Here are the facts:
- We have evidence of a bribery plot dealing with the sale of Uranium One to a company with close ties to Vladimir Putin. A sale that turned over 20% of America's Uranium production to Russia.
- Court documents reveal that the FBI had enough evidence to prove the bribery charges related to Uranium One, but that the sale was ultimately approved anyways. (Timothy Geithner, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder where three major players responsible for approval)
- This bribery plot was concocted and executed while Robert Mueller was director of the FBI.
- The plot was apparently uncovered under the James Comey reign at the FBI.
- The investigation into this bribery plot was supervised by Rod Rosenstein.
- In spite of evidence, the investigation never led to charges, and was for all practical purposes swept under the rug.
- The Loretta Lynch Dept of Justice threatened criminal action against an FBI informant who wanted to notify congress to the details of the investigation.
- James Comey (The FBI director responsible for concealing the original investigation) admitted (while under oath) to leaking information to the press in order to facilitate the appointment of a special counsel to investigate allegations of "Trump/Russian" collusion in spite of not having any evidence of such collusion.
- Rod Rosenstein (who headed the original investigation into the actual collusion) called for the appointment of a special prosecutor for allegations of collusion that had no evidence.
- The Special Prosecutor Rosenstein appointed was none other than Robert Mueller, who was in charge of the FBI when the "actual" collusion was taking place.
I tell you... you can't make this shit up.
if mueller was a man of honor, which he is not, he would be submitting his special counsel resignation today over his inherent conflict of interest.
and at the very least, trump has all the reason he would ever need to fire his ass.
The problem Rat...
Is that Mueller knows damned well that in his circles, nobody cares, and that your NY Times, Washington Post, USA today... will not write a word about this.
Even as the Senate Judiciary is interviewing key witnesses... the MSM is ignoring it.
It's like it's "not even happening" in their world.
and that your NY Times, Washington Post, USA today... will not write a word about this.
Because like you and everything is fake.....Just like the uranium deal that has floated around here and supported by the likes of menstral and rathole....fake BS is all you got, CH....
"The Loretta Lynch Dept of Justice threatened criminal action against an FBI informant who wanted to notify congress to the details of the investigation."
Sessions needs to reverse the gag order, so the informant can go before Congress and spill the beans.
Firing Mueller won't solve anything.
Loretta the injin said...
Again proving I got under your phony thin skin.....idiot....#MLSA makes loretta stupid again
My bitch
Fewer people receiving a welfare check today, then in the last 15 years. Bypassing the jv lost years.
I tell you... you can't make this shit up.
Seems to me, that is exactly what you did, CH......
Loretta said...
My bitch
You broke him.
I broke jane.
CHT Broke HB.
An illegal has been arrested for Arson in the CA wine country fires.
"An illegal has been arrested for Arson in the CA wine country fires."
There's a shock.
Blogger Loretta said...
"An illegal has been arrested for Arson in the CA wine country fires."
#MLSA supports all aliens are arsonists and need to be deported.....idiot
Seems stump broke lies again....from indication this is an illegal alien....just an hispanic surname.....idiots
A homeless man, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, was arrested Sunday afternoon in Wine Country on suspicion of arson after leaving a creek bed where a fire was burning in Sonoma County’s Maxwell Farms Regional Park.
Sonoma County Sheriff Sargent Spencer Crum told the Santa Rosa Press Democrat that a team of county probation officers patrolling the Maxwell Park area after a series of reports of ongoing fires in the region had observed Gonzalez, age 29, as he “walked out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him.”
Fake news at it best and #MLSA takes the bait like the little idiot she is......LOLOL
"An illegal has been arrested for Arson in the CA wine country fires."
There's a shock.
Two things, first Gov Moonbeam blamed Gorebal warming for the fires and the fact CA is Sanctuary State.
I love Liberals.
ICE issued a detained for CA Wine Country Arsonist, Jesus Fabian Gonzalez.
40 dead in these fires, go ahead, defend him.
40 dead in these fires, go ahead, defend him.
Lawyer: Obama DOJ Blocked FBI Informant from Talking about Uranium One Deal
They are always preaching about. That is not what the country is about, so this is?
The problem Rat...
Is that Mueller knows damned well that in his circles, nobody cares, and that your NY Times, Washington Post, USA today... will not write a word about this.
indeed. which is why i offered the qualifier of mueller having no honor.
trump could still fire him though. and probably should. to me, there's nothing more disgusting than dirty cops, and mueller and comey are the dirtiest of dirty cops.
"Lawyer: Obama DOJ Blocked FBI Informant from Talking about Uranium One Deal"
Sessions needs to reverse it.
Filings for unemployment benefits plunged last week to the lowest level since 1973 as workers affected by hurricanes Harvey and Irma continued to return to their jobs, Labor Department figures showed Thursday.
Feel the burn, Bernie
Feel the burn, Bernie
how can you trust a guy who combs his hair with a balloon?
