Thursday, October 19, 2017

General Kelly

who was in the room when Donald Trump made his call to the widow Johnson... had this to say about the Democratic Congresswoman who is attempting to politicize the President's call to the widow, offering condolences.
“I was stunned when I came to work yesterday, and brokenhearted, when I saw what a member of Congress was doing. What she was saying, what she was doing on TV. The only thing I could do to collect my thoughts was to go walk among the finest men or women on this Earth.”
Kelly also stated that he thought that Trump's call was both appropriate and respectful, and that the President did the best he could offering his condolences. Kelly further backed Trump on another "media created controversy" when he offered that he did not receive a phone call from President Obama when his son died in battle.

So now I guess the left will apparently have to call General Kelly a liar as well as the President on this one. A man who lost his own son in battle, vs a woman who continuously votes against military benefits.

Who do you side with?


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Loretta said...

"So now I guess the left will apparently have to call General Kelly a liar as well as the President on this one."

Opie's already done worse.

Commonsense said...

That a no brainer.

Semper Fie

Anonymous said...

something tells me the alky is spending extra time on those bingo wings at the gym today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched it. Impressive and made sense. I'm going to the gym today, but you couldn't keep up with the old man. The triceps look a lot better. Filled in, racist Republican bastard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I completely understand what he said and even though he gave Trump a break, but it was emotionally charged. He's a good man. He didn't say that Obama was not a problem either. Gym time racist Republican bastard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched it. Impressive and made sense. I'm going to the gym today, but you couldn't keep up with the old man. The triceps look a lot better. Filled in, racist Republican bastard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

don't forget your sequined cowboy hat for the gym, alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George W Bush slammed into Trump
We have seen the return of isolationist sentiments – forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places, where threats such as terrorism, infectious disease, criminal gangs and drug trafficking tend to emerge.

In all these ways, we need to recall and recover our own identity. Americans have a great advantage: To renew our country, we only need to remember our values.

This is part of the reason we meet here today. How do we begin to encourage a new, 21st century American consensus on behalf of democratic freedom and free markets? That’s the question I posed to scholars at the Bush Institute. That is what Pete Wehner and Tom Melia, who are with us today, have answered with “The Spirit of Liberty: At Home, In The World,” a Call to Action paper.

The recommendations come in broad categories. Here they are: First, America must harden its own defenses. Our country must show resolve and resilience in the face of external attacks on our democracy. And that begins with confronting a new era of cyber threats.

America is experiencing the sustained attempt by a hostile power to feed and exploit our country’s divisions. According to our intelligence services, the Russian government has made a project of turning Americans against each other. This effort is broad, systematic and stealthy, it’s conducted across a range of social media platforms. Ultimately, this assault won’t succeed. But foreign aggressions – including cyber-attacks, disinformation and financial influence – should not be downplayed or tolerated. This is a clear case where the strength of our democracy begins at home. We must secure our electoral infrastructure and protect our electoral system from subversion.

The second category of recommendations concerns the projection of American leadership – maintaining America’s role in sustaining and defending an international order rooted in freedom and free markets.

Our security and prosperity are only found in wise, sustained, global engagement: In the cultivation of new markets for American goods. In the confrontation of security challenges before they fully materialize and arrive on our shores. In the fostering of global health and development as alternatives to suffering and resentment. In the attraction of talent, energy and enterprise from all over the world. In serving as a shining hope for refugees and a voice for dissidents, human rights defenders, and the oppressed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We should not be blind to the economic and social dislocations caused by globalization. People are hurting. They are angry. And, they are frustrated. We must hear them and help them. But we can’t wish globalization away, any more than we could wish away the agricultural revolution or the industrial revolution. One strength of free societies is their ability to adapt to economic and social disruptions.

And that should be our goal: to prepare American workers for new opportunities, to care in practical, empowering ways for those who may feel left behind. The first step should be to enact policies that encourage robust economic growth by unlocking the potential of the private sector, and for unleashing the creativity and compassion of this country.

A third focus of this document is strengthening democratic citizenship. And here we must put particular emphasis on the values and views of the young.

Our identity as a nation – unlike many other nations – is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood. Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility. We become the heirs of Thomas Jefferson by accepting the ideal of human dignity found in the Declaration of Independence. We become the heirs of James Madison by understanding the genius and values of the U.S. Constitution. We become the heirs of Martin Luther King, Jr., by recognizing one another not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This means that people of every race, religion, and ethnicity can be fully and equally American. It means that bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed.

And it means that the very identity of our nation depends on the passing of civic ideals to the next generation.

We need a renewed emphasis on civic learning in schools. And our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children. The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them.

Finally, the Call to Action calls on the major institutions of our democracy, public and private, to consciously and urgently attend to the problem of declining trust.

For example, our democracy needs a media that is transparent, accurate and fair. Our democracy needs religious institutions that demonstrate integrity and champion civil discourse. Our democracy needs institutions of higher learning that are examples of truth and free expression.

In short, it is time for American institutions to step up and provide cultural and moral leadership for this nation.

Ten years ago, I attended a Conference on Democracy and Security in Prague. The goal was to put human rights and human freedom at the center of our relationships with repressive governments. The Prague Charter, signed by champions of liberty Vaclav Havel, Natan Sharansky, Jose Maria Aznar, called for the isolation and ostracism of regimes that suppress peaceful opponents by threats or violence.

Little did we know that, a decade later, a crisis of confidence would be developing within the core democracies, making the message of freedom more inhibited and wavering. Little did we know that repressive governments would be undertaking a major effort to encourage division in western societies and to undermine the legitimacy of elections.

Repressive rivals, along with skeptics here at home, misunderstand something important. It is the great advantage of free societies that we creatively adapt to challenges, without the direction of some central authority. Self-correction is the secret strength of freedom. We are a nation with a history of resilience and a genius for renewal.

Right now, one of our worst national problems is a deficit of confidence. But the cause of freedom justifies all our faith and effort. It still inspires men and women in the darkest corners of the world, and it will inspire a rising generation. The American spirit does not say, “We shall manage,” or “We shall make the best of it.” It says, “We shall overcome.” And that is exactly what we will do, with the help of God and one another.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

no, thank YOU alky.

it takes a complete imbecile to copy and paste remarks that have been available on line all fucking day.

thank you for once again stepping up to be that imbecile.

Anonymous said...

All hat
No cattle

HB is a joke

Anonymous said...

By the way, there is some evidence to suggest that the Congresspyrsyn who misrepresented this phone call might be a circus clown of some variety.

h/t: AoS

does the average IQ of the congressional black caucus beak 100?


Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Anonymous said...

I see HB has ((Homer simpson fingers)) too fat for his touch pad.

Commonsense said...

Bush as always was classy. He didn't call out anybody by name and was speaking in general terms only.

One could say he was talking about the media.

And it was the media who wanted to make it about Trump.

caliphate4vr said...

Bush as always was classy. He didn't call out anybody by name and was speaking in general terms only.

One could say he was talking about the media.

And it was the media who wanted to make it about Trump.

Roger needs a new anti-Trump narrative after Kelly's thrashing today.

He's full blown into mental illness, Trump has driven him over the edge..

Anonymous said...

President Trump will have an over easy egg on an English Muffin, HB will be outraged.

Anonymous said...

General Kelly took the left to the wood shed.

james said...

Commonsense said...
Bush as always was classy. He didn't call out anybody by name and was speaking in general terms only.

One could say he was talking about the media.

And it was the media who wanted to make it about Trump.

LOL Care to buy a bridge in Brooklyn? It was practically ALL directed against Trump, as any but the most sycophanted fawner like you could tell.

Been drinking Trump's man gravy, Rat would say.

The NYT has it right, James said...

Bush Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Trump

“Former President George W. Bush never mentioned his name but delivered what sounded like a sustained rebuke to President Trump, decrying nationalism, protectionism and the coarsening of public debate while calling for a robust response to Russian interference in American democracy,” the New York Times reports.

Said Bush: “We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America. We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade, forgetting that conflict, instability and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism. We’ve seen the return of isolationist sentiments, forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places.”

That ain't Obama he's talking about. :-)

Matt Bai said...

Republicans Stay Silent as Trump Destroys the Party

Matt Bai: “Whatever his impact may be on the country or the world, Donald Trump’s presidency imperils the future of his party, and there isn’t a serious-minded Republican in Washington who would tell you otherwise, privately.

“Trump doesn’t care what happens to Republicans after he’s gone. The party was always like an Uber to him — a way to get from point A to point B without having to find some other route or expend any cash.

“Which leads to the question I hear all the time these days. Why aren’t more Republicans separating themselves from Trump? And why aren’t they doing more with the power they have to get in his way?"

Key takeaway: “The real fear for most elected officials in Washington isn’t that they may say something to offend persuadable voters… No, the fear now, if you’re sitting on either end of the Capitol, is that some no-name activist will decide to primary you, because you’ve somehow run afoul of extremists with followings on Twitter and Facebook, and you’ll have to spend all your time and money holding onto a job that you might very well lose, since it takes only one fringe group or millionaire and a few thousand angry voters to tip the balance in your average congressional primary.”

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Still disappointed no one has joined your Boys choir James?

Too bad. I know parents would never let their kids within a 100 yards of you.

Is that why you left your job?

james said...

Ha ha ha. Here comes the letter. You asked for it.

WASHINGTON — Marking his return to the campaign trail after leaving the White House, former President Barack Obama today ... called on voters to reject the "old politics of division...that dates back centuries" in the November 7 election.

"Some of the politics we see now, we thought we put that to bed," he told a mostly African-American audience in Newark. "It's the 21st Century, not the 19th Century, come on!"

Commonsense said...

Typical race baiting Obama.


Commonsense said...

BTW that's now 201 times.

The Rev. James Boswell said...

----------posted here and sent to the ACLU: 

My name is James Boswell and I am an ordained pastor in good standing with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the region of Illinois and Wisconsin.  Years ago I began participating in a political blog known as The Coldheartedtruth (, a blog hosted by S. Scott Johnson of Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I soon learned that it was a vicious blog where bad language, personal attacks, and outright racism could be found almost daily. 
The blog host said that he discouraged those things, and whenever he did ask for greater civility with less obscenity, name calling, and personal attacks, it did get some results, but not for long.  Unfortunately, he never continued making such requests, and even allowed one blogger to call our former president a black monkey and his wife a cheap Chicago wh**e without reproaching him at all.
Because I occasionally quoted from religious articles which I publish in a local newspaper, one blogger was able to discover my true identity and the church I was then serving and she put this information on the blog, repeatedly.  The host should not have allowed this, but did not intervene.
This woman hates me because I have stated that my own position regarding abortion is similar to that of the United Methodist Church's, a position which she considers to be reprehensible.  For this reason she began blatantly lying about me, stating that I had been fired by my (then) church.  The truth, which I can prove by means of regional records, is that I have never been fired by any church I have ever served, including the one I am serving now.
More recently she and one of the bloggers have begun referring to me as a "pedophile," the latter linking that slander to my real name and the name of the town where I live, thus making my address and phone number easily available.
As an ordained pastor in the Disciples denomination, I am subject to frequent background checks which make clear that my record with regard to that accusation is totally clean:  I have never, ever been accused of abusing any child.
I have asked the host of the blog to delete those slanderous, libelous charges, slanders which several other bloggers have also repeated.  He refused to do so.
Now, I am not interested in making this a test case, for one simple reason.  We all know that if a pastor is linked to pedophilia in the public's mind, everyone tends to assume that he/she is guilty.  I myself tend to think like that whenever a pastor or priest is so charged, for there is usually a victim who is making the charge. 
In my case, however, there is no victim, no victim at all, for I have never been accused by any child or parent or grandparent or child’s relative of having committed any kind of child abuse.  Again, my record is clear.
None of these slanderers believes their accusation in the least, for if they did, they would feel obligated to report me to the authorities and to my church’s regional leadership.  They have done neither because they know the charge is spurious, nothing more than a hateful epithet hurled at me. 
But let us suppose that someone does take the charge seriously and it somehow leads to career or employment difficulties for me.  Would the blog host then be legally responsible?
Sincerely, Rev. Jim Boswell, Normal, IL

Anonymous said...

Great the return of the jv racist.

How much Russian kickback money did he pocket?

Anonymous said...

Lol, ACLU Barbie empty threats.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Jane.

Commonsense said...

Dear Rev Boswell

Please reread the disclaimer at the top of this blog.

Next please reread a copy of the 1st amendment.

And please don't bother us with your pettiness again.


Anonymous said...

((Raise your hand))

If you think a man lusting after a 14 year old child is perverted.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Like the boys u know, your butt hurt.

caliphate4vr said...

----------posted here and sent to the ACLU:

My god what a pussy

Commonsense said...

He would have to man up quite a bit to reach the level of pussy.

caliphate4vr said...

