Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Here is a good stat for you...

In 2016 we had:

  • 7105 murders by handguns
  • 1604 murders by knife
  • 656 murders by personal weapon (hand, fist, foot, etc)
  • 472 murders by blunt object (club, bat, hammer, etc)
  • 372 murders by rifle

So is concentrating on automatic rifles really the best way to go about reducing murder and violence?

In every "other" situation that I can imagine, we are told to not make emotional decisions. To make sure our decisions are based on facts, logic, and reason. Yet, when it comes to these sorts of shootings, your gun control crowd will openly advocate using the "emotions" of a mass shooting to push for knee jerk legislative action.

They will tell us that if you wait a few weeks, when the emotions die down, that the very same legislation that might be able to be pushed through when everyone is in an emotional state, will no doubt lose support as people come down to earth.

Perhaps the reasonable assumption here is that if you cannot push the legislation on it's simple merits, then it's probably not good legislation. If you require the aftermath emotions of some national tragedy to pass it, then it probably shouldn't be passed.   


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commie said...

You've posted that same BS B4......Is there a new piece of wisdom you are offering or is it just recycled guano???? Maybe you should include people falling down stairs to this is just as germane as this!!!! I guess it is not the right time to discuss guns again....and the next massacre will occur and the same BS will be the mantra of the right....Sad how far your head is stuck up your ass.....LOL

commie said...

I see your selective statistics miss a category of mass shootings,# killed, and the weapons used for those.....Oh well, why would I expect honesty from you or trump......

commie said...

Tell me CH the does outlawing bump stocks and high capacity magazines diminish your gun rights????? I am just surprised it took so long for the rapid fire stocks were used.....they been around for a long time....

Commonsense said...

Opie is distressed by facts.

Here's another fact:

All of the Gun Control Laws that are currently on the books or is being proposed would not have made a diffrence in Las Vegas.

This guy was smart and he knew how to obtain an arsenal without raising red flags.

Commonsense said...

.how does outlawing bump stocks and high capacity magazines diminish your gun rights?????

They are useless laws that would be pass to make liberals feel good.

Because just as soon as they are passed there will be instructions on the internet on how to make your own.

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Next time someone kills a group of people by driving a car into a crowd, let's take away everyone's cars. That'll fix it.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Opie...

In case it escaped your attention...

dead is dead and murder is murder.

The single person is just as dead as someone who died in the same incident as others.

There are facts... and there is Jimmy Kimmel crying. We can each choose which one will influence our opinions, and which one should influence our decision making.

Anonymous said...

Broken Madam Opie how are you today?

Anonymous said...

Since you have a Drivers license, you will commit vehicular homicide. Goes the liberal logic.

Anonymous said...

a liberal who works for nate silver at 538 actually took the time and spent the effort to do the research. she was amazed at what she found...

I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.

Before I started researching gun deaths, gun-control policy used to frustrate me. I wished the National Rifle Association would stop blocking common-sense gun-control reforms such as banning assault weapons, restricting silencers, shrinking magazine sizes and all the other measures that could make guns less deadly.

Then, my colleagues and I at FiveThirtyEight spent three months analyzing all 33,000 lives ended by guns each year in the United States, and I wound up frustrated in a whole new way. We looked at what interventions might have saved those people, and the case for the policies I’d lobbied for crumbled when I examined the evidence. The best ideas left standing were narrowly tailored interventions to protect subtypes of potential victims, not broad attempts to limit the lethality of guns.

Anonymous said...

Since you have a Drivers license, you will commit vehicular homicide. Goes the liberal logic.

and forks and spoons make you fat, and pens and pencils misspell words.

the gun is the tool. the person firing it is the weapon.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I used guns from the age of about 10. The only thing I can see is that making it almost impossible to convert a semi automatic weapon into a fully automatic weapon. We are not going to the extent that most of the rest of the civilized nations restrict possession of any firearms. The 'well regulated militia " phrase has been ignored by the courts. It's not going to change now either.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH, you are ignoring the fact that mass shootings have been increasingly common, and most of them include converted semi automatic weapons. I would ban all military style weapons, just like we did with machine guns in 1986, in a delayed reaction to the attempt on Ronald Reagan. But it's not going to change now either.

Anonymous said...

The 'well regulated militia " phrase has been ignored by the courts.

no, it wasn't ignored. they simply interpreted it correctly within the context of the amendment. just because liberals tried to create some sort of wiggle room around "the comma" doesn't mean that any actually existed.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
CH, you are ignoring the fact that mass shootings have been increasingly common

actually, mass shootings are in decline.

and "military style" weapons, while they may scare the shit out of you personally, are simply semi-auto's with 2 or more accessories: laser sights, bayonets, pistol grips, etc.

my semi auto deer rifle is more deadly than a .223 AR because it's chambered in a caliber that blows right through body armor. and it's equipped with high quality leupold optics.

stop trying to legislate that which you know nothing about, or that which you must peddle lies in an attempt to convince.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In what may be a ground breaking decision, the SCOTUS may reduce or declare Gerrymandering illegal. The power of the parties would be reduced.

C.H. Truth said...

CH, you are ignoring the fact that mass shootings have been increasingly common, and most of them include converted semi automatic weapons.


Yet only 372 people died last year from all rifles (which would include semi-automatic weapons)....

vs 7100 people killed by handguns...

Again, Roger... are semi-automatic weapons "really" the problem??

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I know far more about guns than you can imagine.

wphamilton said...

No, concentrating on automatic rifles would have little effect IMO. It's already cost-prohibitive, and more stringent laws won't make them any rarer.

Regarding violence, given the 33,000 deaths by gun violence which aren't included in your statistics (many of them suicides), objectively the complete elimination of privately owned guns would likely reduce that number. But of course that's impossible with gun control laws, so even if you supported that goal (I don't) having an armed citizenry allowed to defend themselves would be the next best option.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a way that is a good point, but the hand guns are usually associated with other crimes, or personal issues. But the semi-automatic weapons are associated with mass murder. I don't see any reason to keep them available.

commie+++ said...

Commonsense said...
Opie is distressed by facts.

Facts are those little items that get in the way of your opinion... Such as your attempted rational for bump stocks...laughable comes to mind, but that is all you got.....LOLOLOL And again, how many guns do you own, my guess is ZERO....Like the inheritance tax you want repealed, you got nothing in the discussion to gain, but you like the good ingrate you are support people that don't give a shit about you....Idiot

commie said...

C.H. Truth said...
Well Opie...

Well CH,In case it escaped your attention, we have had another mass murder event and again you bury your head up menstrals ass while nothing gets done or resolved since congress is afraid of their own shadow and the NRA...Yep dead is still dead and we have you beating the drums about cars....Shear republicans ignoring the problem, like you are!!! Menstral thinks you can build a bump stock in you garage. What about magazines?....I am sure there are people who can, but he sure can't......Maybe you can tell me why you need an AR to hunt? They use a cartridge that is good for big game or bush use....too light and high velocity which results in bullet deflection and shattering in underbrush...But. then again, what do I know....I reload my own ammo. What do you hunt with???? Again, I am not looking for taking semi - autos from the people. Assault style is another story since they really are not a sporting type gun....They are fun to shoot and for people like you, a sign that the government is after your right. It seems you think you can protect yourself against the well armed government.....Yeah, that will work...LOL

James said...

