Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Moore defeats Strange in Alabama


CNN said...

Trump Infuriated After Backing Loser

“Returning from a high-dollar fundraiser in Manhattan on Tuesday evening, an infuriated President Trump watched aboard Air Force One as Fox News called the Alabama Senate primary for Roy Moore against Trump’s favored candidate, Luther Strange,” CNN reports.

“What ensued was a barrage of angry venting at his political team and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who had consolidated establishment GOP support behind Strange.

“He went to bed ’embarrassed and pissed’ following the election loss, according to a person familiar with his mindset. Trump, multiple sources said, is furious with McConnell, and feels outdone by his former aide Bannon.”


james you should have posted that in the proper thread - FAKE NEWS

People are saying Trump was secretly pleased.



You will notice that I am so jealous of the fact that James's father was a real WWII hero, that I
try to tarnish his existence with an obscenity. That is because I have no self respect and am always lying (secretly pleased, ha ha) and rolling around laughing off my fat ass pretending I am clever when I am not -- ROFLMFAO

James, appreciative, said...

My goodness, I never expected so much honesty from JFDaddy.

Myballs said...

It doesn't take a genius to conclude Trump backed Strange so McConnell would owe him a favor. Art of the deal.

Trump loves that moore won.

Laughing, James said...

Wonder why he went to bed so angry.

Massie said...

“I thought they were voting for libertarian Republicans. But after some soul-searching, I realized when they voted for Rand and Ron [Paul] and me in these primaries, they weren’t voting for libertarian ideas. They were voting for the craziest son of a bitch in the race. And Donald Trump won best in class.”
— Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), quoted by the Washington Examiner., explaining what motivates Tea Party voters.

Jimmy Kimmel, laughing off his ass, said...

“I bet the walls of the Oval Office are filled with dozens of tiny little fist holes today.”

Myballs said...


'nough said.


I see james is now posting again as JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY, something he denied in the past and I gave him the benefit of the doubt..


of course he continues to SPAM from POLITICAL_LIRE, he has so little on his own

ROFLMFAO at the evil little man !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Did you see this?

Roy Moore said

Parts of America are under Sharia law.

Homosexual conduct should be illegal. He compared it to bestiality, aka (humor) of K'putz and his cow Daisy.

9/11 was punishment for "perversness"

Obama was not born in the United States.

Muslims should not sit in congress.

Islam is "a fake religion"

James, disappointed, said...

Oh, I guess that was not JFDaddy being honest after all. Sure sounded honest, though.


Republicans Choose Authoritarianism Again

Jonathan Chait: “The Republican Establishment has suffered through the Trump presidency, filling the news with a constant stream of caustic, mordant, off-the-record comments attesting to their sense of regret. The presidency is exactly the chaotic shambles the Trump campaign was, and the legislative results are much less than his party hoped to win when it made its pact with the devil. The nomination in Alabama of Roy Moore for U.S. Senate offered the party a chance to reconsider whether the prospect of supporting the team, and the incrementally higher prospects of enacting some tax cuts and social spending rollbacks, is worth the cost of elevating a dangerously unhinged demagogue for public office. The entire party, without any apparent hesitation, is leaping at the chance to make the same deal again.

“Moore is hardly a carbon copy of Trump. He is religious where Trump is secular, fanatical where Trump is cynical. But he shares the president’s two most pertinent attributes. First, Moore is a purveyor of paranoid conspiracy theories, such as the belief that Sharia law has taken hold in American communities, or that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Second, and more distinctly, he is not a small-d democrat.”

JAMES SAID: "Presidents who do not believe in democracy will try to take us into a fascistic form of capitalism."


No james I am not your biological daddy but I am JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY, just like you may have the title pastor jim boswell but you are not a real pastor.

You see you are defined by your actions, and you really are a deplorable scum.

And we both know that ROFLMFAO !!!

Loretta said...

"You see you are defined by your actions, and you really are a deplorable scum."

He thinks a 14 year old girl is HOT.

So, there's that.


But I will tell you this, James. I am so unconcerned with Ch's desire for a blog with less obscenity and personal attacks that I happily violate that desire every time I post by putting up an obscenity in CAPITAL letters, so desirous am I of driving away decent minded readers who are offended by such language. I want to appeal to the lowest of the low, such as people who enjoy the mental picture of me ROFLMFAO!!!

