Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hannity tops Maddow at 9:00 with 3.27 Million viewers

25-54 Demo - 666K
(yes - the sign of the devil)


caliphate4vr said...

3.27 Million viewers

i wonder if Roger sees that as 32.7 million or 327 million

Anonymous said...


He is a political wizard, he told us so.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Any bad news for Fox?

Although Hannity outperformed Maddow on Monday, the big picture for the quarter is less rosy. Fox News is down 12 percent in prime time from the same quarter last year, while MSNBC is up 43 percent.

Maddow also had the top cable news program for the quarter in total viewers and the key demo. CNN had the most total viewers in the total day count for the third quarter in its history.

Despite its competitors gaining some ground on Fox News, they can still boast 63 consecutive weeks as the highest-rated cable news channel in total viewers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The wizard strategy is excellent.

commie said...

Fox's commanding leads have evaporated and now CH cheerleads a win on a single the mighty have fallen....LOLOLOL