How many times did a person wielding hand guns kill 59 and wound 500 at one time?

James said...

Some GOP Senators May Be Open to ‘Bump Stock’ Ban
October 4
“Top Senate Republicans said Wednesday they are open to considering legislation banning devices that were reportedly used to gun down scores of people in the worst mass shooting in modern American history,” Politico reports.

“No Republican has yet joined Democrats in endorsing a bill targeting bump stocks, but their comments suggest a potential shift in the party’s typically hard-line opposition to gun control measures.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ot. but funny.

Rex Tillerson denied a report out early Wednesday that he considered resigning as secretary of state, but he did not deny another detail in the report — that he called President Trump a "moron."

"I'm not going to deal with petty stuff like that," Tillerson said in an impromptu statement at the State Department that he said was intended to knock down "erroneously reported" details in an NBC News report that he considered stepping down after a hotly political speech Trump made before the Boy Scouts over the summer.

He added that the story was "intended to divide" and that he was "not going to deal with petty nonsense."

Tillerson seemed to make the statement for an audience of one, to reaffirm his commitment to Trump and his agenda.

"I have never considered leaving this post," Tillerson said, later adding, "There's never been a consideration in my mind to leave." He also said his "commitment is as strong as it was the day I accepted his [Trump's] offer as secretary of state."

And he heaped praise on the president, who he was certain to call "smart."

commie said...

Yet only 372 people died last year from ll rifles (which would include semi-automatic weapons)

Is that a fact or your speculation/???? +

vs 7100 people killed by handguns...

Majority of those deaths are suicides....I doubt that can be fixed with anything other than background checks and mental health care.....Still not a good thing, but again, CH you prove nothing......

James said...

What Happened’ for Conservatives

The Washington Post says that How the Right Lost Its Mind by Charlie Sykes “is a sort of What Happened for conservatives.

“The culprits are not James Comey, Vladi­mir Putin or a reality television  opponent, but the return of ‘crackpotism’ on the right; the fecklessness of conservative media, political and religious figures; and the rise of a distorted worldview in which Trump’s overwhelming character flaws mattered little to a base that behaved as though civilization was in play in his election.

“It is a sanitized image of conservatism, no doubt, but Sykes seems heartfelt in his lament. The insanity he purports to chronicle — on the book cover, the title is stitched across a red baseball cap — did not begin in 2016 or 2015, or even during this young millennium. Sykes reminisces about the mid-20th century, when his hero, William F. Buckley Jr., was casting out Birchers and Ayn Rand devotees from the conservative movement… But today’s conservatives have failed to do the same.”

What happened is that current Republicans let anything -- ANYTHING -- into the tent.

And we ended up with a buffoon in the White House.

James said...

Quote of the Day
October 4
“I just think that common sense has to prevail. But until that happens, until other people feel the same, we’re at a stalemate and that’s a shame.”
— Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), quoted by the New York Times, on Republicans refusing to consider any gun control legislation.

C.H. Truth said...


I personally don't own a gun, never have owned a gun, don't hunt, and with the exception of a BB gun, I have only shot guns a handful of times in my life.

The reality is that there is a ton of dangerous things in this world, and relative to the 372 people who died last year because of "rifles" - I think we have more than enough laws in place.

I will give you a few days to dry your eyes after watching Jimmy Kimmel pull at your heart strings... and then we can talk objectively...

Like why you are concerned about 372 murders per year... but the 1000+ murders committed each year by illegal aliens seem to not upset you one bit...

Anonymous said...

It is a pure joy to read the post of our dear friend HB, he now is a self proclaim "guns" expert.


C.H. Truth said...


The 7100 was specific to the identification of "murder weapon".

Last time I checked, a gun used in a suicide is not considered a "murder weapon".

Nice try, though...

Anonymous said...

During the 8 lost years, did obimbo pass laws to stop this shooting, if, yes why didn't the law work, if NO, why not?

Anonymous said...

The US Citizens weapons zed during the Lost years at the highest rate in US History.

Anonymous said...


commie said...

The 7100 was specific to the identification of "murder weapon"

Not the way you posted it....I guess I can't take your word for anything....And your use of only 372 killed is kinda like warmest condolences....stupid....BTW 2/3 of suicides are committed by guns....seems mental health funding needs to be made if there is any hope of reducing self inflicted violence. And what I find amusing, like your defense of bakers, is you have no vested interest in the gun regulations. But your zeal for anything guns being legal is an indication how much swamp water you have swallowed....

C.H. Truth said...

Not the way you posted it....I guess I can't take your word for anything..

Did you not actually read my post... or go to the link?

C.H. Truth said...

you have no vested interest in the gun regulations

We currently have over 300 different gun control laws at the federal level. We have gun control laws at the state level, and even gun control laws at the municipal level.

Arguing over whether or not we should tax silencers is not exactly the sort of thing that's really going to make a difference.

But I guess watching Jimmy Kimmel cry affects you differently than it affects me.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I know far more about guns than you can imagine.

you MAY know more than jimmy kimmel, i'll give you that.

but if you want me to believe that you "know about guns" while you also advocate for the liberal position of "do something, anything, but something" approach to gun legislation, then i submit that you know far less than you claim.

and to add insult to injury you're parroting the lie that mass gun murders are on the rise. the exact opposite is true.

if you guys on the left would like to be taken seriously on this topic i suggest you -

start with the facts

dispense with the hysteria

stop lying to advance your position (especially when those lies are so easily disproven)

commit to a calm and thoughtful discussion with those who know a whole lot more than you on the topic.

and oh yeah, act like you give a shit when 59 people get shot and killed on any given holiday weekend in chicago. it keeps you from appearing to be nothing but an opportunist who would choose to sensationalize a tragedy for political gain.

wphamilton said...

CH to be fair to Opie, you slyly wrote "So is concentrating on automatic rifles really the best way to go about reducing murder and violence?" even though your stats, and subsequent commentary, refer only to "murders".

Suicides and accidental shootings are gun "violence" without necessarily being "murders", and the large numbers of that violence are disregarded by your stats. If you want to generalize to gun violence, your stats need to reflect something like the 33,000 fatalities that I mentioned above.

I agree with Roger also that I'd have no concern over an outright ban of automatic weapons and "military" weapons (you know what I mean there). We have several handguns and a number of rifles in my household, and I can't imagine any scenario where those are insufficient firepower for personal self-defense. The ability to fire hundreds of rounds, or spray a crowd, is not self-defense.

Anonymous said...

we’re at a stalemate and that’s a shame.


stalemate needs to be the default position until calm, rational and thoughtful people with informed opinions can participate in a deliberate discussion.

