Tuesday, October 24, 2017

When you point a finger, the other four are pointing back at you...

So I read "another" article today from some incensed journalist who is mad at General Kelly for going after Congresswoman Wilson. In this case it was Richard Cohen, who is issuing a demand (can journalist still do that with a straight face?) that General Kelly actually apologize to the Congresswoman.

His beef appears to be more about how Kelly got the details of a bravado speech she made regarding the naming of an FBI field office back in 2015 (Kelly said she took credit for the funding, rather than the naming). Cohen also suggests that the empty barrel statement was inappropriate (although he seems confused by the context). Overall, he is one of those who simply is "taking sides" here and has made the decision that when it comes to fallen soldiers that a cowboy hat wearing congresswoman from Florida has a better grasp on things than a four star General who's own son died in combat.

Now the irony in all of this is that Cohen and the media in 2017 gets nearly nothing 100% accurate anymore... and that's their job. If it became a prerequisite for people to apologize every time they got a fact wrong, the media would be spending more time apologizing than writing.  Getting the facts just slightly wrong (many times apparently on purpose to make a point) is likely what is being taught in journalism school these days, at least as it pertains to the political beat. As editors at the NY Times and other publications have openly admitted, they have a predisposed bias against Trump, and are willing to use (or misuse) their pulpit to discredit him.

The bottom line here is that General Kelly is a highly respected General. Instead of assuming (as most liberals do) that he is willing to lie about military deaths in order to defend the President, perhaps it would be wiser to believe that a Democratic politician was willing to use a military death  to make a political statement.

The reality is that there is no history of General Kelly playing politics with dead soldiers. There is plenty of history of politicians doing so. The Democrats quite literally "staged" such an event by putting the Kahn family front and center in their convention last year.

Put your partisanship aside for a moment, and use your common sense. Common sense tells us that politicians (not Generals) play politics with fallen soldiers. When that General in question lost his own son in combat, the concept that "he" would be the exception to that rule is ludicrous.


Anonymous said...

this continues to amaze.

on the one hand you have a four star marine general who served with honor, and who earned the honor of being a gold star dad by losing a son in battle.

on the other hand you have a barely literate moron who dresses like a fucking clown, and whose behavior is so disgusting she actually thinks this controversy is making her into a political "rock star."

anyone taking the side of the clown over the general, including cohen, just has to be in the grip of TDS stage IV.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. "Rock Star", playing "where's Waldo" with her hubbies body.

The hero of the left, nailed it!

She knew the time the fine caring Commander n Chief was calling her, staged the military hating congress dike in the car with her.

Anonymous said...

Mrs "Rock Star" AND widow playing "Where's Waldo" with the body, aka leftist stage prop.

Anonymous said...

i might just have to drive to boston to witness this asshattery first hand:

"Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election"


cowardly king obama said...

i might just have to drive to boston to witness this asshattery first hand:

"Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election"


Why bother, you can see it here regularly with the insane left.
Thank you President Trump

Anonymous said...

Why bother, you can see it here regularly with the insane left.

it's rare to get a glimpse of so many 'homo libtardus' in the wild all at once.

Anonymous said...

So freaking correct.

The coming Trump Anniversary is really going to be rough on the left.

Loretta said...
