Friday, October 13, 2017

Trump to end "Obamacare Insurance company subsidies"

At least insurers can no longer claim uncertainty 

This is not unexpected, since a federal judge had already ruled that such payments were not funded as a permanent part of the Obamacare law and that the executive branch was overstepping it's constitutional boundaries in allocating money to fund them. The long and short of it, was that the law "allows" for them, but never bothered to appropriate funding for them. Congress could appropriate funds for them separately on a year to year basis, but there is no "requirement" that congress do so. The Obama administration argued that the law was simply poorly drafted and it should be open to executive interpretation. But this (of course) is the sort of thing that happens when you have to "pass a law to find out what is in it".

Obviously it would be up to congress to "amend" the law to make those payments permanent, but that seems highly unlikely unless (once again) the Democrats would be willing to make concessions and agree to make more substantial changes.

That being said, there is already talk that some states are looking to go to court to "force" the administration to continue with the payments. Look for California and Hawaii to be one of the first to go to court and challenge the action. They certainly have the best shot at finding a judge to figure out a way to twist the constitutional law and grant them relief.

But such a suit would seem to be a significant uphill legal battle ultimately, considering the existing ruling on the subject. At best, the higher courts might ultimately rule that the administration should be "allowed" to continue the funding (in spite of the actual law not providing for it specifically). But we would be getting into the area of "constitutional crisis" if the judicial branch started ordering the executive branch to spend money that was not legally allocated from the legislative branch, or started ordering the legislative branch to allocate money... because a Judges believes it's a worthy cause.

But look for liberals and Democrats to focus on the optics. Telling us how damaging it will be for poor people, and trying to make this about anything but the actual fact of law.  But at a certain point, the left must at least "acknowledge" that there is such a thing as a constitution, checks and balances, and a separation of powers, and that our Government has to actually follow these rules... not just do what liberals feel they should.


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crack head said...

You really own it now....this will be fun to watch the blame game since trump can do no wrong.....LOLOLOL

Unknown said...

Absolutely right.
Thanks to rampaging Trump,
the GOP fully owns it now,
to their terror.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fact that millions of people with will lose their insurance plans because of the eliminations of the subsidies for low income families, will be devastation at the ballot box in 2018.

The legality you cited has not stopped the subsidies for low income families and retired Americans.

This is the result of the President's obsession with the last real President.

On another note. The very unusual press conference with Kelly was, shall I say, very carefully spoken. He did not deny the reports on the mental stability of the President. He just said that the reporters need to talk to different people. It was perfectly crafted to look like a denial of the reports on the mental stability of the President. But it never absolutely deny the reporters stories.

cowardly king obama said...

So the president is actually obeying a court order.

The horror of it.

Unlike what the previous corrupt king (president) did...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The congress could in the matter of a few days, could legalize the subsidies. The Democrats have been willing to act in a bipartisan manner. It's been the Republicans who have not been willing to honestly compromise because that the "freedom caucus " has been successful in blocking everything that is a "true " compromise.

Thanks Mr President. You have given us back the control of the United States government within three years.

wphamilton said...

That's still working its way through the courts, and the DC Court of Appeals has recently as August granted a motion favorable to the appeal, ruling that 16 States have standing to continue the appeal even if Trump abandons it.

Secondly, Trump's executive order doesn't end the uncertainty for health insurers. For example, it is unknown whether it will destabilize the ACA marketplaces or add consumer options. There are no regulations on how to implement the directives, and there won't likely be any such structure in place until 2019. It is likely that the immediate effect will be an expansion of the short-term plans which are exempt, and it is unknown how severely that will affect the more highly regulated marketplaces. It adds up to a greater uncertainty, and certainly not clarity.

We don't even know what consumer protections, if any, will remain to be enforced.

Commonsense said...

The legality you cited has not stopped the subsidies for low income families and retired Americans.

In other words, "screw the rule of law" as long as it fits your agenda.

You're the perfect liberal Roger.

C.H. Truth said...

We don't even know what consumer protections, if any, will remain to be enforced.

I am curious if you are simply replacing the term "government mandates" with "consumer protection"...

... as if Americans are too dumb to fend for themselves and need some federal bureaucrat to tell them what they should want.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Never mentioned was his attack on the First Amendment to the Constitution.

“With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!”


Unknown said...

Americans are beginning to get to the point where they are not willing to have the wool pulled over their eyes by politicians pretending to look out for our people while only looking out for the very privileged by pretending that we as a nation are incapable of having an effective and inclusive healthcare system like numerous other industrialized and civilized nations.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You assume that anyone who can't afford medical insurance is "stupid ". Yes, millions of Americans are not as you claim (as if Americans are too dumb to fend for themselves and need some federal bureaucrat to tell them what they should want.) Unbelievable

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You ignored my comment on the congressional responsibility to pass a law funding the subsidies. You are the perfect hypocritical Republican. And in this case, a lair.

Commonsense said...

(as if Americans are too dumb to fend for themselves and need some federal bureaucrat to tell them what they should want.)

That is what liberals assume and you are being dishonest.

C.H. Truth said...

No Roger...

I inherently believe that Americans know better than Government bureaucrats what is good for themselves and what is good for their families. I don't believe that Americans "need" someone from Health and Human Services to restrict the choices they have for insurance, or tell them that they specifically "need" to pay for certain "types" of coverage.

Now, if you would be so kind as to not "twist my words" and misrepresent and basically lie about my opinions.... it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Unknown said...

Let's get rid of Medicare and Social Security
so Americans can "fend for themselves."

Go ahead and put that in the GOP platform.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your words speak for themselves. You believe that if they cannot afford medical insurance, they are stupid.

C.H. Truth said...

. It was perfectly crafted to look like a denial of the reports on the mental stability of the President. But it never absolutely deny the reporters stories.

Um... he specifically stated that things being reported were not true, and later reiterated that he was "astounded" at how much was being "misreported".

Did you expect him to provide you a list of everything that "astounded" him?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Is this proof that the leaves never fall far from the tree?

Some of the most prominent leaders of anti-LGBT and anti-Muslim hate groups are gathering in Washington today for the annual "Values Voter Summit."

Their keynote speaker will be none other than President Trump.

This isn't the first time we've written about the Summit, hosted by the Family Research Council (FRC) and its president, Tony Perkins.

But it's the first time that far-right extremists like Perkins – a man who relentlessly demonizes LGBT people – have been so fully embraced by a U.S. president. Perkins, in fact, says he's never enjoyed so much access to the White House.

It's not surprising that Trump is attending. His xenophobic rhetoric has emboldened a wide swath of extremists – including the white supremacists we saw marching in Charlottesville – and brought them closer into the mainstream.

In fact, some of Trump's policies – like the Muslim ban and the ban on transgender people in the military – represent the fondest dreams of groups like the FRC.

Trump's former chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, is also a major headliner. He's the head of Breitbart News who has boasted of using the website as "the platform for the alt-right" – which, as we know, is simply a rebranded white supremacist movement.

The Muslim-bashing conspiracy theorists Frank Gaffney and Brigitte Gabriel will also be speaking.

Help us fight this hate and bigotry by spreading information about the true "values" represented at the Summit.

Visit our webpage about the event and use the social share buttons to help educate your friends and families.

Bigotry is not an American value.

ACLU letter to me. I'm a member

C.H. Truth said...

You believe that if they cannot afford medical insurance, they are stupid.

It's not what I believe...

and it's certainly not what I wrote.

To explain this to you, as if you were a six year old... many people on the left suggest that the insurance "mandates" put in place by Obamacare (which require all insurance to provide certain coverage) is done because of "consumer protection".

