Recent revelations have suggested that Mueller's interest in Paul Manafort may actually be more in line with things he did "prior" to the 2016 election and "prior" to his brief encounter with the Trump campaign. In fact, it's starting to look as if the Manafort relevance to the special counsel probe is in regards to work he did with one (or both) of the Podesta brothers. There are suggestions that Manafort previously had helped line up influential Russians with equally influential American officials, possibly up to and including the Clintons and other high ranking members of the Obama team.
All of this makes more "logical sense" if you are not predisposed to believe that Donald Trump actually was colluding with Vladimir Putin, and that Trump's campaign manager for less than three months was either "in on it" or was otherwise provided all sorts of damaging information in regards to all of the collusion... only to be fired.
Of course it's entirely possible that Mueller was (or still is) holding prosecution over the head of Manafort, in hopes that Manafort will provide damaging information about the Trump campaign. But at this point it seems more likely that Manafort's potentially damaging information has little to do with Trump, and more to do with his interactions with the Podesta brothers. Certainly the news that Tony Podesta is now on the Mueller radar would seem to validate this.
I would be curious as to the level of liberal brain explosion we would see if ultimately the Mueller probe came back with evidence that the Russians and Democrats (not the Russians and the Trump campaign) were actually the ones in cahoots. I wonder how bad it would get if special counsel indicted people tied to the Democrats, rather than Trump?
Well, now the huge government liberal in the White House wants to raise the gas tax (a longtime left wing idea) in order to pay for his Obama-on-steroids $1 trillion "infrastructure" scam (also a longtime left wing idea).
The last time the gas tax was raised was under Trump's buddy and partner in sex crime, Bill Clinton.
The fact that a lifelong Democrat is acting like a lifelong Democrat should surprise nobody. What's pathetic is that people who claim to be conservative still support this socialist douchecarpet.
And in other news that won't be noticed within Trump's online harem, because they refuse to put 2 and 2 together...
Pretty evident by the timing that the recent spate of accusations against Bush, Sr., were arranged by Trump.
CLASSIC JOHN BOEHNER ON U.S. POLITICS, via Brussels Playbooker Ryan Heath, who interviewed him on stage in Frankfurt, Germany:
"Most average Republicans are throwing up over the fact the knuckleheads are running the show."
The President looks like that he and his former chief advisor have taken over the Republican party. Corker and Flake have been courageously speaking out the coldheartedtruth about this President. He's not qualified, nor is he mentally stable enough to be President. Yet the rest of the Republican congressional leaders have been silent in that regard.
McConnell said that Brannon and his attacks on the establishment Republicans are not going anywhere. But it appears that the President, because he changes his"mind" and has been given the reins to the alt-right, white supremacist group that provided the electoral college victory over Clinton.
Given the nature of the polls, if President will drag the party into the swamp.
I don't disagree with pnc. I've posted here more than once that Trump spent the last fifty years as s nyc democrat. But i suggest what is pathetic is all the dems in and out of Washington proclaiming their hatred for him because he had the gall to defeat the most corrupt presidential candidate in history.
Sour grapes from boehner. He's wrong about most average Republicans. That's why he is no longer representing them.
Wait and see.
You've never been right about anything yet.
Call me crazy but if I authorized the spending of nine million dollars, I'd think I'd like to know where the money was going.
The irony to your criticism is that the "neo-cons" had eight years to prove their theories, and the only thing they ever proved was that they were wrong.
Similarly the eight years of Obama hands on liberalism was proven not to have worked either.
Like two bad experiments gone wrong.
Now I have no real clue what the general philosophy of the Trump administration really is... but what is happening is that pretty much nothing "new" is happening, and everything the previous numbskull put into place is being dismantled.
If Trump does nothing but "not" repeat the critical mistakes of the previous two Administrations and does his best to undo what Obama did... he can be considered a success if only for not being another bad experiment gone wron
Loretta said...
You've never been right about anything yet.
one must always keep this little factoid in mind when dealing with the alky's political pontifications.
i'm still waiting to be told when we're supposed to start wandering the political wilderness for 20 years.
