Over the past few days, executives and employees at Fusion GPS (who hired a British agent to use Russian source to find dirt on Donald Trump) have refused to answer questions from the congressional committees. From various reports they have attempted to use most every amendment in the bill of rights in order to refuse to testify. One reporter from USA today suggested that the took the 3rd amendment privileges as an attempt to not answer questions. (look up the 3rd amendment if you are not familiar with it). Fusion GPS itself has said they are relying on 1st amendment rights to not answer questions. According to court documents, they repeatedly took the 5th.
Meanwhile, the FBI has refused multiple times to turn over subpoenaed documentation as it relates to Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and the Trump dossier. The congressional committees have provided two previous deadlines, which have come and gone without response.
Here is the coldheartedtruth. Liberals are hypocrites.
When they thought that it was possible that Trump somehow collaborated with Russians to undermine the election, they acted as if it was the end of the world as we know it. They maintained throughout that they were not mad because it was Trump, but that they were mad because it was possible that foreign interests had attempted to manipulate our elections. They used words like sacred to describe our institution of democracy and our open elections... and expressed horror that someone might have tried to work with foreign interests to manipulate our election outcome.
Some even thought Donald Jr should go to jail because he offered to meet a Russian lobbyist who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.
But these same people who used words like sacred, and pretended that this was about election integrity (not an irrational hatred of Donald Trump) seem to believe that what is totally unacceptable, illegal, immoral, and unethical for the gander... is just peachy fine for the goose.
When it turns out that Russians did provide opposition research, and that Americans paid foreigners to do so. When it's possible that people in our own Government possibly paid a former British spy to go talk with Russians and dig up research on the opposition Party candidate...
The left defends it... or ignores it... or simply plays the old Clinton era game of calling it "old news".
Sorry to tell you this, but all of this took place during the election. If the Trump dossier story is old news, then all of the Russian influence stories are equally old. If the Russian influence story is still important, than so is the Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele/FBI/Russian Trump Dossier story.
Liberals cannot have it both ways. Pick a side and stick with it. Either it's wrong to use foreign agents to manipulate elections or it's okay to do so. If it's the former, than every liberal should be calling on the FBI and Fusion GPS to fess up and provide the information that is being requested. If it's the latter, than every liberal should call on Robert Mueller to resign.
1 – 200 of 202 Newer› Newest»Grassley wants to know whether the FBI paid Fusion GPS for the dossier and whether they cover up the uranium one deal.
This is a scandal that may engulf both Comey and Mueller.
seems to me the only fact in your biased screed is
l because he offered to meet a Russian lobbyist who claimed to have dirt on Hillary Clinton.
Gee, wonder why it is being covered at all?????
This topic is way over the heads of the cut n paste liberals here.
GPS, failing to release bank statements. Follow the money, DNC, hillary and jv obama., Loretta lynch and comey.
Boy are you just downright stupid.
Yes, Fusion GPS employees did take the fifth in the judiciary hearings this week.
Yes, Fusion GPS has gone to court to prevent their bank from turning over subpoenaed statements
Yes, the FBI has refused to turn over subpoenaed information regarding the "dossier" to the Congressional committees.
The fact that you don't want to acknowledge these facts, doesn't make them untrue.
Ch the moronic host posted..
.Boy are you just downright stupid.
And so are all three of your points which prove what? NOTHING!!!!! Too dayum funny. Get back ko me when something actually is revealed...LOLOLOL!!! Another conspiracy theory from your fetid, useless mind....
The stink of corruption follows the Clinton's and now jv obama.
The pissed here is IF Sir Hillary would have won the cover up could have continued.
Odopie admitted CHT "ko"ed him.
Another trump advisor being investigated....wonder when our esteemed host will admit there was massive interference in the election and trump knew it???? Yeah stumpy, CH really showed how little he has....just bias and hope....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Russia Update: Trump Campaign Official Under Investigation
Newsweek Christianna Silva,Newsweek 21 hours ago
Russia Update: Trump Campaign Official Under Investigation
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election has led to a person of interest: George Papadopoulos, an adviser for the Donald Trump campaign’s foreign policy team.
Republican Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the chairman of the Senate panel, told BuzzFeed News that Papadopoulos is “definitely a person of interest” in the committee’s probe. Virginia Senator Mark Warner, the Democratic vice chairman of the committee, agreed with Burr's remark and added that they “hope to have the opportunity to interview him.”
Russia Update: Trump Campaign Official Under Investigation
Newsweek Christianna Silva,Newsweek 21 hours ago
Russia Update: Trump Campaign Official Under Investigation
The Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election has led to a person of interest: George Papadopoulos, an adviser for the Donald Trump campaign’s foreign policy team.
Republican Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, the chairman of the Senate panel, told BuzzFeed News that Papadopoulos is “definitely a person of interest” in the committee’s probe. Virginia Senator Mark Warner, the Democratic vice chairman of the committee, agreed with Burr's remark and added that they “hope to have the opportunity to interview him.”
How quaint that our brilliant host now has determined in his own mind, that taking the 5th proves guilt....where have I heard that before????? How the mighty has lost his mind....LOL
You real don't understand.