Are you following this so far, Roger?

You see, some liberals believe that a less comprehensive insurance (such as the catastrophic high deductible plans sold to many younger healthy people) is a bad choice for those people... and that the Government should basically "prevent" that particular transaction from taking place.

Are you following?

So when WP uses the term "consumer protection"... how "I" am seeing this... it has "NOTHING" to do with subsidies, but rather it has everything to do with coverage "mandates".

Still following?

Bottom line:

There is nothing in this argument, Roger, that suggests that I believe people are stupid.

On the contrary. I am assuming that most people can make their own insurance decisions, and that coverage "mandates" are not "consumer protection".

If this is not clear enough for you to understand...

then I would hope you apologize for telling everyone what a genius you are.

Unknown said...

Why Trump’s Sabotage of Obamacare Will Backfire
--Taegan Goddard

C.H. Truth said...

The fact that millions of people with will lose their insurance plans because of the eliminations of the subsidies for low income families

You do realize that these subsidies went to the insurance companies, not low income families. The entire idea of them was to allow insurance companies to artificially keep premiums low, and have the government reimburse them for losses.

The whole "low income families" argument is pure political rhetoric.

More to the truth, these subsides were the government's equivalent to "cooking the books" to make the Obamacare exchanges look more successful than they technically would be in the real world. The Government was using "tax payer dollars" to prop up the insurance companies so that it would look like the true cost of the exchanges was lower than it was.

That's all it was, Roger... plain and simple. A business model where both the buyer and the seller are being subsidized by the Government, to give the appearance that the whole concept was not the stinking disaster it actually is. There should be no such business model in existence. Certainly we don't need one to replace what was previously a profitable model that actually provided the consumer with a service they were happy with.

Sam Baker said...

Trump Takes a Sledgehammer to Obamacare

7:46 am Sam Baker: “President Trump left little doubt yesterday that he intends to do as much damage as he can to the Affordable Care Act’s insurance markets. And he can do a lot.

“The executive order Trump signed yesterday aims to undercut some of the ACA’s core ideas about how insurance markets should work. His decision to halt the law’s cost-sharing subsidies will blow up those markets in the short term. And his administration has taken a slew of other steps to undermine enrollment. There’s one constant here — to wound the ACA as badly as possible.”

Greg Sargent said...

Trump Threatens to Hurt Millions Out of Anger and Spite

7:53 am Greg Sargent: “As the implosion of President Trump continues amid the increasingly bitter intraparty war engulfing the GOP, let’s not lose sight of the very real impact this spectacular meltdown could have: It could end up harming millions and millions of people.

“This morning, Trump unleashed two tweets that telegraph the massive damage that may yet ensue. The first bashed Democrats for allegedly not wanting to secure our border and claimed this imperils a deal to protect the ‘dreamers.’ The second signaled that Trump is set to broaden his efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act.”

jay boz said...

I'm a fucking loser.


Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Your words speak for themselves. You believe that if they cannot afford medical insurance, they are stupid.

the stupid one here is you. folks on our side of the conversation prefer to give american citizens the benefit of the doubt when it comes to what's best for them as individuals. we treat them as free people endowed with liberties that empower them to use their power of choice to do what they consider to be best for themselves and their families.

through your common use of psychological projection, it is YOU that is treating the american citizen as a moron too stupid to navigate life without government support. you treat everyone as 0linsky's "julia" - someone who requires cradle to grave government support.

your position is condescending, insulting and arrogant. and frankly, every single time my government intercedes to protect me from myself, they deliver an other problem, not a solution.

an honest man would admit that above all, the ACA was devised to control the american citizenry. when you control my health care, by definition you control me. my existence is completely dependent upon my well being, and if the government is anywhere in the middle of that process, that is a source of potential harm. nothing good can come of it.

an honest man would also acknowledge that there is a percentage of the population who doesn't possess the intellectual vigor to make good decisions for themselves. and that is why a safety net exists, and it should. those people do need to be cared for. that what our entitlement state is for. where you guys cross the line is when you insist upon the expansion of that entitlement state in a quest for political power. you assume incorrectly that if you can make all of us "julia's" then we'll be forever grateful and in exchange for your "generosity" we'll vote to keep you in power forever.

and in case you hadn't noticed, 0linsky tried that over the course of his regime. the result was the loss of 1000+ elected government positions, and Donald J Trump as your president.

learn the lesson, rog.

we are not stupid. we don't want to be "julia" and we don't need "pajama boy" to convince us to be.

by all means help the indigent. but leave the rest of us to the freedoms and liberties bestowed upon us by our creator. every time you try to "help" us, we relinquish our some of our freedom as a result. a trade-off that a free people should never be willing to make.

jay boz said...

My real name is Roger Lynn Amick

West Covina, California.

Unknown said...

Social Security gainsays all that Rat says

Unknown said...

Trump's decision to decertify the nuclear deal will not withdraw the United States from the agreement, which was negotiated by the United States and other world powers during the administration of former President Barack Obama.

Trump will attempt to persuade the U.S. Congress to approve some separate measures to toughen U.S. policy toward Iran.

Tillerson acknowledged the strategy may not work.


Our great Commander-In-Spite

KD, Winning Biggly Continues said...

Roger Amick said...
The congress could in the matter of a few days, could legalize the subsidies>

Correct, question is why was it not included in the actual Law when the great and all knowing Pres, NannyStatePolosie and Chuck Smucker write it.

Your team wanted it read to "Find out what is in it".

President Trump took you all up on that offer, wow, has he.

KD, Winning so much said...

My real name is Roger Lynn Amick

West Covina, California."

LOL, cool, but needs a man's name for the middle name, not some girls name.

Consumer Confidence SOARS and races by any high during the lost years.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Lies and Punts.

What else did we expect?

KD, Winning so much said...

Consumer sentiment is surging this month, to a 101.1 preliminary index for October which is up a very sharp 6 points from September and the highest reading in 13 years. "

Racing past the lost years of Obimbo.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Trump Lies and Punts.

What else did we expect?

what else did i expect?

i expected him to drive you completely fucking batshit, looney tunes MAD... and i was not disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Ch, here's an idea for a post -

take a tally of how much of 0linsky's legacy trump has destroyed, and how much of it remains.

i have yet to see another conservative blogger/pundit lay it all out in an illustrative fashion.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My middle name is the name of my Uncle Lynn Amick, who was killed in northern Italy in World War 2. He was killed by artillery attack. He was born in 1910 so he was over 30 years old when the war started and did not have to serve, he was not subject to the draft. Just like millions of other patriotic Americans. And unlike Donald J. Trump, who avoided the war in Vietnam by a lame excuse on a crippled ankle or something like that.

My father, Iran R. Amick "Ike" joined the Navy even though he had a job that got him an exception from the draft. He was born in 1914 and also was not likely to get drafted. He never saw combat, he was on a large, landing draft, designed to land tanks on the beaches. He was in a radar class, when the emergency call went out to the crew, but before he could get to Pearl Harbor, his boat departed for Iwo Jima. Whether or not I would be here, depended much upon that event.

My other Uncle, Carrool, another name that is seen as feminine now, was on the USS Saratoga, that got hit by Japanese suicide attacks. They departed for San Fransisco for repairs, it was a World War I ship, They were getting bodies out of the damaged areas for two weeks, and burying them at sea. He only spoke to me one time on that and he was very emotional about it, and he was usually a very tightly controlled man. I felt his sorrow and have never forgotten it. The two uncles and my father are all gone, but my Aunt Rita, who just turned 96 is still with us and is mentally all there. When I go to the family reunion, near Colome South Dakota, population 275, she wants me to sit with her, because I look and sound like my dad, that she loves to be with me, and I love it too. She was wonderful to this "city" kid when we visited the farm, at least twice a year, when I was growing up.