The question is, does he dab or drip-dry after "he" squats to pee?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's obvious that the truthers are losing the argument. All they have is insults.

Anonymous said...

Little Lady Lynn, in your opinion, not another cut n paste, what is the "argument".

caliphate4vr said...

Roger you were made a fool of, again today

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former President George W. Bush decried "bullying and prejudice" while defending immigrants and trade on Thursday in a New York speech that appeared to be a sweeping, thinly veiled critique of President Donald Trump.

Bush, 71, used a rare public address to discuss nationalism, racial divisions and Russia's intervention in the 2016 election, all flashpoints of his fellow Republican's nine-month White House tenure. He did not mention Trump by name.

"Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children. The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them," Bush said at the Bush Institute's National Forum on Freedom, Free Markets and Security.

Trump has used nicknames to demean opponents, such as "Crooked Hillary" for Democrat Hillary Clinton and, more recently, "Liddle" Bob Corker for a Republican senator who dared to challenge him.

Bush, president from 2001 to 2009, emphasized the important role of immigrants and of international trade, two policy areas that Trump has cracked down on while in office.

"We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America," Bush said.

"We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade, forgetting that conflict, instability, and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism."

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

W nails Trump lovers to the wall.

Our identity as a nation – unlike many other nations – is not determined by geography or ethnicity, by soil or blood. Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility. We become the heirs of Thomas Jefferson by accepting the ideal of human dignity found in the Declaration of Independence. We become the heirs of James Madison by understanding the genius and values of the U.S. Constitution. We become the heirs of Martin Luther King, Jr., by recognizing one another not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

"This means that people of every race, religion, and ethnicity can be fully and equally American. It means that bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed.

"And it means that the very identity of our nation depends on the passing of civic ideals to the next generation.

"We need a renewed emphasis on civic learning in schools. And our young people need positive role models. Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children. The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them.

Loretta said...

"Roger you were made a fool of, again today"

He and the pedo make fools of themselves every damn day.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Read it. George W Bush slammed into Trump lovers. Despicable Twit can't remember his name and that he was the President of The United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Didn't happen. We showed up our esteemed host. But you had nothing but insults as usual.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I proved every thing I said. You have lost your mind, because this goes a mile over your head.

This means that people of every race, religion, and ethnicity can be fully and equally American. It means that bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the American creed.

"And it means that the very identity of our nation depends on the passing of civic ideals to the next generation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

All you said in response to my posts was.
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard

That's not how you win an argument. It's just stupid.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard

Lousy arguments

caliphate4vr said...

Didn't happen. We showed up our esteemed host. But you had nothing but insults as usual.

Gen Kelly stomped you into a mud puddle and walked it dry today.

Anonymous said...


The thing about being a liberal is never admit defeat.

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

"Gen Kelly stomped you into a mud puddle and walked it dry today."


Anonymous said...

Enrique Hernandez’s performance one for the record books

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't have an argument with Kelly.

watched it. Impressive and made sense. I'm going to the gym today, but you couldn't keep up with the old man. The triceps look a lot better. Filled in, racist Republican bastard.

October 19, 2017 at 3:27 PM Delete
Blogger Roger Amick said...
I completely understand what he said and even though he gave Trump a break, but it was emotionally charged. He's a good man. He didn't say that Obama was not a problem either. Gym time racist Republican bastard.

October 19, 2017 at 3:44 PM Delete
Blogger Roger Amick said...
I watched it. Impressive and made sense. I'm going to the gym today, but you couldn't keep up with the old man. The triceps look a lot better. Filled in, racist Republican bastard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

So tell me again how anyone cleaned up. Wake up.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Oakland Raiders won in one of the most unusual last minute.

Anonymous said...

Wake up, ok.

What is it exactly you want all of us to wake to?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Plus, unless you are on drugs, you can't deny that W Bush slammed into the swamp.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't respond to the putz. But I will add this. I have a cousin who is named Lynn Amick. Go to Rapid City South Dakota and look for Amick racing. He's about 6'3" and 210 or so. Call him a girl, he wouldn't hesitate to kick your ass.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Johnson Democrat US House of Representatives, when asked about Harvey Whinstien said that , women have the responsibility to watch how they dress and act!!


Anonymous said...

US Senate passed the budget 51 Republican votes, Rand Paul vote against it so did all Democrats.

IT is a lie that there are any moderate Dems. So stop saying there are.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There are moderate Democrats. But for now, they have very strict discipline on straight party votes. They are motivated by the President and his irresponsible comments and narcissistic personality disorder. They put country before party.

Daisy misses you.

caliphate4vr said...

You really want us to regurgitatite the multitude of lies you posted here earlier?

Loretta said...

"narcissistic personality disorder."

Rich, coming from an obnoxious drunkard with a narcissistic personality disorder.

Anonymous said...

the honorable and distinguished Congresswoman Frederica Wilson in response to General Kelly:

“Let me tell you what my mother told me when I was little,” Wilson said. “She said, ‘The dog can bark at the moon all night long, but it doesn’t become an issue until the moon barks back.'”

there you go alky. there's your latest hero in all her incoherent glory.

Loretta said...

Crazy damn bitch.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...

Roger you were made a fool of, again today

in honor of roger and his chronic idiocy, CH could put up a thing on the side bar like companies do at factories and job sites -

"days without roger making a fool of himself: 0"

Anonymous said...

Blogger Loretta said...
Crazy damn bitch.

hence my earlier question regarding the average IQ of the congressional black caucus.

Loretta said...

"hence my earlier question regarding the average IQ of the congressional black caucus."

Is there a category for imbeciles?

Commonsense said...

It would have to include the likes of Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson.

commie said...

have a cousin who is named Lynn Amick

Wonder if the goat fornicator would say to Lynn Swann??? And how long it would take Lynn to leave him in a puddle of protoplasm.....

Poor kelly, having to say trump did the best job he could....nice that second rate leadership is now the norm for our trump lovers....

Anonymous said...

" I don't respond to KD" alky

There are no Moderates in the Democratic Party... statement stands.

Anonymous said...

RRB, love the barking qoute.

Proof that her mother raised an idiot leftist moon bat from the git.

This time a year ago the Leftist were in full on Celibrate on mode, spiking the ball over the "97 %" near certain first woman president. IM->HER.

LOL, then it happened. We the people armed with a vote and the US Constitution won. In a land slide.

Anonymous said...

You all know how much fun I have here with winning over the Three Obamaized Stooges.

Here is one more time. Little Lady Lynn all in a huff tells us about his family members that fight his battles.