Seems to me that those elite middle class will be getting the shaft by the R tax plan with elimination of the state tax deduction.. I hope rat hole enjoys his contribution to the parasite nation....BTW....what benefit does the elimination of the death tax give to us poor people???? This really is another joke....isn't it?????
From the NYTimes:
The House on Thursday narrowly approved a budget that Republican leaders and President Trump hope to use as a legislative vehicle to cut taxes. Very wealthy American families will be the biggest beneficiaries of these cuts while many in the upper middle class could actually see their taxes go up.
While Republicans still have not produced a detailed proposal, a tax framework they published last month and their public comments make clear that they are doing everything they can to enrich the 1 percent – a group that would receive 80 percent of the benefits, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.
Richest Americans Could See Largest Savings
Change in after-tax income by income bracket, 2018
Source: Tax Policy Center
One change is getting a lot of attention: Republican leaders want to eliminate the state and local tax deduction. This would hurt many Americans, especially those who live in states like California and New York with high state and local taxes.
That group clearly includes many rich families, but more than half of this deduction benefited taxpayers with incomes of less than $200,000 in 2015, according to Government Finance Officers Association, which represents officials from local and state governments. Some of these people might do fine under the framework, but tax experts say many will
Similarly the eight years of Obama hands on liberalism was proven not to have worked either.
Really? Seems to me 80+ straight months of job growth, reversal of the busch depression and GDP growth for all but obama's first year in office prove some kind of success. Suggest you look up how D administration stack up against R administrations economic growth for the last 40 years and see how badly the R's have done....Then get back to me and prove how liberalism has fared...None of your BS are in denial....facts only.....LOL
Seems to me that those elite middle class will be getting the shaft by the R tax
Opinion without facts to back it up. How typical of you.
Opie - by most measurements it was the worst economic recovery in 70 years...
Only by convincing you simultaneously that normal growth is now unrealistic and that lower than average growth is now the benchmark of excellence... does it cause you to make such an argument.
It's like the football coach who convinces you that the playoffs are no longer realistic and that you should kiss his ass if he goes 6-10 every year... and then you actually do kiss his ass for repeatedly winning 6 games a year.
Trump accused Ted Cruz's father of participating in the JFK assassination. Let's go back 54 years ago and investigate that too.
The eight years of Obama hands on liberalism was proven not to have worked either.
Rex Tillerson said yesterday that "Some days I feel like I need to curl up in ball
The nine months of The Trumpism administration has already been a total failure. Trump is making even greater critical mistakes than the two previous President's combined.
Since it seems that he's going to "lead us into a war of epic proportions on the Korean peninsula and Iran?. His irrational comments and of his obsession with the last real President of The, Barack Hussein Obama will put him on the top of the list of Presidential failures and the biggest mistake in the history of the United States.
From the NYTimes:
thank you for reminding me to never, ever take any tax guidance form the NY Times.
Spam by the drunkard
by most measurements it was the worst economic recovery in 70 years...
By your measurements it was the worst economic recovery in 70 years"
If John McCain had defeated Barack Obama, and lead the country into the longest economic recovery for the last SEVEN years, you would be supporting adding him to Mount Rushmore.
Please get well soon and keep in touch with your physician.
If John McCain had defeated Barack Obama
and if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
don't make us wait for you to make an actual point, alky. start early today for a change.
Highlights of Third-Quarter GDP (First Estimate)
Gross domestic product grew at a 3% annualized rate (est. 2.6%) following a 3.1% gain in 2Q, best back-to-back quarters since 2014
Consumer spending, biggest part of the economy, grew 2.4% (est. 2.1%) after 3.3% in 2Q
Business fixed investment rose 1.5%, adding 0.25 ppt to growth; spending on nonresidential structures fell, equipment and intellectual property gained, residential dropped
Trade, inventories added a combined 1.14 ppt to growth
Commerce Dept. said it can’t estimate hurricanes’ impact on GDP; disaster losses on fixed assets, private and public, totaled about $131.4b
Only by convincing you simultaneously that normal growth is now unrealistic and that lower than average growth is now the benchmark of excellence... does it cause you to make such an argument.
well, in order to maintain such a high level of worship for their messiah 0linsky, virtually everyone on the left has completely bought into that argument.