SO k'putz, take your cheap and stupid comments and shove them up your fucking ass, you inherited wealth you cow fucking ass. MooMoo Moo Moo

Loretta said...

Triggered again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb, your failed third grade English rant is total nonsense, and right wing stupidity.

You and the rest of you for the most part, can't get past the FACT that Trump is incompetent and compared to Obama, he's not on the same planet. His college professor said he was the "dumbest fucking student he ever had" If you were in the same class, you would be sitting next to Trump. Failing big time.

Unknown said...

Oh, don't be so rough on KD, Roger.
He can't help the fact that he is a despicable lowlife
whom no one likes.
My own name is James Marshall Boswell, Jr. and that's Marshall,
not Marsha, but I don't care if he wants to call me that.
He thinks he is so clever to call me jane. But I call him
lowlife, and I am right.

Unknown said...

Big Majority Want Trump to Improve Obamacare

A new Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds that 71%
of Americans want the Trump administration to fix
the Affordable Care Act work, which is pretty much
the opposite of what it’s been doing over the last week.

Remember when Obamacare was looking a bit unpopular
and Ch kept saying, Do what the American people want.

Better tell that to Trump, Ch.

Anonymous said...


someone cracks a little joke about the alky's middle name and he responds with a copy/paste from

rog, let me save you some time -

no one gives a shit.

if the highlight of your day is to share your family history on a relatively obscure political blog based upon the assumption that someone here actually cares, you need to get a fucking life.

no wonder certain people have banned you on facebook.

you're fucked up and you've assigned an outsized value to the existence of the amick family tree.

Unknown said...

rapist rat bastard has spoken

Anonymous said...

You and the rest of you for the most part, can't get past the FACT that Trump is incompetent and compared to Obama


well, it's starting to look like you'll need a fucking microscope to find what remains of 0linsky's legacy.

what scares you and your cohorts on the left to death is the distinct possibility that trump may actually SUCCEED. which explains your hysterical 25th amendment rants, and how badly CH had cleaned your fucking clock during your entire diatribe.

Loretta said...

"no wonder certain people have banned you on facebook."


Loretta said...

"well, it's starting to look like you'll need a fucking microscope to find what remains of 0linsky's legacy."

That library is going to be the size of the corner liquor store.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"by all means help the indigent. but leave the rest of us to the freedoms and liberties bestowed upon us by our creator. every time you try to "help" us, we relinquish our some of our freedom as a result. a trade-off that a free people should never be willing to make."

The problem with this and your entire rant, is that the ACA is not an entitlement, IMO, it should be, as almost every other developed nation on the planet sees health care a a right. You do not, you want them to hurry up and die, before they vote for Democrats, because of the millions who will lose their health insurance as the What House admitted last night.

Unknown said...

Go, Bannon, Go!
Keep showing us how torn to shreds
the Republicans are right now! Go!

Anonymous said...

Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Unexpectedly Surges to 13-Year High

uh, you were saying alky?

Anonymous said...

The problem with this and your entire rant, is that the ACA is not an entitlement


if the insurance companies are receiving subsidies to shore it up, and those living up to 400% of the poverty line are receiving tax credits and subsidies in order to be able afford the premiums and deductibles, and all these subsidies and tax credits are being paid for by the government with our tax dollars, it is, by definition, a fucking entitlement.

Michael Gerson said...

For Republicans, It’s Time to Panic

Michael Gerson:

GOP denial about Trump has generally taken Ryan’s form. The president may be eccentric and divisive, but Republicans need to keep their heads down and think of tax reform. This assumes that the main challenge is to avoid distraction from essential tasks.

But the real problem has always been Trump’s fundamental unfitness for high office.

It is NOT Trump’s indiscipline and lack of leadership, which make carrying a legislative agenda forward nearly impossible.

It is NOT his vulgarity and smallness, which have been the equivalent of spray-painting graffiti on the Washington Monument.

It is NOT his nearly complete ignorance of policy and history, which condemns him to live in the eternal present of his own immediate desires.

No, Corker has given public permission to raise the most serious questions:

Is Trump psychologically and morally equipped to be president?

And could his unfitness cause permanent damage to the country?

Anonymous said...

That library is going to be the size of the corner liquor store.

and will serve the exact same clientele.

Unknown said...

You should thank Obama for the economy, rapist rat bastard. As your kind often pointed out, the first eight months reflect the previous President's economic policies.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One person blocked me on Facebook. Our host would get angry when I noted that the things he believed, were completely contrary to reality. He's got the same personality as Trump. Anyone who DARES to have different beliefs, based on the same events. He could not stand, being shown wrong, based on facts. Proof is that I gave him links to the Washington Post, etc as "fake news" the same thing our incoherent President believes. Since Trump won he is no longer a dispassionate analyst, he's a partisan hack. I miss the former Coldheartedtruth.

Note that anyone who dares to come out and disagree with Trump, gets attacked on Twitter at 5:00 AM

He is deeply angry, and is increasingly dangerous, because of his temper. His staff has to distract him to let him cool down, and obviously, didn't have much of an effect today.

CH in effect, did the same thing. Just like him allowing your fat ass on the legacy blog.

Unknown said...

Trump Much Less Popular Than Economy Would Suggest

“...Trump’s overall net approval rating is far below where we would expect it to be if the usual relationship between economic and overall approval ratings held for him. Instead of a net job approval rating of MINUS 18 percentage points [which is where he currently is], Trump’s rating would be projected to be about +12 percentage points.”

C.H. Truth said...

You and the rest of you for the most part, can't get past the FACT that Trump is incompetent and compared to Obama, he's not on the same planet. His college professor said he was the "dumbest fucking student he ever had" If you were in the same class, you would be sitting next to Trump. Failing big time.

So Roger...

Rather than call people names and go on hysterical hissy fits.

Perhaps you could intelligent repute the argument rat made regarding freedom of choice and personal responsibility? Explain to us how providing people with the freedom to make their own choices, somehow equate to believing that they are stupid?

C.H. Truth said...

"dumbest fucking student he ever had"

Those who can, do...

Those who can't, teach...

Unknown said...

Explain to us, Ch, how since the advent of Social Security, we have far fewer people in "the poor house" in contrast to pre FDR days.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


5.3 years
63.59 months
1,936 days
45,475 hours.

One day at a time.

1:We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.

2:Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

3:Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

4:Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

5: Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6:Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

7:Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

8:Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

9: Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

10: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

11: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

12" Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

I apply those to my entire life, including here and life outside of this closed world.

Unknown said...

And now that we have Ch here-------------

Big Majority Want Trump to Improve Obamacare

A new Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds that 71%
of Americans want the Trump administration to fix
the Affordable Care Act work, which is pretty much
the opposite of what it’s been doing over the last week.

Remember when Obamacare was looking a bit unpopular
and Ch kept saying, Do what the American people want.

Why aren't you saying that to Trump now, Ch?

Unknown said...

The Emperor has no mind.

Loretta said...

":Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all."

You've apologized to CH?

Unknown said...

Maybe "Loretta" would like to apologize
for her proven lie that I was fired.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You've apologized to CH?

I had been sober for over 5 years.

I asked him not to, and said he was being childish, he took offense at data that contradicted his beliefs, and would not accept it. So, he made the choice, not me. I have never been blocked by anyone else, before or since.