Anonymous said...

but he did not deny another detail in the report — that he called President Trump a "moron."

sure he did. he dispensed with all of the media's petty bullshit at once.

he gave lil jimmy acosta all he deserved which wasn't much.

the media are scum. treating the media like scum is a very smart play.

Anonymous said...

ok wp, have an outright ban on full auto weapons.

once all the weapons that are registered are confiscated, you will have succeeded in disarming the law abiding, and will have placed the bad guys in the enviable position of having a significant tactical advantage.


wphamilton said...

RRB, you would have succeeded in removing a couple of weapons that only the very wealthy can now afford to own, leaving them with an arsenal of probably dozens of firearms. Hardly disarming.

I would consider your argument if you can cite an example of any US private citizen having a legal automatic weapon using it to tactical advantage against a bad guy. In fact, I'd like to know what scenario you are imagining where the automatic weapon is more useful than a handgun rifle or shotgun. Gunfights in the streets against armed gangs? Personally, I'd rather you didn't do that.

Anonymous said...

Keep buying straw.

Anonymous said...

you miss the point. perhaps intentionally.

law abiding owners of full auto firearms are exactly that - law abiding. and no, they're not all wealthy, as i know a few. the principle involved here is wildly hypocritical and POTENTIALLY dangerous.

seize every legal full auto firearm. what you've done is left the balance of existing full auto firearms in the exclusive possession of criminals.

and the larger point is where we as a nation seem to end up every time we get on this topic -

the very first ideas submitted are ideas which involve disarming the law abiding. every single time.

that's like seizing the vehicle of someone who has never had so much as a parking ticket.

Anonymous said...

Has sen Chuck Schumer taken his had out of puppet Kimmel back?

Anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
Has sen Chuck Schumer taken his had out of puppet Kimmel back?

only long enough to shove his arm up kirsten gillibrand's ass and make her lips move.

Anonymous said...

Non-sense, it is more stand up comedy. Unless a fully atuomatic kills it is not worth owning?,

Anonymous said...

Notice every liberal here owns many guns.

Anonymous said...

Lol, yep. A booble head bimbo.

Anonymous said...

She has a "sensible plan".

Ban all assault weapons. Whatever those are. Any leftist care to define what guns those are?

Anonymous said...

Looking over the CDC Data, top ten leading causes of Death. Murder by fire arms is not in it.

Overuse of food is, time to ban over eating.

wphamilton said...

Blogger rrb said... you miss the point. perhaps intentionally.

Surely "the point" is not generalizing from banning a relatively tiny number of automatic weapons to "seize every legal full auto firearm" as you put it.

Banning automatic weapons would have almost no affect on the firepower owned by American citizens. It would have zero impact on the ability of Americans to defend themselves, possibly improving the chances of those who lost them, since they wouldn't be tempted to use it.

I don't care either way; it's a non-issue. If it kept one rich idiot from hosing a crowd of innocents, it would be worth it since there is no downside.

C.H. Truth said...

CH to be fair to Opie - "So is concentrating on automatic rifles really the best way to go about reducing murder and violence?"

But to be fair to "reality" here, WP... the "numbers" in question 7100 and 372 were always about murder. There was never ever mention of 7100 as a general number of "deaths".

And no... I am not trying to "generalize". A massive shooting like this has little to do with suicides or accidental deaths. Nor is more gun laws regarding assault rifles about suicides or accidental deaths.

It's about preventing what is (if you really want to generalize something) what should be a low priority issue in this country (less than 400 deaths) compared to a lot of other issues. It's just that when something like this happens, the "emotional arguments" rise to the surface.

You love to obfuscate and use semantic means to straw man arguments.

C.H. Truth said...

that's like seizing the vehicle of someone who has never had so much as a parking ticket.

Exactly... Because we know who would actually give up their weapons and who would choose to break the law to keep them.

C.H. Truth said...

Banning automatic weapons would have almost no affect on the firepower owned by American citizens. It would have zero impact on the ability of Americans to defend themselves, possibly improving the chances of those who lost them, since they wouldn't be tempted to use it.

But... isn't it also true that statistically... banning automatic weapons would have almost no effect on the murder rate in this country.

Anonymous said...

Thank god your ilk lost in the election.

Anonymous said...

Wp, now belives this is a White Privilege issue.

Anonymous said...

True. Looking at it with a clear vision and logic.

Liberals use a lot of straw and emotions to bind thier non-sense.

caliphate4vr said...

OT but made me smile

Monopoly Man trolls the Equifax hearing

Anonymous said...

HB you again fell for fake news and this President's trip to Porto Rico.

So said Geraldo Rivera. His Family really lives there.

wphamilton said...

But... isn't it also true that statistically... banning automatic weapons would have almost no effect on the murder rate in this country.

Yes, that's why I said that I wouldn't care either way. Why do YOU have such an intense opposition to it? Even if you could afford one, you'd never use it. It's a rich man's toy whose only purpose is to maim and kill multiple targets simultaneously.

Go to a range and rent one if you must experience shooting it for a few seconds.

Anonymous said...

Pauline Krugman found something in Porto Rico that no one else did, a real news scoop, he is a real MD you know. He alone found a Cholera outbreak.

Only one very small problem. There is not one.

wphamilton said...

But to be fair to "reality" here, WP... the "numbers" in question 7100 and 372 were always about murder.

The numbers were, but your commentary about it wasn't. You misrepresented the stats, not Opie. Even in the OP, you tried to slip that by. Stats about murders, you conclude something about violence. OP called you out on that and rightly so. 33,000 per year is a good stat for gun violence, much higher than "7105 murders by handguns".

Commonsense said...

I understood them. I failed to see why you and Opie did not.

Anonymous said...

I might be one of the few people here that has fired two machine guns, a m-16 and the M-60.

It was during my time with the US Army. Great fun.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My father bought me a Mouser Model 92, when I was in high school. I reloaded my own ammunition. It had been rebarreled with a 7.62 NATO, also known as the Winchester 308. It had the original World War 1 era stock. I bought a kit and modified it to fit the Mouser for left hand use, as I shoot left handed, because of "lazy eye" in my right eye, to this day it cannot be corrected to 2020. So even though the action was for right handed use, I made it left handed. I did not change the action, I just had to work around that issue, I was a dead shot.

I used it for deer hunting in South Dakota and Montana. I got probably 20 over the years more or less. We also slaughtered them ourselves. We would turn the trimmings over to a local butcher who made sausage from venison and we got previously processed sausage. One of the traditions was the first meal was venison liver and onions. Sill sounds delicious.

I knew almost every kind of weapon available at that time. I shot MI, M 16, AR 47, and other non military semi automatic weapons.