Spam by a racist
Opinion without facts to back it up. How typical of you.
Just like your above post numbnutz....look at the times #'s it is on the first page of today's paper, which I did reference.....dayum you are an idiot and a lazy R just like the rest....Nice try!!!! LOLOL Too easy...
By your measurements it was the worst economic recovery in 70 years
CNN said so too. And for once it's not fake-news.
Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII
Liberal head explodes in 3, 2, 1.......
Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of goods and services made in the U.S., expanded at a 3% annual rate in July through September, the Commerce Department said Friday. Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had projected a 2.7% gain.
C.H. Truth said...
Opie - by most measurements it was the worst economic recovery in 70 years...
WTF does most measurements mean????? LOLMost climate scientist think man is responsible to that what you mean by most.....
So recoveries are bad in your world....What a stupid tenet, CH.....And please why not let us know what a great job Busch did and compare it to what a shitty job you claim Obama to have done.....LOLOLOL....
expanded at a 3% annual rate in July through September, - Despite Hurricanes
You left out that little ditty.
The Trump recovery is right on track.
WTF does most measurements mean?
See CNN story above.
Thank you Barack Obama. Trump has not gotten a single law passed by the Republican controlled congress that has passed anything to effect the economy.
menstral the idiot posted
Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII
Gee, have read that same BS many times...
Same question for our GED.....The Recovery is a bad thing because it wasn't fast enough???? Just like your .6% growth which is what you claim Busch didn't have any responsibility for.....Idiot
The Trump recovery is right on track.
it sure is. no wonder the left is so defensive.
That's "Fake News " now you believe it?
Your middle name is Hypocritical
Menstral proves again he can't read....LOL Nice try at proving nothing....Idiot Thanx for playing...
So it's a fair statement. There is data to back up Trump's claim (at least since just after World War II when the government started keeping quarterly records), but it comes with a big asterisk.
But it's a long U.S. expansion
Plenty of experts say "hold on." This recovery may be slow, but it's also lasted a long time -- far longer than usual -- and job growth has been good.
"We are in the fourth longest expansion in U.S. history," notes Achuthan.
Since World War II, the American economy has typically grown for about five years and then had a contraction. This expansion is already over seven years old.
Furthermore, the average pace of job growth in this recovery has already topped what happened during the 2001 to 2007 expansion under President George W. Bush (the Bush recovery was the slowest in terms of jobs growth, Achuthan says).
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Thank you Barack Obama. Trump has not gotten a single law passed by the Republican controlled congress that has passed anything to effect the economy.
instead he just crushed a bunch of imbecilic regulations.
oh, and that consumer confidence thingy?
it's not legislation dependent, alky.
it reflects the mood of the american consumer and american business.
economically, everything about the trump presidency has been wildly positive. if you're invested, you're making money hand over fist. i leave the nit picking to asshats like you and krugman, alky. i understand and empathize with your dilemma of the trump economy vs. the 0linsky economy. i really do.
Menstral attempted to prove something and failed miserably agains....
You left out that little ditty.
From Rogers post in spite of menstral willfully stupid post.
expanded at a 3% annual rate in July through September, - Despite Hurricanes
Commerce Dept. said it can’t estimate hurricanes’ impact on GDP
Seems you are in the unable tp read mode...
Commerce Dept. said it can’t estimate hurricanes’ impact on GDP
sure, IT can't, but that doesn't stop anyone else from estimating.
government can rarely walk and chew gum at the same time.
I posted what I could c/p using my cell phone. It limited at times.
I posted good news on the economy and again and again and again alky spam. CH should try and filter out the b.s.
Five years, four months end three days, one day at a time.
I'm blessed, and I know it. But I have been following the medical instructions right down the line.
If you ever visit my area, I will get you admitted to the gym, and we will see if you can keep up with the 66 years old recovering alcoholic.