In waddles slow minded fat breathless
ODopie. He asks how would I get along with "Lynn Swann" , well he and I would get along great.

See the famous Lynn Swann is a Republican.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George W Bush slammed into Trumpism . Especially his casual use of Twitter to attack his perceived opponents. "We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty ".

As I watched the speech I was stricken by this President and his understanding of the office of the President of The United States. And how he saw that the President is following a path that endangers our country in so many ways.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is proof that blatant racism underlines her political beliefs. It's of course, another example of the inability to think.

LorettaOctober 20, 2017 at 5:39 AM
"hence my earlier question regarding the average IQ of the congressional black caucus."

Is there a category for imbeciles?

Trumpism run amok.

commie said...

Stump broke showing his ignorance posted....

See the famous Lynn Swann is a Republican.

And what the fuck does that have to do with the name lynn which you have constantly disparaged. Sure proves you can't fix such deep seated stupid like you....idiot...

opie said...

Is there a category for imbeciles?

Sure seems the state of Kansas is the center of the universe for imbeciles.....

Anonymous said...

George W Bush slammed into Trumpism .

only according to the media darlings who despise trump, and therefore felt compelled to make bush's speech about trump.

the truth is, many of the things bush called for in his speech are pure poison to liberals. example: a return to civic education and engagement? blasphemous. by teaching our young people about civics you teach them by default about freedom and liberty. and freedom and liberty to a dutiful teachers union liberal are like a crucifix and garlic to a vampire.

i think it's cute that W is your hero of the moment, alky. and that you so predictably latched on the media narrative that bush's speech was an anti-trump speech.

considering the fact that your ability to independently reason has been shattered by your alcoholism and subsequent liver transplant due to cirrhosis, i suppose that allowing facebook and occupy democrats to do your thinking for you at least indicates that you're conscious and taking nourishment.


Loretta said...

And yet you and James are the only ones using the "n" word...

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Commonsense said...

Roger's a loser.

Anonymous said...

As I watched the speech I was stricken by this President and his understanding of the office of the President of The United States.


and as you watched him for his entire 8 year presidency you repeatedly shrieked that he had lied us into a war for oil.

your sudden newfound respect for bush doesn't pass the smell test beyond your use of it as a continuation of your tirade against trump.

you're an assclown alky.

a predictable, small-minded assclown.

Loretta said...

Yes, Roger's a loser.

Loretta said...

"a predictable, small-minded assclown."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

General Kelly, in his emotional comments on the politicization of the deaths of Americans and the remakes by the congressman were heartbreaking. He didn't say that the President in his remarks attacking President Barack Obama. But the underlying meanings of his remarks was to reassure both Republicans and Democrats, that he would remain as the chief of staff for the man/child that occupies the oval office. We need an adult in the room, to save us from unimaginable horrors that the President could destroy civilization.

loretta's favorite said...

oretta said...
"a predictable, small-minded assclown."


Is there a category for imbeciles?

See above......idiots

Loretta said...

My bitch

commie said...

From today's NY Daily News....the liar in chief disgusting rhetoric

A President unable to console

Washington: Whether you like or dislike the President, unless you do not read or watch the news, you cannot be surprised he’d deal with a war widow in such an amazingly insulting manner (“A grave new low on G.I.s,” Oct. 18). No one can argue that, through his speech and behavior, he ran, probably, the crudest campaign in the history of the presidency, and for U.S. politics that’s as low as you can go.

Throughout the campaign, and into his presidency, he’s said and tweeted the ugliest statements to other politicians, of both parties, women, a Gold Star family, a true American hero and POW, a Mexican-American judge and Mexican-Americans in general, minorities, the media; he’s incited violence at his rallies, told obvious lies repeatedly and been ignorant of history and established fact — the list is too long to complete. If he’s said anything to bring us together, or anything not grounded in narcissism, I do not remember it.

While, unsurprisingly, he’s found nice things to say about very repulsive people — Sheriff Joe Arpaio, convicted of refusing to stop his illegal behavior, whom Trump pardoned; Nazis, Klansmen and avowed racists; Kim Jong Un, Rodrigo Duterte, Vladimir Putin, Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, Recep Erdogan and others; who’s next, ISIS?

At this point there’s very little disgusting behavior Trump hasn’t engaged in. But he will, because he can’t stop being himself. Jeffrey Michael Bolden

Seems the only one disrespecting the soldiers is our POTUS... and his hollow words...

Loretta said...


commie said...

Loretta said...
My bitch

s there a category for imbeciles?

Keep fellating, is what you do best.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is so wrong in many ways, I broke out in laughter.

"considering the fact that your ability to independently reason has been shattered by your alcoholism and subsequent liver transplant due to cirrhosis,"

First things first. My liver disease was as I have stated multiple times that I had the inherited condition "Polycystic Liver Disease". Of the approximately 7,000 transplantats, less than 200 are granted to patients with the condition I had.

My ability to read and think rationally were not damaged. I was evaluated by professionals, not a hate filled cubicle moron.

I held a highly technical position for 17 years. So, instead of actually proving that you are irrational, just STFU. 💪💪💪💪💪💪

ACLU said...

Mr Boswell,

Please seek psychiatric help immediately.

With much concern,


Anonymous said...

We need an adult in the room, to save us from unimaginable horrors that the President could destroy civilization.

boy, this drips with irony.

we have someone with the intellect and emotional maturity of a 9 year old girl telling us we need an adult in the room to save us from trump.

Loretta said...


Loretta said...

"we have someone with the intellect and emotional maturity of a 9 year old girl telling us we need an adult in the room to save us from trump."


Anonymous said...

I held a highly technical position for 17 years


i've never before heard of being piss drunk face down in the gutter described as a "highly technical position," but if it's working for you then i say go with it, alky.

Anonymous said...

JAN 21 st 2017, day one of the Trump Economy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The last two Presidents of the United States, told us that the President is irresponsible and has brought harm to the United States.

Commonsense said...

My ability to read and think rationally were not damaged.

Meaning you were always this stupid and irrational?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The last two Presidents of the United States, told us that the President is irresponsible and has brought harm to the United States.

that's nice.

i'm sure you would like that to matter, but it doesn't.

especially when it comes to that piece of shit 0linsky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I was never a drunk on the street.

And, yes, I did hold a highly technical position for 17 years.

I also trained college graduates how to estimate construction of medical facilities.

Anonymous said...