But beyond that, the Second Amendment was in meant in large part, as a way to keep the federal government from exceeding their constitutional powers. The truth today, there is no way some "militia" is going to fight the US armed forces. So, I have no problem with a ban on military designed semi-automatic, high capacity weapons. One of the "reasons" that the bad guys would get one anyhow. We could make it ALMOST, impossible to purchase and if possession of such weapons was a major felony, most of the time, not all of the time, but perhaps could have prevented the act of evil in Los Vegas on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

BATF best I can come up with shows nearly 1/2 a million fully automatic weapons privately legally owned in the US.

C.H. Truth said...

Why do YOU have such an intense opposition to it?

I don't have an "intense opposition" to gun control. I have an "intense opposition" to politicizing the issue.

If I honestly thought that taxing silencers would help curb gun violence, I'd probably be all for it.

You have to weigh the rights of the millions of Americans who own rifles (of a variety of types for a variety of reasons) against a pretty small percentage of people who use them to murder people.

Nobody is suggesting we outlaw automobiles, despite the obvious fact that way more people abuse that right (than abuse rifles) and way more people die as a result.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Apples and oranges.

I don't buy the comparison between the death toll from automobile accidents and deaths as a result of fire arms. "Dead is Dead" isn't valid. Almost every car accident is and "accident" not an "intentional" attack with a fire arm.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The possession of an automobile is not protected by the constitution either So sorry, your comparison is quite weak, IMMNSHO. LOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And sorry about the Twins losing to the Yankees. As a kid from South Dakota, where we got a lot of Twin games on the local radio station and sometimes even on KOTA tv. We had two channels. LOL My Dish network has about 400 LOL

And one quick observation. With Tillerson and other issues, it is increasingly apparent that Tillerson, Pence and Kelly are the working their ass off, trying to keep the President from acting out dangerously, on almost every issue, but especially, in foreign affairs. And huge number of leaks from inside the White House there are a lot of deeply concerned professionals shows that the distrust is wide spread. The 71 year old man, who does not understand any details on almost everything he's trying to accomplish.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BTW,, I have the same concern, WTF is going on with KD. He's getting more and more incoherent and obsessive comments on yours truly.

James said...

Most of the time we should just ignore him and let him rave away all alone.

Corker said...

What Corker Really Thinks of Trump

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) suggested that Gens. John Kelly and James Mattis as well Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are the “people that help separate our country from chaos,” a stinging criticism of President Trump from a man once considered an ally in Washington, CNN reports.

Asked whether he was referring to Trump in using the word “chaos,” Corker responded: “They work very well together to make sure the policies we put forth around the world are sound and coherent. There are other people within the administration that don’t. I hope they stay because they’re valuable to the national security of our nation.”

James said...

Insanity run rampant. Ch and all the other Repugs here will not even come out for banning bump stocks.

James said...

No one reads my spam.

The real James said...

You must be sure not to watch the video or read the article at 9:45 above. It might actually might make you think.

You might even conclude that we can thank the NRA and the Repugs that the carnage was as great as it was because they oppose making either bump fire stocks or semi-automatic rifles illegal.

Anonymous said...

Obama approved the bump stock, oh my.

Anonymous said...

Obama approved them stupid fucktard.

The real James said...

No one cares about my opinion.

Anonymous said...

WP, clearly believes the shooting was a product of white privilege.

Anonymous said...

Jane, your article said the shooter has been buying guns for over a year.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MSNBC’s Stephanie Rule: “My source didn’t say Tillerson called Trump a ‘moron.’ My source said he called Trump a ‘fucking moron.’"

Loretta said...





Who gives a damn, drunkard.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
My father bought me a Mouser Model 92, when I was in high school.

he did, eh?


growing up on the farm we had several "mouser's" some feral, some relatively tame. barn cats all. dad would put huge saucers of milk out for them but no solid food. i guess that's why they were good "mouser's"; they had to earn their keep to survive.

i don't think we ever reached a total of 92 though. 30-35 was about the limit.

once you get rid of your bingo wings you should see if d0pie could use some help on his indy car pit crew. just think of the "stories" you'll have to tell after a few races.


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
MSNBC’s Stephanie Rule: “My source didn’t say Tillerson called Trump a ‘moron.’ My source said he called Trump a ‘fucking moron.’"

her source?

is that what nbc is calling total lies and fabrications these days? sources?

well, i guess there probably is room at the bottom of the fake news barrel for two totally fake news outlets. lil jimmy acosta and fredo cuomo had better slide over to make room.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous The real James said...
You must be sure not to watch the video or read the article at 9:45 above. It might actually might make you think.

yeah, that's what you said about jimmy kimmel's little cry bully rant, pederast.

Anonymous said...

James said...
Insanity run rampant. Ch and all the other Repugs here will not even come out for banning bump stocks.

well pederast, if they were good enough for 0linsky's ATF back in 2010, i guess they're ok now.

tell us though, why would 0linsky and his ATF think bump stocks were ok? was this another one of 0linsky's nuanced and evolved policy positions like gay marriage?

i'm just trying to establish exactly how this bump stock precedent has been set, and how the lightbringer arrived at his policy conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's why I said that I wouldn't care either way.

except for when you said you agreed with roger re: banning full auto weapons, you're being totally consistent.

Anonymous said...

What Corker Really Thinks of Trump

oh, so THAT'S why corky isn't running for reelection. because he has balls of steel and is man enough to tell trump what he really thinks of him.

got it, pederast.

Anonymous said...

WP is an Olympic Gold Medalist in Fence sitting.

Anonymous said...

USING Jane logic, we can thank Obama's approval of the bump stock for the Murders in Las Vegas.

I don't blame anyone but the coward that did the murdering.

Anonymous said...

fake news?

fake news???

no such thing, i tell ya...

Corrections: An earlier version of this article stated that associates of the Koch brothers proposed and lobbied Congress to pass the law establishing Puerto Rico's fiscal control board. There is no evidence of any Koch involvement in the passage of the law. An earlier version of this article also stated that the fiscal control board had reduced the minimum wage in Puerto Rico to 4 dollars an hour. The board did not lower the minimum wage, the governor did. And the governor raised it this year. An earlier version of this article stated that the U.S. Congress imposed austerity measures on Puerto Rico. The fiscal control board established by Congress instructed the commonwealth to work towards balancing its budget. The governor decided what cuts to make.

Anonymous said...

One of this blogs members bought the story that this President's trip to Porto Rico was a failure. Hate for 45 is all they have

Anonymous said...

It is a tragedy that socialist like the three liberal stooges of CHT bath in.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MSNBC’s Stephanie Rule: “My source didn’t say Tillerson called Trump a ‘moron.’ My source said he called Trump a ‘fucking moron.’"

Her source, three of the people who were at the meeting.

Secretary General Tillerson, when asked specifically, refused to deny the report.

Trump robots deny the fact that he actually said it.

Commonsense said...

Trump's "robots" went on the record denying he said it. And Tillison would not dignify the story with a comment.

And all NBC has are super secret "sources" who don't have the guts to go on the record.

Or NBC just made it up.