The tax "reform" passed by the house, eliminates the deduction for loan interest, and local government taxes.
To millions of Americans, my family included will pay more federal income tax.
This law will not be passed this year. It would not pass the Senate at this time.
sure, IT can't, but that doesn't stop anyone else from estimating.
So what is your point??????
So rat hole, what is your educated guess how much the GDP will go down ...You are anyone and if you weren't lazy, would have known there are a bunch of predictions what the GDP will be and your comment would be irrelevant, just like you....
Obsession Disorder. It's been repeated at least two years.
Blogger Loretta said...
October 27, 2017 at 8:27 AM
Educated guess and rrb never appear together on this blog.
So what is your point??????
So rat hole, what is your educated guess how much the GDP will go down ..
well, first of all d0pie, my point is that private economists can assess the property damage resulting from the storms and place an estimate on what it will cost to replace that which was destroyed. rocket science it ain't, however, any estimate probably gets revised as the actual numbers flow in during re-construction.
uh, i would not expect GDP to go down at all in the long term. many homes, many cars, and vast swaths on municipal and industrial infrastructure need repair/placement. as the $$$ get's spent in that effort, i can only expect GDP to go UP.
but that's just me.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Educated guess and rrb never appear together on this blog.
says the assclown whose every single "educated" guess on this blog turned out to be wrong. and not just a little wrong.
BIGLY wrong, like, by a landslide.
The U.S. economy expanded at a 3 percent rate between July and the end of September, meeting President Trump's goal for higher growth despite blows to Texas oil refineries from Hurricane Harvey. The economy has now grown at or above 3 percent for half a year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Friday.
Under President Obama, the economy grew an average of 2.1 percent a year, although he also had many quarters where growth exceeded 3 percent. The challenge for Trump will be to get faster growth for an entire year. On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly promised growth of over 4 percent, which hasn't happened consistently since the late 1990s.
"An above-trend quarter does not mean that the trend has picked up," says Jim O'Sullivan, chief U.S. economist at High Frequency Economics.
Growth in the third quarter was driven by Americans continuing to spend money on a wide range of products and businesses starting to open their wallets more to purchase new equipment and build up their inventories. Higher federal government spending also helped boost growth.
More Fake News
Rat hole postulated...incorrectly
well, first of all d0pie, my point is that private economists can assess the property damage
LO the damage totals are well known,.L.....GDP in the 3rd quarter will have nothing to do with those damage estimates. As the economists pointed out in their estimates for the 4th quarter and next year, when people start rebuild and spending money there may be a bump upward of the GDP....Nice try for an uneducated idiot..
LO the damage totals are well known,
yet you told us the commerce dept could not provide an estimate. and i quote:
"Commerce Dept. said it can’t estimate hurricanes’ impact on GDP"
so which is it?
if i know damage totals i can extrapolate repair $$$ which can then translate to a GDP estimate.
US Manufacturing surging since Trump took office.
US gdp under President Trump sprinting past lost years.
US gdp under President Trump sprinting past lost years.
Krugman (and plenty of others) are on board with the dire prediction that 3% growth is unattainable. As Krugman argued (no doubt correctly) is that even if you made "him" dictator... with all of his infinite economic wisdom, that he could not produce 3% growth. He has argued that the 1.5-2.0 percent growth is pretty much the limit.
Of course if you put "someone else" in charge... you know, someone who isn't wrong 99% of the time...
Other liberal economics howled at the idea that a budget was put together under the assumption that 3% growth was possible. Most of them declared such speculation to be similar to predicting the Cleveland Browns will win the Super Bowl this year.
Now we have two quarters in a row (half a year) at 3% and there are plenty of indications that it might continue (as least through the end of the year). You get to once again watch as the media describes this as "unexpected" just as they used to describe bad economic news during the Obama years as "unexpected".
Spot on
Krugman clowns like HB and jane, are hoping for DOW 17,000 and the Krugman predicted "world wide recession".
Not to say that I don't understand Krugman's arguments. Much of the concept of aging boomers and smaller population growth can account for lower long term GDP projections.
