Friday, October 27, 2017

Four more Justices to be confirmed next week..

Adding to the one Supreme Court, one DC Court, and four Court of Appeals confirmations, the expectations are the four more  Court of Appeals Justices will be confirmed next week. 
  • Stephanos Bibas (3rd Circuit)
  • Joan Larsen (6th Circuit)
  • Amy Coney Barrett (7th Circuit)
  • Allison Eid (10th Circuit)
According to Politico “Trump already has gotten more judges installed at this point in his presidency than his predecessor.”  According to the Powerline blog "Trump is virtually certain to deliver more Court of Appeals judges during his first year than any of his five predecessors".


Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Leon Panetta, one of the few dem adults, is calling for congress to investigate the dnc hillary link to the fake russian dossier. That is big trouble for them. The networks can't keep ignoring it forever.

KD, the Flipped Script said...

It is a yuge problem...

She said she did not know about the payments,,, seems unlikely.

I want this to be looked at as hard as the President is being looked at for his contacts IF any with the Russians.

What we do know is no votes were altered, no votes were deleted or added and no states would have gone for Hillary and possibly changing the results of the 2016 election.

Indy Voter said...

Not surprising. Reid's changing of the rules pretty much guaranteed that any time the Senate and White House are held by the same party, the vacancies will be filled quickly.

It's also one of the few areas where Trump can't undermine his congressional allies with flip-flopping on his positions, short of physically withdrawing his nominee.