Is this the time to tell Opie that even liberals hold Newsweek in such low regard that it's only one rung abovetopsecret.com?
Or should we just let him rant for our amusement?
I vote let him rant.
"Or should we just let him rant for our amusement?"
Let the goofy little guy rant.
Boy are you just downright stupid."
Yes, lol.
He defended the illegal in CA charged with arson . Those fires in wine country have killed 43 and over 6,000
Businesses/homes destroyed.
Moonbeam blamed global warming and trump.
I have a suggestion for the blog master.
Steve Bannon went after George W Bush and said that two terms were the worst in history of our beloved country.
If Bannon has his way, the GOP will consist mostly of old white men, many of whom harbor white supremacist leanings while others are out and out white supremacists including KKKers, Aryan nation kooks, etc. etc.
I have mixed feelings about the baseball game. I don't like the Yankees. But a Dodgers v Yankees World Series is great!!
But it looks pretty good for the Astros!
Former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon served up a searing attack Friday night on former president George W. Bush, saying Bush “didn’t understand anything he was talking about” in a speech the day before that was widely seen as a rebuke of Donald Trump’s presidency.
“He embarrassed himself,” Bannon said in a dinnertime address at the convention banquet of the California Republican Party. “The speechwriter wrote a highfalutin speech. It’s clear he didn’t understand anything he was talking about. … He has no earthly idea whether he’s coming or going, just like it was when he was president of the United States.”
Related: [George W. Bush comes out of retirement to deliver a veiled rebuke of Trump]
Bannon — who has declared war on the Republican establishment since leaving the White House — went on to apologize to any “Bush folks” in the audience before asserting that “there has not been a more destructive presidency than George Bush’s.”
Conservatives have been critical of Bush’s presidency for spending increases and an expansion of foreign entanglements.
Bannon’s broadside was prompted by a rare political speech that Bush delivered Thursday in which he warned of threats to U.S. democracy and a decay of civic engagement.
At a New York forum sponsored by the Bush presidential center, Bush offered a blunt assessment of a political system corrupted by “conspiracy theories and outright fabrication” in which nationalism has been “distorted into nativism.”
“We’ve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty,” Bush said during a 16-minute address at “The Spirit of Liberty” event. “Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone and provides permission for cruelty and bigotry. The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them.”
This is going to be a gift to the Democratic party.
It looks like what you see ...e.
Like you all beginning to have trump run head to head against hillary? Ok
Bannon declared war on the Establishment of both parties.
Damn idiot HB.
He hasn't been right about anything yet.
What is the bold economic plan for 2018 election.
As home ownership hits a new 12 year high, unemployment is at a 11 year low, less people are casing wellfare checks instead are cashing earned pay checks.
Yep, he trives on being wrong.
"Hillary has it all "HB Nov 6th, 2016
As Trump made his fifth visit to MI.
"Trump is wasting money campaigning in Michigan" HB Nov 3rd 2016
The TDS infected liberals have not moved from impeachment to assassination.
Democrat Rep Maxine Waters vows to go take Trump out.
John McCain is about the only Republican left who is telling it as it is.
Facing death, he can now call it exactly as he sees it.
The one truth teller the Republicans have.
Actually Trump has been calling it as he sees it all along. The dc deep state just doesn't like it.
That includes McCain in the deep state.
This article answers the question why the sexual abuse charges did not stick to teflon don while harvey got what he deserved....women of means versus unknowns....sad once again, but donnie is perfect, just like you supporters....
by Karen Tumulty, Mark Berman & Jenna Johnson, Washington Post
Almost a year after New Yorker Jessica Leeds and other women stepped forward with harrowing accounts of being sexually assaulted by a powerful man, another scandal with similar elements exploded.
“It is hard to reconcile that Harvey Weinstein could be brought down with this, and [President Donald] Trump just continues to be the Teflon Don,” said Leeds, who claims she was groped 30 years ago on a plane by the man whose presence she cannot escape now that he sits in the Oval Office.
In Florida, Melinda McGillivray, was having much the same reaction.
“What pisses me off is that the guy is president,” McGillivray, who a year ago went public with allegations that Trump grabbed her at Mar-a-Lago in 2003 when she was 23. “It’s that simple.”
Actually Trump has been calling it as he sees it all along.
Like he won the popular vote except for illegal votes....biggest inauguration crowds evah....best healthcare solution for the ages.... a perfect 10 for hurricane support.....you mean like that?????
menstral the idiot posed....
Is this the time to tell Opie that even liberals hold Newsweek in such low regard that it's only one rung abovetopsecret.com?
Our poster who thinks Watts is a climate scientist and PJ media is the source for his wisdom.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Use that site 1 time asshole....you posted watts innumerable times and think Judith Curry has legit research....Yep, that GED is shinning through.....idiot
BTW...did I mention Mr .6% growth, scotty???? Something you still believe to be correct??? Huh scotty????
Actually if the tax cuts go through economist are predicting 5% growth.
That's Trump winning.
through economist are predicting 5% growth.
LOLOLOL Big if and a prediction...wonder if it will be as accurate as the GW models?????? That is you praying.....idiot
"That's Trump winning."