Loretta said...

"One person blocked me on Facebook. Our host would get angry when I noted that the things he believed, were completely contrary to reality."

If you weren't such an obnoxious prick, he wouldn't have blocked you.

Loretta said...


You've apologized to CH?

Unknown said...

Ch once took down an entire thread of my comments when all I did was suggest to his unnamed girl friend that she should look back over the things he had said in that thread and decide if she really wanted to remain with him.

Unknown said...

Maybe "Loretta" would like to apologize
for her proven lie that I was fired.

Loretta said...

Maybe Jay Boz would like to apologize for his crude comments about the Obama girls...yes they were just girls.

Commonsense said...

Funny, I never saw any proof.

It is a fact you left Bellflower Christian Church under mysterious circumstances.

Loretta said...

A drunk must...

7:Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

Loretta said...

"Funny, I never saw any proof."

He's lying - again.

At he isn't swooning over the Obama girls lately.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The most far-reaching element of the order instructs a trio of Cabinet departments to rewrite federal rules for ‘association health plans’ — a form of insurance in which small businesses of a similar type band together through an association to negotiate health benefits.

These plans have had to meet coverage requirements and consumer protections under the 2010 health-care law, but the administration is likely to exempt them from those rules and let such plans be sold from state to state without insurance licenses in each one. Among policy experts, critics warned that young and healthy people who use relatively little insurance will gravitate to association health plans because of their lower price tags. That would concentrate older and sicker customers in ACA marketplaces with spiking rates.”

The demand for the "freedom to choose your own plan, will lead, as most analysts say, that those with the lower incomes and often older and easily confused by a "very complicated" "Donald Trump" will face either difficult or very expensive and non-affordable insurance.

Anonymous said...

Explain to us how providing people with the freedom to make their own choices, somehow equate to believing that they are stupid?

yeah, c'mon alky. step up with that superior intellect of yours and show us all how allowing a free person to freely make a personal choice regarding their healthcare (or anything else for that matter) somehow states or implies that said person is being described by the right as "stupid."

let 'er rip, tater chip.

caliphate4vr said...

, but the administration is likely to exempt

Likely, huh?

Unknown said...

The proof is that I gave you names of all the elders and the address of the church and you never contacted them. Had I been fired they would have told you, and they also would have told you if they did not later invite me back to their 125th anniversary. That's the proof and you know it is true or you would write them. LOL

Loretta said...


The drunkard responds with.....

Someone else's opinion.

Anonymous said...

Among policy experts, critics warned that young and healthy people who use relatively little insurance will gravitate to association health plans because of their lower price tags.

well fucking DUH.

for fucking chrissakes alky, why does the thought of an individual choosing that which they feel IS IN THEIR OWN BEST INTEREST upset you and the left so?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hoy he pasado suficiente tiempo, haciendo de los tontos lo nuestro, por el infierno ... Su presidente está fuera de sí y es un peligro para el planeta, y mucho menos para los Estados Unidos. Así que tengo una mejor manera de pasar el resto del viernes el decimotercio que tener conversaciones con fanáticos, rb y otros, que no pueden o no están dispuestos a mirar fuera de su mundo cerrado de la derecha. Iré a ver a algunos amigos, y luego iré al gimnasio, trabajaré en mi centro y parte superior del cuerpo, las "armas" se están llenando muy bien. Jajaja Me encanta usar el traductor para ofender al odiador "beanerr", que quiere que se pudran en el borde, y se le permite copiar el blog heredado, con su culo gordo. Cya más tarde amigos.

Unknown said...

LIAR-etta. And Senseless is equally a false witness.

Loretta said...


The drunkard knows how to copy and paste from the translator, LMAO.

Commonsense said...

The proof is that I gave you names of all the elders and the address of the church and you never contacted them. Had I been fired they would have told you

A list of names is not proof and (with few exceptions) private organizations would never release employment details to the public.

However, I do tend to believe Loretta's anonymous sources. ☺

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

raciest rrb, if they face an unafordable choice, you don't care, let them die. That is why I simply dislike you.

BTW,my surgery and recovery over the last five years,has cost close to one million dollars.

Thank you very much, you despicable piece of shit.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger continues to act as if my decision to drop him as a Facebook friend and create a new blog to separate my posts from him are over political disagreements...

the Facebook friendship deal was simple. Roger would spam me with Facebook messenger messages at all hours of the day (and night). I would sometimes be awaken in bed by my phone going off with a message at 2:00 in the morning, only to go look and see that it was Roger pinging me with a "" story...

If I had a dollar for every time I asked him to stop spamming me with political crap, and then another dollar for every time he promised to do so, then another dollar for every time he broke that promise... I might be able to put in a bid for the Trump Towers.

As for the blog situation... almost everyone can remember that I couldn't put up a blog post, without Roger posting something 15 minutes later over the top of it. Never would bother to offer his differing opinion in the comment section. Had to put a blog post (many times bringing up personal issues) as if this blog was about personal disagreements... rather than a blog that actually is visited a few thousand times a week.

I offered Roger his own blog (which he would not share with Rat) and that I would continue to post on the original blog. He refused it.. so I created th new blog just for my own posts... and renamed the old existing blog as the "Legacy blog".

I even created the hub page so that people could view blog posts and see what they wanted to read... there was no censorship of Roger's opinions. There was just a separation of main posts.. so that the blog itself did not drift further down the path of looking similar to a comment thread.

Anonymous said...

These plans have had to meet coverage requirements and consumer protections under the 2010 health-care law

which included covering YOUR pap smear, alky.

fucking brilliant, no?

and you wonder why we advocate smaller government and more personal freedoms.

the fact is, you don't give a fuck about the poor. you never did. and when you say you do you're lying. what you DO care about is perpetual democrat rule. this explains your stance on the ACA and your stance on DACA and immigration.

the indigent are a means to an end for you leftists. nothing more, nothing less.

and based upon the last few elections, you idiots can't even seem to convince the poor that you guys are their solution.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I can write quite a bit of Spanish but I make a lot of errors, like rrb does with English.

Unknown said...

Ja, das stimmt, Roger. Wir haben ein Verruekter fuer Praesident.

Loretta said...

"almost everyone can remember,,,,,"

Sane people remember.

He owes you an apology, but so does "what's his new name"

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
raciest rrb, if they face an unafordable choice, you don't care, let them die.

dumbass, for the truly poor we have medicaid. for those who make too much to qualify for medicaid, who the fuck are you to determine what's affordable for them? and why shouldn't they be allowed to choose a plan that's basically a la carte - a menu of coverage choices that allows them to cover what THEY CHOOSE, without nanny alky looking over their shoulder?

and at that point, if some guy with a wife and a flock of kids decides he'd rather go out and buy a new harley instead of health insurance, that's on him.

sometimes you just have treat life like the serengeti plain alky, and let natural selection thin the herd. and opposition to that philosophy is not compassionate, it's self serving.

my health care is my personal financial responsibility and no one else's. i have no right to impose my costs on others nor do i have the right to conscript a health care professionals services. theirs is a talent they acquired through their own expense and effort. i have NO inherent right to that. what i do have is the mechanism of a free market system which allows me to enter into a contract with them. their talent and expertise for my $$$. a mutually agreed upon transaction. freedom and liberty in action.

Loretta said...

Yeah, he isn't going to understand any of that.

Anonymous said...

BTW,my surgery and recovery over the last five years,has cost close to one million dollars.