But the blind spot in all of this is to "assume" that Obama and his attempts at Keynesian economic policy was stretching the limits of said growth.
It's literally impossible for Krugman to see the possibility that Obama economic policy might have been holding things back. Krugman cannot acknowledge that anything Obama did would have any negative impact. It's just impossible for him to comprehend the possibility that it could be done any better.
That's "Fake News " now you believe it?
No, I said for once it's not fake-news.
You shouldn't read while your head is so clouded with medication.
Your middle name is Hypocritical
Not at all. CNN gets praise when they properly do their jobs as well as condemnation when their bias and agenda overrides the truth.
where i would cut krugman and his liberal economist cohorts some slack in their reasoning is that yes, it is impossible to achieve growth above 1.5 to 2.0% using keynesian economics as their guide, and government spending as their economic engine.
the fact is, they simply do not believe in a truly free market economy. they insist only an economy smothered by government control is legitimate, hence their inability to achieve anything close to 3+% growth.
in their world, unless Uncle Stupid is in charge, it's not realistic.
ah, the fucked up world of the marxist.
Rat the idiot posted
yet you told us the commerce dept could not provide an estimate. and i quote:
The only problem in your statement is they have no idea when those monies will be spent which is what the GDP measures. And you have a degree???? In what? Nice try again... LOL My guess is in the next 3rd quarter update, there may very good chance there will be a decrease to the 3% report.....just mho.....
The only problem in your statement is they have no idea when those monies will be spent which is what the GDP measures.
well fuckstick, one can safely assume that since people don't prefer to live in tents or walk to work that residential construction spending and auto replacement sales will happen ASAP, as in both 3rd and 4th qtr. of this year.
This description is right on.
Andrew Sullivan
And this base support is unshakable. It is not susceptible to reason. No scandal, however great, will dislodge it - because he has invaded his followers’ minds and psyches as profoundly as he has the rest of ours. He is fused with them more deeply now, a single raging id, a force that helps us understand better how civilized countries can descend so quickly into barbarism. In a country led by a swirling void, all sorts of inhibitions slowly slip away. Nativism, racism, nationalism: these are very potent catalysts of human darkness. Usually it is the president who takes responsibility when these demons appear to emerge, and attempts to refute, or discredit or calm them. But this one amps them up. That is why we have the astonishing scenario of his two predecessors trying to do what he cannot. They know the fire he is playing with. And they have some sense of responsibility. He has absolutely none.
US Home sales up to levels never seen during jv ecomics.
Home depot stock price about the same as the loved by liberals facebook.
Yes Roger...
I can see the record setting DOW, the 3% GDP growth, and the lowest unemployment in years... causing our country to fall into barbarism.
Well at least on College Campuses, in California, at most Starbucks, and in the media...
The rest of us are doing just fine, thank you. I have not sported a loin cloth, hit anyone with a club, or pillaged any small villages recently.
HB, so cute having lost the economic debate again. Cuddles the nuts of a fellow traveler.
Hey, your Facebook link to you trash slum failed.
Repost a working link.
LADY LYNN, I see you posted the anal rimming of Jv economic non-sense again.
So you blame the first report on jobs that showed a -33,000 on Trump, but good news you credit the out of office jv prez.
Is that right Obama/hillary/dnc paid $3,000,000.00 to create their Russian scandel.
"Money well spent"
geez alky, i haven't seen queen andrew throw such a drama-laden conniption fit in a while.
his explanation, like most of his alarmist rhetoric, is way over the top.
you and queenie want to know how we got trump? look to occam's razor my friend.
iow, it's simple - we got tired of the left's bullshit. it finally came to a head and we said "fuck this, enough is enough."
the left has destroyed respected institutions, destroyed the culture, destroyed the economy, destroyed healthcare, destroyed many small businesses, destroyed immigration... for chrissakes, a young girl can't even visit a public restroom without being assaulted thanks to you guys and your endorsement of mental illness.
everything the left has touched has turned to shit. and you and queenie act all surprised when it finally comes to a head and pops like a giant zit.