If the tax cuts eliminate deductions for State income taxes, as reported, then it may be "Trump winning" but it also means "me losing", and people like me. But I'll bet there is a capital gains cut in there, so that people whose wealth derives from investment income and stock options will be pleased.
Tax cuts would be so much more exciting if they ever actually lowered my own taxes, instead of services.
Houston is the first team to play in a World Series as both a National League and an American League team.
. But I'll bet there is a capital gains cut in there
Plus elimination of the estate tax!!!!!!
WP they did say average tax payer would get a 4k break....I know of a bridge for sale.....
If the tax cuts eliminate deductions for State income taxes, as reported, then it may be "Trump winning" but it also means "me losing"
Move to a state that doesn't have a state income tax.
It's a tax state governments should never impose.
My understanding is that the personal exemption is also proposed to be eliminated.
Basicly if you don't itemize deductions, you are a winner.
If you do you lose out. Since the Rich itemize they don't get the tax benefits you think they would.
Plus elimination of the estate tax!!!!!
The biggest losers are the lawyers who set up trusts and corporations to avoid the estate tax.
The biggest losers are the lawyers who set up trusts and corporations to avoid the estate tax
LOLOLOL>>> the biggest losers are idiots like you who will have to make up for the shortfall the rich kids avoid.....LOLOLOL....The lawyers make money on the planning of the estate to avoid taxes....so they too get fucked !!! Dayum, dirt has more brains than you, scotty....
"Basicly"if you don't itemize deductions,
too dayum funny, scotty......LOLOLOL Such brilliant commentary from our resident GED
Move to a state that doesn't have a state income tax.
43 states have income taxes....You want more people moving to florida so you can complain about traffic scotty??
This is going to be a gift to the Democratic party.
ya think, alky?
even if it is, whether or not you dimwits can capitalize on it is a different story.
Roger is going to wake up Nov 7 2018 wondering what the hell happened.
Here is the coldheartedtruth. conservatives are hypocrites.
Hypocrisy isn't limited to the Democrats, as our host says. He never looks as Trump using the same lens.
Weinstein’s issues are being handled and before it's all done, he may face criminal charges.
But the "pussy grabbing" President gets a free pass. During the 2016 election the t
Republican presidential candidate was accused by about 11 women who accused him of unwanted touching or kissing. Trump called the charges “pure fiction” and referred to the women as “horrible, horrible liars.” But we all heard the comments on the campaign bus, where he said they liked it and he liked to grab pussy. He's also a time married philanderer. The so called "party of morality " ignored his past and his comments that showed beyond a reasonable doubt, that he was lying when he said it was "Pure fiction" and the man who lies on an almost hourly basis was given a pass by the Republicans and the hypocrites who populate the right wing of the blog, including our host.
And to top that off, the story was buried by the letter released by FBI Director Comey, that said the investigation into Clinton's history took over the 24/7 news cycle and that is the momentum towards Clinton was reversed, The 72,000 vote margin in the top three swing states lead us to the election of the worse, and least qualified President in history. Both of his predecessors came out in the last week making it clear that he is enabling racism and prejudice and cheap childish personal attacks.
But for Trump’s accusers, the renewed debate offers a reminder that their allegations did not have the same effect.
What we got out of this, is a man who makes the rest of the world, wondering what the fuck is the matter with the United States?
Mensa, I woke up about 5:30 AM. I read some news, and did a few stretches and got ready to go to the gym for a session with my trainer. I'm making great progress.
I know that you believe that disagreeing with you is insane. But that kind of thinking comes from a GED "Genius" brain.
"GED "Genius" brain."
Something you're all too familiar with...
Obama was the worst, least qualified potus in history. Trump at least has 40 years ceo experience.
If you live in a extra high tax state move or get your state to lower taxes.
Graham on Meet the Press was basically agreeing with Bush, and how Trump responded and can't stop himself from acting impulsively. He would not have said what Wilson said, but Trump should not keep up this bullshit. But of course, Trump can do no wrong so I'm wasting my time trying to get you to understand that Trump is dangerous.
Personal exemption 2017 $4,050
Standard exemption 2027 $6,350
They are combined under Trump $12,000.
Winning the Middle income earners.
Obama was the worst, least qualified potus in history. Total BS. Being a businessman who inherited hundreds of millions who lost huge in Atlantic City, and other locations. He had NO political experience and it's obvious if you would open your mind.
Bannon said that Bush was the worst ever, so what are you thinking about that?
Your wrong.
We disagree with 45 many times.
More then you ever did with jv pres.
Wealth envy.
What is his net worth today Roger?
k'pur, we are just fine. And I don't have to love in Kansas. LOL Oh boy, there is nothing there but your inherited farm.
"Trump can do no wrong so I'm wasting my time trying to get you to understand that Trump is dangerous."
Post your inflammatory remarks on the trash blog.
And I noted that no one addressed the Trump pussy grabbing. You impeached Clinton for lying about a blow job.
Your hypocrisy is on steroids.
Bannon has an opinion. Ok.
My net worth is non of your business.