Thank you very much, you despicable piece of shit.

you're a typical liberal alky.

you actually take pride in being a parasite upon the fruits of others labor.

i simply cannot fathom what it's like to have that little respect for one's self.

and your "thanks" isn't even sincere. you feel ENTITLED to the fruits of our labor.

:-) said...

Wenigstens haben wir kein verdammtes Pädophilen für einen pastor.

Loretta said...

"you actually take pride in being a parasite upon the fruits of others labor."

There's something wrong with him.

:-) said...


Loretta said...

"Wenigstens haben wir kein verdammtes Pädophilen für einen pastor."


C.H. Truth said...

I can write quite a bit of Spanish

So let's recap:

Roger is a genius
Roger is so handsome attractive young women hit on him constanty
Roger is the greatest AA speaker of all times
Roger is he best rehab patient in the world
Roger speaks better Spanish than Rat speaks English
Roger is super rich because of his pension
Roger is married to a much more attractive women than everyone else here

Roger believes everyone wants to hear about him

But it's Trump who is an egomaniac.

Loretta said...

There's something wrong with him.

Anonymous said...


His views on issues economic/financial are wierd.

Loretta said...


Try "life".

The guy's a weirdo.

Anonymous said...

so this explains the alky's recent 25th amendment meltdown:

25th Amendment: The Latest Left-Wing Fantasy for Removing Trump

"It lays out the path for removal of the president!"

CNN leftist Wolf Blitzer and dedicated Democrat Chris Matthews of MSNBC both dropped some drool this week over the latest scheme on the part of Trump naysayers to oust him despite his election win: the 25th Amendment. Originally mentioned by Steve Bannon in an interview for Vanity Fair, the 25th took front and center when Blitzer asked correspondent Jessica Schneider exactly what the amendment does. According to Schneider:

“It lays out the path for removal of the president in cases of 'inability.' And that’s a term that has never been defined or suggested. So, here’s what exactly would need to happen to set the 25th Amendment in motion.”

Schneider went on to say that in order for the President to be removed, a majority of Republicans in his cabinet as well as in Congress would have to openly reject him and deem him unfit for his duties. Despite the obvious fact that that would never happen, Blitzer made it through a follow-up question, his desperate voice lifted by the wind of irrational hope:

“In that Vanity Fair article — I think all of us have read it by now. Sources describe the President… as unraveling, increasingly unfocused, and consumed by dark moods. So what’s the likelihood — I think it's pretty remote — of that becoming the implementation of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution?”

On MSNBC’s Hardball, Chris Mathhews fantasized with Howard Fineman.

“Chris, I`m going to make the assumption that Donald Trump has now actually read the 25th Amendment and presuming he has, he might want to start being careful about who he puts on the cabinet,” Fineman said.

“Because they can knock him out,” Matthews hoped out loud, feeling a familiar thrill run up his leg.

wphamilton said...

CH wonders ... I am curious if you are simply replacing the term "government mandates" with "consumer protection"...

Why would I mean something different when I write consumer protections? Are you unclear about what that means, or are you practicing your condescension?

Guaranteed issue, community rating limitation, rate review, lifetime limits, pre-existing conditions, arbitrary withdrawals, limits on administrative spending, dollar limits on coverage, emergency service barriers, annual limits, right of appeal for denial of payment.

Anonymous said...

We transferred 17 trillion dollars.

Anonymous said...


He is a perfect liberal, he smoked, drank and is now proud of teat sucking current laborers to pay his bills.

commie said...

KD said...

He is a perfect liberal, he smoked, drank

and you are the perfect asshole, idiot....

commie said...

Loretta said...

Try "life".

The guy's a weirdo.

October 13, 2017 at 3:24 PM


Commonsense said...

Guaranteed issue, community rating limitation, rate review, lifetime limits, pre-existing conditions, arbitrary withdrawals, limits on administrative spending, dollar limits on coverage, emergency service barriers, annual limits, right of appeal for denial of payment.

Those aren't consumer protections. They are government mandates on insurance companies which restricts the structure of their product.

Anonymous said...

I made fun of his hay middle name and as RRB correctly state, little skirt wearing Lynn, broke out a profile for

HB, is the only human I have ever seen admit his alcoholim led him to fail to exercise a deal on a single home that and I quote a "Million dollar profit".

HB, if you don't want us talking about your failures, don't post them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jane, you point to the success of medicare/medicaid and social insecurity for less poverty in the USA.

I have your answer, 17 trillion in transfer payments from the labor of others.

My perfect example: Alky.

wphamilton said...

Whichever name you want to call them, protections or mandates, or even whichever they actually are, the effect on marketplace uncertainty is the same. How do you expect insurance companies to plan their offerings, or to price them, or even operations if they don't know whether a regulatory mandate, statutory consumer protection, or any other form of government mandate is going to be in effect and if so, will it be enforced?

Commonsense said...

Which is why the government should have as little to do with healthcare insurance as possible.

The only uncertainty they should have to worry about is the marketplace.

Not whether they are going to get government dollars or not.

Or whether government regulation force them to produce an unsaleable product.

Anonymous said...

Reading over this thread I have noticed a wonderful fact, the three liberal stooges ((+1)) of coldheartedtruth have admitted, Obama/nanny state polosi/ chuck sucker wrote a crap law. Much of it was left to the Executive Branch and those in his command to carry out, but then a sea change event happened, Hillary Lost " in a landslide".

All that power invested in the Executive Branch, is now being used according to the Law of The Land.

Anonymous said...

How do you expect insurance companies to plan their offerings, or to price them, or even operations if they don't know whether a regulatory mandate, statutory consumer protection, or any other form of government mandate is going to be in effect and if so, will it be enforced?


well, an insurance exec's first move should be to inquire with their corp counsel whether or not the subsidies were constitutional. everyone knows they're not so a logical person could deduce that something that is not constitutional cannot continue.

additionally, none of the points you raise were an issue BEFORE the ACA.

ultimately wp, one must conclude that the ACA, passed as it was, was destined to fail in the absence of any constitutional misbehavior.

it was crafted, written, designed, and then passed to ultimately fail. which would then be a clarion call for single payer.

democrats managed to gruber americans for a while, but it didn't last. we were not permanently grubered. and the backlash to those shenanigans gave us president trump.


Anonymous said...

For me one of the keys to obumblecare failure is it was not passed with a payroll tax.

Absences of a true skin in the game funding source it was always unsustainable.

Anonymous said...

What did Harvey Whinstien buy with his money?

A: Hillary Clinton.

wphamilton said...

additionally, none of the points you raise were an issue BEFORE the ACA.

I beg to differ. They were all issues, many of the main reasons for the ACA to begin with.

I get the philosophy of keeping government out of business, and out of personal business - in fact, as a Libertarian I'm probably more aligned with that than anyone else posting here. However, there is one scenario where the government needs to be involved, and that's when an industry or an alignment of businesses are able to distort the free market due to their control, or other factors preventing a fair exchange. In those cases, when the consumer is getting screwed and the marketplace is incapable of correcting it, government regulation is the least evil of the choices.

Anonymous said...

Well obamacare gave you exactly what you wanted, congrats.

caliphate4vr said...

Obamacare Was Built With the Flaws Trump Now Exploits
Executive orders allowed the past administration to keep the program alive. They allow this administration to destroy it.

Commonsense said...

They were all issues, many of the main reasons for the ACA to begin with.

95 percent of the people were satisfied with their health insurance before Obamacare was passed.

