Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Anyone else see a trend?

  • Donald Trump takes away DACA and tells Democrats that they need to negotiate a compromise on immigration security to get it back.
  • Donald Trump pulls out of the Paris accord, and tells the world that they need to renegotiate the deal to get us back.
  • Donald Trump refuses to certify the Iranian's compliance, and tells everyone that they need to renegotiate a better deal to get our support again.
  • Donald Trump takes away insurance company subsidies, and tells the Democrats that they will need to negotiate a compromise on health care to get it back.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wah wah

Hours before it was to take effect, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order on Tuesday blocking, for now, President Trump’s third attempt at a travel ban. It would have indefinitely stopped almost all travel to the United States from seven countries, including most of the Muslim-majority nations included in his original travel ban.

Tuesday’s ruling was yet another legal setback for one of Mr. Trump’s earliest and most controversial efforts. The judge, Derrick K. Watson of Federal District Court in Honolulu, had previously blocked Mr. Trump’s second travel ban from taking effect in March. The White House’s first executive order sharply limiting travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries was blocked by a federal judge in Seattle.

james said...

Trump does all this to try to say, "See, I'm keeping my campaign promises," when in reality he is backtracking on practically everything.

When it comes to accomplishing anything that is really bipartisan, it will have to be without this man whom just about every politician disrespects and many hate, including even in his own party.

Anonymous said...

Bridge Port Capital Investors creates the ;

What nonsense

Anonymous said...

Nov 8th, 2017, Anniversary of the Trump bigly win.

Nov. 9th 2017. Anniversary of the birth of #resistwemuch and the Sir Hillary excuse tour.

Yep, she has been tramping around her as shut for almost a year.

Anonymous said...

You posted it three times now, you are a wierd little non-man.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That looks like good news. But, he is a bit erratic. On his side especially in the house of representatives, the freedom caucus could be a challenge.

But if he actually is able to comprehend what he's doing, and can get his own party to be there. Brannon could be a big time handicapp. Especially in the Senate

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I think that this is a fair question. But it seems that every day, he finds himself in trouble, not because of the action against him by others, but for his own comments or actions. The lie about 44, has been dominating the news coverage. He's never going to apologize for anything. The Twitter feeds are full of shit like this.
GEN(R) Marty Dempsey ✔@Martin_Dempsey
POTUS 43 & 44 and first ladies cared deeply, worked tirelessly for the serving, the fallen, and their families. Not politics. Sacred Trust.
6:54 PM - Oct 16, 2017

I would like to see that true bipartisan support for the issues on your comments. But it's not going to be a problem with the Democrats. They have been 100% united, but even they couldn't repeal and replace Obamacare.

CH, I think that he's not going to be able to get anything done.

Anonymous said...

Fair, lol, Nov 9th, 2016 3 pm central time. The exact time yor radicalism leftist lost your collective minds. Really almost a year now and your getting sicker, more hate filled and dumber.

Anonymous said...

What President Trump did was beat Sir hillary, from there the rest is all toppings.

Anonymous said...

" 3 am".

Hillary unable to get a grip, publicly man up, admit defeat and give us a video of her admitting defeat to 45. She sent out a lack to kinda do it for her. Cowardly classless and typical Clinton.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump on Wednesday sent a strong signal that he opposes a bipartisan deal on health care after earlier expressing support, sowing confusion among some lawmakers and raising questions about the bill’s chances of success.

The Wall Street Journal

Anonymous said...

New housing starts "stronger then expected".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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