Meaning you were always this stupid and irrational?

shall we go back through the recent CHT archives and dig up some alky classics?

i'm thinking that the reason he had to use his mr. microphone karaoke machine to post his inane comments was because they had him in a fucking straitjacket.

Anonymous said...

And, yes, I did hold a highly technical position for 17 years.

Tab A into Slot B

highly technical.

okey dokey. if you say so.

Loretta said...

Sooo, Roger was a functioning drunk.

C.H. Truth said...

And, yes, I did hold a highly technical position for 17 years.

Running the Cash Register at Del Taco...

C.H. Truth said...

I wonder when James will figure out that Blogger (a subsidiary of Google) is actually the "blog host" of this blog... the ones who own the blog, own the server, own the content, and are the ones who ultimately publish the information out into the web.

I wonder if James actually believes that anonymous internet troll insults on any of the tens of thousands of comment threads throughout the world wide web... is a new "test case" for the ACLU. That nobody has ever thought about it before.

... and that the ACLU will come after "Blogger" or "Google" on his behalf?

james said...

GOP Ready to Move on Tax Bill Few Have Seen

October 20, 2017 at 7:02 New York Times: “The swift pace to complete, release and quickly vote on a tax cut is aimed at leaving little time for the type of dissent that has scuttled previous tax proposals.

“The speed is striking — and strategic — for tax legislation that lobbyists believe could span 1,000 pages. Republicans hope the breakneck pace will help hold their narrow Senate majority together against what will almost certainly be a deluge of lobbying and Democratic criticism.”

Sounds like they're saying they have to pass it so you'll know what's in it, LOL.

james said...

I'm a fucking loser.


Rev James Boswell pedophile

james said...

Nice to know Scott feels he is exempt from any responsibility for slander.

I am now emailing the letter to the ACLU with one change. I noticed that I had omitted the part in caps below.

...she began blatantly lying about me, stating that I had been fired by my (then) church.  The truth, which I can prove by means of regional records, is that IN MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS OF MINISTRY I have never been fired by any church I have ever served, including the one I am serving now.

Commonsense said...

Well if you delusional enough to think being asked to leave is different than being fired then I guess there's no hope for you.

james said...

I can prove by an entire church of witnesses that I was not asked to leave Bellflower.

8:40 I notice this time cowardly omitted the town where I live.

C.H. Truth said...


I am just providing you with some friendly information here. Referring to me as the blog host is factually wrong. I would think, above all else, you would (at the very least) want to be factually correct?

james said...

Strange. You have repeatedly been referred to as "our esteemed host" and never objected.

C.H. Truth said...

I can prove by an entire church of witnesses that I was not asked to leave Bellflower.

So you can provide us all with legally signed affidavits from every member of the church, past and present?

Wow, that's impressive James!!!

When you get them all in order, let me know and I will provide you with an address and you can stick them... um in the mail for us.

Anonymous said...

Not all that difficult, ch. Just write the church--you have the address, and the board and elders will answer on behalf of all the church.

BTW, You yourself say

CHT reserves the right (but is in no way obligated) to delete comments after the fact if they do not follow etiquette.

I do not know, but perhaps the ACLU may have a different opinion about as to whether you are in no way "obligated" to delete obvious calumnies, slanders, and libels that have been repeatedly pointed out to you.

james said...

That was from me. Hit anonymous by mistake.

C.H. Truth said...

Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at a subdomain of Blogs can also be hosted in the registered custom domain of the blogger (like[4] A user can have up to 100 blogs per account.[5]

So James... I am just a "user" who is taking advantage of free blogging software provided by blogger and a free hosting service provided by google (which can be deciphered by looking at my web address ( Meaning "google" and not me is ultimately tangibly responsible for any content that is sent out into the world wide web.

Oh... and this may come as a SHOCK to you... but did you know that blogger already has rules and regulations in place (and their own set of disclaimers). I would offer that you should probably take the time to familiarize yourself with them.

Anonymous said...

The last time I looked at blogger's rules, it seemed to me that you are breaking a lot of them.

caliphate4vr said...

Anonymous james said...
That was from me. Hit anonymous by mistake.

You're a buffoon, go away

Anonymous said...

Lol, one does not have to object.

Post the list of contacts to your prior church here. Like you did your make believe letter to the Aclu.

Commonsense said...

Not all that difficult, ch.

Well James, then you should have no problem providing the affidavits.

Anonymous said...

Goat fucked jane.
Cow fucked jane.
Sheep fucked jane
Chicken masterbaiting jane.

wphamilton said...

Please review "CDA 230" (federal statute, 47 U.S.C. § 230) which precludes liability for the blogger for user-supplied comments. It is full-stop, period. (I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advise.)

The "common sense" idea is exactly backwards. The fact that the blogger does NOT edit comments (changing the meaning) means he is NOT exercising editorial control over them, and is NOT liable for any defamation nor publishing of private material. It is very settled law, tested many times, and neither the ACLU nor any lawyer is going to investigate a claim against a blogger.

My personal advice (IANAL): it is evident that you have not consulted any lawyer (James), and you should do so prior to issuing demands or posting legal threats. You're just wasting your energy and thereby potentially encouraging the alleged misbehavior.


Why is it every time I see the "pastor" posting I am reminded of Elmer J. Fudd ?

Unless he is doing his mindless and inappropriate spamming.

Guess he doesn't realize how big an idiot he looks like.


COMMIE said...

KD said...
Goat fucked kd.
Cow fucked kd
Sheep fucked kd

There...fixed it for you, stumpy...

wphamilton said...

I didn't watch General Kelly's defense of Trump, but I do know that he has a job to do and that it involves the political defense of his boss.

The salient quote reported appeared to propose that Trump tried to relay the type of condolences that Kelly had prompted, and it was either mangled by Trump or misinterpreted by the slain soldier's family members. The family members saw it differently. It's in line with my initial reaction that perhaps Trump was misinterpreted and he was too dumb to realize it and lacked enough empathy to care.

commie said...

You're a buffoon, go away

Funny how well James trolled the usual suspects to respond to his most likely silly threats.....wonder who the real idiots are???? LOL

commie said...

Mangled is an apt description....The man does not have a compassionate bone in his body...Kelly expressed himself clearly and I actually feel sorry for the General having to say the POTUS did the best he about fail.....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke at the annual Al Smith charity dinner Thursday night.
He jabbed President Donald Trump in a series of jokes about Russia, Twitter, and the White House.
Trump caused controversy and received boos at the event last year.

"Enough with the applause," Paul Ryan told the crowd at the annual Al Smith charity dinner on Thursday night.