But I will say this, we make six figures, for life, and that is twice the average income for a family of four. We have a substantial equity in the house, which has gone up close to 20% this year. So you can quit wondering it, because it's NOT REVERENT to any discussion of politics.
Really, his "talk" was addressed for weeks, it was to be the dirty deed that was to be the October surprise and cement the hillary win. Trump countered with Bill the Raped woman.
Inheritance is irrelevant. FDR and JFK were two of the wealthiest presidents in history.
And being president in to be the country's ceo. Trump has forty years experience. Obama essentially went from state be senator to potus. Inexperienced and unqualified.
"Clinton for lying about a blow job"
Lying to a federal judge, perjury and obstruction of justice in the Paula Jones case.
GED "genius"
Yes, notice HB failure, HB belives my question was about HB's net worth. Lol.
Inexperienced and unqualified.
Yet a far more popular president than Trump
is. Trump has never once gotten above water
on the Real Clear Politics ratings average.
As a matter of fact, he is presently at or
near his all time low.
Speaking of ex presidents comments, Carter just said russia didn't alter the election, that trump won because obama didn't deliver and hilliary didn't inspire people to vote for her.
Think about it. Bannon is attacking the establishment, but in the process, is dividing the party. Trump holds onto a 38% or so approval rating.
Do you not realize that most Americans do not believe in the same shit Bannon does. It's far to different from the basic belief that all Americans are created equal in the eyes of the law. Trump, even if he's not a racist, that's debatable, but his "good people on both sides" on steroids by Bannon will not win another national election. And look at Alabama, the polls sow a dead heat. In perhaps the most conservative state in the country.
First my question to you was not about you.
2ndly income,,, is not net worth.
It is always a joy for me to correct you.
Those would be the same polls that predicted a big hillary victory.
Got it.
Carter is offering to try
to help out with N. Korea.
Don't know if he could help,
but he sure couldn't hurt.
OK. And?
If the Russians effected the election is debatable but if they did, it's minor, Coalition is another thing and isn't dead, no matter what CH believes. I think she lost for a lot of reasons, and some her own fault, and the letter from Comey closed the deal for Trump.
Polls that predict are one thing.
Polls that show the current situation
are quite another. :-)
" a big hillary victory " Myballs
Hb, your income is not networth.
Admit your failure.
Affected, Roger. Don't take up Ch's bad habits.
No poll needed.
Americans are working again.
Buying homes again.
Less of them are on Welfare
Omg, in a year HB has from "Hillary wins, because she was it all" to she lost because (fill in blank).
Buffalo won again. Kind of a surprise but cool.
Won what? Ho key?
Our net worth is more than you can imagine, and will never know.
Just quit asking about something that is none of your fucking business. But what it is, we did not inherent a penny, we did it on our own k'putz now disappear and make this blog a lot better place, and no one would miss you.
For those that clearly don't know net worth is an easy formula.
What you own
What you owe
Net worth
* nothing to do wit yearly income
HB, the question was never about your net worth.
Everytime the issue of inherence comes up, I ask those against it, this question.
Do you plan on leaving nothing to your children?
Blogger KD said...
Wealth envy.
What is his net worth today Roger?
Blogger KD said...
HB, the question was never about your net worth.
October 22, 2017 at 3:12 PM
You lied again.
...what gives Trump the idea that the FBI paid for the dossier?
Read the answer to that here and laugh at Ch's article:
Trump Singes Fingers Trying to Torch Dossier
Questioning who paid for the salacious document, the president reveals his real fear of its contents.
KD has discredited himself so many times
no ones hould pay the least attention to him.
no one
For the last time. I"m never going to say anything to the k'putz in response to anything on my income or net worth, because it does not belong here and it's none of his fucking business, and we all know it.
The failing Presidency of the President hasn't had one of the issues he ran on through the congress, under the control of his own party.
His? Is not you HB.
Trump inherented 200 million. Nice.
Trump net worth today 3.1 Billion.
That is a unbelievable ROI.
Nobody's asking about your net worth Roger.
HEADLINE: In Congress, fears grow about lack of strategy on multiple battlefields
My comment: The foreign policies of Obama, difficult ash they were, appear brilliant compared to what we have now.
Roger, it would be better to totally
ignore KD.
*difficult as they were
Five presidents fundraiser last night;
But one declined to accept his invite.
To help in relief, Trump was unavailable;
But as Commander in Chief, Surely his reason was unassailable?
Alas, it seems, Our president deems
It a far better feat To golf and to tweet. #OneAmericaAppeal
I found this and posted it, but one more time,
He said that he never asked for my net worth. He lied. Here is the proof.
Blogger KD said...
Wealth envy.
What is his net worth today Roger?
October 22, 2017 at 2:21 PM
Lindsey Graham on Trump: "They have a blind spot on Russia I still can't figure out."
Meet th4e Press. He's a conservative, but he's got a functioning brain, unlike Trump.
If one thinks that a return on investment of about half that of an unmanaged index fund is "unbelievable" then yes, Trump's record is "unbelievable"
Oh wait .... that's based on starting with "only" $100 million. If he started with $200 million then he only did one fourth as well as simply socking it away in an index fund. Which any random person not wanting to fool with it does - four times better than Trump.