When does Mueller end the fleecing?
We know Trump is clean, Hillary Obama are dirty.
Oh HB, President Trump welfare rolls has dropped.
HB, President Trump's Economy has posted a labor partisipation rate of 63.1%.
Your excuse during the jv lost years was so many people were retiring. Did those people come back to work?
"iow, it's simple - we got tired of the left's bullshit. it finally came to a head and we said "fuck this, enough is enough.""
You'd think they would have done some soul-searching starting with the shellacking back in 2010...
They didn't lose their cancerous grip on the country overnight.
Ette, what I know of Liberals are these things.
1, work is a four letter word.
2, welfare direct payments are better then self-reliance and a payroll check
3, and it no wrong
4, hypocrisy is the bed rock of thier being
Jv obama refused for 2 years of his first term to admit he was the us prez over the US Economy, fit throwing child.
Now on this blog jane, lady lynn and fatty want to claim the MAGA Trump Economy. Exception, -33,000 jobs report, that is Trumps. Ok, I am fine with that, it was the initial report, we have not seen the final report for that period.
We should be following the same path, and reject the Beaner haters and moose limb bigotry.
German civil rights groups are mobilizing against the newly elected far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party and other more hardline groups, vowing to avert the even stronger rightward lurch seen in neighboring countries.
The AfD secured almost 13 percent of the vote in the Sept. 24 national election, making it the third largest party in the Bundestag, or lower house of parliament, and the first far-right party to win seats in more than half a century.
Exit polls showed that 60 percent of AfD voters cast a "protest vote", with many angry at Chancellor Angela Merkel's 2015 decision to allow in over a million mainly Muslim migrants.
Experts say the party's rise is also part of a global trend that has brought right-leaning parties or leaders to power in Poland, Hungary, and most recently, Austria.
Germany's mainstream parties have said they will not work with the AfD at a national level but it is represented in 14 out of 16 state legislatures - prompting activists to step up their resistance.
Thousands of protesters are expected in the eastern city of Dresden on Saturday when the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement that once drew crowds of 25,000 celebrates its third anniversary.
PEGIDA - the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West - has seen dwindling crowds since early 2015, with AfD absorbing some backers into more political activities.
Hundreds of supporters of both groups rallied side-by-side in Dresden a week before the election.
"We should be following the same path, and reject the Beaner haters and moose limb bigotry."
Get your lily white ass out there....protest.
You can even wear your tutu.
Your advocating we all become NASI"s, nope.
SGT Lynn life became meaning less with your post.
I restored his honor with mine.
So Roger...
I am curious about your point? Because it seems to me that what you are suggesting is that more and more people across the entire globe are fed up with the concept of their governments bringing in more and more refugees who apparently have all sorts of problems fitting in no matter where it is that they go.
I am sure you would get no argument from anyone here.
The only difference is that most of us are open minded enough to not reflexively start associating it with bigotry and hate... and calling for some sort of revolution in defense of this pie in the sky borderless society that people from your ilk seem to believe is such a wonderful thing.
HB, you stupid bone and broken boy.
You want both the US and German actual votes invalidated by mobs and rioters.
Wow, so dumb , so poorly educated and so economically illiterate.
I'm going to take my hard tight white ass to the gym today. The thoughts of your wrinkled ass are disgusting
Answer CH.
He missed his own point, she should thank you for pointing it out.
He is looking up a cut n paste to answer.
I can't wait to hear her voice live tonight
The talking points that Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya brought to a Trump Tower meeting with top campaign officials, including Donald Trump Jr., in June 2016 were shared with the Kremlin in advance, according to a new report in The New York Times. Veselnitskaya has repeatedly called any suggestion that she was acting on behalf of the Kremlin that day anti-Russia “hysteria,” but interviews and records reportedly obtained by the Times show that Veselnitskaya had shown the information—allegedly damaging to the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton—to one of Russia’s most powerful officials, the prosecutor general, Yuri Y. Chaika. The now-infamous meeting is of particular interest to special counsel Robert Mueller, who is currently investigating Russian efforts to help President Trump’s campaign.