"You sound like the Cabinet when Donald Trump walks into the room."

The House speaker took multiple lighthearted jabs at the president during his keynote speech, hitting him for his Twitter use, Cabinet turnover, and the turmoil in Washington.

"Every morning, I wake up in my office and I scroll through Twitter to see which tweets I will have to pretend I didn't see later on," Ryan said. "Every afternoon, former Speaker John Boehner calls me up, not to give advice, just to laugh."

Even the speaker of the house of representatives said that the President of The United States is nuts.

House Speaker Paul Ryan spoke at the annual Al Smith charity dinner Thursday night.
He jabbed President Donald Trump in a series of jokes about Russia, Twitter, and the White House.
Trump caused controversy and received boos at the event last year.

"Enough with the applause," Paul Ryan told the crowd at the annual Al Smith charity dinner on Thursday night.

"You sound like the Cabinet when Donald Trump walks into the room."

The House speaker took multiple lighthearted jabs at the president during his keynote speech, hitting him for his Twitter use, Cabinet turnover, and the turmoil in Washington.

"Every morning, I wake up in my office and I scroll through Twitter to see which tweets I will have to pretend I didn't see later on," Ryan said. "Every afternoon, former Speaker John Boehner calls me up, not to give advice, just to laugh."

I've been sleeping well and I would bet at LEAST there will be six personal insults directed at me, in contrary to the interest of the esteemed host

wphamilton said...

Also it's kind of interesting to know, once we have published personal information on the internet - anywhere that can be found with a browser - we have effectively waived all protections for that information with respect to "PII", or "Personally identifiable information."

So the fact that I post using my real name, even using the "anonymous" feature, means that I cannot reasonably expect it to be treated as sensitive. People can identify me, freely quote anything I've written here, put it in marketing databases and so on, and I'd have no grounds for complaint. Even elsewhere, on some news site for example, linking my identity to this page would mean that my name is not treated with any confidentiality.

It's something to think about, whenever we feel outraged at someone "outing" our identity. For most of us, in this age of social media, some of that information isn't really legally protected any more.

james said...

CNN Analysis: Kelly's defense of Trump calls into question 'fabricated' tweet
Gregory Krieg, CNN 16 hrs ago

In defending President Donald Trump's comments to the widow of a slain soldier, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Thursday undercut a stunning allegation levied by Trump against a member of Congress a day earlier.

On Wednesday morning, as the controversy over his call to the wife of Sgt. La David Johnson widened, Trump accused Rep. Frederica Wilson, a Florida Democrat, of lying about the details of the conversation -- in which he reportedly told Myeshia Johnson of her husband, "he knew what he signed up for, but I guess it still hurt.

"Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof)," Trump tweeted. "Sad!"

But there was no clear-cut evidence, like a recording, as White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders conceded on Wednesday after being pressed for details by CNN's Sara Murray -- only a handful of witnesses. One of them, she said, was Kelly. A day later, the chief of staff, who lost his own son in combat in Afghanistan, took the podium to provide new context.

Kelly spoke at length, and in detail, about what follows the death of a US soldier at war -- and the painstaking, awful banality of how the government delivers the news to their loved ones. He talked about his own experience and told reporters that Trump tried his level best to communicate warmly, with empathy, in his own calls.

"He called four people the other day to express his condolences in the best way that he could," Kelly said of the President. "And he said to me, 'What do I say?' I said to him, 'Sir, there is nothing you can do to lighten the burden on these families.'"

Kelly continued, recalling what he was told by Gen. Joseph Dunford, now chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, after his own son died, then, addressing the situation here, added that he was "stunned" and "broken-hearted" by Wilson's role in conveying the details of the call to the media.

"In his way," Kelly said of Trump, he "tried to express that opinion -- that (Johnson) is a brave man, a fallen hero. He knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. There's no reason to enlist, he enlisted. And he was where he wanted to be with exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken. That was the message. That was the message that was transmitted."

The message received, however, was different. For whatever reason -- some kind of miscommunication, the President's own shortcomings -- it did not land as intended. We know that because the family, not just the politician, told us. Cowanda Jones-Johnson told CNN Wednesday that Wilson's account of the call was "very accurate."

But rather than own up to it, apologize, or simply move
along, Trump chose to attack the messenger.

We know now, based on what Kelly said Thursday, that Wilson's account was not "totally fabricated" -- and are left with still more reason to believe Trump's accusation was.

james said...

My personal advice (IANAL): it is evident that you have not consulted any lawyer (James), and you should do so prior to issuing demands or posting legal threats. You're just wasting your energy and thereby potentially encouraging the alleged misbehavior.


I did not post any threat, Wp. I specifically stated that I was not interested in any kind of a test case. I just asked the ACLU an innocent hypothetical question.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...



Running the Cash Register at Del Taco...

Just before I retired from Kaiser Permanente Facilities Services, one of the top 100 general contractors, look it up.

I did a $12,000,000 budget estimate. It was for the replacement of the controls systems and upgrade of the HVAC system for a 515 patients hospital. This was to be done without endangering the patients. They bid the work after my retirement. The final estimate was within 2% of my conceptual estimate.

Your accusations are below you.

C.H. Truth said...


Facebook has murky explanations about what you post being private or public. Are your pictures posted on Facebook considered "private" or "public" based on your own setting?

They will tell you that when in doubt about something you want to remain private... don't post it.

So (for hypothetical example) someone who claims to be clergy posts a picture of himself on Facebook and then suggested that the picture made him look like an abuser of little boys and girls... the fact that he might catch some flack over that... might be his own doing.

wphamilton said...

Anonymous james said...
CNN Analysis: Kelly's defense of Trump calls into question 'fabricated' tweet ...Kelly said of Trump, he "tried to express that opinion" -- "He knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted."

Exactly what I thought also, James. "He knew what he was getting himself into because he enlisted. " - a dumb person, trying to paraphrase that "in his own words", especially if he has no real empathy ... he might truly believe that he didn't actually say it, because he's not capable of understanding how the grieving widow would hear it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp, you are right on. " It's in line with my initial reaction that perhaps Trump was misinterpreted and he was too dumb to realize it and lacked enough empathy to care."

He has exhibited this behavior for his life.

wphamilton said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...

Facebook has murky explanations about what you post being private or public. Are your pictures posted on Facebook considered "private" or "public" based on your own setting?

I don't do Facebook much so I'm not very familiar with the settings nor the TOS, but unless the photos have restricted viewing they would be considered public. Further, the terms of service that I have examined, of sites that allowed picture uploads, include provisions granting the site owners ownership of the pictures which prevents potential DMCA claims.

james said...