That's proof he didn't lie Roger. If he was asking your net worth the question would not be; What is his net worth Roger?"
The question would be; "What is your net worth Roger?"
That is, unless English grammar is become hopelessly politically correct.
So now it seems the White House is fast tracking condolence messages to families of fallen soldiers after Trump falsely claimed he had contacted "virtually"
all of them.
As soon as he said it, some of his staff knew it was not true.
Schumer: Bipartisan health care bill 'has a majority'
By REBECCA MORIN 10/22/2017
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday that the Alexander-Murray bipartisan health care bill has support from a majority of senators, and he urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring it to the floor "immediately."
“This is a good compromise. It took months to work out. It has a majority. It has 60 senators supporting it. We have all 48 Democrats, 12 Republicans," Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on "Meet the Press" on NBC. "I would urge Senator McConnell to put it on the floor immediately, this week. It will pass and it will pass by a large number of votes.”
I can't fix your inability.
CS, once HB made his mistake and I pointed it out he becomes intractable.
WP, I enjoyed your opinion, however the person that puts the money in a S&P 500 index creates how many jobs. Employs how many people and how much do they give to charity?
Jane, what is in it?
Instead of NFL, a few friends and I grabbed our fishing gear, a wonderful boat, a few beers and went to a private lake owned by a guy in our group. Large mouth bass and crappies we being caught by all.
Donald "Bone Spur" Trump Attacks Gold Star Families.
Donald Draft Dodger Trump
James said...
LOL How DEVASTATED you will be.
Even the RCP Betting Odds
(you know, people who put their money where their mouth is)
give Hillery an 85% chance of winning
against El Trumpo's mere 15% chance
--about where Nate Silver also has it.
(while Sam Wang predicts even better for her.)
October 22, 2016 at 4:38 PM
Let use take some time to review how Jane got to where he is today.
Hillary was so sure, she shifted to winning majorities in the US House and US Senate...'
James said...
Clinton Shifts Focus to House and Senate Races
Washington Post:
“Emboldened by polls predicting an electoral-college landslide in the presidential race, Clinton is shifting her strategy to lift up other Democrats coast to coast. She and her party are rushing to capitalize on a turbulent turn in Trump’s candidacy, which has ruptured the Republican Party, to make down-ballot gains that seemed unlikely just a month ago.”
“For Clinton, the move is opportunistic and has governing implications. If elected, a mandate may not be enough for her to muscle a progressive agenda on immigration and other issues through a Republican-controlled Congress. She would almost certainly govern more efficiently with Democratic majorities.”
Roger Amick said...
Here is the coldheartedtruth. conservatives are hypocrites.
Hypocrisy isn't limited to the Democrats, as our host says. He never looks as Trump using the same lens.
Weinstein’s issues are being handled and before it's all done, he may face criminal charges.
But the "pussy grabbing" President gets a free pass. During the 2016 election the t
Republican presidential candidate was accused by about 11 women who accused him of unwanted touching or kissing.
ok sport, so here's what you need to do -
gather up these 11 victims, have them all sign affidavits testifying to the specific crimes trump committed, have trump arrested and charged, and let's get this show on the road!
you seem to be of the understanding that there is a preponderance of evidence with which trump can easily be convicted. so let's get on with it.
although i do have to wonder about one thing...
if famed victim-monger gloria allred hasn't already capitalized on this situation, then perhaps you're just full of shit. as usual.
Trump, even if he's not a racist, that's debatable, but his "good people on both sides" on steroids by Bannon will not win another national election.
whatever you say, mr. LANDSLIDE.
CS, was absolutely correct, now nearly a year later the radicalized jv team of Obama/Hillary/polosi/warren/Wilson and so many more liberals still and never will accept they lost and Trump Triumphed.
Commonsense said...
It would be a delicious irony to see if Hillary Clinton and her supporters would accept the results of the election if Trump won.
Judging from pass history, I expect they won't.
October 20, 2016 at 12:29 AM
ames said...
“I really think those polls are very inaccurate when it comes to women. I think we’re doing better with women than with men, frankly.”
— Donald Trump
"Dream on, Donald."
-- Hillary Clinton
October 23, 2016 at 9:07 PM
How low we have fallen.
The United States is in the middle of a very unfortunate experiment in how disoriented a great nation can become before it loses its moorings entirely.
At times, politics seems fairly conventional with Republicans and Democrats arguing about health care and tax cuts, as they long have done. But former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama reminded us last week that there is nothing normal about this moment. They issued searing, overlapping condemnations of Trumpism without naming President Trump. Former commanders in chief of opposing parties don’t do this sort of thing unless the country faces an emergency.
Our disorientation is reflected further in the way honorable men and women allow themselves to be pushed into defending the indefensible and twisting noble concepts into cheap and ultimately shameful talking points. These are designed to get the president through one more news cycle or around some controversy he could easily quell if he had any familiarity with the words “I’m sorry.”
In the realm of political commentary, the now-daily detonations set off by a man who sees the common good as the pursuit of suckers drown out any serious discussion of the problems his voters thought he might try to solve.