Gen Kelly, just blew up the fake news pushed by the rodeo clown from FL that Roger fell for
"Gen Kelly, just blew up the fake news pushed by the rodeo clown from FL that Roger fell for"
It was a beautiful thing.
“Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?”
CNN: “Even by Trump standards, this morning’s tweet is somewhat remarkable.”
I'll say. ROFL
Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Gen Kelly, just blew up the fake news pushed by the rodeo clown from FL that Roger fell for
poor alky.
every time he gets fully invested in an anti-trump narrative it blows up in his face.
he's like wile e. coyote thinking that the acme rocket skates are really going to work this time...
...and trumps the road runner.
"how can you trust a guy who combs his hair with a balloon?"
CNN: “Even by Trump standards, this morning’s tweet is somewhat remarkable.”
cnn, the house of fredo cuomo and jim acosta should talk?
Gen Kelly, just blew up the fake news pushed by the rodeo clown from FL that Roger fell for
Opinions are like assholes and you have your fair share....LOL Funny, the only thing blown is he said very little about the call and said the only calls that matter are the ones from his buddies......oh well, doesn't take much for you to twist the truth around.....and the idiots all in unison suck on trumps dick......
Senators Urge Trump to Back Bipartisan Health Deal
“Key Senate Republicans are urgently trying to get President Trump to reconsider his apparent opposition to a bipartisan deal shoring up health insurance markets,” Politico reports.
Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who negotiated the deal with Democratic Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), both spoke to the president about it on Wednesday evening.
Said Graham: “You can’t save Obamacare but you can keep the markets from collapsing until we get a replacement, which will be Graham-Cassidy … I just don’t see a transition to Obamacare to a block grant that doesn’t require at least a couple years to implement.”
Do it Trump's way and you will own the chaos to follow...
Bush Delivers Scathing Rebuke of Trump
“Former President George W. Bush never mentioned his name but delivered what sounded like a sustained rebuke to President Trump, decrying nationalism, protectionism and the coarsening of public debate while calling for a robust response to Russian interference in American democracy,” the New York Times reports.
Said Bush: “We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America. We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade, forgetting that conflict, instability and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism. We’ve seen the return of isolationist sentiments, forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places.”
I'm a fucking loser.
No one cares about me.
Rev James Boswell pedophile
Sad....kelly standing in front of the country making excuses for a POTUS who only cares about himself and berating a congressman for eaves dropping on a POTUS that the best he could do??? Blame the congressman for overhearing a potus who lacks compassion and tact....Kelly just went down a notch in my sad a dignified marine can stoop so low...Yep he really blew it up, for trump....Idiots...
Opie you ought to be ashamed of yourself but you have no shame.
No decency either.
White House chief of staff John Kelly lashed out at Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) on Thursday, saying he was "stunned" by her negative description of President Trump's call to the wife of a U.S. soldier killed in Niger.
“I was stunned when I came to work yesterday morning,” he told reporters during an impromptu appearance at the White House press briefing, adding he was “broken hearted” over the negative publicity surrounding the call.
Funny, all kelly did was enable the potus to act like an ass again....he also failed to mention trumps omission of the soldiers name or calling the widow an unnamed the mighty have fallen to defend the mentally deficient trump....What a mistake to think kelly had class.....
Gen. Kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate. He thought the call was respectful and he thought that the president did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on the part of the country
"Opie you ought to be ashamed of yourself but you have no shame.
No decency either."
He's a coward.
Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Since you aren't smart enough to defend the asses, you depend on others opinion for sad a vet like you thinks the behavior exhibited by the potus is okay....I am stunned that kelly hasn't quit after trump politicized his sons death...
Well Opie...
Have you ever stopped to consider that "perhaps" it's the Democratic Congresswomen who is willing to use a military death to further a political cause...
Not a General who's own son died in action?
Of course not... why would you ever believe a military general who's own son died over a congresswoman who votes against military benefits every chance she gets... in your mind, the woman has a "D" behind her name. She must be telling the truth (no matter how unbelievable it seems).
Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Gen. Kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate. He thought the call was respectful and he thought that the president did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on the part of the country
yet the alky went all in with a racist rodeo clown who looks like marion barry.
i just listened to gen. kelley's remarks in their entirety. the man was thoroughly pissed, but he contained it well.
He's a coward.
Parroting draft dodger loser menstral losses a lot in the translation...Maybe you should check out how trumpie chickened out of service to the country....5 exemptions....LOLOLOLOL
"in your mind, the woman has a "D" behind her name. She must be telling the truth (no matter how unbelievable it seems)."
Opie, Roger, James - all have no moral compass.
So much fun laugh @ Alky daily.
When will the jv obamaized liberal stooges learn to stop going up against Trumps Generals?
Odopie, you call me a liar, funny shit.
Why do you defend the illegal ((ICE issued retainer)) arsonist in CA wine country?
January 23,1973, us draft ended.
WTF is dopie spinning about.
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