "my company" while I am working...
To the degree that a football player puts on a jersey, they actually represent more than just their team. They represent the NFL and to even perhaps a more important degree... they represent the community that they play for.
But as it is with everything else with the "aggrieved"... their only interest is representing "themselves" or something that has absolutely nothing to do with football, the NFL, or the community that they represent.
These are just more spoiled athletes who believe that they above everything. Above the standards that others live by, and according to arrest records, they seem to believe that they are above the law as well...
So, yeah old Rog....
You throw your eggs in the buckets of the athlete who is above it all. Make sure they understand that "you" support them... because that's how you see the world too. One set of rules for the everyday worker. Another for millionaire athletes.
Because... where would old Rog be if he didn't have Colin Kaepernick to let him know how to think?
Personally I will stand by "my" principals here, and suggest that they should be held to the same standards everyone else is... and if they are really interested in their first amendment rights, then they can do it on their own time... when they are not representing anyone but themselves.
Of course, Rog... they are not interested in attending a protest or anything that will take up any of their time, huh? Only do it when it's convenient for them and totally inconvenient to everyone else.
But I foget... Rog thinks they are special.
I am mentally ill, so says the glorified account.
How else do you explain your irrationality.
Refusing to stand for the national anthem was interpreted by everybody outside your bubble as a deliberate insult to the country and it's people responsible for providing them so much wealth.
The NFL didn't begin it's slide with Trump's rally on friday last.
The people have been registering their displeasure with the NFL and it's players by refusing to watch the games either in person or on TV. And they have been doing it ever since Kaepernick first sat on his ass during the national anthem.
Look CH. I completely understand what you believe. I struggled with my feelings about this.
I didn't like that they acted like that. But I believe that they have the right to make political comments, and perhaps pay for the consiquentions. But the President of The United States should never have called them son of a bitch. He did that, not because he was offended, it was a political. He in made Coldhearted comment to distract attention from the collapsed of everything he ran on. And, as I said before, it worked on you
Your utterly and incomprehensible belief that the President can do no wrong, is mentally ill my friend
Scalise is back.
You liberals get another chance to kill him.
So what you are saying old Rog...
1) That athletes are special and above the same standards we are held to.
2) That your entire opinion about the relevance of the National Anthem, the flag, and paying respects for military heros past and present... takes a back seat to you finding it necessary to disagree with the President.
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump...
Guess what Roger... what the President says or does in regards to this. Doesn't change my opinion one way or the other. I don't allow him that sort of power...
like you do.
sad, really.
Roger. We know your work ethic and ethics where flawless, until you so called "retired" then you became the asshole .
The liberal has always protested The US Military, The Police & The USA.
Your hero the failed QB of a sit team is just the latest to do it.
45 lifts stupid shipping restrictions and the leftist hate it.
It has to be because they don't understand it.
KD said...
45 lifts stupid shipping restrictions and the leftist hate it.
Not even close to true idiot,,,,,,A no brainer that took a week...yep that donnie is a compassionate soul.....NOT!!!
Hardly under the radar.
No body paid attention to it until trump made an asshole out of both of you.......Sorry, your opinion is once again noted and ignored.......LOL
Maybe you weren't paying attention but a majority of the American people were paying attention before last Friday.
And they didn't like what they saw and they voted with their feet.
There have been stories about how the NFL was suffering in the ratings ever since Kaepernick sat.
That you refuse to see the evidence before your very eyes means you are both obtuse and willfully stupid.
And in that case, I can't help you.
You just summed up Madam Opie.
45 suspends the shipping reg., took him a week, ok.
During the Lost years your monkey did nothing about it.
Guess what Roger... what the President says or does in regards to this. Doesn't change my opinion one way or the other. I don't allow him that sort of power...
like you do.
i used to exclusively occupy the alky's skull rent free, but now it seems i've taken in trump as a roommate.
i'll need to sweep out some of the old booze bottles to make room.
Stumpy the kd dolt posted...
During the Lost years your monkey did nothing about it.
There have been stories about how the NFL was suffering in the ratings ever since Kaepernick sat.
And there are stories that kd is an asshole.....a big YAWN!!!!! I doubt that ratings have decreased because of a single kneel. But why let facts get in the way of 2 idiots opinion. LOLOLOL Go Leo yourself....
Yet he rants at a female mayor begging for food, water and shelter for US citizens. He is a pathetic bigoted misogynist morally bankrupt moron. And if you support him then I suspect you might be several of the above too.
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