Was some tweaking necessary? Probably. But Obamacare was akin to taking a sledgehammer to the problem when a screwdriver would due.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roger is a genius Almost
Roger is so handsome attractive young women hit on him constanty. True
Roger is the greatest AA speaker of all times
Roger is he best rehab patient in the world. Luckiest
Roger speaks better Spanish than Rat speaks English Si.
Roger is super rich because of his pension. No. But better than most.
Roger is married to a much more attractive women than everyone else here Beyond a doubt.

Roger believes everyone wants to hear about him. They sure do Here! Obsession by CH and crew members!!!

Anonymous said...

I was in that 95 %, my insurance agent customized my policies thru the years a my family needs grew, changed and she moved me to companies that did what I wanted at a cost I was willing to pay.

Today my co-pays have rocket up, along with my premiums and I have coverage for things I never asked for or wanted.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Roger is a genius Almost

God I'm so happy I'm not you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

38 dead in CA fires, 100's missing. Fires still out of control 4 days in.

Anonymous said...

So am i. You know he believes his b.s..

Commonsense said...

Trump is erasing Obama's presidency one signature at a time.

Anonymous said...

That really is a fact. If the so called us constitutional expert was one, why did he do so much of it without the laws he could have passed to make it hard to reverse them.

President Trump took the left up on thier challenge, read the Obumblecare Law, so his team did, oh the things they found that they can do without congress actually using the law.

Unknown said...

No, Roger, I too am married to a very, very, very attractive woman.

Unknown said...

When Obama did things by executive order, that was just terrible, even though much that he did was very popular.

When Trump does it that's just wonderful, even though much that he does is extremely unpopular. :-)

Unknown said...

4:51 pm
Wp Hamilton speaks sense there.

Unknown said...

Trump took a dagger to Obamacare. Can it survive?
Trump took a dagger to Obamacare. Can he survive?

Anonymous said...

Jane, you are on medicaid, so all of this effects you how?

Anonymous said...

Lol, funny, wrong on both accounts.

Anonymous said...

Let me be clear.

Obama took over in Jan 2010 and his term ended on Jan 2017. So all the economic numbers that happened during that period are his.

Trump started in Jan 2017, the economic numbers are his until he is removed under 25th clause.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am not the President of The United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Printing personal information is considered incorrect on the blog. KD does it. Our host should remove it. I know information on some, but I don't publish it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wrong again. I'm on Kaiser Permanente Advanced Coverage, Medicare, not Medicaid.

C.H. Truth said...

How do you expect insurance companies to plan their offerings, or to price them, or even operations if they don't know whether a regulatory mandate, statutory consumer protection, or any other form of government mandate is going to be in effect and if so, will it be enforced?

So is it your belief that insurance companies "want" to be forced to do certain things via government mandate?

Just so they can feel less uncertainty?

C.H. Truth said...

However, there is one scenario where the government needs to be involved, and that's when an industry or an alignment of businesses are able to distort the free market due to their control, or other factors preventing a fair exchange.

I guess the health insurance industry didn't do a very good job of distorting things in their favor... considering they had very low profit margins (lowest of all insurances) and a vast majority of their clients were happy with their product.

Perhaps the Government should get involved with industries that actually "do" screw people.

James said...

I'm not on Medicaid.
I care about people other than myself.
Something lowlifes here can't understand.

james said...

Sen. Ted Cruz on Friday warned that Republicans could face significant losses in the 2018 midterm elections if they fail to enact any major part of their agenda.

"If we do nothing, if tax reform crashes and burns, if Obamacare nothing happens, we could face a bloodbath. I think we have the potential of seeing a Watergate-style blowout," the Texas Republican said at a Koch brothers donors meeting at the St. Regis Hotel in New York.

Sen. David Perdue, R-Georgia, echoed that same concern: "If we fail right now to deliver a meaningful tax package that stimulates the economy... if we don't get that done, we'll be the minority party for the next 50 years to 100 years just like we've been for the last 100 years…"

There are 34 Senate seats up in 2018, of which 25 are held by Democrats. They would need to win three more seats in order to win control of the upper chamber.

Anonymous said...

You make every part of your less then a real man life public then you bitch about it.

Fuck you nancyboy.

Anonymous said...

Computer check of public open California records, what a shack, 1461 sq feet. 1978 constrution, with a postage stamp yard.

Anonymous said...

Roger, is Jane!!

See my post of 6:09 pm

HB's response of 6:39 pm

wphamilton said...

So is it your belief that insurance companies "want" to be forced to do certain things via government mandate?

Just so they can feel less uncertainty?

This means that you think that the uncertainty has no effect, and doesn't cause premium rate hikes? So when they point to the uncertainty ... they are lying to their customers, lying to their stakeholders, lying to the press? Is that your position CH?

Anonymous said...

Your math is foggy faggot. You assume you keep every seat currently sized by a dem.

That is not going to happen.

There is bad news Maine ring bit ch snow is staying in the senate, she needs to be primaries out.

Anonymous said...

That is not his position, stop it already.

Anonymous said...

Average US home lot size = .35 acre

Alky's. A tiny ass .16 acre

CA open public records.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Our host should remove it. I know information on some, but I don't publish it.

We all know that's a lie. Me in particular.

Loretta said...

"We all know that's a lie. Me in particular."


Anonymous said...

Exactly. So publish what you have HB.

Anonymous said...

The positive legal action of the President has melted the left. Your team put too much power of the failed and flaw obumblecare "law of the land" in the hands of the Executive Brand arrogantly thinking sir Hillary would win.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CS, that was long ago and I have not done it since. Nor will I do it again. K'putz comments are as we all know, he's a bloody idiot.

And our esteemed host should not allow him to do that again.

Commonsense said...

Behold Our Betters

Our allegedly grown-up elite admired Ted Kennedy, the scummiest scion of America’s scummiest family – you should get a waterproof edition of Howie Carr’s astonishing Kennedy Babylon so you can save time by reading it in the shower. Camelot? More like Clap-a-lot. That bulbous scuzz didn’t just fix a waitress sandwich with Chris Dodd – who, of course, left the Senate to work as a lobbyist for…wait for it…Hollywood. No, he actually killed a woman on a drunken bender, skipping off to new sordid triumphs with barely a slap on the wrist.

And the bipartisan establishment hailed him as “The Lion of the Senate,” never mind the body count.

Don’t forget their other idol, the Stogie-Stasher-In-Chief, Bill Clinton. He was such an icon that the ruling class offered up his wife as its presidential candidate twice. Oh, and plenty of alleged Republicans were cool with that – class solidarity controls, after all.

But the ultimate documentation of the utter moral vacuum in which our elite dwells is noted Hillary donor Harvey Weinstein. Hollywood has, for decades, taken upon itself to chide and chastise us normals for our many, many, many faults, because when you want to learn the difference between right and wrong, you need a movie star to help you out. And, to the surprise of no one, it was all a crock.

They knew. They all knew, and they didn’t care. Meryl Streep’s Sophie’s choice was between her career and her conscience, and let’s just say she didn’t agonize over her pick. Others took his cash to shut up, leaving other ingenues to his sweaty clutches because getting the gigs trumps sisterly solidarity every time.

Hillary Clinton managed to put down her super-sized Chardonnay goblet long enough to issue a 38-word comment/cliché on her pal and benefactor’s icky adventures in gardening. In her defense, she was probably thinking, “I was married to Bill. This guy’s an amateur.”

So why should we normal Americans respect these people? Why should we submit to being constantly scolded, lectured, and treated as morally bankrupt simpletons anymore?

We shouldn’t, and we aren’t, not anymore.

They wonder why they got Trump.

