Wednesday, October 11, 2017

McConnell puts his foot down

So Mitch McConnell has stepped up and decide if nothing else is going to get done... well then by gosh and by gully, they will confirm some Justices.

In the wake of the Senator Franken fiasco, the Senate Majority leader has determined that the "Blue Slip" tradition is no longer going to be honored. According to Fred Barnes, McConnell told him  “The majority will treat a blue slip as simply notification of how you’re going to vote, not as an opportunity to blackball.”

McConnell added that contrary to some rumors, there is not going to be a lifting of the debate limit per Justice. As Majority Leader, McConnell sets the schedule, and has vowed to make debate on Judicial nominees a top time priority moving forward. There is some suggestion that he will start to schedule every Thursday and Friday to be specific towards Judicial hearings.

President Trump has nominated a stellar group of Justices that all deserve hearings and up and down votes. McConnell has stated that this will now become priority one in the Senate. Looks like this is one thing that actually may get done.


:-) said...

A stellar group of justices.
He wouldn't know a stellar group of justices if they bit him.

Anonymous said...

This Group of Justices know that it is their job to defend the US Constitution.

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Quid pro quo for Trump campaigning for McConnell's guy in AL?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH truthlessnness will agree with the President.

Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcast license
The veiled threat opens a new front in the president's feud with the media.
By LOUIS NELSON and MARGARET HARDING MCGILL 10/11/2017 10:37 AM EDT Updated 10/11/2017 12:07 PM EDT
President Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested that NBC’s broadcast license should be pulled as punishment for reporting on his national security meetings, opening a new front in the president’s long-running battle with the press.

NBC News published a report Wednesday morning stating that Trump had surprised his national security advisers by proposing a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a July meeting. The meeting was what allegedly led Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to call Trump a “moron” — a comment that NBC first reported last week.

Story Continued Below

Trump lashed out at NBC, appearing to make a threat that is not even possible, given that the Federal Communications Commission doesn’t directly license networks.

“Fake @NBCNews made up a story that I wanted a ‘tenfold’ increase in our U.S. nuclear arsenal. Pure fiction, made up to demean. NBC = CNN!” Trump wrote on Twitter, equating the two TV news outlets he has most often lashed out against. “With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!”

NBC did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The FCC had no immediate comment.

The president’s willingness to potentially challenge the broadcast licenses of a media outlet whose coverage he objects to marked an escalation in rhetoric for Trump. The president has regularly complained about coverage he views as unfairly critical, labeling stories, reporters and entire outlets “fake news.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is a President without a party.

Loretta said...


Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

Spam by the ugly drunkard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Better looking than you can imagine attracting

Commonsense said...

I think Trump is the most talented twitter troller ever.

And Roger is one of the biggest fools ever.

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Trump's party is the American people.

He was elected in spite of the two parties. Not because of them.

Loretta said...

CH a favor?

Show your wife his picture...

"Better looking than you can imagine attracting"

...when she's finished puking let us know.

Loretta said...

"Trump's party is the American people."


Anonymous said...

He was that way before Nov 8th, how is it HarveyBaked that you have a so called great bod at age 68, are wealthy beyond all of combined and have a historical mind that is so sharp add to that your political prowess yet, you fail to get why trump won?

Anonymous said...


Do you seek or even notice woman looking at you?

Do you flirt back like HarveyBaked does?

Commonsense said...

Na, when they look at me I usually check my fly.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Remember how little he spent, how few he had on staff and how the media attacked him.

Loretta said...

Roger's infatuation with himself isn't normal.

Anonymous said...

Yep. No adult male I know acts like that mudfaced jerkoff.

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

I just give them a Barney Fife sneer and ask if they want to see me scar.��

Anonymous said...


wphamilton said...

You know, I hope that the Senate does step up the hearings for judicial nominations. Contrary to the stereotypes some hold of "liberals", I appreciate the judicial philosophy which holds to narrow interpretations of the law, construing legislative intent only when the literal understanding is ambiguous. I'd like to see some judges confirmed.

But I am skeptical that this majority in the Senate can get their act together even for this.

Anonymous said...

Oh, god forgive me I agree w/WP

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dictator Trump

President Donald Trump is planning to sign an executive order Thursday to initiate the unwinding of the Affordable Care Act, paving the way for sweeping changes to health-insurance regulations by instructing agencies to allow the sale of less-comprehensive health plans to expand.

Anonymous said...

Returning freedom to the individual and away from government. Cool.


Part of the NFL Protest is about economic slavery. The borrower is slave to the lender.