James, scratching his head, said...

My goodness, JFDaddy must be schizoid.

James, feeling normal, said...

17 year old.

Loretta said...

Pastor James Boswell:

"Sasha's HOT"


So I see pastor jim boswell's true character comes out.

A FUCKING spamming trolling asshole. Certainly not someone anyone would want associated with their Church.

Go to hell, you have certainly earned it.

Laughing James said...

LOL I never said that as even Commonsense had to admit.

You lie again, much deserving being called LIAR-

Got elders?

Loretta said...

"A FUCKING spamming trolling asshole. Certainly not someone anyone would want associated with their Church."

He thinks a 14 year old girl is HOT.....

James said...


Loretta said...

"You have been exposed for what you are Jim Boswell and that is a wannabe racial instigator with a far left wing agenda. I would also go so far as to say that you represent a group that the Bible warns mankind of in many chapters and verses. That warning pertains to Christians being diligent and alert against false prophets.."


Believe whatever fake news you want to believe.

The truth will not be your friend on judgement day


Loretta said...

"That warning pertains to Christians being diligent and alert against false prophets.."

Loretta said...

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Matthew 7:15

Loretta said...

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds."

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ES

Loretta said...

"Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire." Jude 1:7

James said...

Funny. LIAR-etta, who does not hesitate to lie blatantly about my being fired from a church, and who has stated in the past that she does not believe in God or in Christ, suddenly professes to be a pious quoter of Christian scriptures.

According to both Matthew and Luke, even Satan quoted scripture in an attempt to mislead Jesus.

Smiling, James said...

My, my. Look at the latest graph from
realclearpolitics. Trump's little NFL shenanigans apparently aren't working out the way he hoped. That and so much else.

Anonymous said...

Jane, you are 79 years old. You found a 14 year old girl was sexually "hot".

Humble servant pastor Jim said...

This coming Sunday is World Communion Sunday. The youth in our church will be leading the service. We will celebrate how the Lord's Supper represents, among other things, the desire of Jesus for there to be unity throughout the world in fulfillment of the prophetic dream that nations will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and nations shall never again learn war.

James, laughing at KD who called Malia's mother a cheap Chicago W said...

... you are 79 years old. You found a 14 year old girl was sexually "hot".

First, I am 77 years old. Second, I only said that tall Malia, when she was 17 or 18, was becoming attractive in that way. How dreadful!.



Unlike all the postings of your fake news from political_lire



Actually I should say FUCKING SPAM since they rarely follow any thread.

... said...


Oh and I see you are adding more entries for JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY. Guess you want to actually contribute, though you are a fucking failure.



Those polls sure made a big difference didn't they little Jimmy.




More spam, more JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY.

Pretty simple.

Oh, except when James posts using JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY. Then there's more.


Anonymous said...

The All woman football league aka lingerie football league has a thing or two to teach the men. The are standing, with law enforcement, with the US Military, for the US Flag and the National Anthem.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Coldheartedtruth.

legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said on Wednesday that President Trump's remarks calling on NFL owners to fire players who protest during the national anthem are "direct attacks" on the First Amendment.

In an interview with International Business Times, the basketball giant criticized Trump for comments he made Friday during a fiery campaign rally in Alabama, during which he called for NFL owners to "drag" players who protest off the field.

“I can think of instances when a president’s opinion could be worthwhile, especially when trying to uphold principles of the Constitution or the well-being of the players,” Abdul-Jabbar said Wednesday.

“However, Trump’s comments are direct attacks on the constitutional principles of free speech. For someone who has sworn to uphold the Constitution, this is either an example of immense ignorance or willful treason.”

On Monday, Trump doubled down on his comments, writing on Twitter that athletes who have "the privilege of making millions of dollars ... should not be allowed" to disrespect the flag or the anthem.

"If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU'RE FIRED. Find something else to do!" Trump wrote on Twitter.

Abdul-Jabbar compared Trump and others who have criticized this supposed lack of gratitude, comparing the argument to the rationale used by the British during the Revolutionary War period.

“That’s pretty much what the British said about the leaders of the American Revolution — the wealthy were making money by colluding with the British, so they should just be grateful. Fortunately, those leaders couldn’t be bought off,” Abdul-Jabbar said.