True, there is a separate difficulty created by his own party’s failure to move beyond the politics of the 1980s and that era’s popular belief that tax cuts and reductions in government social spending will overcome any challenge, anytime, anywhere. A decrepit ideology crowds out new approaches to new circumstances.
For all the talk about Trump being something other than a Republican, he always falls back on the party’s old ideas because he has none of his own beyond promising to build a big wall, stop NFL players from kneeling during the national anthem and fix bad trade deals while offering few details.
But we can’t even have predictable, if necessary, partisan and ideological debates. These are blocked by self-involved spectacle and ruthless attacks against any who raise their voices to criticize the president.
We can try to resist being drawn into this swamp of petty invective, knowing that we are being pulled away from the consequential questions. Yet doing so would mean overlooking the central fact of our political situation: that Trump is systematically sapping our democratic capacities through his routine behavior. As Bush put it, “We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. . . . Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization.”
This is why all except the most blind Trump partisans had to be heartsick over the performance of White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly on Thursday. The retired Marine Corps general, who devoted his life to service and suffered stoically when he lost a son in combat, stepped out as a hatchet man against Rep. Frederica S. Wilson.
It was Wilson, a Florida Democrat, who revealed that the president told the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson that the slain soldier “knew what he signed up for.” Kelly could not back up Trump’s claim that Wilson had “totally fabricated” the president’s conversation. In fact, Kelly seemed indirectly to confirm her account. So he resorted to a vicious rebuke of the African American congresswoman.
Kelly didn’t even have the decency to use Wilson’s name, and he compared her to noisy “empty barrels.” It was hard to hear him and not think of Bush’s warnings about “dehumanization.” Kelly went on to give a false account of gracious, bipartisan comments Wilson made at the dedication of a Florida FBI building.
Thus is our world turned upside down: A genuine patriot is reduced to the role of propagandist for a boss whose idea of sacrifice, as Trump once explained on ABC News, is running a business from which he profited.
We are numbed to the squalor we see daily. It’s common to hear the president called a “disrupter.” But unlike the tech-world heroes to whom the label is typically applied, he builds nothing, creates nothing and moves a majority of our fellow citizens only toward rage or a sense of helplessness.
But helplessness is not an option, and rage alone will change nothing. By speaking up, Bush and Obama have sent a signal that we cannot sit by and allow our system of self-government to disintegrate before our eyes. The burden is especially great on those who hoped that by serving this man, they could serve their country. Alas, Kelly has shown us that this is simply not possible.
He has a Pulitzer Prize.
We are blessed with Beaners hater, and a mentally ill President and his lovers.
Spam by the drunkard.
"Kelly didn’t even have the decency to use Wilson’s name"
Big deal.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
He has a Pulitzer Prize.
ej dionne has a P-U-litzer prize??
well good for him. so he picked up a merit badge from a liberal mutual admiration society. he remains full of shit, with our without his "prize."
so alky, when will you be assembling the cavalcade of stars, victims all, of trump's vag grasping exploits? you're up to 11 at this point, right? let's get sworn affidavits and get the trumpster locked up once and for all. c'mon champ, you can do it.
Kelly didn’t even have the decency to use Wilson’s name
and today i see she's demanding an apology from kelly for...
get this...
character assassination.
holy fucking shit, you just can't make this stuff up.
a worthless piece of shit, grave dancing, assclown has a character that can be assassinated?
that character committed suicide ages ago.
LOL Everybody thought Hillary would win. Even Bone Spur draft dodger Trump thought that.
“One aspect of the conflict, by the way, that I will never, ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest-income level of America and the highest-income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong. That is wrong. If we’re going to ask every American to serve, every American should serve.”
— Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), on C-SPAN.
I swear HB said he was "fucking moving past this story".
Has he figured out yet I never asked for his net worth.
Large Democrat fund raising and candidate recruitments for House races are scaring Republican politicians to death.
The President has been very divisive. Most Americans want a President who will bring us together. Donald Trump is polarizing the nation. From what we have seen, that he doesn't want to unite us behind him. Because he is determined to please his base, not the majority of Americans behind him. He is at all time lows in the polls since we have been tracking public opinion.
He changes his mind on a daily basis.
1: Bipartisan tax reform. Later in the same week, he is against the bipartisan tax reform and decrease.
2: DACA : We have no idea where he is standing today.
3: The most important issue is North Korea. He is undermining his Secretary of State.
4: President George W Bush declared that childish insults are not Presidential.
5: He disrespects a true hero, who has dedicated his life to the country.
6: He has continued to attract a congresswoman, who exposed that he has no empathy towards a fallen hero. He does this to distract attention from his own accusations against the previous Presidents, specifically against President Barack Obama.
6: He isn't capable of saying, "I was wrong".
These is an increasing number of high-quality psychological experts who believe that he's not mentally competent and capable of fulfilling his responsibility as President of the United States.
He's not a conservative, he's an egomaniacal personality self centered man who is not capable of bringing the country together. He presents a clear and present danger to the country.
Ignore that undrained swamp KD.