Either way NBC is not believable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Models 1889/90/91 and Experimental Model 92 Edit
Main article: Mauser Model 1889

Mauser Experimental Model 92 in caliber 8x58R. This rifle took part in the rifle trials that led to the Swedish Mauser.
After the Mauser brothers finished work on the Model 71/84 in 1880, the design team set out to create a small caliber repeater that used smokeless powder. Because of setbacks brought on by Wilhelm Mauser's death, they failed to have the design completed by 1882, and the German Rifle Test Commission (Gewehr-Prüfungskommission) was formed. The commission preferred to create their own design. Paul Mauser created two different variations of the same rifle, one with a stock strengthened with a barrel shroud and a traditional design following the layout of the 71 series in hope he might be able to overturn the commission's decision, or at least sell his design to the Kingdom of Bavaria, which adopted its own arms. The two rifles became known as the 89 Belgian (with a barrel shroud) and the 91 Argentine (with a 71 layout) Mausers, identical in their function and feed system. The main features were the ability to use stripper clips to feed the magazine (a revolution in rate of fire), and its rimless 7.65×53mm Argentine ammunition, advanced for the time.

The system proved impressive at the 1884 Bavarian Arms Trials. Both firearms were a success, but decision-makers were not convinced that the stripper feed was superior to the en-bloc system employed by Mannlicher. In response, Mauser started small-scale production of the design in an effort to interest foreign nations, but failed to convince any of the European major powers.

The Belgian attache, however, urged his government to contact Mauser, hoping the design might give them a chance to found a domestic arms industry. The heavy-barreled Mauser with the barrel shroud resulted in the founding of arms manufacturer FN Herstal. FN could not keep up with orders, so they outsourced production to the Birmingham Small Arms Company in England.

The Belgians' talks with Mauser prompted the Ottoman Empire to consider the design. In the end they ordered their own simpler variation of the 91 Argentine Mauser known as the 90 Turkish. While this was taking place, the Argentine Small Arms Commission contacted Mauser in 1886 to replace their Model 71s; since they wished to keep retraining of their armed forces to a minimum, they went for the Mauser 91. As with other early Mausers, most such arms were made by the Ludwig Loewe company, who in 1896 joined with other manufactures to form Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken.

All variations used the same 7.65 mm round-nosed cartridge. Many parts were interchangeable, with the exception of the bayonets of the 89 and 90/91; the barrel shroud made the bayonet ring too wide. The 89 Mauser rejected by Germany in 1884 entered service in 1940 with the second-line units of Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

A non-rotating Mauser claw extractor was introduced in the Model 92. Several variations of this model participated in rifle trials for the U.S. Army of that year; the Norwegian Krag–Jørgensen rifle was ultimately chosen.

This was the rifle my father bought. It had been 're-barreled to the 7.62 NATO, or like I said, the 308 Winchester cartridge. It had a five round removable storage. So it had a 6 round capacity. I wish I hadn't sold it.

Anonymous said...

Trump robots deny the fact that he actually said it.


not at all, alky. we would like some corroboration though.

"Her source, three of the people who were at the meeting." doesn't cut it as long as they remain nameless.

you would think that all of these champions of the "resistance" who keep "persisting" would be proud enough of their crusade for "truth, justice and a trump-less american way" to want some credit for their effort.

unless they're just cowardly hacks and 0linsky embeds who have managed to burrow their way towards a nice gubmint pension. a pension they would never risk because they are, in fact, craven, cowardly hacks.

stephanie ruhle is just fredo cuomo...

with tits.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The State department denied that, but like I said, only robotic morons believe that he didn't say it .

commie said...

Stump broke the idiot posted.....

It was during my time with the US Army. Great fun.

Just like I thought, the idiot of kansas likes killing people .....He sure needs more help than anyone here can provide....

Commonsense said...

Only an idiot hack believes anonymous sources over people who go on the record.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous sources are a common source of information. The only reason you deny the story, is your mind is blocked by partisanship. The fact that he refused to answer the question, is beyond a reasonable doubt that he actually said it.

Anonymous said...

only robotic morons believe that he didn't say it .

once again alky.

it's not that we don't believe he said it.

it's just that we'd like proof that he DID say it.


any thoughtful, rational person would like verification of ANYTHING coming out of MSDNC.

only a fucking asshole hack takes their word for anything.

commie said...

, only robotic morons believe that he didn't say it .

You mean like all R's here believe it is fake news......WOW...wonder when he is going to quit since the POTUS continues to undermine everything Rex does....Isn't the Secy of state the spokesman for the POTUS?? How can he be effective when he is countermanded at every statement....I guess this is the way to run a family business....not so much for a world power who is about as sane as the mad hatter......

Commonsense said...

Anonymous sources are a common source of information.

And more often than not they are wrong or deliberately misleading.

Google Comey, James; CNN retraction.

Anonymous said...

Mauser Experimental Model 92


oh look. the alky copied and pasted a wiki to prove he owned a "mouser."

what was your "mouser's" name, alky?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As I said earlier. This White House is full of leaks for one reason. There are many people in the White House, who have seen this President in action. He is easily angered by the news coverage of his Presidency. They are patriotic and are justifiably concerned about his comments and impulsive behavior.

And again, the fact that he's unwilling to get into the details on anything he's promoting, and especially the comments on"The Rocket Man". That could lead to the first use of nuclear weapons since 1945.

Anonymous said...

The fact that he refused to answer the question, is beyond a reasonable doubt that he actually said it.

only to the most hackishly partisan asshole hacks.

like you.

think about it. even if tillerson privately believes trump to be a fucking moron, do you actually think a man of his caliber to be stupid enough to repeat it in front of ANYONE?

i mean, that's a move that an asshole alcoholic like you would pull. not a former CEO of one of the biggest corps. on the planet.

sorry alky, but i don't believe the man to be that stupid. which is exactly why i demand proof and corroboration.

it may satisfy a myriad of your anti-trump fantasies, but it does nothing for an objective viewer.

commie said...

Maybe something may come out of LV....a small step starting a long capacity magazines!!!!

G.O.P. Leaders Say Rapid-Fire Device May Be Worth a Ban
Despite adamant resistance to all manner of gun regulation for decades, some top Republicans said they saw no purpose in the “bump stock” device used by the Las Vegas gunman, Stephen Paddock.
The accessory, which can sell for as little as $99.99, allows semiautomatics to mimic the firing capability of fully automatic weapons.

I guess blood may finally be thicker than the NRA.....

commie said...

And more often than not they are wrong or deliberately misleading.

I am sure you can present statistics that back up that statement....I won't hold my breath knowing your track record of BS'ing.....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Misspelling does not make me wrong. It was a Model 92. I could hit a 2" diameter target at 100 feet. It was a little awkward for me shooting left handed, but I usually hit my target with one shot. I actually have the Buck knife that I used to gut the deer and get it ready to go home. And yeah, I would keep the liver ready to eat.

Commonsense said...

I gave you one glaring example, there several others.