Too dumb to realize too that inappropriate remarks -- shocking to his own advisors -- might get us into nuclear war.

The only solution is impeachment for obvious disqualification for the job.

james said...

Blogger rules, if I remember correctly, specifically mention that no one's picture should be placed on a blog without that person's permission. Mine appeared without my giving permission and the comment accompanying it came from Ch.

james said...

I'm a fucking loser.

No one likes me.


Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois

C.H. Truth said...


What WP is telling you (and this should be obvious) is that what you are suggesting is not a "test case" but rather settled law.

Do you honestly believe with all of the message boards, forums, blogs, and on-line interactive internet abilities..that you are the first person to have been insulted or that might have suggested that action be taken (against someone)?


The law referenced includes two relevant pieces.

The first is that no provider or user of an "interactive computer service" (aka - message board, blog, etc) is treated as the "publisher" of any information provided by another party. Which is to say that person "A" cannot be held liable for what person "B" says just because person "A" provides the forum in question.

The law also protects the publisher's or administrator's right to restrict statements (or even people) if they are making a good faith judgement that such information is objectionable (even if it is constitutionally protected).

So... in a nutshell... a person running an interactive forum is not responsible for what is written by anyone else... but is "allowed" to block people or statements if such blockage is done in good faith that those people or statements are objectionable. (in other words.... there is no first amendment rights on a private message board).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — Politics has never been an innocent profession. Every generation has witnessed contentious arguments, division, scandals and below-the-belt attacks — McCarthyism, the Vietnam War, Watergate, Iran-Contra, impeachment, the Iraq war and the all-out fight over Obamacare.

But what was extraordinary about Thursday was having two ex-presidents — George W. Bush and Barack Obama — deliver what amounted to a bipartisan, two-pronged denunciation of the Trump Era. Neither Bush nor Obama mentioned by Trump by name, but they also didn’t have to.

“I haven’t been commenting a lot on politics lately, but here’s one thing I know: If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you’re not going to be able to govern it,” Obama said while campaigning for Democrat Ralph Northam in Virginia, per NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard.

“We’re at our best when we’re not trying to put people down but when we’re trying to lift everybody up,” Obama added.

Meanwhile, hours earlier in a speech in New York, Bush said, “Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.”

“We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty,” Bush continued. “At times, it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together.”

And Bush said this: “[W]e need to recall and recover our own identity. Americans have a great advantage: To renew our country, we only need to remember our values.”

Dividing people. Putting people down. Emboldened bigotry. Conspiracy theories. Casual cruelty. We need to remember our values.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.”

It happens here and from an unexpected source. CH said that I worked at the counter at Taco Bell.

The decline is apparently related to the election of Donald J Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.



Etc while the dialogue deteriorates from our esteemed host. #sad

C.H. Truth said...

I think the issue with the phone call is fairly simple.

You had the President and others in the room when he made the call. General Kelly suggested (and I think he would know given his status as both a soldier and the father of a fallen soldier) that from what he heard from that side of the conversation.... that what the President said to the widow was both appropriate and respectful.

Kelly seemed truly shocked and troubled that the situation had blown up as it had.

This tells me that for whatever communication gaps that there may have been, it wasn't something that Kelly thought to himself... "oh no, the President bungled this and the widow is going to be pissed".

While I understand that Kelly ultimately works for Trump, I don't believe he would have done what he did (stand up and give a press conference) just to cover for him. If he didn't agree with what Trump stated, his play would have been to not get involved and let the criticism stand. If Kelly actually thought that the President was being disrespectful, I have feeling that it would have come out one way or the other. But Kelly seemed to truly believe that the call was respectful and that the Congresswoman was in the wrong. There is no doubt about that.

I find it much more plausible that the Congresswoman played politics with this. Perhaps the wording wasn't exactly as graceful as it could have been, but the idea that the President would call a widow (in front of General Kelly) and behave disrespectfully is hard to believe. That is the narrative that they want people to believe. Not that the President botched words or wasn't graceful in his sentiment... but that there was no underlying sympathetic sentiment and that he was disrespectful.

C.H. Truth said...

CH said that I worked at the counter at Taco Bell.

Fake news!!!

I said you worked at Del Taco.

james said...

So Ch is arguing that he is legally able to "allow" statements that he has been told are libelous with good reasons given as to why they are, no matter how scurrilous the accusation, or how well a complainer has offered proof that the calumny is untrue, Ch is not legally (or ethically?) required to suggest that a blogger should not call M. Obama "a cheap Chicago whore" or that an ordained pastor who has never been accused of child abuse should not be labeled a pedophile.

Thanks for clarifying that, for it sheds great light on the kind of blog you run here. I guess that's progress.

james said...

I'm a fucking loser.

No one cares about me.


Rev James Boswell pedophile

james said...


Write the church, Senseless, and ask the elders (whom LIAR-etta said were good Christian men) and the board (men and women) if I was asked to leave. Then put their answer here and we will discuss whether affidavits are needed. :-)

C.H. Truth said...


The law states that party "A" is not held responsible for what party "B" says... just because party "A" is the one who runs the interactive forum.

In this case, party "A" isn't legally even me... it's Blogger/Google.

With thousands of blogs, James... and thousands of people probably posting thousands of blog posts, and thousands more constantly adding comments in the comment threads...

Who, exactly... do you feel is responsible for monitoring all of it?

What size of comment police force would Google have to hire to satisfy the requirements of people like you, who expect to be protected from insults, criticism, and ridicule 24/7.

There are full days that go by when I am not even on this blog. Where I do not post, I don't comment, and I don't even look at it? How is anyone supposed to "monitor" everything that everyone does?

I tried comment moderating (which was to say no comment got posted until it was approved)... and guess what? It was the ONLY TIME people went on over to the legacy blog... because people didn't want to sit around and wait for a comment to be published. They expect it to be interactive.

james said...

Hypothetical headline: Trump starts nuclear war.

Hypothetical Ch response: Well, the wording in his message to Kim was not as graceful as it should have been.

Church Elder Adam said...

Rev James Boswell, pedophile, was fired.

james said...

I guess the word pedophile is not visible to you several times in this thread, Ch.

james said...

There is no church elder at Bellflower named Adam.

Myballs said...

James why don't you just post somewhere else? Problem solved.

james said...

Freedom of speech not important to you?