Ignore who?????
Actual Jane again your wrong
Thought she would loss, the stench of Bill the rapist, her health flagging, her arrogance of entitlement.
Then there was her calling US military, cops and other first responders and blue collar workers "Dispicable".
Little Lady Lynn lied, 401k's are not being cap, reduced or changed.
Don't ignore that clear and present danger Trump.
Only women use 43 emotional icons in one post.
The Trump-controlled EPA is thwarting the First Amendment.
Rnc out raised DNC by 3.4 million.
Did the Aclu take your case?
Can you post their response?
Republicans are downright scared of "DEALMAKER" Trump. Because he is so untrustworthy, inconsistent, and easily distracted, his negotiating abilities are practically nil.
Jv obama's ISIS poster child Bergdahl said the Taliban are better people the the US Military.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
The President has been very divisive. Most Americans want a President who will bring us together. Donald Trump is polarizing the nation
sorry champ, but that ship has sailed. 0linsky divided the nation more than trump could ever dream of doing. so once again your psychological projection is blowing up in your face.
The Trump-controlled EPA is thwarting the First Amendment.
proof that liberals do not understand the first amendment.
House GOP Fears Dem Wave as Money Woes Grow
Josh Kraushaar: “House Republicans are growing increasingly alarmed that some of their most vulnerable members aren’t doing the necessary legwork to protect themselves from an emerging Democratic tidal wave."
Trump's EPA muzzles climate scientists.
Freedom of speech does not allow such muzzles.
ask the aclu about the first amendment, pederast. while they probably won't take your case, they might be able to teach you something.
I believe this blog is being monitored, Rat, so be sure to keep on calling me a pederast. :-)
will do, pederast. thanks for the warning, pederast.
oh, and go fuck yourself, pederast.
Excerpt from an mail I got from my college room mate with the NYT's piece attached....A PhD in bio and worked as a research scenetist for the EPA....
And so the silencing and repression begins. Some of these people who were silenced, work for me. I just pray that people in the US wake up before it is too late. Frankly, it may be too late already!!
Shocking science is concerned about our idiot in chief......the one with bone spurs that avoided service because he had money...but lorretta loves his small hands....LOLOLOL
KD said...
Rnc out raised DNC by 3.4 million.
Isn't the the same amount of wrong votes hillary beat trump by?????? LOL
"Monitored" jane
Specifically by whom?
Freedom ,, President expands under Trump.
Releasing JFK murder.
Those votes we not wrong, they mattered in one state. Problem is she failed. A billion dollars spent on a loser
Broken stump KD opined......
Little Lady Lynn lied, 401k's are not being cap, reduced or changed.
You live in russia or something and miss the reporting or are you just stupid......my vote is for stupid.....idiot
Saturday we had Temps in the low 80's fueling huge t'storms, unusual for late October. The warmth and rain so good for the land I own.
KD said...
Those votes we not wrong,
Drinking a little early today, dumbass????? You are writing as good as menstral....LOL
Do tell madam opie. What did you see, other then HB, that convinced you 401k were changing?
The warmth and rain so good for the land I "was given".
There....fixed it for you again, stumpy....LOLOLOL
Those Winning votes mattered in CA. Great.
What did you see, other then HB, that convinced you 401k were changing?
Google it there are plenty of articles.....idiot
Rat wraps himself in spams, in obscenities, and in libels.
"I believe this blog is being monitored, Rat, so be sure to keep on calling me a pederast. :-)"
"Monitored" jane
Specifically by whom?"
The voices in his head.
Wealth envy, got ya.
Everytime the issue of inherented wealth comes up I ask your ilk this question.
Do you plan on leaving nothing to your children?
That is a crowd
Those Winning votes mattered in CA. Great.
Yep.,, like i have said more than once....they didn't count....so much for 1 man 1 vote but you are good with that stumpy....
Again, Madam opie false on his own topics.
401k, 457b, 529 plans all unchanged.
Do you plan on leaving nothing to your children?
None of your fucking business asswipe....
And I guess your plan is to bring it with you....LOL....
They counted under the US Constitution.
Don't like it change it.
401k, 457b, 529 plans all unchanged.
Not in trumps tax plan asshole.....for the terminally lazy rich like yourself ...try again... I guess you are against your POTUS
So you, LIAR-etta, and you, KD, and you, Senseless, and you, Cowardly, DO keep calling me a pedophile.
It's only the voices in my head, you know. :-)
I have set up two Trust funds one for each of my young adults. Those are of course outside of thier 529 Learning Quest and Educational IRA's.
Each trust includes unincumbered lands, bonds and stock.
Your kids get your spit.
"Oh, and I do indeed think teenage girls, post pubescent ones that is, can be sexy. I have always thought so."
Pastor James Boswell
I have set up two Trust funds one for each of my young adults. Those are of course outside of thier 529 Learning Quest and Educational IRA's.
Each trust includes unincumbered lands, bonds and stock.
Your kids get your spit.
"Oh, and I do indeed think teenage girls, post pubescent ones that is, can be sexy. I have always thought so."
They counted under the US Constitution.