You're just too bullheaded and willfully stupid to waste anymore time on.

commie said...

I gave you one glaring example, there several others.

One whole example and several others.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Just like I thought, you got nothing but BS....why do I bother???? Bet\cause it is sooooo easy making you look like the blog jester....see bump stock....LOLOLOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There's no reason to try and engage in a rational discussion with the Jimmy rrb closed minded dip shit.

The President is increasingly irrational and dangerous. Max Boot, no left winger was on The Last Word last night. He said that the President is "mentally distributed". There are many Republicans who have been anonymously quoted saying that same thing. The numbers are increasing. General Kelly and Pence are trying to reign in the President. But it's not working out.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His sources are usually highly partisan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George W Bush is a recording alcoholic. He didn't ever claim that he's irrationality disturbed.

Of course not. He isn't rational.

commie said...

Wonder why the congress is impotent concerning the NRA??? Check out the amount of cash they give our reps... follow the is abhorrent....

OCT. 4, 2017
Most Americans support stronger gun laws — laws that would reduce deaths. But Republicans in Congress stand in the way. They fear alienating their primary voters and the National Rifle Association.

Below are the top 10 career recipients of N.R.A. funding – through donations or spending to benefit the candidate – among both current House and Senate members, along with their statements about the Las Vegas massacre. These representatives have a lot to say about it. All the while, they refuse to do anything to avoid the next massacre.

The top ten recipients, all R's from red states.....more than 39 million for killing....sad....

Anonymous said...

i'm extremely open minded, alky. and also extremely skeptical when it comes to anything that tumbles out of the mouth of some MSDNC hack.

what you are is not open minded but gullible. so desperate to believe anything negative about trump. when it comes to confirmation bias you're an addict and MSDNC and cnn are your dealers.

Anonymous said...

$39M from the NRA?


chump change.

they didn't even make the list of the top 50 donors for 2016, and are ranked 92nd for ALL election cycles.

thank you to the ny times for jumping on the left's "let's beclown ourselves over the vegas shooting" bandwagon.

i suppose we could use some comic relief after such a horrible tragedy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


"you're an addict and MSDNC and cnn are your dealers."

Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart fill your addition.

You will never recover.

wphamilton said...

"I'd have no concern over an outright ban". "I don't care either way"

(KD, RRB), why do those seem inconsistent to you?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

George W Bush is a recording alcoholic

no shit? really? and so close after the passing of tom petty. W has big shoes to fill.

now don't tease me alky.

where can i get his album? is he available for download on itunes?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And yes,open secrets. Oh my.

wphamilton said...

Objectively we don't know for sure that Tillerson called Trump a moron at the Pentagon. However, since Trump IS a moron, and he's been undercutting his Secretary of State with moronic one-liners, I'd say that it is very plausible.

Think about this while you're arguing whether or not Tillerson used the words "fucking moron". It is plausible to even the most casual observer, and consistent with past behavior from this White House, that the US Secretary of State is telling top military leaders that the US President is a moron.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bush quit drinking a long time ago. Your obsession with recovering alcoholics leads me to wonder why you're unwilling to accept that admitting an addiction and honestly dealing with the is a personal fault. Someone who is unfortunately close to you, must have been or still is a drunk.

Or maybe you should look in the mirror.

commie said...

Rat hole posted....

also extremely skeptical when it comes to anything that tumbles out of the mouth of some MSDNC hack.

Too bad you don't have the same skepticism with the sites you use as much for open minded....LOL

WOW, maybe pauline can repeat what he said about that site when I used it.......dayum you are a joke...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp, exactly.

Will rrb start attacking you?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

wp answered your questions, and we agree.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous wphamilton said...
"I'd have no concern over an outright ban". "I don't care either way"

well yeah. you left out that you agree with roger. he supports an outright ban. and i can assure you that roger does care, in one specific way. not either way.

words matter, wp.

you're so quick to pick nits and get deep into the semantic weeds with everyone else...

welcome to the party.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't support a total ban of all firearms, not even close.

Nice try asshole.😀😀😀😀😀😀😆😆😆😞😞🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It took five minutes.

Commonsense said...

Objectively we don't know for sure that Tillerson called Trump a moron at the Pentagon. However, since Trump IS a moron, and he's been undercutting his Secretary of State with moronic one-liners, I'd say that it is very plausible.

You mean just a "plausible" to say Trump lied when he said Comey told him 3 times he's wasn't under investigation.

Just because anonymous sources said he did.

Turned out "anonymous sources" lied and Trump told the truth.

So I am a little skeptical of the plausibility of "anonymous sources".

And if you can't come up with more proof I will remain skeptical.

wphamilton said...

Suppose for the sake of argument, Tillerson said no such thing. Perhaps it was only an inference made by those present. Once you get past the arguing of the exact phrasing, and disregard all the extraneous attacks on news reporting, Comey etc, look at what this situation implies.

It would be unimaginable in any normal Administration. In the Trump Administration it's barely even news. Why waste your energy and credibility by even arguing about the exact wording, when the fact that Tillerson needed to say something like that shows how dangerous this Administration is?

Wake up and admit to what you and everyone else already knows to be true. The only thing you can really support about Trump's leadership is that there is an "R" in the chair ready to sign whatever tax packages the Republicans can put together. IF they can even manage to do that.

Anonymous said...

ah, isn't it wonderful when recovering alky's use the power of psychological projection to imply that those who are able to enjoy alcohol responsibly suffer from the same personal failures that they do?

awfully weak tea, rog.

your personal failures are your own.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I don't support a total ban of all firearms, not even close.

i know. that''s why i was referring to your total ban on full auto and "military style" weapons.

try to keep up while you're listening to W sing "i was a drunken asshole from el paso" on your karaoke machine.

Commonsense said...

Suppose for the sake of argument we don't accept the word of an unprecedented and unrelentingly hostile news media.

Rather we give people the benefit of the doubt unless proved otherwise.

caliphate4vr said...

WOW, maybe pauline can repeat what he said about that site when I used it..

Fatty you used About is the Internet's largest and most popular discussion board community dedicated to the intelligent exchange of ideas and debate on a wide range of "alternative topics" such as conspiracies, UFO's, paranormal, secret societies, political scandals, new world order, terrorism, and dozens of related topics on current events, politics, and government wrong-doing with poignant commentary from a diverse mix of users from all over the world.

Fat, high and retarded is no way to go through life


Commonsense said...

The Left Misunderstands the Power of the NRA

The NRA is powerful for precisely the reason most potent progressive organizations are powerful. Like those progressive counterparts, the NRA is an effective part of a larger community, and it is effective precisely because it persuasively expresses the will of its members and allies. It represents those who understand and adhere to the central truths of American “gun culture.” We each possess an unalienable and inherent right of self-defense, a lawfully armed citizenry is a free citizenry, and no government ever constructed has merited the total trust of its people.