They are why they got Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Large Majority of the Public, Including Half of Republicans and Trump Supporters, Say the Administration Should Try to Make the Affordable Care Act Work.

This finding and others from the poll suggest that most of the public is ready for Washington to move beyond the repeal-and-replace debate and instead focus on fixing shortcomings in the Affordable Care Act. For example:

Most (57%) say Republicans in Congress should work with Democrats to make improvements to the 2010 health law. Far fewer want Republicans to continue working on their own plan to repeal and replace the law (21%) or move on to other priorities (21%). Most Democrats (70%) and independents (59%) favor the bi-partisan approach, though nearly half of Republicans (49%) and Trump supporters (46%) want Republicans to continue pursuing their own plan to repeal and replace the law.

To push Democrats to work with Republicans on repeal and replace, President Trump has threatened to stop payments that compensate insurers for the Affordable Care Act’s cost-sharing reductions, which reduce out-of-pocket costs for lower-income Americans buying insurance through ACA marketplaces. Most (63%) of the public oppose such negotiating tactics that could disrupt insurance markets and cause people to lose health coverage. Three in 10 (31%) support President Trump using whatever tactics are necessary to encourage Democrats to start negotiating. Most Republicans (58%) and Trump supporters (59%) support these hardball negotiating tactics.
Most (60%) of the public say that President Trump and Republicans in Congress control the government and are responsible for any problems with the ACA going forward, twice the share (28%) who say President Obama and Democrats in Congress are responsible for such problems.

More Americans say it is more important for President Trump and Republicans to now make the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplaces work better (69%) than to continue plans to repeal and replace the law (29%). However, most Republicans (61%) and Trump supporters (63%) see continuing plans to repeal and replace the ACA as more important than helping the marketplaces work better (38% and 33%, respectively).

This month’s survey again finds more of the public holding a favorable view of the Affordable Care Act than an unfavorable one (52% vs. 39%). Favorable views have increased 9 percentage points since the 2016 presidential election, with the trend occurring among Democrats, independents, and Republicans.


From all reports, the President was fuming erratically, when his advisors told him that he would put millions of Americans without health insurance coverage.

From all over the country, the insurance coverage under his executive order, would increase substantially, and from all sides, including the White House, the costs will increase far beyond what the Obamacare costs would have been.

He "punted" the ball to the deeply divided Republican congress.

There is a bipartisan bill under consideration in the Senate. But even if it passed, it's hard to say that he would sign it, because underneath, it's not repeal and replace Obamacare, it would be a necessary repair. And given his behavior as exhibited in the last week alone, it's not by any means that he would sign the bill.

Loretta said...

"From all reports"


The drunkard never learns.

Commonsense said...

So what do they say should be done if the affordable care act cannot be made to work?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The obsession continues unabated by the tragic Mrs Alzheimer's disease.

Blogger Loretta said...
"From all reports"


The drunkard never learns.

October 14, 2017 at 7:07 AM

Go get some sleep and admit that you have a problem to deal with.


commie said...

Loretta said...
"From all reports"


The drunkard never learns.

Sad how mentally disabled our injin is.....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't see it they asked that question, specifically. The email address and phone numbers for the writers is on the link.

But as to the question, yes it can be and should be made to work.

Ironically enough CS, is that if the congress does authorize the subsidies, it would in effect, a repair, not a repeal and replace Obamacare.

Politics is definitely interesting.

Anonymous said...

HB, I read your cut n pasye, admitting again obamacare failed, so you neeeeeedddd 45 to fix the 44 disaster.

Nice white flag dumb ass.

commie said...

Commonsense said...
Behold Our Betters

A massive waste of time and words.....typical of those incapable of thinking like menstral, just like his article states he feels good to be led by the R's who have his best interest in mind....sad he missed the irony....LOL

To be a normal American is to constantly be scolded, to be lectured, to be treated as a morally bankrupt simpleton in need of the guidance and direction provided by an urban elite ruling class notable for its empty academic credentials, its track record of incompetence, and its idolization of people who erotically abuse the foliage.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"From all reports".

Yeah, sorry but it's true. The silence by most, speaks volumes, and those who have spoken out, either anonymously or in public, have all said that his behavior is erratic and disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Lady Lynn, crying to CHT again, you are not a man at all, calling on other to fight your battles. Keep crying little baby.

commie said...

Stump broke KD said...
Average US home lot size = .35 acre

for someone with a little sure obsess about size, asshole.....just like trump.....idiot

Poitically, he's in much worse shape than we are, Schumer said...

In discussing his decision to cancel subsidies to insurance companies, Mr. Trump said on Friday that he hoped to compel Democrats to negotiate a compromise, now that he has failed to pass more sweeping legislation solely on the strength of the narrow Republican majorities. “Now if the Democrats were smart, what they’d do is come and negotiate something where people could really get the kind of health care that they deserve,” he told reporters.

Similarly, in scrapping Mr. Obama’s program to spare younger illegal immigrants from deportation on the grounds that it was unlawful for a president to create it on his own, Mr. Trump ordered a six-month phaseout period and challenged Congress to use that time to pass legislation authorizing the program. And in decertifying the Iran nuclear deal on Friday, Mr. Trump pressed Congress to come up with ways to curb Tehran’s destabilizing activities before he pulls out of the agreement altogether.

But Democrats were not in a negotiating mood, at least on Friday, soured by how a seeming alignment with Mr. Trump on the immigration issue was ruptured by subsequent White House demands for money for the president’s wall on the southern border with Mexico and other hard-line policies as trade-offs. They expressed more anger over the Mr. Trump’s health care actions, seeing them as deliberate efforts to sabotage the system to get Democrats to the table.

“What brings us to the table is trying to do some good for people,” said Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the minority leader. “But as in the past, threats and bullying is not going to work. In this, politically, he’s in much worse shape than we are. The American people, even a large number of Republicans, are on our side in terms of improving the system, not destroying it. And so I don’t think he has much leverage to threaten or bully."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My uncle Lynn gave his life to defend idiots like you. May you rot in hell.

commie said...

Typical trump lies....does he ever tell the whole truth or is it just alternative truth, like stumpy.....both mentally deficient liars...

Mr. Trump misled about the deal’s “immediate financial boost” to Iran.

Mr. Trump claimed that the deal gave Iran “over $100 billion its government could use to fund terrorism” and a “massive cash settlement of $1.7 billion.” The diplomatic agreement did not cut Iran a check, but it did release about $100 billion in previously Iranian frozen assets. Much of the amount is tied up in debt obligations. For example, $20 billion is owed to China for financing projects in Iran. Estimates for the actual amount available to Iran range from $35 billion to $65 billion.

The Obama administration did transfer $1.7 billion to Iran, but Mr. Trump’s statement requires more context. The money — delivered in cash, some on a plane — was payment for a decades-long dispute and was indirectly linked to the nuclear deal.

Before the 1979 revolution, Iran’s shah had paid $400 million for American military goods but, after he was overthrown, they were never delivered. The clerics who seized control demanded the money back, but the United States refused. The additional $1.3 billion is interest accumulated over 35 years. An initial reimbursement was released after the Iran deal was implemented and to help secure the release of American hostages.

Anonymous said...

That is above Lady Lynn's pay grade.

Anonymous said...

Lady Lynn, this is only about you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Funny thing.

The President said that he spoke with the President of the Virgin Islands. He is the President of the Virgin Islands.

He is not well informed about almost anything.

Anonymous said...

So throughout this thread the tune of Liberals is 45 please save/fix/clean up the hot mess left by socialist idiots of obimbo, nanny polosi and chuck schummer.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lynn Amick

In the early twentieth century, Lynn was not considered to be feminine.
My grandfather, Charles Ronald Amick, born in 1881, passed away in 1967.