Which gives undue influence to small population states...I'm sure the writers knew the the populations would become concentrated on either coast......must have been pre republicon's LOL
I have set up two Trust funds one for each of my young adults
Call someone who gives a shit....your retarded kids will become just like you lazy fuck assholes with grand options that no one cares about....
Which gives undue influence to small population states...I'm sure the writers knew the the populations would become concentrated on either coast.
Actually it was to check the power of the large slaveholding states and to insure equitable power to the small New England states.
If constitution was solely based on population you would be singing Dixie today.
I see the "pastor" has LIED AGAIN and has returned to SPAMMING the board from political_lire against the request from the host. WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE and a DISGRACE.
GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS and try to be a responsible participant.
Actually it was to check the power of the large slaveholding states
Gee,,,menstra looked something up and paraphrased what he read....good job GED....should have gone to school, you may have gotten a diploma LOL I guess you missed the irony of what I said....idiot
The larger the population the more electoral vote, fair and balanced.
You liberal Crack me up.
on population you would be singing Dixie today.
LOL what color population???? Since dixie gave no rights to blacks The union had both the population and manufacturing that the south could never match....your argument is spurious....LOL
You liberal Crack me up.
Your grammar sucks, still....LOL
"pastor" james boswell, I see you say this board is being monitored. GREAT FUCKER, you have posted false information about me "cowardly king obama" which is obvious libel. Please let the board know about the outcome of your threats and how I can proceed to sue you for your lies about me.
Thanks in advance you childish motherfucker
LOL what color population???? Since dixie gave no rights to blacks
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
This gave the power of the slave owner to in effect vote for the slaves.
Even though slaves couldn't vote they were still counted (as three fifths of a free person) to determine the number of representatives a state could have.
Without equal suffrage in the senate, the slave states would have had overwhelming power to determine the course of the Republic.
Today, it you eliminate the senate and the electoral college you would give enormous power to large cities and states at the expense of the rest of the country.
This gave the power of the slave owner to in effect vote for the slaves.
IOW's slaves had no rights....idiot... Counted as what??? Chattel? Property, how about as humans....keep digging dumbass, you are proving why you support trump....LOLOLOL
IOW's slaves had no rights....idiot... Counted as what???
Three-Fifths of a person for the reading impaired.
You just can't educate the willfully stupid.
Three-Fifths of a person for the reading impaired.
Did they cut them into pieces also????.....For the intellectually impaired, slaves had no rights, they were property traded and sold at the whim of the owner. You on the other hand you are showing your true colors of being a southern idiot who thinks the south prevailed....you lost, asshole in spite of what you believe....LOLOLOL
POTUS is a flaming asshole, just like menstral.....Instead of dropping it....he perpetuates his own stupidity. Who to believe...the dissor or the dissee???? “I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from the beginning, without hesitation!” Trump tweeted this morning, less than an hour after Johnson said otherwise in an interview with Good Morning America.
Myeshia Johnson gave her first TV interview this morning to George Stephanopoulos, saying what hurt her most when Trump called her is that could not remember her husband’s name, and stumbled over it when he finally referenced it on the file in front of him.
La David Johnson was one of four soldiers killed in an ISIS ambush in Niger earlier this month. Trump called his widow, and family members of the other three soldiers, after being asked at a Rose Garden presser why he had yet to make any mention of the attack, nearly two weeks after it occurred. He responded, saying he intended to call the families, which is something, Trump said incorrectly, previous presidents did not do.
“I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from the beginning, without hesitation!” Trump tweeted this morning after Johnson’s GMA interview.
Jane,why is it the cursing by HB and Opie does not offend you?
Even though slaves couldn't vote they were still counted (as three fifths of a free person) to determine the number of representatives a state could have.
Not able to vote means not represented. This was a compromise in the interests of slave owners, not slaves.
But you made me think: while it is wrong to deny representation by denying the right to vote, the concept of apportioning representation by the number of voters is still a good one. Even if "3/5 of a voter" is ridiculous on multiple levels, the idea of representation is sound. SO, why are we basing representation and EC votes on the number of NON-voters? Would it not make more sense, and be more appropriate, to base those numbers on the number of actual voters in each State? It would at the very least encourage voter turnout, which would be the cure for much of the problems plaguing Congress and the Administration, and arguably more fair to voters themselves.
So I ran the numbers based on 2016 to see what it looked like, with the only difference apportioning the 435 Representatives by votes rather than by population. MOST states had a change of 0 or +/- 1, but unsurprisingly the BIG states had a large swing. California -8, Texas -8, NY -3, FL +3. And rounding it out, Maine would gain 3 (which is weird and someone should look into).
Not able to vote means not represented. This was a compromise in the interests of slave owners, not slaves.
Yes it was and it was the whole point of the post.
Virginia got many more representatives because of the slave population. If Congress and and the electoral college was based solely on proportional representation then the large slave holding states who have held an overwhelming amount of political power.
With that power it would have been doubtful slavery would have ever ended.
I don't think basing representation on register voters.
Over and above the fact that it would take a constitutional amendment, being able to keep and maintain a national voters database would be quite a logistical challenge.
And one more target for hacking .
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