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Another gold star widow just released a recording of a Trump call to her. It is everything contrary to the lying congresswoman's partisan crapola.

Myballs said...

I'm merely asserting the Berkeley college point of view. You didn't mind that.

C.H. Truth said...

James - I provide etiquette guidelines on the sidebar of the blog...

Do you follow them?

james said...

Does the person calling me a pedophile using the f word avoid
- excessive profanity
- threats
- personal insults

james said...

Seems to me cutting and pasting pale by comparison.

Anonymous said...

Stupid fuck

james said...

Case in point.

Anonymous said...

Us existing home sales up.

Real people buying real property and a rich slice of the expanding American Pie.


Can't speak for anyone else, but I only respond after you have spammed the board, and yes you have once again spammed this thread earlier. You can't fucking help yourself or I wouldn't be here.

What an asshole you are.


Anonymous said...

Case in point.'

james said...

- excessive profanity
- threats
- personal insults

C.H. Truth said...


Can you tell me that you do not come to this blog and call people bigots, racists, white nationalists, or other terms that might be disparaging?

You claim to have sent a letter to the ACLU using my name, and accusing me of profanity, personal attacks, and outright racism.

If you read my blog posts... do you see profanity, personal attacks, and outright racism?

james said...

Years ago I began participating in a political blog known as The Coldheartedtruth (, a blog hosted by S. Scott Johnson of Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I soon learned that it was a vicious blog where bad language, personal attacks, and outright racism could be found almost daily. 

The blog host said that he discouraged those things, and whenever he did ask for greater civility with less obscenity, name calling, and personal attacks, it did get some results, but not for long.  Unfortunately, he never continued making such requests, and even allowed one blogger to call our former president a black monkey and his wife a cheap Chicago wh**e without reproaching him at all.
That is what I actually wrote. I said the blog was vicious, and represented you fairly in the following paragraph.

You should have done more than you did to discourage vicious personal attacks, some of them patently untrue and some of them (I gave an example) racist.

james said...

Even Loretta criticized KD for calling our First Lady a cheap Chicago W.

caliphate4vr said...

Another gold star widow just released a recording of a Trump call to her. It is everything contrary to the lying congresswoman's partisan crapola.

And proves the pedo, alky and fatty are delusional liars at best

james said...

I commended that call. See next thread.


How come james always ignores his own SPAMMING, reprinting other people's opinion (C&P) and excessive linking of other websites which is mentioned in the same regards as other things he doesn't like in the board "rules" ?

Without political_lire james would not exist.


Commonsense said...

Write the church, Senseless, and ask the elders (whom LIAR-etta said were good Christian men)

You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a shit.

I don't.

It's obviously far more important to you than it is to me.

So if you don't come up with the proof you say is there then I and everybody else will know you're full of shit.

james said...

Right. That's what you always say when you've been bested--
"I don't care."

You care till then, LOL.

james said...

Maybe Ch doesn't care about 12:20 But if he does respond, I can only answer tonight. Bye.


james said "bye"


james said...

Bye, bye.

Commonsense said...

Nope I can say will all certainty that I've never care for you James.

However, I will give you a bit of advise.

A smart lawyer is going to ask you that if you "soon learned that it was a vicious blog where bad language, personal attacks, and outright racism could be found almost daily." then why do you still participate in it.

Sort of undermines your entire case now. Doesn't it?

C.H. Truth said...

I soon learned that it was a vicious blog where bad language, personal attacks, and outright racism could be found almost daily.

James - on average, I read about 6 blogs a day. I almost never go in and read the comments on anything. I read the opinions of the blogger and that's about it.

When you ask me what sort of blog "Powerline" is or what sort of blog "Legal Insurrection" is or what sort of blog "Hot Air" is... I don't judge them or label them based on who or what is being said in the comments. I judge them by what the main contributors are writing.

On average, this blog gets somewhere between six and seven thousand unique visits a month. It's a split of about 60/40 between returning and first time visitors. Those of you who come here everyday to make your comments represent a small percentage of the overall blog traffic.

So when you say that a blog is "racist"... 99 out of 100 people will take it as the person writing the main blog posts is a racist. You know why?

Because nobody believes that the people who post comments on the latest Powerline blog post is representative of the four attorneys who actually write the blog. The former has nothing to do with the latter.

So yes James... when you claim that this Blog is about profanity, personal insults, and racism... most people are going to assume that the main author of the blog is the one providing the profanity, personal insults, and racism. Very few are going to go in and look at the comments to try to figure out what you mean.


james said...
Bye, bye."

You really outdid yourself there james. Your best post evah. Now just try to stick with it.


C.H. Truth said...

Kimberly Strassel wrote a piece for the WSJ today...

If you go to the end of the article, there are 611 comments. How many of those comments are people going to associate with the Wall Street Journal?

Now, certainly a blogspot blog is not the same thing as a major national publication, but the broader point certainly is.

In the eyes of blogger/google... I am the author of the blog, and they do reserve the right to remove content or even remove my user rights to have a blog if someone complains that the blog posts are offensive (and they agree)...

But they are not going to go into the comment threads of each and every blog post and check to make sure that all of the anonymous commentors are behaving themselves.

james said...

I didn't get gone before I saw that last.

Well, Ch, the fact that you did not call KD on what he said (even Loretta did!) might suggest that you welcome racist comments of that sort. Readers can look at that, and at the blog day to day, and make their own decision.

Many of the members of the GOP are not racists, but some of the more recent strategies of the party, going back to the Southern strategy, are racist.

Whether or not it was racist of you to let KD's remark stand unchallenged, others may wish to decide.

james said...

I'm a fucking loser.

Bye bye.


Rev James Boswell pedophile

james said...

I guess we should send a copy of my letter
along with these last posts to blogger/google.

But now I must go.

Anonymous said...

Only one effeminate has lusted sexually for an under aged child.

Commonsense said...

James just stop whining and leave.


Sounds like another of james's traps again. He's obviously waiting with his head up his ass waiting for it to spring.


Anonymous said...

More people have moved off of Welfare then at anytime in the last 15 years.

Anonymous said...

"Empty Barrel"

Loretta said...

"then why do you still participate in it."

His ultimate goal is to shut down the blog.

Hence, his previous THREE calls to the ACLU and current threats.

Anonymous said...

The economic/finacial news all this week has been so Good.

Less people filing for unemployment.
Less people on Welfare.
MORE people earnings pay checks.
More families buying homes.

Commonsense said...

Well he can't claim to be a victim when he's a willing participant.

The ACLU just puts him on hold.

Loretta said...


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