I look back at the times when we got together, he gave me a quarter and said that I should put it in the bank. I probably should have, because they are collectable today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Won’t Certify Nuclear Deal, but Won’t Unravel It
President Trump’s decision not to certify that Iran was complying with all terms of the 2015 agreement reached by President Barack Obama came after a fierce debate inside the administration.
Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis persuaded Mr. Trump not to immediately scrap the accord, arguing it served national security interests.

I wish I could have been in the room.

crack head said...

How'd your potato crop turn out???? Just bought a bunch of russets at a farmers market here for 10 cents a pound and they did all the work.....LOLOL at you again...idiot

Anonymous said...

You are what makes the name Lynn effeminate.

commie said...

save/fix/clean up the hot mess left by socialist idiots of obimbo, nanny pools and chuck schummer.

Which saved the country from busch's depressing and had 80 months of job growth before trump lost 33k last month....yep that trump and hid loser policy of getting nothing done execpt by fiat....the way you abhorred obama for doing the same thing....idiots...all of you....wonder how many will die due to his latest idiocy....

Loretta said...

My bitch

crack head said...

For stump are the reason why I think all R's are goat fucking assholes.....

Anonymous said...

Ok, Lady Lynn, why would you like to have been in that room?

Anonymous said...

CA fires, my heart breaks for the dead, injuried and property loss.

The police/fire fighters body camera's capturing these hero's saving lives.

Anonymous said...

CA fires, my heart breaks for the dead, injuried and property loss.

The police/fire fighters body camera's capturing these hero's saving lives.

Anonymous said...

you left out the money quote, alky:

“In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies,” he said, “then the agreement will be terminated.”


the incredible shrinking legacy of skeets hussein 0linsky.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing.

The President said that he spoke with the President of the Virgin Islands. He is the President of the Virgin Islands.

would you like me to fire up the 0linsky gaffe machine alky?

i'd be happy to as there is a plethora to choose from.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I dare you all to read this.

The President lied, or just out of ignorance, make several assertions that are not true, in any way.

The A.E.I.A. clearly stated that Iran is in compliance with the agreement negotiated by Secretary of State, Kerry and again President Obama.

This is the most intrusive inspection plan in history.

As to "The Spirit" of the agreement, Iran is funding terrorist organizations. That has to be stopped. But he's again, increasing the risk of a nuclear conflict. His impulsive and ignorant beliefs are dangerous.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The resident racist rodent bigot obviously is suffering from a hangover.

The rational discussions have been terminated.

Adios mother fucker.

Commonsense said...

But as to the question, yes it can be and should be made to work.

The point is that the structure of Obamacare is so flawed and unworkable it can't be fixed.

You would have to scrap it and start over.

Ironically enough CS, is that if the congress does authorize the subsidies, it would in effect, a repair

It wouldn't in effect be a "repair". It would just make legal what Obama did illegally.

But don't look to Congress to authorize the money. The optics of giving money to big insurance companies is just too disastrous.

Anonymous said...

We have a President of the USA, not of the we are the world non-sense.

Anonymous said...

7:12 am, CS, I see Lady Lynn had no answer.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"But don't look to Congress to authorize the money. The optics of giving money to big insurance companies is just too disastrous."

I'm not ruling that out. You may be correct, but.. there are some bipartisan support for that, because it would be helpful to the Republicans in the swing states. If nothing else, the state's that would face a tough time getting the votes from those who lost their insurance coverage, or faced 40+% increased costs.

We shall see.

Commonsense said...

The President lied, or just out of ignorance, make several assertions that are not true, in any way.

Standard liberal claptrap. On Fox News there was an interesting exchange on why the deal was so bad.

To make a nuclear weapon you have to do three things.

1. Enrich enough Uranium (or make Plutonian) to the point it can go to critical mass.

2. Weaponize the Uranium or Plutonium. (ie create a trigger to make it explode).

3. Create a delivery system for your nuclear weapon (ballistic missiles).

All the deal concentrates on is step 1, enriching the Uranium.

Meanwhile, the Iranians are going full speed ahead on steps 2 and 3.

Which means six months after they can start enriching again, they will have a full fledged nuclear arsenal.

Of course they took that deal, I'm surprise that they didn't seal it with a card and a stripper.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are extremely disappointed President Trump has decided to end these vital subsidies, which have enabled millions of low-income families to gain access to life-saving health and mental health services. This reckless action will destabilize the health insurance marketplaces just weeks before open enrollment begins. It is a manufactured crisis that will lead to higher costs, forcing many families to pay more out-of-pocket for expenses and denying millions access to the care they need. I implore my Republican colleagues to join us in revisiting our good faith, bipartisan proposals to continue funding CSR payments and protect care for all Americans.

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

. Enrich enough Uranium (or make Plutonian) to the point it can go to critical mass.

2. Weaponize the Uranium or Plutonium. (ie create a trigger to make it explode).

Both are false. You are forgetting that Fox news is not credible.

The A.E.I.A. clearly stated that Iran is in compliance with the agreement negotiated by Secretary of State, Kerry and again President Obama.

Trump is lying and again you just refuse to see reality, not partisan politics.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sean Hannity and President Trump?


Mensa? 🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🚯🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘😱

Anonymous said...

The law is unraveling on its own terms.

Why don’t the stories say: “President Trump Faithfully Executes Affordable Care Act”?

In report after sky-is-falling report, the journalism wing of the media-Democrat complex castigates the president over his decision to — as the New York Times put it — “scrap subsidies to health insurance companies that help pay out of pocket costs of low-income people.” These subsidy payments are “critical” to sustaining the “Affordable Care Act.” Without them, the Grey Lady frets, “President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement” could “unravel.” To add insult to injury, the paper implies that Trump’s “determination to dismantle [Obamacare] on his own” is a malign attack on the rule of law, coming only after Republicans reneged on their vow to repeal it by legislation.

It’s ironic. Notwithstanding the many outrageous, mendacious things the president says and tweets, the press is aghast that his “fake news” tropes against mainstream-media stalwarts resonate with much of the country. Well, if you want to know why, this latest Obamacare coverage is why. What Trump has actually done is end the illegal payoffs without which insurance companies have no rational choice but to jack up premiums or flee the Obamacare exchanges. The culprits here are the charlatans who gave us Obamacare. To portray Trump as the bad guy is not merely fake news. It’s an out-and-out lie.

Which is to say: It’s about as honest as the Democrats’ labeling of Obamacare as the Affordable Care Act.

Read more at:

Anonymous said...

This is the most intrusive inspection plan in history.

this could be the biggest lie you tell today, alky.

it won't be the last but it might be the biggest.

Commonsense said...

Again the agreement only covers uranium enrichment and none of the other work required to develop nuclear weapons.

The proof is right in front of your face with every ballistic missile test Iran makes.

Only a TDS infected fool would refuse to see it.

Anonymous said...

We are extremely disappointed President Trump has decided to end these vital subsidies

if only they were uh... legal, as in uh... constitutional, he would not have had to end them.

we're back to being a nation of laws after 8 years of complete lawlessness.

i can imagine that it's a shock to some, but the adults are in charge now.

Anonymous said...

The proof is right in front of your face with every ballistic missile test Iran makes.

Only a TDS infected fool would refuse to see it.

roger is in mourning over 0linsky's incredibly shrinking legacy.

all that nutsack polishing and all those shots of 0linsky's man gravy...

all for naught.

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