You are as usual, twisting my words.
We are a nation of immigrants. We have to get together again and find a way to assure that those who want to either work here, legally, or become citizens are not a clear and dangerous threat to the United States.
But the candidate Trump framed the Hispanic population that is yes, illegally are mostly rapists, drug dealers or worse. That's not true, and was specifically designed to get the votes of people like your buddy Jimmy aka rrb.
Their is a legitimate concern about the numbers of immigrants. And yes I understand that we must vest those who are from areas that have terrorist organizations. But again it's framed by this President who again triggered racism to keep people like you happy. The blanket comments on all Muslims aka moose limbs are inappropriate for the President of The United States.
You are as usual, twisting my words.
We are a nation of immigrants. We have to get together again and find a way to assure that those who want to either work here, legally, or become citizens are not a clear and dangerous threat to the United States.
But the candidate Trump framed the Hispanic population that is yes, illegally are mostly rapists, drug dealers or worse. That's not true, and was specifically designed to get the votes of people like your buddy Jimmy aka rrb.
Their is a legitimate concern about the numbers of immigrants. And yes I understand that we must vest those who are from areas that have terrorist organizations. But again it's framed by this President who again triggered racism to keep people like you happy. The blanket comments on all Muslims aka moose limbs are inappropriate for the President of The United States.
Not an answer, as usual.
Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya - who is also tied to Fusion GPS according to multiple reports.
So interesting that a Russian lawyer, who is simultaneously in cahoots with Fusion GPS and the Kremlin...
Would then go out of her way to initiate a meeting with someone in the Trump campaign to see if they would accept information from her?
Sounds like a set up...
And it sounds like Trump Jr and gang were too smart to take the bait.
Roger -
how can you possibly blame elections in countries like Germany and Austria on things that Trump says?
Do you fall asleep thinking about Trump?
Wake up thinking about Trump?
Work out thinking about Trump?
Jack off thinking about Trump?
When do you "not" think about Trump?
Clearly, Roger wants rioting in the streets.
Omg, he has to be pulling our leg with this dribble.
Nope we read your cut n paste, you then dodged.
I assume you did not take debate classes in college.
More President Trump winning.
US trade exports rose nicely ( partly on coal and LP gas exports) and imports dropped again.
The cyclical power of a dollar staying at home.
We are a nation of immigrants. We have to get together again and find a way to assure that those who want to either work here, legally, or become citizens are not a clear and dangerous threat to the United States.
Actually Roger - we do not "have to get together" and do anything.
It's not 1817 or 1917. It's 2017. We have immigration laws in place that limit the amount of immigration that takes place, just as pretty much every modern day country in the world has.
It's our legal obligation to actually follow those laws...
It's not our obligation (legal or otherwise) to make sure everyone who wants to come here just gets to wander across the border and take up residency... dangerous or not.
Actually Roger - we do not "have to get together" and do anything.
when roger says "we" he means democrats, since it's democrats who have the most to gain with open borders and unfettered immigration.
if roger wasn't such a shitheel he would admit that a permanent democrat majority via the votes of illegal democrats is his only goal.
Let's take roger at his word and "get together.
So Roger are you willing to get together for tax cuts, border wall and repeal of aca?
Former CIA Director Leon Penney just ran over Obama/Hillary.
He advises congress TO investigate the issues of the fake dossier and uranium one.
"Leon Panetta:
"The irony to your criticism is that the "neo-cons" had eight years to prove their theories, and the only thing they ever proved was that they were wrong."
Exactly what part of keeping America safe since 9/11, coherent foreign policy, taking out the Taliban, winning the Iraq War, nuclear disarmament of Libya, reducing budget deficits, cutting taxes, and not having Obamacare, didn't you like?
Your Trump Stockholm Syndrome is so bad you don't even remember what American greatness looked like.
"Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya - who is also tied to Fusion GPS according to multiple reports."
Further reinforcing the fact that the Steele dossier is accurate. Fusion GPS had just the Russian connections they would have needed to find out what their dossier said they had found out.
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