The Left can challenge the NRA all it wants, but until it defeats those ideas, it will not transform American attitudes toward guns. Or let’s put it another way: In the Left’s fight for gun control, the great bogeymen aren’t the leaders of the NRA, they’re the Founders of our country. After all, it’s the Founders’ ideals the NRA defends, and should the NRA ever drop that standard, others would pick it up and carry it through the ideological wars to come.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Which one these is a f*****g Moron?

Anonymous said...

and should the NRA ever drop that standard, others would pick it up and carry it through the ideological wars to come.


like these guys:

Anonymous said...

Do you have any of his songs?

Anonymous said...

Those that posted about the Obama Approved bump stock, one question, how do you feel about that fact.

Good morning to the three liberal stooges of CHT + 1.

Commonsense said...

Which one these is a f*****g Moron?

The one who posted it.

Anonymous said...

I looked up the "mouser" 92. The company accuracy dinamics put to lie the story of such stated accuracy of one of our members.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A shooting Survivor stoo as My President entered the room.

NFL take note.

Loretta said...

"The only thing you can really support about Trump's leadership is that there is an "R" in the chair"

Not exactly.

Increased border control. ✔

Justice Gorsuch. ✔

Keystone Pipeline. ✔

Reversed Obama's war on coal. ✔

Likelihood of another Supreme Court appointment is about 96%. ✔

Mad Dog ✔

General Kelly ✔

Nikki Haley ✔

Rex Tillerson ✔

Letting the Generals do their job ✔

Moron or not, I'm happy

Loretta said...

"The one who posted it."

Is it another selfie trying to impress you guys with?

Anonymous said...

Sad !

Anonymous said...

President Trump took the "safety off" and is allowing our men to fight.

The sole reason I voted was to defeat Hillary. It was after she called all of Us prior servive, retired and active military "deplorables".

Loretta said...

"your personal failures are your own."

Accepting responsibility isn't his thing.

Anonymous said...

Fatty you used About

interesting that they would use as a their backdrop an image of the apollo "hollywood sound stage" moon landing.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
Which one these is a f*****g Moron?


let's ask the editor -

Editor's Note:

The views of Roger Amick are in no way endorsed or supported by me, and should not be considered representative of either the historical or current Coldheartedtruth blog.

C.H. Truth

commie said...

Rat hole posted.....

Fatty you used About

Really rat hole " about" is just that, a figment of your dumbness....LOL

which certainly appears abovetopsecret is what you used and cannot admit he is wrong or got caught........Dayum you are dumber than loretta....dayum fucking moronic asshole who is a bigot and unmitigated liar.....idiot

commie said...

The georgian asshole posted....

Fatty you used About

Seems you don't know how to read your own links, do you pauline.....About above top secret describes the site you berated me on....Way to go.....asshole!!! Try again douche bag.....DAyum no wonder why you are a loser salesman and an R!!!! Stupid fuck....Going to be entertaining to see how you spin your fuck up....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

i think it's safe to assume d0pie has had yet another stroke.

caliphate4vr said...

Good lord fatty this is what you posted earlier today

Too bad you don't have the same skepticism with the sites you use as much for open minded....LOL

WOW, maybe pauline can repeat what he said about that site when I used it.......dayum you are a joke...

see opensecrets is not abovetopsecret

Wake-N-Bake Thursday

caliphate4vr said...

and if you want to deny the other LMAO

opie said...

The Truth About Voter Fraud
Tea partiers and other GOP sympathizers are claiming that voter fraud is rampant and that they hold legitimate concerns about the fairness of elections. They've used voter fraud as a way to implement their voter ID laws as well as limiting voting hours except for certain segments of the population. The question is, just how common is voter fraud? How many cases of proven voter fraud is there out there? Let's look at the few cases out there:

Dead voters:

In Georgia in 2000, 5,412 votes were alleged to have been cast by deceased voters, upon investigation it turned out that it was an error, no fraudulent votes were found.

In Michigan in 2005, 132 votes were alleged to have been cast by deceased voters, only 8 cases were revealed as substantiated fraud.

In New Jersey in 2004, 4,755 deceased voters were alleged to have cast a ballot. In the end upon investigation it turned out to be a flaw on those managing the voters list.

In New York in 2002 and 2004, 2,600 deceased voters were alleged to have cast a ballot, again based on a match of voter rolls to death lists, there turned out to be no voter fraud in the end, upon investigation.

Allegations of voter fraud in the Colorado 2010 midterm elections:

In 2010, Colorado Secretary of State, Scott Gessler (Republican) claimed that 5000 illegal immigrants or ineligible voters may have voted in those State elections. In the end Gessler could only be certain that 106 individuals, around 2% of his initial 5,000 estimate, who could be accounted for possible fraudulent voter activity. 106 possible cases of voter fraud is still alot, however to this day Gesslers investigation into actual proven cases of voter fraud back in 2010 is still inconclusive, so far we're not aware of any proven cases since his initial claim of 5,000 cases:

Loretta said...


Anonymous said...

anyone but d0pie would be so embarrassed he'd disappear for a while.

commie said...

The loser of georgia confirms what I said!!!

That sure does not look like what you said before.....
The georgian asshole posted....

Fatty you used About

And open secrets is what, credible????? I am deeply impressed with you obsession with me.. keeping such meticulous records like loretta is most disturbing with someone as smart as you think you are,,,,,M apologies for pointing out a bs cite and not recognizing how vain you are to always be correct! Again, my warmest condolences for using your name in vain....zLOLOLOL

caliphate4vr said...

Fatty take them up on the stroke therapy

You've fucking lost it


Loretta said...


Anonymous said...


seriously, chamber a round and just end it.


Anonymous said...

So, let’s finish our conversation about guns. Where was I? Oh yeah. No.

No to your fake “solutions” that have nothing to do with this guy’s rampage.

No to your bogus “care” and “concern” that arises only when it involves stripping normal Americans of our sacred natural rights.

No to your has-been Democrat pols, your 23-year old Vox scribblers, and your hack Hollywood goofs thinking they get a say about our rights.

They don’t.

I guess that’s the end of our little conversation, because we’ve already heard every poisonous thing you leftists have to say, and I don’t have anything else to say except this. If you really want to disarm us, come on and try.

Anonymous said...

That is the point. You want to ban rifles, ok, how you going to take away the three I own?.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans are open to banning add on automatic conversion kits.

Oh My.

rrb and kd will go nuclear in defense of something they hated a day ago.

Anonymous said...

sorry alky, but i don't give a shit one way or the other. that is unless and until this becomes a more slippery slope towards violating my 2A rights.

in the meantime, here's a thought -

let's ban murder.

if we make murder illegal nobody will get murdered anymore. that's how we won the war on drugs, and that's how we got everyone to quit drinking during prohibition, right?

Anonymous said...

here we go:

Repeal the Second Amendment

btw, bret stephens is a virulent anti-trumper and former WSJ op/ed columnist. for some reason he's morphed into a world class douchebag over the last few years..

Anonymous said...