“The implication here is that black athletes should be grateful that they’ve been invited to dine with the white elites and if they want to keep their place at the table, they should keep dancing and smiling and keep their mouths shut," he added. "The myth of the Happy Negro needs to be dispelled once and for all.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump finds his daughter to be fuckable. Pedophile in Chief. Me Alzheimer's should turn him in.

A Quinnipiac poll said...

Americans Say Trump Is ‘Not Fit to Serve’

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that American voters believe President Trump is not “fit to serve as president,” by a 56% to 42% margin.

They are embarrassed to have him as president by a 51% to 27% margin.

Trump’s approval rating is a dismal, 36% to 57%.

Said pollster Tim Malloy: “A divider, responsible for the deepening chasm of racial discord. That is the inescapable characterization of President Trump from voters who see race relations deteriorating on his watch.”

Anonymous said...

Lol, ok.


Oh, I hate that Rev. for posting things like that.
He should not be allowed to post those spamming lies.
What's that you say? It's from a respected polling firm?
I don't care. They're going to hell too.

Anonymous said...

That same polling on Nov 2nd, 2016 had Sir Hillary winning MI, PA and Oh oh Ohio . Thanks for the chuckle .

Anonymous said...

Everybody had hillery winning. even Trump's own pollsters

Commonsense said...

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said on Wednesday that President Trump's remarks calling on NFL owners to fire players who protest during the national anthem are "direct attacks" on the First Amendment.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar just want to keep disrespecting the country and the for the rest of us to shut the fuck up.

That's his version the first amendment. Freedom of Speech only for those people who he agrees with.

Commonsense said...

I only said that tall Malia, when she was 17 or 18,

Bullshit, you said it in 2013 when she was 15.

Fucking liar.

Anonymous said...

Lies, you are dismissed.

Anonymous said...

IF Kareem is your mouth piece given his repeated hate America rants, you lost the debate but don't know it.

Anonymous said...

So Madam jane was 75 when she was 15, in Jane's cult that is ok, to sexual lust in that manner.


Only poll that counts is the actual vote and to the chagrin of the "pastor" Trump is the overwhelming favorite to win again.

Maybe God has created a hell on Earth for james and a heaven for us.


Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Actually one poll was continually called outliar because it repeatedly predicted trump. Forgot which. Rasmussen?


I kind of like the asshole James posting as me. It's real easy to tell us apart and while he says profanity is wrong he has no problem compounding it with other bad behavior.

James you still have your head up your ass.


Anonymous said...

I forgive the leftist.


Your a much bigger man than James.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

How many times do I need to tell you it's you're a much bigger man than James

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vietnam is a marvelous series. It brings back memories of the television coverage of the war. I was a few years younger than most of the people who served. I watched the CBS nightly news with Walter Cronkite every evening. And the Rapid City Journal coverage of the war.

We have to wonder what may have happened, if JFK, had not been assassinated.

Lyndon Johnson's lies will always be his legacy. Although his leadership of the Civil rights and voting rights acts, are historical victories that changed the United States and made it true to what it stands for.

But the over 48,000 names on the Wall, are victims of a strategy of lies.

Anonymous said...

58,267 names.

God you suck!

Commonsense said...

Chuck Todd led off Wednesday’s show with an asinine, pants-on-fire assertion, which was that Alabama Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore “doesn't appear to believe in the Constitution as it's written” because Moore said our rights come from God.

Pssst Chuckie, the people who wrote the Constitution thought our rights came from God also.

commie said...

“doesn't appear to believe in the Constitution as it's written” because Moore said our rights come from God.

And chuck is correct....moore said more than once That God's word is the ultimate law and you believe that also menstral. Moore is your kinda guy....let religion run the country....Idiot....

Commonsense said...

And chuck is correct....moore said more than once That God's word is the ultimate law

I don't think Chuckie knows more than Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Chuckie is wrong and so are you.

Commonsense said...

Roy Moore’s Democratic Opponent: I’m Pro-Life Only After A Child Is Born

This is the guy Democrats are putting their money on to stop Judge Roy Moore. This will make him popular in Alabama. The only thing he could have said that was worst was "Go Bengals". Say hello to Senator Roy Moore.

Commonsense said...

A must read. Moore's victory may have not been about Trump, McConnell or Bannon. It may have been a local thing.

Byron York: The Alabama Senate vote: It's not what you think