Lordie, do you really need to project lies everyday?

Honor the liver transplant and take 24 hours off of being a used douche.

I am in favor of cleaning up yet another Obimbo created mess that contributed to the largest mass murder in modern US History. He supported the BP stock.

So 45, cleans up the obama/hillary/polsi/schumer blood bath.

Anonymous said...

RRB , You and I both took it to HB's lies.

Funny thing he is such a crossdresser, in one post he said I am "obsessed" with his lies about the mental image he has painted on the life he wished he had led, I just point out daily of his lies.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor old tired hillary , the 20 staffers that we pay for need to do a better job of fact checking before she goes on Sen. Upchuck's puppet show.

She remains the shrill out of touch voice of today's Obamaized Dem party.

Loretta said...

"Repeal the Second Amendment"

We knew that was coming.

Anonymous said...

Yep. I did not take long, but to take guns away, the Obamaized Democrat will have to repeal two other US Amendment's.

Anonymous said...

Mooch Elle Obimbo the two bit street walker decided to open her cock sock.

The problem in here words with Polo tics today is the Republican Voter is " all white and all men".

I hope she got paid well for that statement, $2 is twice her going rate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yes, He is a fucking moron

President Trump plans to announce next week that he will “decertify” the international nuclear deal with Iran, saying it is not in the national interest of the United States and kicking the issue to a reluctant Congress, people briefed on an emerging White House strategy for Iran said Thursday.

The move would mark the first step in a process that could eventually result in the resumption of U.S. sanctions against Iran, which would blow up a deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activities that the country reached in 2015 with the U.S. and five other nations.

Trump is expected to deliver a speech, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 12, laying out a larger strategy for confronting the nation it blames for terrorism and instability throughout the Middle East.

Under what is described as a tougher and more comprehensive approach, Trump would open the door to modifying the landmark 2015 agreement he has repeatedly bashed as a raw deal for the United States. But for now he would hold off on recommending that Congress reimpose sanctions on Iran that would abrogate the agreement, said four people familiar with aspects of the president’s thinking.

All cautioned that plans are not fully set and could change. The White House would not confirm plans for a speech or its contents. Trump faces an Oct. 15 deadline to report to Congress on whether Iran is complying with the agreement and whether he judges the deal to be in the U.S. national interest.


Anonymous said...

We knew that was coming.

true, but all it ever is is bluster. the left doesn't have the balls to actually engage the process. they just want to be seen by the low-info imbeciles that comprise their base as "doing something, anything, but something."

words of the day - bump stock.

not a single person on the left can tell you what it is, how it ACTUALLY works, the fact that using one greatly diminishes accuracy, etc. but by God we're gonna ban 'em because... well, because. and excuse them for climbing over a pile of 59 dead bodies to cast that vote. this is important. for the children or something.

what never ceases to amaze me is how the left can grasp an issue they know absolutely nothing about, and through sheer will and the brute force of their ignorance decide that this is the issue that they must champion today. and the outright lies they will tell in the process. a veritable mountain. and they'll tell those lies with no sense of irony or shame.

Anonymous said...

President Trump plans to announce next week that he will “decertify” the international nuclear deal with Iran


"Trump is expected to deliver a speech, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 12, laying out a larger strategy for confronting the nation it blames for terrorism and instability throughout the Middle East."

beats the fuck out of the bad old days when 0linsky was apologizing all over the middle east, eh alky?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fun times and torture for fun.

I pay nothing to do with any medical treatment for the rest of the year.

The total cost of the the surgery and all the other associated issues, have approached $750,000 + this year. My out of pocket expenses hit $4,400 on August 31. For the rest of the year, my only costs are for medications, that are covered under Part A and B.

Thanks to all of you, who are working, thank you for your generosity!!@@@@#

Anonymous said...

oh, and rog? what you really know about the iran nuke deal could be tattooed on a gnat's ass.

you're in favor of it because it's a remnant of the legacy of barack skeets 0linsky.

Anonymous said...

I pay nothing to do with any medical treatment for the rest of the year.


you met your deductible. okey dokey. usually not cause for celebration, but when your life revolves around this blog and bingo at the VFW hall, i guess it is something..

they way you're bragging you'd think you paid off your mortgage.

flap those bingo wings in jubilation, rog.

Commonsense said...

words of the day - bump stock.

I've heard the GOP is going to bundle a bump stock ban with state reciprocity for conceal/carry permits.

It's about time conceal/carry permits fall under the full faith and credit clause of the constitution.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I read extensively on the agreement. It keeps Iran from developing nuclear weapons for 15 years. As of today, they have not been in violation of the treaty. As to their support of terrorism, they have not stopped supporting the groups.

Anonymous said...

It keeps Iran from developing nuclear weapons for 15 years.

uh huh.

and if you flap your bingo wings hard enough you can fly!!! wheee!!!


Commonsense said...

It keeps Iran from developing nuclear weapons for 15 years.

And yet they are still working on putting nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the GOP is going to bundle a bump stock ban with state reciprocity for conceal/carry permits.

well, i was thinking that if we were going to give in on bump stocks we deserve something in return.

i'll take this deal.

Anonymous said...

And yet they are still working on putting nuclear warheads on ballistic missiles.

don't ruin his fantasy.

commie said...

It's about time conceal/carry permits fall under the full faith and credit clause of the constitution.

Ah, the hell with states rights, correct menstral?????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

VFW? LOL. The last time I have been in a VFW hallway, was in Rapid City South Dakota in probably in 1968. My dad was a veteran and an officer in the organization. I met George McGovern there about two times.

caliphate4vr said...

bingo wings

i've been laughing for 3 days

commie said...

Commonsense said...
words of the day - bump stock.

Amazing how few gun rights advocates knew about this gem......been following it for years and have openly wondered why this kind of attack took so long to occur. It was funny watching cronyn, a gun owner and hunter, shocked look and words that he had never heard of them before this....Sad....Now if they get their crap together and enact an outright ban, toss in high cap magazines, and you actually may have done something positive, but I hold little hope.....

commie said...

not a single person on the left can tell you what it is

I certainly can.....Funny the same can be said for all the pols on the right who now realize it makes an AR shoot real fast and since they are completely for gun rights, its no big deal.....4 to 600 rounds a minute to me is a machine gun....those are still illegal......You don't need a bump stock to bump fire a semi....a little practice and anyone can pull it off....

Loretta said...

"and if you flap your bingo wings hard enough you can fly!!! wheee!!!"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

were you saying something about a fucking moron, rog?

: "He was only stopped finally because he did not have a silencer on his weapon. And the sound drew people to the place where he was ultimately stopped. Can you imagine what this would have been if he had silencers on these weapons?"

—Sen. Tim Kaine

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the NRA just said they would not opposes new regulations on modifications to existing semi-automatic weapons. OH MY. rrb, kd and senseless Genius are going to change their "minds" in a few seconds.They say YES SIR to the NRA and Trump. Salute!

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